Пример #1
function alert_mail_users_pmb($id_notice = 0, $id_bulletin = 0, $id_empr, $annul = 0)
    global $dbh;
    global $msg, $charset;
    global $opac_biblio_name, $opac_biblio_email;
    global $opac_url_base;
    // paramétrage OPAC: choix du nom de la bibliothèque comme expéditeur
    $requete = "select location_libelle, email from empr, docs_location where empr_location=idlocation and id_empr='{$id_empr}' ";
    $res = mysql_query($requete, $dbh);
    $loc = mysql_fetch_object($res);
    $PMBusernom = $loc->location_libelle;
    $PMBuserprenom = '';
    $PMBuseremail = $loc->email;
    if ($PMBuseremail) {
        $query = "select distinct empr_prenom, empr_nom, empr_cb, empr_mail, empr_tel1, empr_tel2, empr_ville, location_libelle, nom, prenom, user_email, date_format(sysdate(), '" . $msg["format_date_heure"] . "') as aff_quand from empr, docs_location, users where id_empr='{$id_empr}' and empr_location=idlocation and user_email like('%@%') and user_alert_resamail=1";
        $result = @mysql_query($query, $dbh);
        $headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\n";
        $headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=" . $charset . "\n";
        $output_final = '';
        while ($empr = @mysql_fetch_object($result)) {
            if (!$output_final) {
                $output_final = "<html><body>";
                if ($annul == 1) {
                    $output_final .= "<a href='" . $opac_url_base . "'><font color=red><strong>" . $msg["mail_obj_resa_canceled"];
                    $sujet = $msg["mail_obj_resa_canceled"];
                } elseif ($annul == 2) {
                    $output_final .= "<a href='" . $opac_url_base . "'><font color=blue><strong>" . $msg["mail_obj_resa_reaffected"];
                    $sujet = $msg["mail_obj_resa_reaffected"];
                } else {
                    $output_final .= "<a href='" . $opac_url_base . "'><font color=green><strong>" . $msg["mail_obj_resa_added"];
                    $sujet = $msg["mail_obj_resa_added"];
                $output_final .= "</strong></font></a> " . $empr->aff_quand . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<br /><strong>" . $empr->empr_prenom . " " . $empr->empr_nom . "</strong>\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<br /><i>" . $empr->empr_mail . " / " . $empr->empr_tel1 . " / " . $empr->empr_tel2 . "</i>";
                if ($empr->empr_cp || $empr->empr_ville) {
                    $output_final .= "<br /><u>" . $empr->empr_cp . " " . $empr->empr_ville . "</u>";
                $output_final .= "<hr />" . $msg[situation] . ": " . $empr->location_libelle . "<hr />";
                if ($id_notice) {
                    $current = new notice_affichage($id_notice, array(), 0, 1);
                    $current->do_isbd(1, 1);
                    $output_final .= "<h3>" . $current->notice_header . "</h3>";
                    $output_final .= $current->notice_isbd;
                    $output_final .= $current->affichage_expl;
                } else {
                    $output_final .= bulletin_affichage_reduit($id_bulletin);
                    $output_final .= notice_affichage::expl_list("m", 0, $id_bulletin);
                $output_final .= "<hr /></body></html> ";
            $res_envoi = mailpmb($empr->nom . " " . $empr->prenom, $empr->user_email, $sujet . " " . $empr->aff_quand, $output_final, $PMBusernom, $PMBuseremail, $headers, "", "", 1);
Пример #2
function resa_planning($deb = TRUE)
    global $dbh, $msg, $charset;
    global $id_notice, $id_bulletin;
    global $liens_opac;
    global $form_resa_dates, $form_resa_ok;
    global $popup_resa, $opac_max_resa;
    global $resa_deb, $resa_fin;
    print "<h3><span>" . $msg['resa_resa_titre_add'] . "</span></h3>";
    if ($deb) {
        // test au cas où tentative de passer une résa hors URL de résa autorisée...
        $requete_resa = "SELECT count(1) FROM resa_planning WHERE resa_idnotice='{$id_notice}' and resa_idbulletin='{$id_bulletin}'";
        $result_resa = pmb_mysql_query($requete_resa, $dbh);
        if ($result_resa) {
            $nb_resa_encours = pmb_mysql_result($result_resa, 0, 0);
        } else {
            $nb_resa_encours = 0;
        if ($opac_max_resa && $nb_resa_encours >= $opac_max_resa) {
            $id_notice = 0;
            $id_bulletin = 0;
    if (!$id_notice && !$id_bulletin) {
        return $msg['resa_planning_unknown_record'];
    $tab_loc_retrait = resa_planning::get_available_locations($_SESSION['id_empr_session'], $id_notice, $id_bulletin);
    if (count($tab_loc_retrait) >= 1) {
        $form_loc_retrait = '<table ><tbody><tr><th>' . $msg['resa_planning_loc_retrait'] . '</th><th>' . $msg['resa_planning_qty_requested'] . '</th></tr>';
        foreach ($tab_loc_retrait as $k => $v) {
            $form_loc_retrait .= '<tr><td width="50%">' . htmlentities($v['location_libelle'], ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . '</td>';
            $form_loc_retrait .= '<td><select name="location[' . $v['location_id'] . ']">';
            for ($i = 0; $i < $v['location_nb'] * 1 + 1; $i++) {
                $form_loc_retrait .= '<option value=' . $i . '>' . $i . '</option>';
            $form_loc_retrait .= '</select></td>';
            $form_loc_retrait .= '</tr>';
        $form_loc_retrait .= '</tbody></table>';
    } else {
        return $msg['resa_planning_no_item_available'];
    $form_resa_dates = str_replace('!!resa_loc_retrait!!', $form_loc_retrait, $form_resa_dates);
    print $form_resa_dates;
    if ($id_notice) {
        $opac_notices_depliable = 0;
        $liens_opac = array();
        $ouvrage_resa = aff_notice($id_notice, 1);
    } else {
        $ouvrage_resa = bulletin_affichage_reduit($id_bulletin, 1);
    if (!$deb) {
        $form_resa_ok = str_replace('!!date_deb!!', formatdate($resa_deb), $form_resa_ok);
        $form_resa_ok = str_replace('!!date_fin!!', formatdate($resa_fin), $form_resa_ok);
        print $form_resa_ok;
    print $ouvrage_resa;
    //Affichage des previsions sur le document courant par le lecteur courant
    $q3 = "SELECT id_resa, resa_idnotice, resa_idbulletin, resa_date_debut, resa_date_fin, ";
    $q3 .= "if(resa_date_fin < sysdate() or resa_date_fin='0000-00-00',1,0) as resa_perimee, resa_validee, resa_confirmee, ";
    $q3 .= "resa_qty, resa_loc_retrait, location_libelle ";
    $q3 .= "FROM resa_planning left join docs_location on resa_loc_retrait=idlocation ";
    $q3 .= "WHERE id_resa not in (select resa_planning_id_resa from resa where resa_idempr=" . $_SESSION['id_empr_session'] . ") ";
    $q3 .= "and resa_idempr='" . $_SESSION['id_empr_session'] . "' and resa_idnotice={$id_notice} and resa_idbulletin={$id_bulletin} ";
    $q3 .= "ORDER by resa_date_debut asc, resa_date_fin asc";
    $r3 = @pmb_mysql_query($q3, $dbh);
    if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($r3)) {
        $tableau_resa = '<h3>' . $msg['resa_planning_current'] . '</h3>';
        $tableau_resa .= '<table class="tab_resa_planning">';
        $tableau_resa .= '<tr><th>' . $msg['resa_planning_dates'] . '</th>
							<th>' . $msg['resa_planning_qty'] . '</th><th>' . $msg['resa_planning_loc_retrait'] . '</th></tr>';
        while ($resa = pmb_mysql_fetch_array($r3)) {
            $id_resa = $resa['id_resa'];
            $resa_idnotice = $resa['resa_idnotice'];
            $resa_idbulletin = $resa['resa_idbulletin'];
            $resa_date_debut = formatdate($resa['resa_date_debut']);
            $resa_date_fin = formatdate($resa['resa_date_fin']);
            $resa_qty = $resa['resa_qty'];
            $resa_loc_retrait = $resa['location_libelle'];
            $txt_dates = $msg['resa_planning_date_debut'] . $resa_date_debut . '<br />';
            $txt_dates .= $msg['resa_planning_date_fin'] . $resa_date_fin . '<br />';
            if ($resa['resa_perimee']) {
                $txt_dates .= $msg['resa_planning_overtime'];
            } else {
                $txt_dates .= $msg['resa_planning_attente_validation'];
            if ($parity++ % 2) {
                $pair_impair = "even";
            } else {
                $pair_impair = "odd";
            $tableau_resa .= "<tr class='{$pair_impair}'>\n\t\t\t\t<td>{$txt_dates}</td><td>{$resa_qty}</td>\n\t\t\t\t<td>" . htmlentities($resa_loc_retrait, ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t</tr>";
        $tableau_resa .= "</table>";
        print $tableau_resa;
Пример #3
 } else {
     // test au cas où tentative de passer une résa hors URL de résa autorisée...
     $requete_resa = "SELECT count(1) FROM resa WHERE resa_idnotice='{$id_notice}' and resa_idbulletin='{$id_bulletin}'";
     $nb_resa_encours = pmb_mysql_result(pmb_mysql_query($requete_resa, $dbh), 0, 0);
     if ($opac_max_resa && $nb_resa_encours >= $opac_max_resa) {
         $id_notice = 0;
         $id_bulletin = 0;
     if ($id_notice || $id_bulletin) {
         // c'est une pose de résa
         if ($id_notice) {
             $opac_notices_depliable = 0;
             $liens_opac = array();
             $ouvrage_resa = aff_notice($id_notice, 1);
         } else {
             $ouvrage_resa = bulletin_affichage_reduit($id_bulletin, 1);
         $message_resa = "";
         $resa_check = check_statut($id_notice, $id_bulletin);
         $already = allready_loaned($id_notice, $id_bulletin, $_SESSION["id_empr_session"]);
         if ($resa_check == 1 && !$already) {
             // document sélectionné -> création de la réservation
             $res_resa_OK = check_quota_resa($_SESSION["id_empr_session"], $id_notice, $id_bulletin);
             if ($res_resa_OK['ERROR']) {
                 $message_resa = $msg["resa_failed"] . " : " . $res_resa_OK['MESSAGE'];
             } else {
                 $id_resa_ajoutee = 0;
                 $requete2 = "SELECT COUNT(1) FROM resa WHERE resa_idempr=" . $_SESSION["id_empr_session"] . " AND resa_idnotice='" . $id_notice . "' and resa_idbulletin='" . $id_bulletin . "' ";
                 $result2 = @pmb_mysql_query($requete2, $dbh);
                 $nb = pmb_mysql_result($result2, 0, 0);
                 if ($nb) {