Пример #1
function _global_Load()
    $ret = cache_Fetch(_SH_GLOBAL_CACHE_KEY);
    if ($ret === null) {
        // Fetch the newest version of every key //
        $ret = db_QueryFetchPair("SELECT `key`,`value` FROM " . SH_TABLE_PREFIX . SH_TABLE_GLOBAL . "\n\t\t\tWHERE id IN (\n\t\t\t\tSELECT MAX(id) FROM " . SH_TABLE_PREFIX . SH_TABLE_GLOBAL . " GROUP BY `key`\n\t\t\t);");
        if (!is_array($ret)) {
            return [];
        // Convert types of the values of certain keys found in globals //
        foreach ($ret as $key => &$value) {
            if (strcmp($key, "active") === 0) {
                $value = intval($value);
            } else {
                if (strpos($key, "-active") !== false) {
                    $value = intval($value);
                } else {
                    if (strpos($key, "SH_TABLE_") === 0) {
                        $value = intval($value);
        if ($ret) {
            cache_Store(_SH_GLOBAL_CACHE_KEY, $ret, _SH_GLOBAL_CACHE_TTL);
        } else {
            $ret = [];
    return $ret;
Пример #2
function _config_Load()
    $ret = cache_Fetch(_CONFIG_CACHE_KEY);
    if ($ret === null) {
        $ret = db_QueryFetchPair("SELECT `key`,`value` FROM " . CMW_TABLE_CONFIG . "\n\t\t\tWHERE id IN (\n\t\t\t\tSELECT MAX(id) FROM " . CMW_TABLE_CONFIG . " GROUP BY `key`\n\t\t\t);");
        cache_Store(_CONFIG_CACHE_KEY, $ret, _CONFIG_CACHE_TTL);
    return $ret;
Пример #3
function legacy_GetUser($id)
    $ret = cache_Fetch(_LEGACY_USER_CACHE_KEY . $id);
    if ($ret === null) {
        $ret = db_QueryFetchFirst("SELECT id," . MYSQL_ISO_FORMAT('timestamp') . ",hash\n\t\t\tFROM " . CMW_TABLE_LEGACY_USER . " WHERE id=? LIMIT 1;", $id);
        cache_Store(_LEGACY_USER_CACHE_KEY . $id, $ret, _LEGACY_USER_CACHE_TTL);
    return $ret;
Пример #4
function GetEventNodes()
    $cache_key = CACHE_KEY_PREFIX . "GetEventNodes";
    $ret = cache_Fetch($cache_key);
    if (!isset($ret)) {
        $ret = node_GetIdByType(SH_NODE_TYPE_EVENT);
        cache_Store($cache_key, $ret, CACHE_TTL);
    return $ret;
Пример #5
function _user_CheckSession()
    global $USER_ID;
    if (isset($_COOKIE['SID'])) {
        $user = user_DecodeSIDToken($_COOKIE['SID']);
        $key = user_EncodeSIDKey($user['id'], $user['unique']);
        $value = cache_Fetch($key);
        if ($value === $user['hash']) {
            //cache_Touch($key,60*60*24*7);	// One week //
            $USER_ID = intval($user['id']);
            // TODO: Regenerate hash if it's been a few hours
Пример #6
$change_output = $jpeg || $png;
// If we were given an operation //
if ($change_size || $change_output) {
    $docroot = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'];
    $filename = $docroot . $base . $image;
    // TODO: add "p" character for percentages //
    // TODO: strip non-ascii characters from $image //
    $cache_key = "img\$" . $image . ($out_width ? "\$w" . $out_width : "") . ($out_height ? "\$h" . $out_height : "") . ($crop ? "\$crop" : "") . ($jpeg ? "\$jpeg" : "") . ($png ? "\$png" : "") . "";
    // For compatibility with Memcached, keys must be:
    // - no more than to 250 characters
    // - not null (0x0)
    // - not space or tab (0x20,0x09)
    // - not newline or carriage-return (0x0a,0x0d)
    // - UTF-8 symbols are ok (but I want to avoid them)
    // If cached, output data //
    $cached = cache_Fetch($cache_key);
    if ($cached) {
        header("X-Cache-Key: " . $cache_key);
        echo $cached['data'];
    // Otherwise, we have to generate the file. Check if it exists first. //
    if (file_exists($filename)) {
        // Fetch File Info //
        $info = getimagesize($filename);
        $in_width = $info[0];
        // ['width'] is a string, but the index is not
        $in_height = $info[1];
        // ['height'] is a string, but the index is not
        // If one of the dimensions is zero //
Пример #7
function node_GetPublishedNodeIdsByTypes($types, $limit = 50, $offset = 0)
    // Sort the types, to make sure we get a consistent key name //
    if (is_array($types)) {
        sort($types, SORT_STRING);
    } else {
        $types = [$types];
    $cache_key = "published-ids\$" . $offset . "\$" . $limit . "\$" . implode("\$", $types);
    // Fetch from cache //
    $cached = cache_Fetch($cache_key);
    if ($cached) {
        return $cached;
    // Fetch from database //
    global $NODE_SCHEMA;
    $items = db_FetchSingle("SELECT `id` FROM `" . CMW_TABLE_NODE . "` WHERE " . ("`time_published` != " . "'0000-00-00 00:00:00'" . " AND ") . (is_array($types) ? "`type` in  (\"" . implode("\",\"", $types) . "\")" : "`type`=" . "\"post\"") . " ORDER BY `time_published` DESC" . (" LIMIT " . $limit . " OFFSET " . $offset) . ";", $NODE_SCHEMA);
    // Cache it //
    cache_Store($cache_key, $items, CACHE_TTL_PUBLISHED_IDS);
    return $items;
Пример #8
function theme_GetFinalVotingList($node)
    $ret = cache_Fetch(_THEME_CACHE_KEY . "FINAL_VOTE_LIST");
    if ($ret === null) {
        $ret = db_DoFetch("SELECT id,theme FROM " . CMW_TABLE_THEME_FINAL . " \n\t\t\tWHERE node=?\n\t\t\tORDER BY score DESC,id ASC", $node);
        cache_Store(_THEME_CACHE_KEY . "FINAL_VOTE_LIST", $ret, _THEME_CACHE_TTL);
    return $ret;
Пример #9
function theme_GetHistory()
    $ret = cache_Fetch(_THEME_CACHE_KEY . "THEME_HISTORY");
    if ($ret === null) {
        $ret = db_QueryFetch("SELECT node,shorthand,name,theme FROM " . CMW_TABLE_THEME_HISTORY);
        if (is_array($ret)) {
            cache_Store(_THEME_CACHE_KEY . "THEME_HISTORY", $ret, _THEME_CACHE_TTL);
        } else {
            return null;
    return $ret;