Пример #1
function cimy_update_ExtraFields_new_me()
    global $wpdb, $wpdb_data_table, $user_ID, $max_length_value, $fields_name_prefix, $cimy_uef_file_types, $user_level, $cimy_uef_domain;
    include_once ABSPATH . '/wp-admin/includes/user.php';
    // if updating meta-data from registration post then exit
    if (isset($_POST['cimy_post'])) {
    if (isset($_POST['user_id'])) {
        $get_user_id = $_POST['user_id'];
        if (!current_user_can('edit_user', $get_user_id)) {
    } else {
    //echo "asd";
    if (!function_exists('get_cimyFields')) {
    $get_user_id = intval($get_user_id);
    $profileuser = get_user_to_edit($get_user_id);
    $user_login = $profileuser->user_login;
    $user_displayname = $profileuser->display_name;
    $extra_fields = get_cimyFields(false, true);
    $query = "UPDATE " . $wpdb_data_table . " SET VALUE=CASE FIELD_ID";
    $i = 0;
    $field_ids = "";
    $mail_changes = "";
    foreach ($extra_fields as $thisField) {
        $field_id = $thisField["ID"];
        $name = $thisField["NAME"];
        $type = $thisField["TYPE"];
        $label = $thisField["LABEL"];
        $rules = $thisField["RULES"];
        $unique_id = $fields_name_prefix . $field_id;
        $input_name = $fields_name_prefix . esc_attr($name);
        $field_id_data = $input_name . "_" . $field_id . "_data";
        $advanced_options = cimy_uef_parse_advanced_options($rules["advanced_options"]);
        cimy_insert_ExtraFields_if_not_exist($get_user_id, $field_id);
        // if the current user LOGGED IN has not enough permissions to see the field, skip it
        // apply only for EXTRA FIELDS
        if ($rules['show_level'] == 'view_cimy_extra_fields') {
            if (!current_user_can($rules['show_level'])) {
        } else {
            if ($user_level < $rules['show_level']) {
        // if show_level == anonymous then do NOT ovverride other show_xyz rules
        if ($rules['show_level'] == -1) {
            // if flag to show the field in the profile is NOT activated, skip it
            if (!$rules['show_in_profile']) {
        $prev_value = $wpdb->escape(stripslashes($_POST[$input_name . "_" . $field_id . "_prev_value"]));
        if (cimy_uef_is_field_disabled($type, $rules['edit'], $prev_value)) {
        if (isset($_POST[$input_name]) && !in_array($type, $cimy_uef_file_types)) {
            if ($type == "dropdown-multi") {
                $field_value = stripslashes(implode(",", $_POST[$input_name]));
            } else {
                $field_value = stripslashes($_POST[$input_name]);
            if ($type == "picture-url") {
                $field_value = str_replace('../', '', $field_value);
            if (isset($rules['max_length'])) {
                $field_value = substr($field_value, 0, $rules['max_length']);
            } else {
                $field_value = substr($field_value, 0, $max_length_value);
            $field_value = $wpdb->escape($field_value);
            if ($i > 0) {
                $field_ids .= ", ";
            } else {
                $i = 1;
            $field_ids .= $field_id;
            $query .= " WHEN " . $field_id . " THEN ";
            switch ($type) {
                case 'dropdown':
                case 'dropdown-multi':
                    $ret = cimy_dropDownOptions($label, $field_value);
                    $label = $ret['label'];
                case 'picture-url':
                case 'textarea':
                case 'textarea-rich':
                case 'password':
                case 'text':
                    $value = "'" . $field_value . "'";
                    $prev_value = "'" . $prev_value . "'";
                case 'checkbox':
                    $value = $field_value == '1' ? "'YES'" : "'NO'";
                    $prev_value = $prev_value == "YES" ? "'YES'" : "'NO'";
                case 'radio':
                    $value = $field_value == $field_id ? "'selected'" : "''";
                    $prev_value = "'" . $prev_value . "'";
            $query .= $value;
        } else {
            $rules = $thisField['RULES'];
            if (in_array($type, $cimy_uef_file_types)) {
                if ($type == "avatar") {
                    // since avatars are drawn max to 512px then we can save bandwith resizing, do it!
                    $rules['equal_to'] = 512;
                if (isset($_POST[$input_name . '_del'])) {
                    $delete_file = true;
                } else {
                    $delete_file = false;
                if (isset($_POST[$input_name . "_" . $field_id . "_prev_value"])) {
                    $old_file = stripslashes($_POST[$input_name . "_" . $field_id . "_prev_value"]);
                } else {
                    $old_file = false;
                $field_value = cimy_manage_upload($input_name, $user_login, $rules, $old_file, $delete_file, $type, !empty($advanced_options["filename"]) ? $advanced_options["filename"] : "");
                if (!empty($field_value) || $delete_file) {
                    if ($i > 0) {
                        $field_ids .= ", ";
                    } else {
                        $i = 1;
                    $field_ids .= $field_id;
                    $value = "'" . $field_value . "'";
                    $prev_value = "'" . $prev_value . "'";
                    $query .= " WHEN " . $field_id . " THEN ";
                    $query .= $value;
                } else {
                    $prev_value = $value;
                    $file_on_server = cimy_uef_get_dir_or_filename($user_login, $old_file, false);
                    if ($type == "picture" || $type == "avatar") {
                        cimy_uef_crop_image($file_on_server, $field_id_data);
            if ($type == 'checkbox') {
                // if can be editable then write NO
                // there is no way to understand if was YES or NO previously
                // without adding other hidden inputs so write always
                if ($i > 0) {
                    $field_ids .= ", ";
                } else {
                    $i = 1;
                $field_ids .= $field_id;
                $field_value = "NO";
                $value = "'" . $field_value . "'";
                $prev_value = $prev_value == "YES" ? "'YES'" : "'NO'";
                $query .= " WHEN " . $field_id . " THEN ";
                $query .= $value;
            if ($type == 'dropdown-multi') {
                // if can be editable then write ''
                // there is no way to understand if was YES or NO previously
                // without adding other hidden inputs so write always
                if ($i > 0) {
                    $field_ids .= ", ";
                } else {
                    $i = 1;
                $field_ids .= $field_id;
                $field_value = '';
                $value = "'" . $field_value . "'";
                $prev_value = "'" . $prev_value . "'";
                $ret = cimy_dropDownOptions($label, $field_value);
                $label = $ret['label'];
                $query .= " WHEN " . $field_id . " THEN ";
                $query .= $value;
        if ($rules["email_admin"] && $value != $prev_value && $type != "registration-date") {
            $mail_changes .= sprintf(__("%s previous value: %s new value: %s", $cimy_uef_domain), $label, stripslashes($prev_value), stripslashes($value));
            $mail_changes .= "\r\n";
    if ($i > 0) {
        $query .= " ELSE FIELD_ID END WHERE FIELD_ID IN(" . $field_ids . ") AND USER_ID = " . $get_user_id;
        // $query WILL BE: UPDATE <table> SET VALUE=CASE FIELD_ID WHEN <field_id1> THEN <value1> [WHEN ... THEN ...] ELSE FIELD_ID END WHERE FIELD_ID IN(<field_id1>, [<field_id2>...]) AND USER_ID=<user_id>
    // mail only if set and if there is something to mail
    if (!empty($mail_changes)) {
        $admin_email = get_option('admin_email');
        $mail_subject = sprintf(__("%s (%s) has changed one or more fields", $cimy_uef_domain), $user_displayname, $user_login);
        wp_mail($admin_email, $mail_subject, $mail_changes);
function cimy_register_user_extra_fields($user_id, $password = "", $meta = array())
    global $wpdb_data_table, $wpdb, $max_length_value, $fields_name_prefix, $wp_fields_name_prefix, $wp_hidden_fields, $cimy_uef_file_types, $user_level, $cimy_uef_file_images_types, $rule_maxlen_is_str;
    if (isset($meta["blog_id"]) || isset($meta["from_blog_id"])) {
    // avoid to save stuff if user created from wp_create_user function
    if (empty($meta) && empty($_POST)) {
    // avoid to save stuff if user is being added from: /wp-admin/user-new.php and shit WP 3.1 changed the value just to create new bugs :@
    if (!empty($_POST["action"]) && ($_POST["action"] == "adduser" || $_POST["action"] == "createuser")) {
    $my_user_level = $user_level;
    // -1 == anonymous
    if (!is_user_logged_in()) {
        $my_user_level = -1;
    $options = cimy_get_options();
    $extra_fields = get_cimyFields(false, true);
    $wp_fields = get_cimyFields(true);
    $user_signups = false;
    if (!is_multisite() && $options["confirm_email"] && empty($meta)) {
        $user_signups = true;
    $user = new WP_User((int) $user_id);
    $user_login = $user->user_login;
    // ok ok this is yet another call from wp_create_user function under cimy_uef_activate_signup, we are not yet ready for this, aboooort!
    if ($user_signups) {
        $signup = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "signups WHERE user_login = %s AND active = 0", $user_login));
        if (!empty($signup)) {
    if (!empty($meta)) {
        $meta_db = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT meta FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "signups WHERE user_login = %s", $user_login));
        $meta_db = unserialize($meta_db);
        // password detected, kill it!
        if (!empty($meta_db['cimy_uef_wp_PASSWORD'])) {
            if (!empty($meta_db['cimy_uef_wp_PASSWORD2'])) {
            $wpdb->update($wpdb->prefix . "signups", array('meta' => serialize($meta_db)), array('user_login' => $user_login));
    $i = 1;
    // do first for the WP fields then for EXTRA fields
    while ($i <= 2) {
        if ($i == 1) {
            $are_wp_fields = true;
            $fields = $wp_fields;
            $prefix = $wp_fields_name_prefix;
        } else {
            $are_wp_fields = false;
            $fields = $extra_fields;
            $prefix = $fields_name_prefix;
        foreach ($fields as $thisField) {
            $type = $thisField["TYPE"];
            $name = $thisField["NAME"];
            $field_id = $thisField["ID"];
            $label = $thisField["LABEL"];
            $rules = $thisField["RULES"];
            $unique_id = $prefix . $field_id;
            $input_name = $prefix . esc_attr($name);
            $field_id_data = $input_name . "_" . $field_id . "_data";
            $advanced_options = cimy_uef_parse_advanced_options($rules["advanced_options"]);
            // if the current user LOGGED IN has not enough permissions to see the field, skip it
            if ($rules['show_level'] == 'view_cimy_extra_fields') {
                if (!current_user_can($rules['show_level'])) {
            } else {
                if ($my_user_level < $rules['show_level']) {
            // if show_level == anonymous then do NOT ovverride other show_xyz rules
            if ($rules['show_level'] == -1) {
                // if flag to show the field in the registration is NOT activated, skip it
                if (!$rules['show_in_reg']) {
            // uploading a file is not supported when confirmation email is enabled (on MS is turned on by default yes)
            if ((is_multisite() || $options["confirm_email"]) && in_array($type, $cimy_uef_file_types)) {
            if (isset($meta[$input_name])) {
                $data = stripslashes($meta[$input_name]);
            } else {
                if (isset($_POST[$input_name])) {
                    // if form confirmation is enabled then there is no more an array but a string!
                    if ($type == "dropdown-multi" && is_array($_POST[$input_name])) {
                        $data = stripslashes(implode(",", $_POST[$input_name]));
                    } else {
                        $data = stripslashes($_POST[$input_name]);
                } else {
                    $data = "";
            if ($type == "avatar") {
                // since avatars are drawn max to 512px then we can save bandwith resizing, do it!
                $rules['equal_to'] = 512;
            if (in_array($type, $cimy_uef_file_types)) {
                if (isset($_POST["register_confirmation"]) && $_POST["register_confirmation"] == 2) {
                    $temp_user_login = $_POST["temp_user_login"];
                    $temp_dir = cimy_uef_get_dir_or_filename($temp_user_login);
                    $final_dir = cimy_uef_get_dir_or_filename($user_login);
                    if (is_dir($temp_dir)) {
                        rename($temp_dir, $final_dir);
                    $data = str_replace("/" . $temp_user_login . "/", "/" . $user_login . "/", $data);
                    $file_on_server = cimy_uef_get_dir_or_filename($user_login, $data, false);
                    if (in_array($type, $cimy_uef_file_images_types)) {
                        cimy_uef_crop_image($file_on_server, $field_id_data);
                } else {
                    $data = cimy_manage_upload($input_name, $user_login, $rules, false, false, $type, !empty($advanced_options["filename"]) ? $advanced_options["filename"] : "");
            } else {
                if (!in_array($type, $rule_maxlen_is_str)) {
                    if ($type == "picture-url") {
                        $data = str_replace('../', '', $data);
                    if (isset($rules['max_length'])) {
                        $data = substr($data, 0, $rules['max_length']);
                    } else {
                        $data = substr($data, 0, $max_length_value);
            $data = esc_sql($data);
            if ($user_signups) {
                $meta[$input_name] = $data;
            } else {
                if (!$are_wp_fields) {
                    $sql = "INSERT INTO " . $wpdb_data_table . " SET USER_ID = " . $user_id . ", FIELD_ID=" . $field_id . ", ";
                    switch ($type) {
                        case 'date':
                        case 'avatar':
                        case 'picture-url':
                        case 'picture':
                        case 'textarea':
                        case 'textarea-rich':
                        case 'dropdown':
                        case 'dropdown-multi':
                        case 'password':
                        case 'text':
                        case 'file':
                            $field_value = $data;
                        case 'checkbox':
                            $field_value = $data == '1' ? "YES" : "NO";
                        case 'radio':
                            $field_value = $data == $field_id ? "selected" : "";
                        case 'registration-date':
                            $field_value = time();
                    $sql .= "VALUE='" . $field_value . "'";
                } else {
                    $f_name = strtolower($thisField['NAME']);
                    $userdata = array();
                    $userdata['ID'] = $user_id;
                    $userdata[$wp_hidden_fields[$f_name]['userdata_name']] = $data;
    if ($user_signups) {
        $sql = $wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->users} WHERE ID=%d", $user_id);
        $saved_user = array_shift($wpdb->get_results($sql));
        $key = substr(md5(time() . rand() . $saved_user->user_email), 0, 16);
        $wpdb->insert($wpdb->prefix . "signups", array('user_login' => $saved_user->user_login, 'user_email' => $saved_user->user_email, 'registered' => $saved_user->user_registered, 'active' => '0', 'activation_key' => $key, 'meta' => serialize($meta)));
        $sql = $wpdb->prepare("DELETE FROM {$wpdb->users} WHERE ID=%d", $user_id);
        $sql = $wpdb->prepare("DELETE FROM {$wpdb->usermeta} WHERE user_id=%d", $user_id);
        cimy_signup_user_notification($saved_user->user_login, $saved_user->user_email, $key, serialize($meta));