return 0; } } else { return 0; } } include_once "../includes/"; /*更新sid配置*/ $szie = 3; //每次更新的QQ个数 $result = $DB->query("select * from `wjob_qq` where status='0' or status2='0' limit {$szie}"); while ($row = $DB->fetch($result)) { $uin = $row['qq']; $pwd = $row['pw']; $sql = ''; $check = checkvc($uin); if ($check[0] == 0) { $vcode = $check[1]; $p = curlget('' . $uin . ',' . $pwd . ',' . $vcode); if ($p == '加密失败!' || $p == '') { exit($uin . ' getp failed!<br/>'); } $arr = qqlogin($uin, $p, $vcode, $check[2]); if ($arr == 3) { if ($row['status'] == 0) { $DB->query("UPDATE wjob_qq SET status='4' WHERE qq='" . $row['qq'] . "'"); } $DB->query("UPDATE wjob_qq SET status2='4' WHERE qq='" . $row['qq'] . "'"); // $DB->query("DELETE FROM wjob_qq WHERE qq='$uin'"); // $DB->query("DELETE FROM wjob_job WHERE proxy='$uin'"); echo $uin . ' Invaid Password!<br/>';
$_POST['lock'] $_POST['permasage'] */ /* //You can see how this would be used (and even expand it to other fields if you wish), but we're not using it right now. - tyam if (strlen($_POST['subj'])<3) { THdie("Subject field not long enough"); } */ $mod = $_SESSION['moderator'] || $_SESSION['admin']; //quick fix //var_dump($_POST); //This should be for CAPTCHA if (THvc == 1) { checkvc(); } $db = new ThornPostDBI(); if ($db->checkban()) { THdie("PObanned"); } $binfo = $db->getbinfo($db->getboardnumber($_POST['board'])); // Die if the board doesn't exist. if ($binfo == null) { die("Specified board does not exist."); } //check for banned keywords if ($mod == false) { // First, flood protection $longip = ip2long($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); if ($db->postedwithintime($longip) == true) {