Пример #1
 public function setTheme($name)
     if (D('Config')->where(array('name' => '_THEME_NOW_THEME'))->count()) {
         $res = D('Config')->where(array('name' => '_THEME_NOW_THEME'))->setField('value', $name);
     } else {
         $config['name'] = '_THEME_NOW_THEME';
         $config['type'] = 0;
         $config['title'] = '';
         $config['group'] = 0;
         $config['extra'] = '';
         $config['remark'] = '';
         $config['create_time'] = time();
         $config['update_time'] = time();
         $config['status'] = 1;
         $config['value'] = $name;
         $config['sort'] = 0;
         $res = D('Config')->add($config);
     if ($res) {
         S('conf_THEME_NOW_THEME', $name);
         cookie('TO_LOOK_THEME', $name, array('prefix' => 'OSV2'));
         clean_cache(RUNTIME_PATH . 'Cache/');
         return true;
     } else {
         $this->error = L('_WRITE_DATABASE_FAILURE_WITH_PERIOD_');
         return false;
Пример #2
function cache_check_diskspace2()
    $too_old = 86400;
    while (1) {
        $f = disk_free_space("../cache");
        $u = disk_usage("../cache");
        echo "free: {$f} used: {$u}\n";
        if ($f > MIN_FREE_SPACE && $u < MAX_CACHE_USAGE) {
        clean_cache($too_old, "../cache");
        $too_old /= 2;
Пример #3
function KB_cleanCache()
    global $cachedir;
    if (!is_dir($cachedir)) {
    $files = scandir($cachedir);
    $failed = true;
    foreach ($files as $key => $value) {
        if (strpos($value, 'kb_') && $value != 'index.php' && $value != '.htaccess') {
            @unlink($cachedir . '/' . $value);
            $failed = false;
    if ($failed == true) {
        //fall back just incase you never know :P
 * @param bool $return_config
 * @return array config vars
function addMenuButtonWithBoardsListAdminSettings($return_config = false)
    global $txt, $scripturl, $context;
    $context['page_title'] = $txt['menu_button_with_boards'];
    $context['post_url'] = $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=modsettings;save;sa=menu_button_with_boards';
    $context['settings_message'] = '';
    $config_vars = array(array('title', 'menu_button_with_boards_settings'), array('text', 'menu_button_with_boards_title'), array('text', 'menu_button_with_boards_cats', 'subtext' => $txt['menu_button_with_boards_cats_desc']));
    if ($return_config) {
        return $config_vars;
    if (isset($_GET['save'])) {
  * 升级完成
 public function finish()
     $nextVersion = $_SESSION['nextVersion'];
     $currentVersion = $_SESSION['currentVersion'];
     $versionModel = M('Version');
     $versionModel->where(array('name' => $nextVersion['name']))->setField('update_time', time());
     $this->assign('currentVersion', $versionModel->getCurrentVersion());
     $new_file_path = C('UPDATE_PATH') . $_SESSION['nextVersion']['name'];
     $this->assign('path', $new_file_path);
Пример #6
function scheduled_daily_maintenance()
    global $modSettings, $sourcedir, $db_type;
    // First clean out the cache.
    // If warning decrement is enabled and we have people who have not had a new warning in 24 hours, lower their warning level.
    list(, , $modSettings['warning_decrement']) = explode(',', $modSettings['warning_settings']);
    if ($modSettings['warning_decrement']) {
        // Find every member who has a warning level...
        $request = smf_db_query('
			SELECT id_member, warning
			FROM {db_prefix}members
			WHERE warning > {int:no_warning}', array('no_warning' => 0));
        $members = array();
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($request)) {
            $members[$row['id_member']] = $row['warning'];
        // Have some members to check?
        if (!empty($members)) {
            // Find out when they were last warned.
            $request = smf_db_query('
				SELECT id_recipient, MAX(log_time) AS last_warning
				FROM {db_prefix}log_comments
				WHERE id_recipient IN ({array_int:member_list})
					AND comment_type = {string:warning}
				GROUP BY id_recipient', array('member_list' => array_keys($members), 'warning' => 'warning'));
            $member_changes = array();
            while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($request)) {
                // More than 24 hours ago?
                if ($row['last_warning'] <= time() - 86400) {
                    $member_changes[] = array('id' => $row['id_recipient'], 'warning' => $members[$row['id_recipient']] >= $modSettings['warning_decrement'] ? $members[$row['id_recipient']] - $modSettings['warning_decrement'] : 0);
            // Have some members to change?
            if (!empty($member_changes)) {
                foreach ($member_changes as $change) {
						UPDATE {db_prefix}members
						SET warning = {int:warning}
						WHERE id_member = {int:id_member}', array('warning' => $change['warning'], 'id_member' => $change['id']));
    // Do any spider stuff.
    if (!empty($modSettings['spider_mode']) && $modSettings['spider_mode'] > 1) {
        require_once $sourcedir . '/ManageSearchEngines.php';
    // Check the database version - for some buggy MySQL version.
    $server_version = mysql_get_server_info();
    if ($db_type == 'mysql' && in_array(substr($server_version, 0, 6), array('5.0.50', '5.0.51'))) {
        updateSettings(array('db_mysql_group_by_fix' => '1'));
    } elseif (!empty($modSettings['db_mysql_group_by_fix'])) {
			DELETE FROM {db_prefix}settings
			WHERE variable = {string:mysql_fix}', array('mysql_fix' => 'db_mysql_group_by_fix'));
    // Regenerate the Diffie-Hellman keys if OpenID is enabled.
    if (!empty($modSettings['enableOpenID'])) {
        require_once $sourcedir . '/lib/Subs-OpenID.php';
    } elseif (!empty($modSettings['dh_keys'])) {
			DELETE FROM {db_prefix}settings
			WHERE variable = {string:dh_keys}', array('dh_keys' => 'dh_keys'));
    // clean out old cached posts
    if ($modSettings['post_cache_cutoff'] < 10) {
        $modSettings['post_cache_cutoff'] = 10;
		DELETE FROM {db_prefix}messages_cache WHERE updated < {int:cutoff}', array('cutoff' => time() - $modSettings['post_cache_cutoff'] * 86400));
    // auto-expire topicbans (expires == 0 means the ban is permanent until lifted manually, so do not expire them)
    smf_db_query('DELETE FROM {db_prefix}topicbans WHERE expires <> 0 AND expires <= UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW())');
    // Log we've done it...
    return true;
Пример #7
function db_debug_junk()
    global $context, $scripturl, $boarddir, $modSettings, $boarddir;
    global $db_cache, $db_count, $db_show_debug, $cache_count, $cache_hits, $txt;
    // Add to Settings.php if you want to show the debugging information.
    if (!isset($db_show_debug) || $db_show_debug !== true || isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == 'viewquery' || WIRELESS) {
    if (empty($_SESSION['view_queries'])) {
        $_SESSION['view_queries'] = 0;
    if (empty($context['debug']['language_files'])) {
        $context['debug']['language_files'] = array();
    if (empty($context['debug']['sheets'])) {
        $context['debug']['sheets'] = array();
    $files = get_included_files();
    $total_size = 0;
    for ($i = 0, $n = count($files); $i < $n; $i++) {
        if (file_exists($files[$i])) {
            $total_size += filesize($files[$i]);
        $files[$i] = strtr($files[$i], array($boarddir => '.'));
    $warnings = 0;
    if (!empty($db_cache)) {
        foreach ($db_cache as $q => $qq) {
            if (!empty($qq['w'])) {
                $warnings += count($qq['w']);
        $_SESSION['debug'] =& $db_cache;
    // Gotta have valid HTML ;).
    $temp = ob_get_contents();
    if (function_exists('ob_clean')) {
    } else {
    echo preg_replace('~</body>\\s*</html>~', '', $temp), '
<div class="smalltext" style="text-align: left; margin: 1ex;">
	', $txt['debug_templates'], count($context['debug']['templates']), ': <em>', implode('</em>, <em>', $context['debug']['templates']), '</em>.<br />
	', $txt['debug_subtemplates'], count($context['debug']['sub_templates']), ': <em>', implode('</em>, <em>', $context['debug']['sub_templates']), '</em>.<br />
	', $txt['debug_language_files'], count($context['debug']['language_files']), ': <em>', implode('</em>, <em>', $context['debug']['language_files']), '</em>.<br />
	', $txt['debug_stylesheets'], count($context['debug']['sheets']), ': <em>', implode('</em>, <em>', $context['debug']['sheets']), '</em>.<br />
	', $txt['debug_files_included'], count($files), ' - ', round($total_size / 1024), $txt['debug_kb'], ' (<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="document.getElementById(\'debug_include_info\').style.display = \'inline\'; this.style.display = \'none\'; return false;">', $txt['debug_show'], '</a><span id="debug_include_info" style="display: none;"><em>', implode('</em>, <em>', $files), '</em></span>)<br />';
    if (!empty($modSettings['cache_enable']) && !empty($cache_hits)) {
        $entries = array();
        $total_t = 0;
        $total_s = 0;
        foreach ($cache_hits as $cache_hit) {
            $entries[] = $cache_hit['d'] . ' ' . $cache_hit['k'] . ': ' . sprintf($txt['debug_cache_seconds_bytes'], comma_format($cache_hit['t'], 5), $cache_hit['s']);
            $total_t += $cache_hit['t'];
            $total_s += $cache_hit['s'];
        echo '
	', $txt['debug_cache_hits'], $cache_count, ': ', sprintf($txt['debug_cache_seconds_bytes_total'], comma_format($total_t, 5), comma_format($total_s)), ' (<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="document.getElementById(\'debug_cache_info\').style.display = \'inline\'; this.style.display = \'none\'; return false;">', $txt['debug_show'], '</a><span id="debug_cache_info" style="display: none;"><em>', implode('</em>, <em>', $entries), '</em></span>)<br />';
    echo '
	<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=viewquery" target="_blank" class="new_win">', $warnings == 0 ? sprintf($txt['debug_queries_used'], (int) $db_count) : sprintf($txt['debug_queries_used_and_warnings'], (int) $db_count, $warnings), '</a><br />
	<br />';
    if ($_SESSION['view_queries'] == 1 && !empty($db_cache)) {
        foreach ($db_cache as $q => $qq) {
            $is_select = substr(trim($qq['q']), 0, 6) == 'SELECT' || preg_match('~^INSERT(?: IGNORE)? INTO \\w+(?:\\s+\\([^)]+\\))?\\s+SELECT .+$~s', trim($qq['q'])) != 0;
            // Temporary tables created in earlier queries are not explainable.
            if ($is_select) {
                foreach (array('log_topics_unread', 'topics_posted_in', 'tmp_log_search_topics', 'tmp_log_search_messages') as $tmp) {
                    if (strpos(trim($qq['q']), $tmp) !== false) {
                        $is_select = false;
            } elseif (preg_match('~^CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE .+?SELECT .+$~s', trim($qq['q'])) != 0) {
                $is_select = true;
            // Make the filenames look a bit better.
            if (isset($qq['f'])) {
                $qq['f'] = preg_replace('~^' . preg_quote($boarddir, '~') . '~', '...', $qq['f']);
            echo '
	<strong>', $is_select ? '<a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=viewquery;qq=' . ($q + 1) . '#qq' . $q . '" target="_blank" class="new_win" style="text-decoration: none;">' : '', nl2br(str_replace("\t", '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;', htmlspecialchars(ltrim($qq['q'], "\n\r")))) . ($is_select ? '</a></strong>' : '</strong>') . '<br />
            if (!empty($qq['f']) && !empty($qq['l'])) {
                echo sprintf($txt['debug_query_in_line'], $qq['f'], $qq['l']);
            if (isset($qq['s'], $qq['t']) && isset($txt['debug_query_which_took_at'])) {
                echo sprintf($txt['debug_query_which_took_at'], round($qq['t'], 8), round($qq['s'], 8)) . '<br />';
            } elseif (isset($qq['t'])) {
                echo sprintf($txt['debug_query_which_took'], round($qq['t'], 8)) . '<br />';
            echo '
	<br />';
    echo '
	<a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=viewquery;sa=hide">', $txt['debug_' . (empty($_SESSION['view_queries']) ? 'show' : 'hide') . '_queries'], '</a>
    // Empty the language cache,
    if (isset($_REQUEST['clearcache'])) {
Пример #8
function RemoveTheme()
    global $modSettings, $context, $smcFunc;
    // The theme's ID must be an integer.
    $_GET['th'] = isset($_GET['th']) ? (int) $_GET['th'] : (int) $_GET['id'];
    // You can't delete the default theme!
    if ($_GET['th'] == 1) {
        fatal_lang_error('no_access', false);
    $known = explode(',', $modSettings['knownThemes']);
    for ($i = 0, $n = count($known); $i < $n; $i++) {
        if ($known[$i] == $_GET['th']) {
    $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
		DELETE FROM {db_prefix}themes
		WHERE id_theme = {int:current_theme}', array('current_theme' => $_GET['th']));
    $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
		UPDATE {db_prefix}members
		SET id_theme = {int:default_theme}
		WHERE id_theme = {int:current_theme}', array('default_theme' => 0, 'current_theme' => $_GET['th']));
    $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
		UPDATE {db_prefix}boards
		SET id_theme = {int:default_theme}
		WHERE id_theme = {int:current_theme}', array('default_theme' => 0, 'current_theme' => $_GET['th']));
    $known = strtr(implode(',', $known), array(',,' => ','));
    // Fix it if the theme was the overall default theme.
    if ($modSettings['theme_guests'] == $_GET['th']) {
        updateSettings(array('theme_guests' => '1', 'knownThemes' => $known));
    } else {
        updateSettings(array('knownThemes' => $known));
    // Remove any cached language files to keep space minimum!
    redirectexit('action=admin;area=theme;sa=list;' . $context['session_var'] . '=' . $context['session_id']);
Пример #9
function PackageInstall()
    global $boarddir, $txt, $context, $boardurl, $scripturl, $sourcedir, $modSettings;
    global $user_info, $smcFunc;
    // Make sure we don't install this mod twice.
    // If there's no file, what are we installing?
    if (!isset($_REQUEST['package']) || $_REQUEST['package'] == '') {
    $context['filename'] = $_REQUEST['package'];
    // If this is an uninstall, we'll have an id.
    $context['install_id'] = isset($_REQUEST['pid']) ? (int) $_REQUEST['pid'] : 0;
    require_once $sourcedir . '/lib/Subs-Package.php';
    // !!! TODO: Perhaps do it in steps, if necessary?
    $context['uninstalling'] = $_REQUEST['sa'] == 'uninstall2';
    // Set up the linktree for other.
    $context['linktree'][count($context['linktree']) - 1] = array('url' => $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=packages;sa=browse', 'name' => $context['uninstalling'] ? $txt['uninstall'] : $txt['extracting']);
    $context['page_title'] .= ' - ' . ($context['uninstalling'] ? $txt['uninstall'] : $txt['extracting']);
    $context['sub_template'] = 'extract_package';
    if (!file_exists($boarddir . '/Packages/' . $context['filename'])) {
        fatal_lang_error('package_no_file', false);
    // Load up the package FTP information?
    create_chmod_control(array(), array('destination_url' => $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=packages;sa=' . $_REQUEST['sa'] . ';package=' . $_REQUEST['package']));
    // Make sure temp directory exists and is empty!
    if (file_exists($boarddir . '/Packages/temp')) {
        deltree($boarddir . '/Packages/temp', false);
    } else {
        mktree($boarddir . '/Packages/temp', 0777);
    // Let the unpacker do the work.
    if (is_file($boarddir . '/Packages/' . $context['filename'])) {
        $context['extracted_files'] = read_tgz_file($boarddir . '/Packages/' . $context['filename'], $boarddir . '/Packages/temp');
        if (!file_exists($boarddir . '/Packages/temp/package-info.xml')) {
            foreach ($context['extracted_files'] as $file) {
                if (basename($file['filename']) == 'package-info.xml') {
                    $context['base_path'] = dirname($file['filename']) . '/';
        if (!isset($context['base_path'])) {
            $context['base_path'] = '';
    } elseif (is_dir($boarddir . '/Packages/' . $context['filename'])) {
        copytree($boarddir . '/Packages/' . $context['filename'], $boarddir . '/Packages/temp');
        $context['extracted_files'] = listtree($boarddir . '/Packages/temp');
        $context['base_path'] = '';
    } else {
        fatal_lang_error('no_access', false);
    // Are we installing this into any custom themes?
    $custom_themes = array(1);
    $known_themes = explode(',', $modSettings['knownThemes']);
    if (!empty($_POST['custom_theme'])) {
        foreach ($_POST['custom_theme'] as $tid) {
            if (in_array($tid, $known_themes)) {
                $custom_themes[] = (int) $tid;
    // Now load up the paths of the themes that we need to know about.
    $request = smf_db_query('
		SELECT id_theme, variable, value
		FROM {db_prefix}themes
		WHERE id_theme IN ({array_int:custom_themes})
			AND variable IN ({string:name}, {string:theme_dir})', array('custom_themes' => $custom_themes, 'name' => 'name', 'theme_dir' => 'theme_dir'));
    $theme_paths = array();
    $themes_installed = array(1);
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($request)) {
        $theme_paths[$row['id_theme']][$row['variable']] = $row['value'];
    // Are there any theme copying that we want to take place?
    $context['theme_copies'] = array('require-file' => array(), 'require-dir' => array());
    if (!empty($_POST['theme_changes'])) {
        foreach ($_POST['theme_changes'] as $change) {
            if (empty($change)) {
            $theme_data = unserialize(base64_decode($change));
            if (empty($theme_data['type'])) {
            $themes_installed[] = $theme_data['id'];
            $context['theme_copies'][$theme_data['type']][$theme_data['orig']][] = $theme_data['future'];
    // Get the package info...
    $packageInfo = getPackageInfo($context['filename']);
    if (!is_array($packageInfo)) {
    $packageInfo['filename'] = $context['filename'];
    // Set the type of extraction...
    $context['extract_type'] = isset($packageInfo['type']) ? $packageInfo['type'] : 'modification';
    // Create a backup file to roll back to! (but if they do this more than once, don't run it a zillion times.)
    if (!empty($modSettings['package_make_backups']) && (!isset($_SESSION['last_backup_for']) || $_SESSION['last_backup_for'] != $context['filename'] . ($context['uninstalling'] ? '$$' : '$'))) {
        $_SESSION['last_backup_for'] = $context['filename'] . ($context['uninstalling'] ? '$$' : '$');
        // !!! Internationalize this?
        package_create_backup(($context['uninstalling'] ? 'backup_' : 'before_') . strtok($context['filename'], '.'));
    // The mod isn't installed.... unless proven otherwise.
    $context['is_installed'] = false;
    // Is it actually installed?
    $request = smf_db_query('
		SELECT version, themes_installed, db_changes
		FROM {db_prefix}log_packages
		WHERE package_id = {string:current_package}
			AND install_state != {int:not_installed}
		ORDER BY time_installed DESC
		LIMIT 1', array('not_installed' => 0, 'current_package' => $packageInfo['id']));
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($request)) {
        $old_themes = explode(',', $row['themes_installed']);
        $old_version = $row['version'];
        $db_changes = empty($row['db_changes']) ? array() : unserialize($row['db_changes']);
    // Wait, it's not installed yet!
    // !!! TODO: Replace with a better error message!
    if (!isset($old_version) && $context['uninstalling']) {
        deltree($boarddir . '/Packages/temp');
        fatal_error('Hacker?', false);
    } elseif ($context['uninstalling']) {
        $install_log = parsePackageInfo($packageInfo['xml'], false, 'uninstall');
        // Gadzooks!  There's no uninstaller at all!?
        if (empty($install_log)) {
            fatal_lang_error('package_uninstall_cannot', false);
        // They can only uninstall from what it was originally installed into.
        foreach ($theme_paths as $id => $data) {
            if ($id != 1 && !in_array($id, $old_themes)) {
    } elseif (isset($old_version) && $old_version != $packageInfo['version']) {
        // Look for an upgrade...
        $install_log = parsePackageInfo($packageInfo['xml'], false, 'upgrade', $old_version);
        // There was no upgrade....
        if (empty($install_log)) {
            $context['is_installed'] = true;
        } else {
            // Upgrade previous themes only!
            foreach ($theme_paths as $id => $data) {
                if ($id != 1 && !in_array($id, $old_themes)) {
    } elseif (isset($old_version) && $old_version == $packageInfo['version']) {
        $context['is_installed'] = true;
    if (!isset($old_version) || $context['is_installed']) {
        $install_log = parsePackageInfo($packageInfo['xml'], false, 'install');
    $context['install_finished'] = false;
    // !!! TODO: Make a log of any errors that occurred and output them?
    if (!empty($install_log)) {
        $failed_steps = array();
        $failed_count = 0;
        foreach ($install_log as $action) {
            if ($action['type'] == 'modification' && !empty($action['filename'])) {
                if ($action['boardmod']) {
                    $mod_actions = parseBoardMod(file_get_contents($boarddir . '/Packages/temp/' . $context['base_path'] . $action['filename']), false, $action['reverse'], $theme_paths);
                } else {
                    $mod_actions = parseModification(file_get_contents($boarddir . '/Packages/temp/' . $context['base_path'] . $action['filename']), false, $action['reverse'], $theme_paths);
                // Any errors worth noting?
                foreach ($mod_actions as $key => $action) {
                    if ($action['type'] == 'failure') {
                        $failed_steps[] = array('file' => $action['filename'], 'large_step' => $failed_count, 'sub_step' => $key, 'theme' => 1);
                    // Gather the themes we installed into.
                    if (!empty($action['is_custom'])) {
                        $themes_installed[] = $action['is_custom'];
            } elseif ($action['type'] == 'code' && !empty($action['filename'])) {
                // This is just here as reference for what is available.
                global $txt, $boarddir, $sourcedir, $modSettings, $context, $settings, $forum_version, $smcFunc;
                // Now include the file and be done with it ;).
                require $boarddir . '/Packages/temp/' . $context['base_path'] . $action['filename'];
            } elseif ($action['type'] == 'database' && !empty($action['filename']) && (!$context['uninstalling'] || !empty($_POST['do_db_changes']))) {
                // These can also be there for database changes.
                global $txt, $boarddir, $sourcedir, $modSettings, $context, $settings, $forum_version, $smcFunc;
                global $db_package_log;
                // We'll likely want the package specific database functionality!
                // Let the file work its magic ;)
                require $boarddir . '/Packages/temp/' . $context['base_path'] . $action['filename'];
            } elseif ($action['type'] == 'redirect' && !empty($action['redirect_url'])) {
                $context['redirect_url'] = $action['redirect_url'];
                $context['redirect_text'] = !empty($action['filename']) && file_exists($boarddir . '/Packages/temp/' . $context['base_path'] . $action['filename']) ? file_get_contents($boarddir . '/Packages/temp/' . $context['base_path'] . $action['filename']) : ($context['uninstalling'] ? $txt['package_uninstall_done'] : $txt['package_installed_done']);
                $context['redirect_timeout'] = $action['redirect_timeout'];
                // Parse out a couple of common urls.
                $urls = array('$boardurl' => $boardurl, '$scripturl' => $scripturl, '$session_var' => $context['session_var'], '$session_id' => $context['session_id']);
                $context['redirect_url'] = strtr($context['redirect_url'], $urls);
        // First, ensure this change doesn't get removed by putting a stake in the ground (So to speak).
        package_put_contents($boarddir . '/Packages/installed.list', time());
        // See if this is already installed, and change it's state as required.
        $request = smf_db_query('
			SELECT package_id, install_state, db_changes
			FROM {db_prefix}log_packages
			WHERE install_state != {int:not_installed}
				AND package_id = {string:current_package}
				' . ($context['install_id'] ? ' AND id_install = {int:install_id} ' : '') . '
			ORDER BY time_installed DESC
			LIMIT 1', array('not_installed' => 0, 'install_id' => $context['install_id'], 'current_package' => $packageInfo['id']));
        $is_upgrade = false;
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($request)) {
            // Uninstalling?
            if ($context['uninstalling']) {
					UPDATE {db_prefix}log_packages
					SET install_state = {int:not_installed}, member_removed = {string:member_name}, id_member_removed = {int:current_member},
						time_removed = {int:current_time}
					WHERE package_id = {string:package_id}', array('current_member' => $user_info['id'], 'not_installed' => 0, 'current_time' => time(), 'package_id' => $row['package_id'], 'member_name' => $user_info['name']));
            } else {
                $is_upgrade = true;
                $old_db_changes = empty($row['db_changes']) ? array() : unserialize($row['db_changes']);
        // Assuming we're not uninstalling, add the entry.
        if (!$context['uninstalling']) {
            // Any db changes from older version?
            if (!empty($old_db_changes)) {
                $db_package_log = empty($db_package_log) ? $old_db_changes : array_merge($old_db_changes, $db_package_log);
            // If there are some database changes we might want to remove then filter them out.
            if (!empty($db_package_log)) {
                // We're really just checking for entries which are create table AND add columns (etc).
                $tables = array();
                function sort_table_first($a, $b)
                    if ($a[0] == $b[0]) {
                        return 0;
                    return $a[0] == 'remove_table' ? -1 : 1;
                usort($db_package_log, 'sort_table_first');
                foreach ($db_package_log as $k => $log) {
                    if ($log[0] == 'remove_table') {
                        $tables[] = $log[1];
                    } elseif (in_array($log[1], $tables)) {
                $db_changes = serialize($db_package_log);
            } else {
                $db_changes = '';
            // What themes did we actually install?
            $themes_installed = array_unique($themes_installed);
            $themes_installed = implode(',', $themes_installed);
            // What failed steps?
            $failed_step_insert = serialize($failed_steps);
            smf_db_insert('', '{db_prefix}log_packages', array('filename' => 'string', 'name' => 'string', 'package_id' => 'string', 'version' => 'string', 'id_member_installed' => 'int', 'member_installed' => 'string', 'time_installed' => 'int', 'install_state' => 'int', 'failed_steps' => 'string', 'themes_installed' => 'string', 'member_removed' => 'int', 'db_changes' => 'string'), array($packageInfo['filename'], $packageInfo['name'], $packageInfo['id'], $packageInfo['version'], $user_info['id'], $user_info['name'], time(), $is_upgrade ? 2 : 1, $failed_step_insert, $themes_installed, 0, $db_changes), array('id_install'));
        $context['install_finished'] = true;
    // If there's database changes - and they want them removed - let's do it last!
    if (!empty($db_changes) && !empty($_POST['do_db_changes'])) {
        // We're gonna be needing the package db functions!
        foreach ($db_changes as $change) {
            if ($change[0] == 'remove_table' && isset($change[1])) {
            } elseif ($change[0] == 'remove_column' && isset($change[2])) {
                smf_db_remove_column($change[1], $change[2]);
            } elseif ($change[0] == 'remove_index' && isset($change[2])) {
                smf_db_remove_index($change[1], $change[2]);
    // Clean house... get rid of the evidence ;).
    if (file_exists($boarddir . '/Packages/temp')) {
        deltree($boarddir . '/Packages/temp');
    // Log what we just did.
    logAction($context['uninstalling'] ? 'uninstall_package' : (!empty($is_upgrade) ? 'upgrade_package' : 'install_package'), array('package' => commonAPI::htmlspecialchars($packageInfo['name']), 'version' => commonAPI::htmlspecialchars($packageInfo['version'])), 'admin');
    // Just in case, let's clear the whole cache to avoid anything going up the swanny.
    // Restore file permissions?
    create_chmod_control(array(), array(), true);
Пример #10
function ShopUserGroup()
    global $smcFunc, $boarddir, $context, $txt;
    // If form wasn't submitted yet...
    if (!isset($_GET['step']) || $_GET['step'] == 1) {
        // Start with an empty list
        $context['shop_usergroups'] = array();
        // Get all non post-based membergroups
        $result = $smcFunc['db_query']('', "\n\t\t\tSELECT id_group, group_name\n\t\t\tFROM {db_prefix}membergroups\n\t\t\tWHERE min_posts = -1", array());
        // For each membergroup, add it to the list
        while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($result)) {
            $context['shop_usergroups'][] = array('id' => $row['id_group'], 'groupName' => $row['group_name']);
    } else {
        // Adding, or subtracting?
        $action = $_POST['m_action'] == 'sub' ? '-' : '+';
        // Make sure inputs were numeric
        $_POST['usergroup'] = (int) $_POST['usergroup'];
        $_POST['value'] = (double) $_POST['value'];
        // Do it!
        $smcFunc['db_query']('', "\n\t\t\tUPDATE {db_prefix}members\n\t\t\tSET money = money {raw:action} {int:value}\n\t\t\tWHERE id_group = {int:group}", array('action' => $action, 'value' => $_POST['value'], 'group' => $_POST['usergroup']));
    // We're using the "usergroup" template
    $context['sub_template'] = 'usergroup';
    $context['page_title'] = $txt['shop'] . ' - ' . $txt['shop_admin_usergroup'];
    // Load the actual template
Пример #11
     * This function does daily cleaning up:
     * - decrements warning levels if it's enabled
     * - consolidate spider statistics
     * - fix MySQL version
     * - regenerate Diffie-Hellman keys for OpenID
     * - remove obsolete login history logs
    public function daily_maintenance()
        global $modSettings, $db_type;
        $db = database();
        // First clean out the cache.
        // If warning decrement is enabled and we have people who have not had a new warning in 24 hours, lower their warning level.
        list(, , $modSettings['warning_decrement']) = explode(',', $modSettings['warning_settings']);
        if ($modSettings['warning_decrement']) {
            // Find every member who has a warning level...
            $request = $db->query('', '
				SELECT id_member, warning
				FROM {db_prefix}members
				WHERE warning > {int:no_warning}', array('no_warning' => 0));
            $members = array();
            while ($row = $db->fetch_assoc($request)) {
                $members[$row['id_member']] = $row['warning'];
            // Have some members to check?
            if (!empty($members)) {
                // Find out when they were last warned.
                $request = $db->query('', '
					SELECT id_recipient, MAX(log_time) AS last_warning
					FROM {db_prefix}log_comments
					WHERE id_recipient IN ({array_int:member_list})
						AND comment_type = {string:warning}
					GROUP BY id_recipient', array('member_list' => array_keys($members), 'warning' => 'warning'));
                $member_changes = array();
                while ($row = $db->fetch_assoc($request)) {
                    // More than 24 hours ago?
                    if ($row['last_warning'] <= time() - 86400) {
                        $member_changes[] = array('id' => $row['id_recipient'], 'warning' => $members[$row['id_recipient']] >= $modSettings['warning_decrement'] ? $members[$row['id_recipient']] - $modSettings['warning_decrement'] : 0);
                // Have some members to change?
                if (!empty($member_changes)) {
                    foreach ($member_changes as $change) {
                        updateMemberData($change['id'], array('warning' => $change['warning']));
        // Do any spider stuff.
        if (!empty($modSettings['spider_mode']) && $modSettings['spider_mode'] > 1) {
            // We'll need this.
            require_once SUBSDIR . '/SearchEngines.subs.php';
        // Check the database version - for some buggy MySQL version.
        $server_version = $db->db_server_info();
        if ($db_type == 'mysql' && in_array(substr($server_version, 0, 6), array('5.0.50', '5.0.51'))) {
            updateSettings(array('db_mysql_group_by_fix' => '1'));
        } elseif (!empty($modSettings['db_mysql_group_by_fix'])) {
            $db->query('', '
				DELETE FROM {db_prefix}settings
				WHERE variable = {string:mysql_fix}', array('mysql_fix' => 'db_mysql_group_by_fix'));
        // Regenerate the Diffie-Hellman keys if OpenID is enabled.
        if (!empty($modSettings['enableOpenID'])) {
            require_once SUBSDIR . '/OpenID.subs.php';
            $openID = new OpenID();
        } elseif (!empty($modSettings['dh_keys'])) {
            $db->query('', '
				DELETE FROM {db_prefix}settings
				WHERE variable = {string:dh_keys}', array('dh_keys' => 'dh_keys'));
        // Clean up some old login history information.
        $db->query('', '
			DELETE FROM {db_prefix}member_logins
			WHERE time > {int:oldLogins}', array('oldLogins' => !empty($modSettings['loginHistoryDays']) ? 60 * 60 * $modSettings['loginHistoryDays'] : 108000));
        // Log we've done it...
        return true;
Пример #12
function CheckQuotaSQL_cache($MDKEY)
    $CacheTime = round($GLOBALS["PARAMS"]["CACHE_TIME"] / 60);
    if ($CacheTime == 0) {
        $CacheTime = 6;
        $GLOBALS["PARAMS"]["CACHE_TIME"] = $CacheTime * 60;
    if (!isset($GLOBALS["SQLCACHE"][$MDKEY])) {
        return 0;
    $data1 = $GLOBALS["SQLCACHE"][$MDKEY]["TIME"];
    $data2 = time();
    $difference = $data2 - $data1;
    $mins = round($difference / 60);
    if ($GLOBALS["DEBUG_LEVEL"] > 1) {
        WLOG("CheckQuotaSQL_cache() -> {$mins}Mn/{$CacheTime}Mn return {$GLOBALS["SQLCACHE"][$MDKEY]["VALUE"]}MB");
    if ($mins < $CacheTime) {
        return $GLOBALS["SQLCACHE"][$MDKEY]["VALUE"];
Пример #13
function ModifyLanguage()
    global $settings, $context, $smcFunc, $txt, $modSettings, $boarddir, $sourcedir, $language;
    // Select the languages tab.
    $context['menu_data_' . $context['admin_menu_id']]['current_subsection'] = 'edit';
    $context['page_title'] = $txt['edit_languages'];
    $context['sub_template'] = 'modify_language_entries';
    $context['lang_id'] = $_GET['lid'];
    list($theme_id, $file_id) = empty($_REQUEST['tfid']) || strpos($_REQUEST['tfid'], '+') === false ? array(1, '') : explode('+', $_REQUEST['tfid']);
    // Clean the ID - just in case.
    preg_match('~([A-Za-z0-9_-]+)~', $context['lang_id'], $matches);
    $context['lang_id'] = $matches[1];
    // Get all the theme data.
    $request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
		SELECT id_theme, variable, value
		FROM {db_prefix}themes
		WHERE id_theme != {int:default_theme}
			AND id_member = {int:no_member}
			AND variable IN ({string:name}, {string:theme_dir})', array('default_theme' => 1, 'no_member' => 0, 'name' => 'name', 'theme_dir' => 'theme_dir'));
    $themes = array(1 => array('name' => $txt['dvc_default'], 'theme_dir' => $settings['default_theme_dir']));
    while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request)) {
        $themes[$row['id_theme']][$row['variable']] = $row['value'];
    // This will be where we look
    $lang_dirs = array();
    // Check we have themes with a path and a name - just in case - and add the path.
    foreach ($themes as $id => $data) {
        if (count($data) != 2) {
        } elseif (is_dir($data['theme_dir'] . '/languages')) {
            $lang_dirs[$id] = $data['theme_dir'] . '/languages';
        // How about image directories?
        if (is_dir($data['theme_dir'] . '/images/' . $context['lang_id'])) {
            $images_dirs[$id] = $data['theme_dir'] . '/images/' . $context['lang_id'];
    $current_file = $file_id ? $lang_dirs[$theme_id] . '/' . $file_id . '.' . $context['lang_id'] . '.php' : '';
    // Now for every theme get all the files and stick them in context!
    $context['possible_files'] = array();
    foreach ($lang_dirs as $theme => $theme_dir) {
        // Open it up.
        $dir = dir($theme_dir);
        while ($entry = $dir->read()) {
            // We're only after the files for this language.
            if (preg_match('~^([A-Za-z]+)\\.' . $context['lang_id'] . '\\.php$~', $entry, $matches) == 0) {
            //!!! Temp!
            if ($matches[1] == 'EmailTemplates') {
            if (!isset($context['possible_files'][$theme])) {
                $context['possible_files'][$theme] = array('id' => $theme, 'name' => $themes[$theme]['name'], 'files' => array());
            $context['possible_files'][$theme]['files'][] = array('id' => $matches[1], 'name' => isset($txt['lang_file_desc_' . $matches[1]]) ? $txt['lang_file_desc_' . $matches[1]] : $matches[1], 'selected' => $theme_id == $theme && $file_id == $matches[1]);
    // We no longer wish to speak this language.
    if (!empty($_POST['delete_main']) && $context['lang_id'] != 'english') {
        // !!! Todo: FTP Controls?
        require_once $sourcedir . '/Subs-Package.php';
        // First, Make a backup?
        if (!empty($modSettings['package_make_backups']) && (!isset($_SESSION['last_backup_for']) || $_SESSION['last_backup_for'] != $context['lang_id'] . '$$$')) {
            $_SESSION['last_backup_for'] = $context['lang_id'] . '$$$';
            package_create_backup('backup_lang_' . $context['lang_id']);
        // Second, loop through the array to remove the files.
        foreach ($lang_dirs as $curPath) {
            foreach ($context['possible_files'][1]['files'] as $lang) {
                if (file_exists($curPath . '/' . $lang['id'] . '.' . $context['lang_id'] . '.php')) {
                    unlink($curPath . '/' . $lang['id'] . '.' . $context['lang_id'] . '.php');
            // Check for the email template.
            if (file_exists($curPath . '/EmailTemplates.' . $context['lang_id'] . '.php')) {
                unlink($curPath . '/EmailTemplates.' . $context['lang_id'] . '.php');
        // Third, the agreement file.
        if (file_exists($boarddir . '/agreement.' . $context['lang_id'] . '.txt')) {
            unlink($boarddir . '/agreement.' . $context['lang_id'] . '.txt');
        // Fourth, a related images folder?
        foreach ($images_dirs as $curPath) {
            if (is_dir($curPath)) {
        // Fifth, update getLanguages() cache.
        if (!empty($modSettings['cache_enable'])) {
            cache_put_data('known_languages', null, !empty($modSettings['cache_enable']) && $modSettings['cache_enable'] < 1 ? 86400 : 3600);
        // Sixth, if we deleted the default language, set us back to english?
        if ($context['lang_id'] == $language) {
            require_once $sourcedir . '/Subs-Admin.php';
            $language = 'english';
            updateSettingsFile(array('language' => '\'' . $language . '\''));
        // Seventh, get out of here.
        redirectexit('action=admin;area=languages;sa=edit;' . $context['session_var'] . '=' . $context['session_id']);
    // Saving primary settings?
    $madeSave = false;
    if (!empty($_POST['save_main']) && !$current_file) {
        // Read in the current file.
        $current_data = implode('', file($settings['default_theme_dir'] . '/languages/index.' . $context['lang_id'] . '.php'));
        // These are the replacements. old => new
        $replace_array = array('~\\$txt\\[\'lang_character_set\'\\]\\s=\\s(\'|")[^\\r\\n]+~' => '$txt[\'lang_character_set\'] = \'' . addslashes($_POST['character_set']) . '\';', '~\\$txt\\[\'lang_locale\'\\]\\s=\\s(\'|")[^\\r\\n]+~' => '$txt[\'lang_locale\'] = \'' . addslashes($_POST['locale']) . '\';', '~\\$txt\\[\'lang_dictionary\'\\]\\s=\\s(\'|")[^\\r\\n]+~' => '$txt[\'lang_dictionary\'] = \'' . addslashes($_POST['dictionary']) . '\';', '~\\$txt\\[\'lang_spelling\'\\]\\s=\\s(\'|")[^\\r\\n]+~' => '$txt[\'lang_spelling\'] = \'' . addslashes($_POST['spelling']) . '\';', '~\\$txt\\[\'lang_rtl\'\\]\\s=\\s[A-Za-z0-9]+;~' => '$txt[\'lang_rtl\'] = ' . (!empty($_POST['rtl']) ? 'true' : 'false') . ';');
        $current_data = preg_replace(array_keys($replace_array), array_values($replace_array), $current_data);
        $fp = fopen($settings['default_theme_dir'] . '/languages/index.' . $context['lang_id'] . '.php', 'w+');
        fwrite($fp, $current_data);
        $madeSave = true;
    // Quickly load index language entries.
    $old_txt = $txt;
    require $settings['default_theme_dir'] . '/languages/index.' . $context['lang_id'] . '.php';
    $context['lang_file_not_writable_message'] = is_writable($settings['default_theme_dir'] . '/languages/index.' . $context['lang_id'] . '.php') ? '' : sprintf($txt['lang_file_not_writable'], $settings['default_theme_dir'] . '/languages/index.' . $context['lang_id'] . '.php');
    // Setup the primary settings context.
    $context['primary_settings'] = array('name' => $smcFunc['ucwords'](strtr($context['lang_id'], array('_' => ' ', '-utf8' => ''))), 'character_set' => $txt['lang_character_set'], 'locale' => $txt['lang_locale'], 'dictionary' => $txt['lang_dictionary'], 'spelling' => $txt['lang_spelling'], 'rtl' => $txt['lang_rtl']);
    // Restore normal service.
    $txt = $old_txt;
    // Are we saving?
    $save_strings = array();
    if (isset($_POST['save_entries']) && !empty($_POST['entry'])) {
        // Clean each entry!
        foreach ($_POST['entry'] as $k => $v) {
            // Only try to save if it's changed!
            if ($_POST['entry'][$k] != $_POST['comp'][$k]) {
                $save_strings[$k] = cleanLangString($v, false);
    // If we are editing a file work away at that.
    if ($current_file) {
        $context['entries_not_writable_message'] = is_writable($current_file) ? '' : sprintf($txt['lang_entries_not_writable'], $current_file);
        $entries = array();
        // We can't just require it I'm afraid - otherwise we pass in all kinds of variables!
        $multiline_cache = '';
        foreach (file($current_file) as $line) {
            // Got a new entry?
            if ($line[0] == '$' && !empty($multiline_cache)) {
                preg_match('~\\$(helptxt|txt)\\[\'(.+)\'\\]\\s=\\s(.+);~', strtr($multiline_cache, array("\n" => '', "\t" => '')), $matches);
                if (!empty($matches[3])) {
                    $entries[$matches[2]] = array('type' => $matches[1], 'full' => $matches[0], 'entry' => $matches[3]);
                    $multiline_cache = '';
            $multiline_cache .= $line . "\n";
        // Last entry to add?
        if ($multiline_cache) {
            preg_match('~\\$(helptxt|txt)\\[\'(.+)\'\\]\\s=\\s(.+);~', strtr($multiline_cache, array("\n" => '', "\t" => '')), $matches);
            if (!empty($matches[3])) {
                $entries[$matches[2]] = array('type' => $matches[1], 'full' => $matches[0], 'entry' => $matches[3]);
        // These are the entries we can definitely save.
        $final_saves = array();
        $context['file_entries'] = array();
        foreach ($entries as $entryKey => $entryValue) {
            // Ignore some things we set separately.
            $ignore_files = array('lang_character_set', 'lang_locale', 'lang_dictionary', 'lang_spelling', 'lang_rtl');
            if (in_array($entryKey, $ignore_files)) {
            // These are arrays that need breaking out.
            $arrays = array('days', 'days_short', 'months', 'months_titles', 'months_short');
            if (in_array($entryKey, $arrays)) {
                // Get off the first bits.
                $entryValue['entry'] = substr($entryValue['entry'], strpos($entryValue['entry'], '(') + 1, strrpos($entryValue['entry'], ')') - strpos($entryValue['entry'], '('));
                $entryValue['entry'] = explode(',', strtr($entryValue['entry'], array(' ' => '')));
                // Now create an entry for each item.
                $cur_index = 0;
                $save_cache = array('enabled' => false, 'entries' => array());
                foreach ($entryValue['entry'] as $id => $subValue) {
                    // Is this a new index?
                    if (preg_match('~^(\\d+)~', $subValue, $matches)) {
                        $cur_index = $matches[1];
                        $subValue = substr($subValue, strpos($subValue, '\''));
                    // Clean up some bits.
                    $subValue = strtr($subValue, array('"' => '', '\'' => '', ')' => ''));
                    // Can we save?
                    if (isset($save_strings[$entryKey . '-+- ' . $cur_index])) {
                        $save_cache['entries'][$cur_index] = strtr($save_strings[$entryKey . '-+- ' . $cur_index], array('\'' => ''));
                        $save_cache['enabled'] = true;
                    } else {
                        $save_cache['entries'][$cur_index] = $subValue;
                    $context['file_entries'][] = array('key' => $entryKey . '-+- ' . $cur_index, 'value' => $subValue, 'rows' => 1);
                // Do we need to save?
                if ($save_cache['enabled']) {
                    // Format the string, checking the indexes first.
                    $items = array();
                    $cur_index = 0;
                    foreach ($save_cache['entries'] as $k2 => $v2) {
                        // Manually show the custom index.
                        if ($k2 != $cur_index) {
                            $items[] = $k2 . ' => \'' . $v2 . '\'';
                            $cur_index = $k2;
                        } else {
                            $items[] = '\'' . $v2 . '\'';
                    // Now create the string!
                    $final_saves[$entryKey] = array('find' => $entryValue['full'], 'replace' => '$' . $entryValue['type'] . '[\'' . $entryKey . '\'] = array(' . implode(', ', $items) . ');');
            } else {
                // Saving?
                if (isset($save_strings[$entryKey]) && $save_strings[$entryKey] != $entryValue['entry']) {
                    // !!! Fix this properly.
                    if ($save_strings[$entryKey] == '') {
                        $save_strings[$entryKey] = '\'\'';
                    // Set the new value.
                    $entryValue['entry'] = $save_strings[$entryKey];
                    // And we know what to save now!
                    $final_saves[$entryKey] = array('find' => $entryValue['full'], 'replace' => '$' . $entryValue['type'] . '[\'' . $entryKey . '\'] = ' . $save_strings[$entryKey] . ';');
                $editing_string = cleanLangString($entryValue['entry'], true);
                $context['file_entries'][] = array('key' => $entryKey, 'value' => $editing_string, 'rows' => (int) (strlen($editing_string) / 38) + substr_count($editing_string, "\n") + 1);
        // Any saves to make?
        if (!empty($final_saves)) {
            $file_contents = implode('', file($current_file));
            foreach ($final_saves as $save) {
                $file_contents = strtr($file_contents, array($save['find'] => $save['replace']));
            // Save the actual changes.
            $fp = fopen($current_file, 'w+');
            fwrite($fp, $file_contents);
            $madeSave = true;
        // Another restore.
        $txt = $old_txt;
    // If we saved, redirect.
    if ($madeSave) {
        redirectexit('action=admin;area=languages;sa=editlang;lid=' . $context['lang_id']);
Пример #14
function shd_maint_clean_cache()
    global $context;
    // Normally, we'd update $context['continue_post_data'] to indicate our next port of call. But here, we don't have to.
    redirectexit('action=admin;area=helpdesk_maint;sa=findrepair;done;' . $context['session_var'] . '=' . $context['session_id']);
Пример #15
     * Generates a list of integration hooks for display
     * - Accessed through ?action=admin;area=maintain;sa=hooks;
     * - Allows for removal or disabing of selected hooks
    public function action_hooks()
        global $scripturl, $context, $txt, $modSettings, $settings;
        require_once SUBSDIR . '/AddonSettings.subs.php';
        $context['filter_url'] = '';
        $context['current_filter'] = '';
        // Get the list of the current system hooks, filter them if needed
        $currentHooks = get_integration_hooks();
        if (isset($_GET['filter']) && in_array($_GET['filter'], array_keys($currentHooks))) {
            $context['filter_url'] = ';filter=' . $_GET['filter'];
            $context['current_filter'] = $_GET['filter'];
        if (!empty($modSettings['handlinghooks_enabled'])) {
            if (!empty($_REQUEST['do']) && isset($_REQUEST['hook']) && isset($_REQUEST['function'])) {
                validateToken('admin-hook', 'request');
                if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'remove') {
                    remove_integration_function($_REQUEST['hook'], urldecode($_REQUEST['function']));
                } else {
                    if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'disable') {
                        // It's a hack I know...but I'm way too lazy!!!
                        $function_remove = $_REQUEST['function'];
                        $function_add = $_REQUEST['function'] . ']';
                    } else {
                        $function_remove = $_REQUEST['function'] . ']';
                        $function_add = $_REQUEST['function'];
                    $file = !empty($_REQUEST['includedfile']) ? urldecode($_REQUEST['includedfile']) : '';
                    remove_integration_function($_REQUEST['hook'], $function_remove, $file);
                    add_integration_function($_REQUEST['hook'], $function_add, $file);
                    // Clean the cache.
                    require_once SUBSDIR . '/Cache.subs.php';
                redirectexit('action=admin;area=maintain;sa=hooks' . $context['filter_url']);
        $list_options = array('id' => 'list_integration_hooks', 'title' => $txt['maintain_sub_hooks_list'], 'items_per_page' => 20, 'base_href' => $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=maintain;sa=hooks' . $context['filter_url'] . ';' . $context['session_var'] . '=' . $context['session_id'], 'default_sort_col' => 'hook_name', 'get_items' => array('function' => array($this, 'list_getIntegrationHooks')), 'get_count' => array('function' => array($this, 'list_getIntegrationHooksCount')), 'no_items_label' => $txt['hooks_no_hooks'], 'columns' => array('hook_name' => array('header' => array('value' => $txt['hooks_field_hook_name']), 'data' => array('db' => 'hook_name'), 'sort' => array('default' => 'hook_name', 'reverse' => 'hook_name DESC')), 'function_name' => array('header' => array('value' => $txt['hooks_field_function_name']), 'data' => array('function' => create_function('$data', '
							global $txt;

							if (!empty($data[\'included_file\']))
								return $txt[\'hooks_field_function\'] . \': \' . $data[\'real_function\'] . \'<br />\' . $txt[\'hooks_field_included_file\'] . \': \' . $data[\'included_file\'];
								return $data[\'real_function\'];
						')), 'sort' => array('default' => 'function_name', 'reverse' => 'function_name DESC')), 'file_name' => array('header' => array('value' => $txt['hooks_field_file_name']), 'data' => array('db' => 'file_name'), 'sort' => array('default' => 'file_name', 'reverse' => 'file_name DESC')), 'status' => array('header' => array('value' => $txt['hooks_field_hook_exists'], 'class' => 'nowrap'), 'data' => array('function' => create_function('$data', '
							global $txt, $settings, $scripturl, $context;

							$change_status = array(\'before\' => \'\', \'after\' => \'\');
							if ($data[\'can_be_disabled\'] && $data[\'status\'] != \'deny\')
								$change_status[\'before\'] = \'<a href="\' . $scripturl . \'?action=admin;area=maintain;sa=hooks;do=\' . ($data[\'enabled\'] ? \'disable\' : \'enable\') . \';hook=\' . $data[\'hook_name\'] . \';function=\' . $data[\'real_function\'] . (!empty($data[\'included_file\']) ? \';includedfile=\' . urlencode($data[\'included_file\']) : \'\') . $context[\'filter_url\'] . \';\' . $context[\'admin-hook_token_var\'] . \'=\' . $context[\'admin-hook_token\'] . \';\' . $context[\'session_var\'] . \'=\' . $context[\'session_id\'] . \'" onclick="return confirm(\' . javaScriptEscape($txt[\'quickmod_confirm\']) . \');">\';
								$change_status[\'after\'] = \'</a>\';
							return $change_status[\'before\'] . \'<img src="\' . $settings[\'images_url\'] . \'/admin/post_moderation_\' . $data[\'status\'] . \'.png" alt="\' . $data[\'img_text\'] . \'" title="\' . $data[\'img_text\'] . \'" />\' . $change_status[\'after\'];
						'), 'class' => 'centertext'), 'sort' => array('default' => 'status', 'reverse' => 'status DESC'))), 'additional_rows' => array(array('position' => 'after_title', 'value' => $txt['hooks_disable_instructions'] . '<br />
						' . $txt['hooks_disable_legend'] . ':
							<img src="' . $settings['images_url'] . '/admin/post_moderation_allow.png" alt="' . $txt['hooks_active'] . '" title="' . $txt['hooks_active'] . '" /> ' . $txt['hooks_disable_legend_exists'] . '
							<img src="' . $settings['images_url'] . '/admin/post_moderation_moderate.png" alt="' . $txt['hooks_disabled'] . '" title="' . $txt['hooks_disabled'] . '" /> ' . $txt['hooks_disable_legend_disabled'] . '
							<img src="' . $settings['images_url'] . '/admin/post_moderation_deny.png" alt="' . $txt['hooks_missing'] . '" title="' . $txt['hooks_missing'] . '" /> ' . $txt['hooks_disable_legend_missing'] . '
        if (!empty($modSettings['handlinghooks_enabled'])) {
            createToken('admin-hook', 'request');
            $list_options['columns']['remove'] = array('header' => array('value' => $txt['hooks_button_remove'], 'style' => 'width:3%'), 'data' => array('function' => create_function('$data', '
						global $txt, $settings, $scripturl, $context;

						if (!$data[\'hook_exists\'])
							return \'
							<a href="\' . $scripturl . \'?action=admin;area=maintain;sa=hooks;do=remove;hook=\' . $data[\'hook_name\'] . \';function=\' . urlencode($data[\'function_name\']) . $context[\'filter_url\'] . \';\' . $context[\'admin-hook_token_var\'] . \'=\' . $context[\'admin-hook_token\'] . \';\' . $context[\'session_var\'] . \'=\' . $context[\'session_id\'] . \'" onclick="return confirm(\' . javaScriptEscape($txt[\'quickmod_confirm\']) . \');">
								<img src="\' . $settings[\'images_url\'] . \'/icons/quick_remove.png" alt="\' . $txt[\'hooks_button_remove\'] . \'" title="\' . $txt[\'hooks_button_remove\'] . \'" />
					'), 'class' => 'centertext'));
            $list_options['form'] = array('href' => $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=maintain;sa=hooks' . $context['filter_url'] . ';' . $context['session_var'] . '=' . $context['session_id'], 'name' => 'list_integration_hooks');
        require_once SUBSDIR . '/GenericList.class.php';
        $context['page_title'] = $txt['maintain_sub_hooks_list'];
        $context['sub_template'] = 'show_list';
        $context['default_list'] = 'list_integration_hooks';
Пример #16
 * Delete the damn thing!
 * Finalizes the upgrade
 * Updates maintenance mode to what it was before the upgrade started
 * Updates settings.php, sometimes even correctly
 * Flushes the cache so there is a clean start
 * Runs a scheduled fetch files so the install can be checked in the admin panel
function action_deleteUpgrade()
    global $command_line, $language, $upcontext, $forum_version, $user_info, $maintenance, $db_type;
    // Now it's nice to have some of the basic source files.
    if (!isset($_GET['ssi']) && !$command_line) {
    $upcontext['sub_template'] = 'upgrade_complete';
    $upcontext['page_title'] = 'Upgrade Complete';
    $endl = $command_line ? "\n" : '<br />' . "\n";
    $changes = array('language' => '\'' . (substr($language, -4) == '.lng' ? substr($language, 0, -4) : $language) . '\'', 'db_error_send' => '1');
    // Are we in maintenance mode?
    if (isset($upcontext['user']['main'])) {
        if ($command_line) {
            echo ' * ';
        $upcontext['removed_maintenance'] = true;
        $changes['maintenance'] = $upcontext['user']['main'];
    } elseif (!empty($maintenance) && $maintenance == 2) {
        $changes['maintenance'] = 1;
    // Wipe this out...
    $upcontext['user'] = array();
    // @todo this is mad and needs to be looked at
    // Make a backup of Settings.php first as otherwise earlier changes are lost.
    copy(BOARDDIR . '/Settings.php', BOARDDIR . '/Settings_bak.php');
    // Now remove our marker
    $changes = array('upgradeData' => '#remove#');
    copy(BOARDDIR . '/Settings.php', BOARDDIR . '/Settings_bak.php');
    // Clean any old cache files away.
    // Can we delete the file?
    $upcontext['can_delete_script'] = is_writable(dirname(__FILE__)) || is_writable(__FILE__);
    // Now is the perfect time to fetch the ELK files.
    if ($command_line) {
    } else {
        // The variable is usually defined in index.php so lets just use the constant to do it for us.
        $forum_version = CURRENT_VERSION;
        // Now go get those files!
        require_once SUBSDIR . '/ScheduledTask.class.php';
        $task = new Scheduled_Task();
    // Log what we've done.
    if (empty($user_info['id'])) {
        $user_info['id'] = !empty($upcontext['user']['id']) ? $upcontext['user']['id'] : 0;
    // We need to log in the database
    $db = database();
    // Log the action manually, so CLI still works.
    $db->insert('', '{db_prefix}log_actions', array('log_time' => 'int', 'id_log' => 'int', 'id_member' => 'int', 'ip' => 'string-16', 'action' => 'string', 'id_board' => 'int', 'id_topic' => 'int', 'id_msg' => 'int', 'extra' => 'string-65534'), array(time(), 3, $user_info['id'], $command_line ? '' : $user_info['ip'], 'upgrade', 0, 0, 0, serialize(array('version' => $forum_version, 'member' => $user_info['id']))), array('id_action'));
    $user_info['id'] = 0;
    // Save the current database version.
    $server_version = $db->db_server_info();
    if ($db_type == 'mysql' && in_array(substr($server_version, 0, 6), array('5.0.50', '5.0.51'))) {
        updateSettings(array('db_mysql_group_by_fix' => '1'));
    // Set jquery to auto if its not already set
    if (!isset($modSettings['jquery_source'])) {
        updateSettings(array('jquery_source' => 'auto'));
    if ($command_line) {
        echo $endl;
        echo 'Upgrade Complete!', $endl;
        echo 'Please delete this file as soon as possible for security reasons.', $endl;
    // Make sure it says we're done.
    $upcontext['overall_percent'] = 100;
    if (isset($upcontext['step_progress'])) {
    $_GET['substep'] = 0;
    return false;
Пример #17
 * This is an overall control panel enabling/disabling lots of SMF's key feature components.
 * @param $return_config
function ModifyCoreFeatures($return_config = false)
    global $txt, $scripturl, $context, $settings, $sc, $modSettings;
    /* This is an array of all the features that can be enabled/disabled - each option can have the following:
    		title		- Text title of this item (If standard string does not exist).
    		desc		- Description of this feature (If standard string does not exist).
    		settings	- Array of settings to change (For each name => value) on enable - reverse is done for disable. If > 1 will not change value if set.
    		setting_callback- Function that returns an array of settings to save - takes one parameter which is value for this feature.
    		save_callback	- Function called on save, takes state as parameter.
    $core_features = array('cd' => array('url' => 'action=admin;area=managecalendar', 'settings' => array('cal_enabled' => 1)), 'cp' => array('url' => 'action=admin;area=featuresettings;sa=profile', 'save_callback' => create_function('$value', '
				global $smcFunc;
				if (!$value)
					$smcFunc[\'db_query\'](\'\', \'
						UPDATE {db_prefix}custom_fields
						SET active = 0\');
			'), 'setting_callback' => create_function('$value', '
				if (!$value)
					return array(
						\'disabled_profile_fields\' => \'\',
						\'registration_fields\' => \'\',
						\'displayFields\' => \'\',
					return array();
			')), 'dr' => array('url' => 'action=admin;area=managedrafts', 'settings' => array('drafts_enabled' => 1, 'drafts_post_enabled' => 2, 'drafts_pm_enabled' => 2, 'drafts_autosave_enabled' => 2, 'drafts_show_saved_enabled' => 2), 'setting_callback' => create_function('$value', '
				global $smcFunc, $sourcedir;

				// Set the correct disabled value for the scheduled task.
				$smcFunc[\'db_query\'](\'\', \'
					UPDATE {db_prefix}scheduled_tasks
					SET disabled = {int:disabled}
					WHERE task = {string:task}\',
						\'disabled\' => $value ? 0 : 1,
						\'task\' => \'remove_old_drafts\',
			')), 'ih' => array('url' => 'action=admin;area=modsettings;sa=hooks', 'settings' => array('handlinghooks_enabled' => 1)), 'k' => array('url' => 'action=admin;area=featuresettings;sa=karma', 'settings' => array('karmaMode' => 2)), 'ml' => array('url' => 'action=admin;area=logs;sa=modlog', 'settings' => array('modlog_enabled' => 1)), 'pm' => array('url' => 'action=admin;area=permissions;sa=postmod', 'setting_callback' => create_function('$value', '
				global $sourcedir;

				// Cant use warning post moderation if disabled!
				if (!$value)
					require_once($sourcedir . \'/PostModeration.php\');

					return array(\'warning_moderate\' => 0);
					return array();
			')), 'ps' => array('url' => 'action=admin;area=paidsubscribe', 'settings' => array('paid_enabled' => 1), 'setting_callback' => create_function('$value', '
				global $smcFunc, $sourcedir;

				// Set the correct disabled value for scheduled task.
				$smcFunc[\'db_query\'](\'\', \'
					UPDATE {db_prefix}scheduled_tasks
					SET disabled = {int:disabled}
					WHERE task = {string:task}\',
						\'disabled\' => $value ? 0 : 1,
						\'task\' => \'paid_subscriptions\',

				// Should we calculate next trigger?
				if ($value)
					require_once($sourcedir . \'/ScheduledTasks.php\');
			')), 'rg' => array('url' => 'action=admin;area=reports'), 'w' => array('url' => 'action=admin;area=securitysettings;sa=moderation', 'setting_callback' => create_function('$value', '
				global $modSettings;
				list ($modSettings[\'warning_enable\'], $modSettings[\'user_limit\'], $modSettings[\'warning_decrement\']) = explode(\',\', $modSettings[\'warning_settings\']);
				$warning_settings = ($value ? 1 : 0) . \',\' . $modSettings[\'user_limit\'] . \',\' . $modSettings[\'warning_decrement\'];
				if (!$value)
					$returnSettings = array(
						\'warning_watch\' => 0,
						\'warning_moderate\' => 0,
						\'warning_mute\' => 0,
				elseif (empty($modSettings[\'warning_enable\']) && $value)
					$returnSettings = array(
						\'warning_watch\' => 10,
						\'warning_moderate\' => 35,
						\'warning_mute\' => 60,
					$returnSettings = array();

				$returnSettings[\'warning_settings\'] = $warning_settings;
				return $returnSettings;
			')), 'sp' => array('url' => 'action=admin;area=sengines', 'settings' => array('spider_mode' => 1), 'setting_callback' => create_function('$value', '
				// Turn off the spider group if disabling.
				if (!$value)
					return array(\'spider_group\' => 0, \'show_spider_online\' => 0);
			'), 'on_save' => create_function('', '
				global $sourcedir, $modSettings;
				require_once($sourcedir . \'/ManageSearchEngines.php\');
    // Anyone who would like to add a core feature?
    call_integration_hook('integrate_core_features', array(&$core_features));
    // Are we getting info for the help section.
    if ($return_config) {
        $return_data = array();
        foreach ($core_features as $id => $data) {
            $return_data[] = array('switch', isset($data['title']) ? $data['title'] : $txt['core_settings_item_' . $id]);
        return $return_data;
    // Are we saving?
    if (isset($_POST['save'])) {
        if (isset($_GET['xml'])) {
            $tokenValidation = validateToken('admin-core', 'post', false);
            if (empty($tokenValidation)) {
                return 'token_verify_fail';
        } else {
        $setting_changes = array('admin_features' => array());
        // Cycle each feature and change things as required!
        foreach ($core_features as $id => $feature) {
            // Enabled?
            if (!empty($_POST['feature_' . $id])) {
                $setting_changes['admin_features'][] = $id;
            // Setting values to change?
            if (isset($feature['settings'])) {
                foreach ($feature['settings'] as $key => $value) {
                    if (empty($_POST['feature_' . $id]) || !empty($_POST['feature_' . $id]) && ($value < 2 || empty($modSettings[$key]))) {
                        $setting_changes[$key] = !empty($_POST['feature_' . $id]) ? $value : !$value;
            // Is there a call back for settings?
            if (isset($feature['setting_callback'])) {
                $returned_settings = $feature['setting_callback'](!empty($_POST['feature_' . $id]));
                if (!empty($returned_settings)) {
                    $setting_changes = array_merge($setting_changes, $returned_settings);
            // Standard save callback?
            if (isset($feature['on_save'])) {
        // Make sure this one setting is a string!
        $setting_changes['admin_features'] = implode(',', $setting_changes['admin_features']);
        // Make any setting changes!
        // This is needed to let menus appear if cache > 2
        // Any post save things?
        foreach ($core_features as $id => $feature) {
            // Standard save callback?
            if (isset($feature['save_callback'])) {
                $feature['save_callback'](!empty($_POST['feature_' . $id]));
        if (!isset($_REQUEST['xml'])) {
            redirectexit('action=admin;area=corefeatures;' . $context['session_var'] . '=' . $context['session_id']);
    // Put them in context.
    $context['features'] = array();
    foreach ($core_features as $id => $feature) {
        $context['features'][$id] = array('title' => isset($feature['title']) ? $feature['title'] : $txt['core_settings_item_' . $id], 'desc' => isset($feature['desc']) ? $feature['desc'] : $txt['core_settings_item_' . $id . '_desc'], 'enabled' => in_array($id, $context['admin_features']), 'state' => in_array($id, $context['admin_features']) ? 'on' : 'off', 'url' => !empty($feature['url']) ? $scripturl . '?' . $feature['url'] . ';' . $context['session_var'] . '=' . $context['session_id'] : '', 'image' => (file_exists($settings['theme_dir'] . '/images/admin/feature_' . $id . '.png') ? $settings['images_url'] : $settings['default_images_url']) . '/admin/feature_' . $id . '.png');
    // Are they a new user?
    $context['is_new_install'] = !isset($modSettings['admin_features']);
    $context['force_disable_tabs'] = $context['is_new_install'];
    // Don't show them this twice!
    if ($context['is_new_install']) {
        updateSettings(array('admin_features' => ''));
    // sub_template is already generic_xml and the token is created somewhere else
    if (isset($_REQUEST['xml'])) {
    $context['sub_template'] = 'core_features';
    $context['page_title'] = $txt['core_settings_title'];
    // We love our tokens.
Пример #18
  * This is an overall control panel enabling/disabling lots of the forums key features.
  * What it does:
  * - Uses internally an array of all the features that can be enabled/disabled.
  * - $core_features, each option can have the following:
  *    - title - Text title of this item (If standard string does not exist).
  *    - desc - Description of this feature (If standard string does not exist).
  *    - settings - Array of settings to change (For each name => value) on enable
  *      reverse is done for disable. If value > 1 will not change value if set.
  *    - setting_callback - Function that returns an array of settings to save
  *      takes one parameter which is value for this feature.
  *    - save_callback - Function called on save, takes state as parameter.
 public function action_features()
     global $txt, $scripturl, $context, $settings, $modSettings;
     require_once SUBSDIR . '/Admin.subs.php';
     $core_features = $this->settings();
     // Are we saving?
     if (isset($_POST['save'])) {
         if (isset($_GET['xml'])) {
             $tokenValidation = validateToken('admin-core', 'post', false);
             if (empty($tokenValidation)) {
                 return 'token_verify_fail';
         } else {
         $setting_changes = array('admin_features' => array());
         // Cycle each feature and change things as required!
         foreach ($core_features as $id => $feature) {
             // Enabled?
             if (!empty($_POST['feature_' . $id])) {
                 $setting_changes['admin_features'][] = $id;
             // Setting values to change?
             if (isset($feature['settings'])) {
                 foreach ($feature['settings'] as $key => $value) {
                     if (empty($_POST['feature_' . $id]) || !empty($_POST['feature_' . $id]) && ($value < 2 || empty($modSettings[$key]))) {
                         $setting_changes[$key] = !empty($_POST['feature_' . $id]) ? $value : !$value;
             // Is there a call back for settings?
             if (isset($feature['setting_callback'])) {
                 $returned_settings = $feature['setting_callback'](!empty($_POST['feature_' . $id]));
                 if (!empty($returned_settings)) {
                     $setting_changes = array_merge($setting_changes, $returned_settings);
             // Standard save callback?
             if (isset($feature['on_save'])) {
         // Make sure this one setting is a string!
         $setting_changes['admin_features'] = implode(',', $setting_changes['admin_features']);
         // Make any setting changes!
         // This is needed to let menus appear if cache > 2
         if ($modSettings['cache_enable'] > 2) {
         // Any post save things?
         foreach ($core_features as $id => $feature) {
             // Standard save callback?
             if (isset($feature['save_callback'])) {
                 $feature['save_callback'](!empty($_POST['feature_' . $id]));
         if (!isset($_REQUEST['xml'])) {
             redirectexit('action=admin;area=corefeatures;' . $context['session_var'] . '=' . $context['session_id']);
     // Put them in context.
     $context['features'] = array();
     foreach ($core_features as $id => $feature) {
         $context['features'][$id] = array('title' => isset($feature['title']) ? $feature['title'] : $txt['core_settings_item_' . $id], 'desc' => isset($feature['desc']) ? $feature['desc'] : $txt['core_settings_item_' . $id . '_desc'], 'enabled' => in_array($id, $context['admin_features']), 'state' => in_array($id, $context['admin_features']) ? 'on' : 'off', 'url' => !empty($feature['url']) ? $scripturl . '?' . $feature['url'] . ';' . $context['session_var'] . '=' . $context['session_id'] : '', 'image' => (file_exists($settings['theme_dir'] . '/images/admin/feature_' . $id . '.png') ? $settings['images_url'] : $settings['default_images_url']) . '/admin/feature_' . $id . '.png');
     // Are they a new user?
     $context['is_new_install'] = !isset($modSettings['admin_features']);
     $context['force_disable_tabs'] = $context['is_new_install'];
     // Don't show them this twice!
     if ($context['is_new_install']) {
         updateSettings(array('admin_features' => ''));
     // sub_template is already generic_xml and the token is created somewhere else
     if (isset($_REQUEST['xml'])) {
     $context['sub_template'] = 'core_features';
     $context['page_title'] = $txt['core_settings_title'];
     $context[$context['admin_menu_name']]['tab_data'] = array('title' => $txt['core_settings_title'], 'help' => '', 'description' => $txt['core_settings_desc']);
     // We love our tokens.
function scheduled_daily_maintenance()
    global $smcFunc, $modSettings, $sourcedir, $db_type;
    // First clean out the cache.
    // If warning decrement is enabled and we have people who have not had a new warning in 24 hours, lower their warning level.
    list(, , $modSettings['warning_decrement']) = explode(',', $modSettings['warning_settings']);
    if ($modSettings['warning_decrement']) {
        // Find every member who has a warning level...
        $request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
			SELECT id_member, warning
			FROM {db_prefix}members
			WHERE warning > {int:no_warning}', array('no_warning' => 0));
        $members = array();
        while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request)) {
            $members[$row['id_member']] = $row['warning'];
        // Have some members to check?
        if (!empty($members)) {
            // Find out when they were last warned.
            $request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
				SELECT id_recipient, MAX(log_time) AS last_warning
				FROM {db_prefix}log_comments
				WHERE id_recipient IN ({array_int:member_list})
					AND comment_type = {string:warning}
				GROUP BY id_recipient', array('member_list' => array_keys($members), 'warning' => 'warning'));
            $member_changes = array();
            while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request)) {
                // More than 24 hours ago?
                if ($row['last_warning'] <= time() - 86400) {
                    $member_changes[] = array('id' => $row['id_recipient'], 'warning' => $members[$row['id_recipient']] >= $modSettings['warning_decrement'] ? $members[$row['id_recipient']] - $modSettings['warning_decrement'] : 0);
            // Have some members to change?
            if (!empty($member_changes)) {
                foreach ($member_changes as $change) {
                    $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
						UPDATE {db_prefix}members
						SET warning = {int:warning}
						WHERE id_member = {int:id_member}', array('warning' => $change['warning'], 'id_member' => $change['id']));
    // Do any spider stuff.
    if (!empty($modSettings['spider_mode']) && $modSettings['spider_mode'] > 1) {
        require_once $sourcedir . '/ManageSearchEngines.php';
    // Check the database version - for some buggy MySQL version.
    $server_version = $smcFunc['db_server_info']();
    if ($db_type == 'mysql' && in_array(substr($server_version, 0, 6), array('5.0.50', '5.0.51'))) {
        updateSettings(array('db_mysql_group_by_fix' => '1'));
    } elseif (!empty($modSettings['db_mysql_group_by_fix'])) {
        $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
			DELETE FROM {db_prefix}settings
			WHERE variable = {string:mysql_fix}', array('mysql_fix' => 'db_mysql_group_by_fix'));
    // Regenerate the Diffie-Hellman keys if OpenID is enabled.
    if (!empty($modSettings['enableOpenID'])) {
        require_once $sourcedir . '/Subs-OpenID.php';
    } elseif (!empty($modSettings['dh_keys'])) {
        $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
			DELETE FROM {db_prefix}settings
			WHERE variable = {string:dh_keys}', array('dh_keys' => 'dh_keys'));
    // Log we've done it...
    return true;
Пример #20

 * @author      OA Wu <*****@*****.**>
 * @copyright   Copyright (c) 2015 OA Wu Design
include_once 'base.php';
include_once 'functions/clean.php';
//       file     type         name                               action
// =======================================================================
// php   clean    cache        [cell | file | model | [assets | static]]
$file = array_shift($argv);
$type = array_shift($argv);
$name = array_shift($argv);
switch (strtolower($type)) {
    case 'cache':
        $results = clean_cache($name);
        return console_error('指令錯誤!', '只接受 cache 指令。');
$results = array_map(function ($result) {
    $count = 1;
    return color('Clean: ', 'g') . str_replace(FCPATH, '', $result, $count);
}, $results);
array_unshift($results, '清除成功!');
call_user_func_array('console_log', $results);
Пример #21
  * Apply another type of (avatar, language, etc.) package.
 public function action_install2()
     global $txt, $context, $boardurl, $scripturl, $modSettings;
     // Make sure we don't install this mod twice.
     // If there's no file, what are we installing?
     if (!isset($_REQUEST['package']) || $_REQUEST['package'] == '') {
     $context['filename'] = $_REQUEST['package'];
     // If this is an uninstall, we'll have an id.
     $context['install_id'] = isset($_REQUEST['pid']) ? (int) $_REQUEST['pid'] : 0;
     require_once SUBSDIR . '/Package.subs.php';
     require_once SUBSDIR . '/Themes.subs.php';
     // @todo Perhaps do it in steps, if necessary?
     $context['uninstalling'] = $_REQUEST['sa'] == 'uninstall2';
     // Set up the linktree for other.
     $context['linktree'][count($context['linktree']) - 1] = array('url' => $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=packages;sa=browse', 'name' => $context['uninstalling'] ? $txt['uninstall'] : $txt['extracting']);
     $context['page_title'] .= ' - ' . ($context['uninstalling'] ? $txt['uninstall'] : $txt['extracting']);
     $context['sub_template'] = 'extract_package';
     if (!file_exists(BOARDDIR . '/packages/' . $context['filename'])) {
         fatal_lang_error('package_no_file', false);
     // Load up the package FTP information?
     create_chmod_control(array(), array('destination_url' => $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=packages;sa=' . $_REQUEST['sa'] . ';package=' . $_REQUEST['package']));
     // Make sure temp directory exists and is empty!
     if (file_exists(BOARDDIR . '/packages/temp')) {
         deltree(BOARDDIR . '/packages/temp', false);
     } else {
         mktree(BOARDDIR . '/packages/temp', 0777);
     // Let the unpacker do the work.
     if (is_file(BOARDDIR . '/packages/' . $context['filename'])) {
         $context['extracted_files'] = read_tgz_file(BOARDDIR . '/packages/' . $context['filename'], BOARDDIR . '/packages/temp');
         if (!file_exists(BOARDDIR . '/packages/temp/package-info.xml')) {
             foreach ($context['extracted_files'] as $file) {
                 if (basename($file['filename']) == 'package-info.xml') {
                     $context['base_path'] = dirname($file['filename']) . '/';
         if (!isset($context['base_path'])) {
             $context['base_path'] = '';
     } elseif (is_dir(BOARDDIR . '/packages/' . $context['filename'])) {
         copytree(BOARDDIR . '/packages/' . $context['filename'], BOARDDIR . '/packages/temp');
         $context['extracted_files'] = listtree(BOARDDIR . '/packages/temp');
         $context['base_path'] = '';
     } else {
         fatal_lang_error('no_access', false);
     // Are we installing this into any custom themes?
     $custom_themes = array(1);
     $known_themes = explode(',', $modSettings['knownThemes']);
     if (!empty($_POST['custom_theme'])) {
         foreach ($_POST['custom_theme'] as $tid) {
             if (in_array($tid, $known_themes)) {
                 $custom_themes[] = (int) $tid;
     // Now load up the paths of the themes that we need to know about.
     $theme_paths = getThemesPathbyID($custom_themes);
     $themes_installed = array(1);
     // Are there any theme copying that we want to take place?
     $context['theme_copies'] = array('require-file' => array(), 'require-dir' => array());
     if (!empty($_POST['theme_changes'])) {
         foreach ($_POST['theme_changes'] as $change) {
             if (empty($change)) {
             $theme_data = unserialize(base64_decode($change));
             if (empty($theme_data['type'])) {
             $themes_installed[] = $theme_data['id'];
             $context['theme_copies'][$theme_data['type']][$theme_data['orig']][] = $theme_data['future'];
     // Get the package info...
     $packageInfo = getPackageInfo($context['filename']);
     if (!is_array($packageInfo)) {
     $packageInfo['filename'] = $context['filename'];
     // Set the type of extraction...
     $context['extract_type'] = isset($packageInfo['type']) ? $packageInfo['type'] : 'modification';
     // Create a backup file to roll back to! (but if they do this more than once, don't run it a zillion times.)
     if (!empty($modSettings['package_make_full_backups']) && (!isset($_SESSION['last_backup_for']) || $_SESSION['last_backup_for'] != $context['filename'] . ($context['uninstalling'] ? '$$' : '$'))) {
         $_SESSION['last_backup_for'] = $context['filename'] . ($context['uninstalling'] ? '$$' : '$');
         // @todo Internationalize this?
         package_create_backup(($context['uninstalling'] ? 'backup_' : 'before_') . strtok($context['filename'], '.'));
     // The mod isn't installed.... unless proven otherwise.
     $context['is_installed'] = false;
     // Is it actually installed?
     $package_installed = isPackageInstalled($packageInfo['id']);
     // Wait, it's not installed yet!
     // @todo Replace with a better error message!
     if (!isset($package_installed['old_version']) && $context['uninstalling']) {
         deltree(BOARDDIR . '/packages/temp');
         fatal_error('Hacker?', false);
     } elseif ($context['uninstalling']) {
         $install_log = parsePackageInfo($packageInfo['xml'], false, 'uninstall');
         // Gadzooks!  There's no uninstaller at all!?
         if (empty($install_log)) {
             fatal_lang_error('package_uninstall_cannot', false);
         // They can only uninstall from what it was originally installed into.
         foreach ($theme_paths as $id => $data) {
             if ($id != 1 && !in_array($id, $package_installed['old_themes'])) {
     } elseif (isset($package_installed['old_version']) && $package_installed['old_version'] != $packageInfo['version']) {
         // Look for an upgrade...
         $install_log = parsePackageInfo($packageInfo['xml'], false, 'upgrade', $package_installed['old_version']);
         // There was no upgrade....
         if (empty($install_log)) {
             $context['is_installed'] = true;
         } else {
             // Upgrade previous themes only!
             foreach ($theme_paths as $id => $data) {
                 if ($id != 1 && !in_array($id, $package_installed['old_themes'])) {
     } elseif (isset($package_installed['old_version']) && $package_installed['old_version'] == $packageInfo['version']) {
         $context['is_installed'] = true;
     if (!isset($package_installed['old_version']) || $context['is_installed']) {
         $install_log = parsePackageInfo($packageInfo['xml'], false, 'install');
     $context['install_finished'] = false;
     // We're gonna be needing the table db functions! ...Sometimes.
     $table_installer = db_table();
     // @todo Make a log of any errors that occurred and output them?
     if (!empty($install_log)) {
         $failed_steps = array();
         $failed_count = 0;
         foreach ($install_log as $action) {
             if ($action['type'] == 'modification' && !empty($action['filename'])) {
                 if ($action['boardmod']) {
                     $mod_actions = parseBoardMod(file_get_contents(BOARDDIR . '/packages/temp/' . $context['base_path'] . $action['filename']), false, $action['reverse'], $theme_paths);
                 } else {
                     $mod_actions = parseModification(file_get_contents(BOARDDIR . '/packages/temp/' . $context['base_path'] . $action['filename']), false, $action['reverse'], $theme_paths);
                 // Any errors worth noting?
                 foreach ($mod_actions as $key => $action) {
                     if ($action['type'] == 'failure') {
                         $failed_steps[] = array('file' => $action['filename'], 'large_step' => $failed_count, 'sub_step' => $key, 'theme' => 1);
                     // Gather the themes we installed into.
                     if (!empty($action['is_custom'])) {
                         $themes_installed[] = $action['is_custom'];
             } elseif ($action['type'] == 'code' && !empty($action['filename'])) {
                 // This is just here as reference for what is available.
                 global $txt, $modSettings, $context;
                 // Now include the file and be done with it ;).
                 if (file_exists(BOARDDIR . '/packages/temp/' . $context['base_path'] . $action['filename'])) {
                     require BOARDDIR . '/packages/temp/' . $context['base_path'] . $action['filename'];
             } elseif ($action['type'] == 'credits') {
                 // Time to build the billboard
                 $credits_tag = array('url' => $action['url'], 'license' => $action['license'], 'copyright' => $action['copyright'], 'title' => $action['title']);
             } elseif ($action['type'] == 'hook' && isset($action['hook'], $action['function'])) {
                 if ($action['reverse']) {
                     remove_integration_function($action['hook'], $action['function'], $action['include_file']);
                 } else {
                     add_integration_function($action['hook'], $action['function'], $action['include_file']);
             } elseif ($action['type'] == 'database' && !empty($action['filename']) && (!$context['uninstalling'] || !empty($_POST['do_db_changes']))) {
                 // These can also be there for database changes.
                 global $txt, $modSettings, $context;
                 // Let the file work its magic ;)
                 if (file_exists(BOARDDIR . '/packages/temp/' . $context['base_path'] . $action['filename'])) {
                     require BOARDDIR . '/packages/temp/' . $context['base_path'] . $action['filename'];
             } elseif ($action['type'] == 'redirect' && !empty($action['redirect_url'])) {
                 $context['redirect_url'] = $action['redirect_url'];
                 $context['redirect_text'] = !empty($action['filename']) && file_exists(BOARDDIR . '/packages/temp/' . $context['base_path'] . $action['filename']) ? file_get_contents(BOARDDIR . '/packages/temp/' . $context['base_path'] . $action['filename']) : ($context['uninstalling'] ? $txt['package_uninstall_done'] : $txt['package_installed_done']);
                 $context['redirect_timeout'] = $action['redirect_timeout'];
                 // Parse out a couple of common urls.
                 $urls = array('$boardurl' => $boardurl, '$scripturl' => $scripturl, '$session_var' => $context['session_var'], '$session_id' => $context['session_id']);
                 $context['redirect_url'] = strtr($context['redirect_url'], $urls);
         // First, ensure this change doesn't get removed by putting a stake in the ground (So to speak).
         package_put_contents(BOARDDIR . '/packages/installed.list', time());
         // See if this is already installed
         $is_upgrade = false;
         $old_db_changes = array();
         $package_check = isPackageInstalled($packageInfo['id']);
         // Change the installed state as required.
         if (!empty($package_check['install_state'])) {
             if ($context['uninstalling']) {
             } else {
                 // not uninstalling so must be an upgrade
                 $is_upgrade = true;
                 $old_db_changes = empty($package_check['db_changes']) ? array() : $package_check['db_changes'];
         // Assuming we're not uninstalling, add the entry.
         if (!$context['uninstalling']) {
             // Any db changes from older version?
             $table_log = $table_installer->package_log();
             if (!empty($old_db_changes)) {
                 $db_package_log = empty($table_log) ? $old_db_changes : array_merge($old_db_changes, $table_log);
             } else {
                 $db_package_log = $table_log;
             // If there are some database changes we might want to remove then filter them out.
             if (!empty($db_package_log)) {
                 // We're really just checking for entries which are create table AND add columns (etc).
                 $tables = array();
                 usort($db_package_log, array($this, '_sort_table_first'));
                 foreach ($db_package_log as $k => $log) {
                     if ($log[0] == 'remove_table') {
                         $tables[] = $log[1];
                     } elseif (in_array($log[1], $tables)) {
                 $package_installed['db_changes'] = serialize($db_package_log);
             } else {
                 $package_installed['db_changes'] = '';
             // What themes did we actually install?
             $themes_installed = array_unique($themes_installed);
             $themes_installed = implode(',', $themes_installed);
             // What failed steps?
             $failed_step_insert = serialize($failed_steps);
             // Credits tag?
             $credits_tag = empty($credits_tag) ? '' : serialize($credits_tag);
             // Add to the log packages
             addPackageLog($packageInfo, $failed_step_insert, $themes_installed, $package_installed['db_changes'], $is_upgrade, $credits_tag);
         $context['install_finished'] = true;
     // If there's database changes - and they want them removed - let's do it last!
     if (!empty($package_installed['db_changes']) && !empty($_POST['do_db_changes'])) {
         foreach ($package_installed['db_changes'] as $change) {
             if ($change[0] == 'remove_table' && isset($change[1])) {
             } elseif ($change[0] == 'remove_column' && isset($change[2])) {
                 $table_installer->db_remove_column($change[1], $change[2]);
             } elseif ($change[0] == 'remove_index' && isset($change[2])) {
                 $table_installer->db_remove_index($change[1], $change[2]);
     // Clean house... get rid of the evidence ;).
     if (file_exists(BOARDDIR . '/packages/temp')) {
         deltree(BOARDDIR . '/packages/temp');
     // Log what we just did.
     logAction($context['uninstalling'] ? 'uninstall_package' : (!empty($is_upgrade) ? 'upgrade_package' : 'install_package'), array('package' => Util::htmlspecialchars($packageInfo['name']), 'version' => Util::htmlspecialchars($packageInfo['version'])), 'admin');
     // Just in case, let's clear the whole cache to avoid anything going up the swanny.
     // Restore file permissions?
     create_chmod_control(array(), array(), true);
Пример #22
 * @global <type> $quality
 * @param <type> $mime_type
 * @param <type> $image_resized 
function show_image($mime_type, $canvas)
    global $quality;
    $cache_file = get_cache_file();
    switch ($mime_type) {
        case 'jpg':
            imagejpeg($canvas, $cache_file, $quality);
        case 'png':
            imagepng($canvas, $cache_file, floor($quality * 0.09));
    // remove image from memory
    // if not in cache then clear some space and generate a new file
Пример #23
        exit("Cannot write zipfile {$F}\n");
    foreach (get_images_list() as $C) {
        $N->addFile(IDIR . $C, GNAME . '/' . $C);
function set_download_headers($O)
    header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"" . $O . "\"");
    header("Content-Description: File Transfer");
    header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");
if (isset($_GET['cleancache'])) {
    echo "Done";
if (isset($_POST['createzip'])) {
    $F = zip_path();
    if (!file_exists($F) || !_CACHE) {
        if (!_CACHE) {
            header('Content-Type: application/json');
            echo json_encode(array('zip' => basename($F)));
if (isset($_GET['zip'])) {
Пример #24
function deleteBoards($boards_to_remove, $moveChildrenTo = null)
    global $sourcedir, $boards, $smcFunc;
    // No boards to delete? Return!
    if (empty($boards_to_remove)) {
    // If $moveChildrenTo is set to null, include the children in the removal.
    if ($moveChildrenTo === null) {
        // Get a list of the child boards that will also be removed.
        $child_boards_to_remove = array();
        foreach ($boards_to_remove as $board_to_remove) {
            recursiveBoards($child_boards_to_remove, $boards[$board_to_remove]['tree']);
        // Merge the children with their parents.
        if (!empty($child_boards_to_remove)) {
            $boards_to_remove = array_unique(array_merge($boards_to_remove, $child_boards_to_remove));
    } else {
        foreach ($boards_to_remove as $id_board) {
            // !!! Separate category?
            if ($moveChildrenTo === 0) {
                fixChildren($id_board, 0, 0);
            } else {
                fixChildren($id_board, $boards[$moveChildrenTo]['level'] + 1, $moveChildrenTo);
    // Delete ALL topics in the selected boards (done first so topics can't be marooned.)
    $request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
		SELECT id_topic
		FROM {db_prefix}topics
		WHERE id_board IN ({array_int:boards_to_remove})', array('boards_to_remove' => $boards_to_remove));
    $topics = array();
    while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request)) {
        $topics[] = $row['id_topic'];
    require_once $sourcedir . '/RemoveTopic.php';
    removeTopics($topics, false);
    // Delete the board's logs.
    $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
		DELETE FROM {db_prefix}log_mark_read
		WHERE id_board IN ({array_int:boards_to_remove})', array('boards_to_remove' => $boards_to_remove));
    $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
		DELETE FROM {db_prefix}log_boards
		WHERE id_board IN ({array_int:boards_to_remove})', array('boards_to_remove' => $boards_to_remove));
    $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
		DELETE FROM {db_prefix}log_notify
		WHERE id_board IN ({array_int:boards_to_remove})', array('boards_to_remove' => $boards_to_remove));
    // Delete this board's moderators.
    $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
		DELETE FROM {db_prefix}moderators
		WHERE id_board IN ({array_int:boards_to_remove})', array('boards_to_remove' => $boards_to_remove));
    // Delete any extra events in the calendar.
    $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
		DELETE FROM {db_prefix}calendar
		WHERE id_board IN ({array_int:boards_to_remove})', array('boards_to_remove' => $boards_to_remove));
    // Delete any message icons that only appear on these boards.
    $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
		DELETE FROM {db_prefix}message_icons
		WHERE id_board IN ({array_int:boards_to_remove})', array('boards_to_remove' => $boards_to_remove));
    // Delete the boards.
    $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
		DELETE FROM {db_prefix}boards
		WHERE id_board IN ({array_int:boards_to_remove})', array('boards_to_remove' => $boards_to_remove));
    // Latest message/topic might not be there anymore.
    updateSettings(array('calendar_updated' => time()));
    // Plus reset the cache to stop people getting odd results.
    updateSettings(array('settings_updated' => time()));
    // Clean the cache as well.
    // Let's do some serious logging.
    foreach ($boards_to_remove as $id_board) {
        logAction('delete_board', array('boardname' => $boards[$id_board]['name']), 'admin');
Пример #25
function MaintainCleanCache()
    global $context, $txt;
    // Just wipe the whole cache directory!
    $context['maintenance_finished'] = $txt['maintain_cache'];
  * 临时查看主题(管理员预览用)
  * @author 郑钟良<*****@*****.**>
 public function lookTheme()
     $aTheme = I('theme', '', 'text');
     cookie('TO_LOOK_THEME', $aTheme, array('prefix' => 'OSV2', 'expire' => 180));
     S('conf_THEME_NOW_THEME', $aTheme, 180);

require_once "basic/basic.php";
$host_name = htmlspecialchars($_GET["whoami"]);
$cache_path = htmlspecialchars($_GET["cache_path"]);
function clean_cache($path)
    $dir_name = dirname($path);
    for ($i = 1; $i <= 3; $i++) {
        $dir_name = dirname($dir_name);
$host_validate = validateHostByHostname($host_name);
if ($host_validate == "host_valid") {
    clean_cache(WORK_DIR . $cache_path);
Пример #28
 * Wipes the whole cache directory.
 * This only applies to SMF's own cache directory, though.
function MaintainCleanCache()
    global $context, $txt;
    // Just wipe the whole cache directory!
    $context['maintenance_finished'] = $txt['maintain_cache'];