function gen_datos($datos, $cero = false, $datos2 = false) { $maxValue = max($datos); $dato_last = $datos[count($datos) - 1]; if ($cero) { $datos = strtr(chart_data($datos), 'A', '_'); } else { $datos = chart_data($datos); } if ($datos2) { $maxValue2 = max($datos2); if ($maxValue2 > $maxValue) { $maxValue = $maxValue2; } if ($cero) { $datos = $datos . ',' . strtr(chart_data($datos2), 'A', '_'); } else { $datos = $datos . ',' . chart_data($datos2); } } return '&chxt=y,r&chxl=0:|_____|' . $maxValue . '|1:|__|' . $dato_last . '&chd=s:' . $datos; }
<td colspan="4" class="amarillo"><form action="/accion.php?a=mercado&b=puja&ID=1" method="post"> <b><input type="text" name="puja" value="1" size="4" maxlength="7" style="text-align:right;" class="pols" /> ' . MONEDA . ' <input class="pujar" disabled="disabled" type="submit" value="Pujar" /> "La frase"</b></form></td> </tr>'; } $txt .= '</table> <p>Propietario actual: <b style="font-size:22px;">' . crear_link($nick) . '</b></p> </td><td width="50%" valign="top"> <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0" class="pol_table"> <tr> <td colspan="4" align="center"><img src="|0|' . round($dgrafico_max_2 / 2) . '|' . $dgrafico_max_2 . '&chd=s:' . chart_data($dgrafico[2]) . '&chco=0066FF&chm=B,FFFFDD,0,0,0&chf=bg,s,ffffff01|c,s,ffffff01" width="360" height="100" /></td> </tr>'; $gan = 0; $ganador = ''; $init = false; $result = mysql_query("SELECT user_ID, MAX(pols) AS los_pols, time,\r\n(SELECT nick FROM " . SQL_USERS . " WHERE ID = " . SQL . "pujas.user_ID LIMIT 1) AS nick\r\nFROM " . SQL . "pujas\r\nWHERE mercado_ID = 2\r\nGROUP BY user_ID\r\nORDER BY los_pols DESC\r\nLIMIT 10", $link); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $init = true; $gan++; if ($gan == 1) { $txt .= ' <tr> <td colspan="4" class="amarillo"><form action="/accion.php?a=mercado&b=puja&ID=2" method="post"> <b><input type="text" name="puja" value="' . ($row['los_pols'] + 10) . '" size="4" maxlength="7" readonly="readonly" style="text-align:right;" class="pols" /> ' . MONEDA . ' <input type="submit" value="Pujar" class="pujar" disabled="disabled" /> "las palabras"</b></form></td> </tr>'; }
// AND ($num > 1) if ($g_eh_datos) { $g_parl_datos .= '|'; } $g_parl_datos .= $partido; $g_parl_x = ''; foreach ($elec as $fecha => $partido2) { if (!$partido2[$partido]) { $partido2[$partido] = -1; } $g_parl_x[] = $partido2[$partido]; } if ($g_parl) { $g_parl .= ','; } $g_parl .= chart_data($g_parl_x, $votos_max_pres); } else { break; } } } if ($pol['config']['elecciones'] == 'parl') { $txt .= '<center><img src="' . $chart_dato . '&chs=362x220&chl=' . $chart_nom . '&chf=bg,s,ffffff01|c,s,ffffff01&chp=3.14" alt="Escrutinio Parlamentarias" />'; } else { $txt .= '<center>'; //<img src="' . $chart_dato_escaños . ',' . $chart_dato . '&chs=362x220&chl=|' . $chart_nom . '&chco=FFFFDD,FF8000&chf=bg,s,FFFFDD,0" alt="Escaños Parlamentarias" /> } $txt .= '<table border="0" class="pol_table"> <tr> <th align="left" colspan="2">' . (ASAMBLEA ? '' : NOM_PARTIDOS) . '</th> <th colspan="2" align="left">Votos</th>
function TheChart($Ctype, $Res, $chart_height, $Search = "", $axes_type, $chart_bg, $chart_type = null, $chart_pos = null) { global $wpdb; $mysqlversion = substr(mysql_get_server_info(), 0, 3); $ss = ""; //#Mysql's 'FROM_UNIXTIME' returns the local server //# datetime from an expected UTC unix timestamp, so //# convert 'timestamp' to UTC and calculate in any //# differences between the server TZ and Wordpress' time //# offset to get an accurate Wordpress datetime value. $WPoffset = (int) (get_option("gmt_offset") * 60 * 60); $UTCoffset = $WPoffset + ((int) date('Z') - $WPoffset); // //#for US/Euro date display: USA Timezone=USA date format. if (in_array(date('T'), array("ADT", "AST", "AKDT", "AKST", "CDT", "CST", "EDT", "EST", "HADT", "HAST", "MDT", "MST", "PDT", "PST"))) { $USAdate = true; } else { $USAdate = false; } if (!isset($chart_pos)) { $chart_pos = "center"; } $this->searchString = $Search; $this->Last = $Ctype; // Options by chart type switch ($Ctype) { case 0: $label = __("Last 6 Hours", "wassup"); $strto = "6 hours"; $Ctimeformat = "%H"; $x_axes_label = "%H:00"; break; case 1: $label = __("Last 24 Hours", "wassup"); $strto = "24 hours"; $Ctimeformat = "%H"; $x_axes_label = "%H:00"; break; case 7: $label = __("Last 7 Days", "wassup"); $strto = "7 days"; $Ctimeformat = "%d"; if ($USAdate) { $x_axes_label = "%a %b %d"; } else { $x_axes_label = "%a %d %b"; } break; case 30: $label = __("Last Month", "wassup"); $strto = "30 days"; $Ctimeformat = "%d"; if ($USAdate) { $x_axes_label = " %b %d"; } else { $x_axes_label = "%d %b"; } break; case 365: $label = __("Last Year", "wassup"); $strto = "12 months"; $Ctimeformat = "%m"; $x_axes_label = "%b %Y"; break; } // Add Search variable to WHERE clause if ($Search != "") { $ss = " AND (ip LIKE '%" . $this->searchString . "%' OR hostname LIKE '%" . $this->searchString . "%' OR urlrequested LIKE '%" . $this->searchString . "%' OR agent LIKE '%" . $this->searchString . "%' OR referrer LIKE '%" . $this->searchString . "%') "; } $hour_todate = $this->to_date; $hour_fromdate = strtotime("-" . $strto, $hour_todate); if ($hour_fromdate == "") { $hour_fromdate = strtotime("-24 hours", $hour_todate); } /* Debug $q = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT wassup_id) as items, COUNT(wassup_id) as pages, DATE_FORMAT(FROM_UNIXTIME((timestamp-$UTCoffset)), '$x_axes_label') as thedate FROM ".$this->tableName." WHERE wassup_id IS NOT NULL AND timestamp BETWEEN $hour_fromdate AND $hour_todate ".$this->whereis." $ss GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(FROM_UNIXTIME((timestamp-$UTCoffset)), '$Ctimeformat') ORDER BY timestamp"; echo $q; */ //$aitems = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT wassup_id) as items, COUNT(wassup_id) as pages, DATE_FORMAT(FROM_UNIXTIME((timestamp-$UTCoffset)), '$x_axes_label') as thedate FROM ".$this->tableName." WHERE wassup_id IS NOT NULL AND timestamp BETWEEN $hour_fromdate AND $hour_todate ".$this->whereis." $ss GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(FROM_UNIXTIME((timestamp-$UTCoffset)), '$Ctimeformat') ORDER BY timestamp", ARRAY_A); $aitems = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT wassup_id) as items, COUNT(wassup_id) as pages, DATE_FORMAT(FROM_UNIXTIME(CAST((timestamp-{$UTCoffset}) AS UNSIGNED)), '{$x_axes_label}') as thedate FROM " . $this->tableName . " WHERE timestamp BETWEEN {$hour_fromdate} AND {$hour_todate} " . $this->whereis . " {$ss} GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(FROM_UNIXTIME(CAST((timestamp-{$UTCoffset}) AS UNSIGNED)), '{$Ctimeformat}') ORDER BY timestamp", ARRAY_A); // Extract arrays for Visits, Pages and X_Axis_Label if (count($aitems) > 0) { foreach ($aitems as $bhits) { $ahits[] = $bhits['items']; $apages[] = $bhits['pages']; $atime[] = $bhits['thedate']; } // Print the main chart in visitors details view echo "<div id='placeholder' align='{$chart_pos}'>\n\t\t\t<img src='" . $chart_bg . "&chtt=" . urlencode($label) . "&chls=4,1,0|2,6,2&chco=2683ae,FF6D06&chm=B,2683ae30,0,0,0&chg=10,20,2,5&cht=lc&chs=" . $Res . "x" . $chart_height . "&chd=" . chart_data($ahits, $apages, $atime, $Ctimeformat, "main", $axes_type, $chart_type) . "'>\n"; //echo "UTCoffset=$UTCoffset\nmysqlversion=$mysqlversion\n"; //debug //print_r($atime); //debug echo "</div>\n"; } }
// datos graficos $result = mysql_query("SELECT mapa_vende\r\nFROM stats WHERE pais = '" . PAIS . "' AND mapa_vende != 0 \r\nORDER BY time ASC LIMIT 500", $link); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $dgrafico[] = $row['mapa_vende']; } if ($dgrafico) { $dgrafico_max = max($dgrafico); } else { $dgrafico_max = 0; } $txt .= ' <h1 style="display:inline-block;">Info</h1> <span><acronym title="Superficie ocupada" style="color:blue;"><b>' . round($sup_total * 100 / $superficie_total, 1) . '%</b> ocupado</acronym> <acronym title="Superficie en venta" style="color:red;"><b>' . round($venta_total * 100 / $superficie_total, 1) . '%</b> en venta </acronym> </span><br /> <img style="margin:0 0 4px 0;" src="|0|' . round($dgrafico_max / 2) . '|' . $dgrafico_max . '&chd=s:' . chart_data($dgrafico) . '&chco=0066FF&chm=B,FFFFDD,0,0,0&chf=bg,s,ffffff01|c,s,ffffff01" width="450" height="110" /> </td></tr> <tr><td valign="top"> <h1>Terratenientes</h1> <p class="gris">Con más propiedades</p><ol>'; $n = 0; $result = mysql_query("SELECT SUM(superficie) AS superficie, COUNT(*) AS num,\r\n(SELECT nick FROM users WHERE ID = " . SQL . "mapa.user_ID LIMIT 1) AS nick,\r\n(SELECT cargo FROM users WHERE ID = " . SQL . "mapa.user_ID LIMIT 1) AS cargo\r\nFROM " . SQL . "mapa\r\nWHERE estado != 'e'\r\nGROUP BY user_ID\r\nORDER BY superficie DESC, num ASC\r\nLIMIT 15"); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $n++; if ($n <= 3) { $first = true; $txt .= '<li><img width="16" height="16" src="' . IMG . 'cargos/' . $row['cargo'] . '.gif" /> <b>' . crear_link($row['nick']) . ' (' . $row['superficie'] . ')</b></li>'; } else { $txt .= '<li><img width="16" height="16" src="' . IMG . 'cargos/' . $row['cargo'] . '.gif" /> ' . crear_link($row['nick']) . ' (' . $row['superficie'] . ')</li>'; } }
} spyview($from_date, $to_date, $rows, $wassup_options->wassup_default_spy_type); // ACTION: SUMMARY PIE CHART } elseif ($_GET['action'] == "piechart") { // Prepare Pie Chart $Tot = new MainItems(); $Tot->tableName = $table_name; $Tot->from_date = $from_date; $Tot->to_date = $to_date; $items_pie[] = $Tot->calc_tot("count", $search, "AND spam>0", "DISTINCT"); $items_pie[] = $Tot->calc_tot("count", $search, "AND searchengine!='' AND spam=0", "DISTINCT"); $items_pie[] = $Tot->calc_tot("count", $search, "AND searchengine='' AND referrer NOT LIKE '%" . $this->WpUrl . "%' AND referrer!='' AND spam=0", "DISTINCT"); $items_pie[] = $Tot->calc_tot("count", $search, "AND searchengine='' AND (referrer LIKE '%" . $this->WpUrl . "%' OR referrer='') AND spam=0", "DISTINCT"); ?> <div style="text-align: center"><img src="|Search%20Engine|Referrer|Direct&chd=<?php chart_data($items_pie, null, null, null, 'pie'); ?> " /></div> <?php // ACTION: DISPLAY RAW RECORDS } elseif ($_GET['action'] == "displayraw") { $raw_table = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT ip, hostname, agent, referrer, search, searchpage, os, browser, language FROM {$table_name} WHERE wassup_id='" . urlencode(attribute_escape($_GET['wassup_id'])) . "' ORDER BY timestamp ASC LIMIT 1"); ?> <div><h2><?php _e("Raw data", "wassup"); ?> :</h2> <ul style="list-style-type:none;padding:20px 0 0 30px;"> <?php