function extract_states($from)
    global $line_index;
    $vect = convert_line_to_elements($from);
    $line_index = 0;
    $mapid = convert_from_line_to_int($vect);
    $zone = convert_from_line_to_int($vect);
    $area = convert_from_line_to_int($vect);
    $state_count = convert_from_line_to_int16($vect);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $state_count * 2; $i += 2) {
        $ret[$i] = convert_from_line_to_int($vect);
        $ret[$i + 1] = convert_from_line_to_int($vect);
    return $ret;
Пример #2

//$line="27 67 4E 8E 9D 09 3A 32 76 24 E8 69 D0 93 A1 27 47 4E C6 9D 0D 3A 1A 74 34 EC C9 D9 93 B3 27 47 4E CC 9D 0D 3A 30";
//$line="27 66 4E CC 95 89 3B 12 76 24 EC E9 D8 D3 B1 A7 62 4E CE 9D 9D 3B 12 76 74 EC C9 D8 80";
//$line="27 46 4A 84 9D 09 3A 12 74 74 E8 69 D9 D3 B1 A7 46 4E 84 9D 09 3A 12 74 74 E8 E9 D9 93 A1 27 47 4E 84 9D 1D 3A 30";
$line = "07 6A 0E D4 1D B8 3B 70";
$required_bits = array(5, 6, 6, 5, 5, 5, 6, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 5, 5, 5, 6, 5, 6);
$pieces = convert_line_to_elements($line);
$bin_str = convert_vect_to_bin($pieces, 999999, 8);
$bin_str2 = convert_vect_to_bin($required_bits, 999999, 8);
echo "Total number of ones in bytes : " . count_onces($bin_str[0]) . "<br>";
echo "Total number of ones required : " . count_onces($bin_str2[0]) . "<br>";
//print_r( $pieces );
//for( $i = 15; $i< 35; $i++)
//	print_test( $pieces, $i );
$pieces2 = merge_byte_touint16( $pieces );
print_r( $pieces );
echo "<br>";
print_r( $pieces2 );
//$pieces = merge_byte_touint16( $pieces );
print_test($pieces, 15, $required_bits);
//print_test( $pieces, 16 ,$required_bits );
//print_test( $pieces, 17 ,$required_bits);
//print_test( $pieces, 30 ,$required_bits);
//print_test( $pieces, 120 ,$required_bits);
function print_test($pieces, $i, $required_bits = "", $highlight_bits = 5)
    echo "Testing len {$i} <br>";
    $bin_str = convert_vect_to_bin($pieces, $i, 8);
                    echo "insert ignore into playercreateinfo_spells (indexid,spellid) values ( {$zindex},{$spell_id} );<br>";
echo "<br> <br>";
//now generate bars
for ($trace = 0; $trace < 30; $trace++) {
    for ($tclass = 0; $tclass < 30; $tclass++) {
        if ($p_bars[$trace][$tclass]) {
            //get the index for this race class combination
            $get_query = "select `index` from playercreateinfo where class={$tclass} and race={$trace}";
            $get_res = mysql_query($get_query, $dbi) or die(" Q200611231501411 " . mysql_error($dbi));
            list($zindex) = mysql_fetch_row($get_res);
            $vect = convert_line_to_elements($p_bars[$trace][$tclass]);
            $line_index = 0;
            $unk = convert_from_line_to_int8($vect);
            for ($i = 0; $i < 144; $i++) {
                $but_action = convert_from_line_to_int16($vect);
                $but_type = convert_from_line_to_int8($vect);
                $but_misc = convert_from_line_to_int8($vect);
                if ($but_type != 0 || $but_action != 0 || $but_misc != 0) {
                    echo "insert into playercreateinfo_bars (race,class,button,action,type,misc) values ( {$trace},{$tclass},{$i},{$but_action},{$but_type},{$but_misc} );<br>";
function convert_to_float($value)
$Unk11 = 0x4000000;
$SearchForFlag1 = 0xff;
$SearchForFlag2 = 0x1000000;
// 0xFFFFFFFF to skip using
$SearchForFlagNOT2 = 0x0;
// 0 to skip using
$debugging_rows = 11111150;
//echo ToHex( 0x0F,4 )."-".ToHex( 0xFF,4 )."-".ToHex( 0xABC,4 );
while ($inp_h && !feof($inp_h)) {
    if ($debugging_rows <= 0) {
    //take 1 line
    $line = fgets($inp_h);
    $vect = convert_line_to_elements($line);
    $line_size = count($vect);
    $line_index = 0;
    $guid1 = convert_from_line_to_guid($vect);
    //echo "$line_index<br>";
    $guid2 = convert_from_line_to_guid($vect);
    //echo "$line_index<br>";
    $x = convert_to_float(convert_from_line_to_int($vect));
    //echo "$line_index<br>";
    $y = convert_to_float(convert_from_line_to_int($vect));
    //echo "$line_index<br>";
    $z = convert_to_float(convert_from_line_to_int($vect));
    //echo "$line_index<br>";
    $sync = convert_from_line_to_int($vect);
    //echo "$line_index<br>";
    $f1 = $vect[$line_index++];