Пример #1
 * Send an email notice about bug aditions and edits
 * @param
 * @return void
function mail_bug_updates($bug, $in, $from, $ncomment, $edit = 1, $id = false)
    global $tla, $bug_types, $siteBig, $site_method, $site_url, $basedir;
    $text = array();
    $headers = array();
    $changed = bug_diff($bug, $in);
    $from = str_replace(array("\n", "\r"), '', $from);
    /* Default addresses */
    list($mailto, $mailfrom, $Bcc, $params) = get_package_mail(oneof(@$in['package_name'], $bug['package_name']), $id, oneof(@$in['bug_type'], $bug['bug_type']));
    $headers[] = array(' ID', $bug['id']);
    switch ($edit) {
        case 4:
            $headers[] = array(' Patch added by', $from);
            $from = "\"{$from}\" <{$mailfrom}>";
        case 3:
            $headers[] = array(' Comment by', $from);
            $from = "\"{$from}\" <{$mailfrom}>";
        case 2:
            $from = spam_protect(txfield('email', $bug, $in), 'text');
            $headers[] = array(' User updated by', $from);
            $from = "\"{$from}\" <{$mailfrom}>";
            $headers[] = array(' Updated by', $from);
    $fields = array('email' => 'Reported by', 'sdesc' => 'Summary', 'status' => 'Status', 'bug_type' => 'Type', 'package_name' => 'Package', 'php_os' => 'Operating System', 'php_version' => 'PHP Version', 'assign' => 'Assigned To', 'block_user_comment' => 'Block user comment', 'private' => 'Private report', 'cve_id' => 'CVE-ID');
    foreach ($fields as $name => $desc) {
        $prefix = ' ';
        if (isset($changed[$name])) {
            $headers[] = array("-{$desc}", $changed[$name]['from']);
            $prefix = '+';
        /* only fields that are set get added. */
        if ($f = txfield($name, $bug, $in)) {
            if ($name == 'email') {
                $f = spam_protect($f, 'text');
            $foo = isset($changed[$name]['to']) ? $changed[$name]['to'] : $f;
            $headers[] = array($prefix . $desc, $foo);
    /* Make header output aligned */
    $maxlength = 0;
    $actlength = 0;
    foreach ($headers as $v) {
        $actlength = strlen($v[0]) + 1;
        $maxlength = $maxlength < $actlength ? $actlength : $maxlength;
    /* Align header content with headers (if a header contains more than one line, wrap it intelligently) */
    $header_text = '';
    $spaces = str_repeat(' ', $maxlength + 1);
    foreach ($headers as $v) {
        $hcontent = wordwrap($v[1], 72 - $maxlength, "\n{$spaces}");
        // wrap and indent
        $hcontent = rtrim($hcontent);
        // wordwrap may add spacer to last line
        $header_text .= str_pad($v[0] . ':', $maxlength) . " {$hcontent}\n";
    if ($ncomment) {
        $ncomment = preg_replace('#<div class="changeset">(.*)</div>#sUe', "ltrim(strip_tags('\\1'))", $ncomment);
        $text[] = " New Comment:\n\n{$ncomment}";
    $old_comments = get_old_comments($bug['id'], empty($ncomment));
    $old_comments = preg_replace('#<div class="changeset">(.*)</div>#sUe', "ltrim(strip_tags('\\1'))", $old_comments);
    $text[] = $old_comments;
    #$wrapped_text = wordwrap(join("\n", $text), 72);
    $wrapped_text = join("\n", $text);
    /* user text with attention, headers and previous messages */
    $user_text = <<<USER_TEXT
ATTENTION! Do NOT reply to this email!
To reply, use the web interface found at

    /* developer text with headers, previous messages, and edit link */
    $dev_text = <<<DEV_TEXT
Edit report at {$site_method}://{$site_url}{$basedir}/bug.php?id={$bug['id']}&edit=1


Edit this bug report at {$site_method}://{$site_url}{$basedir}/bug.php?id={$bug['id']}&edit=1
    if (preg_match('/.*@php\\.net\\z/', $bug['email'])) {
        $user_text = $dev_text;
    // Defaults
    $subj = $bug_types[$bug['bug_type']];
    $sdesc = txfield('sdesc', $bug, $in);
    /* send mail if status was changed, there is a comment, private turned on/off or the bug type was changed to/from Security */
    if (empty($in['status']) || $in['status'] != $bug['status'] || $ncomment != '' || isset($in['private']) && $in['private'] != $bug['private'] || isset($in['bug_type']) && $in['bug_type'] != $bug['bug_type'] && ($in['bug_type'] == 'Security' || $bug['bug_type'] == 'Security')) {
        if (isset($in['bug_type']) && $in['bug_type'] != $bug['bug_type']) {
            $subj = $bug_types[$bug['bug_type']] . '->' . $bug_types[$in['bug_type']];
        $old_status = $bug['status'];
        $new_status = $bug['status'];
        if (isset($in['status']) && $in['status'] != $bug['status'] && $edit != 3) {
            /* status changed */
            $new_status = $in['status'];
            $subj .= " #{$bug['id']} [{$tla[$old_status]}->{$tla[$new_status]}]";
        } elseif ($edit == 4) {
            /* patch */
            $subj .= " #{$bug['id']} [PATCH]";
        } elseif ($edit == 3) {
            /* comment */
            $subj .= " #{$bug['id']} [Com]";
        } else {
            /* status did not change and not comment */
            $subj .= " #{$bug['id']} [{$tla[$bug['status']]}]";
        // the user gets sent mail with an envelope sender that ignores bounces
        bugs_mail($bug['email'], "{$subj}: {$sdesc}", $user_text, "From: {$siteBig} Bug Database <{$mailfrom}>\n" . "Bcc: {$Bcc}\n" . "X-PHP-Bug: {$bug['id']}\n" . "X-PHP-Site: {$siteBig}\n" . "In-Reply-To: <bug-{$bug['id']}@{$site_url}>");
        // Spam protection
        $tmp = $edit != 3 ? $in : $bug;
        $tmp['new_status'] = $new_status;
        $tmp['old_status'] = $old_status;
        foreach (array('bug_type', 'php_version', 'package_name', 'php_os') as $field) {
            $tmp[$field] = strtok($tmp[$field], "\r\n");
        // but we go ahead and let the default sender get used for the list
        bugs_mail($mailto, "{$subj}: {$sdesc}", $dev_text, "From: {$from}\n" . "X-PHP-Bug: {$bug['id']}\n" . "X-PHP-Site: {$siteBig}\n" . "X-PHP-Type: {$tmp['bug_type']}\n" . "X-PHP-Version: {$tmp['php_version']}\n" . "X-PHP-Category: {$tmp['package_name']}\n" . "X-PHP-OS: {$tmp['php_os']}\n" . "X-PHP-Status: {$tmp['new_status']}\n" . "X-PHP-Old-Status: {$tmp['old_status']}\n" . "In-Reply-To: <bug-{$bug['id']}@{$site_url}>", $params);
    /* if a developer assigns someone else, let that other person know about it */
    if ($edit == 1 && $in['assign'] && $in['assign'] != $bug['assign']) {
        $email = $in['assign'] . '@php.net';
        // If the developer assigns him self then skip
        if ($email == $from) {
        bugs_mail($email, $subj . txfield('sdesc', $bug, $in), "{$in['assign']} you have just been assigned to this bug by {$from}\n\n{$dev_text}", "From: {$from}\n" . "X-PHP-Bug: {$bug['id']}\n" . "In-Reply-To: <bug-{$bug['id']}@{$site_url}>");
Пример #2
// If the report already has the status of the resolution, bounce over to the main bug form
// which shows the appropriate error message.
if ($status == $bug['status']) {
// Standard items
$in = array('status' => $status, 'bug_type' => $bug['bug_type'], 'php_version' => $bug['php_version'], 'php_os' => $bug['php_os'], 'assign' => $bug['assign']);
// Assign automatically when closed
if ($status == 'Closed' && $in['assign'] == '') {
    $in['assign'] = $auth_user->handle;
// Update bug
$dbh->prepare("\n\tUPDATE bugdb\n\tSET\n\t\tstatus = ?,\n\t\tassign = ?,\n\t\tts2 = NOW()\n\tWHERE id = ?\n")->execute(array($status, $in['assign'], $bug_id));
// Add changelog entry
if (!PEAR::isError($res)) {
    $changed = bug_diff($bug, $in);
    if (!empty($changed)) {
        $log_comment = bug_diff_render_html($changed);
        if (!empty($log_comment)) {
            $res = bugs_add_comment($bug_id, $auth_user->email, $auth_user->name, $log_comment, 'log');
// Add possible comment
if (!PEAR::isError($res) && !empty($ncomment)) {
    $res = bugs_add_comment($bug_id, $auth_user->email, $auth_user->name, $ncomment, 'comment');
// Send emails
if (!PEAR::isError($res)) {
    mail_bug_updates($bug, $in, $auth_user->email, $ncomment);
Пример #3
            $_POST['in']['assign'] = $bug['assign'];
        if (!empty($_POST['in']['assign']) && $_POST['in']['status'] == 'Open') {
            $status = 'Assigned';
        } elseif (empty($_POST['in']['assign']) && $_POST['in']['status'] == 'Assigned') {
            $status = 'Open';
        } else {
            $status = $_POST['in']['status'];
        // Assign automatically when closed
        if ($status == 'Closed' && $_POST['in']['assign'] == '') {
            $_POST['in']['assign'] = $auth_user->handle;
        $dbh->prepare($query . "\n\t\t\t\tsdesc = ?, \n\t\t\t\tstatus = ?, \n\t\t\t\tpackage_name = ?,\n\t\t\t\tbug_type = ?,\n\t\t\t\tassign = ?,\n\t\t\t\tphp_version = ?,\n\t\t\t\tphp_os = ?,\n\t\t\t\tblock_user_comment = ?,\n\t\t\t\tcve_id = ?,\n\t\t\t\tprivate = ?,\n\t\t\t\tts2 = NOW()\n\t\t\tWHERE id = {$bug_id}\n\t\t")->execute(array($_POST['in']['sdesc'], $status, $_POST['in']['package_name'], $_POST['in']['bug_type'], $_POST['in']['assign'], $_POST['in']['php_version'], $_POST['in']['php_os'], $block_user, $_POST['in']['cve_id'], $is_private));
        // Add changelog entry
        $changed = bug_diff($bug, $_POST['in']);
        if (!empty($changed)) {
            $log_comment = bug_diff_render_html($changed);
            if (!empty($log_comment)) {
                $res = bugs_add_comment($bug_id, $from, $comment_name, $log_comment, 'log');
        // Add normal comment
        if (!empty($ncomment)) {
            $res = bugs_add_comment($bug_id, $from, $comment_name, $ncomment, 'comment');
            mark_related_bugs($from, $comment_name, $ncomment);
} elseif (isset($_POST['in']) && isset($_POST['preview']) && $edit == 1) {
    $ncomment = trim($_POST['ncomment']);
    $from = $auth_user->email;
Пример #4
             $link->id = $id;
             if (isset($_POST['in']['fixed_versions']) && !in_array($status, array('Bogus', 'Wont fix', 'No Feedback'))) {
                 foreach ($_POST['in']['fixed_versions'] as $rid) {
                     $link->id = $id;
                     $link->roadmap_id = $rid;
             $current = $dbh->getAll('SELECT roadmap_version
             FROM bugdb_roadmap_link l, bugdb_roadmap b
             WHERE l.id = ? AND b.id = l.roadmap_id', array($id));
         } else {
             $current = $previous;
         $changed = bug_diff($bug, $_POST['in'], $previous, $current);
         if (!empty($changed)) {
             $ncomment = bug_diff_render_html($changed) . $ncomment;
         if (!empty($ncomment)) {
             $query = 'INSERT INTO bugdb_comments' . ' (bug, email, ts, comment, reporter_name, handle, active) VALUES (?, ?, NOW(), ?, ?, ?, 1)';
             $dbh->query($query, array($id, $from, $ncomment, $comment_name, $auth_user->handle));
         localRedirect('bug.php?id=' . $id);
 } elseif (isset($_POST['in']) && isset($_POST['preview']) && $edit == 1) {
     $ncomment = trim($_POST['ncomment']);
     $from = $auth_user->email;
 } elseif (isset($_POST['in'])) {
     $errors[] = 'Invalid edit mode.';