Пример #1
  * Temporary hack to set up the compound index, since we can't do
  * it yet through regular Schema interface. (Coming for 1.0...)
  * @param Schema $schema
  * @return void
 static function fixIndexes($schema)
     try {
         // @fixme this won't be a unique index... SIGH
         $schema->createIndex('profile_detail', array('profile_id', 'field', 'field_index'));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         common_log(LOG_ERR, __METHOD__ . ': ' . $e->getMessage());
Пример #2
  * Will call events as close as it gets to one hour. Event handlers
  * which use this MUST be as quick as possible, maybe only adding a
  * queue item to be handled later or something. Otherwise execution
  * will timeout for PHP - or at least cause unnecessary delays for
  * the unlucky user who visits the site exactly at one of these events.
 public function callTimedEvents()
     $timers = array('minutely' => 60, 'hourly' => 3600, 'daily' => 86400, 'weekly' => 604800);
     foreach ($timers as $name => $interval) {
         $run = false;
         $lastrun = new Config();
         $lastrun->section = 'cron';
         $lastrun->setting = 'last_' . $name;
         $found = $lastrun->find(true);
         if (!$found) {
             $lastrun->value = time();
             if ($lastrun->insert() === false) {
                 common_log(LOG_WARNING, "Could not save 'cron' setting '{$name}'");
             $run = true;
         } elseif ($lastrun->value < time() - $interval) {
             $orig = clone $lastrun;
             $lastrun->value = time();
             $run = true;
         if ($run === true) {
             // such as CronHourly, CronDaily, CronWeekly
             Event::handle('Cron' . ucfirst($name));
Пример #3
 * logs and then displays error messages
 * @return void
function handleError($error)
    if ($error->getCode() == DB_DATAOBJECT_ERROR_NODATA) {
    $logmsg = "PEAR error: " . $error->getMessage();
    if (common_config('site', 'logdebug')) {
        $logmsg .= " : " . $error->getDebugInfo();
    // DB queries often end up with a lot of newlines; merge to a single line
    // for easier grepability...
    $logmsg = str_replace("\n", " ", $logmsg);
    common_log(LOG_ERR, $logmsg);
    // @fixme backtrace output should be consistent with exception handling
    if (common_config('site', 'logdebug')) {
        $bt = $error->getBacktrace();
        foreach ($bt as $n => $line) {
            common_log(LOG_ERR, formatBacktraceLine($n, $line));
    if ($error instanceof DB_DataObject_Error || $error instanceof DB_Error) {
        $msg = sprintf(_('The database for %s isn\'t responding correctly, ' . 'so the site won\'t work properly. ' . 'The site admins probably know about the problem, ' . 'but you can contact them at %s to make sure. ' . 'Otherwise, wait a few minutes and try again.'), common_config('site', 'name'), common_config('site', 'email'));
    } else {
        $msg = _('An important error occured, probably related to email setup. ' . 'Check logfiles for more info..');
    $dac = new DBErrorAction($msg, 500);
Пример #4
 static function fromUpload($param = 'upload')
     switch ($_FILES[$param]['error']) {
         case UPLOAD_ERR_OK:
             // success, jump out
         case UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE:
         case UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE:
             throw new Exception(sprintf(_('That file is too big. The maximum file size is %s.'), ImageFile::maxFileSize()));
         case UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL:
             throw new Exception(_('Partial upload.'));
         case UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE:
             // No file; probably just a non-AJAX submission.
             common_log(LOG_ERR, __METHOD__ . ": Unknown upload error " . $_FILES[$param]['error']);
             throw new Exception(_('System error uploading file.'));
     $info = @getimagesize($_FILES[$param]['tmp_name']);
     if (!$info) {
         throw new Exception(_('Not an image or corrupt file.'));
     return new ImageFile(null, $_FILES[$param]['tmp_name']);
Пример #5
 function showNotice($notice)
     $profile = $notice->getProfile();
     if (empty($profile)) {
         common_log(LOG_WARNING, sprintf("Notice %d has no profile", $notice->id));
     $this->out->elementStart('li', 'hentry notice');
     $this->out->elementStart('div', 'entry-title');
     $avatar = $profile->getAvatar(AVATAR_MINI_SIZE);
     $this->out->elementStart('span', 'vcard author');
     $this->out->elementStart('a', array('title' => $profile->fullname ? $profile->fullname : $profile->nickname, 'href' => $profile->profileurl, 'class' => 'url'));
     $this->out->element('img', array('src' => $avatar ? $avatar->displayUrl() : Avatar::defaultImage(AVATAR_MINI_SIZE), 'width' => AVATAR_MINI_SIZE, 'height' => AVATAR_MINI_SIZE, 'class' => 'avatar photo', 'alt' => $profile->fullname ? $profile->fullname : $profile->nickname));
     $this->out->text(' ');
     $this->out->element('span', 'fn nickname', $profile->nickname);
     $this->out->elementStart('p', 'entry-content');
     $this->out->elementStart('div', 'entry_content');
     $nli = new NoticeListItem($notice, $this->out);
     if (!empty($notice->value)) {
Пример #6
 * logs and then displays error messages
 * @return void
function handleError($error)
    if ($error->getCode() == DB_DATAOBJECT_ERROR_NODATA) {
    $logmsg = "PEAR error: " . $error->getMessage();
    if (common_config('site', 'logdebug')) {
        $logmsg .= " : " . $error->getDebugInfo();
    // DB queries often end up with a lot of newlines; merge to a single line
    // for easier grepability...
    $logmsg = str_replace("\n", " ", $logmsg);
    common_log(LOG_ERR, $logmsg);
    // @fixme backtrace output should be consistent with exception handling
    if (common_config('site', 'logdebug')) {
        $bt = $error->getBacktrace();
        foreach ($bt as $n => $line) {
            common_log(LOG_ERR, formatBacktraceLine($n, $line));
    if ($error instanceof DB_DataObject_Error || $error instanceof DB_Error) {
        $msg = sprintf(_('数据库维护中,请稍后再访问'), common_config('site', 'name'), common_config('site', 'email'));
    } else {
        $msg = _('网站维护中,请稍后再访问');
    $dac = new DBErrorAction($msg, 500);
Пример #7
 static function top($transport)
     $qi = new Queue_item();
     $qi->transport = $transport;
     $qi->whereAdd('claimed is null');
     $cnt = $qi->find(true);
     if ($cnt) {
         # XXX: potential race condition
         # can we force it to only update if claimed is still null
         # (or old)?
         common_log(LOG_INFO, 'claiming queue item = ' . $qi->notice_id . ' for transport ' . $transport);
         $orig = clone $qi;
         $qi->claimed = common_sql_now();
         $result = $qi->update($orig);
         if ($result) {
             common_log(LOG_INFO, 'claim succeeded.');
             return $qi;
         } else {
             common_log(LOG_INFO, 'claim failed.');
     $qi = null;
     return null;
Пример #8
 function setNotify($user, $notify)
     global $_PEAR;
     $user_im_prefs = new User_im_prefs();
     $user_im_prefs->transport = $this->imPlugin->transport;
     $user_im_prefs->user_id = $user->id;
     if ($user_im_prefs->find() && $user_im_prefs->fetch()) {
         if ($user_im_prefs->notify == $notify) {
             //notify is already set the way they want
             return true;
         } else {
             $original = clone $user_im_prefs;
             $user_im_prefs->notify = $notify;
             $result = $user_im_prefs->update($original);
             if (!$result) {
                 $last_error =& $_PEAR->getStaticProperty('DB_DataObject', 'lastError');
                 common_log(LOG_ERR, 'Could not set notify flag to ' . $notify . ' for user ' . common_log_objstring($user) . ' on transport ' . $this->imPlugin->transport . ' : ' . $last_error->message);
                 return false;
             } else {
                 common_log(LOG_INFO, 'User ' . $user->nickname . ' set notify flag to ' . $notify);
                 return true;
     } else {
         common_log(LOG_ERR, 'Could not set notify flag to ' . $notify . ' for user ' . common_log_objstring($user) . ' on transport ' . $this->imPlugin->transport . ' : user preference does not exist');
         return false;
Пример #9
 public function onStartCheckPassword($nickname, $password, &$authenticatedUser)
     if (common_is_email($nickname)) {
         $this->unauthed_user = User::getKV('email', common_canonical_email($nickname));
     } else {
         $this->unauthed_user = User::getKV('nickname', Nickname::normalize($nickname));
     if (!$this->unauthed_user instanceof User) {
         // Unknown username continue processing StartCheckPassword (maybe uninitialized LDAP user etc?)
         return true;
     $this->failed_attempts = (int) $this->unauthed_user->getPref(self::FAILED_LOGIN_IP_SECTION, $this->client_ip);
     switch (true) {
         case $this->failed_attempts >= 5:
             common_log(LOG_WARNING, sprintf('Multiple failed login attempts for user %s from IP %s - brute force attack?', $this->unauthed_user->getNickname(), $this->client_ip));
             // 5 seconds is a good max waiting time anyway...
             sleep($this->failed_attempts % 5 + 1);
         case $this->failed_attempts > 0:
             common_debug(sprintf('Previously failed login on user %s from IP %s - sleeping %u seconds.', $this->unauthed_user->getNickname(), $this->client_ip, $this->failed_attempts));
             // No sleeping if it's our first failed attempt.
     return true;
Пример #10
 function handle($args)
     $secret = common_config('facebook', 'secret');
     $sig = '';
     foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) {
         if (substr($key, 0, 7) == 'fb_sig_') {
             $sig .= substr($key, 7) . '=' . $val;
     $sig .= $secret;
     $verify = md5($sig);
     if ($verify == $this->arg('fb_sig')) {
         $flink = Foreign_link::getByForeignID($this->arg('fb_sig_user'), 2);
         common_debug("Removing foreign link to Facebook - local user ID: {$flink->user_id}, Facebook ID: {$flink->foreign_id}");
         $result = $flink->delete();
         if (!$result) {
             common_log_db_error($flink, 'DELETE', __FILE__);
             $this->serverError(_('Couldn\'t remove Facebook user.'));
     } else {
         # Someone bad tried to remove facebook link?
         common_log(LOG_ERR, "Someone from {$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']} " . 'unsuccessfully tried to remove a foreign link to Facebook!');
 function showJsonTimeline($notice, $original)
     $statuses = array();
     $originals = array();
     if (is_array($original)) {
         $original = new ArrayWrapper($original);
     while ($original->fetch()) {
         try {
             $twitter_status = $this->twitterStatusArray($original);
             $originals[$twitter_status['id']] = $twitter_status;
             //array_push($originals, $twitter_status);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             common_log(LOG_ERR, $e->getMessage());
     if (is_array($notice)) {
         $notice = new ArrayWrapper($notice);
     while ($notice->fetch()) {
         try {
             $twitter_status = $this->twitterStatusArray($notice);
             $twitter_status['in_reply_to_status'] = $originals[$twitter_status['in_reply_to_status_id']];
             array_push($statuses, $twitter_status);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             common_log(LOG_ERR, $e->getMessage());
  * Handler method
  * @param array $args is ignored since it's now passed in in prepare()
 function handle($args)
     $data = $this->facebook->getSignedRequest();
     if (isset($data['user_id'])) {
         $fbuid = $data['user_id'];
         $flink = Foreign_link::getByForeignID($fbuid, FACEBOOK_SERVICE);
         $user = $flink->getUser();
         // Remove the link to Facebook
         $result = $flink->delete();
         if (!$result) {
             common_log_db_error($flink, 'DELETE', __FILE__);
             common_log(LOG_WARNING, sprintf('Unable to delete Facebook foreign link ' . 'for %s (%d), fbuid %d', $user->nickname, $user->id, $fbuid), __FILE__);
         common_log(LOG_INFO, sprintf('Facebook callback: %s (%d), fbuid %d has deauthorized ' . 'the Facebook application.', $user->nickname, $user->id, $fbuid), __FILE__);
         // Warn the user about being locked out of their account
         // if we can.
         if (empty($user->password) && !empty($user->email)) {
         } else {
             common_log(LOG_WARNING, sprintf('%s (%d), fbuid %d has deauthorized his/her Facebook ' . 'connection but hasn\'t set a password so s/he ' . 'is locked out.', $user->nickname, $user->id, $fbuid), __FILE__);
     } else {
         if (!empty($data)) {
             common_log(LOG_WARNING, sprintf('Facebook called the deauthorize callback ' . ' but didn\'t provide a user ID.'), __FILE__);
         } else {
             // It probably wasn't Facebook that hit this action,
             // so redirect to the public timeline
             common_redirect(common_local_url('public'), 303);
Пример #13
 function show()
     $this->out->elementStart('div', array('id' => 'notices_primary'));
     // TRANS: Header on conversation page. Hidden by default (h2).
     $this->out->element('h2', null, _('Notices'));
     $this->out->elementStart('ol', array('class' => 'notices xoxo'));
     $cnt = 0;
     while ($this->notice->fetch() && $cnt <= NOTICES_PER_PAGE) {
         if (!empty($this->notice->reply_to)) {
         if ($cnt > NOTICES_PER_PAGE) {
         try {
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             // we log exceptions and continue
             print "ERROR!" . $e->getMessage();
             common_log(LOG_ERR, $e->getMessage());
     return $cnt;
Пример #14
  * Sign and post the given Atom entry as a Salmon message.
  * Side effects: may generate a keypair on-demand for the given user,
  * which can be very slow on some systems.
  * @param string $endpoint_uri
  * @param string $xml string representation of payload
  * @param Profile $actor local user profile whose keys to sign with
  * @return boolean success
 public function post($endpoint_uri, $xml, $actor)
     if (empty($endpoint_uri)) {
         return false;
     foreach ($this->formatClasses() as $class) {
         try {
             $envelope = $this->createMagicEnv($xml, $actor, $class);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             common_log(LOG_ERR, "Salmon unable to sign: " . $e->getMessage());
             return false;
         $headers = array('Content-Type: application/magic-envelope+xml');
         try {
             $client = new HTTPClient();
             $response = $client->post($endpoint_uri, $headers);
         } catch (HTTP_Request2_Exception $e) {
             common_log(LOG_ERR, "Salmon ({$class}) post to {$endpoint_uri} failed: " . $e->getMessage());
         if ($response->getStatus() != 200) {
             common_log(LOG_ERR, "Salmon ({$class}) at {$endpoint_uri} returned status " . $response->getStatus() . ': ' . $response->getBody());
         // Success!
         return true;
     return false;
 function onStartLoginAction($action, $user)
     $rawotp = $action->trimmed('otp');
     //may want to parse later?
     $otp = Auth_Yubico::parsePasswordOTP($rawotp);
     if (!is_array($otp)) {
         common_log(LOG_ERR, 'Yubikey:: Could not parse One Time Passcode.');
         $action->showForm('Could not parse Yubikey One Time Passcode.');
         return false;
     $identity = $otp['prefix'];
     $key = $otp['otp'];
     common_log(LOG_DEBUG, 'User: '******' OTP: ' . $key . ', prefix: ' . $identity);
     if (!User_yubikey::verifyYubikeyID($user->id, $identity)) {
         common_log(LOG_DEBUG, 'Yubikey:: User: '******' does not have a Yubikey on record.');
         // Return true because they dont have a yubikey associated and can continue
         return true;
     if ($this->_checkYubikeyOTP($key)) {
         return true;
     } else {
         $action->showForm(_('Yubikey authentication failed.'));
         return false;
Пример #16
 function onEndUserRegister(&$profile, &$user)
     if ($this->debug) {
         common_log(LOG_WARNING, "AutoSandbox: sandboxed of {$user->nickname}");
Пример #17
  * @param mixed $transports name of a single queue or array of queues to pull from
  *                          If not specified, checks all queues in the system.
 static function top($transports = null)
     $qi = new Queue_item();
     if ($transports) {
         if (is_array($transports)) {
             // @fixme use safer escaping
             $list = implode("','", array_map(array($qi, 'escape'), $transports));
             $qi->whereAdd("transport in ('{$list}')");
         } else {
             $qi->transport = $transports;
     $qi->whereAdd('claimed is null');
     $cnt = $qi->find(true);
     if ($cnt) {
         // XXX: potential race condition
         // can we force it to only update if claimed is still null
         // (or old)?
         common_log(LOG_INFO, 'claiming queue item id = ' . $qi->id . ' for transport ' . $qi->transport);
         $orig = clone $qi;
         $qi->claimed = common_sql_now();
         $result = $qi->update($orig);
         if ($result) {
             common_log(LOG_INFO, 'claim succeeded.');
             return $qi;
         } else {
             common_log(LOG_INFO, 'claim failed.');
     $qi = null;
     return null;
 function handle($data)
     // JSON object with Twitter data
     $status = $data['status'];
     // Twitter user ID this incoming data belongs to.
     $receiver = $data['for_user'];
     $importer = new TwitterImport();
     $notice = $importer->importStatus($status);
     if ($notice instanceof Notice) {
         try {
             $flink = Foreign_link::getByForeignID($receiver, TWITTER_SERVICE);
             common_log(LOG_DEBUG, "TweetInQueueHandler - Got flink so add notice " . $notice->id . " to attentions for user " . $flink->user_id);
             try {
                 Attention::saveNew($notice, $flink->getProfile());
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 // Log the exception, but make sure we don't bail out, we
                 // still have a queue item to remove here-after.
                 common_log(LOG_ERR, "Failed adding notice {$notice->id} to attentions for user {$flink->user_id}: " . $e->getMessage());
         } catch (NoResultException $e) {
             common_log(LOG_DEBUG, "TweetInQueueHandler - No flink found for foreign user " . $receiver);
     return true;
Пример #19
  * Class handler.
  * @param array $args array of arguments
  * @return void
 function handle($args)
     $datastore = new ApiStatusNetOAuthDataStore();
     $server = new OAuthServer($datastore);
     $hmac_method = new OAuthSignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1();
     $atok = $app = null;
     // XXX: Insist that oauth_token and oauth_verifier be populated?
     // Spec doesn't say they MUST be.
     try {
         $req = OAuthRequest::from_request();
         $this->reqToken = $req->get_parameter('oauth_token');
         $this->verifier = $req->get_parameter('oauth_verifier');
         $app = $datastore->getAppByRequestToken($this->reqToken);
         $atok = $server->fetch_access_token($req);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         common_log(LOG_WARNING, 'API OAuthException - ' . $e->getMessage());
         common_debug(var_export($req, true));
         $code = $e->getCode();
         $this->clientError($e->getMessage(), empty($code) ? 401 : $code, 'text');
     if (empty($atok)) {
         // Token exchange failed -- log it
         $msg = sprintf('API OAuth - Failure exchanging OAuth request token for access token, ' . 'request token = %s, verifier = %s', $this->reqToken, $this->verifier);
         common_log(LOG_WARNING, $msg);
         // TRANS: Client error given from the OAuth API when the request token or verifier is invalid.
         $this->clientError(_('Invalid request token or verifier.'), 400, 'text');
     } else {
         common_log(LOG_INFO, sprintf("Issued access token '%s' for application %d (%s).", $atok->key, $app->id, $app->name));
Пример #20
 function showContent()
     $notice = $this->nli->notice;
     $out = $this->nli->out;
     $nb = Bookmark::getByNotice($notice);
     if (empty($nb)) {
         common_log(LOG_ERR, "No bookmark for notice {$notice->id}");
     } else {
         if (empty($nb->url)) {
             common_log(LOG_ERR, "No url for bookmark {$nb->id} for notice {$notice->id}");
     $profile = $notice->getProfile();
     $out->elementStart('p', array('class' => 'entry-content'));
     // Whether to nofollow
     $attrs = array('href' => $nb->url, 'class' => 'bookmark-title');
     $nf = common_config('nofollow', 'external');
     if ($nf == 'never' || ($nf == 'sometimes' and $out instanceof ShowstreamAction)) {
         $attrs['rel'] = 'external';
     } else {
         $attrs['rel'] = 'nofollow external';
     $out->element('a', $attrs, $nb->title);
     // Replies look like "for:" tags
     $replies = $notice->getReplies();
     $tags = $notice->getTags();
     if (!empty($replies) || !empty($tags)) {
         $out->elementStart('ul', array('class' => 'bookmark-tags'));
         foreach ($replies as $reply) {
             $other = Profile::staticGet('id', $reply);
             if (!empty($other)) {
                 $out->element('a', array('rel' => 'tag', 'href' => $other->profileurl, 'title' => $other->getBestName()), sprintf('for:%s', $other->nickname));
                 $out->text(' ');
         foreach ($tags as $tag) {
             $tag = trim($tag);
             if (!empty($tag)) {
                 $out->element('a', array('rel' => 'tag', 'href' => Notice_tag::url($tag)), $tag);
                 $out->text(' ');
     if (!empty($nb->description)) {
         $out->element('p', array('class' => 'bookmark-description'), $nb->description);
Пример #21
 function getUser()
     $user = User::staticGet('id', $this->owner);
     if (empty($user)) {
         common_log(LOG_WARNING, sprintf("User does not exist."), __FILE__);
     return $user;
Пример #22
  * See if the parent died and request a shutdown...
  * @param resource $socket
  * @return boolean success
 function handleInput($socket)
     if (feof($socket)) {
         common_log(LOG_INFO, "Parent process exited; shutting down child.");
     return true;
Пример #23
 function __call($name, $args)
     $item =& $this->_items[$this->_i];
     if (!is_object($item)) {
         common_log(LOG_ERR, "Invalid entry " . var_export($item, true) . " at index {$this->_i} of {$this->N}; calling {$name}()");
         throw new ServerException("Internal error: bad entry in array wrapper list.");
     return call_user_func_array(array($item, $name), $args);
Пример #24
 function runThread()
     common_log(LOG_INFO, 'Waiting to listen to XMPP and queues');
     $master = new XmppMaster($this->get_id(), $this->processManager());
     common_log(LOG_INFO, 'terminating normally');
     return $master->respawn ? self::EXIT_RESTART : self::EXIT_SHUTDOWN;
Пример #25
 function onInitializePlugin()
     if (!isset($this->private_key)) {
         common_log(LOG_ERR, 'Recaptcha: Must specify private_key in config.php');
     if (!isset($this->public_key)) {
         common_log(LOG_ERR, 'Recaptcha: Must specify public_key in config.php');
Пример #26
 function showNotice($notice)
     $profile = $notice->getProfile();
     if (empty($profile)) {
         common_log(LOG_WARNING, sprintf("Notice %d has no profile", $notice->id));
     $this->out->elementStart('li', 'hentry notice');
     $this->out->elementStart('div', 'entry-title');
     $avatar = $profile->getAvatar(AVATAR_MINI_SIZE);
     $this->out->elementStart('span', 'vcard author');
     $this->out->elementStart('a', array('title' => $profile->fullname ? $profile->fullname : $profile->nickname, 'href' => $profile->profileurl, 'class' => 'url'));
     $this->out->element('img', array('src' => $avatar ? $avatar->displayUrl() : Avatar::defaultImage(AVATAR_MINI_SIZE), 'width' => AVATAR_MINI_SIZE, 'height' => AVATAR_MINI_SIZE, 'class' => 'avatar photo', 'alt' => $profile->fullname ? $profile->fullname : $profile->nickname));
     $this->out->text(' ');
     $this->out->element('span', 'fn nickname', $profile->nickname);
     $this->out->elementStart('p', 'entry-content');
     $notice_link_cfg = common_config('site', 'notice_link');
     if ('direct' === $notice_link_cfg) {
         $this->out->text(' (');
         $this->out->element('a', array('href' => $notice->uri), 'see');
     } elseif ('attachment' === $notice_link_cfg) {
         if ($count = $notice->hasAttachments()) {
             // link to attachment(s) pages
             if (1 === $count) {
                 $f2p = File_to_post::staticGet('post_id', $notice->id);
                 $href = common_local_url('attachment', array('attachment' => $f2p->file_id));
                 $att_class = 'attachment';
             } else {
                 $href = common_local_url('attachments', array('notice' => $notice->id));
                 $att_class = 'attachments';
             $clip = Theme::path('images/icons/clip.png', 'base');
             $this->out->elementStart('a', array('class' => $att_class, 'style' => "font-style: italic;", 'href' => $href, 'title' => "# of attachments: {$count}"));
             $this->out->raw(" ({$count}&nbsp");
             $this->out->element('img', array('style' => 'display: inline', 'align' => 'top', 'width' => 20, 'height' => 20, 'src' => $clip, 'alt' => 'alt'));
         } else {
             $this->out->text(' (');
             $this->out->element('a', array('href' => $notice->uri), 'see');
     if (!empty($notice->value)) {
Пример #27
 function handle($notice)
     require_once INSTALLDIR . '/lib/jabber.php';
     try {
         return jabber_public_notice($notice);
     } catch (XMPPHP_Exception $e) {
         common_log(LOG_ERR, "Got an XMPPHP_Exception: " . $e->getMessage());
         return false;
Пример #28
 protected function saveDebug($data)
     $output = var_export($data, true);
     if ($this->dir) {
         $file = $this->dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->logFileName();
         file_put_contents($file, $output);
     } else {
         common_log(LOG_DEBUG, "PostDebug: {$output}");
Пример #29
  * Returns the config settings for a site profile by name
  * @param  string $name name of a site profile
  * @return array  config settings
 public static function getSettings($name)
     $sprofileClass = ucfirst($name) . "Site";
     if (class_exists($sprofileClass)) {
         return call_user_func(array($sprofileClass, 'getSettings'));
     } else {
         common_log(LOG_ERR, "Unknown site profile '{$name}' specified in config file.", __FILE__);
         return array();
Пример #30
function ping_broadcast_notice($notice)
    if ($notice->is_local != Notice::LOCAL_PUBLIC && $notice->is_local != Notice::LOCAL_NONPUBLIC) {
        return true;
    # Array of servers, URL => type
    $notify = common_config('ping', 'notify');
    $profile = $notice->getProfile();
    $tags = ping_notice_tags($notice);
    foreach ($notify as $notify_url => $type) {
        switch ($type) {
            case 'xmlrpc':
            case 'extended':
                $req = xmlrpc_encode_request('weblogUpdates.ping', array($profile->nickname, common_local_url('showstream', array('nickname' => $profile->nickname)), common_local_url('shownotice', array('notice' => $notice->id)), common_local_url('userrss', array('nickname' => $profile->nickname)), $tags));
                $request = HTTPClient::start();
                $request->setConfig('connect_timeout', common_config('ping', 'timeout'));
                $request->setConfig('timeout', common_config('ping', 'timeout'));
                try {
                    $httpResponse = $request->post($notify_url, array('Content-Type: text/xml'), $req);
                } catch (Exception $e) {
                    common_log(LOG_ERR, "Exception pinging {$notify_url}: " . $e->getMessage());
                if (!$httpResponse || mb_strlen($httpResponse->getBody()) == 0) {
                    common_log(LOG_WARNING, "XML-RPC empty results for ping ({$notify_url}, {$notice->id}) ");
                $response = xmlrpc_decode($httpResponse->getBody());
                if (is_array($response) && xmlrpc_is_fault($response)) {
                    common_log(LOG_WARNING, "XML-RPC error for ping ({$notify_url}, {$notice->id}) " . "{$response['faultString']} ({$response['faultCode']})");
                } else {
                    common_log(LOG_INFO, "Ping success for {$notify_url} {$notice->id}");
            case 'get':
            case 'post':
                $args = array('name' => $profile->nickname, 'url' => common_local_url('showstream', array('nickname' => $profile->nickname)), 'changesURL' => common_local_url('userrss', array('nickname' => $profile->nickname)));
                $fetcher = Auth_Yadis_Yadis::getHTTPFetcher();
                if ($type === 'get') {
                    $result = $fetcher->get($notify_url . '?' . http_build_query($args), array('User-Agent: StatusNet/' . STATUSNET_VERSION));
                } else {
                    $result = $fetcher->post($notify_url, http_build_query($args), array('User-Agent: StatusNet/' . STATUSNET_VERSION));
                if ($result->status != '200') {
                    common_log(LOG_WARNING, "Ping error for '{$notify_url}' ({$notice->id}): " . "{$result->body}");
                } else {
                    common_log(LOG_INFO, "Ping success for '{$notify_url}' ({$notice->id}): " . "'{$result->body}'");
                common_log(LOG_WARNING, 'Unknown notify type for ' . $notify_url . ': ' . $type);
    return true;