/** * print a list of the user's classes * * parses the data from parse_class_list() */ function print_students_classes($id) { $class_list = classes_by_semester($id, current_semester); $classes = explode(",", $class_list); // get rid of the empty part of the array $empty = count($classes) - 1; unset($classes[$empty]); print "<table>"; foreach ($classes as $class) { // get the class's name $class_name = query("SELECT `name` FROM `classes` WHERE `ID`='{$class}' LIMIT 1"); $result = result($class_name); $class_name = $result->name; print "<tr><td><a href=\"classes.php?class={$class}\" title=\"{$class_name}\">{$class_name}</a></td><td>" . class_average($id, $class, current_semester) . "</td></tr>"; } print "</table>"; }
if (is_numeric($_GET['u']) == FALSE) { die("Invalid user ID."); } $user = escape_string($_GET['u']); if (!isset($_GET['p']) or is_numeric($_GET['p']) == FALSE) { die("Invalid password."); } $actual_password = gen_rss_pass($user); if ($actual_password != escape_string($_GET['p'])) { die("Incorrect password."); } $number = 3; $lastbuild = time(); rss_header("latest class news", "latest news for various classes", server_root . "news.php", $lastbuild); // get the classes the user is currently in $users_classes = classes_by_semester($user, current_semester); // get rid of the extra comma $users_classes = substr($users_classes, 0, strlen($users_classes) - 1); $classes = explode(",", $users_classes); foreach ($classes as $class) { // get the class's name $class_data = get_class_data($class); $class_data = explode("::", $class_data); $class_name = $class_data[0]; $news = get_news($class, $number); if ($news != "No news.") { $news_post = explode("_____", $news); foreach ($news_post as $the_news) { if ($the_news != "") { $the_news = explode("::::", $the_news); $timestamp = $the_news[1];
$student = $row->students; $student = explode(",", $student); $i = 0; foreach ($student as $the_student) { // get his or her name $student_name = @query("SELECT `firstname`, `surname` FROM `users` WHERE `ID`='{$the_student}' LIMIT 1") or die("Error checking the database."); while ($row2 = result($student_name)) { $students_name = stripslashes($row2->firstname) . " " . stripslashes($row2->surname); } print "<p class=\"title\">{$students_name}</p>"; $requested_class = $_GET['class']; if (is_numeric($requested_class) != "true") { cust_die("Invalid class."); } // see if they're in the class $class_list = classes_by_semester($the_student, current_semester); $classes = explode(",", $class_list); // get rid of the empty part of the array $empty = count($classes) - 1; unset($classes[$empty]); foreach ($classes as $class) { $could_be_in_class = 1; if (strpos($class, $requested_class) === false) { $could_be_in_class = 0; } else { break; } } if ($could_be_in_class == 0) { cust_die("Your student is not in that class."); }