function dbQuery($sql, $parameters = array()) { global $fullSql, $debug, $sql_debug, $database_link; $fullSql = dbMakeQuery($sql, $parameters); if ($debug) { if (php_sapi_name() == 'cli' && empty($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) { if (preg_match('/(INSERT INTO `alert_log`).*(details)/i', $fullSql)) { echo "\nINSERT INTO `alert_log` entry masked due to binary data\n"; } else { c_echo('SQL[%y' . $fullSql . "%n] \n"); } } else { $sql_debug[] = $fullSql; } } /* if($this->logFile) $time_start = microtime(true); */ $result = mysqli_query($database_link, $fullSql); // sets $this->result /* if($this->logFile) { $time_end = microtime(true); fwrite($this->logFile, date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "\n" . $fullSql . "\n" . number_format($time_end - $time_start, 8) . " seconds\n\n"); } */ if ($result === false && error_reporting() & 1) { // aye. this gets triggers on duplicate Contact insert // trigger_error('QDB - Error in query: ' . $fullSql . ' : ' . mysql_error(), E_USER_WARNING); } return $result; }
function influx_update($device, $measurement, $tags, $fields) { global $influxdb, $config; if ($influxdb !== false) { $tmp_fields = array(); $tmp_tags['hostname'] = $device['hostname']; foreach ($tags as $k => $v) { $v = preg_replace(array('/ /', '/,/', '/=/'), array('\\ ', '\\,', '\\='), $v); if (empty($v)) { $v = '_blank_'; } $tmp_tags[$k] = $v; } foreach ($fields as $k => $v) { $tmp_fields[$k] = force_influx_data($v); if ($tmp_fields[$k] === null) { unset($tmp_fields[$k]); } } d_echo("\nInfluxDB data:\n"); d_echo($measurement); d_echo($tmp_tags); d_echo($tmp_fields); d_echo("\nEND\n"); if ($config['noinfluxdb'] !== true) { $points = array(new InfluxDB\Point($measurement, null, $tmp_tags, $tmp_fields)); try { $result = $influxdb->writePoints($points); } catch (Exception $e) { d_echo("Caught exception: " . $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL); d_echo($e->getTrace()); } } else { c_echo("[%gInfluxDB Disabled%n]\n"); } //end if } //end if }
function print_warn($msg) { c_echo("[%YWARN%n] {$msg}\n"); }
function print_message($text) { if (isCli()) { c_echo("%g" . $text . "%n\n"); } else { echo '<div class="alert alert-success"><img src="images/16/tick.png" align="absmiddle"> ' . $text . '</div>'; } }
exit(0); } catch (HostUnreachableException $e) { print_error($e->getMessage()); foreach ($e->getReasons() as $reason) { echo " {$reason}\n"; } exit(2); } catch (Exception $e) { print_error($e->getMessage()); exit(3); } } else { c_echo("\n" . $config['project_name_version'] . ' Add Host Tool Usage (SNMPv1/2c): ./addhost.php [-g <poller group>] [-f] [-p <port assoc mode>] <%Whostname%n> [community] [v1|v2c] [port] [' . implode('|', $config['snmp']['transports']) . '] Usage (SNMPv3) : Config Defaults : ./addhost.php [-g <poller group>] [-f] [-p <port assoc mode>] <%Whostname%n> any v3 [user] [port] [' . implode('|', $config['snmp']['transports']) . '] No Auth, No Priv : ./addhost.php [-g <poller group>] [-f] [-p <port assoc mode>] <%Whostname%n> nanp v3 [user] [port] [' . implode('|', $config['snmp']['transports']) . '] Auth, No Priv : ./addhost.php [-g <poller group>] [-f] [-p <port assoc mode>] <%Whostname%n> anp v3 <user> <password> [md5|sha] [port] [' . implode('|', $config['snmp']['transports']) . '] Auth, Priv : ./addhost.php [-g <poller group>] [-f] [-p <port assoc mode>] <%Whostname%n> ap v3 <user> <password> <enckey> [md5|sha] [aes|dsa] [port] [' . implode('|', $config['snmp']['transports']) . '] -g <poller group> allows you to add a device to be pinned to a specific poller when using distributed polling. X can be any number associated with a poller group -f forces the device to be added by skipping the icmp and snmp check against the host. -p <port assoc mode> allow you to set a port association mode for this device. By default ports are associated by \'ifIndex\'. For Linux/Unix based devices \'ifName\' or \'ifDescr\' might be useful for a stable iface mapping. The default for this installation is \'' . $config['default_port_association_mode'] . '\' Valid port assoc modes are: ' . join(', ', $valid_assoc_modes) . ' %rRemember to run discovery for the host afterwards.%n '); exit(1); }
/** * Run all rules for a device * @param int $device Device-ID * @return void */ function RunRules($device) { if (IsMaintenance($device) > 0) { echo "Under Maintenance, Skipping alerts.\r\n"; return false; } foreach (GetRules($device) as $rule) { c_echo('Rule %p#' . $rule['id'] . ' (' . $rule['name'] . '):%n '); $inv = json_decode($rule['extra'], true); if (isset($inv['invert'])) { $inv = (bool) $inv['invert']; } else { $inv = false; } d_echo(PHP_EOL); $chk = dbFetchRow("SELECT state FROM alerts WHERE rule_id = ? && device_id = ? ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1", array($rule['id'], $device)); $sql = GenSQL($rule['rule']); $qry = dbFetchRows($sql, array($device)); if (isset($qry[0]['ip'])) { $qry[0]['ip'] = inet6_ntop($qry[0]['ip']); } $s = sizeof($qry); if ($s == 0 && $inv === false) { $doalert = false; } elseif ($s > 0 && $inv === false) { $doalert = true; } elseif ($s == 0 && $inv === true) { $doalert = true; } else { //( $s > 0 && $inv == false ) { $doalert = false; } if ($doalert) { if ($chk['state'] === "2") { c_echo('Status: %ySKIP'); } elseif ($chk['state'] >= "1") { c_echo('Status: %bNOCHG'); } else { $extra = gzcompress(json_encode(array('contacts' => GetContacts($qry), 'rule' => $qry)), 9); if (dbInsert(array('state' => 1, 'device_id' => $device, 'rule_id' => $rule['id'], 'details' => $extra), 'alert_log')) { if (!dbUpdate(array('state' => 1, 'open' => 1), 'alerts', 'device_id = ? && rule_id = ?', array($device, $rule['id']))) { dbInsert(array('state' => 1, 'device_id' => $device, 'rule_id' => $rule['id'], 'open' => 1, 'alerted' => 0), 'alerts'); } c_echo(PHP_EOL . 'Status: %rALERT'); } } } else { if ($chk['state'] === "0") { c_echo('Status: %bNOCHG'); } else { if (dbInsert(array('state' => 0, 'device_id' => $device, 'rule_id' => $rule['id']), 'alert_log')) { if (!dbUpdate(array('state' => 0, 'open' => 1), 'alerts', 'device_id = ? && rule_id = ?', array($device, $rule['id']))) { dbInsert(array('state' => 0, 'device_id' => $device, 'rule_id' => $rule['id'], 'open' => 1, 'alerted' => 0), 'alerts'); } c_echo(PHP_EOL . 'Status: %gOK'); } } } c_echo('%n' . PHP_EOL); } }
function print_message($text) { if (isCli()) { c_echo("%g" . $text . "%n\n"); } else { echo '<div class="alert alert-success"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-check-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i> ' . $text . '</div>'; } }
/** * Generates and pipes a command to rrdtool * * @internal * @param string $command create, update, updatev, graph, graphv, dump, restore, fetch, tune, first, last, lastupdate, info, resize, xport, flushcached * @param string $filename The full patth to the rrd file * @param string $options rrdtool command options * @return array the output of stdout and stderr in an array * @throws FileExistsException thrown when a create command is set to rrdtool < 1.4 and the rrd already exists * @throws Exception thrown when the rrdtool process(s) cannot be started */ function rrdtool($command, $filename, $options) { global $config, $debug, $vdebug, $rrd_async_process, $rrd_sync_process; try { $cmd = rrdtool_build_command($command, $filename, $options); } catch (FileExistsException $e) { c_echo('RRD[%g' . $filename . " already exists%n]\n", $debug); return array(null, null); } c_echo("RRD[%g{$cmd}%n]\n", $debug); // do not write rrd files, but allow read-only commands $ro_commands = array('graph', 'graphv', 'dump', 'fetch', 'first', 'last', 'lastupdate', 'info', 'xport'); if (!empty($config['norrd']) && !in_array($command, $ro_commands)) { c_echo('[%rRRD Disabled%n]'); return array(null, null); } // send the command! if ($command == 'last' && rrdtool_initialize(false)) { // send this to our synchronous process so output is guaranteed $output = $rrd_sync_process->sendCommand($cmd); } elseif (rrdtool_initialize()) { // don't care about the return of other commands, so send them to the faster async process $output = $rrd_async_process->sendCommand($cmd); } else { throw new Exception('rrdtool could not start'); } if ($vdebug) { echo 'RRDtool Output: '; echo $output[0]; echo $output[1]; } return $output; }
<?php require_once $config['install_dir'] . '/includes/common.php'; require_once $config['install_dir'] . '/includes/dbFacile.php'; require_once $config['install_dir'] . '/includes/'; // Connect to database if ($config['db']['extension'] == 'mysqli') { $database_link = mysqli_connect('p:' . $config['db_host'], $config['db_user'], $config['db_pass']); } else { $database_link = mysql_pconnect($config['db_host'], $config['db_user'], $config['db_pass']); } if (!$database_link) { if (isCli()) { c_echo("[%RFAIL%n] Could not connect to MySQL\n"); } else { echo '<h2>MySQL Error: could not connect</h2>'; } if ($config['db']['extension'] == 'mysqli') { echo mysqli_error($database_link); } else { echo mysql_error(); } die; } if ($config['db']['extension'] == 'mysqli') { $database_db = mysqli_select_db($database_link, $config['db_name']); } else { $database_db = mysql_select_db($config['db_name'], $database_link); } if ($config['memcached']['enable'] === true) { if (class_exists('Memcached')) {