Пример #1
 function setSettings($arrSettings)
     global $objDatabase;
     $status = true;
     foreach ($arrSettings as $key => $arrSetting) {
         if ($objDatabase->Execute('UPDATE `' . DBPREFIX . 'access_settings` SET `value` = \'' . contrexx_addslashes($arrSetting['value']) . '\', `status` = ' . intval($arrSetting['status']) . ' WHERE `key` = \'' . contrexx_addslashes($key) . '\'') === false) {
             $status = false;
     return $status;
Пример #2
  * Selects the username with the id of the user who has loggged on.
  * @global      $objDatabase
 function getUserID($userName)
     global $objDatabase;
     $arrSettings = \User_Setting::getSettings();
     $where = array();
     $where[] = '`email` = "' . $userName . '"';
     if ($arrSettings['use_usernames']['status']) {
         $where[] = '`username` = "' . $userName . '"';
     $userName = contrexx_addslashes($userName);
     $selUserID = 'SELECT id FROM ' . DBPREFIX . 'access_users
                    WHERE (' . implode(' OR ', $where) . ') AND
     $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute($selUserID);
     while (!$objResult->EOF) {
         $ID = $objResult->fields['id'];
     return $ID;
Пример #3
  * Update or add new template
 function storeTemplate()
     global $objDatabase;
     if (empty($_POST['mails'])) {
         return '';
     // Use the posted template ID only if the "store as new" checkbox
     // hasn't been marked
     $template_id = empty($_POST['shopMailSaveNew']) && !empty($_POST['tplId']) ? $_POST['tplId'] : 0;
     if (empty($_POST['langId'])) {
         return '';
     $lang_id = $_POST['langId'];
     if ($template_id) {
         $arrTemplate = self::$arrTemplate[$template_id];
         if (!$arrTemplate) {
             // Template not found.  Clear the ID.
             $template_id = 0;
     // If the template ID is known, update.
     // Note that the protected flag is not changed.
     // For newly inserted templates, the protected flag is always 0 (zero).
     $query = $template_id && isset(self::$arrTemplate[$template_id]) ? "UPDATE " . DBPREFIX . "module_shop" . MODULE_INDEX . "_mail\n                  SET `tplname`='" . contrexx_addslashes($_POST['shopMailTemplate']) . "'\n                WHERE `id`={$template_id}" : "INSERT INTO " . DBPREFIX . "module_shop" . MODULE_INDEX . "_mail (\n                    `protected`, `tplname`\n                ) VALUES (\n                    0,\n                    '" . contrexx_addslashes($_POST['shopMailTemplate']) . "'\n                )";
     $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute($query);
     if (!$objResult) {
         return false;
     if (empty($template_id)) {
         $template_id = $objDatabase->Insert_ID();
     $query = $template_id && self::$arrTemplate[$template_id]['available'] ? "UPDATE " . DBPREFIX . "module_shop" . MODULE_INDEX . "_mail_content\n                  SET `from_mail`='" . contrexx_addslashes($_POST['shopMailFromAddress']) . "',\n                      `xsender`='" . contrexx_addslashes($_POST['shopMailFromName']) . "',\n                      `subject`='" . contrexx_addslashes($_POST['shopMailSubject']) . "',\n                      `message`='" . contrexx_addslashes($_POST['shopMailBody']) . "'\n                WHERE `tpl_id`={$template_id}\n                  AND `lang_id`={$lang_id}" : "INSERT INTO " . DBPREFIX . "module_shop" . MODULE_INDEX . "_mail_content (\n                    `tpl_id`, `lang_id`,\n                    `from_mail`, `xsender`,\n                    `subject`, `message`\n                ) VALUES (\n                    {$template_id}, {$lang_id},\n                    '" . contrexx_addslashes($_POST['shopMailFromAddress']) . "',\n                    '" . contrexx_addslashes($_POST['shopMailFromName']) . "',\n                    '" . contrexx_addslashes($_POST['shopMailSubject']) . "',\n                    '" . contrexx_addslashes($_POST['shopMailBody']) . "'\n                )";
     $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute($query);
     if (!$objResult) {
         return false;
     return true;
Пример #4
 function delEntry()
     global $objDatabase, $_ARRAYLANG, $_CORELANG, $_CONFIG;
     $this->_objTpl->setTemplate($this->pageContent, true, true);
     if (!$this->settings['editEntry'] == '1' || !$this->communityModul && $this->settings['addEntry_only_community'] == '1') {
         \Cx\Core\Csrf\Controller\Csrf::header('Location: index.php?section=Market&cmd=detail&id=' . $_POST['id']);
     } elseif ($this->settings['addEntry_only_community'] == '1') {
         $objFWUser = \FWUser::getFWUserObject();
         if ($objFWUser->objUser->login()) {
             if (!\Permission::checkAccess(101, 'static', true)) {
                 \Cx\Core\Csrf\Controller\Csrf::header("Location: " . CONTREXX_DIRECTORY_INDEX . "?section=Login&cmd=noaccess");
         } else {
             $link = base64_encode(CONTREXX_DIRECTORY_INDEX . '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);
             \Cx\Core\Csrf\Controller\Csrf::header("Location: " . CONTREXX_DIRECTORY_INDEX . "?section=Login&redirect=" . $link);
     } else {
         $objFWUser = \FWUser::getFWUserObject();
     //get search
     if (isset($_GET['id'])) {
         $entryId = contrexx_addslashes($_GET['id']);
         $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute('SELECT id, userid, catid FROM ' . DBPREFIX . 'module_market WHERE id = ' . $entryId . ' LIMIT 1');
         if ($objResult !== false) {
             while (!$objResult->EOF) {
                 if ($objFWUser->objUser->login() && $objFWUser->objUser->getId() == $objResult->fields['userid'] || \Permission::hasAllAccess()) {
                     //get navigatin
                 } else {
                     \Cx\Core\Csrf\Controller\Csrf::header('Location: index.php?section=Market&cmd=detail&id=' . $_GET['id']);
     } else {
         if (isset($_POST['submitEntry'])) {
             $arrDelete = array();
             $arrDelete[0] = $_POST['id'];
             \Cx\Core\Csrf\Controller\Csrf::header('Location: index.php?section=Market');
         } else {
             \Cx\Core\Csrf\Controller\Csrf::header('Location: index.php?section=Market');
Пример #5
  * handles the upload of a file
  * @param string $inputName name of the HTML input element used to upload the file
  * @return array $uploadedFileInfo array containing the properties for the uploaded file, 
  *                                 false when upload has failed
 function _handleUpload($inputName)
     global $_ARRAYLANG, $sessionObj;
     $fileName = isset($_POST[$inputName]) ? contrexx_input2raw($_POST[$inputName]) : '';
     if (empty($fileName)) {
         return array('name' => '', 'path' => '', 'size' => 0);
     $uploaderId = isset($_POST['forumUploaderId']) ? contrexx_input2raw($_POST['forumUploaderId']) : '';
     if (empty($uploaderId)) {
         \DBG::log('Uploader id is empty');
         return false;
     //Re-initialize the $sessionObj if it is empty
     if (empty($sessionObj)) {
         $sessionObj = \cmsSession::getInstance();
     $tempPath = $sessionObj->getTempPath() . '/' . $uploaderId . '/' . $fileName;
     if (!\Cx\Lib\FileSystem\FileSystem::exists($tempPath)) {
         return false;
     $cx = \Cx\Core\Core\Controller\Cx::instanciate();
     $filePath = $cx->getWebsiteMediaForumUploadPath() . '/';
     $pathinfo = pathinfo($fileName);
     $i = 1;
     while (\Cx\Lib\FileSystem\FileSystem::exists($filePath . $fileName)) {
         $fileName = $pathinfo['filename'] . '_' . $i++ . '.' . $pathinfo['extension'];
     if (\Cx\Lib\FileSystem\FileSystem::move($tempPath, $filePath . $fileName, true) === false) {
         $this->_objTpl->setVariable('TXT_FORUM_ERROR', $filePath . $fileName . ': ' . $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_FORUM_UPLOAD_NOT_MOVABLE']);
         return false;
     return array('name' => contrexx_addslashes($fileName), 'path' => $filePath, 'size' => filesize($filePath . $fileName));
  * Add content data for a category
  * Add the content data for a category that later will be inserted
  * @param int $lang
  * @param string $name
 public function addContent($lang, $name)
     $this->insertContent[] = array('lang' => intval($lang), 'name' => contrexx_addslashes($name));
Пример #7
  * Update values for a banner
  * @global    object        $objDatabase
  * @global     array        $_ARRAYLANG
  * @return     integer        $intReturn: The old group of the changed banner
 function updateBanner()
     global $objDatabase, $_ARRAYLANG;
     $intBannerId = intval($_POST['bannerId']);
     $strName = htmlspecialchars(addslashes($_POST['bannerName']), ENT_QUOTES, CONTREXX_CHARSET);
     $intGroupId = intval($_POST['bannerGroupId']);
     $intStatus = intval($_POST['bannerStatus']);
     $strCode = contrexx_addslashes($_POST['bannerCode']);
     if (!empty($strName) && $intGroupId != 0) {
         $objDatabase->Execute('    UPDATE    ' . DBPREFIX . 'module_banner_system
                                 SET        parent_id=' . $intGroupId . ',
                                         name="' . $strName . '",
                                         banner_code="' . $strCode . '",
                                         status=' . $intStatus . '
                                 WHERE    id=' . $intBannerId . '
                                 LIMIT    1
         $objDatabase->Execute('    DELETE
                                 FROM    ' . DBPREFIX . 'module_banner_relations
                                 WHERE    banner_id=' . $intBannerId . '
         if (is_array($_POST['selectedPages'])) {
             foreach ($_POST['selectedPages'] as $intPageId) {
                 $objDatabase->Execute('    INSERT
                                         INTO    ' . DBPREFIX . 'module_banner_relations
                                         SET        banner_id=' . $intBannerId . ',
                                                 group_id=' . $intGroupId . ',
                                                 page_id=' . $intPageId . ',
         if (is_array($_POST['selectedNews'])) {
             foreach ($_POST['selectedNews'] as $intPageId) {
                 $objDatabase->Execute('    INSERT
                                         INTO    ' . DBPREFIX . 'module_banner_relations
                                         SET        banner_id=' . $intBannerId . ',
                                                 group_id=' . $intGroupId . ',
                                                 page_id=' . $intPageId . ',
         if (is_array($_POST['selectedTeaser'])) {
             foreach ($_POST['selectedTeaser'] as $intPageId) {
                 $objDatabase->Execute('    INSERT
                                         INTO    ' . DBPREFIX . 'module_banner_relations
                                         SET        banner_id=' . $intBannerId . ',
                                                 group_id=' . $intGroupId . ',
                                                 page_id=' . $intPageId . ',
         $this->strOkMessage = $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_BANNER_UPDATE_DONE'];
     return $intGroupId;
  * Loads the event manager configuration
  * @param integer $startDate     Start date Unix timestamp
  * @param integer $endDate       End date timestamp
  * @param integer $categoryId    Category Id
  * @param string  $searchTerm    Search Term
  * @param boolean $showSeries    Show Series
  * @param boolean $needAuth      Need authorization
  * @param boolean $onlyActive    Only active Events
  * @param integer $startPos      Start position
  * @param integer $numEvents     Number of events
  * @param string  $sortDirection Sort direction, possible values ASC, DESC
  * @param boolean $onlyConfirmed only confirmed Entries
  * @param string  $author        author name
 function __construct($startDate = null, $endDate = null, $categoryId = null, $searchTerm = null, $showSeries = true, $needAuth = false, $onlyActive = false, $startPos = 0, $numEvents = 'n', $sortDirection = 'ASC', $onlyConfirmed = true, $author = null, $listType = 'all')
     $this->startDate = intval($startDate);
     $this->endDate = intval($endDate);
     $this->categoryId = intval($categoryId);
     $this->showSeries = $showSeries;
     $this->searchTerm = contrexx_addslashes($searchTerm);
     $this->needAuth = $needAuth;
     $this->onlyActive = $onlyActive;
     $this->startPos = $startPos;
     $this->numEvents = $numEvents;
     $this->sortDirection = $sortDirection;
     $this->onlyConfirmed = $onlyConfirmed;
     $this->author = $author;
     $this->listType = $listType;
 function saveLevel($arrData, $intLevelId = null)
     global $_ARRAYLANG, $_CORELANG, $objDatabase, $_LANGID;
     //get data
     $intId = intval($intLevelId);
     $intParentId = intval($arrData['levelPosition']);
     $intShowEntries = intval($arrData['levelShowEntries']);
     $intShowSublevels = isset($arrData['levelShowSublevels']) ? contrexx_input2int($arrData['levelShowSublevels']) : 0;
     $intShowCategories = intval($arrData['levelShowCategories']);
     $intActive = intval($arrData['levelActive']);
     $strPicture = contrexx_addslashes(contrexx_strip_tags($arrData['levelImage']));
     $arrName = $arrData['levelName'];
     $arrDescription = $arrData['levelDescription'];
     if (empty($intId)) {
         //insert new category
         $objInsertAttributes = $objDatabase->Execute("\n                INSERT INTO\n                    " . DBPREFIX . "module_" . $this->moduleTablePrefix . "_levels\n                SET\n                    `parent_id`='" . $intParentId . "',\n                    `order`=0,\n                    `show_entries`='" . $intShowEntries . "',\n                    `show_sublevels`='" . $intShowSublevels . "',\n                    `show_categories`='" . $intShowCategories . "',\n                    `picture`='" . $strPicture . "',\n                    `active`='" . $intActive . "'\n            ");
         if ($objInsertAttributes !== false) {
             $intId = $objDatabase->Insert_ID();
             foreach ($this->arrFrontendLanguages as $key => $arrLang) {
                 if (empty($arrName[0])) {
                     $arrName[0] = "[[" . $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_MEDIADIR_NEW_LEVEL'] . "]]";
                 if (empty($arrDescription[0])) {
                     $arrDescription[0] = isset($arrDescription[$_LANGID]) ? $arrDescription[$_LANGID] : '';
                 $strName = $arrName[$arrLang['id']];
                 $strDescription = $arrDescription[$arrLang['id']];
                 if (empty($strName)) {
                     $strName = $arrName[0];
                 if (empty($strDescription)) {
                     $strDescription = $arrDescription[0];
                 $objInsertNames = $objDatabase->Execute("\n                        INSERT INTO\n                            " . DBPREFIX . "module_" . $this->moduleTablePrefix . "_level_names\n                        SET\n                            `lang_id`='" . intval($arrLang['id']) . "',\n                            `level_id`='" . intval($intId) . "',\n                            `level_name`='" . contrexx_raw2db(contrexx_input2raw($strName)) . "',\n                            `level_description`='" . contrexx_raw2db(contrexx_input2raw($strDescription)) . "'\n                    ");
             if ($objInsertNames !== false) {
                 return true;
             } else {
                 return false;
         } else {
             return false;
     } else {
         //update category
         if ($intParentId == $intLevelId) {
             $parentSql = null;
         } else {
             $parentSql = "`parent_id`='" . $intParentId . "',";
         $objUpdateAttributes = $objDatabase->Execute("\n                UPDATE\n                    " . DBPREFIX . "module_" . $this->moduleTablePrefix . "_levels\n                SET\n                    " . $parentSql . "\n                    `show_entries`='" . $intShowEntries . "',\n                    `show_sublevels`='" . $intShowSublevels . "',\n                    `show_categories`='" . $intShowCategories . "',\n                    `picture`='" . $strPicture . "',\n                    `active`='" . $intActive . "'\n                WHERE\n                    `id`='" . $intId . "'\n            ");
         if ($objUpdateAttributes !== false) {
             $objDatabase->Execute("DELETE FROM " . DBPREFIX . "module_" . $this->moduleTablePrefix . "_level_names WHERE level_id='" . $intId . "'");
             foreach ($this->arrFrontendLanguages as $key => $arrLang) {
                 if (empty($arrName[0])) {
                     $arrName[0] = "[[" . $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_MEDIADIR_NEW_LEVEL'] . "]]";
                 if (empty($arrDescription[0])) {
                     $arrDescription[0] = isset($arrDescription[$_LANGID]) ? $arrDescription[$_LANGID] : '';
                 $strName = $arrName[$arrLang['id']];
                 $strDescription = $arrDescription[$arrLang['id']];
                 if (empty($strName)) {
                     $strName = $arrName[0];
                 if (empty($strDescription)) {
                     $strDescription = $arrDescription[0];
                 $objInsertNames = $objDatabase->Execute("\n                        INSERT INTO\n                            " . DBPREFIX . "module_" . $this->moduleTablePrefix . "_level_names\n                        SET\n                            `lang_id`='" . intval($arrLang['id']) . "',\n                            `level_id`='" . intval($intId) . "',\n                            `level_name`='" . contrexx_raw2db(contrexx_input2raw($strName)) . "',\n                            `level_description`='" . contrexx_raw2db(contrexx_input2raw($strDescription)) . "'\n                    ");
             if ($objInsertNames !== false) {
                 return true;
             } else {
                 return false;
         } else {
             return false;
Пример #10
  * Memberlist
  * @access private
  * @global ADONewConnection
  * @global array
  * @global array
 function _memberList()
     global $objDatabase, $_ARRAYLANG, $_CONFIG;
     $this->setDirs(0, true);
     $this->_objTpl->setTemplate($this->pageContent, true, true);
     $dirid = intval($_GET['id']);
     $this->_objTpl->setGlobalVariable(array("TXT_OVERVIEW" => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_OVERVIEW']));
     $treeid = $dirid;
     $tree = array();
     while ($treeid > 0) {
         $temp = array('id' => $treeid, 'name' => $this->directories[$treeid]['name']);
         $tree[] = $temp;
         $treeid = $this->directories[$treeid]['parentdir'];
     $tree = array_reverse($tree);
     foreach ($tree as $branch) {
         $this->_objTpl->setVariable(array("MEMBERDIR_DIRID" => $branch['id'], "MEMBERDIR_DIRNAME" => $branch['name']));
     if ($this->directories[$dirid]['displaymode'] == 0 || $this->directories[$dirid]['displaymode'] == 1) {
         $lastlevel = 0;
         if ($this->directories[$dirid]['has_children']) {
             $this->_objTpl->setVariable(array("TXT_CATEGORY_TREE_DESC" => "<div style=\"margin-bottom: 5px;\">" . $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_SUBDIRECTORIES'] . "</div>", 'TXT_MEMBERDIR_EXPORT_CONTACT_AS_VCARD' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_MEMBERDIR_EXPORT_CONTACT_AS_VCARD']));
         foreach ($this->directories as $dirkey => $directory) {
             // check language
             if ($directory['lang'] != 0 && $directory['lang'] != $this->langId) {
             if ($directory['active'] && $directory['parentdir'] == $dirid && $dirkey != 0) {
                 $this->_objTpl->setVariable(array("MEMBERDIR_DIR_ID" => $dirkey, "MEMBERDIR_DIR_NAME" => $directory['name'], "MEMBERDIR_IMAGE_SRC" => "pixel.gif"));
     if ($this->directories[$dirid]['displaymode'] == 0 || $this->directories[$dirid]['displaymode'] == 2) {
         if (empty($_GET['sort'])) {
             $_GET['sort'] = "";
         if (empty($_GET['search'])) {
             $_GET['search'] = "";
         $keyword = isset($_GET['keyword']) ? contrexx_addslashes($_GET['keyword']) : "";
         $sort = contrexx_addslashes($_GET['sort']);
         $this->_objTpl->setGlobalVariable(array("MEMBERDIR_DIRID" => $dirid, "MEMBERDIR_CHAR_LIST" => $this->_getCharList(CONTREXX_DIRECTORY_INDEX . "?section=MemberDir&amp;cmd=" . htmlentities($_GET['cmd'], ENT_QUOTES, CONTREXX_CHARSET) . "&amp;id=" . $dirid . "&amp;sort={$sort}"), "MEMBERDIR_DESCRIPTION" => nl2br($this->directories[$dirid]['description'])));
         $sortField = $this->directories[$dirid]['sort'];
         if ($sort == "sc") {
             /* Special Chars */
             $query = "SELECT *\n                          FROM " . DBPREFIX . "module_memberdir_values\n                          WHERE `1` REGEXP '^[^a-zA-Z]' AND\n                          `dirid` = '{$dirid}'";
         } elseif (preg_match("%^[a-z]\$%i", $sort)) {
             /* Sort by char */
             $query = "SELECT *\n                          FROM " . DBPREFIX . "module_memberdir_values\n                          WHERE `1` REGEXP '^" . $sort . "' AND\n                          `dirid` = '{$dirid}'";
         } elseif ($_GET['search'] == "search") {
             /* Search */
             $query = "SELECT *\n                          FROM " . DBPREFIX . "module_memberdir_values\n                          WHERE (\n                            `1` LIKE '%{$keyword}%' OR\n                            `2` LIKE '%{$keyword}%' OR\n                            `3` LIKE '%{$keyword}%' OR\n                            `4` LIKE '%{$keyword}%' OR\n                            `5` LIKE '%{$keyword}%' OR\n                            `6` LIKE '%{$keyword}%' OR\n                            `7` LIKE '%{$keyword}%' OR\n                            `8` LIKE '%{$keyword}%' OR\n                            `9` LIKE '%{$keyword}%' OR\n                            `10` LIKE '%{$keyword}%' OR\n                            `11` LIKE '%{$keyword}%' OR\n                            `12` LIKE '%{$keyword}%' OR\n                            `13` LIKE '%{$keyword}%' OR\n                            `14` LIKE '%{$keyword}%' OR\n                            `15` LIKE '%{$keyword}%' OR\n                            `16` LIKE '%{$keyword}%' OR\n                            `17` LIKE '%{$keyword}%' OR\n                            `18` LIKE '%{$keyword}%'\n                            ) ";
             if ($dirid != 0) {
                 $query .= " AND `dirid` = '{$dirid}'";
             $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute($query);
         } elseif ($sort == "all") {
             /* All */
             $query = "SELECT *\n                          FROM " . DBPREFIX . "module_memberdir_values\n                          WHERE `dirid` = '{$dirid}'";
         } else {
             if ($this->options['default_listing']) {
                 $query = "SELECT *\n                          FROM " . DBPREFIX . "module_memberdir_values\n                          WHERE `dirid` = '{$dirid}'";
         if ($this->options['default_listing']) {
             $query .= " ORDER BY `" . $sortField . "` ASC";
             $pos = isset($_GET['pos']) ? intval($_GET['pos']) : 0;
             $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute($query);
         if ($objResult) {
             $count = $objResult->RecordCount();
             $paging = getPaging($count, $pos, "&amp;section=MemberDir&amp;cmd=" . htmlentities($_GET['cmd'], ENT_QUOTES, CONTREXX_CHARSET) . "&amp;id={$dirid}&amp;sort={$sort}&amp;search=" . htmlentities(contrexx_stripslashes($_GET['search']), ENT_QUOTES, CONTREXX_CHARSET) . "&amp;keyword={$keyword}", "<b>" . $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_MEMBERDIR_ENTRIES'] . "</b>", true, $_CONFIG['corePagingLimit']);
             $this->_objTpl->setVariable("MEMBERDIR_PAGING", $paging);
             $objResult = $objDatabase->SelectLimit($query, $_CONFIG['corePagingLimit'], $pos);
             if ($objResult) {
                 $rowid = 1;
                 while (!$objResult->EOF) {
                     $fieldnames = $this->getFieldData($dirid);
                     for ($i = 1; $i < 17; $i++) {
                         $placeholder = $this->getPlaceholderName($fieldnames[$i]['name']);
                         $replace[$placeholder] = $objResult->fields["{$i}"];
                     if ($dirid == 0) {
                         $replace["FIELD_CATEGORY"] = $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_DIRECTORY'] . ": <strong>" . $this->directories[$objResult->fields['dirid']]['name'] . "</strong><br />";
                     if ($this->directories[$objResult->fields['dirid']] && $objResult->fields['pic1'] != "none") {
                         $src = $objResult->fields['pic1'];
                         $size = getimagesize(ASCMS_PATH . $src);
                         $width = $this->options['max_width'] < $size[0] ? $this->options['max_width'] : $size[0];
                         $height = $this->options['max_height'] < $size[1] ? $this->options['max_height'] : $size[1];
                         $this->_objTpl->setVariable(array("FIELD_PIC1" => "<img src=\"{$src}\" alt=\"\" style=\"width: " . $width . "px; height: " . $height . "px;\" /><br />"));
                     if ($this->directories[$objResult->fields['dirid']] && $objResult->fields['pic2'] != "none") {
                         $src = $objResult->fields['pic2'];
                         $size = getimagesize(ASCMS_PATH . $src);
                         $width = $this->options['max_width'] < $size[0] ? $this->options['max_width'] : $size[0];
                         $height = $this->options['max_height'] < $size[1] ? $this->options['max_height'] : $size[1];
                         $this->_objTpl->setVariable(array("FIELD_PIC2" => "<img src=\"{$src}\" alt=\"\" style=\"width: " . $width . "px; height: " . $height . "px;\" /><br />"));
                     $name = $key <= 12 ? strtoupper($field['name']) : $key;
                     $this->_objTpl->setVariable(array("MEMBERDIR_FIELD_" . $name => $key > 12 ? nl2br($objResult->fields[$key]) : $this->checkStr($objResult->fields[$key])));
                     $this->_objTpl->setVariable(array("MEMBERDIR_ROW" => $rowid, "MEMBERDIR_ID" => $objResult->fields['id'], "FIELD_DIRECTORY" => $this->directories[$dirid]['name']));
                     $rowid = $rowid == 2 ? 1 : 2;
 function interfaces()
     global $_ARRAYLANG, $_CORELANG;
     \Permission::checkAccess(MediaDirectoryAccessIDs::Interfaces, 'static');
     $this->_objTpl->loadTemplateFile('module_' . $this->moduleNameLC . '_interfaces.html', true, true);
     $this->pageTitle = $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_MEDIADIR_INTERFACES'];
     $objInterfaces = new MediaDirectoryInterfaces($this->moduleName);
     $tpl = isset($_GET['tpl']) ? $_GET['tpl'] : '';
     $step = isset($_GET['step']) ? $_GET['step'] : '';
     if (isset($_POST['submitInterfacesForm'])) {
         $strStatus = null;
         switch ($tpl) {
             case 'import':
                 $objImport = new MediaDirectoryImport($this->moduleName);
                 switch ($step) {
                     case 'insertSQL':
                         $strStatus = $objImport->importSQL(contrexx_addslashes($_POST['interfacesImportSqlTable']), contrexx_addslashes($_POST['pairs_left_keys']), contrexx_addslashes($_POST['pairs_right_keys']), intval($_POST['interfacesImportSqlType']), intval($_POST['interfacesImportSqlForm']), intval($_POST['interfacesImportSqlCategory']), intval($_POST['interfacesImportSqlLevel']));
                     case 'insertCSV':
                         $strStatus = $objImport->importCSV();
             case 'export':
                 $objExport = new MediaDirectoryExport($this->moduleName);
                 switch ($_POST['step']) {
                     case 'exportCSV':
                         $strStatus = $objExport->exportCSV(intval($_POST['interfacesExportForm']), $_POST['interfacesExportSelectedCategories'], $_POST['interfacesExportSelectedLevels'], intval($_POST['interfacesExportMask']));
         if ($strStatus === true) {
             $this->strOkMessage = "Ok";
         } else {
             if ($strStatus === false) {
                 $this->strErrMessage = "Not Ok";
     $this->_objTpl->setGlobalVariable(array('TXT_' . $this->moduleLangVar . '_IMPORT' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_MEDIADIR_IMPORT'], 'TXT_' . $this->moduleLangVar . '_EXPORT' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_MEDIADIR_EXPORT'], 'TXT_' . $this->moduleLangVar . '_SUBMIT' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_' . $this->moduleLangVar . '_SUBMIT'], 'TXT_' . $this->moduleLangVar . '_DO_IMPORT' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_MEDIADIR_DO_IMPORT'], 'TXT_' . $this->moduleLangVar . '_DO_EXPORT' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_MEDIADIR_DO_EXPORT'], 'TXT_' . $this->moduleLangVar . '_SELECT_TABLE' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_MEDIADIR_SELECT_TABLE'], 'TXT_' . $this->moduleLangVar . '_DELETE' => $_CORELANG['TXT_DELETE'], 'TXT_' . $this->moduleLangVar . '_ACTIVATE' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_MEDIADIR_ACTIVATE'], 'TXT_' . $this->moduleLangVar . '_DEACTIVATE' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_MEDIADIR_DEAVTIVATE']));
     switch ($tpl) {
         case 'import':
             $objInterfaces->showImport($step, $this->_objTpl);
         case 'export':
             $objInterfaces->showExport($step, $this->_objTpl);
  * Update form inputfields
  * Before calling this method Remove the existing form inputfield entries from db 
  * for avoiding the duplicate entries in db.
  * @param integer $intFieldId            Form InputField id
  * @param array   $arrFieldNames         Form inputField Names array, the key is refered as the language id    
  * @param array   $arrFieldDefaultValues Form inputField Default values array, the key is refered as the language id
  * @param array   $arrFieldInfos         Form inputField Information values  array the key is refered as the language id
  * @return boolean true | false
 public function updateInputFields($intFieldId, $arrFieldNames, $arrFieldDefaultValues, $arrFieldInfos)
     global $_LANGID, $objDatabase;
     foreach ($this->arrFrontendLanguages as $key => $arrLang) {
         if (empty($arrFieldNames[0])) {
             $arrFieldNames[0] = '';
         $strFieldName = $arrFieldNames[$arrLang['id']];
         $strFieldDefaultValue = $arrFieldDefaultValues[$arrLang['id']];
         $strFieldInfo = $arrFieldInfos[$arrLang['id']];
         if ($arrLang['id'] == $_LANGID) {
             if ($this->arrInputfields[$intFieldId]['name'][0] == $arrFieldNames[0] && $this->arrInputfields[$intFieldId]['name'][$arrLang['id']] != $arrFieldNames[$arrLang['id']]) {
                 $strFieldName = $arrFieldNames[$_LANGID];
             if ($this->arrInputfields[$intFieldId]['default_value'][0] == $strFieldDefaultValue && $this->arrInputfields[$intFieldId]['default_value'][$arrLang['id']] != $arrFieldDefaultValues[$arrLang['id']]) {
                 $strFieldDefaultValue = $arrFieldDefaultValues[$_LANGID];
             if ($this->arrInputfields[$intFieldId]['info'][0] == $arrFieldInfos[0] && $this->arrInputfields[$intFieldId]['info'][$arrLang['id']] != $arrFieldInfos[$arrLang['id']]) {
                 $strFieldInfo = $arrFieldInfos[$_LANGID];
             if ($this->arrInputfields[$intFieldId]['name'][0] != $arrFieldNames[0] && $this->arrInputfields[$intFieldId]['name'][$arrLang['id']] == $arrFieldNames[$arrLang['id']] || $this->arrInputfields[$intFieldId]['name'][0] != $arrFieldNames[0] && $this->arrInputfields[$intFieldId]['name'][$arrLang['id']] != $arrFieldNames[$arrLang['id']] || $this->arrInputfields[$intFieldId]['name'][0] == $arrFieldNames[0] && $this->arrInputfields[$intFieldId]['name'][$arrLang['id']] == $arrFieldNames[$arrLang['id']]) {
                 $strFieldName = $arrFieldNames[0];
             if ($this->arrInputfields[$intFieldId]['default_value'][0] != $arrFieldDefaultValues[0] && $this->arrInputfields[$intFieldId]['default_value'][$arrLang['id']] == $arrFieldDefaultValues[$arrLang['id']] || $this->arrInputfields[$intFieldId]['default_value'][0] != $arrFieldDefaultValues[0] && $this->arrInputfields[$intFieldId]['default_value'][$arrLang['id']] != $arrFieldDefaultValues[$arrLang['id']] || $this->arrInputfields[$intFieldId]['default_value'][0] == $arrFieldDefaultValues[0] && $this->arrInputfields[$intFieldId]['default_value'][$arrLang['id']] == $arrFieldDefaultValues[$arrLang['id']]) {
                 $strFieldDefaultValue = $arrFieldDefaultValues[0];
             if ($this->arrInputfields[$intFieldId]['info'][0] != $arrFieldInfos[0] && $this->arrInputfields[$intFieldId]['info'][$arrLang['id']] == $arrFieldInfos[$arrLang['id']] || $this->arrInputfields[$intFieldId]['info'][0] != $arrFieldInfos[0] && $this->arrInputfields[$intFieldId]['info'][$arrLang['id']] != $arrFieldInfos[$arrLang['id']] || $this->arrInputfields[$intFieldId]['info'][0] == $arrFieldInfos[0] && $this->arrInputfields[$intFieldId]['info'][$arrLang['id']] == $arrFieldInfos[$arrLang['id']]) {
                 $strFieldInfo = $arrFieldInfos[0];
         if (empty($strFieldName)) {
             $strFieldName = $arrFieldNames[0];
         if (empty($strFieldDefaultValue)) {
             $strFieldDefaultValue = $arrFieldDefaultValues[0];
         if (empty($strFieldInfo)) {
             $strFieldInfo = $arrFieldInfos[0];
         $objSaveInputfieldName = $objDatabase->Execute('
                 INSERT INTO
                     ' . DBPREFIX . 'module_' . $this->moduleTablePrefix . '_inputfield_names
                     `lang_id` = "' . contrexx_raw2db($arrLang['id']) . '",
                     `form_id` = "' . contrexx_raw2db($this->intFormId) . '",
                     `field_id` = "' . contrexx_raw2db($intFieldId) . '",
                     `field_name` = "' . contrexx_raw2db($strFieldName) . '",
                     `field_default_value` = "' . contrexx_raw2db($strFieldDefaultValue) . '",
                     `field_info` = "' . contrexx_addslashes(htmlentities($strFieldInfo, ENT_QUOTES, CONTREXX_CHARSET)) . '"
         if (!$objSaveInputfieldName) {
             return false;
     return true;
Пример #13
 function _modifyMedium()
     global $_ARRAYLANG, $_CONFIG;
     if (!isset($_REQUEST['section'])) {
         $_REQUEST['section'] = '';
     $mediumId = isset($_REQUEST['id']) ? intval($_REQUEST['id']) : 0;
     $mediumTitle = '';
     $mediumYoutubeID = '';
     $mediumAuthor = '';
     $mediumDescription = '';
     $mediumSource = '';
     $mediumThumbnail = '';
     $mediumTemplate = '';
     $mediumWidth = 0;
     $mediumHeight = 0;
     $mediumPlaylength = 0;
     $mediumSize = 0;
     $mediumStatus = 1;
     $mediumCategories = array();
     $saveStatus = true;
     if ($_REQUEST['section'] != 'Podcast') {
         //load backend template
     } else {
         //load frontend content as template
         $pageRepo = \Env::get('em')->getRepository('Cx\\Core\\ContentManager\\Model\\Entity\\Page');
         $pages = $pageRepo->findBy(array('module' => 'Podcast', 'type' => \Cx\Core\ContentManager\Model\Entity\Page::TYPE_APPLICATION, 'cmd' => 'modifyMedium'));
         if (count($pages)) {
             //overwrite template, since _modifyMedium is called in the same request as the _selectMediumSource
     $this->_pageTitle = $mediumId > 0 ? $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_PODCAST_MODIFY_MEDIUM'] : $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_PODCAST_ADD_MEDIUM'];
     if (isset($_POST['podcast_medium_save'])) {
         if (isset($_POST['podcast_medium_title'])) {
             $mediumTitle = trim($_POST['podcast_medium_title']);
         if (isset($_POST['podcast_medium_author'])) {
             $mediumAuthor = trim($_POST['podcast_medium_author']);
         if (isset($_POST['podcast_medium_description'])) {
             $mediumDescription = trim($_POST['podcast_medium_description']);
         if (isset($_POST['podcast_medium_template'])) {
             $mediumTemplate = intval($_POST['podcast_medium_template']);
         $mediumWidth = isset($_POST['podcast_medium_width']) ? intval($_POST['podcast_medium_width']) : 0;
         $mediumHeight = isset($_POST['podcast_medium_height']) ? intval($_POST['podcast_medium_height']) : 0;
         $mediumSize = isset($_POST['podcast_medium_filesize']) ? intval($_POST['podcast_medium_filesize']) : 0;
         if (!empty($_POST['podcast_medium_playlength'])) {
             $arrPlaylength = array();
             if (preg_match('/^(([0-9]*):)?(([0-9]*):)?([0-9]*)$/', $_POST['podcast_medium_playlength'], $arrPlaylength)) {
                 $minutes = empty($arrPlaylength[3]) ? $arrPlaylength[2] : $arrPlaylength[4];
                 $hours = empty($arrPlaylength[3]) ? $arrPlaylength[4] : $arrPlaylength[2];
                 $mediumPlaylength = $hours * 3600 + $minutes * 60 + $arrPlaylength[5];
         if (isset($_POST['podcast_medium_source'])) {
             $mediumSource = trim($_POST['podcast_medium_source']);
         if (isset($_POST['podcast_medium_thumbnail'])) {
             $mediumThumbnail = trim($_POST['podcast_medium_thumbnail']);
         if (!empty($_POST['podcast_youtubeID'])) {
             $mediumYoutubeID = trim($_POST['podcast_youtubeID']);
             $mediumSize = 0;
             $mediumTemplate = $this->_getYoutubeTemplate();
         $mediumStatus = $_REQUEST['section'] != 'podcast' ? isset($_POST['podcast_medium_status']) ? intval($_POST['podcast_medium_status']) : 0 : ($this->_arrSettings['auto_validate'] ? 1 : 0);
         if (isset($_POST['podcast_medium_associated_category'])) {
             foreach ($_POST['podcast_medium_associated_category'] as $categoryId => $status) {
                 if (intval($status) == 1) {
                     array_push($mediumCategories, intval($categoryId));
         if (empty($mediumTitle)) {
             $saveStatus = false;
             $this->_strErrMessage .= $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_PODCAST_EMPTY_MEDIUM_TITLE_MSG'] . "<br />\n";
         /*elseif (!$this->_isUniqueMediumTitle($mediumTitle, $mediumId)) {
               $saveStatus = false;
               $this->_strErrMessage .= $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_PODCAST_DUPLICATE_MEDIUM_TITLE_MSG']."<br />\n";
         if (empty($mediumTemplate)) {
             $saveStatus = false;
             $this->_strErrMessage .= $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_PODCAST_EMPTY_MEDIUM_TEMPLATE_MSG'] . "<br />\n";
         if ($saveStatus) {
             if ($mediumId > 0 && $_REQUEST['section'] != 'podcast') {
                 if ($this->_updateMedium($mediumId, $mediumTitle, $mediumYoutubeID, $mediumAuthor, $mediumDescription, $mediumThumbnail, $mediumTemplate, $mediumWidth, $mediumHeight, $mediumPlaylength, $mediumSize, $mediumCategories, $mediumStatus)) {
                     $this->_strOkMessage = $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_PODCAST_MEDIUM_ADDED_SUCCESSFULL'];
                     // Class in /core_modules/index.class.php is named Cache
                     // Class in /core_modules/admin.class.php is named CacheManager
                     $pageId = \Cx\Core\Core\Controller\Cx::instanciate()->getPage()->getId();
                     $cacheManager = new \Cx\Core_Modules\Cache\Controller\CacheManager();
                     return $this->_media();
                 } else {
                     $this->_strErrMessage = $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_PODCAST_MEDIUM_ADDED_FAILED'];
             } else {
                 if ($this->_addMedium($mediumTitle, $mediumYoutubeID, $mediumAuthor, $mediumDescription, $mediumSource, $mediumThumbnail, $mediumTemplate, $mediumWidth, $mediumHeight, $mediumPlaylength, $mediumSize, $mediumCategories, $mediumStatus)) {
                     // Class in /core_modules/index.class.php is named Cache
                     // Class in /core_modules/admin.class.php is named CacheManager
                     $pageId = \Cx\Core\Core\Controller\Cx::instanciate()->getPage()->getId();
                     $cacheManager = new \Cx\Core_Modules\Cache\Controller\CacheManager();
                     if ($_REQUEST['section'] != 'Podcast') {
                         $this->_strOkMessage = $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_PODCAST_MEDIUM_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULL'];
                         return $this->_media();
                     } else {
                         if ($this->_objTpl->blockExists('podcastThanks')) {
                         if ($this->_objTpl->blockExists('podcastForm')) {
                         return true;
                 } else {
                     $this->_strErrMessage = $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_PODCAST_MEDIUM_UPDATED_FAILED'];
     } elseif ($mediumId > 0 && ($arrMedium =& $this->_getMedium($mediumId)) !== false && $_REQUEST['section'] != 'Podcast') {
         $mediumTitle = $arrMedium['title'];
         $mediumAuthor = $arrMedium['author'];
         $mediumDescription = $arrMedium['description'];
         $mediumYoutubeID = $arrMedium['youtube_id'];
         $mediumSource = $arrMedium['source'];
         $mediumThumbnail = $arrMedium['thumbnail'];
         $mediumTemplate = $arrMedium['template_id'];
         $mediumWidth = $arrMedium['width'];
         $mediumHeight = $arrMedium['height'];
         $mediumStatus = $arrMedium['status'];
         $mediumCategories = $arrMedium['category'];
         $mediumPlaylength = $arrMedium['playlength'];
         $mediumSize = $arrMedium['size'];
     } elseif ($mediumId == 0) {
         $mediumSource = '';
         if (isset($_POST['podcast_medium_source_type']) && in_array($_POST['podcast_medium_source_type'], array('local', 'remote', 'youtube'))) {
             if ($_POST['podcast_medium_source_type'] == 'local') {
                 if (isset($_POST['podcast_medium_local_source'])) {
                     if (strpos($_POST['podcast_medium_local_source'], ASCMS_PATH_OFFSET) === 0) {
                         $mediumSource = ASCMS_PROTOCOL . '://%domain%%offset%' . substr($_POST['podcast_medium_local_source'], strlen(ASCMS_PATH_OFFSET));
                     } else {
                         $mediumSource = ASCMS_PROTOCOL . '://%domain%%offset%' . $_POST['podcast_medium_local_source'];
             } elseif ($_POST['podcast_medium_source_type'] == 'youtube') {
                 $mediumYoutubeID = contrexx_addslashes(trim($_POST['youtubeID']));
                 $mediumSource = 'http://youtube.com/v/' . $mediumYoutubeID;
             } elseif (isset($_POST['podcast_medium_remote_source'])) {
                 $mediumSource = $_POST['podcast_medium_remote_source'];
         if (empty($mediumSource)) {
             return $this->_selectMediumSource();
         if (!empty($mediumYoutubeID)) {
             $mediumTitle = $this->_getYoutubeTitle($mediumYoutubeID);
             $mediumThumbnail = ASCMS_PATH_OFFSET . $this->_saveYoutubeThumbnail($mediumYoutubeID);
             $mediumTemplate =& $this->_getYoutubeTemplate();
             $mediumDescription =& $this->_getYoutubeDescription($mediumYoutubeID);
             $mediumWidth = $this->_youTubeDefaultWidth;
             $mediumSize = 0;
             $mediumHeight = $this->_youTubeDefaultHeight;
         } else {
             $mediumTitle = ($lastSlash = strrpos($mediumSource, '/')) !== false ? substr($mediumSource, $lastSlash + 1) : $mediumSource;
             $mediumTemplate =& $this->_getSuitableTemplate($mediumSource);
             $dimensions = isset($_POST['podcast_medium_local_source']) && \Cx\Core_Modules\Media\Controller\MediaLibrary::_isImage(ASCMS_PATH . $_POST['podcast_medium_local_source']) ? @getimagesize(ASCMS_PATH . $_POST['podcast_medium_local_source']) : false;
             if ($dimensions) {
                 $mediumWidth = $dimensions[0];
                 $mediumHeight = $dimensions[1];
             } else {
                 $mediumWidth = $this->_arrSettings['default_width'];
                 $mediumHeight = $this->_arrSettings['default_height'];
             $mediumSize = isset($_POST['podcast_medium_local_source']) ? filesize(ASCMS_PATH . $_POST['podcast_medium_local_source']) : 0;
             $mediumSource = htmlentities(str_replace(array('%domain%', '%offset%'), array($_CONFIG['domainUrl'], ASCMS_PATH_OFFSET), $mediumSource), ENT_QUOTES, CONTREXX_CHARSET);
     $this->_objTpl->setVariable(array('PODCAST_MODIFY_TITLE' => $mediumId > 0 ? $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_PODCAST_MODIFY_MEDIUM'] : $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_PODCAST_ADD_MEDIUM'] . ' (' . $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_PODCAST_STEP'] . ' 2: ' . $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_PODCAST_CONFIG_MEDIUM'] . ')', 'PODCAST_MEDIUM_ID' => $mediumId, 'PODCAST_MEDIUM_TITLE' => htmlentities($mediumTitle, ENT_QUOTES, CONTREXX_CHARSET), 'PODCAST_MEDIUM_AUTHOR' => htmlentities($mediumAuthor, ENT_QUOTES, CONTREXX_CHARSET), 'PODCAST_MEDIUM_DESCRIPTION' => htmlentities($mediumDescription, ENT_QUOTES, CONTREXX_CHARSET), 'PODCAST_MEDIUM_SOURCE' => $mediumSource, 'PODCAST_MEDIUM_SOURCE_URL' => htmlentities($mediumSource, ENT_QUOTES, CONTREXX_CHARSET), 'PODCAST_MEDIUM_TEMPLATE_MENU' => $this->_getTemplateMenu($mediumTemplate, 'name="podcast_medium_template" style="width:450px;"'), 'PODCAST_MEDIUM_WIDTH' => $mediumWidth, 'PODCAST_MEDIUM_HEIGHT' => $mediumHeight, 'PODCAST_MEDIUM_PLAYLENGHT' => $this->_getShortPlaylengthFormatOfTimestamp($mediumPlaylength), 'PODCAST_MEDIUM_PLAYLENGTH' => $this->_getShortPlaylengthFormatOfTimestamp($mediumPlaylength), 'PODCAST_MEDIUM_FILESIZE' => $mediumSize, 'PODCAST_MEDIUM_THUMBNAIL_SRC' => !empty($mediumThumbnail) ? $mediumThumbnail : $this->_noThumbnail, 'PODCAST_MEDIUM_STATUS' => $mediumStatus == 1 ? 'checked="checked"' : '', 'PODCAST_MEDIUM_YOUTUBE_DISABLED' => !empty($mediumYoutubeID) ? 'disabled="disabled"' : '', 'PODCAST_MEDIUM_YOUTUBE_ID' => !empty($mediumYoutubeID) ? $mediumYoutubeID : '', 'PODCAST_THUMB_BROWSE' => self::getMediaBrowserButton('', array('data-cx-mb-views' => 'filebrowser', 'type' => 'button', 'style' => 'display:none', 'id' => 'podcast_thumbnail_browser'), 'mediaBrowserCallback')));
     $arrCategories =& $this->_getCategories();
     $categoryNr = 0;
     $arrLanguages = \FWLanguage::getLanguageArray();
     foreach ($arrCategories as $categoryId => $arrCategory) {
         if ($_REQUEST['section'] == 'Podcast') {
             if (!in_array($categoryId, $this->_communityCategories) && !empty($this->_communityCategories)) {
         $column = $categoryNr % 3;
         $arrCatLangIds =& $this->_getLangIdsOfCategory($categoryId);
         array_walk($arrCatLangIds, create_function('&$cat, $k, $arrLanguages', '$cat = $arrLanguages[$cat]["lang"];'), $arrLanguages);
         $arrCategory['title'] .= ' (' . implode(', ', $arrCatLangIds) . ')';
         $this->_objTpl->setVariable(array('PODCAST_CATEGORY_ID' => $categoryId, 'PODCAST_CATEGORY_ASSOCIATED' => in_array($categoryId, $mediumCategories) ? 'checked="checked"' : '', 'PODCAST_SHOW_MEDIA_OF_CATEGORY_TXT' => sprintf($_ARRAYLANG['TXT_PODCAST_SHOW_MEDIA_OF_CATEGORY'], $arrCategory['title']), 'PODCAST_CATEGORY_NAME' => $arrCategory['title']));
         $this->_objTpl->parse('podcast_medium_associated_category_' . $column);
Пример #14
  * Add content that is to be inserted
  * @param int $lang
  * @param string $question
  * @param string $answer
 public function addContent($lang, $question, $answer)
     $this->insertContent[] = array('lang' => intval($lang), 'question' => contrexx_addslashes($question), 'answer' => contrexx_addslashes($answer));
Пример #15
  * votes for feeds
  * @access    public
 function voteFeed()
     global $objDatabase, $_ARRAYLANG;
     $this->_objTpl->setTemplate($this->pageContent, true, true);
     $client = "";
     //client/proxy info
     $this->arrClient['useragent'] = htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], ENT_QUOTES, CONTREXX_CHARSET);
     if (stristr($this->arrClient['useragent'], "phpinfo")) {
         $this->arrClient['useragent'] = "<b>p_h_p_i_n_f_o() Possible Hacking Attack</b>";
     $this->arrClient['language'] = htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'], ENT_QUOTES, CONTREXX_CHARSET);
     $client = md5($this->arrClient['ip'] . $this->arrClient['useragent'] . $this->arrClient['language'] . $this->arrProxy['ip'] . $this->arrProxy['host']);
     $time = time();
     $voteNEW = intval($_GET['vote']);
     $id = intval($_GET['id']);
     $cid = intval($_GET['cid']);
     $lid = intval($_GET['lid']);
     //get clients
     $objResult = $objDatabase->SelectLimit("\n            SELECT client, vote, count\n              FROM " . DBPREFIX . "module_directory_vote\n             WHERE feed_id='{$id}'\n        ", 1);
     if ($objResult) {
         while (!$objResult->EOF) {
             $clientOLD = $objResult->fields['client'];
             $voteOLD = $objResult->fields['vote'];
             $countOLD = $objResult->fields['count'];
     $feedTitle = '';
     if (!checkForSpider() && isset($id) && isset($voteNEW) && $client != $clientOLD) {
         if ($voteNEW > 10) {
             $voteNEW = 10;
         } elseif ($voteNEW < 1) {
             $voteNEW = 1;
         if (id !== "") {
             //insert votes
             if ($objResult->RecordCount() != 0) {
                 $vote = $voteNEW + $voteOLD;
                 $count = $countOLD + 1;
                 $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute("\n                        UPDATE " . DBPREFIX . "module_directory_vote\n                           SET vote='" . contrexx_addslashes($vote) . "',\n                               count='" . contrexx_addslashes($count) . "',\n                               client='" . contrexx_addslashes($client) . "',\n                               time='" . contrexx_addslashes($time) . "'\n                         WHERE feed_id='" . contrexx_addslashes($id) . "'\n                    ");
             } else {
                 $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute("\n                        INSERT INTO " . DBPREFIX . "module_directory_vote\n                           SET feed_id=" . contrexx_addslashes($id) . ",\n                               count='1',\n                               vote='" . contrexx_addslashes($voteNEW) . "',\n                               client='" . contrexx_addslashes($client) . "',\n                               time='" . contrexx_addslashes($time) . "'\n                    ");
         // TODO: $feedTitle is not defined!  No idea on what to place there.
         $link = '<a href="' . CONTREXX_SCRIPT_PATH . '?section=Directory&cmd=detail&id=' . $id . '" target="_blank">' . $feedTitle . '</a>';
         //            $link = '<a href="'.CONTREXX_SCRIPT_PATH.'?section=Directory&cmd=detail&id='.$id.'" target="_blank">???</a>';
         $text = str_replace('%LINK%', $link, $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_DIRECTORY_VOTING_SUCCESFULL_TEXT']);
         $text = str_replace('%VOTE%', $voteNEW, $text);
     } else {
     //get navtree
     $this->getNavtree($lid, $cid);
     //get search
     // set variables
     $this->_objTpl->setVariable(array('DIRECTORY_CATEGORY_NAVI' => $this->navtree, 'DIRECTORY_VOTE_TITLE' => $title, 'DIRECTORY_VOTE_TEXT' => $text, 'DIRECTORY_BACK' => '<a href="javascript:history.go(-1);">' . $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_DIRECTORY_BACK'] . '</a>', 'TXT_DIRECTORY_DIR' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_DIR_DIRECTORY']));
Пример #16
  * Check if there already exist a form with this name
  * @author      Stefan Heinemann <*****@*****.**>
  * @param       string $name
  * @param       int $id
  * @param       int $lang
  * @return      boolean
 function isUniqueFormName($name, $lang, $id = 0)
     global $objDatabase;
     $name = contrexx_addslashes($name);
     $query = "\n            SELECT\n                `f`.`id`\n            FROM\n                `" . DBPREFIX . "module_contact_form`       AS `f`\n            LEFT JOIN\n                `" . DBPREFIX . "module_contact_form_lang`  AS `l`\n            ON\n                `f`.`id` = `l`.`formID`\n            AND\n                `l`.`langID` = " . intval($lang) . "\n            WHERE\n                `l`.`name` = '" . $name . "'\n        ";
     $res = $objDatabase->Execute($query);
     if ($id == 0) {
         return $res->RecordCount() == 0;
     } else {
         return $res->RecordCount() == 0 || $res->fields[$id] == $id;
     // this is crap. Why does it always read all of the forms?
     // ok, admittedly, t's also crap to query the db for each language
     // ... but i don't f*****g care right now.
             if (is_array($this->arrForms)) {
        foreach ($this->arrForms as $formId => $arrForm) {
            if ($formId != $id && $arrForm['name'] == $name) {
                return false;
             return true;
  * Set a value
  * If the value doesn't exist yet, create it
  * @param string $what
  * @param string $value
  * @global $objDatabase
  * @throws DatabaseError
 public function set($what, $value)
     global $objDatabase;
     $what = contrexx_addslashes($what);
     $value = contrexx_addslashes($value);
     if (!isset($this->settings[$what])) {
         $query = "  INSERT INTO " . DBPREFIX . $this->table . "\n                        (name, value)\n                        VALUES\n                        ('" . $what . "', '" . $value . "')";
     } else {
         $query = "  UPDATE " . DBPREFIX . $this->table . "\n                        SET value = '" . $value . "'\n                        WHERE name = '" . $what . "'";
     if ($objDatabase->Execute($query) === false) {
         throw new DatabaseError("");
Пример #18
  * update selected file
  * @access   public
  * @global    array
  * @global    ADONewConnection
  * @global    array
 function updateFile($addedby)
     global $_CONFIG, $objDatabase, $_ARRAYLANG;
     //get post data
     if (isset($_POST['edit_submit'])) {
         $dirId = intval($_POST['edit_id']);
         $query = "UPDATE " . DBPREFIX . "module_directory_dir SET ";
         foreach ($_POST["inputValue"] as $inputName => $inputValue) {
             switch ($inputName) {
                 case 'lat':
                 case 'lat_fraction':
                 case 'lon':
                 case 'lon_fraction':
                 case 'zoom':
                     continue 2;
             //check links
             if ($inputName == "relatedlinks" || $inputName == "homepage" || $inputName == "link") {
                 if (substr($inputValue, 0, 7) != "http://" && $inputValue != "") {
                     $inputValue = "http://" . $inputValue;
             //check rss
             if ($inputName == "rss_link") {
                 $objResultRSS = $objDatabase->SelectLimit("SELECT rss_link, rss_file FROM " . DBPREFIX . "module_directory_dir WHERE id = '" . $dirId . "'", 1);
                 $oldRssLink = $objResultRSS->fields['rss_link'];
                 $oldRssFile = $objResultRSS->fields['rss_file'];
                 if ($inputValue != $oldRssLink) {
                     $obj_file = new \File();
                     $obj_file->delFile($this->mediaPath, $this->mediaWebPath, "ext_feeds/" . $oldRssFile);
                     //create rss
                     $link = $inputValue;
                     $rss_file = $this->createXML($link);
                     if (substr($inputValue, 0, 7) != "http://" && $inputValue != "") {
                         $inputValue = "http://" . $inputValue;
                     if ($rss_file == "error") {
                         $inputValue = "";
                         $rss_file = "";
                 } else {
                     $inputValue = $oldRssLink;
                     $rss_file = $oldRssLink;
             //get author id
             if ($inputName == "addedby") {
                 if ($addedby != '') {
                     $inputValue = $addedby;
                 } else {
                     $inputValue = $this->getAuthorID($inputValue);
             //check pics
             if ($inputName == "logo" || $inputName == "lokal" || $inputName == "map" || $inputName == "spez_field_11" || $inputName == "spez_field_12" || $inputName == "spez_field_13" || $inputName == "spez_field_14" || $inputName == "spez_field_15" || $inputName == "spez_field_16" || $inputName == "spez_field_17" || $inputName == "spez_field_18" || $inputName == "spez_field_19" || $inputName == "spez_field_20") {
                 if (!empty($_FILES[$inputName]['name']) || $_POST["deleteMedia"][$inputName] == 1) {
                     $obj_file = new \File();
                     if (file_exists($this->mediaPath . "thumbs/" . $_POST["inputValue"][$inputName])) {
                         $obj_file->delFile($this->mediaPath, $this->mediaWebPath, "thumbs/" . $_POST["inputValue"][$inputName]);
                     if (file_exists($this->mediaPath . "images/" . $_POST["inputValue"][$inputName]) && $_POST["inputValue"][$inputName] != 'no_picture.gif') {
                         $obj_file->delFile($this->mediaPath, $this->mediaWebPath, "images/" . $_POST["inputValue"][$inputName]);
                     if ($_POST["deleteMedia"][$inputName] != 1) {
                         $inputValue = $this->uploadMedia($inputName, "images/");
                         if ($inputValue == "error") {
                             $inputValue = "";
                     } else {
                         $inputValue = "";
             //check uploads
             $arrSpezialUploadFields = array('attachment', 'spez_field_25', 'spez_field_26', 'spez_field_27', 'spez_field_28', 'spez_field_29');
             if (in_array($inputName, $arrSpezialUploadFields)) {
                 if (!empty($_FILES[$inputName]['name']) || $_POST["deleteMedia"][$inputName] == 1) {
                     $obj_file = new \File();
                     if (file_exists($this->mediaPath . "uploads/" . $_POST["inputValue"][$inputName])) {
                         $obj_file->delFile($this->mediaPath, $this->mediaWebPath, "uploads/" . $_POST["inputValue"][$inputName]);
                     if ($_POST["deleteMedia"][$inputName] != 1) {
                         $inputValue = $this->uploadMedia($inputName, "uploads/");
                         if ($inputValue == "error") {
                             $inputValue = "";
                     } else {
                         $inputValue = "";
                 } else {
                     $inputValue = "";
              * spezial upload fields must be updated only when new file is uploaded or old one is deleted
              * other input types must be updated unconditionally.
             if (!in_array($inputName, $arrSpezialUploadFields)) {
                 $query .= contrexx_addslashes($inputName) . " ='" . contrexx_strip_tags(contrexx_addslashes($inputValue)) . "', ";
             } else {
                 if (in_array($inputName, $arrSpezialUploadFields) && (!empty($_FILES[$inputName]['name']) || $_POST["deleteMedia"][$inputName] == 1)) {
                     $query .= contrexx_addslashes($inputName) . " ='" . contrexx_strip_tags(contrexx_addslashes($inputValue)) . "', ";
         //get status settings
         $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute("SELECT setvalue FROM " . DBPREFIX . "module_directory_settings WHERE setname = 'editFeed_status' LIMIT 1");
         if ($objResult !== false) {
             while (!$objResult->EOF) {
                 $entryStatus = $objResult->fields['setvalue'];
         //numbers could be too big for intavl(), use contrexx_addslashes() instead...
         $query .= " premium='" . $_POST["premium"] . "', status='" . intval($entryStatus) . "',  validatedate='" . mktime("now") . "', longitude='" . contrexx_addslashes($_REQUEST['inputValue']['lon']) . '.' . contrexx_addslashes($_POST['inputValue']['lon_fraction']) . "', latitude='" . contrexx_addslashes($_REQUEST['inputValue']['lat']) . '.' . contrexx_addslashes($_REQUEST['inputValue']['lat_fraction']) . "', zoom='" . intval($_REQUEST['inputValue']['zoom']) . "' WHERE id='" . $dirId . "'";
         //edit entry
         $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute($query);
         if ($objResult !== false) {
             $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute("DELETE FROM " . DBPREFIX . "module_directory_rel_dir_cat WHERE dir_id='" . $dirId . "'");
             $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute("DELETE FROM " . DBPREFIX . "module_directory_rel_dir_level WHERE dir_id='" . $dirId . "'");
             foreach ($_POST["selectedCat"] as $inputName => $inputValue) {
                 $query = "INSERT INTO " . DBPREFIX . "module_directory_rel_dir_cat SET dir_id='" . $dirId . "', cat_id='" . $inputValue . "'";
             foreach ($_POST["selectedLevel"] as $inputName => $inputValue) {
                 $query = "INSERT INTO " . DBPREFIX . "module_directory_rel_dir_level SET dir_id='" . $dirId . "', level_id='" . $inputValue . "'";
             if ($entryStatus == 1) {
                 // TODO: $id is never set!
             $this->strOkMessage = $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_FEED_SUCCESSFULL_ADDED'];
             $status = $dirId;
         //update xml
         return $status;
     return false;
 function _editMail($copy = false)
     global $objDatabase, $_ARRAYLANG, $_CONFIG;
     $mailId = isset($_REQUEST['id']) ? intval($_REQUEST['id']) : 0;
     $arrAttachment = array();
     $attachmentNr = 0;
     $arrAssociatedLists = array();
     $arrAssociatedGroups = array();
     $status = true;
     $mailSubject = isset($_POST['newsletter_mail_subject']) ? contrexx_stripslashes($_POST['newsletter_mail_subject']) : '';
     $objMailSentDate = $objDatabase->Execute("SELECT `date_sent` FROM " . DBPREFIX . "module_newsletter WHERE id=" . $mailId);
     $mailSendDate = $objMailSentDate ? $objMailSentDate->fields['date_sent'] : 0;
     $arrTemplates = $this->_getTemplates();
     $mailTemplate = isset($_POST['newsletter_mail_template']) ? intval($_POST['newsletter_mail_template']) : key($arrTemplates);
     if (isset($_POST['newsletter_import_template'])) {
         $importTemplate = intval($_POST['newsletter_import_template']);
     if (isset($_POST['newsletter_mail_html_content'])) {
         $mailHtmlContent = $this->_getBodyContent(contrexx_input2raw($_POST['newsletter_mail_html_content']));
     } elseif (isset($_POST['selected'])) {
         $selectedNews = contrexx_input2db($_POST['selected']);
         $HTML_TemplateSource_Import = $this->_getBodyContent($this->_prepareNewsPreview($this->GetTemplateSource($importTemplate, 'html')));
         $_REQUEST['standalone'] = true;
         $this->_impTpl = new \Cx\Core\Html\Sigma();
         $query = '  SELECT  n.id                AS newsid,
                             n.userid            AS newsuid,
                             n.date              AS newsdate,
                             nl.title            AS newstitle,
                             nl.text             AS newscontent,
                             nc.name             AS name
                 FROM        ' . DBPREFIX . 'module_news AS n
                 INNER JOIN  ' . DBPREFIX . 'module_news_locale AS nl ON nl.news_id = n.id
                 INNER JOIN  ' . DBPREFIX . 'module_news_categories_locale AS nc ON nc.category_id=n.catid
                 WHERE       status = 1
                             AND nl.is_active=1
                             AND nl.lang_id=' . FRONTEND_LANG_ID . '
                             AND nc.lang_id=' . FRONTEND_LANG_ID . '
                             AND n.id IN (' . $selectedNews . ')
                 ORDER BY nc.name ASC, n.date DESC';
         $objFWUser = \FWUser::getFWUserObject();
         $objNews = $objDatabase->Execute($query);
         $current_category = '';
         if ($this->_impTpl->blockExists('news_list')) {
             if ($objNews !== false) {
                 while (!$objNews->EOF) {
                     $this->_impTpl->setVariable(array('NEWS_CATEGORY_NAME' => $objNews->fields['name']));
                     if ($current_category == $objNews->fields['catid']) {
                     $current_category = $objNews->fields['catid'];
                     $newsid = $objNews->fields['newsid'];
                     $newstitle = $objNews->fields['newstitle'];
                     $newsUrl = empty($objNews->fields['redirect']) ? empty($objNews->fields['newscontent']) ? '' : 'index.php?section=News&cmd=details&newsid=' . $newsid : $objNews->fields['redirect'];
                     $newstext = ltrim(strip_tags($objNews->fields['newscontent']));
                     $newsteasertext = ltrim(strip_tags($objNews->fields['teaser_text']));
                     $newslink = "[[" . \Cx\Core\ContentManager\Model\Entity\Page::PLACEHOLDER_PREFIX . "NEWS_DETAILS]]?newsid=" . $newsid;
                     if ($objNews->fields['newsuid'] && ($objUser = $objFWUser->objUser->getUser($objNews->fields['newsuid']))) {
                         $author = htmlentities($objUser->getUsername(), ENT_QUOTES, CONTREXX_CHARSET);
                     } else {
                         $author = $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_ANONYMOUS'];
                     list($image, $htmlLinkImage, $imageSource) = \Cx\Core_Modules\News\Controller\NewsLibrary::parseImageThumbnail($objNews->fields['teaser_image_path'], $objNews->fields['teaser_image_thumbnail_path'], $newstitle, $newsUrl);
                     $this->_impTpl->setVariable(array('NEWS_CATEGORY_NAME' => $objNews->fields['name'], 'NEWS_DATE' => date(ASCMS_DATE_FORMAT_DATE, $objNews->fields['newsdate']), 'NEWS_LONG_DATE' => date(ASCMS_DATE_FORMAT_DATETIME, $objNews->fields['newsdate']), 'NEWS_TITLE' => contrexx_raw2xhtml($newstitle), 'NEWS_URL' => $newslink, 'NEWS_TEASER_TEXT' => $newsteasertext, 'NEWS_TEXT' => $newstext, 'NEWS_AUTHOR' => $author));
                     $imageTemplateBlock = "news_image";
                     if (!empty($image)) {
                         $this->_impTpl->setVariable(array('NEWS_IMAGE' => $image, 'NEWS_IMAGE_SRC' => contrexx_raw2xhtml($imageSource), 'NEWS_IMAGE_ALT' => contrexx_raw2xhtml($newstitle), 'NEWS_IMAGE_LINK' => $htmlLinkImage));
                         if ($this->_impTpl->blockExists($imageTemplateBlock)) {
                     } else {
                         if ($this->_impTpl->blockExists($imageTemplateBlock)) {
             $mailHtmlContent = $this->_impTpl->get();
         } else {
             if ($objNews !== false) {
                 $mailHtmlContent = '';
                 while (!$objNews->EOF) {
                     $content = $this->_getBodyContent($this->GetTemplateSource($importTemplate, 'html'));
                     $newstext = ltrim(strip_tags($objNews->fields['newscontent']));
                     $newsteasertext = ltrim(strip_tags($objNews->fields['teaser_text']));
                     $newslink = \Cx\Core\Routing\Url::fromModuleAndCmd('News', 'details', '', array('newsid' => $objNews->fields['newsid']));
                     if ($objNews->fields['newsuid'] && ($objUser = $objFWUser->objUser->getUser($objNews->fields['newsuid']))) {
                         $author = htmlentities($objUser->getUsername(), ENT_QUOTES, CONTREXX_CHARSET);
                     } else {
                         $author = $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_ANONYMOUS'];
                     $search = array('[[NEWS_DATE]]', '[[NEWS_LONG_DATE]]', '[[NEWS_TITLE]]', '[[NEWS_URL]]', '[[NEWS_IMAGE_PATH]]', '[[NEWS_TEASER_TEXT]]', '[[NEWS_TEXT]]', '[[NEWS_AUTHOR]]', '[[NEWS_TYPE_NAME]]', '[[NEWS_CATEGORY_NAME]]');
                     $replace = array(date(ASCMS_DATE_FORMAT_DATE, $objNews->fields['newsdate']), date(ASCMS_DATE_FORMAT_DATETIME, $objNews->fields['newsdate']), $objNews->fields['newstitle'], $newslink, htmlentities($objNews->fields['teaser_image_thumbnail_path'], ENT_QUOTES, CONTREXX_CHARSET), $newsteasertext, $newstext, $author, $objNews->fields['typename'], $objNews->fields['name']);
                     $content = str_replace($search, $replace, $content);
                     if ($mailHtmlContent != '') {
                         $mailHtmlContent .= "<br/>" . $content;
                     } else {
                         $mailHtmlContent = $content;
     } else {
         $mailHtmlContent = '';
     if (isset($_POST['newsletter_mail_attachment']) && is_array($_POST['newsletter_mail_attachment'])) {
         foreach ($_POST['newsletter_mail_attachment'] as $attachment) {
             array_push($arrAttachment, contrexx_addslashes($attachment));
     if (isset($_POST['newsletter_mail_priority'])) {
         $mailPriority = intval($_POST['newsletter_mail_priority']);
         if ($mailPriority < 1 || $mailPriority > 5) {
             $mailPriority = $this->_stdMailPriority;
     } else {
         $mailPriority = $this->_stdMailPriority;
     if (isset($_POST['newsletter_mail_associated_list'])) {
         foreach ($_POST['newsletter_mail_associated_list'] as $listId => $status) {
             if (intval($status) == 1) {
                 array_push($arrAssociatedLists, intval($listId));
     // get the associated groups from the post variables in case the form was already sent
     if (isset($_POST['newsletter_mail_associated_group'])) {
         foreach ($_POST['newsletter_mail_associated_group'] as $groupID => $status) {
             if ($status) {
                 $arrAssociatedGroups[] = intval($groupID);
     $arrSettings = $this->_getSettings();
     $mailSenderMail = isset($_POST['newsletter_mail_sender_mail']) ? contrexx_stripslashes($_POST['newsletter_mail_sender_mail']) : $arrSettings['sender_mail']['setvalue'];
     $mailSenderName = isset($_POST['newsletter_mail_sender_name']) ? contrexx_stripslashes($_POST['newsletter_mail_sender_name']) : $arrSettings['sender_name']['setvalue'];
     $mailReply = isset($_POST['newsletter_mail_sender_reply']) ? contrexx_stripslashes($_POST['newsletter_mail_sender_reply']) : $arrSettings['reply_mail']['setvalue'];
     $mailSmtpServer = isset($_POST['newsletter_mail_smtp_account']) ? intval($_POST['newsletter_mail_smtp_account']) : $_CONFIG['coreSmtpServer'];
     $cx = \Cx\Core\Core\Controller\Cx::instanciate();
     if (isset($_POST['newsletter_mail_save'])) {
         $objAttachment = $objDatabase->Execute("SELECT file_name FROM " . DBPREFIX . "module_newsletter_attachment WHERE newsletter=" . $mailId);
         if ($objAttachment !== false) {
             $arrCurrentAttachments = array();
             while (!$objAttachment->EOF) {
                 array_push($arrCurrentAttachments, $cx->getWebsiteImagesAttachWebPath() . '/' . $objAttachment->fields['file_name']);
             $arrNewAttachments = array_diff($arrAttachment, $arrCurrentAttachments);
             $arrRemovedAttachments = array_diff($arrCurrentAttachments, $arrAttachment);
         $mailHtmlContentReplaced = preg_replace('/\\[\\[([A-Z0-9_]*?)\\]\\]/', '{\\1}', $mailHtmlContent);
         $mailHtmlContentReplaced = $this->_getBodyContent($mailHtmlContentReplaced);
         if ($mailId > 0) {
             $status = $this->_updateMail($mailId, $mailSubject, $mailTemplate, $mailSenderMail, $mailSenderName, $mailReply, $mailSmtpServer, $mailPriority, $arrAttachment, $mailHtmlContentReplaced);
         } else {
             $mailId = $this->_addMail($mailSubject, $mailTemplate, $mailSenderMail, $mailSenderName, $mailReply, $mailSmtpServer, $mailPriority, $arrAttachment, $mailHtmlContentReplaced);
             if ($mailId === false) {
                 $status = false;
         if ($status) {
             // prepare every link of HTML body for tracking function
             $this->_setMailLists($mailId, $arrAssociatedLists, $mailSendDate);
             $this->setMailGroups($mailId, $arrAssociatedGroups, $mailSendDate);
             foreach ($arrNewAttachments as $attachment) {
                 $this->_addMailAttachment($attachment, $mailId);
             foreach ($arrRemovedAttachments as $attachment) {
                 $this->_removeMailAttachment($attachment, $mailId);
             self::$strOkMessage .= $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_DATA_RECORD_STORED_SUCCESSFUL'];
             if (isset($_GET['sendMail']) && $_GET['sendMail'] == '1') {
                 return $this->_sendMailPage();
             } else {
                 return $this->_mails();
     } elseif ((!isset($_GET['setFormat']) || $_GET['setFormat'] != '1') && $mailId > 0) {
         $objResult = $objDatabase->SelectLimit("SELECT\n                subject,\n                template,\n                content,\n                attachment,\n                priority,\n                sender_email,\n                sender_name,\n                return_path,\n                smtp_server\n                FROM " . DBPREFIX . "module_newsletter\n                WHERE id=" . $mailId, 1);
         if ($objResult !== false) {
             if ($objResult->RecordCount() == 1) {
                 $mailSubject = $objResult->fields['subject'];
                 $mailTemplate = $objResult->fields['template'];
                 $mailHtmlContent = preg_replace('/\\{([A-Z0-9_-]+)\\}/', '[[\\1]]', $objResult->fields['content']);
                 $mailPriority = $objResult->fields['priority'];
                 $mailSenderMail = $objResult->fields['sender_email'];
                 $mailSenderName = $objResult->fields['sender_name'];
                 $mailReply = $objResult->fields['return_path'];
                 $mailSmtpServer = $objResult->fields['smtp_server'];
                 $objList = $objDatabase->Execute("SELECT category FROM " . DBPREFIX . "module_newsletter_rel_cat_news WHERE newsletter=" . $mailId);
                 if ($objList !== false) {
                     while (!$objList->EOF) {
                         array_push($arrAssociatedLists, $objList->fields['category']);
                 $arrAssociatedGroups = $this->emailEditGetAssociatedGroups($mailId);
                 if ($objResult->fields['attachment'] == '1') {
                     $objAttachment = $objDatabase->Execute("SELECT file_name FROM " . DBPREFIX . "module_newsletter_attachment WHERE newsletter=" . $mailId);
                     if ($objAttachment !== false) {
                         while (!$objAttachment->EOF) {
                             array_push($arrAttachment, $cx->getWebsiteImagesAttachWebPath() . '/' . $objAttachment->fields['file_name']);
             } else {
                 return $this->_mails();
     } else {
         $arrSettings = $this->_getSettings();
         $mailSenderMail = $arrSettings['sender_mail']['setvalue'];
         $mailSenderName = $arrSettings['sender_name']['setvalue'];
         $mailReply = $arrSettings['reply_mail']['setvalue'];
         $mailSmtpServer = $_CONFIG['coreSmtpServer'];
         if (!empty($_POST['textfield'])) {
             $mailHtmlContent = nl2br($_POST['textfield']);
     $act = $copy ? 'copyMail' : 'editMail';
     // remove newsletter_link_N value from rel attribute of the links
     if ($copy) {
         $mailHtmlContent = $this->_prepareNewsletterLinksForCopy($mailHtmlContent);
     $this->_objTpl->setVariable(array('NEWSLETTER_MAIL_ID' => $copy ? 0 : $mailId, 'NEWSLETTER_MAIL_SUBJECT' => htmlentities($mailSubject, ENT_QUOTES, CONTREXX_CHARSET), 'NEWSLETTER_MAIL_HTML_CONTENT' => new \Cx\Core\Wysiwyg\Wysiwyg('newsletter_mail_html_content', contrexx_raw2xhtml($mailHtmlContent), 'fullpage'), 'NEWSLETTER_MAIL_PRIORITY_MENU' => $this->_getMailPriorityMenu($mailPriority, 'name="newsletter_mail_priority" style="width:300px;"'), 'NEWSLETTER_MAIL_TEMPLATE_MENU' => $this->_getTemplateMenu($mailTemplate, 'name="newsletter_mail_template" style="width:300px;" onchange="document.getElementById(\'newsletter_mail_form\').action=\'index.php?cmd=Newsletter&amp;act=' . $act . '&amp;id=' . $mailId . '&amp;setFormat=1\';document.getElementById(\'newsletter_mail_form\').submit()"'), 'NEWSLETTER_MAIL_SENDER_MAIL' => htmlentities($mailSenderMail, ENT_QUOTES, CONTREXX_CHARSET), 'NEWSLETTER_MAIL_SENDER_NAME' => htmlentities($mailSenderName, ENT_QUOTES, CONTREXX_CHARSET), 'NEWSLETTER_MAIL_REPLY' => htmlentities($mailReply, ENT_QUOTES, CONTREXX_CHARSET), 'NEWSLETTER_MAIL_SMTP_SERVER' => \SmtpSettings::getSmtpAccountMenu($mailSmtpServer, 'name="newsletter_mail_smtp_account" style="width:300px;"'), 'NEWSLETTER_MAIL_SEND' => $_GET['act'] == 'sendMail' ? 1 : 0));
     $this->_objTpl->setVariable('TXT_NEWSLETTER_HTML_UC', $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_NEWSLETTER_HTML_UC']);
     if (count($arrAttachment) > 0) {
         foreach ($arrAttachment as $attachment) {
             $this->_objTpl->setVariable(array('NEWSLETTER_MAIL_ATTACHMENT_NR' => $attachmentNr, 'NEWSLETTER_MAIL_ATTACHMENT_NAME' => substr($attachment, strrpos($attachment, '/') + 1), 'NEWSLETTER_MAIL_ATTACHMENT_URL' => $attachment));
     } else {
     $this->_objTpl->setVariable(array('NEWSLETTER_MAIL_ATTACHMENT_NR' => $attachmentNr, 'NEWSLETTER_MAIL_ATTACHMENT_BOX' => $attachmentNr > 0 ? 'block' : 'none'));
     if (!$copy && $mailId > 0 && $mailSendDate > 0) {
     } else {
     // Mediabrowser
     $mediaBrowser = new \Cx\Core_Modules\MediaBrowser\Model\Entity\MediaBrowser();
     $mediaBrowser->setOptions(array('data-cx-mb-views' => 'filebrowser', 'type' => 'button'));
     $this->_objTpl->setVariable(array('NEWSLETTER_ATTACH_FILE' => $mediaBrowser->getXHtml($_ARRAYLANG['TXT_NEWSLETTER_ATTACH_FILE'])));
     return true;
Пример #20
  * show thread
  * @param integer $intThreadId
  * @return bool
 function showThread($intThreadId)
     global $objDatabase, $_ARRAYLANG;
     $objFWUser = \FWUser::getFWUserObject();
     $intThreadId = intval($intThreadId);
     if (!empty($_REQUEST['notification_update']) && $_REQUEST['notification_update'] == $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_FORUM_UPDATE_NOTIFICATION']) {
     $intCatId = !empty($_REQUEST['category_id']) ? intval($_REQUEST['category_id']) : '0';
     if ($intCatId == 0) {
         $intCatId = $this->_getCategoryIdFromThread($intThreadId);
     if (empty($intCatId)) {
         \Cx\Core\Csrf\Controller\Csrf::header('Location: index.php?section=Forum');
     if ($objFWUser->objUser->login()) {
     } else {
     $intPostId = !empty($_REQUEST['postid']) ? intval($_REQUEST['postid']) : 0;
     $intPostId = $intPostId == 0 && !empty($_REQUEST['post_id']) ? intval($_REQUEST['post_id']) : $intPostId;
     $this->_objTpl->setVariable('FORUM_EDIT_POST_ID', $intPostId);
     $_REQUEST['act'] = !empty($_REQUEST['act']) ? $_REQUEST['act'] : '';
     if ($_REQUEST['act'] == 'delete') {
         if ($this->_checkAuth($intCatId, 'delete')) {
             if ($this->_deletePost($intCatId, $intThreadId, $_REQUEST['postid'])) {
                 $this->_objTpl->setVariable('TXT_FORUM_SUCCESS', '<br />' . $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_FORUM_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY']);
             } else {
                 $this->_objTpl->setVariable('TXT_FORUM_ERROR', '<br />' . $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_FORUM_DELETE_FAILED']);
         } else {
             $this->_objTpl->setVariable('TXT_FORUM_ERROR', '<br />' . $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_FORUM_NO_ACCESS']);
     $pos = !empty($_REQUEST['pos']) ? intval($_REQUEST['pos']) : 0;
     $this->_objTpl->setVariable(array('FORUM_PAGING_POS' => $pos));
     if (!empty($_REQUEST['preview_new'])) {
         $pos = $this->_getLastPos($intPostId, $intThreadId);
     if (!empty($_REQUEST['postid'])) {
         if ($_REQUEST['act'] == 'quote') {
             $pos = $this->_getLastPos($intPostId, $intThreadId);
         if ($_REQUEST['act'] == 'edit') {
             $pos = $this->_getEditPos($intPostId, $intThreadId);
     if (!empty($_REQUEST['l']) && $_REQUEST['l'] == 1) {
         $pos = $this->_getEditPos($intPostId, $intThreadId);
     $arrPosts = $this->createPostArray($intThreadId, $pos);
     if (!empty($_REQUEST['preview_edit']) && $_REQUEST['post_id'] != 0 && $_REQUEST['act'] != 'quote') {
         $intPostId = intval($intPostId);
         $pos = $this->_getEditPos($intPostId, $intThreadId);
         $arrPosts = $this->createPostArray($intThreadId, $pos);
         $arrPosts[$intPostId]['subject'] = !empty($_REQUEST['subject']) ? contrexx_strip_tags($_REQUEST['subject']) : $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_FORUM_NO_SUBJECT'];
         $arrPosts[$intPostId]['content'] = \Cx\Core\Wysiwyg\Wysiwyg::prepareBBCodeForOutput(contrexx_input2raw($_REQUEST['message']));
     $userId = $objFWUser->objUser->login() ? $objFWUser->objUser->getId() : 0;
     $icon = !empty($_REQUEST['icons']) ? intval($_REQUEST['icons']) : 1;
     if ($_REQUEST['act'] == 'edit') {
         //submit is an edit
         $arrEditedPost = $this->_getPostingData($intPostId);
         $subject = addcslashes(htmlentities($arrEditedPost['subject'], ENT_QUOTES, CONTREXX_CHARSET), '\\');
         $content = $arrEditedPost['content'];
         $keywords = addcslashes(htmlentities($arrEditedPost['keywords'], ENT_QUOTES, CONTREXX_CHARSET), '\\');
         $attachment = $arrEditedPost['attachment'];
         $this->_objTpl->setVariable('FORUM_POST_EDIT_USERID', $arrPosts[$intPostId]['user_id']);
         if (!empty($attachment)) {
             $this->_objTpl->setVariable('TXT_FORUM_DELETE_ATTACHMENT', sprintf($_ARRAYLANG['TXT_FORUM_DELETE_ATTACHMENT'], $attachment));
     } else {
         //new post
         if ($this->_objTpl->blockExists('delAttachment')) {
         $subject = !empty($_REQUEST['subject']) ? contrexx_strip_tags($_REQUEST['subject']) : '';
         $content = !empty($_REQUEST['message']) ? contrexx_input2raw(strip_tags($_REQUEST['message'])) : '';
         $keywords = !empty($_REQUEST['keywords']) ? contrexx_strip_tags($_REQUEST['keywords']) : '';
         $attachment = !empty($_REQUEST['attachment']) ? contrexx_strip_tags($_REQUEST['attachment']) : '';
     if ($_REQUEST['act'] == 'quote') {
         $quoteContent = $this->_getPostingData($intPostId);
         $subject = 'RE: ' . addcslashes(htmlentities($quoteContent['subject'], ENT_QUOTES, CONTREXX_CHARSET), '\\');
         $content = '[quote=' . $arrPosts[$intPostId]['user_name'] . ']' . strip_tags($quoteContent['content']) . '[/quote]';
     $firstPost = current($arrPosts);
     if ($this->_arrSettings['wysiwyg_editor'] == 1) {
         //IF WYSIWIG enabled..
         $strMessageInputHTML = new \Cx\Core\Wysiwyg\Wysiwyg('message', $content, 'bbcode');
     } else {
         //plain textarea
         $strMessageInputHTML = '<textarea style="width: 400px; height: 150px;" rows="5" cols="10" name="message">' . contrexx_raw2xhtml($content) . '</textarea>';
     $this->_objTpl->setGlobalVariable(array('FORUM_JAVASCRIPT_GOTO' => $this->getJavascript('goto'), 'FORUM_JAVASCRIPT_DELETE' => $this->getJavascript('deletePost'), 'FORUM_JAVASCRIPT_SCROLLTO' => $this->getJavascript('scrollto'), 'FORUM_SCROLLPOS' => !empty($_REQUEST['scrollpos']) ? intval($_REQUEST['scrollpos']) : '0', 'FORUM_JAVASCRIPT_INSERT_TEXT' => $this->getJavascript('insertText', array($intCatId, $intThreadId, $firstPost)), 'FORUM_NAME' => $this->_shortenString($firstPost['subject'], $this->_maxStringlength), 'FORUM_TREE' => $this->_createNavTree($intCatId) . '<a title="' . $this->_arrTranslations[$intCatId][$this->_intLangId]['name'] . '" href="index.php?section=Forum&amp;cmd=board&amp;id=' . $intCatId . '">' . $this->_shortenString($this->_arrTranslations[$intCatId][$this->_intLangId]['name'], $this->_maxStringlength) . '</a> > ', 'FORUM_DROPDOWN' => $this->createForumDD('forum_quickaccess', $intCatId, 'onchange="gotoForum(this);"', ''), 'TXT_FORUM_COMMA_SEPARATED_KEYWORDS' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_FORUM_COMMA_SEPARATED_KEYWORDS'], 'TXT_FORUM_KEYWORDS' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_FORUM_KEYWORDS'], 'TXT_FORUM_FILE_ATTACHMENT' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_FORUM_FILE_ATTACHMENT'], 'TXT_FORUM_RATING' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_FORUM_RATING'], 'TXT_FORUM_ADD_POST' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_FORUM_ADD_POST'], 'TXT_FORUM_SUBJECT' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_FORUM_SUBJECT'], 'TXT_FORUM_MESSAGE' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_FORUM_MESSAGE'], 'TXT_FORUM_RESET' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_FORUM_RESET'], 'TXT_FORUM_CREATE_POST' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_FORUM_CREATE_POST'], 'TXT_FORUM_ICON' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_FORUM_ICON'], 'TXT_FORUM_QUOTE' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_FORUM_QUOTE'], 'TXT_FORUM_EDIT' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_FORUM_EDIT'], 'TXT_FORUM_DELETE' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_FORUM_DELETE'], 'TXT_FORUM_PREVIEW' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_FORUM_PREVIEW'], 'TXT_FORUM_UPDATE_POST' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_FORUM_UPDATE_POST'], 'TXT_FORUM_NOTIFY_NEW_POSTS' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_FORUM_NOTIFY_NEW_POSTS'], 'TXT_FORUM_QUICKACCESS' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_FORUM_QUICKACCESS'], 'TXT_FORUM_UPDATE_NOTIFICATION' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_FORUM_UPDATE_NOTIFICATION'], 'TXT_FORUM_THREAD_ACTION_DESC' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_FORUM_THREAD_ACTION_DESC'], 'TXT_FORUM_THREAD_ACTION_MOVE' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_FORUM_THREAD_ACTION_MOVE'], 'TXT_FORUM_THREAD_ACTION_CLOSE' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_FORUM_THREAD_ACTION_CLOSE_' . $firstPost['is_locked']], 'TXT_FORUM_THREAD_ACTION_STICKY' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_FORUM_THREAD_ACTION_STICKY_' . $firstPost['is_sticky']], 'TXT_FORUM_THREAD_ACTION_DELETE' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_FORUM_THREAD_ACTION_DELETE'], 'TXT_FORUM_CHOOSE_FILE' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_FORUM_CHOOSE_FILE'], 'FORUM_NOTIFICATION_CHECKBOX_CHECKED' => $this->_hasNotification($intThreadId) ? 'checked="checked"' : '', 'FORUM_SUBJECT' => stripslashes($subject), 'FORUM_KEYWORDS' => stripslashes($keywords), 'FORUM_ATTACHMENT_OLDNAME' => $attachment, 'FORUM_MESSAGE_INPUT' => $strMessageInputHTML, 'FORUM_CAPTCHA_CODE' => \Cx\Core_Modules\Captcha\Controller\Captcha::getInstance()->getCode(), 'FORUM_THREAD_ID' => $intThreadId, 'FORUM_CATEGORY_ID' => $intCatId, 'FORUM_POSTS_PAGING' => getPaging($this->_postCount, $pos, '&section=Forum&cmd=thread&id=' . $intThreadId, $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_FORUM_OVERVIEW_POSTINGS'], true, $this->_arrSettings['posting_paging'])));
     if ($objFWUser->objUser->login()) {
     } else {
     if (!$this->_checkAuth($intCatId, 'read')) {
         $this->_objTpl->setVariable('TXT_FORUM_ERROR', '<br />' . $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_FORUM_NO_ACCESS']);
         return false;
     $intCounter = 0;
     foreach ($arrPosts as $postId => $arrValues) {
         $strRating = '<span id="forum_current_rating_' . $postId . '" class="rating_%s">%s</span>';
         if ($arrValues['rating'] == 0) {
             $class = 'none';
         } elseif ($arrValues['rating'] > 0) {
             $class = 'pos';
         } else {
             $class = 'neg';
         $strRating = sprintf($strRating, $class, $arrValues['rating']);
         $strUserProfileLink = $arrValues['user_id'] > 0 ? '<a title="' . $arrValues['user_name'] . '" href="index.php?section=Access&amp;cmd=user&amp;id=' . $arrValues['user_id'] . '">' . $arrValues['user_name'] . '</a>' : $this->_anonymousName;
         $arrAttachment = $this->_getAttachment($arrValues['attachment']);
         $this->_objTpl->setGlobalVariable(array('FORUM_POST_ROWCLASS' => $intCounter++ % 2 + 1));
         $quoteLink = "id=" . $intThreadId . "&act=quote&postid=" . $postId;
         $quoteLinkLoggedIn = "location.href='" . \Cx\Core\Csrf\Controller\Csrf::enhanceURI("index.php?section=Forum") . "&amp;cmd=thread&amp;" . htmlentities($quoteLink) . "';";
         $quoteLinkNotLoggedIn = "location.href='" . \Cx\Core\Csrf\Controller\Csrf::enhanceURI("index.php?section=Login") . "&amp;redirect=" . base64_encode("index.php?section=Forum&cmd=thread&" . $quoteLink) . "';";
         $this->_objTpl->setVariable(array('FORUM_POST_DATE' => $arrValues['time_created'], 'FORUM_POST_LAST_EDITED' => $arrValues['time_edited'] != date(ASCMS_DATE_FORMAT, 0) ? $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_FORUM_LAST_EDITED'] . $arrValues['time_edited'] : '', 'FORUM_USER_ID' => $arrValues['user_id'], 'FORUM_USER_NAME' => $strUserProfileLink, 'FORUM_USER_IMAGE' => !empty($arrValues['user_image']) ? '<img border="0" width="60" height="60" src="' . $arrValues['user_image'] . '" title="' . $arrValues['user_name'] . '\'s avatar" alt="' . $arrValues['user_name'] . '\'s avatar" />' : '', 'FORUM_USER_GROUP' => '', 'FORUM_USER_RANK' => '', 'FORUM_USER_REGISTERED_SINCE' => '', 'FORUM_USER_POSTING_COUNT' => '', 'FORUM_USER_CONTACTS' => '', 'FORUM_POST_NUMBER' => '#' . $arrValues['post_number'], 'FORUM_POST_ICON' => $arrValues['post_icon'], 'FORUM_POST_SUBJECT' => $arrValues['subject'], 'FORUM_POST_MESSAGE' => $arrValues['content'], 'FORUM_POST_RATING' => $strRating, 'FORUM_POST_ATTACHMENT_LINK' => $arrAttachment['webpath'], 'FORUM_POST_ATTACHMENT_FILENAME' => $arrAttachment['name'], 'FORUM_POST_ATTACHMENT_ICON' => $arrAttachment['icon'], 'FORUM_POST_ATTACHMENT_FILESIZE' => $arrAttachment['size'], 'FORUM_QUOTE_ONCLICK' => $this->_checkAuth($intCatId, 'write') ? $quoteLinkLoggedIn : $quoteLinkNotLoggedIn));
         if (!$objFWUser->objUser->login() && !$this->_checkAuth($intCatId, 'write')) {
             $button = '<input type="button" value="' . $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_FORUM_CREATE_POST'] . '" onclick="location.href=\'' . \Cx\Core\Csrf\Controller\Csrf::enhanceURI('index.php?section=Login') . '&redirect=' . base64_encode($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) . '\';" />';
             $this->_objTpl->setVariable(array('FORUM_POST_REPLY_REDIRECT' => $button));
         $this->_objTpl->setVariable(array('FORUM_POST_ID' => $postId, 'FORUM_RATING_POST_ID' => $postId));
         if ($firstPost['is_locked'] != 1 && ($this->_checkAuth($intCatId, 'edit') || $objFWUser->objUser->login() && $arrValues['user_id'] == $objFWUser->objUser->getId())) {
         } else {
         if ($firstPost['is_locked'] != 1 && ($this->_checkAuth($intCatId, 'write') || !$firstPost['is_locked'])) {
         } else {
         if ($this->_checkAuth($intCatId, 'delete') && $arrValues['post_number'] != 1) {
             $this->_objTpl->setVariable(array('FORUM_POST_ID' => $postId));
         } else {
         if ($this->_objTpl->blockExists('rating')) {
             if ($objFWUser->objUser->login() && !$this->_hasRated($postId)) {
             } else {
         if ($this->_objTpl->blockExists('attachment')) {
             if (!empty($arrValues['attachment'])) {
             } else {
     if (!$this->_checkAuth($intCatId, 'write') || $firstPost['is_locked'] == 1) {
     } else {
     // initialize the uploader
     //addpost code
     if (!empty($_REQUEST['create']) && $_REQUEST['create'] == $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_FORUM_CREATE_POST']) {
         if (!$this->_checkAuth($intCatId, 'write') && $firstPost['is_locked'] != 1) {
             //auth check
             $this->_objTpl->setVariable('TXT_FORUM_ERROR', '<br />' . $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_FORUM_NO_ACCESS']);
             return false;
         if (!$objFWUser->objUser->login() && !\Cx\Core_Modules\Captcha\Controller\Captcha::getInstance()->check()) {
             //captcha check
             return false;
         if (strlen(trim($content)) < $this->_minPostlength) {
             //content check
             $this->_objTpl->setVariable('TXT_FORUM_ERROR', sprintf('<br />' . $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_FORUM_POST_EMPTY'], $this->_minPostlength));
             return false;
         if (false !== ($match = $this->_hasBadWords($content))) {
             $this->_objTpl->setVariable('TXT_FORUM_ERROR', sprintf('<br />' . $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_FORUM_BANNED_WORD'], $match[1]));
             return false;
         $fileInfo = $this->_handleUpload('forum_attachment');
         if ($fileInfo === false) {
             //an error occured, the file wasn't properly transferred. exit function to display error set in _handleUpload()
             return false;
         $lastPostIdQuery = '    SELECT max( id ) as last_post_id
                                 FROM ' . DBPREFIX . 'module_forum_postings
                                 WHERE category_id = ' . $intCatId . '
                                 AND      thread_id = ' . $intThreadId;
         if (($objRSmaxId = $objDatabase->SelectLimit($lastPostIdQuery, 1)) !== false) {
             $intPrevPostId = $objRSmaxId->fields['last_post_id'];
         } else {
             die('Database error: ' . $objDatabase->ErrorMsg());
         $insertQuery = 'INSERT INTO ' . DBPREFIX . 'module_forum_postings (
                         id,             category_id,    thread_id,            prev_post_id,
                         user_id,         time_created,    time_edited,         is_locked,
                         is_sticky,         rating,         views,                 icon,
                         keywords,        subject,        content,             attachment
                     ) VALUES (
                         NULL, ' . $intCatId . ', ' . $intThreadId . ', ' . $intPrevPostId . ',
                         ' . $userId . ', ' . time() . ',         0,                     0,
                         0,                   0,        0, ' . $icon . ",\n                            '{$keywords}' ,'" . $subject . "',    '" . contrexx_raw2db($content) . "', '" . $fileInfo['name'] . "'\n                        )";
         if ($objDatabase->Execute($insertQuery) !== false) {
             $lastInsertId = $objDatabase->Insert_ID();
             $this->updateViewsNewItem($intCatId, $lastInsertId, true);
             $this->_sendNotifications($intThreadId, $subject, $content);
             $pageId = \Cx\Core\Core\Controller\Cx::instanciate()->getPage()->getId();
             $cacheManager = new \Cx\Core_Modules\Cache\Controller\CacheManager();
         \Cx\Core\Csrf\Controller\Csrf::header('Location: index.php?section=Forum&cmd=thread&id=' . $intThreadId . '&pos=' . $this->_getLastPos($postId, $intThreadId));
     if (!empty($_REQUEST['preview_new'])) {
         $content = \Cx\Core\Wysiwyg\Wysiwyg::prepareBBCodeForOutput($content);
         if (false !== ($match = $this->_hasBadWords($content))) {
             $this->_objTpl->setVariable('TXT_FORUM_ERROR', sprintf('<br />' . $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_FORUM_BANNED_WORD'], $match[1]));
             return false;
         if (strlen(trim($content)) < $this->_minPostlength) {
             //content check
             $this->_objTpl->setVariable('TXT_FORUM_ERROR', sprintf('<br />' . $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_FORUM_POST_EMPTY'], $this->_minPostlength));
             return false;
         $this->_objTpl->setVariable(array('FORUM_POST_ROWCLASS' => $intCounter++ % 2 + 1, 'FORUM_POST_DATE' => date(ASCMS_DATE_FORMAT, time()), 'FORUM_USER_ID' => $userId, 'FORUM_USER_NAME' => $objFWUser->objUser->login() ? '<a href="index.php?section=Access&amp;cmd=user&amp;id=' . $userId . '" title="' . htmlentities($objFWUser->objUser->getUsername(), ENT_QUOTES, CONTREXX_CHARSET) . '">' . htmlentities($objFWUser->objUser->getUsername(), ENT_QUOTES, CONTREXX_CHARSET) . '</a>' : $this->_anonymousName, 'FORUM_USER_IMAGE' => !empty($arrValues['user_image']) ? '<img border="0" width="60" height="60" src="' . $arrValues['user_image'] . '" title="' . $arrValues['user_name'] . '\'s avatar" alt="' . $arrValues['user_name'] . '\'s avatar" />' : '', 'FORUM_USER_GROUP' => '', 'FORUM_USER_RANK' => '', 'FORUM_USER_REGISTERED_SINCE' => '', 'FORUM_USER_POSTING_COUNT' => '', 'FORUM_USER_CONTACTS' => '', 'FORUM_POST_NUMBER' => '#' . ($this->_postCount + 1), 'FORUM_POST_ICON' => $this->getThreadIcon($icon), 'FORUM_POST_SUBJECT' => stripslashes($subject), 'FORUM_POST_MESSAGE' => $content, 'FORUM_POST_RATING' => '0'));
         if ($this->_objTpl->blockExists('attachment')) {
     if (!empty($_REQUEST['update']) && $_REQUEST['update'] == $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_FORUM_UPDATE_POST']) {
         if (strlen(trim($content)) < $this->_minPostlength) {
             //content size check
             $this->_objTpl->setVariable('TXT_FORUM_ERROR', sprintf('<br />' . $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_FORUM_POST_EMPTY'], $this->_minPostlength));
             return false;
         if (!$this->_checkAuth($intCatId, 'edit') && (!$objFWUser->objUser->login() || $arrValues['user_id'] != $objFWUser->objUser->getId())) {
             $this->_objTpl->setVariable('TXT_FORUM_ERROR', '<br />' . $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_FORUM_NO_ACCESS']);
             return false;
         if (!$objFWUser->objUser->login() && !\Cx\Core_Modules\Captcha\Controller\Captcha::getInstance()->check()) {
             return false;
         if (false !== ($match = $this->_hasBadWords($content))) {
             $this->_objTpl->setVariable('TXT_FORUM_ERROR', sprintf('<br />' . $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_FORUM_BANNED_WORD'], $match[1]));
             return false;
         $fileInfo = $this->_handleUpload('forum_attachment');
         if ($fileInfo === false) {
             //an error occured, the file wasn't properly transferred. exit function to display error set in _handleUpload()
             return false;
         if (empty($_POST['forum_delete_attachment']) && empty($fileInfo['name']) && !empty($_REQUEST['forum_attachment_oldname'])) {
             $fileInfo['name'] = contrexx_addslashes($_REQUEST['forum_attachment_oldname']);
         } elseif (!empty($_POST['forum_delete_attachment']) && $_POST['forum_delete_attachment'] == 1 || !empty($_REQUEST['forum_attachment_oldname']) && $fileInfo['name'] != $_REQUEST['forum_attachment_oldname']) {
             unlink(\Cx\Core\Core\Controller\Cx::instanciate()->getWebsiteMediaForumUploadPath() . '/' . str_replace(array('./', '.\\'), '', $_REQUEST['forum_attachment_oldname']));
         $updateQuery = 'UPDATE ' . DBPREFIX . 'module_forum_postings SET
                         time_edited = ' . mktime() . ',
                         icon = ' . $icon . ',
                         subject = \'' . $subject . '\',
                         keywords = \'' . $keywords . '\',
                         content = \'' . contrexx_raw2db($content) . '\',
                         attachment = \'' . $fileInfo['name'] . '\'
                         WHERE id = ' . $intPostId;
         if ($objDatabase->Execute($updateQuery) !== false) {
             $this->updateViews($intThreadId, $intPostId);
             $pageId = \Cx\Core\Core\Controller\Cx::instanciate()->getPage()->getId();
             $cacheManager = new \Cx\Core_Modules\Cache\Controller\CacheManager();
         \Cx\Core\Csrf\Controller\Csrf::header('Location: index.php?section=Forum&cmd=thread&id=' . $intThreadId . '&pos=' . $this->_getLastPos($postId, $intThreadId));
     if (!empty($_REQUEST['preview_edit'])) {
     $hasAccess = false;
     foreach (array('STICKY', 'MOVE', 'CLOSE', 'DELETE') as $action) {
         if (!$this->_checkAuth($intCatId, strtolower($action))) {
             $this->_objTpl->setVariable('FORUM_THREAD_ACTIONS_DISABLED_' . $action, 'disabled="disabled"');
         } else {
             $hasAccess = true;
     if ($this->_objTpl->blockExists('threadActionsSelect')) {
         if ($userId < 1 || !$hasAccess) {
         } else {
     if (!empty($_REQUEST['action']) && $_REQUEST['action'] == 'move' && !empty($_REQUEST['id'])) {
         $thread = intval($_REQUEST['id']);
         $newCat = intval($_REQUEST['moveToThread']);
         $oldCat = $this->_getCategoryIdFromThread($thread);
         $query = "UPDATE `" . DBPREFIX . "module_forum_postings` SET `category_id` = {$newCat} WHERE `thread_id` = " . $thread;
         if ($objDatabase->Execute($query)) {
             $intMovedPosts = $objDatabase->Affected_Rows();
             $query = "SELECT max( `id` ) as `lastid` FROM `" . DBPREFIX . "module_forum_postings` WHERE `thread_id` = {$thread}";
             $objRS = $objDatabase->SelectLimit($query, 1);
             $intMovedPostLastId = $objRS->fields['lastid'];
             $query = "SELECT max( `id` ) as `lastid` FROM `" . DBPREFIX . "module_forum_postings` WHERE `category_id` = {$oldCat}";
             $objRS = $objDatabase->SelectLimit($query, 1);
             $query = "UPDATE `" . DBPREFIX . "module_forum_statistics` SET `thread_count` = `thread_count` - 1, `post_count` = `post_count` - {$intMovedPosts}, `last_post_id` = " . (intval($objRS->fields['lastid']) > 0 ? intval($objRS->fields['lastid']) : 0) . " WHERE `category_id` = {$oldCat}";
             $query = "SELECT `id` FROM `" . DBPREFIX . "module_forum_postings` WHERE `category_id` = {$newCat} GROUP BY `time_created` DESC";
             $objRS = $objDatabase->Execute($query);
             $query = "UPDATE `" . DBPREFIX . "module_forum_statistics` SET `thread_count` = `thread_count` + 1, `post_count` = `post_count` + {$intMovedPosts}, `last_post_id` = " . $objRS->fields['id'] . " WHERE `category_id` = {$newCat}";
             $this->_objTpl->setVariable(array('TXT_THREAD_ACTION_' . ($success ? 'SUCCESS' : 'ERROR') => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_FORUM_THREAD_ACTION_MOVE' . (!$success ? 'UN' : '') . 'SUCCESSFUL'], 'FORUM_CATEGORY_ID' => $intCatId, 'FORUM_THREAD_ID' => $intThreadId));
             \Cx\Core\Csrf\Controller\Csrf::header('Location: index.php?section=Forum&cmd=thread&id=' . $thread);
     if (!empty($_GET['a'])) {
         $this->_objTpl->setVariable(array('TXT_FORUM_' . ($_GET['r'] == 1 ? 'SUCCESS' : 'ERROR') => '<br />' . $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_FORUM_THREAD_ACTION_' . strtoupper($_GET['a']) . '_' . (!$_GET['r'] ? 'UN' : '') . 'SUCCESSFUL' . $_GET['s']]));
     $success = false;
     if (!empty($_REQUEST['thread_actions'])) {
         $action = contrexx_addslashes($_REQUEST['thread_actions']);
         if ($this->_checkAuth($intCatId, $action)) {
             switch ($action) {
                 case 'move':
                     $arrForums = $this->createForumArray($this->_intLangId);
                     foreach ($arrForums as $intCatID => $arrThread) {
                         $strOptions .= '<option value="' . $intCatID . '" ' . ($arrThread['level'] == 0 ? 'disabled="disabled"' : '') . '>' . str_repeat('&nbsp;', $arrThread['level'] * 2) . $arrThread['name'] . '</option>';
                     $this->_objTpl->setVariable(array('FORUM_THREADS' => $strOptions));
                     $success = true;
                     $suffix = '';
                 case 'close':
                     $query = "UPDATE `" . DBPREFIX . "module_forum_postings` SET `is_locked` = IF(`is_locked` = '0' OR `is_locked` = '', '1', '0') WHERE thread_id = " . intval($_REQUEST['id']);
                     if ($objDatabase->Execute($query) !== false) {
                         $success = true;
                     $suffix = '_' . $firstPost['is_locked'];
                 case 'sticky':
                     $query = "UPDATE `" . DBPREFIX . "module_forum_postings` SET `is_sticky` = IF(`is_sticky` = '0' OR `is_sticky` = '', '1', '0') WHERE thread_id = " . intval($_REQUEST['id']);
                     if ($objDatabase->Execute($query) !== false) {
                         $success = true;
                     $suffix = '_' . $firstPost['is_sticky'];
             if ($action != 'move') {
                 \Cx\Core\Csrf\Controller\Csrf::header('Location: index.php?section=Forum&cmd=thread&id=' . $intThreadId . '&a=' . $action . '&r=' . $success . '&s=' . $suffix);
         } else {
             $this->_objTpl->setVariable('TXT_THREAD_ACTION_ERROR', $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_FORUM_NO_ACCESS']);
     } else {
         $this->updateViews($intThreadId, $intPostId);
     return true;
Пример #21
  * update settings
  * @access   public
  * @global    array
  * @global    ADONewConnection
  * @global    array
  * @global    array
 function updateSettings()
     global $objDatabase, $_CORELANG, $_ARRAYLANG;
     if (isset($_POST['set_sys_submit'])) {
         //get post data
         foreach ($_POST['setvalue'] as $id => $value) {
             //update settings
             // check for description field to be required
             if ($id == 13 && $value == 1) {
                 $objDatabase->Execute("UPDATE `" . DBPREFIX . "module_directory_inputfields` SET active='1', is_required='1', active_backend='1' WHERE name='description'");
             if (ini_get('allow_url_fopen') == false && $id == 19) {
                 $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute("UPDATE " . DBPREFIX . "module_directory_settings SET setvalue='0' WHERE setid=" . intval($id));
             } else {
                 $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute("UPDATE " . DBPREFIX . "module_directory_settings SET setvalue='" . contrexx_addslashes($value) . "' WHERE setid=" . intval($id));
         $this->strOkMessage = $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_DIR_SETTINGS_SUCCESFULL_SAVE'];
     if (isset($_POST['set_google_submit'])) {
         //get post data
         foreach ($_POST['setvalue'] as $id => $value) {
             //update settings
             $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute("UPDATE " . DBPREFIX . "module_directory_settings_google SET setvalue='" . contrexx_addslashes($value) . "' WHERE setid=" . intval($id));
         $this->strOkMessage = $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_DIR_SETTINGS_SUCCESFULL_SAVE'];
     if (isset($_POST['set_homecontent_submit'])) {
         //update settings
         \Cx\Core\Setting\Controller\Setting::init('Config', 'component', 'Yaml');
         if (isset($_POST['setHomeContent'])) {
             if (!\Cx\Core\Setting\Controller\Setting::isDefined('directoryHomeContent')) {
                 \Cx\Core\Setting\Controller\Setting::add('directoryHomeContent', contrexx_addslashes($_POST['setHomeContent']), 1, \Cx\Core\Setting\Controller\Setting::TYPE_RADIO, '1:TXT_ACTIVATED,0:TXT_DEACTIVATED', 'component');
             } else {
                 \Cx\Core\Setting\Controller\Setting::set('directoryHomeContent', contrexx_addslashes($_POST['setHomeContent']));
         \Cx\Core\Csrf\Controller\Csrf::header('Location: ?cmd=Directory&act=settings&tpl=homecontent');
         $this->strOkMessage = $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_DIR_SETTINGS_SUCCESFULL_SAVE'];
     if (isset($_POST['set_mail_submit'])) {
         //update settings
         $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute("UPDATE " . DBPREFIX . "module_directory_mail SET title='" . contrexx_addslashes($_POST['mailConfirmTitle']) . "', content='" . $_POST['mailConfirmContent'] . "' WHERE id='1'");
         $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute("UPDATE " . DBPREFIX . "module_directory_mail SET title='" . contrexx_addslashes($_POST['mailRememberTitle']) . "', content='" . $_POST['mailRememberContent'] . "' WHERE id='2'");
         $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute("UPDATE " . DBPREFIX . "module_directory_settings SET setvalue='" . contrexx_addslashes($_POST['mailRememberAdress']) . "' WHERE setid='30'");
         $this->strOkMessage = $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_DIR_SETTINGS_SUCCESFULL_SAVE'];
     if (isset($_POST['set_inputs_submit'])) {
         //update settings
         // title field should stay active, required and available for search
         $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute("UPDATE " . DBPREFIX . "module_directory_inputfields SET active='0' Where id !='1'");
         $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute("UPDATE " . DBPREFIX . "module_directory_inputfields SET is_search='0' Where id !='1'");
         $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute("UPDATE " . DBPREFIX . "module_directory_inputfields SET is_required='0' Where id !='1'");
         $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute("UPDATE " . DBPREFIX . "module_directory_inputfields SET active_backend='0' Where id !='1'");
         //get post data
         if ($_POST['setStatus'] != "") {
             $addressElements = 0;
             $googleMapIsEnabled = false;
             foreach ($_POST['setStatus'] as $id => $value) {
                 //update settings
                 $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute("SELECT `name` FROM " . DBPREFIX . "module_directory_inputfields WHERE id=" . intval($id));
                 $name = $objResult->fields['name'];
                 switch ($name) {
                     case 'country':
                     case 'zip':
                     case 'street':
                     case 'city':
                     case 'googlemap':
                         $googleMapIsEnabled = true;
                 $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute("UPDATE " . DBPREFIX . "module_directory_inputfields SET active='" . contrexx_addslashes($value) . "' WHERE id=" . intval($id));
             if ($googleMapIsEnabled && $addressElements < 4) {
                 $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute("UPDATE " . DBPREFIX . "module_directory_inputfields SET active='1' WHERE name='country'");
                 $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute("UPDATE " . DBPREFIX . "module_directory_inputfields SET active='1' WHERE name='zip'");
                 $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute("UPDATE " . DBPREFIX . "module_directory_inputfields SET active='1' WHERE name='street'");
                 $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute("UPDATE " . DBPREFIX . "module_directory_inputfields SET active='1' WHERE name='city'");
         //get post data
         if ($_POST['setStatusBackend'] != "") {
             $addressElements = 0;
             $googleMapIsEnabled = false;
             foreach ($_POST['setStatusBackend'] as $id => $value) {
                 //update settings
                 $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute("SELECT `name` FROM " . DBPREFIX . "module_directory_inputfields WHERE id=" . intval($id));
                 $name = $objResult->fields['name'];
                 switch ($name) {
                     case 'country':
                     case 'zip':
                     case 'street':
                     case 'city':
                     case 'googlemap':
                         $googleMapIsEnabled = true;
                 $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute("UPDATE " . DBPREFIX . "module_directory_inputfields SET active_backend='" . contrexx_addslashes($value) . "' WHERE id=" . intval($id));
             if ($googleMapIsEnabled && $addressElements < 4) {
                 $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute("UPDATE " . DBPREFIX . "module_directory_inputfields SET active_backend='1' WHERE name='country'");
                 $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute("UPDATE " . DBPREFIX . "module_directory_inputfields SET active_backend='1' WHERE name='zip'");
                 $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute("UPDATE " . DBPREFIX . "module_directory_inputfields SET active_backend='1' WHERE name='street'");
                 $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute("UPDATE " . DBPREFIX . "module_directory_inputfields SET active_backend='1' WHERE name='city'");
         //get post data
         if ($_POST['setSort'] != "") {
             foreach ($_POST['setSort'] as $id => $sort) {
                 $sort = $sort;
                 //update settings
                 $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute("UPDATE " . DBPREFIX . "module_directory_inputfields SET sort=" . intval($sort) . " WHERE id=" . intval($id));
         //get post data
         if ($_POST['setSearch'] != "") {
             foreach ($_POST['setSearch'] as $id => $search) {
                 //update settings
                 $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute("UPDATE " . DBPREFIX . "module_directory_inputfields SET is_search=" . $search . " WHERE id=" . intval($id));
         //get post data
         if ($_POST['setRequired'] != "") {
             foreach ($_POST['setRequired'] as $id => $required) {
                 //update settings
                 $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute("UPDATE " . DBPREFIX . "module_directory_inputfields SET is_required=" . $required . " WHERE id=" . intval($id));
         //get post data
         if ($_POST['setSpezFields'] != "") {
             foreach ($_POST['setSpezFields'] as $id => $value) {
                 //update settings
                 $objReult = $objDatabase->Execute("UPDATE " . DBPREFIX . "module_directory_inputfields SET title='" . contrexx_addslashes($value) . "' WHERE id=" . intval($id));
         //get dropdown data
         foreach ($_POST['setDropdown'] as $id => $value) {
             //update settings
             $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute("UPDATE " . DBPREFIX . "module_directory_settings SET setvalue='" . contrexx_addslashes($value) . "' WHERE setid=" . intval($id));
         //update settings
         $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute("UPDATE " . DBPREFIX . "module_directory_inputfields SET active='1' WHERE name='title'");
         if ($this->descriptionFieldRequired()) {
             $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute("UPDATE " . DBPREFIX . "module_directory_inputfields SET active='1', is_required='1', active_backend='1' WHERE name='description'");
         $this->strOkMessage = $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_DIR_SETTINGS_SUCCESFULL_SAVE'];
     if ($_POST['inputValue']['zoom'] != "") {
         $googleStartPoint = intval($_POST['inputValue']['lat']);
         $googleStartPoint .= '.' . intval($_POST['inputValue']['lat_fraction']);
         $googleStartPoint .= ':' . intval($_POST['inputValue']['lon']);
         $googleStartPoint .= '.' . intval($_POST['inputValue']['lon_fraction']);
         $googleStartPoint .= ':' . intval($_POST['inputValue']['zoom']);
         $objDatabase->Execute("UPDATE " . DBPREFIX . "module_directory_settings SET setvalue='" . $googleStartPoint . "' WHERE setname='googlemap_start_location'");
Пример #22
  * Validate and save settings from $_POST into the database.
  * @global  ADONewConnection
  * @global  array $_ARRAYLANG
 function _saveSettings()
     global $objDatabase, $_ARRAYLANG;
     $this->_arrSettings = $this->createSettingsArray();
     for ($i = 0; $i <= 4; $i++) {
         $oldMediaSetting = $this->_arrSettings['media' . $i . '_frontend_changable'];
         $newMediaSetting = '';
         if (isset($_POST['mediaSettings_Media' . $i . 'FrontendChangable'])) {
             $newMediaSetting = $_POST['mediaSettings_Media' . $i . 'FrontendChangable'];
         if (!is_numeric($newMediaSetting)) {
             if (is_numeric($oldMediaSetting)) {
                 // remove AccessId
                 \Permission::removeAccess($oldMediaSetting, 'dynamic');
             // save new setting
             $objDatabase->Execute(' UPDATE ' . DBPREFIX . 'module_media_settings
                                             SET `value` = "' . contrexx_addslashes($newMediaSetting) . '"
                                             WHERE `name` = "media' . $i . '_frontend_changable"
         } else {
             $accessGroups = '';
             if (isset($_POST['media' . $i . '_access_associated_groups'])) {
                 $accessGroups = $_POST['media' . $i . '_access_associated_groups'];
             // get groups
             \Permission::removeAccess($oldMediaSetting, 'dynamic');
             if (isset($_POST['media' . $i . '_access_associated_groups'])) {
                 $accessGroups = $_POST['media' . $i . '_access_associated_groups'];
             // add AccessID
             $newMediaSetting = \Permission::createNewDynamicAccessId();
             // save AccessID
             if (count($accessGroups)) {
                 \Permission::setAccess($newMediaSetting, 'dynamic', $accessGroups);
             $query = 'UPDATE ' . DBPREFIX . 'module_media_settings
                           SET `value` = "' . intval($newMediaSetting) . '"
                           WHERE `name` = "media' . $i . '_frontend_changable"';
         $oldManageSetting = $this->_arrSettings['media' . $i . '_frontend_managable'];
         $newManageSetting = '';
         if (isset($_POST['mediaSettings_Media' . $i . 'FrontendManagable'])) {
             $newManageSetting = $_POST['mediaSettings_Media' . $i . 'FrontendManagable'];
         if (!is_numeric($newManageSetting)) {
             if (is_numeric($oldManageSetting)) {
                 // remove AccessId
                 \Permission::removeAccess($oldManageSetting, 'dynamic');
             // save new setting
             $objDatabase->Execute(' UPDATE ' . DBPREFIX . 'module_media_settings
                                             SET `value` = "' . contrexx_addslashes($newManageSetting) . '"
                                             WHERE `name` = "media' . $i . '_frontend_managable"
         } else {
             $accessGroups = '';
             if (isset($_POST['media' . $i . '_manage_associated_groups'])) {
                 $accessGroups = $_POST['media' . $i . '_manage_associated_groups'];
             // get groups
             \Permission::removeAccess($oldManageSetting, 'dynamic');
             if (isset($_POST['media' . $i . '_manage_associated_groups'])) {
                 $accessGroups = $_POST['media' . $i . '_manage_associated_groups'];
             // add AccessID
             $newManageSetting = \Permission::createNewDynamicAccessId();
             // save AccessID
             if (count($accessGroups)) {
                 \Permission::setAccess($newManageSetting, 'dynamic', $accessGroups);
             $objDatabase->Execute(' UPDATE ' . DBPREFIX . 'module_media_settings
                                             SET `value` = "' . intval($newManageSetting) . '"
                                             WHERE `name` = "media' . $i . '_frontend_managable"
     $this->_arrSettings = $this->createSettingsArray();
Пример #23
     * get search
     * @access     public
     * @param        string    $id
    function getSearch()
        global $objDatabase, $_ARRAYLANG, $template;
        $arrDropdown['language'] = $this->getLanguages(contrexx_addslashes($_REQUEST['language']));
        $arrDropdown['platform'] = $this->getPlatforms(contrexx_addslashes($_REQUEST['platform']));
        $arrDropdown['canton'] = $this->getCantons(contrexx_addslashes($_REQUEST['canton']));
        $arrDropdown['spez_field_21'] = $this->getSpezDropdown(contrexx_addslashes($_REQUEST['spez_field_21']), 'spez_field_21');
        $arrDropdown['spez_field_22'] = $this->getSpezDropdown(contrexx_addslashes($_REQUEST['spez_field_22']), 'spez_field_22');
        $arrDropdown['spez_field_23'] = $this->getSpezVotes(contrexx_addslashes($_REQUEST['spez_field_23']), 'spez_field_23');
        $arrDropdown['spez_field_24'] = $this->getSpezVotes(contrexx_addslashes($_REQUEST['spez_field_24']), 'spez_field_24');
        $expSearch = '';
        $javascript = '
<script type="text/javascript">
function toggle(target)
  obj = document.getElementById(target);
  obj.style.display = (obj.style.display==\'none\') ? \'inline\' : \'none\';
  if (obj.style.display==\'none\' && target == \'hiddenSearch\'){
    document.getElementById(\'searchCheck\').value = \'norm\';
  }else if(obj.style.display==\'inline\' && target == \'hiddenSearch\'){
    document.getElementById(\'searchCheck\').value = \'exp\';
        //get levels
        if ($this->settings['levels']['value'] == 1) {
            $lid = intval($_REQUEST['lid']);
            $options = $this->getSearchLevels($lid);
            $name = $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_LEVEL'];
            $field = '<select name="lid" style="width:194px;"><option value=""></option>' . $options . '</select>';
            // set variables
            $expSearch .= '
  <td width="100" height="20" style="border: 0px solid #ff0000;">' . $name . '</td>
  <td style="border: 0px solid #ff0000;">' . $field . '</td>
        //get categories
        $cid = intval($_REQUEST['cid']);
        $options = $this->getSearchCategories($cid);
        $name = $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_DIR_F_CATEGORIE'];
        $field = '<select name="cid" style="width:194px;"><option value=""></option>' . $options . '</select>';
        // set variables
        $expSearch .= '
  <td width="100" height="20" style="border: 0px solid #ff0000;">' . $name . '</td>
  <td style="border: 0px solid #ff0000;">' . $field . '</td>
        //get exp search fields
        $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute("SELECT id, name, title, typ FROM " . DBPREFIX . "module_directory_inputfields WHERE exp_search='1' AND is_search='1' ORDER BY sort");
        if ($objResult !== false) {
            while (!$objResult->EOF) {
                if ($objResult->fields['typ'] == 5 || $objResult->fields['typ'] == 6) {
                    $name = $objResult->fields['title'];
                } else {
                    if (!empty($_ARRAYLANG[$objResult->fields['title']])) {
                        $name = $_ARRAYLANG[$objResult->fields['title']];
                    } else {
                        $name = $objResult->fields['title'];
                if ($objResult->fields['typ'] == 1 || $objResult->fields['typ'] == 2 || $objResult->fields['typ'] == 5 || $objResult->fields['typ'] == 6) {
                    $field = '<input maxlength="100" size="30" name="' . $objResult->fields['name'] . '" value="' . contrexx_addslashes($_REQUEST[$objResult->fields['name']]) . '" />';
                } else {
                    $field = '<select name="' . $objResult->fields['name'] . '" style="width:194px;">' . $arrDropdown[$objResult->fields['name']] . '</select>';
                // set variables
                $expSearch .= '
  <td width="100" height="20">' . $name . '</td>
  <td>' . $field . '</td>
        $html = '
<div class="directorySearch">
  <form action="index.php?" method="get" name="directorySearch" id="directorySearch">
    <input name="term" value="' . (!empty($_GET['term']) ? htmlentities($_GET['term'], ENT_QUOTES, CONTREXX_CHARSET) : '') . '" size="25" maxlength="100" />
    <input id="searchCheck" type="hidden" name="check" value="norm" size="10" />
    <input type="hidden" name="section" value="Directory" size="10" />
    <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="search" size="10" />
    <input type="submit" value="' . $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_DIR_F_SEARCH'] . '" name="search" />
    &raquo; <a onclick="javascript:toggle(\'hiddenSearch\')" href="javascript:{}">' . $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_DIRECTORY_EXP_SEARCH'] . '</a><br />
    <div style="display: none;" id="hiddenSearch">
      <br />
      <table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
        ' . $expSearch . '
        // set variables
        $this->_objTemplate->setVariable(array('DIRECTORY_SEARCH' => $javascript . $html));
Пример #24
  * Update Settings
  * Updates a Settings row
  * @param $key Name of the setting
  * @param $val Value of the setting
 function _updateSetting($key, $val)
     global $objDatabase;
     $query = "SELECT `setvalue` FROM " . DBPREFIX . "module_immo_settings\n                  WHERE `setname` = '" . $key . "'";
     $objRs = $objDatabase->Execute($query);
     if ($objRs->RecordCount() == 0) {
         $val = contrexx_addslashes($val);
         $query = "  INSERT INTO " . DBPREFIX . "module_immo_settings\n                        (`setname`, `setvalue`)\n                        VALUES\n                        ('" . $key . "', '" . $val . "')\n                        ";
         if (!$objDatabase->Execute($query)) {
             return false;
     } else {
         $val = contrexx_addslashes($val);
         if ($this->arrSettings[$key] != $val) {
             $query = "  UPDATE " . DBPREFIX . "module_immo_settings\n                            SET `setvalue` = '" . $val . "'\n                            WHERE `setname` = '" . $key . "'";
             if (!$objDatabase->Execute($query)) {
                 return false;
     return true;
Пример #25
  * Return event place url and its source link     
  * @return array place url and its source link
 function loadPlaceLinkFromMediadir($intMediaDirId = 0, $type = 'place')
     global $_LANGID, $_CONFIG;
     $placeUrl = '';
     $placeUrlSource = '';
     if (!empty($intMediaDirId)) {
         $objMediadirEntry = new \Cx\Modules\MediaDir\Controller\MediaDirectoryEntry('MediaDir');
         $pageRepo = \Env::get('em')->getRepository('Cx\\Core\\ContentManager\\Model\\Entity\\Page');
         $pages = $pageRepo->findBy(array('cmd' => contrexx_addslashes('detail' . intval($objMediadirEntry->arrEntries[$intMediaDirId]['entryFormId'])), 'lang' => $_LANGID, 'type' => \Cx\Core\ContentManager\Model\Entity\Page::TYPE_APPLICATION, 'module' => 'MediaDir'));
         if (count($pages)) {
             $strDetailCmd = 'detail' . intval($objMediadirEntry->arrEntries[$intMediaDirId]['entryFormId']);
         } else {
             $strDetailCmd = 'detail';
         $pages = \Env::get('em')->getRepository('Cx\\Core\\ContentManager\\Model\\Entity\\Page')->getFromModuleCmdByLang('MediaDir', $strDetailCmd);
         $arrActiveFrontendLanguages = \FWLanguage::getActiveFrontendLanguages();
         if (isset($arrActiveFrontendLanguages[FRONTEND_LANG_ID]) && isset($pages[FRONTEND_LANG_ID])) {
             $langId = FRONTEND_LANG_ID;
         } else {
             if (isset($arrActiveFrontendLanguages[BACKEND_LANG_ID]) && isset($pages[BACKEND_LANG_ID])) {
                 $langId = BACKEND_LANG_ID;
             } else {
                 foreach ($arrActiveFrontendLanguages as $lang) {
                     if (isset($pages[$lang['id']])) {
                         $langId = $lang['id'];
         $url = $pages[$langId]->getUrl(ASCMS_PROTOCOL . "://" . $_CONFIG['domainUrl'] . ASCMS_PATH_OFFSET, "?eid={$intMediaDirId}");
         $place = ($type = 'place') ? $this->place : $this->org_name;
         $placeUrl = "<a href='" . $url . "' target='_blank' >" . (!empty($place) ? $place : $url) . "</a>";
         $placeUrlSource = $url;
     return array($placeUrl, $placeUrlSource);
Пример #26
  * Set the language variable default page
  * @global    array
  * @global    ADONewConnection
  * @global    \Cx\Core\Html\Sigma
  * @return    void
 function listVariables()
     global $_ARRAYLANG, $objDatabase;
     //init variables
     $q_lang = "";
     $q_module = "";
     $q_status = "";
     $q_zone = "";
     $i = 0;
     $zoneMenu = "";
     $selected1 = "";
     $selected2 = "";
     $selected3 = "";
     $this->pageTitle = $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_VARIABLE_LIST'];
     if (!isset($_SESSION['lang'])) {
         $_SESSION['lang'] = array();
     if (!isset($_SESSION['lang']['term'])) {
         $_SESSION['lang']['term'] = "";
     if (!isset($_SESSION['lang']['langId'])) {
         $_SESSION['lang']['langId'] = "";
     if (!isset($_SESSION['lang']['status'])) {
         $_SESSION['lang']['status'] = "";
     if (!isset($_SESSION['lang']['zone'])) {
         $_SESSION['lang']['zone'] = "both";
     if (!isset($_SESSION['lang']['moduleId'])) {
         $_SESSION['lang']['moduleId'] = "";
     if (isset($_POST['term'])) {
         $_SESSION['lang']['term'] = contrexx_addslashes($_POST['term']);
     if (isset($_POST['lang'])) {
         $_SESSION['lang']['langId'] = intval($_POST['lang']);
     if (isset($_POST['status'])) {
         $_SESSION['lang']['status'] = intval($_POST['status']);
     if (isset($_POST['zone'])) {
         $_SESSION['lang']['zone'] = contrexx_addslashes($_POST['zone']);
     if (isset($_POST['module'])) {
         $_SESSION['lang']['moduleId'] = intval($_POST['module']);
     $term = $_SESSION['lang']['term'];
     $lang = $_SESSION['lang']['langId'];
     $status = $_SESSION['lang']['status'];
     $zone = $_SESSION['lang']['zone'];
     $module = $_SESSION['lang']['moduleId'];
     if ($zone == "frontend") {
         $selected1 = "selected";
     } elseif ($zone == "backend") {
         $selected2 = "selected";
     } elseif ($zone == "both" || $zone == "") {
         $zone = "both";
         $selected3 = "selected";
     $zoneMenu .= "<option value='both' " . $selected3 . ">" . $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_SECTION'] . "</option>\n";
     $zoneMenu .= "<option value='frontend' " . $selected1 . ">" . $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_WEB_PAGES'] . "</option>\n";
     $zoneMenu .= "<option value='backend' " . $selected2 . ">" . $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_ADMINISTRATION_PAGES'] . "</option>\n";
     $this->template->setVariable("LANGUAGE_ZONE_MENU", $zoneMenu);
     //Begin language varibales
     //End language variables
     if (isset($_POST['Submit'])) {
         if (empty($lang)) {
             $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute("SELECT id FROM " . DBPREFIX . "languages WHERE is_default='true'");
             if ($objResult !== false) {
                 while (!$objResult->EOF) {
                     $q_lang = "AND con.lang_id=" . intval($objResult->fields['id']) . " ";
         } else {
             $q_lang = "AND con.lang_id=" . intval($lang) . " ";
         if ($zone != "both") {
             $q_zone = "AND nam.{$zone}=1 ";
         if ($module != 0) {
             $q_module = "AND nam.module_id = " . $module . " ";
         if ($status == "0" || $status == "1") {
             $q_status = "AND con.status=" . intval($status) . " ";
         $q = "SELECT con.content AS content,\n                         con.status AS status,\n                         con.lang_id AS lang,\n                         nam.name AS name,\n                         nam.id AS varid,\n                         modu.name AS module,\n                         nam.backend AS backend,\n                         nam.frontend AS frontend\n                  FROM " . DBPREFIX . "language_variable_content AS con,\n                       " . DBPREFIX . "language_variable_names AS nam,\n                       " . DBPREFIX . "modules AS modu\n                  WHERE modu.id=nam.module_id\n                    AND con.varid=nam.id\n                    AND (nam.name LIKE '%" . $term . "%' OR con.content LIKE '%" . $term . "%') " . $q_zone . $q_lang . $q_module . $q_status . "\n                  ORDER BY nam.id";
         $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute($q);
         if ($objResult !== false && $objResult->RecordCount() > 0) {
             $numRows = $objResult->RecordCount();
             while (!$objResult->EOF) {
                 if ($i % 2 == 0) {
                     $class = "row1";
                 } else {
                     $class = "row2";
                 if (intval($objResult->fields['backend']) == 1) {
                     $this->template->setVariable("LANGUAGE_ADMIN", "<img alt='' src='../core/Core/View/Media/icons/check.gif' />");
                 if (intval($objResult->fields['frontend']) == 1) {
                     $this->template->setVariable("LANGUAGE_WEBSITE", "<img alt='' src='../core/Core/View/Media/icons/check.gif' />");
                 $this->template->setVariable(array('LANGUAGE_ROWCLASS' => $class, 'LANGUAGE_ID' => $objResult->fields['varid'], 'LANGUAGE_VARIABLENAME' => $objResult->fields['name'], 'LANGUAGE_CONTENT' => htmlspecialchars($objResult->fields['content'], ENT_QUOTES, CONTREXX_CHARSET), 'LANGUAGE_MODULE' => $objResult->fields['module'], 'LANGUAGE_LANG' => $this->arrLang[$objResult->fields['lang']]));
                 // not carefully checked variable
                 if (intval($objResult->fields['status'] == 1)) {
                     $langStatus = "<img alt='' src=\"../core/Core/View/Media/icons/led_green.gif\" />";
                 } else {
                     $langStatus = "<img alt='' src=\"../core/Core/View/Media/icons/led_red.gif\" />";
                 $this->template->setVariable("LANGUAGE_STATUS", $langStatus);
         } else {
     } else {
     $this->template->setVariable(array('LANGUAGE_STATS' => $numRows, 'LANGUAGE_MODULES_MENU' => $this->getSearchOptionMenu("modules", $module), 'LANGUAGE_LANG_MENU' => $this->getSearchOptionMenu("languages", $lang), 'LANGUAGE_SEARCHTERM' => $term));
Пример #27
  * Global save function for saving the settings into database
  * @return null
 function _saveSettings()
     global $_ARRAYLANG, $objDatabase;
     foreach ($_POST['settings'] as $name => $value) {
         if (is_array($value)) {
             $value = implode(',', $value);
         $query = "UPDATE " . DBPREFIX . "module_" . $this->moduleTablePrefix . "_settings\n                         SET value = '" . contrexx_addslashes($value) . "'\n                       WHERE name = '" . contrexx_addslashes($name) . "'";
         $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute($query);
     if (isset($_POST['settings']['headlinesStatus'])) {
         \Cx\Core\Setting\Controller\Setting::init('Config', 'component', 'Yaml');
         $headLinesStatusIntval = intval($_POST['settings']['headlinesStatus']);
         if (!\Cx\Core\Setting\Controller\Setting::isDefined('calendarheadlines')) {
             \Cx\Core\Setting\Controller\Setting::add('calendarheadlines', $headLinesStatusIntval, 1, \Cx\Core\Setting\Controller\Setting::TYPE_RADIO, '1:TXT_ACTIVATED,0:TXT_DEACTIVATED', 'component');
         } else {
             \Cx\Core\Setting\Controller\Setting::set('calendarheadlines', $headLinesStatusIntval);
     if ($objResult !== false) {
     } else {
Пример #28
  * Update guestbook
  * @global  ADONewConnection
  * @global  array
 function _update()
     global $objDatabase, $_ARRAYLANG;
     $guestbookId = intval($_GET['id']);
     $error = "";
     if (!empty($guestbookId)) {
         $forename = contrexx_addslashes(strip_tags($_POST['forename']));
         $name = contrexx_addslashes(strip_tags($_POST['name']));
         $gender = contrexx_addslashes(strip_tags($_POST['malefemale']));
         $mail = isset($_POST['email']) ? contrexx_addslashes(strip_tags($_POST['email'])) : '';
         $url = isset($_POST['url']) && strlen($_POST['url']) > 7 ? contrexx_addslashes(strip_tags($_POST['url'])) : "";
         $comment = contrexx_addslashes(strip_tags($_POST['comment']));
         $location = contrexx_addslashes(strip_tags($_POST['location']));
         $ip = contrexx_addslashes(strip_tags($_POST['ip']));
         $date = contrexx_addslashes(strip_tags($_POST['datetime']));
         $objValidator = new \FWValidator();
         if (!empty($url)) {
             if (!$this->isUrl($url)) {
                 $error .= $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_INVALID_INTERNET_ADDRESS'] . "<br />";
         if (!$objValidator->isEmail($mail)) {
             $error .= $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_INVALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS'] . "<br />";
         if (!empty($forename) && !empty($name)) {
             $query = "UPDATE " . DBPREFIX . "module_guestbook\n                               SET forename='{$forename}',\n                                      name='{$name}',\n                                   gender='{$gender}',\n                                   email='{$mail}',\n                                   url='{$url}',\n                                   comment='{$comment}',\n                                   location='{$location}',\n                                   ip='{$ip}',\n                                   datetime='{$date}',\n                                   lang_id='{$this->langId}'\n                             WHERE id={$guestbookId}";
     if (empty($error)) {
     } else {
         $this->strErrMessage = $error;
 function updateHits($intEntryId)
     global $_ARRAYLANG, $_CORELANG, $objDatabase;
     $intHits = intval($this->arrEntries[intval($intEntryId)]['entryHits']);
     $intPopularHits = intval($this->arrEntries[intval($intEntryId)]['entryPopularHits']);
     $strPopularDate = $this->arrEntries[intval($intEntryId)]['entryPopularDate'];
     $intPopularDays = intval($this->arrSettings['settingsPopularNumRestore']);
     $strLastIp = $this->arrEntries[intval($intEntryId)]['entryLastIp'];
     $strNewIp = contrexx_addslashes($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
     $strToday = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d"), date("Y"));
     $tempDays = date("d", $strPopularDate);
     $tempMonth = date("m", $strPopularDate);
     $tempYear = date("Y", $strPopularDate);
     $strPopularEndDate = mktime(0, 0, 0, $tempMonth, $tempDays + $intPopularDays, $tempYear);
     if ($strLastIp != $strNewIp) {
         if ($strToday >= $strPopularEndDate) {
             $strNewPopularDate = $strToday;
             $intPopularHits = 1;
         } else {
             $strNewPopularDate = $strPopularDate;
         $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute("UPDATE\n                                                    " . DBPREFIX . "module_" . $this->moduleTablePrefix . "_entries\n                                                SET\n                                                    hits='" . $intHits . "',\n                                                    popular_hits='" . $intPopularHits . "',\n                                                    popular_date='" . $strNewPopularDate . "',\n                                                    last_ip='" . $strNewIp . "'\n                                                WHERE\n                                                    id='" . intval($intEntryId) . "'\n                                               ");
 function checkPageCmd($strPageCmd)
     global $_LANGID;
     $pageRepo = \Env::get('em')->getRepository('Cx\\Core\\ContentManager\\Model\\Entity\\Page');
     $pages = $pageRepo->findBy(array('cmd' => contrexx_addslashes($strPageCmd), 'lang' => $_LANGID, 'type' => \Cx\Core\ContentManager\Model\Entity\Page::TYPE_APPLICATION, 'module' => $this->moduleName));
     return count($pages) > 0;