function yay_parse(string $source, Directives $directives = null, BlueContext $blueContext = null) : string { if ($gc = gc_enabled()) { gc_disable(); } // important optimization! static $globalDirectives = null; if (null === $globalDirectives) { $globalDirectives = new ArrayObject(); } $directives = $directives ?: new Directives(); $blueContext = $blueContext ?: new BlueContext(); $cg = (object) ['ts' => TokenStream::fromSource($source), 'directives' => $directives, 'cycle' => new Cycle($source), 'globalDirectives' => $globalDirectives, 'blueContext' => $blueContext]; foreach ($cg->globalDirectives as $d) { $cg->directives->add($d); } traverse(midrule(function (TokenStream $ts) use($directives, $blueContext) { $token = $ts->current(); tail_call: if (null === $token) { return; } // skip when something looks like a new macro to be parsed if ('macro' === (string) $token) { return; } // here we do the 'magic' to match and expand userland macros $directives->apply($ts, $token, $blueContext); $token = $ts->next(); goto tail_call; }), consume(chain(token(T_STRING, 'macro')->as('declaration'), optional(repeat(rtoken('/^·\\w+$/')))->as('tags'), lookahead(token('{')), commit(chain(braces()->as('pattern'), operator('>>'), braces()->as('expansion')))->as('body'), optional(token(';'))), CONSUME_DO_TRIM)->onCommit(function (Ast $macroAst) use($cg) { $scope = Map::fromEmpty(); $tags = Map::fromValues(array_map('strval', $macroAst->{'tags'})); $pattern = new Pattern($macroAst->{'declaration'}->line(), $macroAst->{'body pattern'}, $tags, $scope); $expansion = new Expansion($macroAst->{'body expansion'}, $tags, $scope); $macro = new Macro($tags, $pattern, $expansion, $cg->cycle); $cg->directives->add($macro); // allocate the userland macro // allocate the userland macro globally if it's declared as global if ($macro->tags()->contains('·global')) { $cg->globalDirectives[] = $macro; } }))->parse($cg->ts); $expansion = (string) $cg->ts; if ($gc) { gc_enable(); } return $expansion; }
/** * Match token and delete it * * @param string $token * @param string $str * @return string|void */ function match($token, &$str) { if (preg_match($token, $str, $match)) { $str = consume($str, $match[0]); return $match; } }
function main() { if (!isset($_SERVER['argv'][1])) { die('You must provide an argument of either "consume" or "produce"'); } if ($_SERVER['argv'][1] == 'produce') { produce(); } if ($_SERVER['argv'][1] == 'consume') { consume(); } }
<?php use Cake\Datasource\ConnectionManager; use Cake\Utility\Hash; ConnectionManager::config(Hash::merge(['default' => ['className' => 'Cake\\Database\\Connection', 'driver' => 'Cake\\Database\\Driver\\Mysql', 'persistent' => false, 'host' => env('DATABASE_DEFAULT_HOST') ?: 'localhost', 'username' => env('DATABASE_DEFAULT_USER') ?: 'my_app', 'password' => env('DATABASE_DEFAULT_PASS') ?: 'secret', 'database' => env('DATABASE_DEFAULT_NAME') ?: 'my_app', 'prefix' => false, 'encoding' => strtolower(str_replace('-', '', read('App.encoding'))), 'timezone' => read('App.timezone'), 'quoteIdentifiers' => false], 'test' => ['className' => 'Cake\\Database\\Connection', 'driver' => 'Cake\\Database\\Driver\\Mysql', 'persistent' => false, 'host' => env('DATABASE_TEST_HOST') ?: 'localhost', 'username' => env('DATABASE_TEST_USER') ?: 'my_app', 'password' => env('DATABASE_TEST_PASS') ?: 'secret', 'database' => env('DATABASE_TEST_NAME') ?: 'test_myapp', 'prefix' => false, 'encoding' => strtolower(str_replace('-', '', read('App.encoding'))), 'timezone' => read('App.timezone'), 'quoteIdentifiers' => false]], consume('Datasources')));
<?php use Cake\Core\Plugin; use Cake\Mailer\Email; $emailFrom = read('', 'no-reply@' . env('HTTP_HOST')); $emailFrom = [$emailFrom => $emailFrom]; $emailProfiles = ['default' => ['from' => $emailFrom, 'sender' => $emailFrom, 'replyTo' => $emailFrom, 'layout' => 'default', 'template' => null, 'viewRender' => 'Cake\\View\\View', 'theme' => null, 'helpers' => ['Html'], 'emailFormat' => 'both', 'transport' => 'default']]; if (Plugin::loaded('Gourmet/Email')) { $emailProfiles['default']['layout'] = 'Gourmet/Email.default'; $emailProfiles['default']['helpers'][] = 'Gourmet/Email.Email'; } foreach (consume('Email.profiles', []) as $emailProfile => $emailProfileConfig) { $emailProfiles[$emailProfile] = $emailProfileConfig + $emailProfiles['default']; } Email::config($emailProfiles); $emailTransports = ['default' => ['className' => 'Smtp', 'host' => 'localhost', 'port' => 1025, 'timeout' => 30, 'client' => null, 'tls' => null]]; foreach (consume('Email.transports', []) as $emailTransport => $emailTransportConfig) { $emailTransports[$emailTransport] = $emailTransportConfig + $emailTransports['default']; } Email::configTransport($emailTransports); unset($emailFrom, $emailProfiles, $emailProfile, $emailProfileConfig, $emailTransport, $emailTransports, $emailTransportConfig);
private function mutate(TokenStream $ts, Ast $context, Cycle $cycle, Directives $directives, BlueContext $blueContext) : TokenStream { if ($this->constant) { return $ts; } static $states, $parser; $states = $states ?? new Stack(); $parser = $parser ?? traverse(token(Token::CLOAKED), consume(chain(rtoken('/^··\\w+$/')->as('expander'), either(parentheses(), braces())->as('args')))->onCommit(function (Ast $result) use($states) { $cg = $states->current(); $expander = $result->expander; if (\count($result->args) === 0) { $cg->this->fail(self::E_EMPTY_EXPANDER_SLICE, (string) $expander, $expander->line()); } $context = Map::fromKeysAndValues(['scope' => $cg->cycle->id(), 'directives' => $cg->directives, 'blueContext' => $cg->blueContext]); $expansion = TokenStream::fromSlice($result->args); $mutation = $cg->this->mutate(clone $expansion, $cg->context, $cg->cycle, $cg->directives, $cg->blueContext); $mutation = $cg->this->lookupExpander($expander)($mutation, $context); $cg->ts->inject($mutation); }), consume(chain(rtoken('/^·\\w+|···\\w+$/')->as('label'), operator('···'), optional(parentheses()->as('delimiters')), braces()->as('expansion')))->onCommit(function (Ast $result) use($states) { $cg = $states->current(); $context = $cg->this->lookupContext($result->label, $cg->context, self::E_UNDEFINED_EXPANSION); $expansion = TokenStream::fromSlice($result->expansion); $delimiters = $result->delimiters; // normalize single context if (array_values($context) !== $context) { $context = [$context]; } foreach (array_reverse($context) as $i => $subContext) { $mutation = $cg->this->mutate(clone $expansion, (new Ast(null, $subContext))->withParent($cg->context), $cg->cycle, $cg->directives, $cg->blueContext); if ($i !== 0) { foreach ($delimiters as $d) { $mutation->push($d); } } $cg->ts->inject($mutation); } }), consume(rtoken('/^(T_\\w+·\\w+|·\\w+|···\\w+)$/')->as('label'))->onCommit(function (Ast $result) use($states) { $cg = $states->current(); $context = $cg->this->lookupContext($result->label, $cg->context, self::E_UNDEFINED_EXPANSION); if ($context instanceof Token) { $cg->ts->inject(TokenStream::fromSequence($context)); } elseif (is_array($context) && \count($context)) { $tokens = []; array_walk_recursive($context, function (Token $token) use(&$tokens) { $tokens[] = $token; }); $cg->ts->inject(TokenStream::fromSlice($tokens)); } })); $cg = (object) ['ts' => $ts, 'context' => $context, 'directives' => $directives, 'cycle' => $cycle, 'this' => $this, 'blueContext' => $blueContext]; $states->push($cg); $parser->parse($cg->ts); $states->pop(); $cg->ts->reset(); if ($this->cloaked) { traverse(consume(token(Token::CLOAKED))->onCommit(function (Ast $result) use($cg) { $cg->ts->inject(TokenStream::fromSourceWithoutOpenTag((string) $result->token())); }))->parse($cg->ts); $cg->ts->reset(); } return $cg->ts; }
private function mutate(TokenStream $ts, Ast $context) : TokenStream { $cg = (object) ['ts' => clone $ts, 'context' => $context]; if ($this->unsafe && !$this->hasTag('·unsafe')) { hygienize($cg->ts, $this->cycle->id()); } if ($this->constant) { return $cg->ts; } traverse(either(token(Token::CLOAKED), consume(chain(rtoken('/^·\\w+$/')->as('expander'), parentheses()->as('args')))->onCommit(function (Ast $result) use($cg) { $expander = $this->lookupExpander($result->expander); $args = []; foreach ($result->args as $arg) { if ($arg instanceof Token) { $key = (string) $arg; if (preg_match('/^·\\w+|T_\\w+·\\w+|···\\w+$/', $key)) { $arg = $cg->context->{$key}; } } if (is_array($arg)) { array_push($args, ...$arg); } else { $args[] = $arg; } } $mutation = $expander(TokenStream::fromSlice($args), $this->cycle->id()); $cg->ts->inject($mutation); }), consume(chain(rtoken('/^·\\w+|···\\w+$/')->as('label'), operator('···'), braces()->as('expansion')))->onCommit(function (Ast $result) use($cg) { $index = (string) $result->label; $context = $cg->context->{$index}; if ($context === null) { $this->fail(self::E_EXPANSION, $index, $result->label->line(), json_encode(array_keys($cg->context->all()[0]), self::PRETTY_PRINT)); } $expansion = TokenStream::fromSlice($result->expansion); // normalize single context if (array_values($context) !== $context) { $context = [$context]; } foreach (array_reverse($context) as $i => $subContext) { $mutation = $this->mutate($expansion, (new Ast(null, $subContext))->withParent($cg->context)); $cg->ts->inject($mutation); } }), consume(rtoken('/^(T_\\w+·\\w+|·\\w+|···\\w+)$/'))->onCommit(function (Ast $result) use($cg) { $expansion = $cg->context->{(string) $result->token()}; if ($expansion instanceof Token) { $cg->ts->inject(TokenStream::fromSequence($expansion)); } elseif (is_array($expansion) && \count($expansion)) { $tokens = []; array_walk_recursive($expansion, function (Token $token) use(&$tokens) { $tokens[] = $token; }); $cg->ts->inject(TokenStream::fromSlice($tokens)); } }), any()))->parse($cg->ts); $cg->ts->reset(); if ($this->cloaked) { traverse(either(consume(token(Token::CLOAKED))->onCommit(function (Ast $result) use($cg) { $cg->ts->inject(TokenStream::fromSourceWithoutOpenTag((string) $result->token())); }), any()))->parse($cg->ts); $cg->ts->reset(); } return $cg->ts; }
<?php use Cake\Cache\Cache; use Cake\Utility\Hash; $cacheEngines = ['file' => ['className' => 'Cake\\Cache\\Engine\\FileEngine', 'serialize' => true], 'redis' => ['className' => 'Cake\\Cache\\Engine\\RedisEngine', 'port' => '6379', 'server' => 'localhost']]; $cacheEngine = $cacheEngines['file']; if (extension_loaded('redis') && class_exists('\\Redis')) { $redis = new \Redis(); if ($rh = $redis->connect($cacheEngines['redis']['server'], $cacheEngines['redis']['port'])) { $redis->close(); $cacheEngine = $cacheEngines['redis']; } } $cacheConfig = Hash::merge(['_cake_core_' => $cacheEngines['file'] + ['duration' => '+1 year', 'path' => CACHE . 'persistent' . DS], '_cake_model_' => $cacheEngines['file'] + ['duration' => '+1 year', 'path' => CACHE . 'models' . DS], 'default' => $cacheEngine + ['duration' => '+15 mins'], 'year' => $cacheEngine + ['duration' => '+1 year'], 'month' => $cacheEngine + ['duration' => '+1 month'], 'week' => $cacheEngine + ['duration' => '+1 week'], 'day' => $cacheEngine + ['duration' => '+1 day'], 'asset_compress' => $cacheEngines['file'] + ['duration' => '+1 year', 'path' => CACHE . 'persistent' . DS]], consume('Cache')); Cache::config($cacheConfig); unset($cacheConfig, $cacheEngine, $cacheEngines, $redis);
<?php use Cake\Log\Log; use Cake\Utility\Hash; $logDefaultConfig = ['className' => 'Cake\\Log\\Engine\\FileLog', 'file' => LOGS . php_sapi_name() . '-debug', 'levels' => []]; $logConfigs = Hash::merge(['debug' => ['levels' => ['notice', 'info', 'debug']] + $logDefaultConfig, 'error' => ['file' => LOGS . php_sapi_name() . '-error', 'levels' => ['warning', 'error', 'critical', 'alert', 'emergency']] + $logDefaultConfig], consume('Log', [])); Log::config($logConfigs); unset($logDefaultConfig, $logConfigs);
function testConsume() { $ts = TokenStream::fromSource('<?php A {X} B {X} C {x} '); $this->parseSuccess($ts, token(T_OPEN_TAG), "T_OPEN_TAG(<?php )"); traverse(either(consume(chain(token('{'), token(T_STRING), token('}'))), any()))->parse($ts); $this->assertEquals('<?php A B C ', (string) $ts); $ts = TokenStream::fromSource('<?php A {-} B {-} '); $this->parseSuccess($ts, token(T_OPEN_TAG), "T_OPEN_TAG(<?php )"); traverse(either(consume(chain(token('{'), token('-'), token('}')), CONSUME_DO_TRIM), any()))->parse($ts); $this->assertEquals('<?php A B ', (string) $ts); }