public function indexAction() { global $structure; if (!cot_module_active('rss')) { cot_die_message(404, TRUE); } $c = cot_import('c', 'G', 'TXT'); if (!empty($c)) { if (!isset($structure['advboard'][$c])) { cot_die_message(404, TRUE); } list(cot::$usr['auth_read'], cot::$usr['auth_write'], cot::$usr['isadmin']) = cot_auth('advboard', $c); cot_block(cot::$usr['auth_read']); } $rss_title = cot::$L['advboard_rss_feed'] . cot::$cfg['maintitle']; $rss_link = cot::$cfg['mainurl']; $rss_description = cot::$cfg['subtitle']; $domain = cot::$sys['domain']; $condition = array(array('state', advboard_model_Advert::PUBLISHED), array('begin', cot::$sys['now'], '<='), array('SQL', "expire = 0 OR expire > " . cot::$sys['now'])); if (!empty($c)) { $rss_title = cot::$L['advboard_rss_feed'] . $structure['advboard'][$c]['title'] . ' - ' . cot::$cfg['maintitle']; $condition[] = array('category', $c); } $advertisement = advboard_model_Advert::find($condition, cot::$cfg['rss']['rss_maxitems'], 0, array(array('sort', 'desc'))); $t = new XTemplate(cot_tplfile('rss')); $now = cot::$sys['now']; $now += cot::$usr['timezone'] * 3600; $t->assign(array('RSS_ENCODING' => cot::$cfg['rss']['rss_charset'], 'RSS_TITLE' => htmlspecialchars($rss_title), 'RSS_LINK' => $rss_link, 'RSS_LANG' => cot::$cfg['defaultlang'], 'RSS_DESCRIPTION' => htmlspecialchars($rss_description), 'RSS_DATE' => $this->fixPubDate(date("r", $now)))); if (!empty($advertisement)) { foreach ($advertisement as $advert) { $url = $advert->url; if (!cot_url_check($url)) { $url = COT_ABSOLUTE_URL . $url; } $date = ''; if (!empty($advert->created)) { $date = strtotime($advert->created); $date += cot::$usr['timezone'] * 3600; $date = date('r', $date); $date = $this->fixPubDate($date); } $text = $advert->text; $textlength = intval(cot::$cfg['rss']['rss_pagemaxsymbols']); if ($textlength > 0 && mb_strlen($text) > $textlength) { $text = cot_string_truncate($text, $textlength, true, false, cot::$R['advboard_cuttext']); } $t->assign(array('RSS_ROW_TITLE' => htmlspecialchars($advert->title), 'RSS_ROW_DESCRIPTION' => $this->convertRelativeUrls($text), 'RSS_ROW_DATE' => $date, 'RSS_ROW_LINK' => $url)); $t->parse('MAIN.ITEM_ROW'); } } $t->parse('MAIN'); // ob_clean(); header('Content-type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8'); echo $t->text('MAIN'); exit; }
case 1: $r_url = cot_url('message', 'msg=300', '', true); break; case 2: cot_message($L['page_savedasdraft']); $r_url = cot_url('page', 'm=edit&id=' . $id, '', true); break; } cot_redirect($r_url); } else { cot_redirect(cot_url('page', "m=edit&id={$id}", '', true)); } } $pag = $row_page; $pag['page_status'] = cot_page_status($pag['page_state'], $pag['page_begin'], $pag['page_expire']); cot_block($usr['isadmin'] || $usr['auth_write'] && $usr['id'] == $pag['page_ownerid']); $out['subtitle'] = $L['page_edittitle']; $out['head'] .= $R['code_noindex']; $sys['sublocation'] = $structure['page'][$pag['page_cat']]['title']; $mskin = cot_tplfile(array('page', 'edit', $structure['page'][$pag['page_cat']]['tpl'])); /* === Hook === */ foreach (cot_getextplugins('page.edit.main') as $pl) { include $pl; } /* ===== */ require_once $cfg['system_dir'] . '/header.php'; $t = new XTemplate($mskin); $pageedit_array = array('PAGEEDIT_PAGETITLE' => $L['page_edittitle'], 'PAGEEDIT_SUBTITLE' => $L['page_editsubtitle'], 'PAGEEDIT_FORM_SEND' => cot_url('page', "m=edit&a=update&id=" . $pag['page_id']), 'PAGEEDIT_FORM_ID' => $pag['page_id'], 'PAGEEDIT_FORM_STATE' => $pag['page_state'], 'PAGEEDIT_FORM_STATUS' => $pag['page_status'], 'PAGEEDIT_FORM_LOCALSTATUS' => $L['page_status_' . $pag['page_status']], 'PAGEEDIT_FORM_CAT' => cot_selectbox_structure('page', $pag['page_cat'], 'rpagecat'), 'PAGEEDIT_FORM_CAT_SHORT' => cot_selectbox_structure('page', $pag['page_cat'], 'rpagecat', $c), 'PAGEEDIT_FORM_KEYWORDS' => cot_inputbox('text', 'rpagekeywords', $pag['page_keywords'], array('size' => '32', 'maxlength' => '255')), 'PAGEEDIT_FORM_METATITLE' => cot_inputbox('text', 'rpagemetatitle', $pag['page_metatitle'], array('size' => '64', 'maxlength' => '255')), 'PAGEEDIT_FORM_METADESC' => cot_textarea('rpagemetadesc', $pag['page_metadesc'], 2, 64, array('maxlength' => '255')), 'PAGEEDIT_FORM_ALIAS' => cot_inputbox('text', 'rpagealias', $pag['page_alias'], array('size' => '32', 'maxlength' => '255')), 'PAGEEDIT_FORM_TITLE' => cot_inputbox('text', 'rpagetitle', $pag['page_title'], array('size' => '64', 'maxlength' => '255')), 'PAGEEDIT_FORM_DESC' => cot_textarea('rpagedesc', $pag['page_desc'], 2, 64, array('maxlength' => '255')), 'PAGEEDIT_FORM_AUTHOR' => cot_inputbox('text', 'rpageauthor', $pag['page_author'], array('size' => '24', 'maxlength' => '100')), 'PAGEEDIT_FORM_DATE' => cot_selectbox_date($pag['page_date'], 'long', 'rpagedate') . ' ' . $usr['timetext'], 'PAGEEDIT_FORM_DATENOW' => cot_checkbox(0, 'rpagedatenow'), 'PAGEEDIT_FORM_BEGIN' => cot_selectbox_date($pag['page_begin'], 'long', 'rpagebegin') . ' ' . $usr['timetext'], 'PAGEEDIT_FORM_EXPIRE' => cot_selectbox_date($pag['page_expire'], 'long', 'rpageexpire') . ' ' . $usr['timetext'], 'PAGEEDIT_FORM_UPDATED' => cot_date('datetime_full', $pag['page_updated']) . ' ' . $usr['timetext'], 'PAGEEDIT_FORM_FILE' => cot_selectbox($pag['page_file'], 'rpagefile', range(0, 2), array($L['No'], $L['Yes'], $L['Members_only']), false), 'PAGEEDIT_FORM_URL' => cot_inputbox('text', 'rpageurl', $pag['page_url'], array('size' => '56', 'maxlength' => '255')), 'PAGEEDIT_FORM_SIZE' => cot_inputbox('text', 'rpagesize', $pag['page_size'], array('size' => '56', 'maxlength' => '255')), 'PAGEEDIT_FORM_TEXT' => cot_textarea('rpagetext', $pag['page_text'], 24, 120, '', 'input_textarea_editor'), 'PAGEEDIT_FORM_DELETE' => cot_radiobox(0, 'rpagedelete', array(1, 0), array($L['Yes'], $L['No'])), 'PAGEEDIT_FORM_PARSER' => cot_selectbox($pag['page_parser'], 'rpageparser', cot_get_parsers(), cot_get_parsers(), false)); if ($usr['isadmin']) { $pageedit_array += array('PAGEEDIT_FORM_OWNERID' => cot_inputbox('text', 'rpageownerid', $pag['page_ownerid'], array('size' => '24', 'maxlength' => '24')), 'PAGEEDIT_FORM_PAGECOUNT' => cot_inputbox('text', 'rpagecount', $pag['page_count'], array('size' => '8', 'maxlength' => '8')), 'PAGEEDIT_FORM_FILECOUNT' => cot_inputbox('text', 'rpagefilecount', $pag['page_filecount'], array('size' => '8', 'maxlength' => '8'))); }
/* ==================== [BEGIN_COT_EXT] Hooks=tools [END_COT_EXT] ==================== */ /** * Trashcan interface * * @package TrashCan * @copyright (c) Cotonti Team * @license */ defined('COT_CODE') && defined('COT_ADMIN') or die('Wrong URL.'); list($usr['auth_read'], $usr['auth_write'], $usr['isadmin']) = cot_auth('plug', 'trashcan'); cot_block($usr['isadmin']); require_once cot_incfile('users', 'module'); cot_module_active('page') && (require_once cot_incfile('page', 'module')); cot_module_active('forums') && (require_once cot_incfile('forums', 'module')); $cfg['comments'] && (require_once cot_incfile('comments', 'plug')); require_once cot_incfile('trashcan', 'plug'); require_once cot_langfile('trashcan', 'plug'); $adminhelp = $L['adm_help_trashcan']; $adminsubtitle = $L['Trashcan']; $id = cot_import('id', 'G', 'INT'); $maxperpage = $cfg['maxrowsperpage'] && is_numeric($cfg['maxrowsperpage']) && $cfg['maxrowsperpage'] > 0 ? $cfg['maxrowsperpage'] : 15; list($pg, $d, $durl) = cot_import_pagenav('d', $maxperpage); $info = $a == 'info' ? 1 : 0; /* === Hook === */ foreach (cot_getextplugins('trashcan.admin.first') as $pl) { include $pl;
* @version 2.5.2 * @author CMSWorks Team * @copyright Copyright (c), * @license BSD */ defined('COT_CODE') or die('Wrong URL'); $id = cot_import('id', 'G', 'INT'); $r = cot_import('r', 'G', 'ALP'); list($usr['auth_read'], $usr['auth_write'], $usr['isadmin']) = cot_auth('projects', 'any', 'RWA'); cot_block($usr['auth_write']); $item = $db->query("SELECT p.*, u.* FROM {$db_projects} AS p LEFT JOIN {$db_users} AS u ON u.user_id=p.item_userid WHERE item_id=" . (int) $id)->fetch(); if ($item['item_id'] != (int) $id) { cot_die_message(404, TRUE); } list($usr['auth_read'], $usr['auth_write'], $usr['isadmin']) = cot_auth('projects', $item['item_cat']); cot_block($usr['isadmin'] || $usr['auth_write'] && $usr['id'] == $item['item_userid']); /* === Hook === */ foreach (cot_getextplugins('projects.preview.first') as $pl) { include $pl; } /* ===== */ if ($a == 'save') { cot_check_xg(); /* === Hook === */ foreach (cot_getextplugins('') as $pl) { include $pl; } /* ===== */ $prj = array(); if ($cfg['projects']['prevalidate'] && !$usr['isadmin']) { $prj['item_state'] = 2;
*/ defined('COT_CODE') or die('Wrong URL'); require_once cot_incfile('auth'); $v = cot_import('v', 'G', 'ALP'); $y = cot_import('y', 'G', 'INT'); $token = cot_import('token', 'G', 'ALP'); list($usr['auth_read'], $usr['auth_write'], $usr['isadmin']) = cot_auth('users', 'a'); if ($cfg['users']['disablereg'] && !$usr['isadmin']) { cot_die_message(117, TRUE); } /* === Hook === */ foreach (cot_getextplugins('users.register.first') as $pl) { include $pl; } /* ===== */ cot_block($usr['id'] == 0 || $usr['isadmin']); if ($a == 'add') { cot_shield_protect(); $ruser = array(); /* === Hook for the plugins === */ foreach (cot_getextplugins('users.register.add.first') as $pl) { include $pl; } /* ===== */ $ruser['user_name'] = cot_import('rusername', 'P', 'TXT', 100, TRUE); $ruser['user_email'] = cot_import('ruseremail', 'P', 'TXT', 64, TRUE); $rpassword1 = cot_import('rpassword1', 'P', 'HTM', 32); $rpassword2 = cot_import('rpassword2', 'P', 'HTM', 32); $ruser['user_country'] = cot_import('rcountry', 'P', 'TXT'); $ruser['user_timezone'] = cot_import('rusertimezone', 'P', 'TXT'); $ruser['user_timezone'] = !$ruser['user_timezone'] ? $cfg['defaulttimezone'] : $ruser['user_timezone'];
defined('COT_CODE') or die('Wrong URL'); $id = cot_import('id', 'G', 'INT'); $key = cot_import('key', 'G', 'TXT'); list($usr['auth_read'], $usr['auth_write'], $usr['isadmin']) = cot_auth('plug', 'marketorders'); cot_block($usr['auth_read']); if ($id > 0) { $sql = $db->query("SELECT * FROM {$db_market_orders} AS o\n\t\tLEFT JOIN {$db_market} AS m ON m.item_id=o.order_pid\n\t\tWHERE order_status!='new' AND order_id=" . $id . " LIMIT 1"); } if (!$id || !$sql || $sql->rowCount() == 0) { cot_die_message(404, TRUE); } $marketorder = $sql->fetch(); cot_block($usr['isadmin'] || $usr['id'] == $marketorder['order_userid'] || $usr['id'] == $marketorder['order_seller'] || !empty($key) && $usr['id'] == 0); if ($usr['id'] == 0) { $hash = sha1($marketorder['order_email'] . '&' . $marketorder['order_id']); cot_block($key == $hash); } /* === Hook === */ $extp = cot_getextplugins('marketorders.order.first'); foreach ($extp as $pl) { include $pl; } /* ===== */ $out['subtitle'] = $L['marketorders_title']; $out['head'] .= $R['code_noindex']; $mskin = cot_tplfile(array('marketorders', 'order', $structure['market'][$marketorder['item_cat']]['tpl']), 'plug'); /* === Hook === */ foreach (cot_getextplugins('marketorders.order.main') as $pl) { include $pl; } /* ===== */
public function deleteAction() { $id = cot_import('id', 'G', 'INT'); // id Объявления $b = cot_import('b', 'G', 'HTM'); // Куда вернуться /* === Hook === */ foreach (cot_getextplugins('advboard.delete.first') as $pl) { include $pl; } /* ===== */ // Права на любую категорию доски объявлений list(cot::$usr['auth_read'], cot::$usr['auth_write'], cot::$usr['isadmin']) = cot_auth('advboard', 'any'); cot_block(cot::$usr['auth_write']); $advert = advboard_model_Advert::getById($id); if (!$advert) { cot_die_message(404, TRUE); } if (!cot::$usr['isadmin']) { if ($advert->user != cot::$usr['id']) { cot_die_message(404, TRUE); } } $title = $advert->title; $userId = $advert->user; $advert->delete(); /* === Hook === */ foreach (cot_getextplugins('advboard.delete.done') as $pl) { include $pl; } /* ===== */ if (!empty($b)) { $b = unserialize(base64_decode($b)); } elseif (!empty($_SESSION['cot_com_back']) && !empty($_SESSION['cot_com_back']['advboard'])) { $b = $_SESSION['cot_com_back']['advboard']; unset($_SESSION['cot_com_back']['advboard']); } if (empty($b)) { $b = array('m' => 'user'); if ($userId != cot::$usr['id']) { $b['uid'] = $userId; } } cot_message(sprintf(cot::$L['advboard_deleted'], $title)); cot_redirect(cot_url('advboard', $b, '', true)); }
* @author CMSWorks Team * @copyright Copyright (c) * @license BSD */ defined('COT_CODE') or die('Wrong URL'); $id = cot_import('id', 'G', 'INT'); list($usr['auth_read'], $usr['auth_write'], $usr['isadmin']) = cot_auth('plug', 'marketorders'); cot_block($usr['auth_read']); if ($id > 0) { $sql = $db->query("SELECT * FROM {$db_market_orders} AS o\n\t\tLEFT JOIN {$db_market} AS m ON m.item_id=o.order_pid\n\t\tWHERE order_id=" . $id . " LIMIT 1"); } if (!$id || !$sql || $sql->rowCount() == 0) { cot_die_message(404, TRUE); } $marketorder = $sql->fetch(); cot_block($marketorder['order_status'] == 'paid' && $marketorder['order_userid'] == $usr['id']); /* === Hook === */ $extp = cot_getextplugins('marketorders.addclaim.first'); foreach ($extp as $pl) { include $pl; } /* ===== */ if ($a == 'add') { cot_shield_protect(); /* === Hook === */ foreach (cot_getextplugins('marketorders.addclaim.add.first') as $pl) { include $pl; } /* ===== */ $rorder['order_claimtext'] = cot_import('rclaimtext', 'P', 'TXT'); /* === Hook === */
} /* ===== */ $t = new XTemplate(cot_tplfile('payments.billing', 'module')); /* === Hook === */ foreach (cot_getextplugins('payments.billing.main') as $pl) { include $pl; } /* ===== */ $pid = cot_import('pid', 'G', 'INT'); if (empty($pid)) { cot_redirect(cot_url('payments', 'm=error&msg=2', '', true)); } // Получаем информацию о заказе if ($pinfo = cot_payments_payinfo($pid)) { // Блокируем доступ к несобственным платежкам cot_block($usr['id'] == $pinfo['pay_userid']); // Если счета пользователей включены, то проверяем баланс if ($cfg['payments']['balance_enabled'] && $pinfo['pay_area'] != 'balance' && $usr['id'] > 0) { $ubalance = cot_payments_getuserbalance($usr['id']); if ($ubalance >= $pinfo['pay_summ']) { if (cot_payments_updatestatus($pid, 'paid')) { cot_payments_updateuserbalance($usr['id'], -$pinfo['pay_summ'], $pid); /* === Hook === */ foreach (cot_getextplugins('payments.billing.paid.done') as $pl) { include $pl; } /* ===== */ if (!empty($pinfo['pay_redirect'])) { $pinfo['pay_redirect'] = $pinfo['pay_redirect'] . '&' . cot_xg(); cot_redirect($pinfo['pay_redirect']); } else {
<?php /** * Structure translation tool * * @package I18n * @copyright (c) Cotonti Team * @license */ defined('COT_CODE') or die('Wrong URL.'); cot_block($i18n_admin); $maxperpage = $cfg['maxrowsperpage'] && is_numeric($cfg['maxrowsperpage']) && $cfg['maxrowsperpage'] > 0 ? $cfg['maxrowsperpage'] : 15; list($pg, $d, $durl) = cot_import_pagenav('d', $maxperpage); $out['subtitle'] = $L['i18n_structure']; /* === Hook === */ foreach (cot_getextplugins('i18n.structure.first') as $pl) { include $pl; } /* =============*/ // Refresh i18n struct data cot_i18n_load_structure(); $cache && $cache->db->store('structure', $i18n_structure, 'i18n'); if (empty($i18n_locale) || $i18n_locale == $cfg['defaultlang']) { // Locale selection $t = new XTemplate(cot_tplfile('i18n.locales', 'plug')); foreach ($i18n_locales as $lc => $title) { if ($lc != $cfg['defaultlang']) { $t->assign(array('I18N_LOCALE_ROW_URL' => cot_url('plug', "e=i18n&m=structure&l={$lc}", false, true), 'I18N_LOCALE_ROW_TITLE' => $title)); $t->parse('MAIN.I18N_LOCALE_ROW'); } }
<?php /** * Location Selector for Cotonti * * @package locationselector * @version 2.0.0 * @author CMSWorks Team * @copyright Copyright (c), * @license BSD */ defined('COT_CODE') or die('Wrong URL'); list($pn, $d, $d_url) = cot_import_pagenav('d', $cfg['maxrowsperpage']); $id = cot_import('id', 'G', 'INT'); cot_block($id); if ($a == 'del') { $cid = cot_import('cid', 'G', 'INT'); $db->delete($db_ls_cities, "city_id=" . (int) $cid); $cache && $cache->clear(); cot_redirect(cot_url('admin', 'm=other&p=locationselector&n=city&id=' . $id, '', true)); exit; } if ($a == 'add') { $rnames = cot_import('rname', 'P', 'TXT'); $rnames = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $rnames); $rnames = explode("\n", $rnames); if (count($rnames) > 0) { $region = $db->query("SELECT * FROM {$db_ls_regions} WHERE region_id=" . $id . "")->fetch(); foreach ($rnames as $rname) { if (!empty($rname)) { $rinput = array();
<?php /** * projects module * * @package projects * @version 2.5.2 * @author CMSWorks Team * @copyright Copyright (c), * @license BSD */ defined('COT_CODE') or die('Wrong URL.'); list($usr['auth_read'], $usr['auth_write'], $usr['isadmin'], $usr['auth_offers']) = cot_auth('projects', 'any', 'RWA1'); cot_block($usr['auth_offers']); $choise = cot_import('choise', 'G', 'ALP'); if ($cfg['projects']['offersperpage'] > 0) { list($pn, $d, $d_url) = cot_import_pagenav('d', $cfg['projects']['offersperpage']); } /* === Hook === */ foreach (cot_getextplugins('projects.useroffers.first') as $pl) { include $pl; } /* ===== */ $t = new XTemplate(cot_tplfile(array('projects', 'useroffers'))); $out['subtitle'] = $L['offers_useroffers']; $where['userid'] = "o.offer_userid=" . $usr['id']; switch ($choise) { case 'none': $where['offer_choise'] = "o.offer_choise=''"; break; case 'performer':
<?php /* ==================== [BEGIN_COT_EXT] Hooks=standalone [END_COT_EXT] ==================== */ /** * Standalone item translation tool * * @package I18n * @copyright (c) Cotonti Team * @license */ defined('COT_CODE') or die('Wrong URL'); cot_block($i18n_write); require_once cot_incfile('forms'); if ($m == 'structure') { include cot_incfile('i18n', 'plug', 'structure'); } elseif ($m == 'page') { include cot_incfile('i18n', 'plug', 'page'); } else { /* === Hook === */ foreach (cot_getextplugins('i18n.standalone') as $pl) { include $pl; } /* =============*/ }
$t->assign(array('POST_FORM_ACTION' => cot_url('sbr', 'id=' . $id . '&num=' . $num . '&a=addpost'), 'POST_FORM_TO' => cot_selectbox($to, 'to', $R['sbr_posts_to_values'], $R['sbr_posts_to_titles']))); cot_display_messages($t, 'MAIN.SBR.POSTS.POSTFORM'); $t->parse('MAIN.SBR.POSTS.POSTFORM'); $t->parse('MAIN.SBR.POSTS'); /* === Hook === */ foreach (cot_getextplugins('sbr.tags') as $pl) { include $pl; } /* ===== */ $t->parse('MAIN.SBR'); } if ($action == 'done') { // Действие доступно только для заказчика cot_block($role == 'employer'); $t->assign(array('STAGEDONE_FORM_ACTION' => cot_url('sbr', 'id=' . $id . '&num=' . $num . '&a=done'), 'STAGEDONE_FORM_TEXT' => cot_textarea('rtext', $rtext, 5, 80))); cot_display_messages($t, 'MAIN.STAGEDONE'); $t->parse('MAIN.STAGEDONE'); } if ($action == 'claim') { $stage = $db->query("SELECT * FROM {$db_sbr_stages} WHERE stage_sid=" . $id . " AND stage_num=" . $num)->fetch(); cot_block(!empty($role) && $sbr['sbr_status'] == 'process' && $stage['stage_status'] == 'process'); $t->assign(array('CLAIM_FORM_ACTION' => cot_url('sbr', 'id=' . $id . '&num=' . $num . '&a=claim'), 'CLAIM_FORM_TEXT' => cot_textarea('rtext', $rtext, 5, 80))); cot_display_messages($t, 'MAIN.CLAIM'); $t->parse('MAIN.CLAIM'); } if ($action == 'decision') { cot_block($usr['isadmin'] && $sbr['sbr_status'] == 'claim'); $t->assign(array('DECISION_FORM_ACTION' => cot_url('sbr', 'id=' . $id . '&num=' . $num . '&a=decision'), 'DECISION_FORM_TEXT' => cot_textarea('rdecisiontext', $rtext, 5, 80), 'DECISION_FORM_PAYPERFORMER' => cot_inputbox('text', 'payperformer', $payperformer), 'DECISION_FORM_PAYEMPLOYER' => cot_inputbox('text', 'payemployer', $payemployer))); cot_display_messages($t, 'MAIN.DECISION'); $t->parse('MAIN.DECISION'); }
<?php /** * marketorders plugin * * @package marketorders * @version 1.0.0 * @author CMSWorks Team * @copyright Copyright (c) * @license BSD */ defined('COT_CODE') or die('Wrong URL'); $id = cot_import('id', 'G', 'INT'); $status = cot_import('status', 'G', 'ALP'); list($usr['auth_read'], $usr['auth_write'], $usr['isadmin']) = cot_auth('plug', 'marketorders'); cot_block($usr['id'] > 0 && $usr['auth_read']); if ($cfg['plugin']['marketorders']['ordersperpage'] > 0) { list($pn, $d, $d_url) = cot_import_pagenav('d', $cfg['plugin']['marketorders']['ordersperpage']); } /* === Hook === */ $extp = cot_getextplugins('marketorders.purchases.first'); foreach ($extp as $pl) { include $pl; } /* ===== */ $out['subtitle'] = $L['market_purchases_title']; $out['head'] .= $R['code_noindex']; $mskin = cot_tplfile(array('marketorders', 'purchases'), 'plug'); /* === Hook === */ foreach (cot_getextplugins('marketorders.purchases.main') as $pl) { include $pl;
$payouts = $db->query("SELECT * FROM {$db_payments_outs} AS o\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN {$db_payments} AS p ON p.pay_code=o.out_id AND p.pay_area='payout'\n\t\t\tWHERE out_userid=" . $usr['id'] . "\n\t\t\tORDER BY pay_cdate DESC")->fetchAll(); if (count($payouts) > 0) { foreach ($payouts as $payout) { $t->assign(array('PAYOUT_ROW_ID' => $payout['out_id'], 'PAYOUT_ROW_SUMM' => $payout['out_summ'], 'PAYOUT_ROW_CDATE' => $payout['pay_cdate'], 'PAYOUT_ROW_DATE' => $payout['out_date'])); $t->parse('MAIN.PAYOUTS.PAYOUT_ROW'); } } $t->parse('MAIN.PAYOUTS'); } else { cot_display_messages($t, 'MAIN.PAYOUTFORM'); $t->assign(array('PAYOUT_FORM_ACTION_URL' => cot_url('payments', 'm=balance&n=payouts&a=send'), 'PAYOUT_FORM_SUMM' => cot_inputbox('text', 'summ', $summ), 'PAYOUT_FORM_TAX' => $summ * $cfg['payments']['payouttax'] / 100, 'PAYOUT_FORM_TOTAL' => !empty($total) ? $total : 0, 'PAYOUT_FORM_DETAILS' => $details)); $t->parse('MAIN.PAYOUTFORM'); } } if ($n == 'transfer') { cot_block($cfg['payments']['transfers_enabled']); if ($a == 'add') { $summ = cot_import('summ', 'P', 'NUM'); $username = cot_import('username', 'P', 'TXT', 100, TRUE); $comment = cot_import('comment', 'P', 'TXT'); $taxsumm = $summ * $cfg['payments']['transfertax'] / 100; if ($cfg['payments']['transfertaxfromrecipient']) { $sendersumm = $summ; $recipientsumm = $summ - $taxsumm; } else { $sendersumm = $summ + $taxsumm; $recipientsumm = $summ; } $ubalance = cot_payments_getuserbalance($usr['id']); $recipient = $db->query("SELECT * FROM {$db_users} WHERE user_name = ? LIMIT 1", array($username))->fetch(); cot_check(empty($recipient), 'payments_balance_transfer_error_username');
/** * Sends emails to users so they can recovery their passwords * * @package Users * @copyright (c) Cotonti Team * @license */ defined('COT_CODE') or die('Wrong URL'); $v = cot_import('v', 'G', 'TXT'); $email = cot_import('email', 'P', 'TXT'); /* === Hook === */ foreach (cot_getextplugins('users.passrecover.first') as $pl) { include $pl; } /* ===== */ cot_block($usr['id'] == 0); $msg = ''; if ($a == 'request' && $email != '') { cot_shield_protect(); $sql = $db->query("SELECT user_id, user_name, user_lostpass FROM {$db_users} WHERE user_email='" . $db->prep($email) . "' ORDER BY user_id ASC"); $email_found = FALSE; while ($row = $sql->fetch()) { $rusername = $row['user_name']; $ruserid = $row['user_id']; $validationkey = $row['user_lostpass']; if (empty($validationkey) || $validationkey == "0") { $validationkey = md5(microtime()); $sql = $db->update($db_users, array('user_lostpass' => $validationkey, 'user_lastip' => $usr['ip']), "user_id={$ruserid}"); } $rsubject = $L['pasrec_title']; $ractivate = $cfg['mainurl'] . '/' . cot_url('users', 'm=passrecover&a=auth&v=' . $validationkey, '', true);
/* ==================== [BEGIN_COT_EXT] * Hooks=standalone [END_COT_EXT] ==================== */ defined('COT_CODE') && defined('COT_PLUG') or die('Wrong URL'); require_once cot_incfile('paytop', 'plug'); $pt_cfg = cot_cfg_paytop(); if (empty($m)) { $area = cot_import('area', 'G', 'ALP'); if (empty($pt_cfg[$area]) || empty($pt_cfg[$area]['cost'])) { cot_block(); } list($auth_read, $auth_write, $auth_admin) = cot_auth('plug', 'paytop'); cot_block($auth_write); if ($a == 'buy') { if (!cot_error_found()) { $options['desc'] = $L['paytop_buytop_paydesc'] . ' (' . $pt_cfg[$area]['name'] . ')'; $options['time'] = !empty($pt_cfg[$area]['period']) ? $pt_cfg[$area]['period'] : 2592000; if ($db->fieldExists($db_payments, "pay_redirect")) { $options['redirect'] = $cfg['mainurl'] . '/' . cot_url('payments', 'm=balance', '', true); } cot_payments_create_order('paytop.' . $area, $pt_cfg[$area]['cost'], $options); } } $t = new XTemplate(cot_tplfile(array('paytop', $area), 'plug')); cot_display_messages($t); $t->assign(array('TOP_FORM_ACTION' => cot_url('plug', 'e=paytop&a=buy&area=' . $area), 'TOP_FORM_COST' => $pt_cfg[$area]['cost'], 'TOP_FORM_AREA_NAME' => $pt_cfg[$area]['name'])); } elseif ($m == 'my') { $t = new XTemplate(cot_tplfile(array('paytop', 'my'), 'plug'));
} /* ===== */ $com_grp = $usr['isadmin'] ? 'adm' : 'usr'; cot_log('Edited comment #' . $id, $com_grp); cot_redirect(cot_url($url_area, $url_params, '#c' . $id, true)); } } $t->assign(array('COMMENTS_TITLE' => $plugin_title, 'COMMENTS_TITLE_URL' => cot_url('plug', 'e=comments'))); $t->parse('MAIN.COMMENTS_TITLE'); $sql = $db->query("SELECT * FROM {$db_com} WHERE com_id=? AND com_code=? AND com_area=?", array($id, $item, $area)); cot_die($sql->rowCount() != 1); $com = $sql->fetch(); $com_limit = $sys['now'] < $com['com_date'] + $cfg['plugin']['comments']['time'] * 60 ? TRUE : FALSE; $usr['isowner'] = $com_limit && ($usr['id'] > 0 && $com['com_authorid'] == $usr['id'] || $usr['id'] == 0 && isset($_SESSION['cot_comments_edit'][$id])); $usr['allow_write'] = $usr['isadmin'] || $usr['isowner']; cot_block($usr['allow_write']); $editor = $cfg['plugin']['comments']['markup'] ? 'input_textarea_minieditor' : ''; $t->assign(array('COMMENTS_FORM_POST' => cot_url('plug', 'e=comments&m=edit&a=update&area=' . $area . '&cat=' . $cat . '&item=' . $com['com_code'] . '&id=' . $com['com_id']), 'COMMENTS_POSTER_TITLE' => $L['Poster'], 'COMMENTS_POSTER' => $com['com_author'], 'COMMENTS_IP_TITLE' => $L['Ip'], 'COMMENTS_IP' => $com['com_authorip'], 'COMMENTS_DATE_TITLE' => $L['Date'], 'COMMENTS_DATE' => cot_date('datetime_medium', $com['com_date']), 'COMMENTS_DATE_STAMP' => $com['com_date'], 'COMMENTS_FORM_UPDATE_BUTTON' => $L['Update'], 'COMMENTS_FORM_TEXT' => cot_textarea('comtext', $com['com_text'], 8, 64, '', $editor))); // Extra fields foreach ($cot_extrafields[$db_com] as $exfld) { $uname = strtoupper($exfld['field_name']); $exfld_val = cot_build_extrafields('rcomments' . $exfld['field_name'], $exfld, $com[$exfld['field_name']]); $exfld_title = isset($L['comments_' . $exfld['field_name'] . '_title']) ? $L['comments_' . $exfld['field_name'] . '_title'] : $exfld['field_description']; $t->assign(array('COMMENTS_FORM_' . $uname => $exfld_val, 'COMMENTS_FORM_' . $uname . '_TITLE' => $exfld_title, 'COMMENTS_FORM_EXTRAFLD' => $exfld_val, 'COMMENTS_FORM_EXTRAFLD_TITLE' => $exfld_title)); $t->parse('COMMENTS.COMMENTS_FORM_EDIT.EXTRAFLD'); } /* == Hook == */ foreach (cot_getextplugins('comments.edit.tags') as $pl) { include $pl; } /* ===== */
cot_die($sql->rowCount() == 0); $item = $sql->fetch(); cot_block($usr['isadmin'] || $usr['id'] == $item['item_userid']); $delete = cot_import('rdelete', 'P', 'BOL'); $ritem['item_text'] = cot_import('rtext', 'P', 'TXT'); $ritem['item_score'] = (int) cot_import('rscore', 'P', 'INT'); cot_check(empty($ritem['item_text']), 'reviews_error_emptytext'); cot_check(empty($ritem['item_score']), 'review_error_emptyscore'); if (!cot_error_found()) { $db->update($db_reviews, $ritem, "item_id='" . (int) $itemid . "'"); /* === Hook === */ foreach (cot_getextplugins('reviews.edit.update.done') as $pl) { include $pl; } /* ===== */ } } elseif ($a == 'delete') { $sql = $db->query("SELECT * FROM {$db_reviews} as r\n\t\tLEFT JOIN {$db_users} as u ON u.user_id=r.item_touserid WHERE item_id='{$itemid}' LIMIT 1"); cot_die($sql->rowCount() == 0); $item = $sql->fetch(); cot_block($usr['id'] == $item['item_userid'] || $usr['isadmin']); $db->delete($db_reviews, "item_id='{$itemid}'"); /* === Hook === */ foreach (cot_getextplugins('reviews.edit.delete.done') as $pl) { include $pl; } /* ===== */ } $redirect = empty($redirect) ? base64_decode($sys['uri_redir']) : base64_decode($redirect); cot_redirect($redirect); exit;
if ($paction == $L['Validate'] && is_array($s)) { cot_check_xp(); $perelik = ''; $notfoundet = ''; foreach ($s as $i => $k) { if ($s[$i] == '1' || $s[$i] == 'on') { /* === Hook === */ foreach (cot_getextplugins('page.admin.checked_validate') as $pl) { include $pl; } /* ===== */ $sql_page = $db->query("SELECT * FROM {$db_pages} WHERE page_id=" . (int) $i); if ($row = $sql_page->fetch()) { $id = $row['page_id']; $usr['isadmin_local'] = cot_auth('page', $row['page_cat'], 'A'); cot_block($usr['isadmin_local']); $sql_page = $db->update($db_pages, array('page_state' => 0), "page_id={$id}"); $sql_page = $db->query("UPDATE {$db_structure} SET structure_count=structure_count+1 WHERE structure_code=" . $db->quote($row['page_cat'])); cot_log($L['Page'] . ' #' . $id . ' - ' . $L['adm_queue_validated'], 'adm'); if ($cache && $cfg['cache_page']) { $cache->page->clear('page/' . str_replace('.', '/', $structure['page'][$row['page_cat']]['path'])); } $perelik .= '#' . $id . ', '; } else { $notfoundet .= '#' . $id . ' - ' . $L['Error'] . '<br />'; } } } $cache && $cache->db->remove('structure', 'system'); if ($cache && $cfg['cache_index']) { $cache->page->clear('index');
* @copyright Copyright (c), * @license BSD */ defined('COT_CODE') or die('Wrong URL.'); $userid = cot_import('userid', 'G', 'INT'); list($usr['auth_read'], $usr['auth_write'], $usr['isadmin'], $usr['auth_offers']) = cot_auth('projects', $item['item_cat'], 'RWA1'); if ($cfg['projects']['offersperpage'] > 0) { list($pn, $d, $d_url) = cot_import_pagenav('d', $cfg['projects']['offersperpage']); } /* @var $db CotDB */ /* @var $cache Cache */ /* @var $t Xtemplate */ if ($a == 'addoffer') { cot_shield_protect(); $sql = $db->query("SELECT * FROM {$db_projects_offers} WHERE offer_pid=" . $id . " AND offer_userid=" . $usr['id'] . ""); cot_block($usr['auth_offers'] && $sql->fetchColumn() == 0 && $usr['id'] != $item['item_userid']); /* === Hook === */ foreach (cot_getextplugins('projects.offers.add.first') as $pl) { include $pl; } /* ===== */ $roffer['offer_cost_min'] = (int) cot_import('costmin', 'P', 'NUM'); $roffer['offer_cost_max'] = (int) cot_import('costmax', 'P', 'NUM'); $roffer['offer_time_min'] = (int) cot_import('timemin', 'P', 'INT'); $roffer['offer_time_max'] = (int) cot_import('timemax', 'P', 'INT'); $roffer['offer_time_type'] = (int) cot_import('timetype', 'P', 'INT'); $roffer['offer_hidden'] = (int) cot_import('hidden', 'P', 'BOL'); $roffer['offer_text'] = cot_import('offertext', 'P', 'HTM'); $roffer['offer_pid'] = (int) $id; $roffer['offer_userid'] = (int) $usr['id']; $roffer['offer_date'] = (int) $sys['now'];
<?php /** * [BEGIN_COT_EXT] * Hooks=projects.add.first * [END_COT_EXT] */ defined('COT_CODE') or die('Wrong URL.'); require_once cot_incfile('paypro', 'plug'); if (!cot_getuserpro() && $cfg['plugin']['paypro']['projectslimit'] > 0 && $cfg['plugin']['paypro']['projectslimit'] <= cot_getcountprjofuser($usr['id'])) { cot_block(); }
include $pl; } /* ===== */ $sys['parser'] = $cfg['projects']['parser']; $parser_list = cot_get_parsers(); if ($a == 'add') { cot_shield_protect(); $ritem = array(); /* === Hook === */ foreach (cot_getextplugins('projects.add.add.first') as $pl) { include $pl; } /* ===== */ $ritem = cot_projects_import('POST', array(), $usr); list($usr['auth_read'], $usr['auth_write'], $usr['isadmin']) = cot_auth('projects', $ritem['item_cat']); cot_block($usr['auth_write']); /* === Hook === */ foreach (cot_getextplugins('projects.add.add.import') as $pl) { include $pl; } /* ===== */ cot_projects_validate($ritem); /* === Hook === */ foreach (cot_getextplugins('projects.add.add.error') as $pl) { include $pl; } /* ===== */ if (!cot_error_found()) { $id = cot_projects_add($ritem, $usr); switch ($ritem['item_state']) { case 0:
cot_blockguests(); cot_check_xg(); isset(cot::$structure['forums'][$s]) || cot_die(); $sql_forums = cot::$db->query("SELECT * FROM {$db_forum_posts} WHERE fp_id = ? and fp_topicid = ? and fp_cat = ?", array($p, $q, $s)); if ($rowpost = $sql_forums->fetch()) { list(cot::$usr['auth_read'], cot::$usr['auth_write'], cot::$usr['isadmin']) = cot_auth('forums', $s); /* === Hook === */ foreach (cot_getextplugins('forums.editpost.rights') as $pl) { include $pl; } /* ===== */ if (!cot::$usr['isadmin'] && ($rowpost['fp_posterid'] != cot::$usr['id'] || cot::$cfg['forums']['edittimeout'] != '0' && cot::$sys['now'] - $rowpost['fp_creation'] > cot::$cfg['forums']['edittimeout'] * 3600)) { cot_log('Attempt to edit a post without rights', 'sec'); cot_die(); } cot_block(cot::$usr['auth_read']); } else { cot_die(); } $is_first_post = $p == cot::$db->query("SELECT fp_id FROM {$db_forum_posts} WHERE fp_topicid = ? ORDER BY fp_id ASC LIMIT 1", array($q))->fetchColumn(); $sql_forums = cot::$db->query("SELECT ft_state, ft_mode, ft_title, ft_desc FROM {$db_forum_topics} WHERE ft_id = {$q} LIMIT 1"); if ($rowt = $sql_forums->fetch()) { if ($rowt['ft_state'] && !cot::$usr['isadmin']) { cot_die_message(603, true); } } else { cot_die(true, true); } if ($a == 'update') { /* === Hook === */ foreach (cot_getextplugins('forums.editpost.update.first') as $pl) {
* * @package roboxbilling * @version 1.0 * @author CMSWorks Team * @copyright Copyright (c) * @license BSD */ defined('COT_CODE') && defined('COT_PLUG') or die('Wrong URL'); require_once cot_incfile('roboxbilling', 'plug'); require_once cot_incfile('payments', 'module'); $m = cot_import('m', 'G', 'ALP'); $pid = cot_import('pid', 'G', 'INT'); if (empty($m)) { // Получаем информацию о заказе if (!empty($pid) && ($pinfo = cot_payments_payinfo($pid))) { cot_block($pinfo['pay_status'] == 'new' || $pinfo['pay_status'] == 'process'); $url = $cfg['plugin']['roboxbilling']['testmode'] ? '' : ''; $mrh_login = $cfg['plugin']['roboxbilling']['mrh_login']; $mrh_pass1 = $cfg['plugin']['roboxbilling']['mrh_pass1']; $inv_id = $pid; $shp_item = !empty($pinfo['pay_code']) ? $pinfo['pay_area'] . '_' . $pinfo['pay_code'] : $pinfo['pay_area']; $inv_desc = $pinfo['pay_desc']; $in_curr = ''; $culture = "ru"; $out_summ = $pinfo['pay_summ'] * $cfg['plugin']['roboxbilling']['rate']; if ($cfg['plugin']['roboxbilling']['testmode']) { $test_string = "&IsTest=1"; } $crc = md5("{$mrh_login}:{$out_summ}:{$inv_id}:{$mrh_pass1}:Shp_item={$shp_item}"); $post_opt = "MrchLogin="******"&OutSum=" . $out_summ . "&InvId=" . $inv_id . "&Desc=" . $inv_desc . "&SignatureValue=" . $crc . "&Shp_item=" . $shp_item . "&IncCurrLabel=" . $in_curr . "&Culture=" . $culture . $test_string; cot_payments_updatestatus($pid, 'process');
/** * mavatars for Cotonti CMF * * @version 1.00 * @author esclkm * @copyright (c) 2013 esclkm */ defined('COT_CODE') or die('Wrong URL'); /* @var $db CotDB */ /* @var $cache Cache */ /* @var $t Xtemplate */ $id = cot_import('id', 'G', 'INT'); $h = cot_import('h', 'G', 'INT'); $w = cot_import('w', 'G', 'INT'); $method = cot_import('method', 'G', 'TXT'); cot_block((int) $id > 0); $h = empty($h) ? (int) $cfg['plugin']['mavatars']['height'] : (int) $h; $w = empty($w) ? (int) $cfg['plugin']['mavatars']['width'] : (int) $w; $method = empty($method) ? $cfg['plugin']['mavatars']['method'] : $method; $h = empty($h) ? 640 : (int) $h; $w = empty($w) ? 640 : (int) $w; $method = empty($method) ? 'width' : $method; $sql = $db->query("SELECT * FROM {$db_mavatars} WHERE mav_id=" . (int) $id . " LIMIT 1"); $t = new XTemplate(cot_tplfile(array('mavatars', 'show'), 'plug')); if ($mav_row = $sql->fetch()) { $i++; $mavatar = array(); foreach ($mav_row as $key => $val) { $keyx = str_replace('mav_', '', $key); if ($keyx == 'filepath' || $keyx == 'thumbpath') { $val .= substr($val, -1) == '/' ? '' : '/';
<?php /** * Administration panel - PHP Infos * * @package Cotonti * @copyright (c) Cotonti Team * @license */ defined('COT_CODE') && defined('COT_ADMIN') or die('Wrong URL.'); list($usr['auth_read'], $usr['auth_write'], $usr['isadmin']) = cot_auth('admin', 'a'); cot_block($usr['auth_read']); $t = new XTemplate(cot_tplfile('admin.infos', 'core')); $adminpath[] = array(cot_url('admin', 'm=other'), $L['Other']); $adminpath[] = array(cot_url('admin', 'm=infos'), $L['adm_infos']); $adminhelp = $L['adm_help_versions']; $adminsubtitle = $L['adm_infos']; /* === Hook === */ foreach (cot_getextplugins('admin.infos.first') as $pl) { include $pl; } /* ===== */ @error_reporting(0); $t->assign(array('ADMIN_INFOS_PHPVER' => function_exists('phpversion') ? phpversion() : $L['adm_help_config'], 'ADMIN_INFOS_ZENDVER' => function_exists('zend_version') ? zend_version() : $L['adm_help_config'], 'ADMIN_INFOS_INTERFACE' => function_exists('php_sapi_name') ? php_sapi_name() : $L['adm_help_config'], 'ADMIN_INFOS_CACHEDRIVERS' => is_array($cot_cache_drivers) ? implode(', ', $cot_cache_drivers) : '', 'ADMIN_INFOS_OS' => function_exists('php_uname') ? php_uname() : $L['adm_help_config'], 'ADMIN_INFOS_DATE' => cot_date('datetime_medium', $sys['now'], false), 'ADMIN_INFOS_GMDATE' => gmdate('Y-m-d H:i'), 'ADMIN_INFOS_GMTTIME' => $usr['gmttime'], 'ADMIN_INFOS_USRTIME' => $usr['localtime'], 'ADMIN_INFOS_TIMETEXT' => $usr['timetext'])); /* === Hook === */ foreach (cot_getextplugins('admin.infos.tags') as $pl) { include $pl; } /* ===== */ $t->parse('MAIN'); $adminmain = $t->text('MAIN');
* @author CMSWorks Team * @copyright Copyright (c) * @license BSD */ defined('COT_CODE') or die('Wrong URL'); $pid = cot_import('pid', 'G', 'INT'); list($usr['auth_read'], $usr['auth_write'], $usr['isadmin']) = cot_auth('plug', 'marketorders'); cot_block($usr['auth_read']); if ($pid > 0) { $sql = $db->query("SELECT m.*, u.* FROM {$db_market} AS m LEFT JOIN {$db_users} AS u ON u.user_id=m.item_userid WHERE item_id=" . $pid . " LIMIT 1"); } if (!$pid || !$sql || $sql->rowCount() == 0) { cot_die_message(404, TRUE); } $item = $sql->fetch(); cot_block($item['item_cost'] > 0 && $item['item_state'] == 0); /* === Hook === */ $extp = cot_getextplugins('marketorders.neworder.first'); foreach ($extp as $pl) { include $pl; } /* ===== */ if ($a == 'add') { cot_shield_protect(); /* === Hook === */ foreach (cot_getextplugins('marketorders.neworder.add.first') as $pl) { include $pl; } /* ===== */ $rorder['order_count'] = cot_import('rcount', 'P', 'INT'); $rorder['order_text'] = cot_import('rtext', 'P', 'TXT');