function check($php_files, $css_files, $other_files) { $ret = true; checkcount(); $checks = array('[ \\t\\/*#]@version' => '@version'); foreach ($php_files as $php_key => $phpfile) { // leave out functions.php as this is a special case if (tc_filename($php_key) == 'functions.php') { continue; } foreach ($checks as $key => $check) { // We don't need to write to the file, so just open for reading. // This is needed, because comments are stripped out in the main plugin $fp = fopen($php_key, 'r'); // Pull only the first 8kiB of the file in. $file_data = fread($fp, 8192); // PHP will close file handle, but we are good citizens. :) fclose($fp); // Make sure we catch CR-only line endings. $file_data = str_replace("\r", "\n", $file_data); if (!preg_match('/' . $key . '/i', $file_data, $matches)) { //$filename = tc_filename( $php_key ); $filename = self::tc_templatepath($php_key); // Point out the missing line. $error_msg = sprintf(__('%1$s is missing in the file %2$s.', 'theme-check'), '<strong>' . $check . '</strong>', '<strong>' . $filename . '</strong>'); // Add the finalized error message. $this->error[] = '<span class="tc-lead tc-recommended">' . __('RECOMMENDED', 'theme-check') . '</span>: ' . $error_msg; } } } return $ret; }
function check($php_files, $css_files, $other_files) { $ret = true; //check for levels deprecated in 2.0 in creating menus. $checks = array('/([^_](add_(admin|submenu|menu|dashboard|posts|media|links|pages|comments|theme|plugins|users|management|options)_page)\\s?\\([^,]*,[^,]*,\\s[\'|"]?(level_[0-9]|[0-9])[^;|\\r|\\r\\n]*)/' => __('User levels were deprecated in <strong>2.0</strong>. Please see <a href="">Roles_and_Capabilities</a>', 'theme-check'), '/[^a-z0-9](current_user_can\\s?\\(\\s?[\'\\"]level_[0-9][\'\\"]\\s?\\))[^\\r|\\r\\n]*/' => __('User levels were deprecated in <strong>2.0</strong>. Please see <a href="">Roles_and_Capabilities</a>', 'theme-check')); foreach ($php_files as $php_key => $phpfile) { foreach ($checks as $key => $check) { checkcount(); if (preg_match($key, $phpfile, $matches)) { $filename = tc_filename($php_key); $grep = isset($matches[2]) ? tc_grep($matches[2], $php_key) : tc_grep($matches[1], $php_key); $this->error[] = sprintf('<span class="tc-lead tc-warning">' . __('WARNING', 'theme-check') . '</span>: <strong>%1$s</strong>. %2$s%3$s', $filename, $check, $grep); $ret = false; } } } //check for add_admin_page $checks = array('/([^_]add_(admin|submenu|menu|dashboard|posts|media|links|pages|comments|plugins|users|management|options)_page)/' => __('Themes should use <strong>add_theme_page()</strong> for adding admin pages.', 'theme-check')); foreach ($php_files as $php_key => $phpfile) { foreach ($checks as $key => $check) { checkcount(); if (preg_match($key, $phpfile, $matches)) { $filename = tc_filename($php_key); $error = ltrim(rtrim($matches[0], '(')); $grep = tc_grep($error, $php_key); $this->error[] = sprintf('<span class="tc-lead tc-required">' . __('REQUIRED', 'theme-check') . '</span>: <strong>%1$s</strong>. %2$s%3$s', $filename, $check, $grep); $ret = false; } } } return $ret; }
function check($php_files, $css_files, $other_files) { $ret = true; $filenames = array(); foreach ($other_files as $other_key => $otherfile) { array_push($filenames, strtolower(basename($other_key))); } checkcount(); if (in_array('screenshot.png', $filenames) || in_array('screenshot.jpg', $filenames)) { foreach ($other_files as $other_key => $otherfile) { if ((basename($other_key) === 'screenshot.png' || basename($other_key) === 'screenshot.jpg') && preg_match('/.*themes\\/[^\\/]*\\/screenshot\\.(png|jpg)/', $other_key)) { // we have or screenshot! $image = getimagesize($other_key); if ($image[0] > 1200 || $image[1] > 900) { $this->error[] = sprintf('<span class="tc-lead tc-recommended">' . __('RECOMMENDED', 'theme-check') . '</span>: ' . __('Screenshot is wrong size! Detected: <strong>%1$sx%2$spx</strong>. Maximum allowed size is 1200x800px.', 'theme-check'), $image[0], $image[1]); } if ($image[1] / $image[0] != 0.75) { $this->error[] = '<span class="tc-lead tc-recommended">' . __('RECOMMENDED', 'theme-check') . '</span>: ' . __('Screenshot dimensions are wrong! Ratio of width to height should be 4:3.', 'theme-check'); } if ($image[0] != 1200 || $image[1] != 900) { $this->error[] = '<span class="tc-lead tc-recommended">' . __('RECOMMENDED', 'theme-check') . '</span>: ' . __('Screenshot size should be 880x660, to account for HiDPI displays. Any 4:3 image size is acceptable, but 1200x900 is preferred.', 'theme-check'); } } } } else { $this->error[] = '<span class="tc-lead tc-warning">' . __('WARNING', 'theme-check') . '</span>: ' . __('No screenshot detected! Please include a screenshot.png or screenshot.jpg.', 'theme-check'); $ret = false; } return $ret; }
function check($php_files, $css_files, $other_files) { $grep = ''; $ret = true; $checks = array(array('preview_theme' => '', '4.3'), array('_preview_theme_template_filter' => '', '4.3'), array('_preview_theme_stylesheet_filter' => '', '4.3'), array('preview_theme_ob_filter' => '', '4.3'), array('preview_theme_ob_filter_callback' => '', '4.3'), array('wp_richedit_pre' => '', '4.3'), array('wp_htmledit_pre' => '', '4.3'), array('wp_ajax_wp_fullscreen_save_post' => '', '4.3'), array('post_permalink' => 'get_permalink', '4.4'), array('wp_get_http' => 'WP_Http', '4.4'), array('force_ssl_login' => 'force_ssl_admin', '4.4'), array('create_empty_blog' => '', '4.4'), array('get_admin_users_for_domain' => '', '4.4'), array('flush_widget_cache' => '', '4.4')); foreach ($php_files as $php_key => $phpfile) { foreach ($checks as $alt => $check) { checkcount(); $version = $check; $key = key($check); $alt = $check[$key]; if (preg_match('/[\\s?]' . $key . '\\(/', $phpfile, $matches)) { $filename = tc_filename($php_key); $error = ltrim(rtrim($matches[0], '(')); $version = $check[0]; $grep = tc_grep($error, $php_key); // Point out the deprecated function. $error_msg = sprintf(__('%1$s found in the file %2$s. Deprecated since version %3$s.', 'theme-check'), '<strong>' . $error . '()</strong>', '<strong>' . $filename . '</strong>', '<strong>' . $version . '</strong>'); // Add alternative function when available. if ($alt) { $error_msg .= ' ' . sprintf(__('Use %s instead.', 'theme-check'), '<strong>' . $alt . '</strong>'); } // Add the precise code match that was found. $error_msg .= $grep; // Add the finalized error message. $this->error[] = '<span class="tc-lead tc-recommended">' . __('RECOMMENDED', 'theme-check') . '</span>: ' . $error_msg; } } } return $ret; }
function check($php_files, $css_files, $other_files) { $ret = true; $found = false; foreach ($php_files as $name => $file) { checkcount(); if (strpos($name, '.git') !== false || strpos($name, '.svn') !== false) { $found = true; } } foreach ($css_files as $name => $file) { checkcount(); if (strpos($name, '.git') !== false || strpos($name, '.svn') !== false || strpos($name, '.hg') !== false || strpos($name, '.bzr') !== false) { $found = true; } } foreach ($other_files as $name => $file) { checkcount(); if (strpos($name, '.git') !== false || strpos($name, '.svn') !== false || strpos($name, '.hg') !== false || strpos($name, '.bzr') !== false) { $found = true; } } if ($found) { $this->error[] = sprintf('<span class="tc-lead tc-required">' . __('REQUIRED', 'theme-check') . '</span>: ' . __('Please remove any extraneous directories like .git or .svn from the ZIP file before uploading it.', 'theme-check')); $ret = false; } return $ret; }
function check($php_files, $css_files, $other_files) { $ret = true; $filenames = array(); foreach ($other_files as $other_key => $otherfile) { array_push($filenames, strtolower(basename($other_key))); } checkcount(); if (in_array('screenshot.png', $filenames)) { foreach ($other_files as $other_key => $otherfile) { if (basename($other_key) === 'screenshot.png' && preg_match('/.*themes\\/[^\\/]*\\/screenshot\\.png/', $other_key)) { // we have or screenshot! $image = getimagesize($other_key); if ($image[0] > 640 || $image[1] > 480) { $this->error[] = sprintf(__('<span class="tc-lead tc-recommended">RECOMMENDED</span>: Screenshot is wrong size! Detected: <strong>%1$sx%2$spx</strong>. Maximum allowed size is 640x480px.', 'themecheck'), $image[0], $image[1]); } if ($image[1] / $image[0] != 0.75) { $this->error[] = __('<span class="tc-lead tc-recommended">RECOMMENDED</span>: Screenshot dimensions are wrong! Ratio of width to height should be 4:3.', 'themecheck'); } if ($image[0] != 600 || $image[1] != 450) { $this->error[] = __('<span class="tc-lead tc-recommended">RECOMMENDED</span>: Screenshot size should be 600x450, to account for HiDPI displays. Any 4:3 image size is acceptable, but 600x450 is preferred.', 'themecheck'); } } } } else { $this->error[] = __("<span class='tc-lead tc-warning'>WARNING</span>: No screenshot detected! Please include a screenshot.png.", "themecheck"); $ret = false; } return $ret; }
function check($php_files, $css_files, $other_files) { $grep = ''; $ret = true; $checks = array(array('rich_edit_exists' => '', '3.9'), array('default_topic_count_text' => '', '3.9'), array('format_to_post' => '', '3.9'), array('get_current_site_name' => 'get_current_site()', '3.9'), array('wpmu_current_site' => '', '3.9'), array('get_all_category_ids' => 'get_terms()', '4.0'), array('like_escape' => 'wpdb::esc_like()', '4.0'), array('url_is_accessable_via_ssl' => '', '4.0')); foreach ($php_files as $php_key => $phpfile) { foreach ($checks as $alt => $check) { checkcount(); $version = $check; $key = key($check); $alt = $check[$key]; if (preg_match('/[\\s?]' . $key . '\\(/', $phpfile, $matches)) { $filename = tc_filename($php_key); $error = ltrim(rtrim($matches[0], '(')); $version = $check[0]; $grep = tc_grep($error, $php_key); // Point out the deprecated function. $error_msg = sprintf(__('%1$s found in the file %2$s. Deprecated since version %3$s.', 'theme-check'), '<strong>' . $error . '()</strong>', '<strong>' . $filename . '</strong>', '<strong>' . $version . '</strong>'); // Add alternative function when available. if ($alt) { $error_msg .= ' ' . sprintf(__('Use %s instead.', 'theme-check'), '<strong>' . $alt . '</strong>'); } // Add the precise code match that was found. $error_msg .= $grep; // Add the finalized error message. $this->error[] = '<span class="tc-lead tc-recommended">' . __('RECOMMENDED', 'theme-check') . '</span>: ' . $error_msg; } } } return $ret; }
function check($php_files, $css_files, $other_files) { $ret = true; $check = AvadaRedux_ThemeCheck::get_instance(); $avadaredux = $check::get_avadaredux_details($php_files); if ($avadaredux) { $blacklist = array('.tx' => __('AvadaRedux localization utilities', 'themecheck'), 'bin' => __('AvadaRedux Resting Diles', 'themecheck'), 'codestyles' => __('AvadaRedux Code Styles', 'themecheck'), 'tests' => __('AvadaRedux Unit Testing', 'themecheck'), 'class.avadaredux-plugin.php' => __('AvadaRedux Plugin File', 'themecheck'), 'bootstrap_tests.php' => __('AvadaRedux Boostrap Tests', 'themecheck'), '.travis.yml' => __('CI Testing FIle', 'themecheck'), 'phpunit.xml' => __('PHP Unit Testing', 'themecheck')); $errors = array(); foreach ($blacklist as $file => $reason) { checkcount(); if (file_exists($avadaredux['parent_dir'] . $file)) { $errors[$avadaredux['parent_dir'] . $file] = $reason; } } if (!empty($errors)) { $error = '<span class="tc-lead tc-required">REQUIRED</span> ' . __('It appears that you have embedded the full AvadaRedux package inside your theme. You need only embed the <strong>AvadaReduxCore</strong> folder. Embedding anything else will get your rejected from theme submission. Suspected AvadaRedux package file(s):', 'avadaredux-framework'); $error .= '<ol>'; foreach ($errors as $key => $e) { $error .= '<li><strong>' . $e . '</strong>: ' . $key . '</li>'; } $error .= '</ol>'; $this->error[] = '<div class="avadaredux-error">' . $error . '</div>'; $ret = false; } } return $ret; }
function check($php_files, $css_files, $other_files) { $ret = true; checkcount(); /** * Check whether every Customizer setting has a sanitization callback set. */ foreach ($php_files as $file_path => $file_content) { // Get the arguments passed to the add_setting method if (preg_match_all('/\\$wp_customize->add_setting\\(([^;]+)/', $file_content, $matches)) { // The full match is in [0], the match group in [1] foreach ($matches[1] as $match) { // Check if we have sanitize_callback or sanitize_js_callback if (false === strpos($match, 'sanitize_callback') && false === strpos($match, 'sanitize_js_callback')) { $this->error[] = '<span class="tc-lead tc-required">' . __('REQUIRED', 'theme-check') . '</span>: ' . __('Found a Customizer setting that did not have a sanitization callback function. Every call to the <strong>add_setting()</strong> method needs to have a sanitization callback function passed.', 'theme-check'); $ret = false; } else { // There's a callback, check that no empty parameter is passed. if (preg_match('/[\'"](?:sanitize_callback|sanitize_js_callback)[\'"]\\s*=>\\s*[\'"]\\s*[\'"]/', $match)) { $this->error[] = '<span class="tc-lead tc-required">' . __('REQUIRED', 'theme-check') . '</span>: ' . __('Found a Customizer setting that had an empty value passed as sanitization callback. You need to pass a function name as sanitization callback.', 'theme-check'); $ret = false; } } } } } return $ret; }
function check($php_files, $css_files, $other_files) { checkcount(); $ret = true; $filenames = array(); foreach ($css_files as $cssfile => $content) { if (basename($cssfile) === 'style.css') { $data = get_theme_data_from_contents($content); } } if (!$data['Tags']) { $this->error[] = '<span class="tc-lead tc-recommended">' . __('RECOMMENDED', 'theme-check') . '</span>: ' . __('<strong>Tags:</strong> is either empty or missing in style.css header.', 'theme-check'); return $ret; } $deprecated_tags = array("flexible-width", "fixed-width", "black", "blue", "brown", "gray", "green", "orange", "pink", "purple", "red", "silver", "tan", "white", "yellow", "dark", "light", "fixed-layout", "fluid-layout", "responsive-layout", "blavatar", "holiday", "photoblogging", "seasonal"); $allowed_tags = array('grid-layout', "one-column", "two-columns", "three-columns", "four-columns", "left-sidebar", "right-sidebar", "flexible-header", 'footer-widgets', "accessibility-ready", "buddypress", "custom-background", "custom-colors", "custom-header", "custom-menu", "custom-logo", "editor-style", "featured-image-header", "featured-images", "front-page-post-form", "full-width-template", "microformats", "post-formats", "rtl-language-support", "sticky-post", "theme-options", "threaded-comments", "translation-ready", 'blog', 'e-commerce', 'education', 'entertainment', 'food-and-drink', 'holiday', 'news', 'photography', 'portfolio'); foreach ($data['Tags'] as $tag) { if (strpos(strtolower($tag), "accessibility-ready") !== false) { $this->error[] = '<span class="tc-lead tc-info">' . __('INFO', 'theme-check') . '</span>: ' . __('Themes that use the tag accessibility-ready will need to undergo an accessibility review.', 'theme-check') . ' ' . __('See <a href=""></a>', 'theme-check'); } if (!in_array(strtolower($tag), $allowed_tags)) { if (in_array(strtolower($tag), $deprecated_tags)) { $this->error[] = '<span class="tc-lead tc-warning">' . __('WARNING', 'theme-check') . '</span>: ' . sprintf(__('The tag %s has been deprecated, please remove it from your style.css header.', 'theme-check'), '<strong>' . $tag . '</strong>'); } else { $this->error[] = '<span class="tc-lead tc-warning">' . __('WARNING', 'theme-check') . '</span>: ' . sprintf(__('Found wrong tag, remove %s from your style.css header.', 'theme-check'), '<strong>' . $tag . '</strong>'); $ret = false; } } } return $ret; }
function check($php_files, $css_files, $other_files) { $ret = true; // combine all the php files into one string to make it easier to search $php = implode(' ', $php_files); checkcount(); // no widgets registered or used... if (strpos($php, 'register_sidebar') === false && strpos($php, 'dynamic_sidebar') === false) { $this->error[] = "<span class='tc-lead tc-recommended'>" . __("RECOMMENDED", 'theme-check') . '</span>: ' . __("This theme contains no sidebars/widget areas. See <a href=''>Widgets API</a>", "theme-check"); $ret = true; } if (strpos($php, 'register_sidebar') !== false && strpos($php, 'dynamic_sidebar') === false) { $this->error[] = "<span class='tc-lead tc-required'>" . __("REQUIRED", 'theme-check') . '</span>: ' . __("The theme appears to use <strong>register_sidebar()</strong> but no <strong>dynamic_sidebar()</strong> was found. See: <a href=''>dynamic_sidebar</a><pre> <?php dynamic_sidebar( \$index ); ?></pre>", "theme-check"); $ret = false; } if (strpos($php, 'register_sidebar') === false && strpos($php, 'dynamic_sidebar') !== false) { $this->error[] = "<span class='tc-lead tc-required'>" . __("REQUIRED", 'theme-check') . '</span>: ' . __("The theme appears to use <strong>dynamic_sidebars()</strong> but no <strong>register_sidebar()</strong> was found. See: <a href=''>register_sidebar</a><pre> <?php register_sidebar( \$args ); ?></pre>", "theme-check"); $ret = false; } /** * There are widgets registered, is the widgets_init action present? */ if (strpos($php, 'register_sidebar') !== false && preg_match('/add_action\\(\\s*("|\')widgets_init("|\')\\s*,/', $php) == false) { $this->error[] = "<span class='tc-lead tc-required'>" . __("REQUIRED", 'theme-check') . '</span>: ' . sprintf(__("Sidebars need to be registered in a custom function hooked to the <strong>widgets_init</strong> action. See: %s.", "theme-check"), '<a href="">register_sidebar()</a>'); $ret = false; } return $ret; }
function check($php_files, $css_files, $other_files) { $ret = true; $check = Redux_ThemeCheck::get_instance(); $redux = $check::get_redux_details($php_files); if ($redux) { if (!isset($_POST['redux_wporg'])) { checkcount(); $this->error[] = '<div class="redux-error">' . sprintf(__('<span class="tc-lead tc-recommended">RECOMMENDED</span>: If you are submitting to Theme Repository, it is <strong>strongly</strong> suggested that you read <a href="%1" target="_blank">this document</a>, or your theme will be rejected because of Redux.', 'redux-framework'), '') . '</div>'; $ret = false; } else { // TODO Granular tests!!! // Check for Tracking checkcount(); $tracking = $redux['dir'] . 'inc/tracking.php'; if (file_exists($tracking)) { $this->error[] = '<div class="redux-error">' . sprintf(__('<span class="tc-lead tc-required">REQUIRED</span>: You MUST delete <strong> %s </strong>, or your theme will be rejected by theme submission because of Redux.', 'redux-framework'), $tracking) . '</div>'; $ret = false; } // Embedded CDN package //use_cdn // Arguments checkcount(); $args = '<ol>'; $args .= "<li><code>'save_defaults' => false</code></li>"; $args .= "<li><code>'use_cdn' => false</code></li>"; $args .= "<li><code>'customizer_only' => true</code> Non-Customizer Based Panels are Prohibited within Themes</li>"; $args .= "<li><code>'database' => 'theme_mods'</code> (" . __('Optional', 'redux-framework') . ")</li>"; $args .= '</ol>'; $this->error[] = '<div class="redux-error">' . __('<span class="tc-lead tc-recommended">RECOMMENDED</span>: The following arguments MUST be used for submissions, or you will be rejected because of your Redux configuration.', 'redux-framework') . $args . '</div>'; } } return $ret; }
function check($php_files, $css_files, $other_files) { $grep = ''; $ret = true; $checks = array(array('get_postdata' => 'get_post()', '1.5.1'), array('start_wp' => 'the Loop', '1.5'), array('the_category_id' => 'get_the_category()', '0.71'), array('the_category_head' => 'get_the_category_by_ID()', '0.71'), array('previous_post' => 'previous_post_link()', '2.0'), array('next_post' => 'next_post_link()', '2.0'), array('user_can_create_post' => 'current_user_can()', '2.0'), array('user_can_create_draft' => 'current_user_can()', '2.0'), array('user_can_edit_post' => 'current_user_can()', '2.0'), array('user_can_delete_post' => 'current_user_can()', '2.0'), array('user_can_set_post_date' => 'current_user_can()', '2.0'), array('user_can_edit_post_comments' => 'current_user_can()', '2.0'), array('user_can_delete_post_comments' => 'current_user_can()', '2.0'), array('user_can_edit_user' => 'current_user_can()', '2.0'), array('get_linksbyname' => 'get_bookmarks()', '2.1'), array('wp_get_linksbyname' => 'wp_list_bookmarks()', '2.1'), array('get_linkobjectsbyname' => 'get_bookmarks()', '2.1'), array('get_linkobjects' => 'get_bookmarks()', '2.1'), array('get_linksbyname_withrating' => 'get_bookmarks()', '2.1'), array('get_links_withrating' => 'get_bookmarks()', '2.1'), array('get_autotoggle' => '', '2.1'), array('list_cats' => 'wp_list_categories', '2.1'), array('wp_list_cats' => 'wp_list_categories', '2.1'), array('dropdown_cats' => 'wp_dropdown_categories()', '2.1'), array('list_authors' => 'wp_list_authors()', '2.1'), array('wp_get_post_cats' => 'wp_get_post_categories()', '2.1'), array('wp_set_post_cats' => 'wp_set_post_categories()', '2.1'), array('get_archives' => 'wp_get_archives', '2.1'), array('get_author_link' => 'get_author_posts_url()', '2.1'), array('link_pages' => 'wp_link_pages()', '2.1'), array('get_settings' => 'get_option()', '2.1'), array('permalink_link' => 'the_permalink()', '1.2'), array('permalink_single_rss' => 'permalink_rss()', '2.3'), array('wp_get_links' => 'wp_list_bookmarks()', '2.1'), array('get_links' => 'get_bookmarks()', '2.1'), array('get_links_list' => 'wp_list_bookmarks()', '2.1'), array('links_popup_script' => '', '2.1'), array('get_linkrating' => 'sanitize_bookmark_field()', '2.1'), array('get_linkcatname' => 'get_category()', '2.1'), array('comments_rss_link' => 'post_comments_feed_link()', '2.5'), array('get_category_rss_link' => 'get_category_feed_link()' . '2.5'), array('get_author_rss_link' => 'get_author_feed_link()', '2.5'), array('comments_rss' => 'get_post_comments_feed_link()', '2.2'), array('create_user' => 'wp_create_user()', '2.0'), array('gzip_compression' => '', '2.5'), array('get_commentdata' => 'get_comment()', '2.7'), array('get_catname' => 'get_cat_name()', '2.8'), array('get_category_children' => 'get_term_children', '2.8'), array('get_the_author_description' => 'get_the_author_meta(\'description\')', '2.8'), array('the_author_description' => 'the_author_meta(\'description\')', '2.8'), array('get_the_author_login' => 'the_author_meta(\'login\')', '2.8'), array('get_the_author_firstname' => 'get_the_author_meta(\'first_name\')', '2.8'), array('the_author_firstname' => 'the_author_meta(\'first_name\')', '2.8'), array('get_the_author_lastname' => 'get_the_author_meta(\'last_name\')', '2.8'), array('the_author_lastname' => 'the_author_meta(\'last_name\')', '2.8'), array('get_the_author_nickname' => 'get_the_author_meta(\'nickname\')', '2.8'), array('the_author_nickname' => 'the_author_meta(\'nickname\')', '2.8'), array('get_the_author_email' => 'get_the_author_meta(\'email\')', '2.8'), array('the_author_email' => 'the_author_meta(\'email\')', '2.8'), array('get_the_author_icq' => 'get_the_author_meta(\'icq\')', '2.8'), array('the_author_icq' => 'the_author_meta(\'icq\')', '2.8'), array('get_the_author_yim' => 'get_the_author_meta(\'yim\')', '2.8'), array('the_author_yim' => 'the_author_meta(\'yim\')', '2.8'), array('get_the_author_msn' => 'get_the_author_meta(\'msn\')', '2.8'), array('the_author_msn' => 'the_author_meta(\'msn\')', '2.8'), array('get_the_author_aim' => 'get_the_author_meta(\'aim\')', '2.8'), array('the_author_aim' => 'the_author_meta(\'aim\')', '2.8'), array('get_author_name' => 'get_the_author_meta(\'display_name\')', '2.8'), array('get_the_author_url' => 'get_the_author_meta(\'url\')', '2.8'), array('the_author_url' => 'the_author_meta(\'url\')', '2.8'), 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array('attribute_escape' => 'esc_attr()', '2.8'), array('register_sidebar_widget' => 'wp_register_sidebar_widget()', '2.8'), array('unregister_sidebar_widget' => 'wp_unregister_sidebar_widget()', '2.8'), array('register_widget_control' => 'wp_register_widget_control()', '2.8'), array('unregister_widget_control' => 'wp_unregister_widget_control()', '2.8'), array('delete_usermeta' => 'delete_user_meta()', '3.0'), array('get_usermeta' => 'get_user_meta()', '3.0'), array('update_usermeta' => 'update_user_meta()', '3.0'), array('automatic_feed_links' => 'add_theme_support( \'automatic-feed-links\' )', '3.0'), array('get_profile' => 'get_the_author_meta()', '3.0'), array('get_usernumposts' => 'count_user_posts()', '3.0'), array('funky_javascript_callback' => '', '3.0'), array('funky_javascript_fix' => '', '3.0'), array('is_taxonomy' => 'taxonomy_exists()', '3.0'), array('is_term' => 'term_exists()', '3.0'), array('is_plugin_page' => '$plugin_page and/or get_plugin_page_hookname() hooks', '3.1'), array('update_category_cache' => 'No alternatives', '3.1'), array('get_users_of_blog' => 'get_users()', '3.1'), array('wp_timezone_supported' => '', '3.2'), array('the_editor' => 'wp_editor', '3.3'), array('get_user_metavalues' => '', '3.3'), array('sanitize_user_object' => '', '3.3'), array('get_boundary_post_rel_link' => '', '3.3'), array('start_post_rel_link' => 'none available ', '3.3'), array('get_index_rel_link' => '', '3.3'), array('index_rel_link' => '', '3.3'), array('get_parent_post_rel_link' => '', '3.3'), array('parent_post_rel_link' => '', '3.3'), array('wp_admin_bar_dashboard_view_site_menu' => '', '3.3'), array('is_blog_user' => 'is_member_of_blog()', '3.3'), array('debug_fopen' => 'error_log()', '3.3'), array('debug_fwrite' => 'error_log()', '3.3'), array('debug_fclose' => 'error_log()', '3.3'), array('get_themes' => 'wp_get_themes()', '3.4'), array('get_theme' => 'wp_get_theme()', '3.4'), array('get_current_theme' => 'wp_get_theme()', '3.4'), array('clean_pre' => '', '3.4'), array('add_custom_image_header' => 'add_theme_support( \'custom-header\', $args )', '3.4'), array('remove_custom_image_header' => 'remove_theme_support( \'custom-header\' )', '3.4'), array('add_custom_background' => 'add_theme_support( \'custom-background\', $args )', '3.4'), array('remove_custom_background' => 'remove_theme_support( \'custom-background\' )', '3.4'), array('get_theme_data' => 'wp_get_theme()', '3.4'), array('update_page_cache' => 'update_post_cache()', '3.4'), array('clean_page_cache' => 'clean_post_cache()', '3.4'), array('wp_explain_nonce' => 'wp_nonce_ays', '3.4.1'), array('sticky_class' => 'post_class()', '3.5'), array('_get_post_ancestors' => '', '3.5'), array('wp_load_image' => 'wp_get_image_editor()', '3.5'), array('image_resize' => 'wp_get_image_editor()', '3.5'), array('wp_get_single_post' => 'get_post()', '3.5'), array('user_pass_ok' => 'wp_authenticate()', '3.5'), array('_save_post_hook' => '', '3.5'), array('gd_edit_image_support' => 'wp_image_editor_supports', '3.5'), array('get_user_id_from_string' => 'get_user_by()', '3.6'), array('wp_convert_bytes_to_hr' => 'size_format()', '3.6'), array('_search_terms_tidy' => '', '3.7'), array('get_blogaddress_by_domain' => '', '3.7'), array('tinymce_include' => 'wp_tiny_mce()', '2.1'), array('documentation_link' => '', '2.5'), array('wp_shrink_dimensions' => 'wp_constrain_dimensions()', '3.0'), array('dropdown_categories' => 'wp_category_checklist()', '2.6'), array('dropdown_link_categories' => 'wp_link_category_checklist()', '2.6'), array('wp_dropdown_cats' => 'wp_dropdown_categories()', '3.0'), array('add_option_update_handler' => 'register_setting()', '3.0'), array('remove_option_update_handler' => 'unregister_setting()', '3.0'), array('codepress_get_lang' => '', '3.0'), array('codepress_footer_js' => '', '3.0'), array('use_codepress' => '', '3.0'), array('get_author_user_ids' => '', '3.1'), array('get_editable_authors' => '', '3.1'), array('get_editable_user_ids' => '', '3.1'), array('get_nonauthor_user_ids' => '', '3.1'), array('WP_User_Search' => 'WP_User_Query', '3.1'), array('get_others_unpublished_posts' => '', '3.1'), array('get_others_drafts' => '', '3.1'), array('get_others_pending' => '', '3.1'), array('wp_dashboard_quick_press()' => '', '3.2'), array('wp_tiny_mce' => 'wp_editor', '3.2'), array('wp_preload_dialogs' => 'wp_editor()', '3.2'), array('wp_print_editor_js' => 'wp_editor()', '3.2'), array('wp_quicktags' => 'wp_editor()', '3.2'), array('favorite_actions' => 'WP_Admin_Bar', '3.2'), array('screen_layout' => '$current_screen->render_screen_layout()', '3.3'), array('screen_options' => '$current_screen->render_per_page_options()', '3.3'), array('screen_meta' => ' $current_screen->render_screen_meta()', '3.3'), array('media_upload_image' => 'wp_media_upload_handler()', '3.3'), array('media_upload_audio' => 'wp_media_upload_handler()', '3.3'), array('media_upload_video' => 'wp_media_upload_handler()', '3.3'), array('media_upload_file' => 'wp_media_upload_handler()', '3.3'), array('type_url_form_image' => 'wp_media_insert_url_form( \'image\' )', '3.3'), array('type_url_form_audio' => 'wp_media_insert_url_form( \'audio\' )', '3.3'), array('type_url_form_video' => 'wp_media_insert_url_form( \'video\' )', '3.3'), array('type_url_form_file' => 'wp_media_insert_url_form( \'file\' )', '3.3'), array('add_contextual_help' => 'get_current_screen()->add_help_tab()', '3.3'), array('get_allowed_themes' => 'wp_get_themes( array( \'allowed\' => true ) )', '3.4'), array('get_broken_themes' => 'wp_get_themes( array( \'errors\' => true )', '3.4'), array('current_theme_info' => 'wp_get_theme()', '3.4'), array('_insert_into_post_button' => '', '3.5'), array('_media_button' => '', '3.5'), array('get_post_to_edit' => 'get_post()', '3.5'), array('get_default_page_to_edit' => 'get_default_post_to_edit()', '3.5'), array('wp_create_thumbnail' => 'image_resize()', '3.5'), array('wp_nav_menu_locations_meta_box' => '', '3.6'), array('the_attachment_links' => '', '3.7'), array('wp_update_core' => 'new Core_Upgrader()', '3.7'), array('wp_update_plugin' => 'new Plugin_Upgrader()', '3.7'), array('wp_update_theme' => 'new Theme_Upgrader()', '3.7'), array('get_screen_icon' => '', '3.8'), array('screen_icon' => '', '3.8'), array('wp_dashboard_incoming_links' => '', '3.8'), array('wp_dashboard_incoming_links_control' => '', '3.8'), array('wp_dashboard_incoming_links_output' => '', '3.8'), array('wp_dashboard_plugins' => '', '3.8'), array('wp_dashboard_primary_control' => '', '3.8'), array('wp_dashboard_recent_comments_control' => '', '3.8'), array('wp_dashboard_secondary' => '', '3.8'), array('wp_dashboard_secondary_control' => '', '3.8'), array('wp_dashboard_secondary_output' => '', '3.8')); foreach ($php_files as $php_key => $phpfile) { foreach ($checks as $alt => $check) { checkcount(); $key = key($check); $alt = $check[$key]; if (preg_match('/[\\s?]' . $key . '\\(/', $phpfile, $matches)) { $filename = tc_filename($php_key); $error = ltrim(rtrim($matches[0], '(')); $version = $check[0]; $grep = tc_grep($error, $php_key); // Point out the deprecated function. $error_msg = sprintf(__('%1$s found in the file %2$s. Deprecated since version %3$s.', 'theme-check'), '<strong>' . $error . '()</strong>', '<strong>' . $filename . '</strong>', '<strong>' . $version . '</strong>'); // Add alternative function when available. if ($alt) { $error_msg .= ' ' . sprintf(__('Use %s instead.', 'theme-check'), '<strong>' . $alt . '</strong>'); } // Add the precise code match that was found. $error_msg .= $grep; // Add the finalized error message. $this->error[] = '<span class="tc-lead tc-required">' . __('REQUIRED', 'theme-check') . '</span>: ' . $error_msg; $ret = false; } } } return $ret; }
function check($php_files, $css_files, $other_files) { $ret = true; $checks = array('/(?<![_|a-z0-9|\\.])eval\\s?\\(/i' => __('eval() is not allowed.', 'themecheck'), '/[^a-z0-9](?<!_)(popen|proc_open|[^_]exec|shell_exec|system|passthru)\\(/' => __('PHP sytem calls should be disabled by server admins anyway!', 'themecheck'), '/\\s?ini_set\\(/' => __('Themes should not change server PHP settings', 'themecheck'), '/uudecode/ims' => __('uudecode() is not allowed', 'themecheck'), '/str_rot13/ims' => __('str_rot13() is not allowed', 'themecheck'), '/cx=[0-9]{21}:[a-z0-9]{10}/' => __('Google search code detected', 'themecheck'), '/pub-[0-9]{16}/i' => __('Googe advertising code detected', 'themecheck')); $grep = ''; foreach ($php_files as $php_key => $phpfile) { foreach ($checks as $key => $check) { checkcount(); if (preg_match($key, $phpfile, $matches)) { $filename = tc_filename($php_key); $error = ltrim(trim($matches[0], '(')); $grep = tc_grep($error, $php_key); $this->error[] = sprintf(__('<span class="tc-lead tc-warning">WARNING</span>: Found <strong>%1$s</strong> in the file <strong>%2$s</strong>. %3$s. %4$s', 'themecheck'), $error, $filename, $check, $grep); $ret = false; } } } $checks = array('/cx=[0-9]{21}:[a-z0-9]{10}/' => __('Google search code detected', 'themecheck'), '/pub-[0-9]{16}/' => __('Google advertising code detected', 'themecheck')); foreach ($other_files as $php_key => $phpfile) { foreach ($checks as $key => $check) { checkcount(); if (preg_match($key, $phpfile, $matches)) { $filename = tc_filename($php_key); $error = ltrim(rtrim($matches[0], '(')); $grep = tc_grep($error, $php_key); $this->error[] = sprintf(__('<span class="tc-lead tc-warning">WARNING</span>: Found <strong>%1$s</strong> in the file <strong>%2$s</strong>. %3$s.%4$s', 'themecheck'), $error, $filename, $check, $grep); $ret = false; } } } return $ret; }
function check($php_files, $css_files, $other_files) { checkcount(); $ret = true; $filenames = array(); foreach ($css_files as $cssfile => $content) { if (basename($cssfile) === 'style.css') { $data = get_theme_data_from_contents($content); } } if (!$data['Tags']) { $this->error[] = '<span class="tc-lead tc-recommended">' . __('RECOMMENDED', 'theme-check') . '</span>: ' . __('<strong>Tags:</strong> is either empty or missing in style.css header.', 'theme-check'); return $ret; } $allowed_tags = array("black", "blue", "brown", "gray", "green", "orange", "pink", "purple", "red", "silver", "tan", "white", "yellow", "dark", "light", "one-column", "two-columns", "three-columns", "four-columns", "left-sidebar", "right-sidebar", "fixed-layout", "fluid-layout", "responsive-layout", "flexible-header", "accessibility-ready", "blavatar", "buddypress", "custom-background", "custom-colors", "custom-header", "custom-menu", "editor-style", "featured-image-header", "featured-images", "front-page-post-form", "full-width-template", "microformats", "post-formats", "rtl-language-support", "sticky-post", "theme-options", "threaded-comments", "translation-ready", "holiday", "photoblogging", "seasonal"); foreach ($data['Tags'] as $tag) { if (!in_array(strtolower($tag), $allowed_tags)) { if (in_array(strtolower($tag), array("flexible-width", "fixed-width"))) { $this->error[] = '<span class="tc-lead tc-warning">' . __('WARNING', 'theme-check') . '</span>: ' . __('The flexible-width and fixed-width tags changed to fluid-layout and fixed-layout tags in WordPress 3.8. Additionally, the responsive-layout tag was added. Please change to using one of the new tags.', 'theme-check'); } else { $this->error[] = '<span class="tc-lead tc-warning">' . __('WARNING', 'theme-check') . '</span>: ' . sprintf(__('Found wrong tag, remove %s from your style.css header.', 'theme-check'), '<strong>' . $tag . '</strong>'); $ret = false; } } } return $ret; }
function check($php_files, $css_files, $other_files) { $php = implode(' ', $php_files); $grep = ''; $ret = true; $checks = array('DOCTYPE' => __('See: <a href=""></a><pre><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"<br />""?></pre>', 'theme-check'), 'wp_footer\\(' => __('See: <a href="">wp_footer</a><pre> <?php wp_footer(); ?></pre>', 'theme-check'), 'wp_head\\(' => __('See: <a href="">wp_head</a><pre> <?php wp_head(); ?></pre>', 'theme-check'), 'language_attributes' => __('See: <a href="">language_attributes</a><pre><html <?php language_attributes(); ?></pre>', 'theme-check'), 'charset' => __('There must be a charset defined in the Content-Type or the meta charset tag in the head.', 'theme-check'), 'add_theme_support\\(\\s?("|\')automatic-feed-links("|\')\\s?\\)' => __('See: <a href="">add_theme_support</a><pre> <?php add_theme_support( $feature ); ?></pre>', 'theme-check'), 'comments_template\\(' => __('See: <a href="">comments_template</a><pre> <?php comments_template( $file, $separate_comments ); ?></pre>', 'theme-check'), 'wp_list_comments\\(' => __('See: <a href="">wp_list_comments</a><pre> <?php wp_list_comments( $args ); ?></pre>', 'theme-check'), 'comment_form\\(' => __('See: <a href="">comment_form</a><pre> <?php comment_form(); ?></pre>', 'theme-check'), 'body_class' => __('See: <a href="">body_class</a><pre> <?php body_class( $class ); ?></pre>', 'theme-check'), 'wp_link_pages\\(' => __('See: <a href="">wp_link_pages</a><pre> <?php wp_link_pages( $args ); ?></pre>', 'theme-check'), 'post_class\\(' => __('See: <a href="">post_class</a><pre> <div id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>" <?php post_class(); ?>></pre>', 'theme-check')); foreach ($checks as $key => $check) { checkcount(); if (!preg_match('/' . $key . '/i', $php)) { if ($key === 'add_theme_support\\(\\s?("|\')automatic-feed-links("|\')\\s?\\)') { $key = __('add_theme_support( \'automatic-feed-links\' )', 'theme-check'); } if ($key === 'wp_enqueue_script\\(\\s?("|\')comment-reply("|\')') { $key = __('wp_enqueue_script( \'comment-reply\' )', 'theme-check'); } if ($key === 'body_class') { $key = __('body_class call in body tag', 'theme-check'); } if ($key === 'register_sidebar[s]?\\(') { $key = __('register_sidebar() or register_sidebars()', 'theme-check'); } $key = ltrim(trim(trim($key, '('), '\\')); $this->error[] = sprintf('<span class="tc-lead tc-required">' . __('REQUIRED', 'theme-check') . '</span>: ' . __('Could not find <strong>%1$s</strong>. %2$s', 'theme-check'), $key, $check); $ret = false; } } return $ret; }
function check($php_files, $css_files, $other_files) { $ret = true; global $data; foreach ($php_files as $php_key => $phpfile) { checkcount(); $grep = ''; // regex borrowed from TAC $url_re = '([[:alnum:]\\-\\.])+(\\.)([[:alnum:]]){2,4}([[:blank:][:alnum:]\\/\\+\\=\\%\\&\\_\\\\.\\~\\?\\-]*)'; $title_re = '[[:blank:][:alnum:][:punct:]]*'; // 0 or more: any num, letter(upper/lower) or any punc symbol $space_re = '(\\s*)'; if (preg_match_all("/(<a)(\\s+)(href" . $space_re . "=" . $space_re . "\"" . $space_re . "((http|https|ftp):\\/\\/)?)" . $url_re . "(\"" . $space_re . $title_re . $space_re . ">)" . $title_re . "(<\\/a>)/is", $phpfile, $out, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { $filename = tc_filename($php_key); foreach ($out as $key) { if (preg_match('/\\<a\\s?href\\s?=\\s?["|\'](.*?)[\'|"](.*?)\\>(.*?)\\<\\/a\\>/is', $key[0], $stripped)) { if (!empty($data['AuthorURI']) && !empty($data['URI']) && $stripped[1] && !strpos($stripped[1], $data['URI']) && !strpos($stripped[1], $data['AuthorURI']) && !strpos($stripped[1], 'wordpress.')) { $grep .= tc_grep($stripped[1], $php_key); } } if ($grep) { $this->error[] = sprintf('<span class="tc-lead tc-info">' . __('INFO', 'theme-check') . '</span>: ' . __('Possible hard-coded links were found in the file <strong>%1$s</strong>.%2$s', 'theme-check'), $filename, $grep); } } } } return $ret; }
function check($php_files, $css_files, $other_files) { global $data, $themename; $ret = true; $error = ''; checkcount(); if ($data['Name'] === 'Twenty Ten' || $data['Name'] === 'Twenty Eleven') { return $ret; } $checks = array('/[\\s|\\(|;]_[e|_]\\s?\\(\\s?[\'|"][^\'|"]*[\'|"]\\s?\\)/' => __('You have not included a text domain!', 'theme-check')); foreach ($php_files as $php_key => $phpfile) { $error = ''; foreach ($checks as $key => $check) { checkcount(); if (preg_match_all($key, $phpfile, $matches) || preg_match_all('/[\\s|\\(]_x\\s?\\(\\s?[\'|"][^\'|"]*[\'|"]\\s?,\\s?[\'|"][^\'|"]*[\'|"]\\s?\\)/', $phpfile, $matches)) { $filename = tc_filename($php_key); foreach ($matches[0] as $match) { $grep = tc_grep(ltrim($match), $php_key); preg_match('/[^\\s]*\\s[0-9]+/', $grep, $line); $error .= !strpos($error, $line[0]) ? $grep : ''; } $this->error[] = sprintf("<span class='tc-lead tc-recommended'>" . __('RECOMMENDED', 'theme-check') . '</span>: ' . __('Text domain problems in <strong>%1$s</strong>. %2$s %3$s ', 'theme-check'), $filename, $check, $error); } } } $checks = array('/[\\s|\\(]_[e|_]\\s?\\([^,|;]*\\s?,\\s?[\'|"]([^\'|"]*)[\'|"]\\s?\\)/' => sprintf(__('Text domain should match theme slug: <strong>%1$s</strong>', 'theme-check'), $themename), '/[\\s|\\(]_x\\s?\\([^,]*\\s?,\\s[^\'|"]*[\'|"][^\'|"]*[\'|"],\\s?[\'|"]([^\'|"]*)[\'|"]\\s?\\)/' => sprintf(__('Text domain should match theme slug: <strong>%1$s</strong>', 'theme-check'), $themename)); foreach ($php_files as $php_key => $phpfile) { foreach ($checks as $key => $check) { checkcount(); if (preg_match_all($key, $phpfile, $matches)) { foreach ($matches[0] as $count => $domaincheck) { if (preg_match('/[\\s|\\(]_[e|_]\\s?\\(\\s?[\'|"][^\'|"]*[\'|"]\\s?\\)/', $domaincheck)) { unset($matches[1][$count]); } //filter out false positives } $filename = tc_filename($php_key); $count = 0; while (isset($matches[1][$count])) { if ($matches[1][$count] !== $themename) { $error = tc_grep($matches[0][$count], $php_key); if ($matches[1][$count] === 'twentyten' || $matches[1][$count] === 'twentyeleven') { $this->error[] = sprintf('<span class=\'tc-lead tc-recommended\'>' . __('RECOMMENDED', 'theme-check') . '</span>: ' . __('Text domain problems in <strong>%1$s</strong>. The %2$s text domain is being used!%3$s', 'theme-check'), $filename, $matches[1][$count], $error); } else { if (defined('TC_TEST') && strpos(strtolower($themename), $matches[1][$count]) === false) { $error = tc_grep($matches[0][$count], $php_key); $this->error[] = sprintf('<span class=\'tc-lead tc-recommended\'>' . __('RECOMMENDED', 'theme-check') . '</span>: ' . __('Text domain problems in <strong>%1$s</strong>. %2$s You are using: <strong>%3$s</strong>%4$s', 'theme-check'), $filename, $check, $matches[1][$count], $error); } } } $count++; } //end while } } } return $ret; }
function check($php_files, $css_files, $other_files) { checkcount(); $ret = true; $php = implode(' ', $php_files); if (strpos($php, 'add_editor_style') === false) { $this->error[] = '<span class="tc-lead tc-recommended">' . __('RECOMMENDED', 'theme-check') . '</span>: ' . __('No reference to <strong>add_editor_style()</strong> was found in the theme. It is recommended that the theme implement editor styling, so as to make the editor content match the resulting post output in the theme, for a better user experience.', 'theme-check'); } return $ret; }
function check($php_files, $css_files, $other_files) { $ret = true; $php = implode(' ', $php_files); checkcount(); if (strpos($php, 'nav_menu') === false) { $this->error[] = '<span class="tc-lead tc-recommended">' . __('RECOMMENDED', 'theme-check') . '</span>: ' . __("No reference to nav_menu's was found in the theme. Note that if your theme has a menu bar, it is required to use the WordPress nav_menu functionality for it.", 'theme-check'); } return $ret; }
function check($php_files, $css_files, $other_files) { $ret = true; $error = ''; checkcount(); // make sure the tokenizer is available if (!function_exists('token_get_all')) { return true; } foreach ($php_files as $php_key => $phpfile) { $error = ''; $stmts = array(); foreach (array('_e(', '__(', '_e (', '__ (') as $finder) { $search = $phpfile; while (($pos = strpos($search, $finder)) !== false) { $search = substr($search, $pos); $open = 1; $i = strpos($search, '(') + 1; while ($open > 0) { switch ($search[$i]) { case '(': $open++; break; case ')': $open--; break; } $i++; } $stmts[] = substr($search, 0, $i); $search = substr($search, $i); } } foreach ($stmts as $match) { $tokens = @token_get_all('<?php ' . $match . ';'); if (!empty($tokens)) { foreach ($tokens as $token) { if (is_array($token) && in_array($token[0], array(T_VARIABLE))) { $filename = tc_filename($php_key); $grep = tc_grep(ltrim($match), $php_key); preg_match('/[^\\s]*\\s[0-9]+/', $grep, $line); $error = ''; if (isset($line[0])) { $error = !strpos($error, $line[0]) ? $grep : ''; } $this->error[] = sprintf('<span class="tc-lead tc-recommended">' . __('RECOMMENDED', 'theme-check') . '</span>: ' . __('Possible variable %1$s found in translation function in %2$s. Translation function calls must NOT contain PHP variables. %3$s', 'theme-check'), '<strong>' . $token[1] . '</strong>', '<strong>' . $filename . '</strong>', $error); break; // stop looking at the tokens on this line once a variable is found } } } } } return $ret; }
function check($php_files, $css_files, $other_files) { $ret = true; // combine all the php files into one string to make it easier to search $php = implode(' ', $php_files); checkcount(); if (strpos($php, 'nav_menu') === false) { $this->error[] = __("<span class='tc-lead tc-recommended'>RECOMMENDED</span>: No reference to nav_menu's was found in the theme. Note that if your theme has a menu bar, it is required to use the WordPress nav_menu functionality for it.", "themecheck"); } return $ret; }
function check($php_files, $css_files, $other_files) { $php = implode(' ', $php_files); checkcount(); $ret = true; if (strpos($php, 'get_avatar') === false && strpos($php, 'wp_list_comments') === false) { $this->error[] = '<span class="tc-lead tc-required">' . __('REQUIRED', 'theme-check') . '</span>: ' . __("This theme doesn't seem to support the standard avatar functions. Use <strong>get_avatar</strong> or <strong>wp_list_comments</strong> to add this support.", 'theme-check'); $ret = false; } return $ret; }
function check($php_files, $css_files, $other_files) { $ret = true; $php = implode(' ', $php_files); checkcount(); if (strpos($php, 'the_tags') === false && strpos($php, 'get_the_tag_list') === false && strpos($php, 'get_the_term_list') === false) { $this->error[] = "<span class='tc-lead tc-required'>" . __('REQUIRED', 'theme-check') . '</span>: ' . __("This theme doesn't seem to display tags. Modify it to display tags in appropriate locations.", "theme-check"); $ret = false; } return $ret; }
function check($php_files, $css_files, $other_files) { $ret = true; $php = implode(' ', $php_files); checkcount(); if (strpos($php, '$content_width') === false && strpos($php, '$GLOBALS' . "['content_width']") === false && !preg_match('/add_filter\\(\\s?("|\')embed_defaults/', $php) && !preg_match('/add_filter\\(\\s?("|\')content_width/', $php)) { $this->error[] = '<span class="tc-lead tc-required">' . __('REQUIRED', 'theme-check') . '</span>: ' . __('No content width has been defined. Example: <pre>if ( ! isset( $content_width ) ) $content_width = 900;</pre>', 'theme-check'); $ret = false; } return $ret; }
function check($php_files, $css_files, $other_files) { $ret = true; $php = implode(' ', $php_files); checkcount(); if (strpos($php, 'paginate_comments_links') === false && strpos($php, 'the_comments_navigation') === false && (strpos($php, 'next_comments_link') === false && strpos($php, 'previous_comments_link') === false)) { $this->error[] = '<span class="tc-lead tc-required">' . __('REQUIRED', 'theme-check') . '</span>: ' . __('The theme doesn\'t have comment pagination code in it. Use <strong>paginate_comments_links()</strong> or <strong>the_comments_navigation</strong> or <strong>next_comments_link()</strong> and <strong>previous_comments_link()</strong> to add comment pagination.', 'theme-check'); $ret = false; } return $ret; }
function check($php_files, $css_files, $other_files) { $ret = true; $php = implode(' ', $php_files); checkcount(); if (strpos($php, 'art_normalize_widget_style_tokens') !== false || strpos($php, 'art_include_lib') !== false || strpos($php, '_remove_last_slash($url) {') !== false || strpos($php, 'adi_normalize_widget_style_tokens') !== false || strpos($php, 'm_normalize_widget_style_tokens') !== false || strpos($php, "bw = '<!--- BEGIN Widget --->';") !== false || strpos($php, "ew = '<!-- end_widget -->';") !== false || strpos($php, "end_widget' => '<!-- end_widget -->'") !== false) { $this->error[] = "<span class='tc-lead tc-warning'>" . __('WARNING', 'theme-check') . "</span>: " . __('This theme appears to have been auto-generated. Generated themes are not allowed in the themes directory.', 'theme-check'); $ret = false; } return $ret; }
function check($php_files, $css_files, $other_files) { $ret = true; checkcount(); foreach ($php_files as $file_path => $file_content) { $filename = tc_filename($file_path); if (preg_match('/(<link rel=[\'"]icon[\'"])|(<link rel=[\'"]apple-touch-icon-precomposed[\'"])|(<meta name=[\'"]msapplication-TileImage[\'"])/', $file_content, $matches)) { $this->error[] = sprintf('<span class="tc-lead tc-info">' . __('INFO', 'theme-check') . '</span>: ' . __('Possible Favicon found in %1$s. Favicons are handled by the Site Icon setting in the customizer since version 4.3.', 'theme-check'), '<strong>' . $filename . '</strong>'); } } return $ret; }
function check($php_files, $css_files, $other_files) { $ret = true; // combine all the php files into one string to make it easier to search $php = implode(' ', $php_files); checkcount(); if (strpos($php, 'paginate_comments_links') === false && (strpos($php, 'next_comments_link') === false && strpos($php, 'previous_comments_link') === false)) { $this->error[] = __('<span class="tc-lead tc-required">REQUIRED</span>: The theme doesn\'t have comment pagination code in it. Use <strong>paginate_comments_links()</strong> or <strong>next_comments_link()</strong> and <strong>previous_comments_link()</strong> to add comment pagination.', 'themecheck'); $ret = false; } return $ret; }
function check($php_files, $css_files, $other_files) { $ret = true; // combine all the php files into one string to make it easier to search $php = implode(' ', $php_files); checkcount(); if (strpos($php, 'posts_nav_link') === false && strpos($php, 'paginate_links') === false && strpos($php, 'the_posts_pagination') === false && (strpos($php, 'previous_posts_link') === false && strpos($php, 'next_posts_link') === false)) { $this->error[] = '<span class="tc-lead tc-required">' . __('REQUIRED', 'theme-check') . '</span>: ' . __("The theme doesn't have post pagination code in it. Use <strong>posts_nav_link()</strong> or <strong>paginate_links()</strong> or <strong>the_posts_pagination</strong> or <strong>next_posts_link()</strong> and <strong>previous_posts_link()</strong> to add post pagination.", 'theme-check'); $ret = false; } return $ret; }