function print_tree($inventory_tree) { self::$counter++; foreach ($inventory_tree as $row) { if ($row['id'] != 0) { echo "<tr class=\"tr-group\">"; echo "<td>" . self::print_spaces(self::$counter) . $row['name'] . "</td>"; echo "<td>Group</td>"; echo "<td>-</td>"; echo "<td>-</td>"; echo "<td>-</td>"; echo "<td>-</td>"; echo "<td class=\"td-actions\">" . anchor('inventory/group/edit/' . $row['id'], "Edit", array('title' => 'Edit Inventory Group', 'class' => 'red-link')); echo " " . anchor('inventory/group/delete/' . $row['id'], img(array('src' => asset_url() . "images/icons/delete.png", 'border' => '0', 'alt' => 'Delete Inventory Group')), array('class' => "confirmClick", 'title' => "Delete Inventory Group")) . "</td>"; echo "</tr>"; } if ($row['sub_inventory_items']) { self::$counter++; foreach ($row['sub_inventory_items'] as $row_item) { echo "<tr>"; echo "<td>" . self::print_spaces(self::$counter) . $row_item['name'] . "</td>"; echo "<td>Item</td>"; echo "<td>" . $row_item['op_balance_quantity'] . "</td>"; echo "<td>" . convert_amount_dc($row_item['op_balance_total_value']) . "</td>"; echo "<td>" . $row_item['cl_balance_quantity'] . "</td>"; echo "<td>" . convert_amount_dc($row_item['cl_balance_total_value']) . "</td>"; echo "<td class=\"td-actions\">" . anchor('inventory/item/edit/' . $row_item['id'], "Edit", array('title' => 'Edit Inventory Item', 'class' => 'red-link')); echo " " . anchor('inventory/item/delete/' . $row_item['id'], img(array('src' => asset_url() . "images/icons/delete.png", 'border' => '0', 'alt' => 'Delete Inventory Item')), array('class' => "confirmClick", 'title' => "Delete Inventory Item")) . "</td>"; echo "</tr>"; } self::$counter--; } if ($row['sub_inventory_groups']) { foreach ($row['sub_inventory_groups'] as $row_item) { self::print_tree($row_item); } } } self::$counter--; }
} else { $reconciliation_cr_total = 0; } $reconciliation_total = $reconciliation_dr_total - $reconciliation_cr_total; $reconciliation_pending = $clbalance - $reconciliation_total; /* Ledger and Reconciliation Summary */ echo "<table class=\"reconciliation-summary\">"; echo "<tr>"; echo "<td><b>Opening Balance</b></td><td>" . convert_opening($opbalance, $optype) . "</td>"; echo "<td width=\"20px\"></td>"; echo "<td><b>Reconciliation Pending</b></td><td>" . convert_amount_dc($reconciliation_pending) . "</td>"; echo "</tr>"; echo "<tr>"; echo "<td><b>Closing Balance</b></td><td>" . convert_amount_dc($clbalance) . "</td>"; echo "<td width=\"20px\"></td>"; echo "<td><b>Reconciliation Total</b></td><td>" . convert_amount_dc($reconciliation_total) . "</td>"; echo "</tr>"; echo "</table>"; echo "<br />"; if (!$print_preview) { $this->db->select(' as entries_id, entries.number as entries_number, as entries_date, entries.narration as entries_narration, entries.entry_type as entries_entry_type, as entry_items_id, entry_items.amount as entry_items_amount, entry_items.dc as entry_items_dc, entry_items.reconciliation_date as entry_items_reconciliation_date'); if ($reconciliation_type == 'all') { $this->db->from('entries')->join('entry_items', ' = entry_items.entry_id')->where('entry_items.ledger_id', $ledger_id)->order_by('', 'asc')->order_by('entries.number', 'asc')->limit($pagination_counter, $page_count); } else { $this->db->from('entries')->join('entry_items', ' = entry_items.entry_id')->where('entry_items.ledger_id', $ledger_id)->where('entry_items.reconciliation_date', NULL)->order_by('', 'asc')->order_by('entries.number', 'asc')->limit($pagination_counter, $page_count); } $ledgerst_q = $this->db->get(); } else { $page_count = 0; $this->db->select(' as entries_id, entries.number as entries_number, as entries_date, entries.narration as entries_narration, entries.entry_type as entries_entry_type, as entry_items_id, entry_items.amount as entry_items_amount, entry_items.dc as entry_items_dc, entry_items.reconciliation_date as entry_items_reconciliation_date'); if ($reconciliation_type == 'all') {
$odd_even = "odd"; foreach ($all_ledgers as $ledger_id => $ledger_name) { if ($ledger_id == 0) { continue; } echo "<tr class=\"tr-" . $odd_even . "\">"; echo "<td>"; echo anchor('report/ledgerst/' . $ledger_id, $ledger_name, array('title' => $ledger_name . ' Ledger Statement', 'class' => 'anchor-link-a')); echo "</td>"; echo "<td>"; list($opbal_amount, $opbal_type) = $this->Ledger_model->get_op_balance($ledger_id); echo convert_opening($opbal_amount, $opbal_type); echo "</td>"; echo "<td>"; $clbal_amount = $this->Ledger_model->get_ledger_balance($ledger_id); echo convert_amount_dc($clbal_amount); echo "</td>"; echo "<td>"; $dr_total = $this->Ledger_model->get_dr_total($ledger_id); if ($dr_total) { echo $dr_total; $temp_dr_total += $dr_total; } else { echo "0"; } echo "</td>"; echo "<td>"; $cr_total = $this->Ledger_model->get_cr_total($ledger_id); if ($cr_total) { echo $cr_total; $temp_cr_total += $cr_total;
function print_tree($account_tree) { self::$counter++; foreach ($account_tree as $row) { if ($row['id'] > 0) { echo "<tr class=\"tr-group\">"; if ($row['id'] <= 4) { echo "<td><strong>" . self::print_spaces(self::$counter) . $row['name'] . "</strong></td>"; echo "<td>Group</td>"; echo "<td>-</td>"; echo "<td>-</td>"; echo "<td class=\"td-actions\">"; echo "</td>"; echo "</tr>"; } else { echo "<td>" . self::print_spaces(self::$counter) . $row['name'] . "</td>"; echo "<td>Group</td>"; echo "<td>-</td>"; echo "<td>-</td>"; echo "<td class=\"td-actions\">" . anchor('group/edit/' . $row['id'], "Edit", array('title' => 'Edit Group', 'class' => 'red-link')); echo " " . anchor('group/delete/' . $row['id'], img(array('src' => asset_url() . "images/icons/delete.png", 'border' => '0', 'alt' => 'Delete Group')), array('class' => "confirmClick", 'title' => "Delete Group")) . "</td>"; echo "</tr>"; } } if ($row['sub_ledgers']) { self::$counter++; foreach ($row['sub_ledgers'] as $row_item) { echo "<tr>"; echo "<td>" . self::print_spaces(self::$counter) . $row_item['name'] . "</td>"; echo "<td>Ledger</td>"; echo "<td>" . convert_opening($row_item['op_balance'], $row_item['op_balance_dc']) . "</td>"; echo "<td>" . convert_amount_dc($row_item['cl_balance']) . "</td>"; echo "<td class=\"td-actions\">" . anchor('ledger/edit/' . $row_item['id'], "Edit", array('title' => 'Edit Ledger', 'class' => 'red-link')); echo " " . anchor('ledger/delete/' . $row_item['id'], img(array('src' => asset_url() . "images/icons/delete.png", 'border' => '0', 'alt' => 'Delete Ledger')), array('class' => "confirmClick", 'title' => "Delete Ledger")) . "</td>"; echo "</tr>"; } self::$counter--; } if ($row['sub_groups']) { foreach ($row['sub_groups'] as $row_item) { self::print_tree($row_item); } } } self::$counter--; }
} else { echo "You have not created any bank or cash account"; } ?> </div> </div> <div id="dashboard-summary" class="dashboard-item"> <div class="dashboard-title">Account Summary</div> <div class="dashboard-content"> <?php echo "<table class=\"dashboard-summary-table\">"; echo "<tbody>"; echo "<tr><td>Assets Total</td><td>" . convert_amount_dc($asset_total) . "</td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td>Liabilities Total</td><td>" . convert_amount_dc($liability_total) . "</td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td>Incomes Total</td><td>" . convert_amount_dc($income_total) . "</td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td>Expenses Total</td><td>" . convert_amount_dc($expense_total) . "</td></tr>"; echo "</tbody>"; echo "</table>"; ?> </div> </div> </div> <?php if (check_access('view log')) { ?> <div id="dashboard-log"> <div id="dashboard-recent-log" class="dashboard-log-item"> <div class="dashboard-log-title">Recent Activity</div> <div class="dashboard-log-content"> <?php if ($logs) {
} ?> <tr class="entry-total"><td colspan=2><strong>Total</strong></td><td id=dr-total>Dr <?php echo $cur_entry->dr_total; ?> </td><td id=cr-total">Cr <?php echo $cur_entry->cr_total; ?> </td></tr> <?php if (float_ops($cur_entry->dr_total, $cur_entry->cr_total, '!=')) { $difference = float_ops($cur_entry->dr_total, $cur_entry->cr_total, '-'); if (float_ops($difference, 0, '<')) { echo "<tr class=\"entry-difference\"><td colspan=2><strong>Difference</strong></td><td id=\"dr-diff\"></td><td id=\"cr-diff\">" . convert_amount_dc($difference) . "</td></tr>"; } else { echo "<tr class=\"entry-difference\"><td colspan=2><strong>Difference</strong></td><td id=\"dr-diff\">" . convert_amount_dc($difference) . "</td><td id=\"cr-diff\"></td></tr>"; } } ?> </table> <p>Narration :<br /> <span class="bold"><?php echo $cur_entry->narration; ?> </span> </p> <p> Tag : <?php $cur_entry_tag = $this->Tag_model->show_entry_tag($cur_entry->tag_id); if ($cur_entry_tag == "") {
function account_st_main($c = 0) { $this->counter = $c; if ($this->id != 0) { echo "<tr class=\"tr-group\">"; echo "<td class=\"td-group\">"; echo $this->print_space($this->counter); if ($this->id <= 4) { echo " <strong>" . $this->name . "</strong>"; } else { echo " " . $this->name; } echo "</td>"; echo "<td>Group Account</td>"; echo "<td>-</td>"; echo "<td>-</td>"; if ($this->id <= 4) { echo "<td class=\"td-actions\"></tr>"; } else { echo "<td class=\"td-actions\">" . anchor('group/edit/' . $this->id, "Edit", array('title' => 'Edit Group', 'class' => 'red-link')); echo " " . anchor('group/delete/' . $this->id, img(array('src' => asset_url() . "images/icons/delete.png", 'border' => '0', 'alt' => 'Delete group')), array('class' => "confirmClick", 'title' => "Delete Group")) . "</td>"; } echo "</tr>"; } foreach ($this->children_groups as $id => $data) { $this->counter++; $data->account_st_main($this->counter); $this->counter--; } if (count($this->children_ledgers) > 0) { $this->counter++; foreach ($this->children_ledgers as $id => $data) { echo "<tr class=\"tr-ledger\">"; echo "<td class=\"td-ledger\">"; echo $this->print_space($this->counter); echo " " . anchor('report/ledgerst/' . $data['id'], $data['name'], array('title' => $data['name'] . ' Ledger Statement', 'style' => 'color:#000000')); echo "</td>"; echo "<td>Ledger Account</td>"; echo "<td>" . convert_opening($data['opbalance'], $data['optype']) . "</td>"; echo "<td>" . convert_amount_dc($data['total']) . "</td>"; echo "<td class=\"td-actions\">" . anchor('ledger/edit/' . $data['id'], 'Edit', array('title' => "Edit Ledger", 'class' => 'red-link')); echo " " . anchor('ledger/delete/' . $data['id'], img(array('src' => asset_url() . "images/icons/delete.png", 'border' => '0', 'alt' => 'Delete Ledger')), array('class' => "confirmClick", 'title' => "Delete Ledger")) . "</td>"; echo "</tr>"; } $this->counter--; } }
echo " "; echo $row->entry_items_amount; echo "</td>"; echo "<td></td>"; } else { $cur_balance = float_ops($cur_balance, $row->entry_items_amount, '-'); echo "<td></td>"; echo "<td>"; echo convert_dc($row->entry_items_dc); echo " "; echo $row->entry_items_amount; echo "</td>"; } echo "<td>"; echo convert_amount_dc($cur_balance); echo "</td>"; echo "</tr>"; $odd_even = $odd_even == "odd" ? "even" : "odd"; } /* Current Page Closing Balance */ echo "<tr class=\"tr-balance\"><td colspan=6>Closing</td><td>" . convert_amount_dc($cur_balance) . "</td></tr>"; echo "</table>"; } if (!$print_preview) { ?> <div id="pagination-container"><?php echo $this->pagination->create_links(); ?> </div> <?php }
?> </h2></div> <div class="bottomTitle">This year payable</div> </td> <td class="orange_bg"> <div class="topTitle">RECEIVABLE</div> <div class="middleCounter"><h2><?php echo convert_amount_dc($recievables_total); ?> </h2></div> <div class="bottomTitle">This year payable</div> </td> <td class="red_bg"> <div class="topTitle">SALE</div> <div class="middleCounter"><h2><?php echo convert_amount_dc($sales_total); ?> </h2></div> <div class="bottomTitle">This year payable</div> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </div> </div> <div id="dashboard-log"> <div id="dashboard-recent-log" class="dashboard-log-item"> <div class="dashboard-log-title">Today Cashier Sales</div> <div class="dashboard-log-content"> <section class="sales_graph">