/** * @param SiteLinkMenuModule $sender */ public function siteNavModule_profile_handler($sender) { $user = Gdn::controller()->data('Profile'); if (!$user) { return; } $user_id = val('UserID', $user); $sender->addGroup('posts', array('text' => t('Posts'))); $sender->addLink('posts.discussions', array('text' => t('Discussions'), 'url' => userUrl($user, '', 'discussions'), 'icon' => icon('discussion'), 'badge' => countString(val('CountDiscussions', $user), "/profile/count/discussions?userid={$user_id}"))); $sender->addLink('posts.comments', array('text' => t('Comments'), 'url' => userUrl($user, '', 'comments'), 'icon' => icon('comment'), 'badge' => countString(val('CountComments', $user), "/profile/count/comments?userid={$user_id}"))); }
/** * * * @param $Sender */ function writeFilterTabs($Sender) { $Session = Gdn::session(); $Title = property_exists($Sender, 'Category') ? val('Name', $Sender->Category, '') : ''; if ($Title == '') { $Title = t('All Discussions'); } $Bookmarked = t('My Bookmarks'); $MyDiscussions = t('My Discussions'); $MyDrafts = t('My Drafts'); $CountBookmarks = 0; $CountDiscussions = 0; $CountDrafts = 0; if ($Session->isValid()) { $CountBookmarks = $Session->User->CountBookmarks; $CountDiscussions = $Session->User->CountDiscussions; $CountDrafts = $Session->User->CountDrafts; } if (c('Vanilla.Discussions.ShowCounts', true)) { $Bookmarked .= countString($CountBookmarks, url('/discussions/UserBookmarkCount')); $MyDiscussions .= countString($CountDiscussions); $MyDrafts .= countString($CountDrafts); } ?> <div class="Tabs DiscussionsTabs"> <?php if (!property_exists($Sender, 'CanEditDiscussions')) { $Sender->CanEditDiscussions = $Session->checkPermission('Vanilla.Discussions.Edit', true, 'Category', 'any') && c('Vanilla.AdminCheckboxes.Use'); } if ($Sender->CanEditDiscussions) { ?> <span class="Options"><span class="AdminCheck"> <input type="checkbox" name="Toggle"/> </span></span> <?php } ?> <ul> <?php $Sender->fireEvent('BeforeDiscussionTabs'); ?> <li<?php echo strtolower($Sender->ControllerName) == 'discussionscontroller' && strtolower($Sender->RequestMethod) == 'index' ? ' class="Active"' : ''; ?> ><?php echo anchor(t('All Discussions'), 'discussions', 'TabLink'); ?> </li> <?php $Sender->fireEvent('AfterAllDiscussionsTab'); ?> <?php if (c('Vanilla.Categories.ShowTabs')) { $CssClass = ''; if (strtolower($Sender->ControllerName) == 'categoriescontroller' && strtolower($Sender->RequestMethod) == 'all') { $CssClass = 'Active'; } echo " <li class=\"{$CssClass}\">" . anchor(t('Categories'), '/categories/all', 'TabLink') . '</li> '; } ?> <?php if ($CountBookmarks > 0 || $Sender->RequestMethod == 'bookmarked') { ?> <li<?php echo $Sender->RequestMethod == 'bookmarked' ? ' class="Active"' : ''; ?> ><?php echo anchor($Bookmarked, '/discussions/bookmarked', 'MyBookmarks TabLink'); ?> </li> <?php $Sender->fireEvent('AfterBookmarksTab'); } if (($CountDiscussions > 0 || $Sender->RequestMethod == 'mine') && c('Vanilla.Discussions.ShowMineTab', true)) { ?> <li<?php echo $Sender->RequestMethod == 'mine' ? ' class="Active"' : ''; ?> ><?php echo anchor($MyDiscussions, '/discussions/mine', 'MyDiscussions TabLink'); ?> </li> <?php } if ($CountDrafts > 0 || $Sender->ControllerName == 'draftscontroller') { ?> <li<?php echo $Sender->ControllerName == 'draftscontroller' ? ' class="Active"' : ''; ?> ><?php echo anchor($MyDrafts, '/drafts', 'MyDrafts TabLink'); ?> </li> <?php } $Sender->fireEvent('AfterDiscussionTabs'); ?> </ul> </div> <?php }
/** * * * @param SiteNavModule $sender */ public function siteNavModule_default_handler($sender) { if (Gdn::session()->isValid()) { $sender->addLink('main.profile', array('text' => t('Profile'), 'url' => '/profile', 'icon' => icon('user'), 'sort' => 10)); } if (Gdn::session()->checkPermission('Garden.Activity.View')) { $sender->addLink('main.activity', array('text' => t('Activity'), 'url' => '/activity', 'icon' => icon('time'), 'sort' => 10)); } // Add the moderation items. $sender->addGroup('moderation', array('text' => t('Moderation'), 'sort' => 90)); if (Gdn::session()->checkPermission('Garden.Users.Approve')) { $RoleModel = new RoleModel(); $applicant_count = (int) $RoleModel->getApplicantCount(); if ($applicant_count > 0 || true) { $sender->addLink('moderation.applicants', array('text' => t('Applicants'), 'url' => '/user/applicants', 'icon' => icon('user'), 'badge' => countString($applicant_count))); } } if (Gdn::session()->checkPermission('Garden.Modertion.Manage')) { $sender->addLink('moderation.spam', array('text' => 'Spam Queue', 'url' => '/log/spam', 'icon' => icon('spam'))); // $sender->addLink('moderation.queue', array('text' => 'Moderaton Queue', 'url' => '/log/moderation', 'icon' => icon('report'))); } if (Gdn::session()->checkPermission('Garden.Settings.Manage')) { $sender->addLink('etc.dashboard', array('text' => t('Dashboard'), 'url' => '/settings', 'icon' => icon('dashboard'))); } }
$countArray['num_string'] = 0; $countArray['num_bool'] = 0; foreach ($explodeString as $item) { if ($item == "false" || $item == "true") { $countArray['num_bool'] += 1; } elseif (intval($item)) { //using intval rather than is_numeric because is_numeric returned 7 rather than 8 $countArray['num_numeric'] += 1; } elseif (is_string($item)) { $countArray['num_string'] += 1; } } echo "</br>"; echo 'Number count: ' . $countArray['num_numeric']; echo "</br>"; echo 'String count: ' . $countArray['num_string']; echo "</br>"; echo 'Bool count: ' . $countArray['num_bool']; echo "</br>"; /** @var array $countArray Result array that contains the counts. You will populate this array with appropriate numbers */ $countArray = array($countArray['num_numeric'], $countArray['num_string'], $countArray['num_bool']); echo "<pre>"; var_dump($countArray); // /** @var array $wordArray Array of every word in the input string */ // $wordArray = explode(" ", $inputString); echo "</br>"; } echo countString($inputString); ?>