<p>If you are using the <strong><a href="#" class='goPro'>Pro version</a></strong> of <?php echo $plgName; ?> , you can use <a href='http://codex.wordpress.org/Shortcode' target='_blank'>shortcodes</a> to place your ads on your posts and pages. Use the shortcode <code>[adsense]</code> or <code>[ezadsense]</code> to place your ads exactly where you need them on any posts. You can set up intelligent shortcode priority schemes on the <a href='pro.php'>Pro page</a>.</p> <h4>Context-Aware Help</h4> <p> Every option on the plugin admin and pro pages has a popover help bubble. You just need to hover over the field to get a clear and concise description of what the option does and how to set it up. </p> <p> The admin and the pro pages also have generous help near the top, which can be expanded by clicking on a clearly marked button. For further support and assistance, please use the channels on the Contact Author panel next to this panel. </p> <hr /> <p class="center-text"> <a class="btn btn-success center-text restart" href="#" data-toggle='tooltip' title='Start or restart the tour any time' id='restart'><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-globe icon-white"></i> Start the Tour</a></p> <?php closeCell(); openCell("Contact Author", 'envelope', 4, "", 260); $hideTour = true; require_once 'support.php'; closeBox(); ?> <script> $(document).ready(function () { if (!$('.tour').length && typeof (tour) === 'undefined') { var tour = new Tour({backdrop: true, backdropPadding: 20, onShow: function (t) { var current = t._current; var toShow = t._steps[current].element; $(toShow).parent('ul').parent().siblings('.accordion').find('ul').slideUp(); $(toShow).parent('ul').slideDown(); }});
function closeBox() { closeCell(); closeRow(); }