<?php session_start(); require_once '../doulCi.Core.php'; // Enable Scam Filter Support if ($doulCi_Scamming_Filter == true) { $doulCi_Get_Auth = base64_encode(get_ip_address()); $Validate_Client = cURLgetData(DOULCI_AUTHORIZATION . "?auth=" . $doulCi_Get_Auth, USER_AGENT_TSS, "GET"); } // Enable Maintenance Support if ($doulCi_Maintenance == true) { require_once SYS_IMPORTANT_FILES . 'doulCiMaintenance.php'; } if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST") { // Enable Scam Filter Support if ($doulCi_Scamming_Filter == true) { // Stop people from selling doulCi if ($Validate_Client == "Success") { $Success = "Success"; } else { die($doulCi_Scamming_Message . $doulCi_Adsense); } } // Check the User Agent and lets do it :) if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) { if (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'AppleTV') !== false or strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'iPhone') !== false or strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'iPod') !== false or strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'iPad') !== false) { // Make it Freeze and he we go :) require_once ROOT . DS . 'doulCi.Proxy.php'; die; } else { // Setting the Default Header & User Agent Type.
} elseif ($Respond_Infos == 404) { // Setting the Default Header Type. header(CONTENT_TEXT); header("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found"); $Error = "doulCi File Not Found"; echo $Error; die; } elseif ($Respond_Infos == 500) { // Setting the Default Header Type. header(CONTENT_TEXT); header("HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Error"); $Error = "doulCi Internal Error"; echo $Error; die; } elseif ($Respond_Infos == 501) { // Setting the Default Header Type. header(CONTENT_TEXT); header("HTTP/1.1 501 Not Implemented"); $Error = "doulCi Method not implemented"; echo $Error; die; } } curl_close($cURL); return $cURL_Content; } // set default header just to see it on navigator Header(CONTENT_HTML); // this is a simple to test with $Unbrick = cURLgetData(APPLE_ALBERT_ACTIVATION, USER_AGENT_ACTIVATION); echo $Unbrick;
$dlogin_change = "name=\"login\" value=\"z0r.days@gmail.com\""; $password_change = "name=\"password\""; $dpassword_change = "name=\"password\" value=\"s78963210S\""; $button_change = "<button id=\"btn-continue\" class=\"btn-continue\" type=\"submit\" onclick=\"submitActivate();\">Continue</button>"; $input_change = "<input id=\"btn-continue\" class=\"btn-continue\" type=\"submit\" value=\"Continue\">"; $Unbrick = str_replace ( APPLE_ALBERT_ACTIVATION, DOULCI_ALBERT_ACTIVATION, $Unbrick ); $Unbrick = str_replace ( $button_change, $input_change, $Unbrick ); $Unbrick = str_replace ( $login_change, $dlogin_change, $Unbrick ); $Unbrick = str_replace ( $password_change, $dpassword_change, $Unbrick ); $Message .= "Show Tweaked Page." . "\n"; */ } elseif (strpos($Unbrick, 'Service Answer Center') !== false) { $Unbrick_Enc64 = file_put_contents($Request_Path . DS . $ProductType . "_" . $BuildVersion . "_" . "SAM_Patched.data", base64_encode($Unbrick)); $_POST['guid'] = "XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX"; $Unbrick = cURLgetData(DOULCI_ALBERT_CERTIFYME, USER_AGENT_ACTIVATION); $Unbrick_Enc64 = file_put_contents($Request_Path . DS . $ProductType . "_" . $BuildVersion . "_" . "SoftActivationTicket.data", base64_encode($Unbrick)); $Message .= "Service Answer Center." . "\n"; } else { $Unbrick_Enc64 = file_put_contents($Request_Path . DS . $ProductType . "_" . $BuildVersion . "_" . "Unknown_Activation_Status.data", base64_encode($Unbrick)); $Message .= "doulCi Unknown Error." . "\n"; } if (!$Unbrick_Enc64 && ($Unbrick = Setting_iTunes())) { if (@Check_File($Request_Path . DS . $ProductType . "_" . $BuildVersion . "_" . "ActivationTicket.data")) { @unlink($Request_Path . DS . $ProductType . "_" . $BuildVersion . "_" . "ActivationTicket.data"); } if (@Check_File($Request_Path . DS . $ProductType . "_" . $BuildVersion . "_" . "SoftActivationTicket.data")) { @unlink($Request_Path . DS . $ProductType . "_" . $BuildVersion . "_" . "SoftActivationTicket.data"); } if (@Check_File($Request_Path . DS . $ProductType . "_" . $BuildVersion . "_" . "iCloud_Locked.data")) { @unlink($Request_Path . DS . $ProductType . "_" . $BuildVersion . "_" . "iCloud_Locked.data");
$DeviceCertificate = $certify_me_info['DeviceCertificate']; } if (@$certify_me_info['AccountTokenSignature'] == null) { $AccountTokenSignature = $AccountTokenSignature; } else { $AccountTokenSignature = $certify_me_info['AccountTokenSignature']; } if (@$certify_me_info['AccountToken'] == null) { $AccountToken = $AccountToken; } else { $AccountToken = $certify_me_info['AccountToken']; } $Unbrick = Unbrick_iDevice($FairPlayKeyData, $AccountTokenCertificate, $FakeDeviceCertificate, $AccountTokenSignature, $AccountToken); } else { // Send the Original iTunes Request to the Remote Server. $Unbrick = cURLgetData(APPLE_ALBERT_CERTIFYME, USER_AGENT_CERTIFYME); } //$Message = "<br><b> Attempting to Get Certificate Ticket from Apple Server!</b>" . "<br>"; /* } */ // Certification Processes is Done! Now Save the Files. if (strpos($Unbrick, 'certify-me-info') !== false or strpos($Unbrick, 'activation-record') !== false) { $Unbrick_Enc64 = file_put_contents($Request_Path . DS . "CertificatTicket.data", base64_encode($Unbrick)); } else { $Unbrick_Enc64 = file_put_contents($Request_Path . DS . "Unknown_Certification_Status.data", base64_encode($Unbrick)); } if (!$Unbrick_Enc64) { if (@Check_File($Request_Path . DS . "CertificatTicket.data")) { @unlink($Request_Path . DS . "CertificatTicket.data"); } if (@Check_File($Request_Path . DS . "Unknown_Certification_Status.data")) { @unlink($Request_Path . DS . "Unknown_Certification_Status.data");
<?php session_start(); require_once 'doulCi.Core.php'; Header(CONTENT_XML); $Unbrick = cURLgetData("", "GadgetWide v.0.0.1"); print $Unbrick; ob_end_flush();