<?php $cid = isset($_POST['cid']) ? $_POST['cid'] : ''; $course = course_load($cid); if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { if (course_is_empty($_POST['id'])) { delete_course($_POST['id']); sleep(1); header('location: ' . currentURL() . '?p=course'); print 'Course deleted. Click <a href="?p=course">here</a> to view created courses'; } else { print '<span style="color: red;">This course contains ' . count_posts_from_cid($_POST['id']) . ' post' . (count_posts_from_cid($_POST['id']) == 0 || count_posts_from_cid($_POST['id']) == 1 ? '' : 's') . '. Please delete all the posts before deleting the course</span>'; } } ?> <h3>Do you want to delete the course "<?php print $course['Course_Name']; ?> "?</h3> <form method="post" action=""> <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php print $cid; ?> "/> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Delete" /> <a class="button" href="?p=course">Cancel</a> </form>
function chart_questions_per_course() { $output = ''; $courses = courses_load_from_uid($_SESSION['uid']); $output .= '<h2>Number of questions and their figures in your courses</h2><div id="mychart" style="width: 1024px; min-height: 320px;"></div>'; $output .= '<script> (function() { YUI().use("charts-legend", function (Y) { var myDataValues = [ '; for ($i = 0; $i < count($courses); $i++) { $output .= ' {course: "' . $courses[$i]['Course_Code'] . '", "Questions": ' . count_posts_from_cid($courses[$i]['Course_ID']) . ', "Likes": ' . count_post_likes_from_cid($courses[$i]['Course_ID']) . ', "Dislikes": ' . count_post_dislikes_from_cid($courses[$i]['Course_ID']) . ', "Follows": ' . count_post_follows_from_cid($courses[$i]['Course_ID']) . ', "Comments": ' . count_comments_from_cid($courses[$i]['Course_ID']) . ($i != count($courses) - 1 ? '},' : '}'); } $output .= ' ]; var myAxes = { values:{ position:"left", type:"numeric", maximum: "NumericAxis", minimum: 0, roundingMethod: "niceNumber", alwaysShowZero:true } }; var styleDef = { axes: { course: { label: { rotation: -90 } } } }; var mychart = new Y.Chart({ legend: { position: "right", width: 350, height: 350, styles: { hAlign: "center", hSpacing: 4 } }, dataProvider:myDataValues, render:"#mychart", type: "column", axes:myAxes, styles: styleDef, interactionType:"marker", seriesKeys:["Questions","Likes","Dislikes","Follows","Comments"], horizontalGridlines: true, verticalGridlines: true, categoryKey:"course", tooltip: { styles: { backgroundColor: "#414042", color: "#fff", borderColor: "#fff", textAlign: "center" } } }); }); })(); </script>'; return $output; }