Пример #1
 * Preprocessing the panel template.
 * This is basically here to unify and clean up some class names.
function ns_theme_preprocess_panels_pane(&$vars)
    // Remove the old class.
    $vars['classes'] = strtr($vars['classes'], array('_' => '-'));
    // Adds the total number of comments to a node right next to the comment form title
    if ($vars['pane']->type == 'node_comment_form') {
        $comment_count = comment_num_all($vars['output']->delta);
        if ($comment_count > 0) {
            $title = '<span>' . $vars['output']->title . '</span><span class="total-comment-count">(';
            $title .= t('Total !comments', array('!comments' => format_plural($comment_count, '1 comment', '@count comments')));
            $title .= ")</span>";
            $vars['title'] = $title;
Пример #2
function phptemplate_preprocess(&$vars, $hook)
    global $theme;
    // Set Page Class
    $vars['page_class'] = theme_get_setting('page_class');
    // Hide breadcrumb on all pages
    if (theme_get_setting('breadcrumb') == 0) {
        $vars['breadcrumb'] = '';
    $vars['closure'] .= '
  <p id="theme-credit"><a href="http://drupal.org/project/strange_little_town">Strange Little Town</a> | ' . t('Original Designed : ') . '<a href="http://magical.nu/">Magical.nu</a> | ' . t('Drupal Ported : ') . '<a href="http://webzer.net/">Webzer.net</a></p>
    // Theme primary and secondary links.
    $vars['primary_menu'] = theme('links', $vars['primary_links'], array('class' => 'links primary-menu'));
    $vars['secondary_menu'] = theme('links', $vars['secondary_links'], array('class' => 'links secondary-menu'));
    // Set Accessibility nav bar
    if ($vars['primary_menu'] != '') {
        $vars['nav_access'] = '
    <ul id="nav-access" class="hidden">
      <li><a href="#primary-menu" accesskey="N" title="' . t('Skip to Primary Menu') . '">' . t('Skip to Primary Menu') . '</a></li>
      <li><a href="#main-content" accesskey="M" title="' . t('Skip to Main Content') . '">' . t('Skip to Main Content') . '</a></li>
    } else {
        $vars['nav_access'] = '
    <ul id="nav-access" class="hidden">
      <li><a href="#main-content" accesskey="M" title="' . t('Skip to Main Content') . '">' . t('Skip to Main Content') . '</a></li>
    // Set Back to Top link toggle
    $vars['to_top'] = theme_get_setting('totop');
    if (theme_get_setting('totop') == 0) {
        $vars['to_top'] = '';
    } else {
        $vars['to_top'] = '<p id="to-top"><a href="#page">' . t('Back To Top') . '</a></p>';
    // Comments count
    if (isset($vars['node']->links['comment_comments'])) {
        if ($vars['teaser']) {
            $all = comment_num_all($vars['node']->nid);
            $vars['comments_count'] = format_plural($all, '1 comment', '@count comments');
    // Make sure framework styles are placed above all others.
    $vars['css_alt'] = css_reorder($vars['css']);
    $vars['styles'] = drupal_get_css($vars['css_alt']);
Пример #3
function phptemplate_preprocess_node(&$vars)
    // Build array of handy node classes
    $node_classes = array();
    $node_classes[] = $vars['zebra'];
    // Node is odd or even
    $node_classes[] = !$vars['node']->status ? 'node-unpublished' : '';
    // Node is unpublished
    $node_classes[] = $vars['sticky'] ? 'sticky' : '';
    // Node is sticky
    $node_classes[] = isset($vars['node']->teaser) ? 'teaser' : 'full-node';
    // Node is teaser or full-node
    $node_classes[] = 'node-type-' . $vars['node']->type;
    // Node is type-x, e.g., node-type-page
    $node_classes = array_filter($node_classes);
    // Remove empty elements
    $vars['node_classes'] = implode(' ', $node_classes);
    // Implode class list with spaces
    // Node Theme Settings
    // Node Links
    if (isset($vars['node']->links['node_read_more'])) {
        $node_content_type = theme_get_setting('readmore_enable_content_type') == 1 ? $vars['node']->type : 'default';
        $vars['node']->links['node_read_more'] = array('title' => _themesettings_link(theme_get_setting('readmore_prefix_' . $node_content_type), theme_get_setting('readmore_suffix_' . $node_content_type), t(theme_get_setting('readmore_' . $node_content_type)), 'node/' . $vars['node']->nid, array('attributes' => array('title' => t(theme_get_setting('readmore_title_' . $node_content_type))), 'query' => NULL, 'fragment' => NULL, 'absolute' => FALSE, 'html' => TRUE)), 'attributes' => array('class' => 'readmore-item'), 'html' => TRUE);
    if (isset($vars['node']->links['comment_add'])) {
        $node_content_type = theme_get_setting('comment_enable_content_type') == 1 ? $vars['node']->type : 'default';
        if ($vars['teaser']) {
            $vars['node']->links['comment_add'] = array('title' => _themesettings_link(theme_get_setting('comment_add_prefix_' . $node_content_type), theme_get_setting('comment_add_suffix_' . $node_content_type), t(theme_get_setting('comment_add_' . $node_content_type)), "comment/reply/" . $vars['node']->nid, array('attributes' => array('title' => t(theme_get_setting('comment_add_title_' . $node_content_type))), 'query' => NULL, 'fragment' => 'comment-form', 'absolute' => FALSE, 'html' => TRUE)), 'attributes' => array('class' => 'comment-add-item'), 'html' => TRUE);
        } else {
            $vars['node']->links['comment_add'] = array('title' => _themesettings_link(theme_get_setting('comment_node_prefix_' . $node_content_type), theme_get_setting('comment_node_suffix_' . $node_content_type), t(theme_get_setting('comment_node_' . $node_content_type)), "comment/reply/" . $vars['node']->nid, array('attributes' => array('title' => t(theme_get_setting('comment_node_title_' . $node_content_type))), 'query' => NULL, 'fragment' => 'comment-form', 'absolute' => FALSE, 'html' => TRUE)), 'attributes' => array('class' => 'comment-node-item'), 'html' => TRUE);
    if (isset($vars['node']->links['comment_new_comments'])) {
        $node_content_type = theme_get_setting('comment_enable_content_type') == 1 ? $vars['node']->type : 'default';
        $vars['node']->links['comment_new_comments'] = array('title' => _themesettings_link(theme_get_setting('comment_new_prefix_' . $node_content_type), theme_get_setting('comment_new_suffix_' . $node_content_type), format_plural(comment_num_new($vars['node']->nid), t(theme_get_setting('comment_new_singular_' . $node_content_type)), t(theme_get_setting('comment_new_plural_' . $node_content_type))), "node/" . $vars['node']->nid, array('attributes' => array('title' => t(theme_get_setting('comment_new_title_' . $node_content_type))), 'query' => NULL, 'fragment' => 'new', 'absolute' => FALSE, 'html' => TRUE)), 'attributes' => array('class' => 'comment-new-item'), 'html' => TRUE);
    if (isset($vars['node']->links['comment_comments'])) {
        $node_content_type = theme_get_setting('comment_enable_content_type') == 1 ? $vars['node']->type : 'default';
        $vars['node']->links['comment_comments'] = array('title' => _themesettings_link(theme_get_setting('comment_prefix_' . $node_content_type), theme_get_setting('comment_suffix_' . $node_content_type), format_plural(comment_num_all($vars['node']->nid), t(theme_get_setting('comment_singular_' . $node_content_type)), t(theme_get_setting('comment_plural_' . $node_content_type))), "node/" . $vars['node']->nid, array('attributes' => array('title' => t(theme_get_setting('comment_title_' . $node_content_type))), 'query' => NULL, 'fragment' => 'comments', 'absolute' => FALSE, 'html' => TRUE)), 'attributes' => array('class' => 'comment-item'), 'html' => TRUE);
    $vars['links'] = theme('links', $vars['node']->links, array('class' => 'links inline'));
Пример #4
function acquia_marina_preprocess_node(&$vars)
    // Build array of handy node classes
    $node_classes = array();
    $node_classes[] = $vars['zebra'];
    // Node is odd or even
    $node_classes[] = !$vars['node']->status ? 'node-unpublished' : '';
    // Node is unpublished
    $node_classes[] = $vars['sticky'] ? 'sticky' : '';
    // Node is sticky
    $node_classes[] = isset($vars['node']->teaser) ? 'teaser' : 'full-node';
    // Node is teaser or full-node
    $node_classes[] = 'node-type-' . $vars['node']->type;
    // Node is type-x, e.g., node-type-page
    $node_classes = array_filter($node_classes);
    // Remove empty elements
    $vars['node_classes'] = implode(' ', $node_classes);
    // Implode class list with spaces
    // Add node_bottom region content
    $vars['node_bottom'] = theme('blocks', 'node_bottom');
    // Node Theme Settings
    // Date & author
    if (!module_exists('submitted_by')) {
        $date = t('Posted ') . format_date($vars['node']->created, 'medium');
        // Format date as small, medium, or large
        $author = theme('username', $vars['node']);
        $author_only_separator = t('Posted by ');
        $author_date_separator = t(' by ');
        $submitted_by_content_type = theme_get_setting('submitted_by_enable_content_type') == 1 ? $vars['node']->type : 'default';
        $date_setting = theme_get_setting('submitted_by_date_' . $submitted_by_content_type) == 1;
        $author_setting = theme_get_setting('submitted_by_author_' . $submitted_by_content_type) == 1;
        $author_separator = $date_setting ? $author_date_separator : $author_only_separator;
        $date_author = $date_setting ? $date : '';
        $date_author .= $author_setting ? $author_separator . $author : '';
        $vars['submitted'] = $date_author;
    // Taxonomy
    $taxonomy_content_type = theme_get_setting('taxonomy_enable_content_type') == 1 ? $vars['node']->type : 'default';
    $taxonomy_display = theme_get_setting('taxonomy_display_' . $taxonomy_content_type);
    $taxonomy_format = theme_get_setting('taxonomy_format_' . $taxonomy_content_type);
    if (module_exists('taxonomy') && ($taxonomy_display == 'all' || $taxonomy_display == 'only' && $vars['page'])) {
        $vocabularies = taxonomy_get_vocabularies($vars['node']->type);
        $output = '';
        $term_delimiter = ', ';
        foreach ($vocabularies as $vocabulary) {
            if (theme_get_setting('taxonomy_vocab_hide_' . $taxonomy_content_type . '_' . $vocabulary->vid) != 1) {
                $terms = taxonomy_node_get_terms_by_vocabulary($vars['node'], $vocabulary->vid);
                if ($terms) {
                    $term_items = '';
                    foreach ($terms as $term) {
                        // Build vocabulary term items
                        $term_link = l($term->name, taxonomy_term_path($term), array('attributes' => array('rel' => 'tag', 'title' => strip_tags($term->description))));
                        $term_items .= '<li class="vocab-term">' . $term_link . $term_delimiter . '</li>';
                    if ($taxonomy_format == 'vocab') {
                        // Add vocabulary labels if separate
                        $output .= '<li class="vocab vocab-' . $vocabulary->vid . '"><span class="vocab-name">' . $vocabulary->name . ':</span> <ul class="vocab-list">';
                        $output .= substr_replace($term_items, '</li>', -(strlen($term_delimiter) + 5)) . '</ul></li>';
                    } else {
                        $output .= $term_items;
        if ($output != '') {
            $output = $taxonomy_format == 'list' ? substr_replace($output, '</li>', -(strlen($term_delimiter) + 5)) : $output;
            $output = '<ul class="taxonomy">' . $output . '</ul>';
        $vars['terms'] = $output;
    } else {
        $vars['terms'] = '';
    // Node Links
    if (isset($vars['node']->links['node_read_more'])) {
        $node_content_type = theme_get_setting('readmore_enable_content_type') == 1 ? $vars['node']->type : 'default';
        $vars['node']->links['node_read_more'] = array('title' => acquia_marina_themesettings_link(theme_get_setting('readmore_prefix_' . $node_content_type), theme_get_setting('readmore_suffix_' . $node_content_type), t(theme_get_setting('readmore_' . $node_content_type)), 'node/' . $vars['node']->nid, array('attributes' => array('title' => t(theme_get_setting('readmore_title_' . $node_content_type))), 'query' => NULL, 'fragment' => NULL, 'absolute' => FALSE, 'html' => TRUE)), 'attributes' => array('class' => 'readmore-item'), 'html' => TRUE);
    if (isset($vars['node']->links['comment_add'])) {
        $node_content_type = theme_get_setting('comment_enable_content_type') == 1 ? $vars['node']->type : 'default';
        if ($vars['teaser']) {
            $vars['node']->links['comment_add'] = array('title' => acquia_marina_themesettings_link(theme_get_setting('comment_add_prefix_' . $node_content_type), theme_get_setting('comment_add_suffix_' . $node_content_type), t(theme_get_setting('comment_add_' . $node_content_type)), "comment/reply/" . $vars['node']->nid, array('attributes' => array('title' => t(theme_get_setting('comment_add_title_' . $node_content_type))), 'query' => NULL, 'fragment' => 'comment-form', 'absolute' => FALSE, 'html' => TRUE)), 'attributes' => array('class' => 'comment-add-item'), 'html' => TRUE);
        } else {
            $vars['node']->links['comment_add'] = array('title' => acquia_marina_themesettings_link(theme_get_setting('comment_node_prefix_' . $node_content_type), theme_get_setting('comment_node_suffix_' . $node_content_type), t(theme_get_setting('comment_node_' . $node_content_type)), "comment/reply/" . $vars['node']->nid, array('attributes' => array('title' => t(theme_get_setting('comment_node_title_' . $node_content_type))), 'query' => NULL, 'fragment' => 'comment-form', 'absolute' => FALSE, 'html' => TRUE)), 'attributes' => array('class' => 'comment-node-item'), 'html' => TRUE);
    if (isset($vars['node']->links['comment_new_comments'])) {
        $node_content_type = theme_get_setting('comment_enable_content_type') == 1 ? $vars['node']->type : 'default';
        $vars['node']->links['comment_new_comments'] = array('title' => acquia_marina_themesettings_link(theme_get_setting('comment_new_prefix_' . $node_content_type), theme_get_setting('comment_new_suffix_' . $node_content_type), format_plural(comment_num_new($vars['node']->nid), t(theme_get_setting('comment_new_singular_' . $node_content_type)), t(theme_get_setting('comment_new_plural_' . $node_content_type))), "node/" . $vars['node']->nid, array('attributes' => array('title' => t(theme_get_setting('comment_new_title_' . $node_content_type))), 'query' => NULL, 'fragment' => 'new', 'absolute' => FALSE, 'html' => TRUE)), 'attributes' => array('class' => 'comment-new-item'), 'html' => TRUE);
    if (isset($vars['node']->links['comment_comments'])) {
        $node_content_type = theme_get_setting('comment_enable_content_type') == 1 ? $vars['node']->type : 'default';
        $vars['node']->links['comment_comments'] = array('title' => acquia_marina_themesettings_link(theme_get_setting('comment_prefix_' . $node_content_type), theme_get_setting('comment_suffix_' . $node_content_type), format_plural(comment_num_all($vars['node']->nid), t(theme_get_setting('comment_singular_' . $node_content_type)), t(theme_get_setting('comment_plural_' . $node_content_type))), "node/" . $vars['node']->nid, array('attributes' => array('title' => t(theme_get_setting('comment_title_' . $node_content_type))), 'query' => NULL, 'fragment' => 'comments', 'absolute' => FALSE, 'html' => TRUE)), 'attributes' => array('class' => 'comment-item'), 'html' => TRUE);
    $vars['links'] = theme('links', $vars['node']->links, array('class' => 'links inline'));
        $jobname = $account->profile_job;
    print $jobname;
    <div class="image-and-social">
    print nodetype_apachesolr_get_node_image($result['node']->nid);
      <div class="project-social">
        <span class="voting-count"><?php 
    print nodetype_apachesolr_get_votes_count($result['node']->nid);
        <span class="comments-count"><?php 
    print comment_num_all($result['node']->nid);
    <h2 class="title">
    print l($title, 'node/' . $result['node']->nid, array('attributes' => array('title' => '', 'class' => 'node-' . $result['node']->nid)));
} else {
    <h2 class="title">
    <a href="#" title=""><?php 
    print $title;