	 	 * Draw the selectlist with already selected values in it.
	 	function drawSelectedValues() {
	 	  global $lang;
	 	  $out = "    <td class=\"".$this->style."\" valign=\"top\" width=\"".$this->iwidth."\">\n";
	 	  $out.= $this->headright."<br>";
	 	  $out.= "      <select name=\"".$this->name."sel\" size=\"$this->rows\"".' onDblClick="moveSelectedOptions(document.' . $this->formname . '.'.$this->name.'sel, document.' . $this->formname . '.'.$this->name.'); saveSelectValues(document.'.$this->formname.'.'.$this->name.'sel, document.'.$this->formname.'.'.$this->name.'selection);"'." style=\"width:$this->iwidth px;\" $this->params multiple>\n";
		  $vals = array();
		  for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->selectedValues); $i++) {
			$out.= "       <option value=\"" . $this->selectedValues[$i][1] . "\">" . $this->selectedValues[$i][0] . "</option>\n";
			$vals[] = $this->selectedValues[$i][1];
 		  $out.= "      </select><br><br>\n"; 	  
	 	  $out.= buttonLink($lang->get("comb_none", "Clear All"), 'javascript:moveAllOptions(document.' . $this->formname . '.'.$this->name.'sel, document.' . $this->formname . '.'.$this->name.'); saveSelectValues(document.'.$this->formname.'.'.$this->name.'sel, document.'.$this->formname.'.'.$this->name.'selection);');
	 	  $out.= "    <br/><br/></td>\n";
	 	  $out.= ' <input type="hidden" name="'.$this->name.'selection" value="'.implode(',', $vals).'">';
	 	  return $out;
		 * Draws the HTML for this Input.
		function draw() {
			global $lang;

			echo "<td colspan=\"" . $this->colspan . "\" class=\"" . $this->css . "\">";
			echo '<table width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="3" border="0">'; // Draw Selectbox with non-selected values
			echo '<tr><td class="bcopy">';
			echo $this->headlines["head1"] . "<br>";
			echo '<select name="notselvals" id="notselvals" style="width:250px;" size="8">';

			// populate the list
			for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->outlist1); $i++) {
				echo '<option value="' . $this->outlist1[$i][1] . '">' . $this->outlist1[$i][0] . '</option>';

			echo '</select>';
			echo '</td><td valign="middle">';
			// Draw Add button...
			echo '&nbsp;<a href="#" class="navelement" onClick="moveSelectedOptions(document.' . $this->formname . '.notselvals, document.' . $this->formname . '.selvals); return false;">' . drawImage("right.gif"). '</a><br><br>';
			echo '&nbsp;<a href="#" class="navelement" onClick="moveSelectedOptions(document.' . $this->formname . '.selvals, document.' . $this->formname . '.notselvals); inlistProps(document.' . $this->formname . '); saveData(document.' . $this->formname . '); return false;">' . drawImage("left.gif"). '</a>';
			echo '</td>';
			// Draw Selectbox with selected values
			echo '<td width="50%" class="bcopy" valign="top">';
			echo $this->headlines["head1_selected"] . "<br>";
			echo '<select name="selvals" id="selvals" style="width:250px;" size="8" onChange="inlistProps(document.' . $this->formname . ');">';

			// populate the list
			for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->inlist1); $i++) {
				echo '<option value="' . $this->inlist1[$i][1] . '">' . $this->inlist1[$i][0] . '</option>';

			echo '</select>';

			echo '</td></tr>';
			// Draw Roles
			echo '<tr><td colspan="2">&nbsp;</td>';
			echo '<td class="bcopy"><div id="aclprop">';
			echo $this->headlines["head2_selected"] . "<br>";
			echo '<select name="props" id="props" style="width:250px;" size="8" multiple disabled onChange="saveProps(document.' . $this->formname . ');">';

			// populate the list
			for ($i = 1; $i < count($this->values2); $i++) {
				echo '<option value="' . $this->values2[$i][1] . '">' . $this->values2[$i][0] . '</option>';

			echo '</select>';
			echo '<br>' . $lang->get("selmultiple", "Hold down the CTRL-Key to select multiple items!");
			echo "<br><br>";
			echo buttonLink($lang->get("comb_all", "Select All"), "javascript:selectAllOptions(document." . $this->formname . ".props); javascript: saveProps(document." . $this->formname . "); javascript: saveData(document." . $this->formname . ");");
			echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;";
			echo buttonLink($lang->get("comb_none", "Clear All"), "javascript:unselectAllOptions(document." . $this->formname . ".props); javascript: saveProps(document." . $this->formname . "); javascript: saveData(document." . $this->formname . ");");
			echo '</div>';
			echo '</td></tr>';
			// Draw Remove button...
			echo '<tr><td>';
			retain("selval", "");
			retain("configdata", $this->configdata);
			echo '</td><td class="bcopy">&nbsp;</td></tr>';
			echo '</table>';
			echo "</td>";
			echo $this->draw_javascript();
			return $this->colspan;
Пример #3
		function draw() {
			global $lang, $c, $sid, $aclf;

			echo '<td colspan="' . $this->cells . '">';			
			echo '<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" height="140" border="0" width="190">';
			echo '<tr>';
			echo '<td width="190" height="1">' . drawSpacer(190, 1). '</td>';			
			echo '</tr>';
			echo '<tr>';
			echo '<td class="headbox">';
			echo '<table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"><tr><td>';
			echo '<b>'.$this->name.'</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;('.$this->module_name.')';						
			echo '</td><td align="right"><b>';
			// draw Links depending on $linkset
			$ref = createPGNRef($this->module_id, $this->fkid);

			$preview = "";
			if ($ref != null) {
				if ($ref->management_table == "pgn_image") $ref_array = $ref->draw("ALL");			
			// draw information on the content
			echo '</b>';			
			echo '</td></tr></table>';
			echo '</td></tr>';
			echo '<tr><td class="standardlight">';
			if (stristr($this->linkset, "LIB") || stristr($this->linkset, "EDIT")) {
				if ($aclf->checkAccessToFunction("EDIT_OBJECT") || $aclf->checkAccessToFunction("OBJECT_PROPS"))
					echo buttonLink($lang->get("edit"), $c["docroot"] . "modules/content/object_edit.php?go=update&sid=$sid&oid=" . $this->oid). "&nbsp;";

			if (stristr($this->linkset, "LIB") || stristr($this->linkset, "LAUNCH")) {				
				if ($aclf->checkAccessToFunction("OBJECT_LAUNCH"))
					echo buttonLink($lang->get("launch", "Launch"), "?action=launch&sid=$sid&oid=" . $this->oid). "&nbsp;&nbsp;";

			if (stristr($this->linkset, "LIB") || stristr($this->linkset, "DELETE")) {
				if ($aclf->checkAccessToFunction("DELETE_OBJECT"))
					echo buttonLink($lang->get("Delete"), "?action=delobject&sid=$sid&oid=" . $this->oid). "&nbsp;&nbsp;";

			if (stristr($this->linkset, "SELECT")) {
				echo drawSpacer("10", "1");
				if ($aclf->checkAccessToFunction("EDIT_CL_CONTENT")) {
					global $sname;
					if ($sname != "0" && $sname!="") {	
						$jsAction="javascript:window.opener.document.getElementById('".$sname."').value='".$this->oid."';window.opener.document.getElementById('disp_".$sname."').innerHTML='".$lang->get("prev_avail", "You selected an object. A preview will be available after saving.")."';window.close();";						
					} else {
						$jsAction = "javascript:getImage('" . $ref_array["path"] . "');ok();";
					echo buttonLink($lang->get("select", "Select"), "$jsAction"). "&nbsp;&nbsp;";
			echo '</td></tr>';
			echo '<tr>';
			echo '<td valign="top" align="center" class="standardlight">';
			echo  $ref->preview();
			echo '</td></tr>';
			echo '<tr><td valign="top" class="standardlight">';		
			echo '<b>'.$lang->get("ackey", 'Access Key'). ":</b> ";
			echo "[".$this->accesskey."]";
			echo "</td>";
			echo "</tr>";			
			echo '<tr><td class="line">'.drawSpacer(1,1).'</td></tr>';			
			echo "</table>";
			echo "</td>";
			return 1;