Пример #1
 echo "<tr>";
 echo "<td class=datos2 valign=top>";
 echo __('Data');
 echo "<td class=datos2>";
 print_textarea("data", 15, 40, $data, '', false, false);
 echo "<tr>";
 echo "<td class=datos2>";
 echo __('Product');
 echo "<td class=datos2>";
 //combo_kb_products ($id_product);
 combo_product_types($product, 0);
 echo "<tr>";
 echo "<td class=datos>";
 echo __('Category');
 echo "<td class=datos>";
 if ($id != -1) {
     echo "<tr>";
     echo "<td class=datos>";
     echo __('Attach');
     echo "<td class=datos>";
     if ($id == -1) {
         echo "<i>" . __('Need to create first') . "</i>";
     } else {
         echo "<input type=file size=60 value='userfile' name='userfile'>";
         echo "<tr>";
         echo "<td class=datos>";
         echo __('Attach description');
         echo "<td class=datos>";
         echo "<input type=text size=60 name='attach_description' value=''>";
Пример #2
	$product = get_parameter ("product", 0);
	$category = get_parameter ("category", 0);
	$id_language = get_parameter ("id_language", '');

	// Search filters
	echo "<div class='divform'>";
	echo '<form method="post" action="?sec=kb&sec2=operation/kb/browse">';
	echo '<table width="100%" class="search-table">';
	echo "<tr>";
	echo "<td>";
	echo "<label>" . __('Product types') . "</label>";
	combo_product_types($product, 1);
	echo "<tr>";
	echo "<td>";
	echo "<label>" . __('Categories') . "</label>";
	combo_kb_categories ($category, 1);

	echo "<tr>";
	echo "<td>";
	echo "<label>" . __('Search') . "</label>";
	echo "<input type=text name='free_text' size=25 value='$free_text'>";
	echo "<tr>";
	echo "<td>";
	echo "<label>" . __('Language') . "</label>";
	echo print_select_from_sql ('SELECT id_language, name FROM tlanguage', 'id_language',
						$id_language, '', __("Any"), '', true, false, false, '');
	echo "<tr>";
	echo "<td >";
	echo "<input type=submit class='sub search' value='".__('Search')."'>";

	echo "</td></tr></table></form></div>";
Пример #3
	echo "<td class=datos>";
	echo "<b>" . __('Icon') . "</b>";
	echo "<td class=datos>";
	$files = list_files ('images/groups_small/', "png", 1, 0);
		print_select ($files, 'icon', $icon, '', __('None'), "");
	if ($icon)
		$img = "<img src='images/groups_small/$icon' />";
		$img = '';
	echo "<span id='preview_image'>$img</span>";
	echo "<tr>";
	echo "<td class=datos2>";
	echo "<b>" . __('Parent') . "</b>";
	echo "<td class=datos2>";
	combo_kb_categories ( $parent, true);
	echo "</table>";
	if ($id == -1)
		echo "<div class='button-form'>" . print_submit_button (__('Create'), 'crt_btn', false, 'class="sub create"', true) . "</div>";
		echo "<div class='button-form'>" . print_submit_button (__('Update'), 'upd_btn', false, 'class="sub upd"', true) . "</div>";
	echo "</form>";


// Show list of categories
// =======================
if ((!isset($_GET["update"])) AND (!isset($_GET["create"]))){
	echo "<h2>".__('KB Category management')." </h2><h4>".__('Defined categories')."</h4>";
	$sql1='SELECT * FROM tkb_category ORDER BY parent, name';
	$color =0;
Пример #4
    echo "<tr>";
    echo "<td class=datos2>";
    echo __('Description');
    echo "<td class=datos2>";
    echo "<input type=text size=50 name=description value='{$description}'>";
    echo "<tr>";
    echo "<td class=datos>";
    echo __('Icon');
    echo "<td class=datos>";
    $files = list_files('images/groups_small/', "png", 1, 0);
    print_select($files, 'icon', $icon, '', __('None'), "");
    echo "<tr>";
    echo "<td class=datos2>";
    echo __('Parent');
    echo "<td class=datos2>";
    if ($id == -1) {
        echo "<tr><td colspan=2>" . print_submit_button(__('Create'), 'crt_btn', false, 'class="sub create"', true) . "</td></tr>";
    } else {
        echo "<tr><td colspan=2>" . print_submit_button(__('Update'), 'upd_btn', false, 'class="sub upd"', true) . "</td></tr>";
    echo "</table>";
    echo "</form>";
// Show list of categories
// =======================
if (!isset($_GET["update"]) and !isset($_GET["create"])) {
    echo "<h1>" . __('KB Category management') . " &raquo; " . __('Defined categories') . "</h1>";
    $sql1 = 'SELECT * FROM tkb_category ORDER BY parent, name';
    $color = 0;
    if ($result = mysql_query($sql1)) {