Пример #1
 // edit page
 case "edit":
     if (!$wiki->pageExists($wiki_title) && !$is_allowedToCreate) {
         $tool_content .= $langWikiNotAllowedToCreate;
     } elseif ($wiki->pageExists($wiki_title) && !$is_allowedToEdit) {
         $tool_content .= $langWikiNotAllowedToEdit;
     } else {
         $script = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . "?course={$course_code}";
         //Do not show progress bar if a lock conflict was detected
         if (!isset($pre_action) || $pre_action != 'conflict') {
             //add lock time progress bar
             $head_content .= "<script type='text/javascript'>\n                        function secondsToHms(d) {\n                        d = Number(d);\n                        var h = Math.floor(d / 3600);\n                        var m = Math.floor(d % 3600 / 60);\n                        var s = Math.floor(d % 3600 % 60);\n                        return ((h > 0 ? h + \":\" : \"\") + (m > 0 ? (h > 0 && m < 10 ? \"0\" : \"\") + m + \":\" : \"0:\") + (s < 10 ? \"0\" : \"\") + s); }\n                    </script>\n\n";
             $head_content .= "<script type='text/javascript'>\n                                        \tfunction countdown(callback) {\n                                        \t    var bar = document.getElementById('progress'),\n                                        \t    timer = document.getElementById('progresstime'),\n                                        \t    time = max = " . ($lock_manager->lock_duration - 5) . ",\n                                        \t            \n                                        \t    url = 'lib/confirmlock.php'\n                                        \t    data = { uid : " . $uid . ", page_title : \"" . rawurlencode($wiki_title) . "\", wiki_id : " . $wikiId . " }\n                                        \t            \n                                        \t    int = setInterval(function() {    \n                                        \t    \ttimer.innerHTML = secondsToHms(time);\n                                        \t        bar.style.width = Math.floor(100 * time-- / max) + '%';\n                                        \t        if (time + 1 == 0) {\n                                        \t            clearInterval(int);\n                                        \t            // 600ms - width animation time\n                                        \t            callback && setTimeout(callback, 600);\n                                        \t        }\n                                        \t        if ((max - time) % 25 == 0) {//ajax polling to keep lock alive   \n                                        \t            \$.post(url, data);    \n                                        \t        }\n                                        \t    }, 1000);\n                                        \t}\n                                        \t            \n                                        \t\$(document).ready(function(){\n                                        \t    countdown(function() {\n                                        \t        bootbox.alert('" . $langWikiLockTimeEnd . "');\n                                        \t    });\n                                            })\n                                    </script>\n";
             $tool_content .= "  <div>\n                                            {$langWikiLockTimeRemaining}\n                                            <span id='progresstime'>" . intval(gmdate('i', $lock_manager->lock_duration - 5)) . ":" . gmdate('s', $lock_manager->lock_duration - 5) . "</span>\n                                        </div>\n                                        <div class='progress'>\n                                            <div class='progress-bar progress-bar-striped active' id='progress'></div>\n                                        </div>\n                                        <noscript>\n                                            <div>\n                                                <img src='lib/nojslock.php?uid={$uid}&amp;page_title=" . urlencode($wiki_title) . "&amp;wiki_id={$wikiId}'>\n                                            </div>\n                                       </noscript>";
         $tool_content .= claro_disp_wiki_editor($wikiId, $wiki_title, $versionId, $content, $changelog, $script, true, false);
     //delete page
 //delete page
 case "delete":
     if ($wiki_title != "__MainPage__" and $is_editor) {
         //only a teacher can delete a page
         if ($wikiStore->pageExists($wikiId, $wiki_title)) {
             if ($wikiPage->delete()) {
                 Session::Messages($langWikiPageDeleted, 'alert-success');
             } else {
                 Session::Messages($langWikiDeletePageError, 'alert-danger');
                 redirect_to_home_page("modules/wiki/page.php?course={$course_code}&action=show&title=" . rawurlencode($wiki_title) . "&wikiId={$wikiId}");
Пример #2
             $link = '<a href="' . claro_htmlspecialchars(Url::Contextualize($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?wikiId=' . (int) $wikiId . '&title=' . $pgtitle . '&action=show')) . '">' . $page['title'] . '</a>';
             $out .= '<li>' . $link . '</li>' . "\n";
         $out .= '</ul>' . "\n";
     // edit page
 // edit page
 case 'edit':
     if (!$wiki->pageExists($title) && !$is_allowedToCreate) {
         $out .= get_lang("You are not allowed to create pages");
     } elseif ($wiki->pageExists($title) && !$is_allowedToEdit) {
         $out .= get_lang("You are not allowed to edit this page");
     } else {
         $script = claro_htmlspecialchars(Url::Contextualize($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']));
         $out .= claro_disp_wiki_editor($wikiId, $title, $versionId, $content, $script, get_conf('showWikiEditorToolbar'), get_conf('forcePreviewBeforeSaving'));
     // page preview
 // page preview
 case 'preview':
     if (!isset($content)) {
         $content = '';
     $out .= claro_disp_wiki_preview($wikiRenderer, $title, $content);
     $out .= claro_disp_wiki_preview_buttons($wikiId, $title, $content);
     // view page
 // view page
 case 'show':
     if ($wikiPage->hasError()) {