Пример #1
include '../../../include/authenticate.php';
if (!checkperm('a')) {
include '../../../include/search_functions.php';
// Specify the name of this plugin and the heading to display for the page.
$plugin_name = 'api_search';
$plugin_page_heading = $lang['api_search_configuration'];
// Build the $page_def array of descriptions of each configuration variable the plugin uses.
$result = do_search('', '', 'relevance', 0, 1);
if (isset($result[0])) {
    $list = "";
    foreach ($result[0] as $key => $value) {
        $list .= $key . ", ";
$list = rtrim(trim($list), ",");
$page_def[] = config_add_text_input('api_search_exclude_fields', $lang['api_search_exclude_fields']);
$page_def[] = config_add_html($lang['api_search_excludable_fields'] . ": {$list}");
// Get all fields available:
$full_fields_options = array();
$fields = sql_query('SELECT ref, title FROM resource_type_field;');
foreach ($fields as $field) {
    $full_fields_options[$field['ref']] = $field['title'];
$page_def[] = config_add_multi_select('api_search_full_field_data', $lang['api_search_full_field_data'], $full_fields_options);
// Do the page generation ritual -- don't change this section.
$upload_status = config_gen_setup_post($page_def, $plugin_name);
include '../../../include/header.php';
config_gen_setup_html($page_def, $plugin_name, $upload_status, $plugin_page_heading);
include '../../../include/footer.php';
Пример #2
$plugin_name = 'sample';
$page_heading = $lang['sample_plugin_heading'];
$page_intro = '<p>' . $lang['sample_frontm'] . '</p>';
// Build the $page_def array of descriptions of each configuration variable the sample uses.
// Each element of $page_def describes one configuration variable. Each description is
// created by one of the config_add_xxxx helper functions. See their definitions and
// descriptions in include/plugin_functions for more information.
// The sample plugin has four configuration variables:
// 1) $sample_pets_owned is a string array variable whose values are drawn from
//    the indices of the array $lang['sample_pet_type_list']. For the UI the textual
//    description for this variable is in $lang['sample_pets_owned']. We use
//    config_add_multi_select() because we want a multi-select UI for this variable.
// 2) $sample_favorite_pet_type is a string variable whose value is drawn from the indices
//    of the array $lang['sample_pet_type_list']. Its UI description is in
//    $lang['sample_favorite_pet_type']. We want a single-select UI.
// 3) $sample_favorite_pet_name is a string variable whose value is typed by the user.
//    The description for the UI is in $lang['sample_favorite_pet_name']
// 4) $sample_favorite_pet_living is a boolean variable. Normally the UI for a boolean
//    displays the choices "False" and "True" (in the local language) but here we
//    specify we want it to show "No" and "Yes" (in the local language).
$page_def[] = config_add_multi_select('sample_pets_owned', $lang['sample_pets_owned'], $lang['sample_pet_type_list']);
$page_def[] = config_add_single_select('sample_favorite_pet_type', $lang['sample_favorite_pet_type'], $lang['sample_pet_type_list']);
$page_def[] = config_add_text_input('sample_favorite_pet_name', $lang['sample_favorite_pet_name']);
$page_def[] = config_add_boolean_select('sample_favorite_pet_living', $lang['sample_favorite_pet_living'], $lang['no-yes']);
// Do the page generation ritual
$upload_status = config_gen_setup_post($page_def, $plugin_name);
include '../../../include/header.php';
config_gen_setup_html($page_def, $plugin_name, $upload_status, $page_heading, $page_intro);
include '../../../include/footer.php';