Пример #1

conf_set('sitename', '<Site Name>');
conf_set('domain', 'domain.tld');
conf_set('http.root', '/');
conf_set('db.type', 'mysql');
conf_set('db.host', 'localhost');
conf_set('db.name', '<Database Name>');
conf_set('db.user', '<Database User>');
conf_set('db.pass', '<Database Password>');
conf_set('mail.send', true);
if (!defined('DISABLE_AUTOLOAD')) {
    conf_set('modules.autoload', array('db', 'web', 'data/json', 'data/date'));
conf_set('cms.salt', '<Salt>');
conf_set('cms.lang', 'en');
// "en" or "ru"
conf_set('log_errors', true);
conf_set('debug', true);
conf_set('show_debug_info', false);
// conf_set('log_debug_info', true);
function set_utf8_connection($db)
    $cmd = new SDBCommand('SET NAMES utf8', $db);
conf_set('db.init_hook', 'set_utf8_connection');
if (is_readable(dirname(__FILE__) . '/local_config.php')) {
    require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/local_config.php';

conf_set('debug', false);
conf_set('log_errors', true);
conf_set('sitename', 'Sample site');
conf_set('domain', 'localhost');
conf_set('http.root', '/sample-site/');
conf_set('db.type', 'mysql');
conf_set('db.host', '');
conf_set('db.user', 'database-user');
conf_set('db.pass', 'database-pass');
conf_set('db.name', 'some-database');
conf_set('db.type', 'sqlite');
conf_set('db.name', '~cache/db.sqlite');
/* conf_set('db.prefix', 'table_prefix_'); */
/* conf_set('page.show_vars', true); */
conf_set('mail.send', true);
conf_set('mail.smtp.enable', true);
conf_set('mail.smtp.host', 'smtp.gmail.com');
conf_set('mail.smtp.port', 465);
conf_set('mail.smtp.ssl', true);
conf_set('mail.smtp.user', 'username');
conf_set('mail.smtp.pass', 'password');
conf_set('modules.autoload', array('db', 'web'));
Пример #3
    $banid = param(2, 0);
    $ip0 = param('ip0', 0);
    $ip1 = param('ip1', 0);
    $ip2 = param('ip2', 0);
    $ip3 = param('ip3', 0);
    $expiry = param('expiry');
    $expiry = strtotime($expiry);
    $ip0 = mid($ip0, 0, 255);
    $ip1 = mid($ip1, 0, 255);
    $ip2 = mid($ip2, 0, 255);
    $ip3 = mid($ip3, 0, 255);
    $banip = banip_read($banid);
    if (empty($banip)) {
        $r = banip_create(array('banid' => $banid, 'ip0' => $ip0, 'ip1' => $ip1, 'ip2' => $ip2, 'ip3' => $ip3, 'expiry' => $expiry));
        $r !== FALSE ? message(0, '创建成功') : message(-1, '创建失败');
    $r = banip_update($banid, array('ip0' => $ip0, 'ip1' => $ip1, 'ip2' => $ip2, 'ip3' => $ip3, 'expiry' => $expiry));
    $r !== FALSE ? message(0, '更新成功') : message(-1, '更新失败');
} elseif ($action == 'enable') {
    $method != 'POST' and message(-1, 'Method error');
    $banip_on = param('banip_on', 0);
    $r = conf_set('banip_on', $banip_on);
    $r !== FALSE ? message(0, '更新成功') : message(-1, '更新失败,请检查 conf/conf.php 是否可写!');
} elseif ($action == 'delete') {
    $method != 'POST' and message(-1, 'Method error');
    $banid = param(2, 0);
    $banip = banip_read($banid);
    empty($banip) and message(0, '已经删除');
    $r = banip_delete($banid);
    $r !== FALSE ? message(0, '更新成功') : message(-1, '更新失败');
Пример #4
// 发布的时候改为 0
define('APP_NAME', 'bbs');
// 应用的名称
define('APP_PATH', '../../');
// 应用的路径
$conf = (include './conf/conf.php');
include './xiunophp/xiunophp.php';
include './xiunophp/form.func.php';
include './model.inc.php';
$user = user_token_get('', 'bbs');
$user['gid'] != 1 and message(-1, '需要管理员权限才能设置。');
// 检测浏览器
$browser = get__browser();
$runtime = runtime_init();
if ($method == 'GET') {
    $input = array();
    $input['tietuku_on'] = form_radio_yes_no('tietuku_on', $conf['tietuku_on']);
    $input['tietuku_token'] = form_textarea('tietuku_token', htmlspecialchars($conf['tietuku_token']), 600, 100);
    $header = array();
    $header['title'] = '贴图库设置';
    include './plugin/xn_tietuku/setting.htm';
} else {
    $tietuku_on = param('tietuku_on', 0);
    $tietuku_token = param('tietuku_token', '', FALSE);
    conf_set('tietuku_on', $tietuku_on);
    conf_set('tietuku_token', $tietuku_token);
    message(0, '设置成功!');
Пример #5

!defined('DEBUG') and exit('Access Denied.');
include './xiunophp/form.func.php';
$action = param(1);
if ($method == 'GET') {
    $badwords = kv_get('badwords');
    $input_badword_on = form_radio_yes_no('badword_on', $conf['badword_on']);
    $badwords = badword_implode(':', ' ', $badwords);
    include './admin/view/badword.htm';
} elseif ($method == 'POST') {
    $badwords = param('badwords');
    $badword_on = param('badword_on', 0);
    $badwords = str_replace("  ", ' ', $badwords);
    $badwords = str_replace(":", ':', $badwords);
    $badwords = str_replace(": ", ':', $badwords);
    $badwords = preg_replace('#\\s+#is', ' ', $badwords);
    $badwordarr = badword_explode(':', ' ', $badwords);
    kv_set('badwords', $badwordarr);
    conf_set('badword_on', $badword_on);
    message(0, '保存成功');
Пример #6

// Add these lines to the very top of any file you don't want people to
// be able to access directly.
if (!defined('SAF_VERSION')) {
    header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found');
    echo "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN\">\n" . "<html><head>\n<title>404 Not Found</title>\n</head><body>\n<h1>Not Found</h1>\n" . "The requested URL " . $PHP_SELF . " was not found on this server.<p>\n<hr>\n" . $_SERVER['SERVER_SIGNATURE'] . "</body></html>";
// custom application properties go here.
// this helps centralize values that would be often referenced
// in multiple places in your application.
define('E_UNAUTHORIZED', 401);
define('E_FORBIDDEN', 403);
define('E_NOT_FOUND', 404);
define('E_SERVER_ERROR', 500);
conf_set('errors', array(E_UNAUTHORIZED => array('title' => 'Unauthorized', 'message' => 'You do not have the permission to view the requested document.'), E_FORBIDDEN => array('title' => 'Forbidden', 'message' => 'The requested document is forbidden.'), E_NOT_FOUND => array('title' => 'Not Found', 'message' => 'The requested document was not found on this server.'), E_SERVER_ERROR => array('title' => 'Server Error', 'message' => 'The server has encountered an unknown internal error.')));
formdata_set('provinces', array('Alberta', 'British Columbia', 'Manitoba', 'New Brunswick', 'Newfoundland', 'Northwest Territories', 'Nova Scotia', 'Nunavut', 'Ontario', 'Quebec', 'Prince Edward Island', 'Saskatchewan', 'Yukon Territories'));
formrules_set('username', array(array('not empty', 'You must enter a username to continue.'), array('unique "sitellite_user/username"', 'The username you have chosen is already in use.')));
if (session_admin()) {
    page_add_style(site_prefix() . '/inc/html/admin/extra.css');
    conf_set('mail.send', false);
if (!conf_has('mail.type')) {
    conf_set('mail.type', 'mail');
if (!conf_has('mail.sendmail.path')) {
    conf_set('mail.sendmail.path', '/var/qmail/bin/sendmail');
if (!conf_has('mail.smtp.port')) {
    conf_set('mail.smtp.port', 25);
if (!conf_has('mail.smtp.ssl')) {
    conf_set('mail.smtp.ssl', true);
if (!conf_has('mail.smtp.timeout')) {
    conf_set('mail.smtp.timeout', 30);
require_once S_BASE . 'core/functions.php';
$modules = conf('modules.autoload');
if (conf('use_cgi')) {
    require_once S_BASE . 'web/cgi.php';
foreach ($modules as $name) {
    if (strpos($name, '/') !== false) {
        require_once S_BASE . $name . '.php';
    } else {
        require_once S_BASE . $name . '/all.php';
if (conf('set_utf8')) {

conf_set('debug', array_key_exists('gimmedebug', $_GET));
// conf_set('debug', true);
conf_set('sitename', 'zame-dev.org');
conf_set('domain', 'localhost');
conf_set('http.root', '/simple/examples/01-simpliest-ever/');
conf_set('modules.autoload', array());

conf_set('debug', array_key_exists('gimmedebug', $_GET));
// conf_set('debug', true);
conf_set('sitename', 'zame-dev.org');
conf_set('domain', 'localhost');
conf_set('http.root', '/simple/examples/02-template/');
conf_set('modules.autoload', array('web/template'));