<?php //authors.php $title = 'Author Page'; $vnum = ''; $viewop = ''; $pid = ''; $keys = ''; $adfl = ''; include 'config/config.php'; include 'functions.php'; head_page($title); menu_options($title, $vnum, $viewop, $pid, $keys, $adfl); contentinit($title); echo 'Welcome'; if (isset($_SESSION['first_name'])) { echo ", {$_SESSION['first_name']}!"; if (isset($_SESSION['user_id'])) { $aid = $_SESSION['user_id']; } $authorsql = "SELECT AuthorID FROM authors WHERE AuthorID = '{$aid}'"; $result = mysql_query($authorsql); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $authorid = "{$row['AuthorID']}"; } include 'aal.php'; } else { echo <<<_EOF Guest<br /> <p>Feel free to create a guest <a href="./saa.php">article</a>, or <a href="login.php">Login<a/>.</p> _EOF;
// View Registered Users //includes include './config/config.php'; include 'functions.php'; include "./classes/mysql.class.php"; //starting database $mysqldb = new mysql(); $mysqldb->connect(); $mysqldb->select(); //variables $adfl = TRUE; $pagetitle = 'View Registered Users'; head_page($pagetitle); menu_options($pagetitle, $vnum, $viewop, $pid, $keys, $adfl); contentinit($pagetitle); // Number of Records to show per page: $display = DB_MAX_REC; // Determine where in the db results to start returning results if (isset($_GET['s'])) { // Already determined $start = mifi($_GET['s']); } else { $start = 0; } $query = "SELECT CONCAT(au.LastName, ', ', au.FirstName) AS name, au.AuthorID, DATE_FORMAT(RegistrationDate, '%M %d, %Y') AS dr,(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM articles AS a WHERE a.AuthorID=au.AuthorID AND a.Approved='N' AND a.ParentID='0') AS pending, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM articles AS a WHERE a.AuthorID=au.AuthorID AND a.Approved='S' AND a.ParentID='0') AS saved, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM articles AS a WHERE a.AuthorID=au.AuthorID AND a.Approved='Y' AND a.ParentID='0') AS approved, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM articles AS a WHERE a.AuthorID=au.AuthorID AND a.ParentID='0') AS total FROM authors AS au"; $viewquery = $query . " LIMIT {$start}, {$display}"; // That's the end of our query making. $mysqldb->query($query); $num_records = $mysqldb->numRows($query); $mysqldb->query($viewquery);