Пример #1
 * Formats communication for display in messages list
 * @param RequestHTTP $po_request
 * @param array $pa_data
 * @param array $pa_options
 *		viewContentDivID = 
 *		additionalMessages =
 *		isAdditionalMessage =
 * @return string 
function caClientServicesFormatMessageSummary($po_request, $pa_data, $pa_options = null)
    $vb_is_additional_message = (bool) (isset($pa_options['isAdditionalMessage']) && $pa_options['isAdditionalMessage']);
    $vb_is_unread = !(bool) $pa_data['read_on'];
    $vs_unread_class = $vb_is_unread ? "caClientCommunicationsMessageSummaryUnread" : "";
    if ($pa_data['source'] == __CA_COMMERCE_COMMUNICATION_SOURCE_INSTITUTION__) {
        $vb_is_unread = false;
        $vs_unread_class = '';
    // institution-sent messages are never unread in Providence
    if ($vb_is_additional_message) {
        $vs_class = $vb_is_unread ? "caClientCommunicationsAdditionalMessageSummary caClientCommunicationsMessageSummaryUnread" : "caClientCommunicationsAdditionalMessageSummary";
        $vs_buf = "<div class='{$vs_class}' id='caClientCommunicationsMessage_" . $pa_data['communication_id'] . "'>";
    } else {
        $vs_class = $vb_is_unread ? "caClientCommunicationsMessageSummary caClientCommunicationsMessageSummaryUnread" : "caClientCommunicationsMessageSummary";
        $vs_buf = "<div class='{$vs_class}'>";
    $vs_buf .= "<div class='caClientCommunicationsMessageSummaryContainer' id='caClientCommunicationsMessage_" . $pa_data['communication_id'] . "'>";
    $vs_buf .= "<div class='caClientCommunicationsViewMessageIcon'>+</div>";
    TooltipManager::add(".caClientCommunicationsViewMessageIcon", _t("View entire message and associated media"));
    $vs_buf .= "<div class='caClientCommunicationsMessageSummaryFrom {$vs_unread_class}'><span class='caClientCommunicationsMessageSummaryHeading'>" . _t("From") . ":</span> " . caClientServicesGetSenderName($pa_data);
    $vs_buf .= $vb_is_unread ? ' ' . caGetThemeGraphic($po_request, 'icons/envelope.gif') : "";
    $vs_buf .= "</div>";
    $vs_buf .= "<div class='caClientCommunicationsMessageSummaryDate {$vs_unread_class}'><span class='caClientCommunicationsMessageSummaryHeading'>" . _t("Date") . ":</span> " . caGetLocalizedDate($pa_data['created_on'], array('dateFormat' => 'delimited')) . "</div>";
    $vs_buf .= "<div class='caClientCommunicationsMessageSummarySubject {$vs_unread_class}'><span class='caClientCommunicationsMessageSummaryHeading'>" . _t("Subject") . ":</span> " . $pa_data['subject'] . "</div>";
    $vs_buf .= "<div class='caClientCommunicationsMessageSummaryText'>" . (mb_strlen($pa_data['message']) > 100 ? mb_substr($pa_data['message'], 0, 100) . "..." : $pa_data['message']) . "</div>";
    $vn_num_additional_messages = is_array($pa_options['additionalMessages']) ? sizeof($pa_options['additionalMessages']) : 0;
    // are there orders linked to this thread?
    if ($vn_num_orders = sizeof($va_order_ids = ca_commerce_orders::getOrderIDsForTransaction($pa_data['transaction_id']))) {
        $vs_buf .= "<div class='caClientCommunicationsMessageSummaryThreadButton'>" . caNavLink($po_request, ($vn_num_orders == 1 ? _t('%1 order', $vn_num_orders) : _t('%1 orders', $vn_num_orders)) . " &rsaquo;", 'button', 'client', 'Orders', 'Index', array('transaction_id' => $pa_data['transaction_id'])) . "</div>\n";
    if ($vn_num_additional_messages) {
        $vs_buf .= "<div class='caClientCommunicationsMessageSummaryThreadButton' id='caClientCommunicationsMessageAdditionalCount" . $pa_data['communication_id'] . "'><a href='#' onclick='jQuery(\"#caClientCommunicationsMessageAdditional" . $pa_data['communication_id'] . "\").slideToggle(250, function(){ if(jQuery(\"#caClientCommunicationsMessageViewThread" . $pa_data['communication_id'] . "\").html() == \"" . _t("view thread") . " &rsaquo;\") {jQuery(\"#caClientCommunicationsMessageViewThread" . $pa_data['communication_id'] . "\").html(\"" . _t("hide thread") . " &rsaquo;\")}else{jQuery(\"#caClientCommunicationsMessageViewThread" . $pa_data['communication_id'] . "\").html(\"" . _t("view thread") . " &rsaquo;\")}}); return false;' id='caClientCommunicationsMessageViewThread" . $pa_data['communication_id'] . "' class='button'>" . _t("view thread") . " &rsaquo;</a></div>\n";
    $vs_buf .= "</div>";
    if ($vn_num_additional_messages) {
        $vs_buf .= "<div class='caClientCommunicationsMessageAdditional' id='caClientCommunicationsMessageAdditional" . $pa_data['communication_id'] . "'>";
        $pa_additional_options = $pa_options;
        $pa_additional_options['isAdditionalMessage'] = true;
        foreach ($pa_options['additionalMessages'] as $va_additional_message) {
            $vs_buf .= caClientServicesFormatMessageSummary($po_request, $va_additional_message, $pa_additional_options);
        $vs_buf .= "</div>";
    $vs_buf .= "</div>\n";
    return $vs_buf;
Пример #2
					<li class="blue<?php 
    print $this->request->getController() == "Contact" ? ' active' : '';
" id="navContact"><?php 
    print caNavLink($this->request, _t("Contact") . "<div class='bottomBorder'></div>", "", "", "Contact", "Form");
			</div><!-- /.navbar-collapse -->
		</div><!-- end container -->
} else {
	<div class="navbar">
		<div class='loginLogo'><?php 
    print caNavLink($this->request, caGetThemeGraphic($this->request, 'steelcase_logo_black.png'), "", "", "", "");
	<div class="container">
		<div id="pageArea" <?php 
print caGetPageCSSClasses();
Пример #3
 * Returns HTML <img> tag displaying spinning "I'm doing something" icon
function caBusyIndicatorIcon($po_request, $pa_attributes = null)
    if (!is_array($pa_attributes)) {
        $pa_attributes = array();
    if (!isset($pa_attributes['alt'])) {
        $pa_attributes['alt'] = $vs_img_name;
    return caGetThemeGraphic($po_request, 'indicator.gif', $pa_attributes);
Пример #4
				 Pagination initialization
					.on('jcarouselpagination:active', 'a', function() {
					.on('jcarouselpagination:inactive', 'a', function() {
						// Options go here

		<div class="container"><div class="container"><div class="row">
			<div class="col-sm-3 subintro"><?php 
print caGetThemeGraphic($this->request, "cjflogo_int.png", array("width" => 200));
			<div class="col-sm-9 subintro">The Cincinnati Judaica Fund is dedicated to the preservation and use of historic Judaica for educational purposes. </div>      
		</div><!-- end row --></div><!-- end container --></div><!-- end container -->
	</div><!-- end subhomeslide -->
print $this->render("Front/toc_html.php");
	</div> <!--end container subhomebody-->	
Пример #5
		sidebar: <?php 
print sizeof($va_sections) > 0 && !isset($va_display_options['no_overlay']) ? "true" : "false";
		closeButton: '<?php 
print (bool) $this->request->getParameter('overlay', pInteger) ? addslashes(caGetThemeGraphic($this->request, 'buttons/x.png', array('alt' => _t('Close')))) : '';
		editButton: '<?php 
print addslashes(caGetThemeGraphic($this->request, 'buttons/arrow_grey_right.gif', array('alt' => _t('View'))));
if (caObjectsDisplayDownloadLink($this->request)) {
		downloadButton: '<?php 
    print addslashes(caGetThemeGraphic($this->request, 'buttons/download.png', array('alt' => _t('Download'))));
} else {
		downloadButton: null
Пример #6
	<H1>About the Fossil Tracks Collection</H1>
	<div class="row">
		<div class="col-sm-8 col-md-8 col-lg-8">
			<div style="padding-left:20px;">	
				<p>The University of Colorado Fossil Tracks Collection is comprised of a remarkable range of fossil footprints that show exceptional temporal, taxonomic, and geographic breadth.  The collection includes approximately 3,000 original or replica specimens of footprints and trackways from 24 countries and five continents.  It also includes more than 1,650 full size acetate footprint and trackway tracings.  While some large specimens represent a single footprint, others are slabs that include dozens, or even hundreds of footprints.  Most of the specimens are from the Mesozoic, when large extinct dinosaurs dominated ancient ecosystems (~252 to 66 million years old).  However, the collection also includes nearly two hundred Paleozoic specimens (tracks from 400 to 252 million years old) plus more than 250 specimens from the Cenozoic (~66 million years to the present).  Dinosaur tracks make up over half of the collection--including roughly 40% non-avian dinosaur tracks and 10% bird tracks.  Crocodylomorphs and pterosaurs are also well-represented, and tracks from arthropods, turtles, rodents, hominins, and other mammals round out the collection.</p> 
				<p>Although the University of Colorado Museum of Natural History had a small number of fossil tracks before 2012, the present collection was largely built through the efforts of one man, Martin Lockley.  Professor Lockley spent his career at the University of Colorado Denver, studying footprints and building one of the world’s most diverse and extensive collections of fossil tracks.  Much of Professor Lockley’s research has focused on numerous track sites in the Rocky Mountain region.  However, he has also examined fossil footprints and collaborated with colleagues at far-flung sites all over the world.  This research has led to the publication of more than 400 research papers on fossil tracks.</p>
				<p>Professor Lockley has worked for many years with Dr. Karen Houck to organize and document the tremendous amount of information associated with the fossil footprints they have collected.   In 2000, they opened the Dinosaur Tracks Museum to the public, and visitors enjoyed educational exhibits of fossil tracks installed in the basement of St. Cajetan’s church on the University of Colorado Denver campus.  This Museum remained open to the public from 2000 to 2012.  Professor Lockley retired from his professorship in 2010, and the remarkable collection of fossil footprints he built was moved to the University of Colorado Museum of Natural History in Boulder Colorado.  Fortunately, Martin Lockley is still continuing his research on fossil footprints at the University of Colorado Denver.</p>
				<p>For more information about the University of Colorado Fossil Tracks Collection and fossil footprint research, see the online exhibit Fossil footprints through geologic time.</p>				
				<p class="text-center">
print caNavLink($this->request, _t("Browse Fossil Tracks"), "btn btn-default", "", "Browse", "tracks");
		<div class="col-sm-4 col-md-4 col-lg-4 text-center">
			<p class="text-center">
print caGetThemeGraphic($this->request, 'tracksLockley.jpg');
				<br/><small>Martin Lockley investigating fossil bird tracks<br/>in Colorado in 2008</small>
			<p class="text-center">
print caGetThemeGraphic($this->request, 'tracks2.jpg');
				<br/><small>Martin Lockley and Karen Houck pointing to a<br/><i>Stegosaurus</i> at the UC Denver  DinosaurTracks Museum</small>
Пример #7
			<map name="CUHeader" id="CUHeader">
				<area shape="rect" coords="5,4,291,21" href="http://www.colorado.edu/" target="outlink" alt="University of Colorado at Boulder"/>
				<area shape="rect" coords="963,4,995,21" href="http://www.colorado.edu/" target="outlink" alt="CU-Home" />
				<area shape="rect" coords="1002,4,1041,21" href="http://www.colorado.edu/search/" target="outlink" alt="CU-Search" />
				<area shape="rect" coords="1050,4,1086,21" href="http://www.colorado.edu/atoz/" target="outlink" alt="CU-A to Z" />
				<area shape="rect" coords="1092,4,1115,21" href="http://www.colorado.edu/campusmap/" target="outlink" alt="Campus Map" />
		</div><!-- end topbar -->
		<div id="pageArea" <?php 
print caGetPageCSSClasses();
			<div id="nav">
				<div id="headerLogo">
print caNavLink($this->request, caGetThemeGraphic($this->request, 'CU_MNH_small.png'), "", "", "", "");
if ($this->request->getController() == "Front" && $this->request->getAction() == "Index") {
    print "<p>Choose a collection:</p>";
    print caNavLink($this->request, _t("Fossil Eggshells"), "", "", "Front", "FossilEggshellCollection") . "<div class='navDivide'></div>";
    print caNavLink($this->request, _t("Fossil Tracks"), "", "", "Front", "FossilTracksCollection") . "<div class='navDivide'></div>";
    print caNavLink($this->request, _t("Fossil Vertebrates"), "", "", "Front", "FossilVertebrateCollection") . "<div class='navDivide'></div>";
} else {
					<div id="header">
    switch ($ps_subsite) {
        case "eggshell":
            print _t("Fossil Eggshell Collection");
Пример #8
	<nav class="navbar navbar-default yamm" role="navigation">
		<div class="container">
			<!-- Brand and toggle get grouped for better mobile display -->
			<div class="navbar-header">
				<button type="button" class="navbar-toggle navbar-toggle-user" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#user-navbar-toggle">
					<span class="sr-only">User Options</span>
					<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-user"></span>
				<button type="button" class="navbar-toggle" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#bs-main-navbar-collapse-1">
					<span class="sr-only">Toggle navigation</span>
					<span class="icon-bar"></span>
					<span class="icon-bar"></span>
					<span class="icon-bar"></span>
print caNavLink($this->request, caGetThemeGraphic($this->request, 'ca_nav_logo300.png'), "navbar-brand", "", "", "");

		<!-- Collect the nav links, forms, and other content for toggling -->
			<!-- bs-user-navbar-collapse is the user menu that shows up in the toggle menu - hidden at larger size -->
			<div class="collapse navbar-collapse" id="user-navbar-toggle">
				<ul class="nav navbar-nav">					
print $vs_user_links;
			<div class="collapse navbar-collapse" id="bs-main-navbar-collapse-1">
				<ul class="nav navbar-nav navbar-right" id="user-navbar">
					<li class="dropdown" style="position:relative;">
Пример #9
		</div><!-- end caMediaOverlayRepThumbs -->
	<!-- Controls - only for media overlay -->
	<div class="caMediaOverlayControls">
		<div class='close'><a href="#" onclick="caMediaPanel.hidePanel(); return false;" title="close">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</a></div>
    if (caObjectsDisplayDownloadLink($this->request) && $this->request->user->canDoAction('can_download_media')) {
				<div class='download'>
        # -- get version to download configured in media_display.conf
        $va_download_display_info = caGetMediaDisplayInfo('download', $t_rep->getMediaInfo('media', 'INPUT', 'MIMETYPE'));
        $vs_download_version = $va_download_display_info['display_version'];
        print caNavLink($this->request, caGetThemeGraphic($this->request, 'buttons/downloadWhite.png', array('title' => _t("Download Media"))), '', '', 'Detail', 'DownloadRepresentation', array('representation_id' => $t_rep->getPrimaryKey(), "object_id" => $t_object->getPrimaryKey(), "download" => 1, "version" => $vs_download_version));
			<div class='objectInfo'>
    $vs_label = $t_object->getLabelForDisplay();
    print mb_strlen($vs_label) > 150 ? mb_substr($vs_label, 0, 150) . "..." : $vs_label;
			<div class='repNav'>
Пример #10
	<nav class="navbar navbar-default yamm" role="navigation">
		<div class="container">
			<!-- Brand and toggle get grouped for better mobile display -->
			<div class="navbar-header">
				<button type="button" class="navbar-toggle" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#bs-main-navbar-collapse-1">
					<span class="sr-only">Toggle navigation</span>
					<span class="icon-bar"></span>
					<span class="icon-bar"></span>
					<span class="icon-bar"></span>
print caNavLink($this->request, caGetThemeGraphic($this->request, 'pbc_logo.jpg'), "navbar-brand", "", "", "");
print "<span class='banner'>Radio Pakistan</span>";
print "<hr>";

		<!-- Collect the nav links, forms, and other content for toggling -->
			<div class="collapse navbar-collapse" id="bs-main-navbar-collapse-1">
				<ul class="nav navbar-nav navbar-right">
					<li class="dropdown" style="position:relative;">
						<a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle icon" data-toggle="dropdown"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-user"></span></a>
						<ul class="dropdown-menu">
if ($this->request->isLoggedIn()) {
    print '<li role="presentation" class="dropdown-header">' . trim($this->request->user->get("fname") . " " . $this->request->user->get("lname")) . ', ' . $this->request->user->get("email") . '</li>';
    print '<li class="divider"></li>';
print caGetThemeGraphic($this->request, 'vertebrateSlideShow/vertSlide3.jpg');
print caGetThemeGraphic($this->request, 'vertebrateSlideShow/vertSlide4.jpg');
print caGetThemeGraphic($this->request, 'vertebrateSlideShow/vertSlide5.jpg');
print caGetThemeGraphic($this->request, 'vertebrateSlideShow/vertSlide6.jpg');
		</div><!-- end jcarousel -->
	</div><!-- end jcarousel-wrapper -->
	<script type='text/javascript'>
		jQuery(document).ready(function() {
			Carousel initialization
					animation: {
						duration: 0 // make changing image immediately
Пример #12
print AssetLoadManager::getLoadHTML($this->request);
	<link rel="icon" href="<?php 
print caGetThemeGraphicURL($this->request, 'favicon.jpg');
print $this->request->config->get('html_page_title');
	<div id="headerWrapper">
		<div id="hpLogo">
print '<a href="/">' . caGetThemeGraphic($this->request, 'MF_logo.jpg', array('width' => '150px', 'height' => '112px')) . "</a>";
		<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
		  <div class="container">
			<div class="navbar-header">
			  <button type="button" class="navbar-toggle" data-toggle="collapse" data-target=".navbar-collapse">
				<span class="icon-bar"></span>
				<span class="icon-bar"></span>
				<span class="icon-bar"></span>
			<div class="navbar-collapse collapse">
			  <ul class="nav navbar-nav">
				<li class="dropdown">
Пример #13
	</div> <!--end shadow container-->
			<!--<ul class="list-inline pull-right social">
				<li><i class="fa fa-twitter"></i></li>
				<li><i class="fa fa-facebook-square"></i></li>
				<li><i class="fa fa-youtube-play"></i></li>
			<!--<div class="row">-->
	<div class="container footercontainer">
		<div class="row">
			<div class="col-sm-4">
				<a href="#" style="float:left;"><?php 
print caGetThemeGraphic($this->request, 'chhefooter.png');
				<a href="#" style="float:left;"><?php 
print caGetThemeGraphic($this->request, 'cjffooter.png');
			<div class="col-sm-8 text-right">
				Cincinnati Judaica Fund| 8401 Montgomery Road | Cincinnati, OH 45236 | 513-241-5748<br />
				Center for Holocaust and Humanity Education | 8401 Montgomery Road | Cincinnati, OH 45236 | 513-487-3055
		<div><small>powered by <a href="http://www.collectiveaccess.org">CollectiveAccess 2014</a></small></div>
	</div><!--end footer container-->	

	<div id="caMediaPanel"> 
		<div id="caMediaPanelContentArea">
					The Karl Hirsh Eggshell Collection represents decades of work on fossil and modern eggshell by University of Colorado Museum of Natural History researcher Karl Hirsh.  Karl collected eggshells from all over the world.  He spent time in the field, collecting Mesozoic and Cenozoic specimens in North America, Germany, England, Spain and Portugal.  He also added to the temporal and taxonomic breadth of the collection by developing numerous collaborations with other researchers interested in fossil eggs, and obtaining donations from zoos, museums, and universities.  All of this work resulted in a collection that is unique not only in its size, but in the geologic time and geographic extent represented by the fossil material. Amniote eggshell fossils in this collection date back to the Late Triassic, and have been collected from every continent except Antarctica. Upon Karl’s death in 1996, his fossil and modern eggshell collections, along with his research notes, were donated to the paleontology section of the University of Colorado Museum of Natural History.
					In addition to the eggshell fossils, the collection includes specimen photos, locality data, thin sections, thin section photos, SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope) negatives, SEM stubs, radiographic images, and geochemical data, as well as Karl's personal research notes and correspondence.  The images provided with specimens in the Collection section of this online database come from Karl’s data notebooks, which contain his photographs, measurements, notes, and sketches associated with each specimen he studied.
					For more information about the Karl Hirsch Eggshell Collection at the University of Colorado Museum of Natural History and amniote eggshell research, see the online exhibit <a href="http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/science/eggshell/index.php">Fossil Eggshell: Fragments from the Past</a>.
				<p class="text-center">
print caGetThemeGraphic($this->request, 'Karl_1987_HEC457.jpg');
		<div class="col-sm-4 col-md-4 col-lg-4 text-center">
			<p class="text-center">
print caGetThemeGraphic($this->request, 'Karl_1986_CO.jpg');
			<p class="text-center">
print caNavLink($this->request, _t("Browse the Collection"), "btn btn-default", "", "Browse", "eggshell");
Пример #15
<div class="row">
	<div class="col-sm-8">
			About The Cincinnati Judaica Fund
			The Cincinnati Judaica Fund was established in 2005 as part of an ongoing effort to collect, preserve, and make available for education and research purposes historic Judaica from throughout the world.
			The Cincinnati Judaica Fund was established with two main purposes,
				<li>To preserve historic Judaica for future generations, and</li>
				<li>To use is continually expanding collection to educate both Jews and non-Jews regarding the Jewish religion and Jewish culture, with its various layers of history, memory, and identity.</li>
			The Cincinnati Judaica Fund works to obtain items and records from Jewish organizations, the papers of rabbis and other individuals in American Jewish history, and personal items and histories that relate to the Jewish religion or experience.
	<div class="col-sm-4 text-center">
print caGetThemeGraphic($this->request, "cjflogo_int.png");
</div><!-- end row -->
        print "</div>";
        print "<div class='frontSlideCaption'>";
        print "<p class='frontSlideArtistName'>" . $qr_res->get('ca_entities.preferred_labels') . "</p>";
        $va_entity_roles = $qr_res->get('ca_entities.agentLifeRoleSet.agentLifeRoleType', array('useSingular' => true, 'convertCodesToDisplayText' => true, 'returnAsArray' => 'true'));
        print "<p class='frontSlideArtistRoles'>" . join(", ", $va_entity_roles) . "</p>";
        $va_dates_array = $qr_res->get('ca_entities.agentLifeDateSet', array('returnAsArray' => true));
        foreach ($va_dates_array as $va_dates) {
            $va_date_set[] = $va_dates['agentLifeDisplayDate'];
        print "<p>" . join($va_date_set, ' - ') . "</p>";
        print "<p>" . $qr_res->get('ca_entities.generalNotes') . "</p>";
        print "<p class='frontSlideButtons'>";
        print caGetThemeGraphic($this->request, 'seeicon.png', array('class' => 'frontButton'));
        print caNavLink($this->request, 'See Route', 'frontButton', '', 'Routes', 'Index', array('id' => $vn_entity_id));
        print caGetThemeGraphic($this->request, 'seeicon.png', array('class' => 'frontButton'));
        print caNavLink($this->request, 'See Network', 'frontButton', '', 'Travelers', 'Index', array('id' => $vn_entity_id));
        print "</p>";
        $va_date_set = null;
        print "</div></div>";
        print "</div></li>";
        $vb_item_output = true;
			</div><!-- end jcarousel -->
    if ($vb_item_output) {
			<!-- Prev/next controls -->
			<a href="#" class="jcarousel-control-prev"><i class="fa fa-angle-left"></i></a>
Пример #17
<div class="row">
	<div class="col-sm-8">
			About The Center for Holocaust & Humanity Education
			The Center for Holocaust and Humanity Education educates about the Holocaust, remembers its victims and acts on its lessons. Through innovative programs and partnerships, CHHE challenges injustice, inhumanity and prejudice, and fosters understanding, inclusion and engaged citizenship. Resources include traveling and permanent exhibits, teacher trainings, and innovative programs.
			The Center for Holocaust and Humanity Education is open Monday-Thursday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Friday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The Center is also open on Sunday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Additional hours are available by appointment.
			The Center is located on the campus of Rockwern Academy (formerly Yavneh Day School): 8401 Montgomery Road, Cincinnati, OH 45236
	<div class="col-sm-4 text-center">
print caGetThemeGraphic($this->request, "chhe_int.png");
</div><!-- end row -->
Пример #18
	<div class="row partnersSupportLogoRow">
		<div class="col-sm-12">
			<H2>Project Partners</H2>
			<div class="row">
				<div class="col-sm-4 text-center"><?php 
print caGetThemeGraphic($this->request, 'logo_UCI.jpg');
				<div class="col-sm-4 text-center"><a href="http://www.amnh.org/our-research/center-for-biodiversity-conservation" target="_blank"><?php 
print caGetThemeGraphic($this->request, 'logo_AMNH_CBC.jpg');
				<div class="col-sm-4 text-center"><a href="http://www.crc.uri.edu/" target="_blank"><?php 
print caGetThemeGraphic($this->request, 'logo_uri_crc.jpg');
			<div class="row">
				<div class="col-sm-12 text-center"><br/><?php 
print caGetThemeGraphic($this->request, 'logo_globalParks.jpg');
Пример #19
			</div><!-- end graybordered -->
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		<div class="col-sm-3">
			{{{<ifcount code="ca_entities" min="1"><div class="graybordered">
				<ifcount code="ca_entities" min="1" max="1"><?php 
print caGetThemeGraphic($this->request, "objheader_ornleft.png");
<strong>Related person</strong><?php 
print caGetThemeGraphic($this->request, "objheader_ornright.png");
				<ifcount code="ca_entities" min="2"><?php 
print caGetThemeGraphic($this->request, "objheader_ornleft.png");
<strong>Related people</strong><?php 
print caGetThemeGraphic($this->request, "objheader_ornright.png");
				<unit relativeTo="ca_entities" delimiter="<br/>"><l>^ca_entities.preferred_labels.displayname</l></unit><br/><br/>
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			<div class="commentsarea">
				<div class="col-sm-6">
					<p><strong>Leave a Comment</strong></p>
					<form method="post" id="CommentForm" action="<?php 
print caNavUrl($this->request, '', 'Detail', 'saveCommentTagging');
" role="form" enctype="multipart/form-data">
Пример #20
					<div class="form-group<?php 
print $va_errors["message"] ? " has-error" : "";
						<label for="message">Message</label>
						<textarea class="form-control input-sm" id="message" name="message" rows="5">{{{message}}}</textarea>
				</div><!-- end col -->
			</div><!-- end row -->
			<div class="row">
				<div class="col-sm-12">
					<div class="form-group">
						<button type="submit" class="btn btn-default">Send</button>
					</div><!-- end form-group -->
					<input type="hidden" name="sum" value="<?php 
print $vn_sum;
	<div class="col-sm-4 col-md-3 col-md-offset-1">
	 	<div class="thumbnail">
print caGetThemeGraphic($this->request, 'contact.jpg');
Пример #21
				<div class="col-sm-12 socialleft footernavphone">
					<a href="https://www.facebook.com/pages/Susan-Eley-Fine-Art/137980986325025" class="socialicon"><?php 
print caGetThemeGraphic($this->request, 'fbook.png');
					<a href="https://twitter.com/EleyFineArt" class="socialicon"><?php 
print caGetThemeGraphic($this->request, 'twitter.png');
					<a href="https://artsy.net/susan-eley-fine-art?utm_source=follow_badge" class="socialicon"><?php 
print caGetThemeGraphic($this->request, 'artsy.png');
					<a href="mailto:susie@susaneleyfineart.com" class="socialicon"><?php 
print caGetThemeGraphic($this->request, 'envelope.png');
			</div><!--end row footer-->
		</div><!-- end pageArea --></div><!-- end container -->
print TooltipManager::getLoadHTML();
		<div id="caMediaPanel"> 
			<div id="caMediaPanelContentArea">
		<script type="text/javascript">
Пример #22
  * Returns HTML for editable Geocode attribute, suitable for inclusion in a bundleable editing form 
  * @param array $pa_element_info Array of information about the element the bundle is being generate for
  * @param array $pa_options Options are:
  *		width = Width of map + controls in pixels; default is 690
  *		height = Height of map + controls in pixels; default is 300
  *		baseLayer = Tiles to user for base layer. Should be full class name with optional constructor string (Eg. OpenLayers.Layer.Stamen('toner')); default is OpenLayers.Layer.OSM()
  *		pointRadius = Radius, in pixels, of plotted points. Default is 5 pixels
  *		fillColor = Color (in hex format with leading "#") to fill regions and points with
  *		strokeWidth = Width of plotted paths, in pixels. Default is 2
  *		strokeColor = Color of plotted paths, in hex format with leading "#"
  *		fillColorSelected = Color to fill regions with when selected, in hex format with leading "#"
  *		strokeColorSelected = Color of plotted paths when selected, in hex format with leading "#"
  * @return string HTML output
 public function getAttributeBundleHTML($pa_element_info, $pa_options = null)
     $o_config = Configuration::load();
     $va_element_width = caParseFormElementDimension($pa_element_info['settings']['fieldWidth']);
     $vn_element_width = $va_element_width['dimension'];
     $va_element_height = caParseFormElementDimension($pa_element_info['settings']['fieldHeight']);
     $vn_element_height = $va_element_height['dimension'];
     $va_options = caGetOptions($pa_options, array('width' => $vn_element_width, 'height' => $vn_element_height));
     if (($vn_width = $va_options['width']) < 100) {
         $vn_width = 690;
     if (($vn_height = $va_options['height']) < 100) {
         $vn_height = 300;
     if (!($vs_base_layer = $va_options['baseLayer'])) {
         if (!($vs_base_layer = $o_config->get('openlayers_base_layer'))) {
             $vs_base_layer = 'OpenLayers.Layer.OSM()';
     if (($vn_point_radius = $va_options['pointRadius']) < 1) {
         if (!($vn_point_radius = $o_config->get('openlayers_point_radius'))) {
             $vn_point_radius = 5;
     if (($vs_fill_color = $va_options['fillColor']) < 1) {
         if (!($vs_fill_color = $o_config->get('openlayers_fill_color'))) {
             $vs_fill_color = '#ffcc66';
     if (($vn_stroke_width = $va_options['strokeWidth']) < 1) {
         if (!($vn_stroke_width = $o_config->get('openlayers_stroke_width'))) {
             $vn_stroke_width = 2;
     if (($vs_stroke_color = $va_options['strokeColor']) < 1) {
         if (!($vs_stroke_color = $o_config->get('openlayers_stroke_color'))) {
             $vs_stroke_color = '#ff9933';
     if (($vs_fill_color_selected = $va_options['fillColorSelected']) < 1) {
         if (!($vs_fill_color_selected = $o_config->get('openlayers_fill_color_selected'))) {
             $vs_fill_color_selected = '#66ccff';
     if (($vs_stroke_color_selected = $va_options['strokeColorSelected']) < 1) {
         if (!($vs_stroke_color_selected = $o_config->get('openlayers_stroke_color_selected'))) {
             $vs_stroke_color_selected = '#3399ff';
     $po_request = isset($pa_options['request']) ? $pa_options['request'] : null;
     $vs_id = $pa_element_info['element_id'];
     $vs_element = '<div id="{fieldNamePrefix}mapholder_' . $vs_id . '_{n}" class="mapholder" style="width:' . $vn_width . 'spx; height:' . ($vn_height + 40) . 'px; float: left; margin:-18px 0 0 0;">';
     $vs_element .= '<div class="olMapSearchControls" id="{fieldNamePrefix}Controls_{n}">';
     if ($po_request) {
         $vs_element .= '<div class="olMapSearchBox">';
         $vs_element .= '<input type="text" class="olMapSearchText" name="{fieldNamePrefix}' . $pa_element_info['element_id'] . '_{n}_search"  id="{fieldNamePrefix}' . $pa_element_info['element_id'] . '_{n}_search" size="30" value="" autocomplete="off" onfocus="this.value = \'\';" onkeypress="return map_geocode_' . $vs_id . '(event);"/>';
         $vs_element .= "<a href='#' onclick='map_geocode_{$vs_id}();'>" . caGetThemeGraphic($po_request, 'buttons/glass.png', array('alt' => _t('Search'), 'class' => 'olMapSearchBoxIcon', 'id' => '{fieldNamePrefix}' . $pa_element_info['element_id'] . '_{n}_search_button')) . "</a>";
         $vs_element .= '</div>';
     $vs_element .= '<div class="olMapKmlControl" id="{fieldNamePrefix}showKmlControl_{n}">';
     $vs_element .= '<div style="position: absolute; bottom: 0px; left: 0px;"><a href="#" class="button" id="{fieldNamePrefix}showKmlControl_{n}_button">' . _t('Upload KML file') . ' &rsaquo;</a></div>';
     $vs_element .= '</div>';
     $vs_element .= '</div>';
     $vs_element .= '<div class="olMapKMLInput" id="{fieldNamePrefix}KmlControl_{n}">';
     $vs_element .= _t("Select KML or KMZ file") . ': <input type="file" name="{fieldNamePrefix}' . $pa_element_info['element_id'] . '_{n}"/><a href="#" class="button"  id="{fieldNamePrefix}hideKmlControl_{n}_button">' . _t('Use map') . ' &rsaquo;</a>';
     $vs_element .= '</div>';
     $vs_element .= '<div class="olMap" id="{fieldNamePrefix}map_' . $vs_id . '_{n}" style="width:' . $vn_width . 'px; height:' . $vn_height . 'px;"> </div>';
     $vs_element .= '</div>';
     $vs_element .= "<script type='text/javascript'>\n\t\t\n\tvar map_{$vs_id};\n\tvar points_{$vs_id};\n\tjQuery(document).ready(function() {\n\t\t// Styles\n\t\tvar styles_{$vs_id} = new OpenLayers.StyleMap({\n\t\t\t'default': new OpenLayers.Style({\n\t\t\t\tpointRadius: '{$vn_point_radius}',\n\t\t\t\tfillColor: '{$vs_fill_color}',\n\t\t\t\tstrokeColor: '{$vs_stroke_color}',\n\t\t\t\tstrokeWidth: '{$vn_stroke_width}',\n\t\t\t\tgraphicZIndex: 1\n\t\t\t}),\n\t\t\t'select': new OpenLayers.Style({\n\t\t\t\tfillColor: '{$vs_fill_color_selected}',\n\t\t\t\tstrokeColor: '{$vs_stroke_color_selected}',\n\t\t\t\tgraphicZIndex: 2\n\t\t\t})\n\t\t});\n\n\t\tvar map_{$vs_id}_editing_toolbar;\n\t\t\n\t\tfunction map_serialize_features_{$vs_id}() {\n\t\t\t// get all points\n\t\t\tvar features = [];\n\t\t\tfor(var i=0; i < points_{$vs_id}.features.length; i++) {\n\t\t\t\tvar pl = [];\n\t\t\t\tvar geometry_type = points_{$vs_id}.features[i].geometry.CLASS_NAME;\n\t\t\t\tvar n = points_{$vs_id}.features[i].geometry.getVertices();\n\t\t\t\tfor (var j=0; j<n.length; j++) {\n\t\t\t\t\tvar np = n[j].clone();\n\t\t\t\t\tnp.transform(map_{$vs_id}.getProjectionObject(), new OpenLayers.Projection('EPSG:4326'));\n\t\t\t\t\tpl.push(np.y + ',' + np.x);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tif ((pl.length > 1) && (geometry_type == 'OpenLayers.Geometry.Polygon')) { pl.push(pl[0]); } // close polygons\n\t\t\t\tfeatures.push(pl.join(';'));\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tjQuery('#{fieldNamePrefix}" . $pa_element_info['element_id'] . "_{n}').val('[' + features.join(':') + ']');\n\t\t}\n\t\t\n\t\t// Set up layer for added points/paths\n\t\tpoints_{$vs_id} = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector('Points', {\n\t\t\tstyleMap: styles_{$vs_id},\n\t\t\trendererOptions: {zIndexing: true},\n\t\t\teventListeners: {\n\t\t\t\t'featureadded': map_serialize_features_{$vs_id}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t\t\n\t\tmap_{$vs_id}_editing_toolbar = new OpenLayers.Control.EditingToolbar(points_{$vs_id});\n\t\t\n\t\t// Set up map\n\t\tmap_{$vs_id} = new OpenLayers.Map({\n\t\t\tdiv: '{fieldNamePrefix}map_{$vs_id}_{n}',\n\t\t\tlayers: [new {$vs_base_layer}],\n\t\t\tcontrols: [\n\t\t\t\tnew OpenLayers.Control.Navigation({\n\t\t\t\t\tdragPanOptions: {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tenableKinetic: true\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t}),\n\t\t\t\tnew OpenLayers.Control.Zoom()\n\t\t\t],\n\t\t\tcenter: [0,0],\n\t\t\tzoom: 1\n\t\t});\n\t\t\n\t\tvar map_{$vs_id}_drag_ctrl = new OpenLayers.Control.DragFeature(points_{$vs_id}, {\n\t\t\tonComplete: function(f) { map_serialize_features_{$vs_id}(f); }\n\t\t});\n\t\tmap_{$vs_id}.addControl(map_{$vs_id}_drag_ctrl);\n\t\tmap_{$vs_id}_drag_ctrl.activate();\n\t\t\n\t\t// add delete control\n\t\tvar map_{$vs_id}_delete_button = new OpenLayers.Control.Button ({displayClass: 'olControlDelete', trigger: function() { \n\t\t\tif (points_{$vs_id}.selectedFeatures) { \n\t\t\t\tpoints_{$vs_id}.removeFeatures(points_{$vs_id}.selectedFeatures);\n\t\t\t\tmap_serialize_features_{$vs_id}();\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}, title: '" . _t('Remove') . "'});\n\t\tvar map_{$vs_id}_delete_panel = new OpenLayers.Control.Panel({type: OpenLayers.Control.TYPE_BUTTON, displayClass: 'olControlDeletePanel'});\n\t\tmap_{$vs_id}_delete_panel.addControls([map_{$vs_id}_delete_button]);\n\t\tmap_{$vs_id}.addControl(map_{$vs_id}_delete_panel);\n\t\tmap_{$vs_id}_delete_button.activate();\n\t\t\n\t\t// Grab current map coordinates from input\n\t\tvar map_{$ps_id}_loc_str = '{" . $pa_element_info['element_id'] . "}';\n\t\tvar map_{$ps_id}_loc_features = map_{$ps_id}_loc_str.match(/\\[([\\d\\,\\-\\.\\:\\;]+)\\]/)\n\t\tif (map_{$ps_id}_loc_features && (map_{$ps_id}_loc_features.length > 1)) {\n\t\t\tmap_{$ps_id}_loc_features = map_{$ps_id}_loc_features[1].split(/:/);\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tmap_{$ps_id}_loc_features = [];\n\t\t}\n\t\tvar features_{$vs_id} = [];\n\t\t\n\t\tvar i, j, c=0;\n\t\tfor(i=0; i < map_{$ps_id}_loc_features.length; i++) {\n\t\t\tvar ptlist = map_{$ps_id}_loc_features[i].split(/;/);\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tif (ptlist.length > 1) {\n\t\t\t\t// path\n\t\t\t\tvar ptolist = [];\n\t\t\t\tfor(j=0; j < ptlist.length; j++) {\n\t\t\t\t\tvar pt = ptlist[j].split(/,/);\n\t\t\t\t\tptolist.push(new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(pt[1], pt[0]));\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tfeatures_{$vs_id}.push(new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(\n\t\t\t\t\tnew OpenLayers.Geometry.LineString(ptolist).transform(new OpenLayers.Projection('EPSG:4326'),map_{$vs_id}.getProjectionObject()), {}\n\t\t\t\t));\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t// point\n\t\t\t\tvar pt = ptlist[0].split(/,/);\n\t\t\t\tfeatures_{$vs_id}.push(new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(\n\t\t\t\t\tnew OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(pt[1], pt[0]).transform(new OpenLayers.Projection('EPSG:4326'),map_{$vs_id}.getProjectionObject()), {}\n\t\t\t\t));\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tc++;\n\t\t}\n\t\n\t\tpoints_{$vs_id}.addFeatures(features_{$vs_id});\n\t\t\n\t\tvar map_{$vs_id}_highlight_ctrl = new OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature(points_{$vs_id}, {\n\t\t\thover: false,\n\t\t\trenderIntent: 'temporary',\n\t\t\tmultiple: true, clickout: true, toggle: true, box: true,\n\t\t\teventListeners: {}\n\t\t});\n\t\tmap_{$vs_id}.addControl(map_{$vs_id}_highlight_ctrl);\n\t\tmap_{$vs_id}_highlight_ctrl.activate();\n\t\t\n\t\tmap_{$vs_id}.addControl(map_{$vs_id}_editing_toolbar);\n\t\tmap_{$vs_id}_editing_toolbar.activate();\n \n\t\tmap_{$vs_id}.addLayer(points_{$vs_id});\n\t\t\n\t\tif (c > 0) {\n\t\t\tmap_{$vs_id}.zoomToExtent(points_{$vs_id}.getDataExtent());\n\t\t\tif (map_{$vs_id}.zoom > 14) { map_{$vs_id}.zoomTo(14); }\n\t\t}\n\t\t\n\t\tjQuery('#{fieldNamePrefix}showKmlControl_{n}_button').click(function(event) {\n\t\t\tevent.preventDefault();\n\t\t\tjQuery('#{fieldNamePrefix}Controls_{n}').hide(200, function() {\n\t\t\t\tjQuery('#{fieldNamePrefix}KmlControl_{n}').slideDown(200);\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t});\n\t\t\n\t\tjQuery('#{fieldNamePrefix}hideKmlControl_{n}_button').click(function(event) {\n\t\t\t\tevent.preventDefault();\n\t\t\t\tjQuery(this).parent().hide(200, function() {\n\t\t\t\t\tjQuery('#{fieldNamePrefix}Controls_{n}').slideDown(200);\n\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t});\n\t});\n\t\tfunction map_geocode_{$vs_id}(e) {\n\t\t\tif (e && ((e.keyCode || e.which || e.charCode || 0) !== 13)) { return true; }\n\t\t\tvar t = jQuery('#{fieldNamePrefix}" . $pa_element_info['element_id'] . "_{n}_search').val();\n\t\t\tjQuery('#{fieldNamePrefix}" . $pa_element_info['element_id'] . "_{n}_search_button').attr('src', '" . caGetThemeGraphicURL($po_request, '/icons/indicator.gif') . "');\n\t\t\tvar geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder();\n\t\t\tgeocoder.geocode( { 'address': t}, function(results, status) {\n\t\t\t\tjQuery('#{fieldNamePrefix}" . $pa_element_info['element_id'] . "_{n}_search_button').attr('src', '" . caGetThemeGraphicURL($po_request, '/buttons/glass.png') . "');\n\t\t\t\tif (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) {\n\t\t\t\t\tvar loc = results[0]['geometry']['location'];\n\t\t\t\t\tvar pt = new OpenLayers.LonLat(loc.lng(), loc.lat()).transform(new OpenLayers.Projection('EPSG:4326'),map_{$vs_id}.getProjectionObject());\n\t\t\t\t\tmap_{$vs_id}.panTo(pt);\n\t\t\t\t\tmap_{$vs_id}.zoomTo((results[0]['geometry']['location_type'] == 'APPROXIMATE') ? 10 : 14);\n\t\t\t\t\tpoints_{$vs_id}.addFeatures([new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(loc.lng(), loc.lat()).transform(new OpenLayers.Projection('EPSG:4326'),map_{$vs_id}.getProjectionObject()))]);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t\treturn false;\n\t\t}\n\t</script>";
     $vs_element .= '<input class="coordinates mapCoordinateDisplay" type="hidden" name="{fieldNamePrefix}' . $pa_element_info['element_id'] . '_{n}" id="{fieldNamePrefix}' . $pa_element_info['element_id'] . '_{n}"/>';
     return $vs_element;
Пример #23
	<nav class="navbar navbar-default yamm" role="navigation">
		<div class="container">
			<!-- Brand and toggle get grouped for better mobile display -->
			<div class="navbar-header">
				<button type="button" class="navbar-toggle" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#bs-main-navbar-collapse-1">
					<span class="sr-only">Toggle navigation</span>
					<span class="icon-bar"></span>
					<span class="icon-bar"></span>
					<span class="icon-bar"></span>
print caNavLink($this->request, caGetThemeGraphic($this->request, 'glenstone_logo.png'), "navbar-brand", "", "", "");

		<!-- Collect the nav links, forms, and other content for toggling -->
			<div class="collapse navbar-collapse" id="bs-main-navbar-collapse-1">
				<ul class="nav navbar-nav navbar-right">
					<li class="dropdown" style="position:relative;">
						<a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle icon" data-toggle="dropdown"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-user"></span></a>
						<ul class="dropdown-menu">
if ($this->request->isLoggedIn()) {
    print '<li role="presentation" class="dropdown-header">' . trim($this->request->user->get("fname") . " " . $this->request->user->get("lname")) . ', ' . $this->request->user->get("email") . '</li>';
    print '<li class="divider"></li>';
    print "<li>" . caNavLink($this->request, _t('Lightbox'), '', '', 'Sets', 'Index', array()) . "</li>";
    print "<li>" . caNavLink($this->request, _t('Logout'), '', '', 'LoginReg', 'Logout', array()) . "</li>";
Пример #24
        print join(", ", $va_item_list);
        print caNavLink($this->request, _t(' and %1 more...', sizeof($va_facet_items) - $vn_num_categories_to_show), '', '', 'Browse', 'Rings');
		</div><!--end col-sm-4-->
		<div class="col-sm-8">
			<div class="homesection right">
				<div class='container'>
					<div class='row'>
						<div class="col-sm-8 homegraphic">
print caGetThemeGraphic($this->request, 'jinnah.jpg');
						<div class="col-sm-4">
							<H1>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.</H1>
							<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis vulputate, orci quis vehicula eleifend, metus elit laoreet elit.  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis vulputate, orci quis vehicula eleifend, metus elit laoreet elit.</p> 
#print $this->render("Front/gallery_set_links_html.php");
						</div> <!--end col-sm-6-->	
					</div>	<!--end row-->
					<div class='row'>
						<div class="col-sm-6">
							<div class='featuredArtists'>
								<h1>Featured Artists</h1>
Пример #25
print AssetLoadManager::getLoadHTML($this->request);
	<link rel="icon" href="<?php 
print caGetThemeGraphicURL($this->request, 'favicon.jpg');
print $this->request->config->get('html_page_title');
	<div id="headerWrapper">
		<div id="hpLogo">
print caNavLink($this->request, caGetThemeGraphic($this->request, 'MF_logo.jpg', array('width' => '150px', 'height' => '112px')), '', '', '', '');
		<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
		  <div class="container">
			<div class="navbar-header">
			  <button type="button" class="navbar-toggle" data-toggle="collapse" data-target=".navbar-collapse">
				<span class="icon-bar"></span>
				<span class="icon-bar"></span>
				<span class="icon-bar"></span>
			<div class="navbar-collapse collapse">
			  <ul class="nav navbar-nav">
				<li class="dropdown">
Пример #26

MetaTagManager::setWindowTitle($this->request->config->get("app_display_name") . ": About");
print _t("About the reading room");
<div class="row">
	<div class="col-sm-12 col-md-12">
print caGetThemeGraphic($this->request, 'readingroom.jpg');
<div class="row">
	<div class="col-sm-12 col-md-12">
		<p>The e-flux reading room opened in 2008 at <a href='http://www.e-flux.com/announcements/the-building-2/' target='_blank'>the building</a> in Berlin to build a public archive documenting international exhibitions, ephemera, and symposia on contemporary art through donated publications from both institutions and individuals. After moving to e-flux’s 41 Essex Street location in 2009, the reading room library found its current home in the e-flux office on the 3rd floor of 311 East Broadway, NY in 2011. The library currently holds over 4000 publications from over 700 contributors. </p>
		<p>In 2015, the reading room website was created to provide access to a browsable catalog and digital publications available PDF format. The online catalog establishes a public database, drawing relationships between not only books and their contributors, but also authors, editors, publishers, formats, and more.</p>
		<p>If you would like to add a publication to the reading room, please email <a href='mailto:erin@e-flux.com'>erin@e-flux.com</a> or send books by mail to e-flux at 311 East Broadway FL 3 New York, NY 10002. The reading room is open by appointment Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday 10am-6pm.</p>

		<p>2008: <a href='http://www.e-flux.com/announcements/e-flux-reading-room-home-alone-fluxforum-and-party/' target='_blank'>the reading room</a> opens to the public at the building in <a href='http://www.e-flux.com/announcements/the-building-in-january/' target='_blank'>Berlin</a></p>

		<p>2009: <a href='http://www.e-flux.com/announcements/reading-room-2000-books-on-contemporary-art/' target='_blank'>the reading room moves to New York at 41 Essex Street</a></p>

		<p>2010:  <a href='http://www.e-flux.com/program/in-print-2/' target='_blank'>e-flux presents In-Print, a series of exhibitions, presentations and other projects, based in and around the reading room</a></p>

		<p>2011: the reading room moves to 311 east broadway</p>
Пример #27

MetaTagManager::setWindowTitle($this->request->config->get("app_display_name") . ": About");
print _t("About");
<div class="row aboutContent">
	<div class="col-sm-12 col-md-10">
		<span class="thumbnail">
print caGetThemeGraphic($this->request, 'bobPew.jpg');
			Bob Pew in front of James Rosati's<br/>Ode IV (1983) at Global Headquarters
			It was the early 1980s and construction for the Steelcase Global Headquarters in Grand Rapids, Michigan was underway. During this expansion Chairman and CEO Bob Pew embraced the opportunity to grow the company’s art collection displayed in Steelcase facilities and plants around the country.
			With the belief that art made “a positive and lasting contribution to the quality of daily work life”, Steelcase purchased hundreds of works to enhance the new building and inspire employees. Functional architecture and beautiful design became integrated with fine and decorative arts from the mid-eighteenth century to the present. Robert Forrest, President of Forrest Designers Ltd and Forrest Fine Arts, and John Lloyd Taylor, Director of The Fine Arts Galleries at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, assisted in the selection and placement of works to create an aesthetically pleasing environment.
			Over the next two decades the Steelcase art collection continued to grow, reflecting a variety of styles and movements, cultures and eras, by artists both local and internationally renowned. Today Steelcase offices and showrooms around the globe exhibit many of these early purchases, from paintings and sculptures to prints, drawings and more. And employee and customer appreciation for the artwork is very much alive, with visitors often tweeting images of artwork experienced during tours.
			The Steelcase Art digital collection was born in 2014 with two goals: give access to employees in search of artwork to complement new and redesigned office facilities and showrooms, and offer Steelcase employees a deeper dive into our company’s unique collection. 
			Take a moment to look around. Explore works in storage and on display. Find out what makes Steelcase an innovative organization that continues to place a high value on the role of art in business, and as a vital part of the human experience.
Пример #28
			</div><!-- end frontSectionBoxArrow -->
			<div class="frontSectionBox">
				<div class="frontSectionBoxIcon">
print caNavLink($this->request, caGetThemeGraphic($this->request, 'icon_perf.png') . "<br/>" . _t("Performance assessment <br/>& certification guidelines"), "", "", "AssessmentCertification", "About");
				</div><!-- end -->
				<div class="frontSectionBoxCaption">
					Guidelines for improving HR performance and assessment
					<br/><br/>Guidelines for regions to establish their own certification programs
				</div><!-- end -->
			</div><!-- end frontSectionBox -->
			<div class="frontSectionBoxBottomContainer">
print caGetThemeGraphic($this->request, 'linePath.png');
				<div class="frontSectionBoxBottom">
					<div class="frontSectionBoxIcon">
print caNavLink($this->request, caGetThemeGraphic($this->request, 'icon_suport.png') . "<br/>" . _t("Supporting Initiatives<br/>Including Mentoring"), "", "", "SupportingInitiatives", "About");
					</div><!-- end -->
					<div class="frontSectionBoxCaption">
						Supporting initiatives include mentoring, coaching and exchanges, scholarships, and accreditation, among others. Along with evaluation and monitoring, these are intended to support the use of the CD tools and their adaptation to local and regional contexts.
					</div><!-- end -->
				</div><!-- end frontSectionBoxBottomContainer -->
			</div><!-- end -->
		</div><!-- end class -->
	</div><!-- end row -->
</div> <!--end container-->
Пример #29
// Pull in JS and CSS for debug bar
if (Debug::isEnabled()) {
    $o_debugbar_renderer = Debug::$bar->getJavascriptRenderer();
    $o_debugbar_renderer->setBaseUrl(__CA_URL_ROOT__ . $o_debugbar_renderer->getBaseUrl());
    print $o_debugbar_renderer->renderHead();
	<div class="container"><div class="navHeader">
print caNavLink($this->request, caGetThemeGraphic($this->request, 'fossilInsectCollaborative.png'), "", "", "", "");
	</div><!-- end navHeader --></div><!-- end container -->
	<div class="container">
		<nav class="navbar navbar-default yamm" role="navigation">
			<!-- Brand and toggle get grouped for better mobile display -->
			<div class="navbar-header">
				<button type="button" class="navbar-toggle navbar-toggle-user" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#user-navbar-toggle">
					<span class="sr-only">User Options</span>
					<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-user"></span>
				<button type="button" class="navbar-toggle" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#bs-main-navbar-collapse-1">
					<span class="sr-only">Toggle navigation</span>
					<span class="icon-bar"></span>
					<span class="icon-bar"></span>
Пример #30
	<div style="clear:left;"><!-- empty --></div>

<div class="hpText">
	<div class="hpTextImage"><?php 
print caGetThemeGraphic($this->request, 'hp_tracks.jpg');
	<div class="hpIntroText"><b>The University of Colorado Fossil Tracks Collection</b> is comprised of a remarkable range of fossil footprints that show exceptional temporal, taxonomic, and geographic breadth.</div> 
	<br/><div class="text-center">
print caNavLink($this->request, _t("Explore the Fossil Tracks Collection"), "btn btn-default", "", "Front", "FossilTracksCollection");
	<div style="clear:left;"><!-- empty --></div>
<div class="hpText">
	<div class="hpTextImage"><?php 
print caGetThemeGraphic($this->request, 'hp_vertebrate.jpg');
	<div class="hpIntroText"><b>The Fossil Vertebrate Collection at the University of Colorado Museum of Natural History</b> is among the largest in the Western Interior.</div>
	<br/><div class="text-center">
print caNavLink($this->request, _t("Explore the Fossil Vertebrate Collection"), "btn btn-default", "", "Front", "FossilVertebrateCollection");
	<div style="clear:left;"><!-- empty --></div>