/** * Standard modular run function. * * @return tempcode The result of execution. */ function run() { require_javascript('javascript_realtime_rain'); require_javascript('javascript_ajax'); require_javascript('javascript_more'); require_lang('realtime_rain'); require_css('realtime_rain'); $title = get_page_title('REALTIME_RAIN'); if (!has_js()) { // Send them to the page permissions screen $url = build_url(array('page' => 'admin_stats', 'type' => 'misc'), '_SELF'); require_code('site2'); assign_refresh($url, 5.0); return do_template('REDIRECT_SCREEN', array('URL' => $url, 'TITLE' => $title, 'TEXT' => do_lang_tempcode('NO_JS_REALTIME'))); } $GLOBALS['TEMPCODE_SETGET']['chrome_frame'] = make_string_tempcode('1'); if (browser_matches('ie6')) { attach_message(do_lang_tempcode('IE_OLD_PLEASE_UPGRADE'), 'warn'); } if (!has_js()) { // Send them to the stats screen $url = build_url(array('page' => 'admin_stats', 'type' => 'misc'), '_SELF'); require_code('site2'); assign_refresh($url, 5.0); return do_template('REDIRECT_SCREEN', array('URL' => $url, 'TITLE' => $title, 'TEXT' => do_lang_tempcode('NO_JS_ADVANCED_SCREEN_REALTIME_RAIN'))); } $min_time = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_value('stats', 'MIN(date_and_time)'); if (is_null($min_time)) { $min_time = time(); } return do_template('REALTIME_RAIN_OVERLAY', array('MIN_TIME' => strval($min_time))); }
/** * Render a member profile. * * @param MEMBER The ID of the member who is being viewed * @param ?MEMBER The ID of the member who is doing the viewing (NULL: current member) * @param ?ID_TEXT The username of the member who is being viewed (NULL: work out from member_id_of) * @return tempcode The rendered profile */ function render_profile_tabset($member_id_of, $member_id_viewing = NULL, $username = NULL) { if (is_null($member_id_viewing)) { $member_id_viewing = get_member(); } $username = $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->get_username($member_id_of); if (is_null($username) || is_guest($member_id_of)) { warn_exit(do_lang_tempcode('USER_NO_EXIST')); } $tabs = array(); $hooks = find_all_hooks('systems', 'profiles_tabs'); if (isset($hooks['edit'])) { $hooks = array('edit' => $hooks['edit']) + $hooks; } foreach (array_keys($hooks) as $hook) { require_code('hooks/systems/profiles_tabs/' . $hook); $ob = object_factory('Hook_Profiles_Tabs_' . $hook); if ($ob->is_active($member_id_of, $member_id_viewing)) { $tabs[$hook] = $ob->render_tab($member_id_of, $member_id_viewing, !browser_matches('ie6') && !browser_matches('ie7') && has_js()); } } global $M_SORT_KEY; $M_SORT_KEY = 2; uasort($tabs, 'multi_sort'); require_javascript('javascript_profile'); require_javascript('javascript_ajax'); load_up_all_self_page_permissions($member_id_viewing); if (addon_installed('awards')) { require_code('awards'); $awards = find_awards_for('member', strval($member_id_of)); } else { $awards = array(); } $username = $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->get_username($member_id_of); // Get it again, in case it changed $title = get_page_title('MEMBER_PROFILE', true, array(escape_html($username)), NULL, $awards); $_tabs = array(); $i = 0; foreach ($tabs as $hook => $tab) { $_tabs[] = array('TAB_TITLE' => $tab[0], 'TAB_CODE' => $hook, 'TAB_CONTENT' => $tab[1], 'TAB_FIRST' => $i == 0, 'TAB_LAST' => !array_key_exists($i + 1, $tabs)); $i++; } return do_template('OCF_MEMBER_PROFILE_SCREEN', array('TITLE' => $title, 'TABS' => $_tabs, 'MEMBER_ID' => strval($member_id_of))); }
/** * Function that 'fixes' HTML (or bad XHTML) enough for it to pass most basic structural validation. * * @param string The XHTML string to convert to XHTML * @param boolean Whether to force a repair even if we aren't in XHTML mode * @return string The converted string */ function xhtmlise_html($html, $definitely_want = false) { // Tests... // echo xhtmlise_html('test<a></a><br /><po></p><p></po>'); // expect: test<a></a><br /><po><p></p></po> if (!$definitely_want) { if (!($GLOBALS['SEMI_DEBUG_MODE'] && browser_matches('true_xhtml'))) { return $html; } // One day, this will get removed and we'll ensure all our output is always XHTML. But so far there's no point as IE doesn't support true XHTML } $is_escaped = $GLOBALS['XSS_DETECT'] && ocp_is_escaped($html); $html = preg_replace('#<\\!--.*($|-->)#Us', '', $html); // Strip comments require_code('obfuscate'); require_code('validation'); global $XML_CONSTRAIN, $LAST_TAG_ATTRIBUTES, $POS, $OUT, $TAG_STACK, $INBETWEEN_TEXT, $LEN, $WELL_FORMED_ONLY, $MUST_SELFCLOSE_TAGS, $LINENO, $LINESTART; $POS = 0; $OUT = $html; $LEN = strlen($html); $TAG_STACK = array(); $WELL_FORMED_ONLY = true; $LINENO = 0; $LINESTART = 0; $XML_CONSTRAIN = true; $new = ''; $token = _get_next_tag(); // If we actually have a partial tag right at the start (ie. we're breaking into some HTML at a bad point) $ang_pos = strpos($INBETWEEN_TEXT, '>'); if ($ang_pos !== false) { $INBETWEEN_TEXT = substr($INBETWEEN_TEXT, $ang_pos + 1); } $new .= fix_entities($INBETWEEN_TEXT); while (!is_null($token)) { while (is_array($token)) { if ($token[0] !== NULL) { $token = $token[0]; // We can at least discern something } else { $token = _get_next_tag(); // No, we need to just move on } } $basis_token = _get_tag_basis($token); if ($basis_token != '') { // Open, close, or monitonic? $term = strpos($token, '/'); if ($term !== 1) { if ($term === false && !isset($MUST_SELFCLOSE_TAGS[$basis_token])) { // Fix nesting if ($basis_token == 'li' && !in_array('ul', $TAG_STACK) && !in_array('ol', $TAG_STACK) && !in_array('dl', $TAG_STACK) && !in_array('dd', $TAG_STACK) && !in_array('dt', $TAG_STACK) && !in_array('dir', $TAG_STACK) && !in_array('menu', $TAG_STACK)) { array_push($TAG_STACK, 'ul'); $new .= '<ul>'; } if (($basis_token == 'tr' || $basis_token == 'colgroup' || $basis_token == 'col' || $basis_token == 'tbody' || $basis_token == 'tfoot' || $basis_token == 'thead' || $basis_token == 'caption') && !in_array('table', $TAG_STACK)) { array_push($TAG_STACK, 'table'); $new .= '<table>'; } if (($basis_token == 'td' || $basis_token == 'th') && !in_array('table', $TAG_STACK)) { array_push($TAG_STACK, 'table'); $new .= '<table>'; array_push($TAG_STACK, 'tr'); $new .= '<tr>'; } if ($basis_token == 'param' && !in_array('object', $TAG_STACK)) { array_push($TAG_STACK, 'object'); $new .= '<object>'; } if ($basis_token == 'option' && !in_array('select', $TAG_STACK)) { array_push($TAG_STACK, 'select'); $new .= '<select>'; } if ($basis_token == 'noembed' && !in_array('map', $TAG_STACK)) { array_push($TAG_STACK, 'map'); $new .= '<map>'; } array_push($TAG_STACK, $basis_token); $new .= '<' . $basis_token; foreach ($LAST_TAG_ATTRIBUTES as $key => $val) { $new .= ' ' . $key . '="' . fix_entities($val) . '"'; } $new .= '>'; } else { $new .= '<' . $basis_token; foreach ($LAST_TAG_ATTRIBUTES as $key => $val) { $new .= ' ' . $key . '="' . fix_entities($val) . '"'; } $new .= ' />'; } } else { // For case 3 if (!in_array($basis_token, $TAG_STACK)) { // Do nothing, we can't handle it because we're closing something that was never opened } else { $previous = ''; do { $previous = array_pop($TAG_STACK); if ($basis_token != $previous) { $new .= '</' . $previous . '>'; } // We'll have to assume it should be implicitly closed } while ($basis_token != $previous); $new .= '</' . $basis_token . '>'; // Ok so we finally got an opener match and managed to put out our closer } } } $token = _get_next_tag(); if (is_null($token)) { // If we actually have a partial tag right at the end (ie. we're breaking out of some HTML at a bad point) $ang_pos = strpos($INBETWEEN_TEXT, '<'); if ($ang_pos !== false) { $INBETWEEN_TEXT = substr($INBETWEEN_TEXT, 0, $ang_pos); } } $new .= fix_entities($INBETWEEN_TEXT); } // Check we have everything closed while (count($TAG_STACK) != 0) { $previous = array_pop($TAG_STACK); $new .= '</' . $previous . '>'; } // Remove some empty tags that shouldn't be empty (e.g. table) $may_not_be_empty = array('br', 'hr', 'table', 'tbody', 'tfoot', 'thead', 'tr', 'dd', 'dt', 'dl', 'li', 'ol', 'ul', 'rbc', 'rtc', 'rb', 'rt', 'rp', 'abbr', 'acronym', 'cite', 'dfn', 'ruby', 'bdo', 'img', 'param', 'input', 'select', 'object', 'caption', 'label', 'base', 'body', 'col', 'colgroup', 'map', 'optgroup', 'option', 'legend', 'area', 'form'); foreach ($may_not_be_empty as $t) { $new = preg_replace('#<' . $t . '(\\s[^>]*)?' . '>\\s*</' . $t . '>#', '', $new); } unset($OUT); unset($TAG_STACK); if ($is_escaped) { ocp_mark_as_escaped($new); } return $new; }
/** * The UI for the zone editor. * * @return tempcode The UI */ function _editor() { $id = get_param('id', ''); // '' needed for short URLs if ($id == '/') { $id = ''; } $GLOBALS['EXTRA_HEAD']->attach(make_string_tempcode('<base target="_blank" />')); $nice_zone_name = $id == '' ? do_lang('_WELCOME') : $id; $title = get_page_title('_ZONE_EDITOR', true, array(escape_html($nice_zone_name))); $lang = choose_language($title, true); if (is_object($lang)) { return $lang; } require_javascript('javascript_zone_editor'); require_javascript('javascript_ajax'); require_javascript('javascript_more'); require_javascript('javascript_posting'); require_javascript('javascript_editing'); require_javascript('javascript_validation'); require_code('form_templates'); require_lang('comcode'); if (!has_js()) { // Send them to the page permissions screen $url = build_url(array('page' => '_SELF', 'type' => 'edit'), '_SELF'); require_code('site2'); assign_refresh($url, 5.0); return do_template('REDIRECT_SCREEN', array('_GUID' => '20ed5fa100b87756a77c48988ef856ae', 'URL' => $url, 'TITLE' => $title, 'TEXT' => do_lang_tempcode('NO_JS_ADVANCED_SCREEN_ZONE_EDITOR'))); } // After completion prep/relay $_default_redirect = build_url(array('page' => ''), $id); $default_redirect = $_default_redirect->evaluate(); $post_url = build_url(array('page' => '_SELF', 'type' => '__editor', 'lang' => $lang, 'redirect' => get_param('redirect', $default_redirect), 'id' => $id), '_SELF'); // Zone editing stuff $rows = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_select('zones', array('*'), array('zone_name' => $id), '', 1); if (!array_key_exists(0, $rows)) { warn_exit(do_lang_tempcode('MISSING_RESOURCE')); } $row = $rows[0]; $header_text = get_translated_text($row['zone_header_text'], NULL, $lang); $default_page = $row['zone_default_page']; list($fields, , ) = $this->get_form_fields(true, get_translated_text($row['zone_title'], NULL, $lang), $default_page, $header_text, $row['zone_theme'], $row['zone_wide'], $row['zone_require_session'], $row['zone_displayed_in_menu'], $id); // Page editing stuff $editor = array(); foreach (array('panel_left', $default_page, 'panel_right') as $i => $for) { $page_info = _request_page($for, $id, NULL, $lang); if ($page_info === false) { $page_info = array('COMCODE_CUSTOM', $id, $for, $lang); } $is_comcode = false; $redirecting_to = NULL; $current_for = $for; $pure = false; switch ($page_info[0]) { case 'COMCODE_CUSTOM_PURE': $pure = true; case 'COMCODE': case 'COMCODE_CUSTOM': $is_comcode = true; $type = do_lang_tempcode('COMCODE_PAGE'); break; case 'HTML': case 'HTML_CUSTOM': $type = protect_from_escaping(escape_html('HTML')); break; case 'MODULES': case 'MODULES_CUSTOM': $type = do_lang_tempcode('MODULE'); break; case 'MINIMODULES': case 'MINIMODULES_CUSTOM': $type = do_lang_tempcode('MINIMODULE'); break; case 'REDIRECT': $type = do_lang_tempcode('REDIRECT_PAGE_TO', escape_html($page_info[1]['r_to_zone']), escape_html($page_info[1]['r_to_page'])); $redirecting_to = $page_info[1]['r_to_zone']; $current_for = $page_info[1]['r_to_page']; $page_info = _request_page($current_for, $redirecting_to, NULL, $lang); if ($page_info !== false) { switch ($page_info[0]) { case 'COMCODE_CUSTOM_PURE': $pure = true; case 'COMCODE': case 'COMCODE_CUSTOM': $is_comcode = true; break; } } break; default: $type = do_lang_tempcode('UNKNOWN'); break; } $class = ''; $w = false; $current_zone = is_null($redirecting_to) ? $id : $redirecting_to; $default_parsed = NULL; if ($is_comcode) { $fullpath = zone_black_magic_filterer(($page_info[0] == 'comcode' || $pure ? get_file_base() : get_custom_file_base()) . '/' . $current_zone . '/pages/' . strtolower($page_info[0]) . '/' . $lang . '/' . $current_for . '.txt'); if (!file_exists($fullpath)) { $fullpath = zone_black_magic_filterer(($page_info[0] == 'comcode' || $pure ? get_file_base() : get_custom_file_base()) . '/' . $current_zone . '/pages/' . strtolower($page_info[0]) . '/' . get_site_default_lang() . '/' . $current_for . '.txt'); } if (file_exists($fullpath)) { $comcode = file_get_contents($fullpath, FILE_TEXT); $default_parsed = comcode_to_tempcode($comcode, NULL, false, 60, NULL, NULL, true); } else { $comcode = ''; } $edit_url = build_url(array('page' => 'cms_comcode_pages', 'type' => '_ed', 'page_link' => $current_zone . ':' . $current_for), get_module_zone('cms_comcode_pages')); // WYSIWYG? require_javascript('javascript_editing'); $w = has_js() && (browser_matches('wysiwyg') && strpos($comcode, '{$,page hint: no_wysiwyg}') === false); global $JAVASCRIPT, $WYSIWYG_ATTACHED; if (!$WYSIWYG_ATTACHED) { $JAVASCRIPT->attach(do_template('HTML_EDIT')); } $WYSIWYG_ATTACHED = true; if ($w) { @header('Content-type: text/html; charset=' . get_charset()); $class .= ' wysiwyg'; } } else { $comcode = NULL; $edit_url = new ocp_tempcode(); } $field_name = 'edit_' . $for . '_textarea'; if ($i == 1) { $settings = $fields; $comcode_editor = get_comcode_editor($field_name); } else { $settings = NULL; $button = 'block'; $comcode_editor = new ocp_tempcode(); $comcode_editor->attach(do_template('COMCODE_EDITOR_BUTTON', array('_GUID' => '0acc5dcf299325d0cf55871923148a54', 'DIVIDER' => false, 'FIELD_NAME' => $field_name, 'TITLE' => do_lang_tempcode('INPUT_COMCODE_' . $button), 'B' => $button))); $button = 'comcode'; $comcode_editor->attach(do_template('COMCODE_EDITOR_BUTTON', array('_GUID' => '1acc5dcf299325d0cf55871923148a54', 'DIVIDER' => false, 'FIELD_NAME' => $field_name, 'TITLE' => do_lang_tempcode('INPUT_COMCODE_' . $button), 'B' => $button))); } global $TEMPCODE_SETGET; if ($for == $default_page) { $TEMPCODE_SETGET['in_panel'] = '0'; } else { $TEMPCODE_SETGET['in_panel'] = '1'; } $preview = substr($page_info[0], 0, 6) == 'MODULE' ? NULL : request_page($for, false, $id, NULL, true); if (!is_null($preview)) { $_preview = $preview->evaluate(); if (!$is_comcode || strpos($comcode, '<') !== false) { require_code('xhtml'); $_preview = xhtmlise_html($_preview, true); // Fix potential errors by passing it through our XHTML fixer functions } else { $new = $_preview; if (preg_replace('#\\s+#', '', $new) != preg_replace('#\\s+#', '', $_preview)) { $_preview = $new; $_preview .= do_lang('BROKEN_XHTML_FIXED'); } } } else { $_preview = NULL; } $is_panel = substr($for, 0, 6) == 'panel_'; require_code('zones3'); $zone_list = $for == $current_for ? nice_get_zones($redirecting_to, array($id)) : new ocp_tempcode(); $editor[$for] = static_evaluate_tempcode(do_template('ZONE_EDITOR_PANEL', array('_GUID' => 'f32ac84fe18b90497acd4afa27698bf0', 'DEFAULT_PARSED' => $default_parsed, 'CLASS' => $class, 'CURRENT_ZONE' => $current_zone, 'ZONES' => $zone_list, 'COMCODE' => $comcode, 'PREVIEW' => $_preview, 'ZONE' => $id, 'ID' => $for, 'IS_PANEL' => $is_panel, 'TYPE' => $type, 'EDIT_URL' => $edit_url, 'SETTINGS' => $settings, 'COMCODE_EDITOR' => $comcode_editor))); } breadcrumb_set_parents(array(array('_SELF:_SELF:editor', do_lang_tempcode('CHOOSE')))); breadcrumb_set_self($nice_zone_name); list($warning_details, $ping_url) = handle_conflict_resolution($id); $GLOBALS['HELPER_PANEL_PIC'] = ''; $GLOBALS['HELPER_PANEL_TUTORIAL'] = ''; $GLOBALS['HELPER_PANEL_TEXT'] = ''; return do_template('ZONE_EDITOR_SCREEN', array('_GUID' => '3cb1aab6b16444484e82d22f2c8f1e9a', 'ID' => $id, 'LANG' => $lang, 'PING_URL' => $ping_url, 'WARNING_DETAILS' => $warning_details, 'TITLE' => $title, 'URL' => $post_url, 'LEFT_EDITOR' => $editor['panel_left'], 'RIGHT_EDITOR' => $editor['panel_right'], 'MIDDLE_EDITOR' => $editor[$default_page])); }
/** * Get form inputter. * * @param string The field name * @param string The field description * @param array The field details * @param ?string The actual current value of the field (NULL: none) * @param boolean Whether this is for a new entry * @param boolean Whether this is the last field in the catalogue * @return ?tempcode The Tempcode for the input field (NULL: skip the field - it's not input) */ function get_field_inputter($_cf_name, $_cf_description, $field, $actual_value, $new, $last = true) { if (is_null($actual_value)) { $actual_value = ''; } // Plug anomaly due to unusual corruption require_lang('javascript'); require_javascript('javascript_posting'); require_javascript('javascript_editing'); require_javascript('javascript_ajax'); require_javascript('javascript_swfupload'); require_css('swfupload'); require_lang('comcode'); $tabindex = get_form_field_tabindex(); $actual_value = filter_form_field_default($_cf_name, $actual_value); list($attachments, $attach_size_field) = get_attachments('field_' . strval($field['id'])); $hidden_fields = new ocp_tempcode(); $hidden_fields->attach($attach_size_field); $comcode_help = build_url(array('page' => 'userguide_comcode'), get_comcode_zone('userguide_comcode', false)); $emoticon_chooser = $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->get_emoticon_chooser('field_' . strval($field['id'])); $comcode_editor = get_comcode_editor('field_' . strval($field['id'])); $comcode_editor_small = get_comcode_editor('field_' . strval($field['id']), true); $w = has_js() && (browser_matches('wysiwyg') && strpos($actual_value, '{$,page hint: no_wysiwyg}') === false); $class = ''; global $JAVASCRIPT, $WYSIWYG_ATTACHED; if (!$WYSIWYG_ATTACHED) { $JAVASCRIPT->attach(do_template('HTML_EDIT')); } $WYSIWYG_ATTACHED = true; @header('Content-type: text/html; charset=' . get_charset()); if ($w) { $class .= ' wysiwyg'; } global $LAX_COMCODE; $temp = $LAX_COMCODE; $LAX_COMCODE = true; $GLOBALS['COMCODE_PARSE_URLS_CHECKED'] = 100; // Little hack to stop it checking any URLs /*if (is_null($default_parsed)) */ $default_parsed = comcode_to_tempcode($actual_value, NULL, false, 60, NULL, NULL, true); $LAX_COMCODE = $temp; $attachments_done = true; $ret = do_template('POSTING_FIELD', array('REQUIRED' => $field['cf_required'] == 1, 'DESCRIPTION' => $_cf_description, 'HIDDEN_FIELDS' => $hidden_fields, 'PRETTY_NAME' => $_cf_name, 'NAME' => 'field_' . strval($field['id']), 'TABINDEX_PF' => strval($tabindex), 'COMCODE_EDITOR' => $comcode_editor, 'COMCODE_EDITOR_SMALL' => $comcode_editor_small, 'CLASS' => $class, 'COMCODE_URL' => build_url(array('page' => 'userguide_comcode'), get_comcode_zone('userguide_comcode', false)), 'EMOTICON_CHOOSER' => $emoticon_chooser, 'COMCODE_HELP' => $comcode_help, 'POST' => $actual_value, 'DEFAULT_PARSED' => $default_parsed, 'ATTACHMENTS' => $attachments)); if (!$last) { $ret->attach(do_template('FORM_SCREEN_FIELD_SPACER', array('TITLE' => do_lang_tempcode('ADDITIONAL_INFO')))); } return $ret; }
/** * Get the parsed contents of a comcode page. * * @param PATH The relative (to ocPortal's base directory) path to the page (e.g. pages/comcode/EN/start.txt) * @param ID_TEXT The zone the page is being loaded from * @param ID_TEXT The codename of the page * @param ?PATH The file base to load from (NULL: standard) * @param boolean Whether the page is being included from another * @return tempcode The page */ function load_comcode_page($string, $zone, $codename, $file_base = NULL, $being_included = false) { if ($file_base === NULL) { $file_base = get_file_base(); } if (!$being_included) { $GLOBALS['TITLE_CALLED'] = true; } $is_panel = substr($codename, 0, 6) == 'panel_' || strpos($codename, 'panel_') !== false && get_param_integer('keep_theme_test', 0) == 1; if ($zone == '' && $codename == '404') { global $EXTRA_HEAD; $EXTRA_HEAD->attach('<meta name="robots" content="noindex" />'); // XHTMLXHTML $GLOBALS['HTTP_STATUS_CODE'] = '404'; if (!headers_sent()) { if (!browser_matches('ie') && strpos(ocp_srv('SERVER_SOFTWARE'), 'IIS') === false) { header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found'); } } } if (($is_panel || $codename[0] == '_') && get_page_name() == $codename) { global $EXTRA_HEAD; $EXTRA_HEAD->attach('<meta name="robots" content="noindex" />'); // XHTMLXHTML } if ($zone == 'adminzone') { require_code('site_adminzone'); adminzone_special_cases($codename); } if ($codename == 'sitemap') { $GLOBALS['FEED_URL'] = find_script('backend') . '?mode=comcode_pages&filter=' . $zone; } global $PAGE_STRING, $COMCODE_PARSE_TITLE, $LAST_COMCODE_PARSED_TITLE; $COMCODE_PARSE_TITLE = NULL; if ($PAGE_STRING === NULL && !$being_included && !$is_panel) { $PAGE_STRING = $string; } $new_comcode_page_row = array('the_zone' => $zone, 'the_page' => $codename, 'p_parent_page' => '', 'p_validated' => 1, 'p_edit_date' => NULL, 'p_add_date' => NULL, 'p_submitter' => NULL, 'p_show_as_edit' => 0); if ((get_option('is_on_comcode_page_cache') == '1' || get_param_integer('keep_cache', 0) == 1 || get_param_integer('cache', 0) == 1 || get_param_integer('cache_blocks', 0) == 1) && get_param_integer('keep_cache', NULL) !== 0 && get_param_integer('cache_blocks', NULL) !== 0 && get_param_integer('cache', NULL) !== 0 && get_param_integer('keep_print', 0) == 0) { global $SITE_INFO; $support_smart_decaching = !isset($SITE_INFO['disable_smart_decaching']) || $SITE_INFO['disable_smart_decaching'] == '0'; if (is_browser_decacheing()) { $comcode_page = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_select('cached_comcode_pages', array('string_index', 'cc_page_title'), array('the_page' => $codename, 'the_zone' => $zone, 'the_theme' => $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->get_theme()), '', 1, 0, false, array()); if (array_key_exists(0, $comcode_page)) { if ($comcode_page[0]['string_index'] !== NULL) { delete_lang($comcode_page[0]['string_index']); } $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_delete('cached_comcode_pages', array('the_page' => $codename, 'the_zone' => $zone)); } } $theme = $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->get_theme(); if ($GLOBALS['MEM_CACHE'] !== NULL) { if ($support_smart_decaching) { $mtime = filemtime($file_base . '/' . $string); if ($mtime > time()) { $mtime = time(); } // Timezone error, we have to assume that cache is ok rather than letting us get in a loop decacheing the file. It'll get fixed automatically in a few hours when the hours of the timezone difference passes. $pcache = persistant_cache_get(array('COMCODE_PAGE', $codename, $zone, $theme, user_lang()), $mtime); } else { $pcache = persistant_cache_get(array('COMCODE_PAGE', $codename, $zone, $theme, user_lang())); } } else { $pcache = NULL; } if ($pcache === NULL) { $comcode_page = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_select('cached_comcode_pages a JOIN ' . $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->get_table_prefix() . 'comcode_pages b ON (a.the_page=b.the_page AND a.the_zone=b.the_zone)', array('*'), array('a.the_page' => $codename, 'a.the_zone' => $zone, 'the_theme' => $theme), '', 1, NULL, false, array('string_index', 'cc_page_title')); if (array_key_exists(0, $comcode_page)) { if ($support_smart_decaching) { $mtime = filemtime($file_base . '/' . $string); if ($mtime > time()) { $mtime = time(); } // Timezone error, we have to assume that cache is ok rather than letting us get in a loop decacheing the file. It'll get fixed automatically in a few hours when the hours of the timezone difference passes. } if (!$support_smart_decaching || ($comcode_page[0]['p_edit_date'] !== NULL && $comcode_page[0]['p_edit_date'] >= $mtime || $comcode_page[0]['p_edit_date'] === NULL && $comcode_page[0]['p_add_date'] !== NULL && $comcode_page[0]['p_add_date'] >= $mtime)) { $comcode_page_row = $comcode_page[0]; $db_set = get_translated_tempcode($comcode_page[0]['string_index'], NULL, user_lang(), true, true, true); unset($GLOBALS['RECORDED_LANG_STRINGS_CONTENT'][$comcode_page[0]['string_index']]); } else { $mtime = filemtime($file_base . '/' . $string); if ($mtime > time()) { $mtime = time(); } // Timezone error, we have to assume that cache is ok rather than letting us get in a loop decacheing the file. It'll get fixed automatically in a few hours when the hours of the timezone difference passes. $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_update('comcode_pages', array('p_edit_date' => $mtime), array('the_page' => $codename, 'the_zone' => $zone), '', 1); $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_delete('cached_comcode_pages', array('the_zone' => $zone, 'the_page' => $codename)); delete_lang($comcode_page[0]['string_index']); $db_set = NULL; $comcode_page_row = NULL; } } else { $db_set = NULL; $comcode_page_row = NULL; } if ($db_set !== NULL) { $index = $comcode_page[0]['string_index']; $title_to_use = $comcode_page[0]['cc_page_title']; if ($title_to_use !== NULL) { $title_to_use = get_translated_text($title_to_use, NULL, NULL, true); if ($title_to_use === NULL) { $title_to_use = $codename; } } $html = $db_set; } else { $comcode_page = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_select('comcode_pages', array('*'), array('the_page' => $codename, 'the_zone' => $zone), '', 1); if (array_key_exists(0, $comcode_page)) { $comcode_page_row = $comcode_page[0]; } require_code('site2'); $new_comcode_page_row['p_add_date'] = filectime($file_base . '/' . $string); list($html, $title_to_use, $comcode_page_row) = _load_comcode_page_not_cached($string, $zone, $codename, $file_base, $comcode_page_row, $new_comcode_page_row, $being_included); } persistant_cache_set(array('COMCODE_PAGE', $codename, $zone, $theme, user_lang()), array($html, $title_to_use, $comcode_page_row)); } else { list($html, $title_to_use, $comcode_page_row) = $pcache; } } else { require_code('site2'); $new_comcode_page_row['p_add_date'] = filectime($file_base . '/' . $string); list($html, $comcode_page_row, $title_to_use) = _load_comcode_page_cache_off($string, $zone, $codename, $file_base, $new_comcode_page_row, $being_included); } $filtered_title_to_use = mixed(); if (!$is_panel && !$being_included) { if ($title_to_use !== NULL && $title_to_use != '') { get_page_title($title_to_use, false); // Little hack - this gets shift encoded, but shift encoding can't survive a tempcode cache. This will force it to reshift. It'll also make sure DISPLAYED_TITLE gets set. $filtered_title_to_use = @html_entity_decode(strip_tags($title_to_use), ENT_QUOTES, get_charset()); } seo_meta_load_for('comcode_page', $zone . ':' . $codename, $filtered_title_to_use); } $LAST_COMCODE_PARSED_TITLE = $title_to_use; if ($html->is_definitely_empty() && $being_included) { return $html; } if (has_actual_page_access(get_member(), 'cms_comcode_pages', NULL, NULL, $comcode_page_row['p_submitter'] == get_member() && !is_guest() ? 'edit_own_highrange_content' : 'edit_highrange_content')) { $redirect = get_self_url(true, false, array('redirect' => NULL, 'redirected' => NULL)); if (($codename == 'panel_left' || $codename == 'panel_right') && has_js() && has_actual_page_access(get_member(), 'admin_zones')) { $edit_url = build_url(array('page' => 'admin_zones', 'type' => '_editor', 'id' => get_zone_name(), 'redirect' => $redirect, 'wide' => 1), get_module_zone('admin_zones')); } else { $edit_url = build_url(array('page' => 'cms_comcode_pages', 'type' => '_ed', 'page_link' => $zone . ':' . $codename, 'redirect' => $redirect), get_module_zone('cms_comcode_pages')); } $add_child_url = get_option('is_on_comcode_page_children') == '1' ? build_url(array('page' => 'cms_comcode_pages', 'type' => '_ed', 'parent_page' => $codename, 'page_link' => $zone . ':'), get_module_zone('cms_comcode_pages')) : new ocp_tempcode(); } else { $edit_url = new ocp_tempcode(); $add_child_url = new ocp_tempcode(); } $warning_details = new ocp_tempcode(); if ($comcode_page_row['p_validated'] !== NULL && $comcode_page_row['p_validated'] == 0) { require_code('site2'); $warning_details = get_page_warning_details($zone, $codename, $edit_url); } if (!$is_panel && $title_to_use !== NULL && !$being_included) { global $PT_PAIR_CACHE_CP; $PT_PAIR_CACHE_CP[$codename]['cc_page_title'] = $title_to_use === NULL ? do_lang_tempcode('NA_EM') : make_string_tempcode($title_to_use); $PT_PAIR_CACHE_CP[$codename]['p_parent_page'] = $comcode_page_row['p_parent_page']; $comcode_breadcrumbs = comcode_breadcrumbs($codename, $zone, get_param('root', ''), $comcode_page_row['p_parent_page'] == '' || !has_specific_permission(get_member(), 'open_virtual_roots')); breadcrumb_add_segment($comcode_breadcrumbs); $GLOBALS['META_DATA'] += array('created' => date('Y-m-d', $comcode_page_row['p_add_date']), 'creator' => is_guest($comcode_page_row['p_submitter']) ? '' : $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->get_username($comcode_page_row['p_submitter']), 'publisher' => '', 'modified' => $comcode_page_row['p_edit_date'] === NULL ? '' : date('Y-m-d', $comcode_page_row['p_edit_date']), 'type' => 'Comcode page', 'title' => $title_to_use, 'identifier' => $zone . ':' . $codename, 'description' => ''); } if ($html->is_definitely_empty() && $is_panel) { return $html; } global $SCREEN_TEMPLATE_CALLED; $st = $SCREEN_TEMPLATE_CALLED; $ret = do_template('COMCODE_PAGE_SCREEN', array('_GUID' => '0fc4fe4f27e54aaaa2b7e4848c02bacb', 'IS_PANEL' => $is_panel, 'BEING_INCLUDED' => $being_included, 'SUBMITTER' => strval($comcode_page_row['p_submitter']), 'TAGS' => get_loaded_tags('comcode_pages'), 'WARNING_DETAILS' => $warning_details, 'EDIT_DATE_RAW' => $comcode_page_row['p_edit_date'] === NULL ? '' : strval($comcode_page_row['p_edit_date']), 'SHOW_AS_EDIT' => $comcode_page_row['p_show_as_edit'] == 1, 'CONTENT' => $html, 'EDIT_URL' => $edit_url, 'ADD_CHILD_URL' => $add_child_url, 'NAME' => $codename)); if ($is_panel || $being_included) { $SCREEN_TEMPLATE_CALLED = $st; } return $ret; }
/** * Get the value of the specified GET key, if it is found, or the default otherwise. * * @param ID_TEXT The name of the parameter to get * @param ?mixed The default value to give the parameter if the parameter value is not defined (NULL: allow missing parameter) (false: give error on missing parameter) * @param boolean Whether to skip the security check. This currently does not do anything, it used to check for field length, but this was problematic in many situations without really raising security. * @return ?string The parameter value (NULL: missing) */ function get_param($name, $default = false, $no_security = false) { $ret = __param($_GET, $name, $default); if ($ret == '' && isset($_GET['require__' . $name]) && $default !== $ret && $_GET['require__' . $name] != '0') { // We didn't give some required input $GLOBALS['HTTP_STATUS_CODE'] = '400'; if (!headers_sent()) { if (!browser_matches('ie') && strpos(ocp_srv('SERVER_SOFTWARE'), 'IIS') === false) { header('HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request'); } } warn_exit(do_lang_tempcode('IMPROPERLY_FILLED_IN')); } if ($ret === $default) { return $ret; } if (strpos($ret, ':') !== false && function_exists('ocp_url_decode_post_process')) { $ret = ocp_url_decode_post_process($ret); } require_code('input_filter'); check_input_field_string($name, $ret); return $ret; }
/** * Get the tempcode for a huge comcode-enabled text input (textarea). These need extra space to fit. This function is also used as an automatic replacement for form_input_text_comcode if WYSIWYG is available (as WYSIWYG needs more space too) * * @param mixed A human intelligible name for this input field * @param mixed A description for this input field * @param ID_TEXT The name which this input field is for * @param string The default value for this input field * @param boolean Whether this is a required input field * @param ?integer The tab index of the field (NULL: not specified) * @param integer The number of rows to use * @param mixed A secondary side description for this input field * @param ?tempcode The parsed Comcode. (NULL: calculate) * @param boolean Whether the field scrolls * @return tempcode The input field */ function form_input_huge_comcode($pretty_name, $description, $name, $default, $required, $tabindex = NULL, $rows = 20, $description_side = '', $default_parsed = NULL, $scrolls = false) { require_lang('comcode'); require_javascript('javascript_editing'); require_javascript('javascript_ajax'); $tabindex = get_form_field_tabindex($tabindex); $default = filter_form_field_default($name, $default); $_required = $required ? '_required' : ''; $default_parsed = new ocp_tempcode(); global $JAVASCRIPT, $WYSIWYG_ATTACHED; if (!$WYSIWYG_ATTACHED) { $JAVASCRIPT->attach(do_template('HTML_EDIT')); } $WYSIWYG_ATTACHED = true; @header('Content-type: text/html; charset=' . get_charset()); $w = browser_matches('wysiwyg') && !browser_matches('no_multi_wysiwyg') && has_js() && strpos($default, '{$,page hint: no_wysiwyg}') === false; if ($w) { $_required .= ' wysiwyg'; } global $LAX_COMCODE; $temp = $LAX_COMCODE; $LAX_COMCODE = true; $GLOBALS['COMCODE_PARSE_URLS_CHECKED'] = 100; // Little hack to stop it checking any URLs /*if (is_null($default_parsed)) */ $default_parsed = @comcode_to_tempcode($default, NULL, false, 60, NULL, NULL, true); $LAX_COMCODE = $temp; $_comcode = do_template('COMCODE_MESSAGE', array('_GUID' => 'fbcf2413f754ca5829b9f4c908746843', 'NAME' => $name, 'W' => $w, 'URL' => build_url(array('page' => 'userguide_comcode'), get_comcode_zone('userguide_comcode', false)))); return do_template('FORM_SCREEN_INPUT_HUGE_COMCODE', array('_GUID' => 'b8231827be2f4a00e12fcd8986119588', 'SCROLLS' => $scrolls, 'DESCRIPTION_SIDE' => $description_side, 'REQUIRED' => $required, '_REQUIRED' => $_required, 'TABINDEX' => strval($tabindex), 'COMCODE' => $_comcode, 'PRETTY_NAME' => $pretty_name, 'DESCRIPTION' => $description, 'NAME' => $name, 'DEFAULT' => $default, 'DEFAULT_PARSED' => $default_parsed, 'ROWS' => strval($rows))); }
/** * Checks a CAPTCHA. * * @param string CAPTCHA entered. * @param boolean Whether to possibly regenerate upon error. * @return boolean Whether it is valid for the current session. */ function check_captcha($code_entered, $regenerate_on_error = true) { if (use_captcha()) { $_code_needed = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_value_null_ok('security_images', 'si_code', array('si_session_id' => get_session_id())); if (get_value('captcha_single_guess') === '1') { if (!running_script('snippet')) { $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_delete('security_images', array('si_session_id' => get_session_id())); // Only allowed to check once } } if (is_null($_code_needed)) { if (get_value('captcha_single_guess') === '1') { generate_captcha(); } $GLOBALS['HTTP_STATUS_CODE'] = '500'; if (!headers_sent()) { if (function_exists('browser_matches')) { if (!browser_matches('ie') && strpos(ocp_srv('SERVER_SOFTWARE'), 'IIS') === false) { header('HTTP/1.0 500 Internal server error'); } } } warn_exit(do_lang_tempcode('NO_SESSION_SECURITY_CODE')); } if (strlen(strval($_code_needed)) > 6) { $__code_needed = str_pad(strval($_code_needed), 12, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); $code_needed = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($__code_needed); $i += 2) { $code_needed .= chr(intval(substr($__code_needed, $i, 2))); } } else { $code_needed = str_pad(strval($_code_needed), 6, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); } $ret = strtolower($code_needed) == strtolower($code_entered); if ($regenerate_on_error) { if (get_value('captcha_single_guess') === '1') { if (!$ret) { generate_captcha(); } } } return $ret; } return true; }
/** * Show a comcode parser error. * * @param boolean Whether this is being pre-parsed, to pick up errors before row insertion. * @param array Error message details to pass to do_lang, or if the first in the list is NULL, use directly * @param integer The position during parsing that the error occurred at * @param LONG_TEXT The comcode the parser error occurred in * @param boolean Whether to only check the Comcode. * @return tempcode An error message to put in the output stream (shown in certain situations, where in other situations we bomb out). */ function comcode_parse_error($preparse_mode, $_message, $pos, $comcode, $check_only = false) { //echo $comcode; require_lang('comcode'); if (is_null($_message[0])) { $message = $_message[1]; } else { if (strpos($_message[0], ':') === false) { $_message[0] = 'comcode:' . $_message[0]; } $message = call_user_func_array('do_lang_tempcode', array_map('escape_html', $_message)); } $posted = false; foreach ($_POST + $_GET as $name => $val) { if (is_array($val)) { continue; } if (is_integer($name)) { $name = strval($name); } if (post_param($name, '') == $comcode || substr($name, -7) == '_parsed') { $posted = true; } } if (!$check_only) { if ((get_page_name() == 'admin_import' || count($_POST) == 0 || !$posted) && !$preparse_mode) { $line = substr_count(substr($comcode, 0, $pos), chr(10)) + 1; $out = do_template('COMCODE_CRITICAL_PARSE_ERROR', array('LINE' => integer_format($line), 'MESSAGE' => $message, 'SOURCE' => $comcode)); // Won't parse, but we can't help it, so we will skip on return $out; } } $len = strlen($comcode); $lines = new ocp_tempcode(); $number = 1; $sofar = ''; $line = NULL; for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) { $char = $comcode[$i]; if ($i == $pos) { $tmp_tpl = do_template('COMCODE_MISTAKE_ERROR'); $sofar .= $tmp_tpl->evaluate(); $line = $number; } if ($char == chr(10)) { $lines->attach(do_template('COMCODE_MISTAKE_LINE', array('_GUID' => '2022be3de10590d525f333b6ac0da37b', 'NUMBER' => integer_format($number), 'LINE' => make_string_tempcode($sofar)))); $sofar = ''; $number++; } $sofar .= escape_html($char); } if ($i == $pos) { $tmp_tpl = do_template('COMCODE_MISTAKE_ERROR'); $sofar .= $tmp_tpl->evaluate(); } $lines->attach(do_template('COMCODE_MISTAKE_LINE', array('_GUID' => 'eebfe1342f3129d4e31fc9fc1963af2b', 'NUMBER' => integer_format($number), 'LINE' => make_string_tempcode($sofar)))); if (is_null($line)) { $line = $number; } // Now, using some kind of miracle, we need to find out what parameter name blew-up. Let's look through the parameters and see what // is equal to $comcode. I'd rather not do this in a hackerish way - but the architecture was not designed for this. $name = NULL; foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) { if (!is_string($val)) { continue; } if (post_param($key) == $comcode) { $name = $key; break; } } if (is_null($name)) { if ($check_only) { foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) { if (!is_string($val)) { continue; } $val = post_param($key); if (strlen($val) > 10 && (strpos($comcode, $val) === 0 || strpos($comcode, $val) === strlen($comcode) - strlen($val))) { $name = $key; break; } } } if (is_null($name)) { warn_exit(do_lang_tempcode('COMCODE_ERROR', $message, integer_format($line))); } } if (!running_script('comcode_convert')) { $GLOBALS['HTTP_STATUS_CODE'] = '400'; if (!headers_sent()) { // NB: Very important this doesn't run on IE. IE is supposed to show error screens literally if more than 512 bytes, and this is much more (irregardless of compression) - but sometimes seems to still hide it with a "friendly" error anyway if (!browser_matches('ie') && strpos(ocp_srv('SERVER_SOFTWARE'), 'IIS') === false) { header('HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request'); } } } // Output our error / correction form @ob_end_clean(); $hidden = build_keep_post_fields(array($name)); require_code('form_templates'); $fields = form_input_text_comcode(do_lang_tempcode('NEW'), do_lang_tempcode('COMCODE_REPLACEMENT'), $name, $comcode, true, NULL, true); $post_url = get_self_url(); $form = do_template('FORM', array('_GUID' => '207bad1252add775029b34ba36e02856', 'URL' => $post_url, 'TEXT' => '', 'HIDDEN' => $hidden, 'FIELDS' => $fields, 'SUBMIT_NAME' => do_lang_tempcode('PROCEED'))); $output = do_template('COMCODE_MISTAKE_SCREEN', array('_GUID' => '0010230e6612b0775566d07ddf54305a', 'EDITABLE' => !running_script('preview'), 'FORM' => $form, 'TITLE' => get_page_title('ERROR_OCCURRED'), 'LINE' => integer_format($line), 'MESSAGE' => $message, 'LINES' => $lines)); $echo = new ocp_tempcode(); if (!running_script('preview')) { $echo = globalise($output, NULL, '', true); $echo->handle_symbol_preprocessing(); } else { $echo->attach(do_template('STYLED_HTML_WRAP', array('TITLE' => do_lang_tempcode('PREVIEW'), 'TARGET' => '_top', 'CONTENT' => $output))); } $echo->evaluate_echo(); exit; return new ocp_tempcode(); // to trick code checker }
/** * Get the tempcode for a warn page. * * @param tempcode The title of the warn page * @param mixed The text to put on the warn page (either tempcode or string) * @param boolean Whether to provide a back button * @return tempcode The warn page */ function warn_screen($title, $text, $provide_back = true) { require_code('failure'); $text_eval = is_object($text) ? $text->evaluate() : $text; if ($text_eval == do_lang('MISSING_RESOURCE')) { $GLOBALS['HTTP_STATUS_CODE'] = '404'; if (!headers_sent()) { if (!browser_matches('ie') && strpos(ocp_srv('SERVER_SOFTWARE'), 'IIS') === false) { header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found'); } } if (ocp_srv('HTTP_REFERER') != '') { relay_error_notification($text_eval . ' ' . do_lang('REFERRER', ocp_srv('HTTP_REFERER'), substr(get_browser_string(), 0, 255)), false, 'error_occurred_missing_resource'); } } if (get_param_integer('keep_fatalistic', 0) == 1) { fatal_exit($text); } return do_template('WARN_SCREEN', array('_GUID' => 'a762a7ac8cd08623a0ed6413d9250d97', 'TITLE' => $title, 'WEBSERVICE_RESULT' => get_webservice_result($text), 'TEXT' => $text, 'PROVIDE_BACK' => $provide_back)); }
/** * Render that the page wasn't found. Show alternate likely candidates based on misspellings. * * @param ID_TEXT The codename of the page to load * @param ID_TEXT The zone the page is being loaded in * @return tempcode Message */ function page_not_found($codename, $zone) { $GLOBALS['HTTP_STATUS_CODE'] = '404'; if (!headers_sent()) { if (!browser_matches('ie') && strpos(ocp_srv('SERVER_SOFTWARE'), 'IIS') === false) { header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found'); } } // Maybe problem with SEO URLs if (get_zone_name() == '' && get_option('htm_short_urls') == '1' && has_zone_access(get_member(), 'adminzone')) { $self_url = get_self_url_easy(); $zones = find_all_zones(); foreach ($zones as $_zone) { if ($_zone != '' && $_zone != 'site' && strpos($self_url, '/' . $_zone . '/') !== false) { attach_message(do_lang_tempcode('HTACCESS_SEO_PROBLEM'), 'warn'); } } } // "Did you mean?" support $all_pages_in_zone = array_keys(find_all_pages_wrap($zone)); $did_mean = array(); foreach ($all_pages_in_zone as $possibility) { if (is_integer($possibility)) { $possibility = strval($possibility); } // e.g. '404' page has been converted to integer by PHP, grr $from = str_replace('cms_', '', str_replace('admin_', '', $possibility)); $to = str_replace('cms_', '', str_replace('admin_', '', $codename)); //$dist=levenshtein($from,$to); If we use this, change > to < also //$threshold=4; $dist = 0.0; similar_text($from, $to, $dist); $threshold = 75.0; if ($dist > $threshold && has_page_access(get_member(), $codename, $zone)) { $did_mean[$dist] = $possibility; } } ksort($did_mean); $_did_mean = array_pop($did_mean); if ($_did_mean == '') { $_did_mean = NULL; } if (ocp_srv('HTTP_REFERER') != '' && !handle_has_checked_recently('request-' . $zone . ':' . $codename)) { require_code('failure'); relay_error_notification(do_lang('_MISSING_RESOURCE', $zone . ':' . $codename) . ' ' . do_lang('REFERRER', ocp_srv('HTTP_REFERER'), substr(get_browser_string(), 0, 255)), false, 'error_occurred_missing_page'); } $title = get_page_title('ERROR_OCCURRED'); $add_access = has_actual_page_access(get_member(), 'cms_comcode_pages', NULL, NULL, 'submit_highrange_content'); $redirect_access = addon_installed('redirects_editor') && has_actual_page_access(get_member(), 'admin_redirects'); require_lang('zones'); $add_url = $add_access ? build_url(array('page' => 'cms_comcode_pages', 'type' => '_ed', 'page_link' => $zone . ':' . $codename), get_module_zone('cms_comcode_pages')) : new ocp_tempcode(); $add_redirect_url = $redirect_access ? build_url(array('page' => 'admin_redirects', 'type' => 'misc', 'page_link' => $zone . ':' . $codename), get_module_zone('admin_redirects')) : new ocp_tempcode(); return do_template('MISSING_SCREEN', array('_GUID' => '22f371577cd2ba437e7b0cb241931575', 'TITLE' => $title, 'DID_MEAN' => $_did_mean, 'ADD_URL' => $add_url, 'ADD_REDIRECT_URL' => $add_redirect_url, 'PAGE' => $codename)); }
/** * Standard modular render function for profile tabs edit hooks. * * @param MEMBER The ID of the member who is being viewed * @param MEMBER The ID of the member who is doing the viewing * @param boolean Whether to leave the tab contents NULL, if tis hook supports it, so that AJAX can load it later * @return ?array A tuple: The tab title, the tab body text (may be blank), the tab fields, extra Javascript (may be blank) the suggested tab order, hidden fields (optional) (NULL: if $leave_to_ajax_if_possible was set) */ function render_tab($member_id_of, $member_id_viewing, $leave_to_ajax_if_possible = false) { $title = do_lang_tempcode('SIGNATURE'); $order = 40; // Actualiser $new_signature = post_param('signature', NULL); if ($new_signature !== NULL) { require_code('ocf_members_action'); require_code('ocf_members_action2'); ocf_member_choose_signature($new_signature, $member_id_of); require_code('autosave'); clear_ocp_autosave(); attach_message(do_lang_tempcode('SUCCESS_SAVE'), 'inform'); } if ($leave_to_ajax_if_possible) { return NULL; } // UI $_signature = get_translated_tempcode($GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->get_member_row_field($member_id_of, 'm_signature'), $GLOBALS['FORUM_DB']); $signature = $_signature->is_empty() ? do_lang_tempcode('NONE_EM') : $_signature; $_signature_original = get_translated_text($GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->get_member_row_field($member_id_of, 'm_signature'), $GLOBALS['FORUM_DB']); $size = ocf_get_member_best_group_property($member_id_of, 'max_sig_length_comcode'); $javascript = "\n\t\t\tvar form=document.getElementById('signature').form;\n\t\t\tform.old_submit=form.onsubmit;\n\t\t\tform.onsubmit=function()\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\tvar post=form.elements['signature'];\n\t\t\t\t\tif ((!post.value) && (post[1])) post=post[1];\n\t\t\t\t\tif (post.value.length>" . strval($size) . ")\n\t\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\t\twindow.fauxmodal_alert('" . php_addslashes(do_lang('SIGNATURE_TOO_BIG')) . "');\n\t\t\t\t\t\treturn false;\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\tif (typeof form.old_submit!='undefined' && form.old_submit) return form.old_submit();\n\t\t\t\t\treturn true;\n\t\t\t\t};\n\t\t"; require_code('form_templates'); $required = false; $has_preview = true; require_lang('javascript'); require_javascript('javascript_posting'); require_javascript('javascript_editing'); require_javascript('javascript_ajax'); require_javascript('javascript_swfupload'); require_css('swfupload'); require_lang('comcode'); $tabindex = get_form_field_tabindex(); $post_comment = do_lang_tempcode('SIGNATURE'); list($attachments, $attach_size_field) = get_attachments('signature'); $hidden_fields = new ocp_tempcode(); $hidden_fields->attach($attach_size_field); $continue_url = get_self_url(); $comcode_help = build_url(array('page' => 'userguide_comcode'), get_comcode_zone('userguide_comcode', false)); $emoticon_chooser = $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->get_emoticon_chooser(); $comcode_editor = get_comcode_editor(); $comcode_editor_small = get_comcode_editor('signature', true); $w = has_js() && (browser_matches('wysiwyg') && strpos($_signature_original, '{$,page hint: no_wysiwyg}') === false); $class = ''; global $JAVASCRIPT, $WYSIWYG_ATTACHED; if (!$WYSIWYG_ATTACHED) { $JAVASCRIPT->attach(do_template('HTML_EDIT')); } $WYSIWYG_ATTACHED = true; @header('Content-type: text/html; charset=' . get_charset()); if ($w) { $class .= ' wysiwyg'; } global $LAX_COMCODE; $temp = $LAX_COMCODE; $LAX_COMCODE = true; $GLOBALS['COMCODE_PARSE_URLS_CHECKED'] = 100; // Little hack to stop it checking any URLs /*if (is_null($default_parsed)) */ $default_parsed = comcode_to_tempcode($_signature_original, NULL, false, 60, NULL, NULL, true); $LAX_COMCODE = $temp; $fields = new ocp_tempcode(); $fields->attach(do_template('POSTING_FIELD', array('PRETTY_NAME' => do_lang_tempcode('SIGNATURE'), 'DESCRIPTION' => '', 'HIDDEN_FIELDS' => $hidden_fields, 'NAME' => 'signature', 'REQUIRED' => $required, 'TABINDEX_PF' => strval($tabindex), 'COMCODE_EDITOR' => $comcode_editor, 'COMCODE_EDITOR_SMALL' => $comcode_editor_small, 'CLASS' => $class, 'COMCODE_URL' => build_url(array('page' => 'userguide_comcode'), get_comcode_zone('userguide_comcode', false)), 'EXTRA' => '', 'POST_COMMENT' => $post_comment, 'EMOTICON_CHOOSER' => $emoticon_chooser, 'COMCODE_HELP' => $comcode_help, 'POST' => $_signature_original, 'DEFAULT_PARSED' => $default_parsed, 'CONTINUE_URL' => $continue_url, 'ATTACHMENTS' => $attachments))); $text = do_template('OCF_EDIT_SIGNATURE_TAB', array('_GUID' => 'f5f2eb2552c34840c9cf46886422401e', 'SIZE' => integer_format($size), 'SIGNATURE' => $signature, 'TITLE' => $title)); return array($title, $fields, $text, $javascript, $order); }
/** * The UI to view an author. * * @return tempcode The UI */ function show_author() { $author = get_param('id', NULL); if (is_null($author)) { if (is_guest()) { global $EXTRA_HEAD; $EXTRA_HEAD->attach('<meta name="robots" content="noindex" />'); // XHTMLXHTML warn_exit(do_lang_tempcode('USER_NO_EXIST')); } $author = $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->get_username(get_member()); } if (is_null($author) || $author == '') { warn_exit(do_lang_tempcode('INTERNAL_ERROR')); } // Really don't want to have to search on this if (addon_installed('awards')) { require_code('awards'); $awards = find_awards_for('author', $author); } else { $awards = array(); } $title = get_page_title('_AUTHOR', true, array(escape_html($author)), NULL, $awards); seo_meta_load_for('authors', $author); $rows = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_select('authors', array('url', 'description', 'skills'), array('author' => $author), '', 1); if (!array_key_exists(0, $rows)) { if (has_actual_page_access(get_member(), 'cms_authors') && has_edit_author_permission(get_member(), $author)) { $GLOBALS['HTTP_STATUS_CODE'] = '404'; if (!headers_sent()) { if (!browser_matches('ie') && strpos(ocp_srv('SERVER_SOFTWARE'), 'IIS') === false) { header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found'); } } $_author_add_url = build_url(array('page' => 'cms_authors', 'type' => '_ad', 'author' => $author), get_module_zone('cms_authors')); $author_add_url = $_author_add_url->evaluate(); $message = do_lang_tempcode('NO_SUCH_AUTHOR_CONFIGURE_ONE', escape_html($author), escape_html($author_add_url)); attach_message($message, 'inform'); } else { $message = do_lang_tempcode('NO_SUCH_AUTHOR', escape_html($author)); } $details = array('author' => $author, 'url' => '', 'forum_handle' => $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->get_member_from_username($author), 'description' => NULL, 'skills' => NULL); //return inform_screen($title,$message); } else { $details = $rows[0]; } // Links associated with the mapping between the author and a forum member $handle = get_author_id_from_name($author); if (!is_null($handle)) { $forum_details = do_template('AUTHOR_SCREEN_POTENTIAL_ACTION_ENTRY', array('ACTION' => hyperlink($GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->member_profile_url($handle, true, true), do_lang_tempcode('AUTHOR_PROFILE'), false, false, '', NULL, NULL, 'me'))); if (addon_installed('points')) { $give_points_url = build_url(array('page' => 'points', 'type' => 'member', 'id' => $handle), get_module_zone('points')); $point_details = do_template('AUTHOR_SCREEN_POTENTIAL_ACTION_ENTRY', array('ACTION' => hyperlink($give_points_url, do_lang_tempcode('AUTHOR_POINTS')))); } else { $point_details = new ocp_tempcode(); } } else { $forum_details = new ocp_tempcode(); $point_details = new ocp_tempcode(); } // Homepage $url = $details['url']; if (strlen($url) > 0) { $url_details = do_template('AUTHOR_SCREEN_POTENTIAL_ACTION_ENTRY', array('ACTION' => hyperlink($url, do_lang_tempcode('AUTHOR_HOMEPAGE'), false, false, '', NULL, NULL, 'me'))); } else { $url_details = new ocp_tempcode(); } // (Self?) description $description = is_null($details['description']) ? new ocp_tempcode() : get_translated_tempcode($details['description']); // Skills $skills = is_null($details['skills']) ? new ocp_tempcode() : get_translated_tempcode($details['skills']); // Edit link, for staff if (has_edit_author_permission(get_member(), $author)) { $edit_author_url = build_url(array('page' => 'cms_authors', 'type' => '_ad', 'author' => $author), get_module_zone('cms_authors')); $staff_details = do_template('AUTHOR_SCREEN_POTENTIAL_ACTION_ENTRY', array('ACTION' => hyperlink($edit_author_url, do_lang_tempcode('DEFINE_AUTHOR'), false))); } else { $staff_details = new ocp_tempcode(); } // Search link if (addon_installed('search')) { $search_url = build_url(array('page' => 'search', 'author' => $author), get_module_zone('search')); $search_details = do_template('AUTHOR_SCREEN_POTENTIAL_ACTION_ENTRY', array('ACTION' => hyperlink($search_url, do_lang_tempcode('SEARCH'), false))); } else { $search_details = new ocp_tempcode(); } // Downloads $downloads_released = new ocp_tempcode(); if (addon_installed('downloads')) { require_code('downloads'); require_lang('downloads'); $count = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_value('download_downloads', 'COUNT(*)', array('author' => $author, 'validated' => 1)); if ($count > 50) { $downloads_released = paragraph(do_lang_tempcode('TOO_MANY_TO_CHOOSE_FROM')); } else { $rows = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_select('download_downloads', array('*'), array('author' => $author, 'validated' => 1)); require_code('downloads'); foreach ($rows as $i => $myrow) { if ($i != 0) { $downloads_released->attach(do_template('BLOCK_SEPARATOR', array('_GUID' => 'ea789367b15bsddsdsdsc586e6e6536'))); } if (has_category_access(get_member(), 'downloads', strval($myrow['category_id']))) { $downloads_released->attach(get_download_html($myrow)); } } } } // News $news_released = new ocp_tempcode(); if (addon_installed('news')) { require_lang('news'); $count = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_value('news', 'COUNT(*)', array('author' => $author, 'validated' => 1)); if ($count > 50) { $news_released = paragraph(do_lang_tempcode('TOO_MANY_TO_CHOOSE_FROM')); } else { $rows = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_select('news', array('*'), array('author' => $author, 'validated' => 1)); foreach ($rows as $i => $row) { if (has_category_access(get_member(), 'news', strval($row['news_category']))) { $url = build_url(array('page' => 'news', 'type' => 'view', 'id' => $row['id']), get_module_zone('news')); $_title = get_translated_tempcode($row['title']); $title_plain = get_translated_text($row['title']); $seo_bits = seo_meta_get_for('news', strval($row['id'])); $map = array('ID' => strval($row['id']), 'TAGS' => get_loaded_tags('news', explode(',', $seo_bits[0])), 'SUBMITTER' => strval($row['submitter']), 'DATE' => get_timezoned_date($row['date_and_time']), 'DATE_RAW' => strval($row['date_and_time']), 'URL' => $url, 'TITLE_PLAIN' => $title_plain, 'TITLE' => $_title); if (get_option('is_on_comments') == '1' && !has_no_forum() && $row['allow_comments'] >= 1) { $map['COMMENT_COUNT'] = '1'; } $tpl = do_template('NEWS_BRIEF', $map); $news_released->attach($tpl); } } } } // Edit link $edit_url = new ocp_tempcode(); if (has_edit_author_permission(get_member(), $author)) { $edit_url = build_url(array('page' => 'cms_authors', 'type' => '_ad', 'id' => $author), 'cms'); } return do_template('AUTHOR_SCREEN', array('_GUID' => 'ea789367b15bc90fc28d1c586e6e6536', 'TAGS' => get_loaded_tags(), 'TITLE' => $title, 'EDIT_URL' => $edit_url, 'AUTHOR' => $author, 'NEWS_RELEASED' => $news_released, 'DOWNLOADS_RELEASED' => $downloads_released, 'STAFF_DETAILS' => $staff_details, 'POINT_DETAILS' => $point_details, 'SEARCH_DETAILS' => $search_details, 'URL_DETAILS' => $url_details, 'FORUM_DETAILS' => $forum_details, 'SKILLS' => $skills, 'DESCRIPTION' => $description)); }
/** * Show a helpful access-denied page. Has a login ability if it senses that logging in could curtail the error. * * @param ID_TEXT The class of error (e.g. SPECIFIC_PERMISSION) * @param string The parameteter given to the error message * @param boolean Force the user to login (even if perhaps they are logged in already) */ function _access_denied($class, $param, $force_login) { $GLOBALS['HTTP_STATUS_CODE'] = '401'; if (!headers_sent()) { if (!browser_matches('ie') && strpos(ocp_srv('SERVER_SOFTWARE'), 'IIS') === false) { header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized'); } // Stop spiders ever storing the URL that caused this } require_lang('permissions'); require_lang('ocf_config'); $match_keys = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_select('match_key_messages', array('k_message', 'k_match_key')); global $M_SORT_KEY; $M_SORT_KEY = 'k_match_key'; usort($match_keys, 'strlen_sort'); $match_keys = array_reverse($match_keys); $message = NULL; foreach ($match_keys as $match_key) { if (match_key_match($match_key['k_match_key'])) { $message = get_translated_tempcode($match_key['k_message']); } } if (is_null($message)) { if (strpos($class, ' ') !== false) { $message = make_string_tempcode($class); } else { if ($class == 'SPECIFIC_PERMISSION') { $param = do_lang('PT_' . $param); } $message = do_lang_tempcode('ACCESS_DENIED__' . $class, escape_html($GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->get_username(get_member())), escape_html($param)); } } // Run hooks, if any exist $hooks = find_all_hooks('systems', 'upon_access_denied'); foreach (array_keys($hooks) as $hook) { require_code('hooks/systems/upon_access_denied/' . filter_naughty($hook)); $ob = object_factory('Hook_upon_access_denied_' . filter_naughty($hook), true); if (is_null($ob)) { continue; } $ob->run($class, $param, $force_login); } require_code('site'); log_stats('/access_denied', 0); if (is_guest() && (running_script('attachment') || running_script('dload') || $GLOBALS['NON_PAGE_SCRIPT'] == 0) || $force_login) { @ob_end_clean(); $redirect = get_self_url(true, true, array('page' => get_param('page', ''))); // We have to pass in 'page' because an access-denied situation tells get_page_name() (which get_self_url() relies on) that we are on page ''. $_GET['redirect'] = $redirect; $_GET['page'] = 'login'; $_GET['type'] = 'misc'; global $PAGE_NAME_CACHE; $PAGE_NAME_CACHE = 'login'; $middle = load_module_page(_get_module_path('', 'login'), 'login'); require_code('site'); attach_message($message, 'warn'); $echo = globalise($middle, NULL, '', true); $echo->evaluate_echo(); exit; } //if ($GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->is_super_admin(get_member())) fatal_exit($message); warn_exit($message); }
/** * Exit with a nicely formatted critical error. * * @param string The error message code * @param ?string Relayed additional details (NULL: nothing relayed) * @param boolean Whether to actually exit */ function critical_error($code, $relay = NULL, $exit = true) { error_reporting(0); if (!headers_sent()) { if (function_exists('browser_matches') && (is_null($relay) || strpos($relay, 'Allowed memory') === false)) { if (!browser_matches('ie') && strpos(ocp_srv('SERVER_SOFTWARE'), 'IIS') === false) { header('HTTP/1.0 500 Internal server error'); } } } $error = 'Unknown critical error type: this should not happen, so please report this to ocProducts.'; switch ($code) { case 'MISSING_SOURCE': $error = 'A source-code (' . $relay . ') file is missing.'; break; case 'PASSON': $error = $relay; break; case 'MEMBER_BANNED': $error = 'The member you are masquerading as has been banned. We cannot finish initialising the virtualised environment for this reason.'; break; case 'BANNED': $error = 'The IP address you are accessing this website from (' . get_ip_address() . ') has been banished from this website. If you believe this is a mistake, contact the staff to have it resolved (typically, postmaster@' . get_domain() . ' will be able to reach them).</div>' . chr(10) . '<div>If you are yourself staff, you should be able to unban yourself by editing the <kbd>usersubmitban_ip</kbd> table in a database administation tool, by removing rows that qualify against yourself. This error is raised to a critical error to reduce the chance of this IP address being able to further consume server resources.'; break; /* case 'PHP': $error='<p>This is a PHP error.</div>'.chr(10).'<div style="padding-left: 50px">'.$relay; break; */ /* case 'PHP': $error='<p>This is a PHP error.</div>'.chr(10).'<div style="padding-left: 50px">'.$relay; break; */ case 'TEST': $error = 'This is a test error.'; break; case 'BUSY': $error = 'This is a less-critical error that has been elevated for quick dismissal due to high server load.</div>' . chr(10) . '<div style="padding-left: 50px">' . $relay; break; case 'EMERGENCY': $error = 'This is an error that has been elevated to critical error status because it occurred during the primary error mechanism reporting system itself (possibly due to it occuring within the standard output framework). It may be masking a secondary error that occurred before this, but was never output - if so, it is likely strongly related to this one, thus fixing this will fix the other.</div>' . chr(10) . '<div style="padding-left: 50px">' . $relay; break; case 'RELAY': $error = 'This is a relayed critical error, which means that this less-critical error has occurred during startup, and thus halted startup.</div>' . chr(10) . '<div style="padding-left: 50px">' . $relay; break; case 'FILE_DOS': $error = 'This website was prompted to download a file (' . htmlentities($relay) . ') which seemingly has a never-ending chain of redirections. Because this could be a denial of service attack, execution has been terminated.'; break; case 'DATABASE_FAIL': $error = 'The website\'s first database query (checking the page request is not from a banned IP address) has failed. This almost always means that the database is not set up correctly, which in turns means that either backend database configuration has changed (perhaps the database has been emptied), or the configuration file (info.php) has been incorrectly altered (perhaps to point to an empty database), or you have moved servers and not updated your info.php settings properly or placed your database. It could also mean that the <kbd>' . get_table_prefix() . 'usersubmitban_ip</kbd> table or <kbd>' . get_table_prefix() . 'config</kbd> table alone is missing or corrupt, but this is unlikely. As this is an error due to the website\'s environment being externally altered by unknown means, the website cannot continue to function or solve the problem itself.'; break; case 'INFO.PHP': $install_url = 'install.php'; if (!file_exists($install_url)) { $install_url = '../install.php'; } if (file_exists($install_url)) { $likely = 'ocPortal files have been placed, yet installation not completed. To install ocPortal, <a href="' . $install_url . '">run the installer</a>.'; } else { $likely = 'ocPortal files have been placed by direct copying from a non-standard source that included neither a configuration file nor installation script, or info.php has become corrupt after installation. The installer (install.php) is not present: it is advised that you replace info.php from backup, or if you have not yet installed, use an official ocProducts installation package.'; } $error = 'The top-level configuration file (info.php) is either not-present or empty. This file is created upon installation, and the likely cause of this error is that ' . $likely; break; case 'INFO.PHP_CORRUPTED': $error = 'The top-level configuration file (info.php) appears to be corrupt. Perhaps it was incorrectly uploaded, or a typo was made. It must be valid PHP code.'; break; case 'CRIT_LANG': $error = 'The most basic critical error language file (lang/' . fallback_lang() . '/critical_error.ini) is missing. It is likely that other files are also, for whatever reason, missing from this ocPortal installation.'; break; } $edit_url = 'config_editor.php'; if (!file_exists($edit_url)) { $edit_url = '../' . $edit_url; } if (isset($GLOBALS['SITE_INFO']['base_url'])) { $edit_url = $GLOBALS['SITE_INFO']['base_url'] . '/config_editor.php'; } $extra = ''; if (function_exists('debug_backtrace') && strpos($error, 'Allowed memory') === false && (is_null($relay) || strpos($relay, 'Stack trace') === false) && function_exists('ocp_srv') && (ocp_srv('REMOTE_ADDR') == ocp_srv('SERVER_ADDR') && ocp_srv('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR') == '' || preg_match('#^localhost(\\.|\\:|$)#', ocp_srv('HTTP_HOST')) != 0 && function_exists('get_base_url') && substr(get_base_url(), 0, 16) == 'http://localhost')) { $_trace = debug_backtrace(); $extra = '<div class="medborder medborder_box"><h2>Stack trace…</h2>'; foreach ($_trace as $stage) { $traces = ''; foreach ($stage as $key => $value) { if (is_object($value) && is_a($value, 'ocp_tempcode') || is_array($value) && strlen(serialize($value)) > 500) { $_value = gettype($value); } else { if (strpos($error, 'Allowed memory') !== false) { $_value = gettype($value); switch ($_value) { case 'integer': $_value = strval($value); break; case 'string': $_value = $value; break; } } else { @ob_start(); if (function_exists('var_export')) { /*var_dump*/ var_export($value); } $_value = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); } } global $SITE_INFO; if (isset($SITE_INFO['db_site_password']) && strlen($SITE_INFO['db_site_password']) > 4) { $_value = str_replace($SITE_INFO['db_site_password'], '(password removed)', $_value); } if (isset($SITE_INFO['db_forums_password']) && strlen($SITE_INFO['db_forums_password']) > 4) { $_value = str_replace($SITE_INFO['db_forums_password'], '(password removed)', $_value); } $traces .= ucfirst($key) . ' -> ' . htmlentities($_value) . '<br />' . chr(10); } $extra .= '<p>' . $traces . '</p>' . chr(10); } $extra .= '</div>'; } $headers_sent = headers_sent(); if (!$headers_sent) { @header('Content-type: text/html'); echo <<<END <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="EN" lang="EN"> <head> \t<title>Critical error</title> \t<style type="text/css"><![CDATA[ END; if (strpos($error, 'Allowed memory') === false) { $file_contents = file_get_contents($GLOBALS['FILE_BASE'] . '/themes/default/css/global.css'); } else { $file_contents = ''; // Can't load files if dying due to memory limit } $css = preg_replace('#/\\*\\s*\\*/\\s*#', '', str_replace('url(\'\')', 'none', str_replace('url("")', 'none', preg_replace('#\\{\\$[^\\}]*\\}#', '', $file_contents)))); echo htmlentities($css); echo <<<END \t\t.main_page_title { text-decoration: underline; display: block; min-height: 42px; padding: 3px 0 0 0; } \t\ta[target="_blank"], a[onclick\$="window.open"] { padding-right: 0; } \t]]></style> </head> <body><div class="global_middle"> END; } echo '<h1 class="main_page_title">Critical error – bailing out</h1>' . chr(10) . '<div class="red_alert">' . $error . '</div>' . chr(10); flush(); if (strpos($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 'upgrader.php') !== false && strpos($error, 'Allowed memory') === false) { require_code('upgrade'); echo '<div class="medborder medborder_box"><h2>Integrity check</h2><p><strong>If you think this problem could be due to corruption caused by a failed upgrade (e.g. time-out during extraction), check the following integrity check…</strong></p>', run_integrity_check(true), '</div><br />'; } flush(); echo $extra, chr(10); echo '<p>Details here are intended only for the website/system-administrator, not for regular website users.<br />» <strong>If you are a regular website user, please let the website staff deal with this problem.</strong></p>' . chr(10) . '<p class="associated_details">Depending on the error, and only if the website installation finished, you may need to <a href="#" onclick="if (!window.confirm(\'Are you staff on this site?\')) return false; this.href=\'' . htmlentities($edit_url) . '\';">edit the installation options</a> (the <kbd>info.php</kbd> file).</p>' . chr(10) . '<p class="associated_details">ocProducts maintains full documentation for all procedures and tools. These may be found on the <a href="http://ocportal.com">ocPortal website</a>. If you are unable to easily solve this problem, we may be contacted from our website and can help resolve it for you.</p>' . chr(10) . '<hr />' . chr(10) . '<p style="font-size: 0.8em"><a href="http://ocportal.com/">ocPortal</a> is a <abbr title="Content Management System">CMS</abbr> for building websites, developed by ocProducts.</p>' . chr(10); echo '</div></body>' . chr(10) . '</html>'; $GLOBALS['SCREEN_TEMPLATE_CALLED'] = ''; if ($exit) { exit; } }
/** * Evaluate a conventional tempcode variable, handling escaping * * @param LANGUAGE_NAME The language to evaluate this symbol in (some symbols refer to language elements) * @param array Array of escaping operations * @param integer The type of symbol this is (TC_SYMBOL, TC_LANGUAGE_REFERENCE) * @set 0 2 * @param ID_TEXT The name of the symbol * @param array Parameters to the symbol. For all but directive it is an array of strings. For directives it is an array of Tempcode objects. Actually there may be template-style parameters in here, as an influence of singular_bind and these may be Tempcode, but we ignore them. * @return mixed The result. Either tempcode, or a string. */ function ecv($lang, $escaped, $type, $name, $param) { global $TEMPCODE_SETGET, $CYCLES, $PREPROCESSABLE_SYMBOLS, $DISPLAYED_TITLE; //echo '<!--'.$name.'-->'."\n"; if ($type == TC_SYMBOL) { $escaped_codes = $name . ($escaped == array() ? '' : serialize($escaped)); $cacheable = $param == array() && !isset($GLOBALS['NON_CACHEABLE_SYMBOLS'][$name]); if ($cacheable) { global $SYMBOL_CACHE; if (isset($SYMBOL_CACHE[$escaped_codes])) { return $SYMBOL_CACHE[$escaped_codes]; } } $value = ''; if ($GLOBALS['XSS_DETECT']) { ocp_mark_as_escaped($value); } $temp_array = array(); if (isset($PREPROCESSABLE_SYMBOLS[$name]) && $name != 'PAGE_LINK') { handle_symbol_preprocessing(array($escaped, $type, $name, $param), $temp_array); } // Late preprocessing. Should not be needed in case of full screen output (as this was properly preprocessed), but is in other cases switch ($name) { case 'PAGE_LINK': if (isset($param[0])) { list($zone, $map, $hash) = page_link_decode(is_object($param[0]) ? $param[0]->evaluate() : $param[0]); $skip = NULL; if (isset($param[4])) { $skip = array_flip(explode('|', $param[4])); } $avoid_remap = isset($param[1]) && $param[1] == '1'; $skip_keep = isset($param[2]) && $param[2] == '1'; $keep_all = isset($param[3]) && $param[3] == '1'; foreach ($map as $key => $val) { if (is_object($val)) { $map[$key] = $val->evaluate(); } } $value = _build_url($map, $zone, $skip, $keep_all, $avoid_remap, $skip_keep, $hash); } else { $value = get_zone_name() . ':' . get_page_name(); foreach ($_GET as $key => $val) { if ($key == 'page') { continue; } if (is_array($val)) { continue; } if (substr($key, 0, 5) == 'keep_' && !skippable_keep($key, $val)) { continue; } $value .= ':' . $key . '=' . $val; } } break; case 'SET': if (isset($param[1])) { if (isset($param[1]) && is_object($param[1])) { $TEMPCODE_SETGET[$param[0]] = $param[1]; } else { $param_copy = $param; unset($param_copy[0]); $TEMPCODE_SETGET[$param[0]] = implode(',', $param_copy); } } break; case 'GET': if (isset($param[0])) { if (isset($TEMPCODE_SETGET[$param[0]])) { if (is_object($TEMPCODE_SETGET[$param[0]])) { $TEMPCODE_SETGET[$param[0]] = $TEMPCODE_SETGET[$param[0]]->evaluate(); } $value = $TEMPCODE_SETGET[$param[0]]; } } break; case 'EQ': if (isset($param[1])) { $first = array_shift($param); $count = 0; foreach ($param as $test) { if ($first == $test) { $count++; break; } } $value = $count != 0 ? '1' : '0'; } break; case 'NEQ': if (isset($param[1])) { $first = array_shift($param); $count = 0; foreach ($param as $test) { if ($first == $test) { $count++; } } $value = $count == 0 ? '1' : '0'; } break; case 'NOT': if (isset($param[0])) { $value = $param[0] == '1' || $param[0] == '1' ? '0' : '1'; } break; case 'OR': $count = 0; foreach ($param as $test) { if ($test == '1' || $test == '1') { $count++; } } $value = $count > 0 ? '1' : '0'; break; case 'AND': $count = 0; foreach ($param as $test) { if ($test == '1' || $test == '1') { $count++; } } $value = $count == count($param) ? '1' : '0'; break; case 'HAS_ACTUAL_PAGE_ACCESS': if (isset($param[0])) { $value = has_actual_page_access($param !== NULL && isset($param[2]) ? intval($param[2]) : get_member(), $param[0], isset($param[1]) ? $param[1] : NULL) ? '1' : '0'; } break; case '?': if (isset($param[1])) { $value = $param[0] == '1' || $param[0] == '1' ? $param[1] : (isset($param[2]) ? $param[2] : $value); } break; case 'IMG': if (isset($param[0]) && isset($GLOBALS['SITE_DB']) && function_exists('find_theme_image') && $GLOBALS['IN_MINIKERNEL_VERSION'] == 0) { $value = find_theme_image($param[0], isset($param[3]) && $param[3] == '1', false, array_key_exists(2, $param) && $param[2] != '' ? $param[2] : NULL, NULL, isset($param[1]) && $param[1] == '1' ? $GLOBALS['FORUM_DB'] : $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']); } break; case '': break; case 'META_DATA': if (isset($param[0])) { global $META_DATA; if (isset($param[1])) { $matches = array(); if ($param[0] == 'image' && preg_match('#^' . preg_quote(find_script('attachment'), '#') . '\\?id=(\\d+)#', $param[1], $matches) != 0) { require_code('attachments'); if (!has_attachment_access($GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->get_guest_id(), intval($matches[1]))) { break; } } $META_DATA[$param[0]] = $param[1]; } else { $value = isset($META_DATA[$param[0]]) ? strip_comcode($META_DATA[$param[0]]) : ''; if ($value === NULL) { $value = ''; } } } break; case 'SPECIAL_CLICK_TO_EDIT': $_value = do_lang_tempcode('SPECIAL_CLICK_TO_EDIT'); $value = $_value->evaluate(); break; case 'KEEP': // What needs preserving in the URL $value = keep_symbol($param); break; case 'BROWSER': if (isset($param[1])) { $q = false; foreach (explode('|', $param[0]) as $browser) { $q = browser_matches($browser); if ($q) { break; } } $value = $q ? $param[1] : (isset($param[2]) ? $param[2] : ''); if ($GLOBALS['XSS_DETECT']) { ocp_mark_as_escaped($value); } } break; case 'JAVASCRIPT_INCLUDE': if (isset($param[0])) { require_javascript($param[0]); /*// Has to do this inline, as you're not allowed to reference scripts outside head if (!array_key_exists($param[0],$GLOBALS['JAVASCRIPTS'])) { $GLOBALS['JAVASCRIPTS'][$param[0]]=1; $file=javascript_enforce($param[0]); $_value=do_template('JAVASCRIPT_NEED_INLINE',array('_GUID'=>'d6c907e26c5a8dd8c65f1d36a1a674a9','CODE'=>file_get_contents($file,FILE_TEXT))); $value=$_value->evaluate(); }*/ } break; case 'FACILITATE_AJAX_BLOCK_CALL': if (isset($param[0])) { require_javascript('javascript_ajax'); require_code('blocks'); $_block_constraints = block_params_to_block_signature(block_params_str_to_arr($param[0])); if (array_key_exists(1, $param)) { $_block_constraints = array_merge($_block_constraints, block_params_str_to_arr($param[1])); ksort($_block_constraints); } $block_constraints = block_params_arr_to_str($_block_constraints); // Store permissions $_auth_key = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_select('temp_block_permissions', array('id', 'p_time'), array('p_session_id' => get_session_id(), 'p_block_constraints' => $block_constraints), '', 1); if (!array_key_exists(0, $_auth_key)) { $auth_key = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_insert('temp_block_permissions', array('p_session_id' => get_session_id(), 'p_block_constraints' => $block_constraints, 'p_time' => time()), true); } else { $auth_key = $_auth_key[0]['id']; if (time() - $_auth_key[0]['p_time'] > 100) { $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_update('temp_block_permissions', array('p_time' => time()), array('p_session_id' => get_session_id(), 'p_block_constraints' => $block_constraints), '', 1); } } $keep = symbol_tempcode('KEEP'); $value = find_script('snippet') . '?snippet=block&auth_key=' . urlencode(strval($auth_key)) . '&block_map=' . urlencode($param[0]) . $keep->evaluate(); } break; case 'LANG': $value = user_lang(); break; case '_GET': if (isset($param[0])) { $value = get_param($param[0], isset($param[1]) ? $param[1] : '', true); } break; case 'QUERY_STRING': $value = ocp_srv('QUERY_STRING'); break; case 'USER_AGENT': $value = ocp_srv('HTTP_USER_AGENT'); break; case 'STRIP_TAGS': if (isset($param[0])) { if (isset($param[1]) && $param[1] == '1') { $value = strip_tags(str_replace('))', ')', str_replace('((', '(', str_replace('<em>', '(', str_replace('</em>', ')', $param[0]))))); } else { $value = strip_tags($param[0], array_key_exists(2, $param) ? $param[2] : ''); } if (isset($param[1]) && $param[1] == '1') { $value = @html_entity_decode($value, ENT_QUOTES, get_charset()); } } break; case 'CONFIG_OPTION': if (isset($param[0])) { if (!isset($GLOBALS['OPTIONS'])) { $value = '0'; } else { $value = get_option($param[0], true); if ($value === NULL) { $value = ''; } } } break; case 'TRUNCATE_LEFT': // Truncate the left length of a string. 0: text to truncate, 1: the truncate length, 2: whether to use a tooltip mouse-over if it is truncated, 3: whether it is encoded as HTML (0=no [default, plain-text], 1=yes) $value = symbol_truncator($param, 'left'); break; case 'TRUNCATE_RIGHT': $value = symbol_truncator($param, 'right'); break; case 'TRUNCATE_SPREAD': $value = symbol_truncator($param, 'spread'); break; case 'TRUNCATE_EXPAND': $value = symbol_truncator($param, 'expand'); break; case 'THEME': if (isset($GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER'])) { $value = $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->get_theme(); } else { $value = 'default'; } break; case 'REVERSE': if (isset($param[0])) { $value = implode(',', array_reverse(explode(',', $param[0]))); } break; case 'COMMA_LIST_GET': if (isset($param[1])) { require_code('blocks'); $values = block_params_str_to_arr($param[0]); $value = isset($values[$param[1]]) ? $values[$param[1]] : ''; } break; case 'COMMA_LIST_SET': if (isset($param[2])) { require_code('blocks'); $values = block_params_str_to_arr($param[0]); $values[$param[1]] = $param[2]; $value = block_params_arr_to_str($values); } break; case 'IS_EMPTY': if (isset($param[0])) { $value = $param[0] == '' ? '1' : '0'; } break; case 'IS_NON_EMPTY': if (isset($param[0])) { $value = $param[0] != '' ? '1' : '0'; } break; case 'CUSTOM_BASE_URL': $value = get_custom_base_url(isset($param[0]) && $param[0] != '' ? $param[0] == '1' : NULL); if (isset($param[1]) && $param[1] == '1') { $value = cdn_filter($value); } break; case 'LOAD_PANEL': foreach ($param as $i => $p) { if (is_object($p)) { $param[$i] = $p->evaluate(); } } global $LOADED_PANELS; if (strpos($param[0], ':') !== false) { $param = array_reverse(explode(':', $param[0], 2)); } if (substr($param[0], 0, 6) == 'panel_') { $param[0] = substr($param[0], 6); } $sr = serialize($param); $value = array_key_exists($sr, $LOADED_PANELS) ? $LOADED_PANELS[$sr] : ''; break; case 'HAS_JS': case 'JS_ON': if (isset($param[1])) { $value = has_js() ? $param[0] : $param[1]; } else { $value = has_js() ? '1' : '0'; } break; case 'BASE_URL_NOHTTP': $value = preg_replace('#^https?://[^/]+#', '', get_base_url()); if (substr($value, 0, 2) == '//') { $value = substr($value, 1); } if (!$GLOBALS['DEBUG_MODE']) { break; } // Debug mode changes base domain so we need to actually use it in full (fine, we don't have HTTPS in debug mode). Bubble on... // Debug mode changes base domain so we need to actually use it in full (fine, we don't have HTTPS in debug mode). Bubble on... case 'CUSTOM_BASE_URL_NOHTTP': $value = preg_replace('#^https?://[^/]+/#', '/', get_custom_base_url()); if (substr($value, 0, 2) == '//') { $value = substr($value, 1); } if (!$GLOBALS['DEBUG_MODE']) { break; } // Debug mode changes base domain so we need to actually use it in full (fine, we don't have HTTPS in debug mode). Bubble on... // Debug mode changes base domain so we need to actually use it in full (fine, we don't have HTTPS in debug mode). Bubble on... case 'BASE_URL': $value = get_base_url(isset($param[0]) ? $param[0] == '1' : NULL); break; case 'ZONE': $value = get_zone_name(); break; case 'PAGE': $value = get_page_name(); break; case 'SITE_NAME': $value = get_site_name(); break; case 'HEADER_TEXT': global $ZONE; $value = $ZONE['zone_header_text_trans']; break; case 'PANEL_WIDTH': if (isset($TEMPCODE_SETGET['PANEL_WIDTH']) && $TEMPCODE_SETGET['PANEL_WIDTH'] != '') { $value = $TEMPCODE_SETGET['PANEL_WIDTH']; } else { $value = get_option('panel_width', true); if ($value === NULL) { $value = '13.3em'; } } break; case 'PANEL_WIDTH_SPACED': if (isset($TEMPCODE_SETGET['PANEL_WIDTH_SPACED']) && $TEMPCODE_SETGET['PANEL_WIDTH_SPACED'] != '') { $value = $TEMPCODE_SETGET['PANEL_WIDTH_SPACED']; } else { $value = get_option('panel_width_spaced', true); if (is_null($value)) { $value = '14.3em'; } } break; case 'TRIM': if (isset($param[0])) { $value = preg_replace(array('#^\\s+#', '#^(<br\\s*/?' . '>\\s*)+#', '#^( )+#', '#\\s+$#', '#(<br\\s*/?' . '>\\s*)+$#', '#( )+$#'), array('', '', '', '', '', ''), $param[0]); } break; case 'CPF_VALUE': if (isset($param[0])) { if (is_numeric($param[0])) { require_code('ocf_members'); $fields = ocf_get_custom_fields_member(isset($param[1]) ? intval($param[1]) : get_member()); if (array_key_exists(intval($param[0]), $fields)) { $_value = $fields[intval($param[0])]; } } elseif (substr($param[0], 0, 2) == 'm_' && strpos(strtolower($param[0]), 'hash') === false && strpos(strtolower($param[0]), 'salt') === false) { $_value = $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->get_member_row_field(isset($param[1]) ? intval($param[1]) : get_member(), $param[0]); } else { $_value = get_ocp_cpf($param[0], isset($param[1]) ? intval($param[1]) : NULL); } if (!is_string($_value)) { $value = is_null($_value) ? '' : strval($_value); } else { $value = $_value; } } break; case 'BANNER': if (addon_installed('banners')) { global $SITE_INFO; $is_on_banners = get_option('is_on_banners') == '1' && (!has_specific_permission(get_member(), 'banner_free') || $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->is_super_admin(get_member()) && get_option('admin_banners') == '1' || !is_null($GLOBALS['CURRENT_SHARE_USER'])); if (array_key_exists('throttle_bandwidth_registered', $SITE_INFO)) { $views_till_now = intval(get_value('page_views')); $bandwidth_allowed = $SITE_INFO['throttle_bandwidth_registered']; $total_bandwidth = intval(get_value('download_bandwidth')); if ($bandwidth_allowed * 1024 * 1024 >= $total_bandwidth) { $is_on_banners = false; } } if ($is_on_banners && !is_page_https(get_zone_name(), get_page_name())) { require_code('banners'); $b_type = isset($param[0]) ? $param[0] : ''; $internal_only = isset($param[1]) ? intval($param[1]) : ($b_type == '' ? 0 : 1); if (isset($GLOBALS['NON_CACHEABLE_SYMBOLS']['SET_RAND'])) { $_value = banners_script(true, '', '', $b_type, $internal_only, ''); $value = $_value->evaluate(); } else { $value = 'Banner goes here'; } } } break; case 'AVATAR': $value = $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->get_member_avatar_url(isset($param[0]) ? intval($param[0]) : get_member()); if (url_is_local($value) && $value != '') { $value = get_custom_base_url() . '/' . $value; } break; case 'IS_GUEST': if (isset($param[0])) { $value = is_guest(intval($param[0])) ? '1' : '0'; } else { $value = is_guest() ? '1' : '0'; } break; case 'MEMBER': $value = strval(get_member()); break; case 'USER': if (!isset($param[0])) { $value = strval(get_member()); } else { $member_id = $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->get_member_from_username($param[0]); $value = is_null($member_id) ? '' : strval($member_id); } break; case 'CSS_INCLUDE': if (isset($param[0])) { require_css($param[0]); /*// Has to do this inline, as you're not allowed to reference sheets outside head if (!array_key_exists($param[0],$GLOBALS['CSSS'])) { $GLOBALS['CSSS'][$param[0]]=1; $file=css_enforce($param[0]); $_value=do_template('CSS_NEED_INLINE',array('_GUID'=>'9de994d2f6d47a622d49347feb7ebe96','CSS'=>str_replace('../../../../',get_base_url().'/',file_get_contents($file,FILE_TEXT)))); $value=$_value->evaluate(); }*/ } break; case 'USER_OVERIDE': $value = get_param('id', ''); if (!is_numeric($value) || $value == '') { $value = strval(get_member()); } break; case 'IS_HTTPAUTH_LOGIN': $value = is_httpauth_login() ? '1' : '0'; break; case 'MEMBER_PROFILE_LINK': $value = $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->member_profile_url(!is_null($param) && isset($param[0]) ? intval($param[0]) : get_member(), false, true); if (is_null($value)) { $value = ''; } break; case 'USERNAME': $value = $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->get_username(!is_null($param) && isset($param[0]) ? intval($param[0]) : get_member()); if (is_null($value)) { $value = do_lang('UNKNOWN'); } break; case 'CYCLE': if (isset($param[0])) { if (!isset($CYCLES[$param[0]])) { $CYCLES[$param[0]] = 0; } if (!isset($param[1])) { $value = strval($CYCLES[$param[0]]); } else { if (count($param) == 2) { $param = array_merge(array($param[0]), explode(',', $param[1])); } ++$CYCLES[$param[0]]; if (!array_key_exists($CYCLES[$param[0]], $param)) { $CYCLES[$param[0]] = 1; } $value = $param[$CYCLES[$param[0]]]; } } break; case 'THUMBNAIL': require_code('images'); $value = _symbol_thumbnail($param); break; case 'IMAGE_WIDTH': require_code('images'); list($value, ) = _symbol_image_dims($param); break; case 'IMAGE_HEIGHT': require_code('images'); list(, $value) = _symbol_image_dims($param); break; case 'IS_IN_GROUP': if (isset($param[0])) { if (in_array($param[count($param) - 1], array('', 'primary', 'secondary'))) { $last_param = $param[count($param) - 1]; unset($param[count($param) - 1]); } else { $last_param = ''; } $member_id = get_member(); $new_param = ''; $param_2 = array(); foreach ($param as $group) { if (substr($group, 0, 1) == '!' && is_numeric(substr($group, 1))) { $member_id = intval(substr($group, 1)); } else { $param_2 = array_merge($param_2, explode(',', $group)); } } foreach ($param_2 as $group) { if ($new_param != '') { $new_param .= ','; } $new_param .= $group; } if ($last_param == 'primary') { $member_row = $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->get_member_row($member_id); $real_group_list = array($GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->pname_group($member_row)); } elseif ($last_param == 'secondary') { $real_group_list = $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->get_members_groups($member_id); $member_row = $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->get_member_row($member_id); $real_group_list = array_diff($real_group_list, array($GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->pname_group($member_row))); } else { $real_group_list = $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->get_members_groups($member_id); } require_code('ocfiltering'); $value = count(array_intersect(ocfilter_to_idlist_using_memory($new_param, $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->get_usergroup_list()), $real_group_list)) != 0 ? '1' : '0'; } break; case 'IS_STAFF': if (isset($GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER'])) { $value = $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->is_staff(!is_null($param) && isset($param[0]) ? intval($param[0]) : get_member()) ? '1' : '0'; } else { $value = '0'; } break; case 'IS_SUPER_ADMIN': if (isset($GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER'])) { $value = $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->is_super_admin(!is_null($param) && isset($param[0]) ? intval($param[0]) : get_member()) ? '1' : '0'; } else { $value = '0'; } break; case 'PHOTO': if (isset($param[0])) { $value = $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->get_member_photo_url(intval($param[0])); if (url_is_local($value) && $value != '') { $value = get_custom_base_url() . '/' . $value; } } break; case 'OCF_RANK_IMAGE': if (addon_installed('ocf_forum')) { require_code('ocf_groups'); $rank_images = new ocp_tempcode(); $member_id = isset($param[0]) ? intval($param[0]) : get_member(); $posters_groups = $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->get_members_groups($member_id, true); foreach ($posters_groups as $group) { $rank_image = ocf_get_group_property($group, 'rank_image'); $group_leader = ocf_get_group_property($group, 'group_leader'); $group_name = ocf_get_group_name($group); $rank_image_pri_only = ocf_get_group_property($group, 'rank_image_pri_only'); if ($rank_image != '' && ($rank_image_pri_only == 0 || $group == $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->get_member_row_field($member_id, 'm_primary_group'))) { $rank_images->attach(do_template('OCF_RANK_IMAGE', array('USERNAME' => $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->get_username($member_id), 'GROUP_NAME' => $group_name, 'IMG' => $rank_image, 'IS_LEADER' => $group_leader == $member_id))); } } $value = $rank_images->evaluate(); } break; case 'TOTAL_POINTS': if (addon_installed('points')) { require_code('points'); $value = strval(total_points(isset($param[0]) ? intval($param[0]) : get_member())); } break; case 'POINTS_USED': if (addon_installed('points')) { require_code('points'); $value = strval(points_used(isset($param[0]) ? intval($param[0]) : get_member())); } break; case 'AVAILABLE_POINTS': if (addon_installed('points')) { require_code('points'); $value = strval(available_points(isset($param[0]) ? intval($param[0]) : get_member())); } break; case 'URL_FOR_GET_FORM': if (isset($param[0])) { $url_bits = parse_url($param[0]); if (array_key_exists('scheme', $url_bits)) { $value = $url_bits['scheme'] . '://' . (array_key_exists('host', $url_bits) ? $url_bits['host'] : 'localhost'); if (array_key_exists('port', $url_bits) && $url_bits['port'] != 80) { $value .= ':' . strval($url_bits['port']); } } if (array_key_exists('path', $url_bits)) { $value .= $url_bits['path']; } } break; case 'HIDDENS_FOR_GET_FORM': $_value = new ocp_tempcode(); $url_bits = parse_url($param[0]); if (array_key_exists('query', $url_bits) && $url_bits['query'] != '') { foreach (explode('&', $url_bits['query']) as $exp) { $parts = explode('=', $exp, 2); if (count($parts) == 2) { if (!in_array($parts[0], $param)) { $_value->attach(form_input_hidden($parts[0], urldecode($parts[1]))); } } } } $value = $_value->evaluate(); break; case 'NOTIFICATIONS_ENABLED': $value = ''; if (array_key_exists(0, $param)) { require_code('notifications'); $value = notifications_enabled(array_key_exists(1, $param) ? $param[1] : get_page_name(), $param[0]) ? '1' : '0'; } break; case 'DOCUMENT_HELP': global $DOCUMENT_HELP, $HELPER_PANEL_TUTORIAL; $value = $DOCUMENT_HELP; if ($value == '' && $HELPER_PANEL_TUTORIAL != '') { $value = brand_base_url() . '/docs' . strval(ocp_version()) . '/pg/' . $HELPER_PANEL_TUTORIAL; } break; case 'HTTP_STATUS_CODE': global $HTTP_STATUS_CODE; $value = $HTTP_STATUS_CODE; break; case 'TEMPCODE': if (isset($param[0])) { require_code('tempcode_compiler'); $_value = template_to_tempcode($param[0]); $value = $_value->evaluate(); } break; case 'COMCODE': if (isset($param[0])) { $_value = comcode_to_tempcode($param[0], NULL, true); $value = $_value->evaluate(); } break; case 'FLAGRANT': $_value = get_flagrant(); $value = $_value->evaluate(); break; case 'IMG_WIDTH': case 'IMG_HEIGHT': if (isset($param[0]) && isset($GLOBALS['SITE_DB']) && function_exists('find_theme_image') && $GLOBALS['IN_MINIKERNEL_VERSION'] == 0) { global $THEME_IMG_DIMS_CACHE; if (!isset($THEME_IMG_DIMS_CACHE)) { $THEME_IMG_DIMS_CACHE = function_exists('persistant_cache_get') ? persistant_cache_get('THEME_IMG_DIMS') : array(); } if (isset($THEME_IMG_DIMS_CACHE[$param[0]])) { list($width, $height) = $THEME_IMG_DIMS_CACHE[$param[0]]; $value = $name == 'IMG_WIDTH' ? $width : $height; } else { if (strpos($param[0], '://') === false) { $img_url = find_theme_image($param[0], false, false, array_key_exists(2, $param) ? $param[2] : NULL, NULL, isset($param[1]) && $param[1] == '1' ? $GLOBALS['FORUM_DB'] : $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']); } else { $img_url = $param[0]; } require_code('images'); list($width, $height) = _symbol_image_dims(array($img_url)); $value = $name == 'IMG_WIDTH' ? $width : $height; $THEME_IMG_DIMS_CACHE[$param[0]] = array($width, $height); if (function_exists('persistant_cache_set')) { persistant_cache_set('THEME_IMG_DIMS', $THEME_IMG_DIMS_CACHE); } } } break; case 'CLEAN_FILE_SIZE': if (isset($param[0])) { $bytes = is_numeric($param[0]) ? intval($param[0]) : NULL; require_code('files'); $value = clean_file_size($bytes); } break; case 'TIME_PERIOD': if (isset($param[0])) { $value = display_time_period(intval($param[0])); } break; case 'MAKE_RELATIVE_DATE': if (isset($param[0])) { if (get_option('use_contextual_dates') == '0' && (!array_key_exists(1, $param) || $param[1] != '1')) { $value = get_timezoned_date(intval($param[0])); } else { $value = display_time_period(time() - intval($param[0])); } } break; case 'TIMEZONE': $value = make_nice_timezone_name(get_site_timezone()); break; case 'LOAD_PAGE': foreach ($param as $i => $p) { if (is_object($p)) { $param[$i] = $p->evaluate(); } } global $LOADED_PAGES; if (strpos($param[0], ':') !== false) { $param = array_reverse(explode(':', $param[0], 2)); } $_value = $LOADED_PAGES[serialize($param)]; $value = $_value->evaluate(); break; case 'RUNNING_SCRIPT': if (isset($param[0])) { $value = running_script($param[0]) ? '1' : '0'; } break; case 'MATCH_KEY_MATCH': $value = '0'; foreach ($param as $match_key) { if ($match_key == '1' || $match_key == '0' || $match_key == '') { continue; } if (match_key_match($match_key, isset($param[1]) && $match_key == '1')) { $value = '1'; } } break; case 'VERSION': $value = strval(ocp_version()); break; case 'PREVIEW_VALIDATION': $value = get_option('is_on_preview_validation') == '1' ? '1' : '0'; break; case 'BLOCK': if (isset($GLOBALS['NON_CACHEABLE_SYMBOLS']['SET_RAND'])) { foreach ($param as $i => $p) { if (is_object($p)) { $param[$i] = $p->evaluate(); } } if (count($param) == 1 && strpos($param[0], ',') !== false) { $param = preg_split('#((?<!\\\\)|(?<=\\\\\\\\)|(?<=^)),#', $param[0]); foreach ($param as $key => $val) { $param[$key] = str_replace('\\,', ',', $val); } } global $LOADED_BLOCKS; if (isset($LOADED_BLOCKS[serialize($param)])) { // Will always be set $value = $LOADED_BLOCKS[serialize($param)]->evaluate(); } } break; case 'CURRENCY': if (addon_installed('ecommerce')) { if (isset($param[0])) { require_code('currency'); $value = currency_convert(floatval(str_replace(',', '', $param[0])), isset($param[1]) && $param[1] != '' ? $param[1] : get_option('currency'), isset($param[2]) && $param[2] != '' ? $param[2] : NULL, isset($param[3]) && $param[3] == '1'); if (is_null($value)) { $value = do_lang('INTERNAL_ERROR'); } } else { $value = get_option('currency'); } } break; case 'CURRENCY_SYMBOL': if (addon_installed('ecommerce')) { require_code('ecommerce'); $value = ecommerce_get_currency_symbol(); } break; case 'GEOLOCATE': $value = geolocate_ip(isset($param[0]) ? $param[0] : NULL); break; case 'NO_SAFE_MODE': $value = str_replace(array('on', 'true', 'yes'), array('1', '1', '1'), strtolower(ini_get('safe_mode'))) == '1' ? '0' : '1'; break; case 'FORCE_PREVIEWS': if (get_option('forced_preview_option') == '1') { if (get_forum_type() == 'ocf') { if (is_guest() && get_option('default_preview_guests') == '0') { $value = '0'; } else { $value = $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->get_member_row_field(get_member(), 'm_preview_posts') == 1 ? '1' : '0'; } } else { $value = get_option('default_preview_guests') == '0' ? '0' : '1'; } } else { $value = '0'; } break; case 'PREVIEW_URL': $value = find_script('preview'); $value .= '?page=' . get_page_name(); $value .= '&type=' . get_param('type', '', true); break; case 'ADDON_INSTALLED': if (isset($param[0]) && !running_script('install')) { $value = addon_installed($param[0]) ? '1' : '0'; } break; case 'VALUE_OPTION': if (isset($param[0])) { $value = function_exists('get_value') ? get_value($param[0]) : ''; if (is_null($value)) { $value = function_exists('get_long_value') ? get_long_value($param[0]) : ''; if (is_null($value)) { $value = isset($param[1]) ? $param[1] : ''; if ($param[0] == 'textmate' && (ocp_srv('HTTP_HOST') == 'localhost' && strpos(ocp_srv('HTTP_USER_AGENT'), 'Macintosh') !== false)) { $value = '1'; } } } } break; case 'KEEP_INDEX': // What needs preserving in the URL $value = 'index.php'; if (count($_GET) > 0) { foreach ($_GET as $key => $val) { if (is_array($val)) { continue; } if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $val = stripslashes($val); } if (substr($key, 0, 5) == 'keep_' && !skippable_keep($key, $val) && strpos($key, '_expand_') === false) { $value .= ($value == 'index.php' ? '?' : '&') . urlencode($key) . '=' . ocp_url_encode($val); } } } break; case 'HIDE_HELP_PANEL': $value = array_key_exists('hide_help_panel', $_COOKIE) && $_COOKIE['hide_help_panel'] == '1' ? '1' : '0'; break; case 'URLISE_LANG': if (isset($param[1])) { $_value = urlise_lang($param[0], $param[1], isset($param[2]) ? $param[2] : '', isset($param[3]) ? $param[3] == '1' : false); $value = $_value->evaluate(); } break; case 'FIND_SCRIPT_NOHTTP': if (isset($param[0]) && function_exists('find_script')) { $value = preg_replace('#^https?://[^/]+#', '', find_script($param[0], false, isset($param[1]) ? intval($param[1]) : 0)); } if (!$GLOBALS['DEBUG_MODE']) { break; } // Debug mode changes base domain so we need to actually use it in full (fine, we don't have HTTPS in debug mode). Bubble on... // Debug mode changes base domain so we need to actually use it in full (fine, we don't have HTTPS in debug mode). Bubble on... case 'FIND_SCRIPT': if (isset($param[0]) && function_exists('find_script')) { $value = find_script($param[0], false, isset($param[1]) ? intval($param[1]) : 0); } break; case 'MOBILE': $value = is_mobile(NULL, array_key_exists(0, $param) ? $param[0] == '1' : false) ? '1' : '0'; break; case 'VALID_FILE_TYPES': $value = get_option('valid_types'); $types = array_flip(explode(',', $value)); $value = ''; ksort($types); foreach (array_flip($types) as $val) { $value .= $val . ','; } $value = substr($value, 0, strlen($value) - 1); break; case 'BROWSER_UA': $browser = get_browser_string(); $value = $browser; break; case 'OS': $os = get_os_string(); if (is_null($os)) { $os = ''; } $value = $os; break; case 'ANCHOR': if (isset($param[0])) { $_value = do_template('ANCHOR', array('_GUID' => '8795c70c9dd7c6217bb765264ac24092', 'NAME' => $param[0])); $value = $_value->evaluate(); } break; case 'CSS_TEMPCODE': $_value = css_tempcode(); $value = $_value->evaluate(); break; case 'JS_TEMPCODE': $_value = javascript_tempcode(isset($param[0]) ? $param[0] : NULL); $value = $_value->evaluate(); break; case 'PAD_LEFT': if (array_key_exists(1, $param)) { $value = str_pad($param[0], intval($param[1]), array_key_exists(2, $param) ? $param[2] : '', STR_PAD_LEFT); } break; case 'PAD_RIGHT': if (array_key_exists(1, $param)) { $value = str_pad($param[0], intval($param[1]), array_key_exists(2, $param) ? $param[2] : '', STR_PAD_RIGHT); } break; case 'PAGE_TITLE': $value = is_null($DISPLAYED_TITLE) ? '' : $DISPLAYED_TITLE->evaluate(); break; case 'SET_TITLE': if (array_key_exists(0, $param)) { get_page_title($param[0], false); } break; case 'EXTRA_HEAD': $_value = $GLOBALS['EXTRA_HEAD']; if ($_value === NULL) { $_value = new ocp_tempcode(); } $value = $_value->evaluate(); break; case 'EXTRA_FOOT': if ($GLOBALS['EXTRA_FOOT'] === NULL) { $GLOBALS['EXTRA_FOOT'] = new ocp_tempcode(); } $_value = $GLOBALS['EXTRA_FOOT']; if (array_key_exists(0, $param)) { $GLOBALS['EXTRA_FOOT']->attach($param[0]); } else { $value = $_value->evaluate(); } break; case 'RAND': if (isset($GLOBALS['NON_CACHEABLE_SYMBOLS']['RAND'])) { $GLOBALS['NO_EVAL_CACHE'] = true; $value = strval(mt_rand(0, 32000)); } else { $value = '4'; } break; case 'SET_RAND': if (isset($param[0])) { if (isset($GLOBALS['NON_CACHEABLE_SYMBOLS']['SET_RAND'])) { $GLOBALS['NO_EVAL_CACHE'] = true; $value = $param[mt_rand(0, count($param) - 1)]; } else { $value = $param[0]; } } break; case 'COPYRIGHT': $value = str_replace('$CURRENT_YEAR', date('Y'), get_option('copyright')); break; case 'KEYWORDS_SPACED': $value = str_replace(',', ' ', get_option('keywords')); break; case 'STAFF_ADDRESS_PURE': $value = get_option('staff_address'); break; case 'STAFF_ADDRESS': require_code('obfuscate'); $value = obfuscate_email_address(get_option('staff_address')); break; case 'DOMAIN': $value = get_domain(); break; case 'BRAND_NAME': $value = function_exists('get_value') ? get_value('rebrand_name') : NULL; if (is_null($value)) { $value = 'ocPortal'; } break; case 'BRAND_BASE_URL': $value = brand_base_url(); break; case 'SHOW_DOCS': $value = get_option('show_docs') === '0' ? '0' : '1'; break; case 'MEMBER_EMAIL': $value = $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->get_member_email_address(isset($param[0]) ? intval($param[0]) : get_member()); break; case 'OCF_MEMBER_HTML': if (get_forum_type() == 'ocf') { require_code('ocf_members'); require_code('ocf_members2'); $_value = ocf_show_member_box(isset($param[0]) ? intval($param[0]) : get_member()); $value = $_value->evaluate(); } break; case 'HAS_SPECIFIC_PERMISSION': if (isset($param[0])) { $value = has_specific_permission(!is_null($param) && isset($param[1]) ? intval($param[1]) : get_member(), $param[0]) ? '1' : '0'; } break; case 'HAS_ZONE_ACCESS': if (isset($param[0])) { $value = has_zone_access(!is_null($param) && isset($param[1]) ? intval($param[1]) : get_member(), $param[0]) ? '1' : '0'; } break; case 'HAS_PAGE_ACCESS': if (isset($param[0]) && isset($param[1])) { $value = has_page_access(!is_null($param) && isset($param[2]) ? intval($param[2]) : get_member(), $param[0], $param[1], !is_null($param) && isset($param[3]) ? $param[3] == '1' : false) ? '1' : '0'; } break; case 'HAS_CATEGORY_ACCESS': if (isset($param[0])) { $value = has_category_access(!is_null($param) && isset($param[2]) ? intval($param[2]) : get_member(), $param[0], $param[1]) ? '1' : '0'; } break; case 'HAS_ATTACHMENT_ACCESS': if (isset($param[0])) { require_code('attachments'); $value = has_attachment_access(!is_null($param) && isset($param[1]) ? intval($param[1]) : get_member(), $param[0]) ? '1' : '0'; } break; case 'HAS_SUBMIT_PERMISSION': if (isset($param[0]) && (strtolower($param[0]) == 'low' || strtolower($param[0]) == 'mid' || strtolower($param[0]) == 'high')) { $value = has_submit_permission(strtolower($param[0]), !is_null($param) && isset($param[1]) ? intval($param[1]) : get_member(), !is_null($param) && isset($param[2]) ? $param[2] : get_ip_address(), !is_null($param) && isset($param[3]) ? $param[3] : get_page_name()) ? '1' : '0'; } break; case 'HAS_DELETE_PERMISSION': if (isset($param[0]) && (strtolower($param[0]) == 'low' || strtolower($param[0]) == 'mid' || strtolower($param[0]) == 'high') && isset($param[1])) { $value = has_delete_permission(strtolower($param[0]), !is_null($param) && isset($param[2]) ? intval($param[2]) : get_member(), intval($param[1]), !is_null($param) && isset($param[3]) ? $param[3] : get_page_name()) ? '1' : '0'; } break; case 'HAS_EDIT_PERMISSION': if (isset($param[0]) && (strtolower($param[0]) == 'low' || strtolower($param[0]) == 'mid' || strtolower($param[0]) == 'high') && isset($param[1])) { $value = has_edit_permission(strtolower($param[0]), !is_null($param) && isset($param[2]) ? intval($param[2]) : get_member(), intval($param[1]), !is_null($param) && isset($param[3]) ? $param[3] : get_page_name()) ? '1' : '0'; } break; case 'ENTITY_DECODE': if (isset($param[0])) { $value = @html_entity_decode($param[0], ENT_QUOTES, get_charset()); } break; case 'RESET_CYCLE': if (isset($param[0])) { $CYCLES[$param[0]] = 0; } break; case 'SITE_SCOPE': $value = get_option('site_scope'); break; case 'LAST_VISIT_TIME': if (get_forum_type() == 'ocf') { $member_info = ocf_read_in_member_profile(get_member(), true); $value = strval($member_info['last_visit_time']); } break; case 'NUM_NEW_TOPICS': if (get_forum_type() == 'ocf') { $member_info = ocf_read_in_member_profile(get_member(), true); $_new_topics = $GLOBALS['FORUM_DB']->query('SELECT COUNT(*) AS mycnt FROM ' . $GLOBALS['FORUM_DB']->get_table_prefix() . 'f_topics WHERE NOT t_forum_id IS NULL AND t_cache_first_time>' . strval((int) $member_info['last_visit_time'])); $new_topics = $_new_topics[0]['mycnt']; $value = strval($new_topics); } break; case 'NUM_NEW_POSTS': if (get_forum_type() == 'ocf') { $member_info = ocf_read_in_member_profile(get_member(), true); $_new_posts = $GLOBALS['FORUM_DB']->query('SELECT COUNT(*) AS mycnt FROM ' . $GLOBALS['FORUM_DB']->get_table_prefix() . 'f_posts WHERE NOT p_cache_forum_id IS NULL AND p_time>' . strval((int) $member_info['last_visit_time'])); $new_posts = $_new_posts[0]['mycnt']; $value = strval($new_posts); } break; case 'HAS_FORUM': $value = has_no_forum() ? '0' : '1'; break; case 'OCF': $value = get_forum_type() == 'ocf' ? '1' : '0'; break; case 'BOARD_PREFIX': $value = get_forum_base_url(); break; case 'DATE_AND_TIME': $use_contextual_dates = isset($param[0]) && $param[0] == '1'; $verbose = isset($param[1]) && $param[1] == '1'; $server_time = isset($param[2]) && $param[2] == '1'; $time = isset($param[3]) ? intval($param[3]) : time(); $value = get_timezoned_date($time, true, $verbose, $server_time, !$use_contextual_dates); break; case 'DATE': $use_contextual_dates = isset($param[0]) && $param[0] == '1'; $verbose = isset($param[1]) && $param[1] == '1'; $server_time = isset($param[2]) && $param[2] == '1'; $time = isset($param[3]) ? intval($param[3]) : time(); $value = get_timezoned_date($time, false, $verbose, $server_time, !$use_contextual_dates); break; case 'TIME': $time = isset($param[0]) ? intval($param[0]) : time(); $value = get_timezoned_time($time); break; case 'SECONDS_PERIOD': if (array_key_exists(0, $param)) { $value = display_seconds_period(intval($param[0])); } break; case 'FROM_TIMESTAMP': if (isset($param[0])) { $timestamp = isset($param[1]) ? intval($param[1]) : time(); if (!array_key_exists(2, $param) || $param[2] == '1') { $timestamp = utctime_to_usertime($timestamp); } $value = locale_filter(my_strftime($param[0], $timestamp)); if ($value == $param[0]) { // If no conversion happened then the syntax must have been for 'date' not 'strftime' $value = date($param[0], $timestamp); } } else { $timestamp = time(); $value = strval($timestamp); } break; case 'TO_TIMESTAMP': if (isset($param[0])) { $value = strval(strtotime($param[0])); if (array_key_exists(1, $param) && $param[1] == '1') { $value = strval(usertime_to_utctime(intval($value))); } // '1' means date was in user-time so needs converting to a UTC timestamp } else { $value = strval(time()); } break; case 'SESSION_HASHED': $value = md5(strval(get_session_id())); break; case 'SESSION': $value = strval(get_session_id()); break; case 'IN_ARRAY': if (isset($param[1])) { $array = array_slice($param, 1); $value = in_array($param[0], $array) ? '1' : '0'; } break; case 'MULT': if (isset($param[1])) { $value = float_to_raw_string(floatval($param[0]) * floatval($param[1]), 2, true); } break; case 'ROUND': if (isset($param[0])) { $amount = isset($param[1]) ? intval($param[1]) : 0; if ($amount > 0) { $value = float_format(floatval($param[0]), $amount); } else { $value = strval(intval(round(floatval($param[0]), $amount))); } } break; case 'DEV_MODE': $value = $GLOBALS['DEBUG_MODE'] ? '1' : '0'; break; case 'BROWSER_MATCHES': if (isset($param[0])) { $q = false; foreach (explode('|', $param[0]) as $browser) { $q = browser_matches($browser); if ($q) { break; } } $value = $q ? '1' : '0'; } break; case 'ISSET': if (isset($param[0])) { $value = isset($TEMPCODE_SETGET[$param[0]]) ? '1' : '0'; } break; case 'INIT': if (isset($param[1])) { if (!isset($TEMPCODE_SETGET[$param[0]])) { $TEMPCODE_SETGET[$param[0]] = $param[1]; } } break; case 'INC': if (isset($param[0])) { if (!isset($TEMPCODE_SETGET[$param[0]])) { $TEMPCODE_SETGET[$param[0]] = '0'; } $TEMPCODE_SETGET[$param[0]] = strval(intval($TEMPCODE_SETGET[$param[0]]) + 1); } break; case 'DEC': if (isset($param[0])) { if (!isset($TEMPCODE_SETGET[$param[0]])) { $TEMPCODE_SETGET[$param[0]] = '0'; } $TEMPCODE_SETGET[$param[0]] = strval(intval($TEMPCODE_SETGET[$param[0]]) - 1); } break; case 'PREG_MATCH': if (isset($param[1])) { $value = preg_match('#' . str_replace('#', '\\#', $param[0]) . '#' . (isset($param[2]) ? str_replace('e', '', $param[2]) : ''), $param[1]) != 0 ? '1' : '0'; } break; case 'PREG_REPLACE': if (isset($param[2])) { $value = preg_replace('#' . str_replace('#', '\\#', $param[0]) . '#' . (isset($param[3]) ? str_replace('e', '', $param[3]) : ''), $param[1], $param[2]); } break; case 'MAX': if (isset($param[0])) { $value = strval(max(intval($param[0]), intval($param[1]))); } break; case 'MIN': if (isset($param[0])) { $value = strval(min(intval($param[0]), intval($param[1]))); } break; case 'MOD': if (isset($param[0])) { $value = strval(max(intval($param[0]), -intval($param[0]))); } break; case 'REM': if (isset($param[1])) { $value = strval(intval($param[0]) % intval($param[1])); } break; case 'DIV_FLOAT': if (isset($param[1])) { $value = float_to_raw_string(floatval($param[0]) / floatval($param[1]), 2, true); } break; case 'DIV': if (isset($param[1])) { $value = strval(intval(floor(floatval($param[0]) / floatval($param[1])))); } break; case 'SUBTRACT': if (isset($param[1])) { $value = float_to_raw_string(floatval(str_replace(',', '', $param[0])) - floatval(str_replace(',', '', $param[1])), 2, true); } break; case 'ADD': if (isset($param[1])) { $value = float_to_raw_string(floatval(str_replace(',', '', $param[0])) + floatval(str_replace(',', '', $param[1])), 2, true); } break; case 'WCASE': if (isset($param[0])) { $value = ucwords($param[0]); } break; case 'LCASE': if (isset($param[0])) { $value = ocp_mb_strtolower($param[0]); } break; case 'UCASE': if (isset($param[0])) { $value = ocp_mb_strtoupper($param[0]); } break; case '_POST': if (isset($param[0])) { $value = post_param($param[0], isset($param[1]) ? $param[1] : ''); } break; case 'REPLACE': if (isset($param[2])) { $value = str_replace($param[0], $param[1], $param[2]); if ($GLOBALS['XSS_DETECT'] && ocp_is_escaped($param[0])) { ocp_mark_as_escaped($value); } } break; case 'AT': if (isset($param[1])) { $value = ocp_mb_substr($param[0], intval($param[1]), 1); } break; case 'STRPOS': if (isset($param[1])) { $t_value = strpos($param[0], $param[1]); $value = $t_value === false ? '0' : strval($t_value); } break; case 'IN_STR': if (isset($param[1])) { if ($param[1] == '') { $value = '0'; } else { $value = '0'; foreach ($param as $i => $check) { if (is_integer($i) && $i != 0 && $check != '') { if (strpos($param[0], $check) !== false) { $value = '1'; break; } } } } } break; case 'SUBSTR_COUNT': if (isset($param[1])) { $value = strval(substr_count($param[0], $param[1])); } break; case 'SUBSTR': if (isset($param[1])) { $value = ocp_mb_substr($param[0], intval($param[1]), isset($param[2]) ? intval($param[2]) : strlen($param[0])); } break; case 'LENGTH': if (isset($param[0])) { $value = strval(ocp_mb_strlen($param[0])); } break; case 'WORDWRAP': if (isset($param[1])) { $cut = isset($param[3]) && $param[3] == '1'; $value = wordwrap($param[0], intval($param[1]), isset($param[2]) ? $param[2] : '<br />', $cut); if ($GLOBALS['XSS_DETECT'] && ocp_is_escaped($param[0])) { ocp_mark_as_escaped($value); } } break; case 'ALTERNATOR_TRUNCATED': // Alternate values according to whether some given text WOULD have been truncated. 0: text to check against, 1: the truncate length, 2:IF would not be do this, 3: if it would be do this, 4: whether given text is encoded as HTML (0=no [default, plain-text], 1=yes) if (isset($param[3])) { $amount = intval($param[1]); $is_html = isset($param[4]) && $param[4] == '1'; if (strlen($is_html ? strip_tags($param[0]) : $param[0]) > $amount) { $value = $param[3]; } else { $value = $param[2]; } } break; case 'ESCAPE': if (isset($param[0])) { $d_escaping = array(isset($param[1]) ? constant($param[1]) : ENTITY_ESCAPED); if (is_string($param[0])) { apply_tempcode_escaping($d_escaping, $param[0]); } $value = $param[0]; } break; case 'COOKIE_PATH': $value = function_exists('get_cookie_path') ? get_cookie_path() : '/'; break; case 'COOKIE_DOMAIN': $s_value = function_exists('get_cookie_domain') ? get_cookie_domain() : ''; $value = is_null($s_value) ? '' : $s_value; break; case 'IS_A_COOKIE_LOGIN': global $IS_A_COOKIE_LOGIN; $value = $IS_A_COOKIE_LOGIN && ini_get('suhosin.cookie.max_name_length') !== '64' ? '1' : '0'; break; case 'GROUP_ID': if (isset($param[0])) { $groups = $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->get_members_groups(isset($param[1]) ? intval($param[1]) : get_member()); $value = array_key_exists(intval($param[0]), $groups) ? strval($groups[intval($param[0])]) : ''; } break; case 'GROUP_NAME': if (isset($param[0])) { $groups = $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->get_members_groups(isset($param[1]) ? intval($param[1]) : get_member()); if (array_key_exists(intval($param[0]), $groups)) { $all_usergroups = $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->get_usergroup_list(); $value = $all_usergroups[$groups[intval($param[0])]]; } if ($GLOBALS['XSS_DETECT'] && ocp_is_escaped($param[0])) { ocp_mark_as_escaped($value); } } break; case 'NEGATE': if (isset($param[0])) { $value = strval(-intval($param[0])); } break; case 'XOR': $count = 0; foreach ($param as $test) { if ($test == '1' || $test == '1') { $count++; } } $value = $count == 1 ? '1' : '0'; break; case 'NOR': $count = 0; foreach ($param as $test) { if ($test == '1' || $test == '1') { $count++; } } $value = $count > 0 ? '0' : '1'; break; case 'NAND': $count = 0; foreach ($param as $test) { if ($test == '1' || $test == '1') { $count++; } } $value = $count == count($param) ? '0' : '1'; break; case 'LT': if (isset($param[1])) { $value = intval($param[0]) < intval($param[1]) ? '1' : '0'; } break; case 'GT': if (isset($param[1])) { $value = intval($param[0]) > intval($param[1]) ? '1' : '0'; } break; case 'COPPA_ON': $value = get_option('is_on_coppa') == '1' ? '1' : '0'; break; case 'OBFUSCATE': if (isset($param[0])) { require_code('obfuscate'); $value = obfuscate_entities($param[0]); } break; case 'FIX_ID': if (isset($param[0])) { $value = fix_id($param[0]); if ($GLOBALS['XSS_DETECT']) { ocp_mark_as_escaped($value); } } break; case 'MAILTO': require_code('obfuscate'); $value = mailto_obfuscated(); break; case 'INLINE_STATS': $value = get_option('show_inline_stats') == '1' ? '1' : '0'; break; case 'ATTACHMENT_DOWNLOADS': if (isset($param[0])) { $db = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']; if (isset($param[1]) && $param[1] == '1') { $db = $GLOBALS['FORUM_DB']; } $_value = $db->query_value_null_ok('attachments', 'a_num_downloads', array('id' => intval($param[0]))); $value = is_null($_value) ? '?' : strval($_value); } break; case 'CSS_DIMENSION_REDUCE': if (isset($param[1])) { $value = $param[0]; if (substr($value, -2) == 'px') { $b = $param[1]; $value = strval(intval(substr($value, 0, -2)) - intval($b)) . 'px'; } if ($value == '') { $value = '0px'; } } break; case 'COMMENT_COUNT': if (isset($param[1])) { if (get_option('is_on_comments') == '1') { $count = 0; $_comments = $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->get_forum_topic_posts($GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->find_topic_id_for_topic_identifier(get_option('comments_forum_name'), $param[0] . '_' . $param[1]), $count, 0, 0, false); $_value = do_lang_tempcode('_COMMENTS', integer_format(0)); if (is_array($_comments)) { $_value = do_lang_tempcode('_COMMENTS', escape_html(integer_format($count))); } $value = $_value->evaluate(); } else { $value = do_lang('VIEW'); } } break; case 'CAN_SPELLCHECK': $value = function_exists('pspell_check') ? '1' : '0'; break; case 'AWARD_ID': if (array_key_exists(0, $param)) { $value = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_value_null_ok('award_archive', 'content_id', array('a_type_id' => intval($param[0])), 'ORDER BY date_and_time DESC'); if (is_null($value)) { $value = ''; } } break; case 'SELF_PAGE_LINK': $value = ''; if (running_script('index') || running_script('iframe')) { $value = get_zone_name() . ':' . get_page_name(); foreach ($_GET as $key => $val) { if ($key == 'page') { continue; } if (is_array($val)) { continue; } if (substr($key, 0, 5) == 'keep_') { continue; } $value .= ':' . $key . '=' . $val; } } break; case 'SET_TUTORIAL_LINK': $value = ''; if (array_key_exists(1, $param) && $param[1] != '' && $param[1][0] != '#') { set_tutorial_link($param[0], $param[1]); } break; case 'DISPLAY_CONCEPT': $value = ''; if (array_key_exists(0, $param)) { $key = $param[0]; $page_link = get_tutorial_link('concept___' . preg_replace('#[^\\w_]#', '_', $key)); if (is_null($page_link)) { $temp_tpl = make_string_tempcode($key); } else { list($zone, $attributes, $hash) = page_link_decode($page_link); $_url = build_url($attributes, $zone, NULL, false, false, false, $hash); $temp_tpl = do_template('COMCODE_CONCEPT', array('_GUID' => 'ee0cd05f87329923f05145180004d8a8', 'TEXT' => $key, 'URL' => $_url)); } $value = $temp_tpl->evaluate(); } break; case 'SELF_URL': $extra_params = NULL; if (isset($param[3])) { $extra_params = array(); $i = 3; while (isset($param[$i])) { $bits = explode('=', $param[$i], 2); if ($bits[1] == '<null>') { $bits[1] = NULL; } $extra_params[$bits[0]] = $bits[1]; $i++; } } $value = get_self_url(true, isset($param[0]) && $param[0] == '1', $extra_params, isset($param[1]) && $param[1] == '1', isset($param[2]) && $param[2] == '1'); break; case 'SHIFT_DECODE': if (isset($param[0])) { global $SHIFT_VARIABLES; $key = $param[0]; $value = isset($SHIFT_VARIABLES[$key]) ? $SHIFT_VARIABLES[$key]->evaluate() : ''; } break; case 'NUMBER_FORMAT': if (isset($param[0])) { $value = integer_format(intval($param[0])); } break; case 'FLOAT_FORMAT': if (isset($param[0])) { $value = float_format(floatval($param[0])); } break; case 'CURRENTLY_INVISIBLE': $value = is_invisible() ? '1' : '0'; break; case 'IS_FRIEND': if (isset($param[0])) { $test = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_value_null_ok('chat_buddies', 'member_likes', array('member_likes' => isset($param[1]) ? intval($param[1]) : get_member(), 'member_liked' => intval($param[0]))); $value = is_null($test) ? '0' : '1'; } break; case 'SSW': $value = get_option('ssw') == '1' ? '1' : '0'; break; case 'RATING': if (isset($param[1])) { require_code('feedback'); $rating = get_rating_simple_array(array_key_exists(3, $param) ? $param[3] : get_self_url(true), array_key_exists(4, $param) ? $param[4] : (is_null($DISPLAYED_TITLE) ? '' : $DISPLAYED_TITLE->evaluate()), $param[0], $param[1], array_key_exists(5, $param) ? $param[5] : 'RATING_FORM', array_key_exists(2, $param) ? $param[2] : NULL); if ($rating !== NULL) { if (!array_key_exists(2, $param) || $param[2] == '0') { $value = isset($rating['ALL_RATING_CRITERIA'][0]['RATING']) ? $rating['ALL_RATING_CRITERIA'][0]['RATING'] : ''; } else { $value = do_template('RATING_INLINE_STATIC', $rating); } if (is_object($value)) { $value = $value->evaluate(); } } } break; case 'VIEWS': if (isset($param[2])) { $id_field = 'id'; // Not allowed for security reasons if (preg_match('#^\\w*views\\w*$#', $param[1]) != 0) { $test = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_value_null_ok($param[0], $param[1], array($id_field => $param[2])); if (!is_null($test)) { $value = integer_format($test); } } } break; default: global $EXTRA_SYMBOLS; if (is_null($EXTRA_SYMBOLS)) { $EXTRA_SYMBOLS = array(); $hooks = find_all_hooks('systems', 'symbols'); foreach (array_keys($hooks) as $hook) { $EXTRA_SYMBOLS[$hook] = array(); } } if (array_key_exists($name, $EXTRA_SYMBOLS)) { if (!array_key_exists('ob', $EXTRA_SYMBOLS[$name])) { require_code('hooks/systems/symbols/' . filter_naughty_harsh($name)); $EXTRA_SYMBOLS[$name]['ob'] = object_factory('Hook_symbol_' . filter_naughty_harsh($name)); } $value = $EXTRA_SYMBOLS[$name]['ob']->run($param); break; } if (defined($name)) { $value = @strval(constant($name)); break; } $value = ''; require_code('site'); attach_message(do_lang_tempcode('MISSING_SYMBOL', escape_html($name)), 'warn'); } if ($escaped != array()) { if (is_object($value)) { $value = $value->evaluate(); } apply_tempcode_escaping($escaped, $value); } if ($cacheable) { $SYMBOL_CACHE[$escaped_codes] = $value; } return $value; } // Is it a directive? if ($type == TC_DIRECTIVE) { $value = ''; if ($GLOBALS['XSS_DETECT']) { ocp_mark_as_escaped($value); } // In our param we should have a map of bubbled template parameters (under 'vars') and our numbered directive parameters if ($param === NULL) { $param = array(); } // Closure-based Tempcode parser may send in strings, so we need to adapt... foreach ($param as $key => $val) { if (is_string($val)) { $param[$key] = make_string_tempcode($val); } } if (!isset($param['vars'])) { $param['vars'] = array(); } switch ($name) { case 'SHIFT_ENCODE': break; case 'PARAM_INFO': $_value = do_template('PARAM_INFO', array('MAP' => $param['vars'])); $value = $_value->evaluate(); break; case 'CSS_INHERIT': // e.g. {+START,CSS_INHERIT,global,default,#886aa9}{+END} if (isset($param[0])) { require_code('css_and_js'); $css_file = $param[0]->evaluate(); $theme = isset($param[1]) ? $param[1]->evaluate() : 'default'; $seed = isset($param[2]) ? $param[2]->evaluate() : NULL; if ($seed == '') { $seed = NULL; } $dark = isset($param[3]) ? $param[3]->evaluate() == '1' : false; $algorithm = isset($param[4]) ? $param[4]->evaluate() : 'equations'; $value = css_inherit($css_file, $theme, $GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->get_theme(), $seed, $dark, $algorithm); } break; case 'FRACTIONAL_EDITABLE': foreach (array_keys($param) as $key) { if (!is_numeric($key)) { unset($param[$key]); } } if (isset($param[3])) { $edit_text = $param[0]->evaluate(); $edit_param_name = $param[1]->evaluate(); $edit_pagelink = $param[2]->evaluate(); $supports_comcode = (isset($param[4]) ? $param[3]->evaluate() : '0') == '1'; list($zone, $attributes, ) = page_link_decode($edit_pagelink); if ($zone == '_SEARCH') { $zone = get_module_zone($attributes['page']); } if (has_actual_page_access(get_member(), $attributes['page'], $zone) && has_zone_access(get_member(), 'adminzone')) { $keep = symbol_tempcode('KEEP'); $url = find_script('fractional_edit') . '?edit_param_name=' . urlencode($edit_param_name) . '&supports_comcode=' . ($supports_comcode ? '1' : '0') . '&zone=' . urlencode($zone) . $keep->evaluate(); foreach ($attributes as $key => $val) { $url .= '&' . $key . '=' . urlencode($val); } $_value = $param[count($param) - 1]; $_value = do_template('FRACTIONAL_EDIT', array('_GUID' => '075ac126c427d28b309004bc67b32b08', 'VALUE' => $_value, 'URL' => $url, 'EDIT_TEXT' => $edit_text, 'EDIT_PARAM_NAME' => $edit_param_name)); $value = $_value->evaluate(); } else { $value = $param[count($param) - 1]->evaluate(); } } break; case 'SET': if (isset($param[1])) { $var = $param[0]->evaluate(); $set_val = ''; $i = 1; while (isset($param[$i])) { if ($i != 1) { $set_val .= ','; } $set_val .= $param[1]->evaluate(); $i++; } $TEMPCODE_SETGET[$var] = $set_val; } break; case 'IN_ARRAY': if (isset($param[1])) { $key = $param[1]->evaluate(); $array = array_key_exists($key, $param['vars']) ? $param['vars'][$key] : array(); $value = in_array($param[0]->evaluate(), $array) ? '1' : '0'; } break; case 'NOT_IN_ARRAY': if (isset($param[1])) { $key = $param[1]->evaluate(); $array = array_key_exists($key, $param['vars']) ? $param['vars'][$key] : array(); $value = in_array($param[0]->evaluate(), $array) ? '0' : '1'; } break; case 'IF_IN_ARRAY': if (isset($param[2])) { $key = $param[1]->evaluate(); $array = array_key_exists($key, $param['vars']) ? $param['vars'][$key] : array(); $value = in_array($param[0]->evaluate(), $array) ? $param[2]->evaluate() : ''; } break; case 'IF_NOT_IN_ARRAY': if (isset($param[2])) { $key = $param[1]->evaluate(); $array = array_key_exists($key, $param['vars']) ? $param['vars'][$key] : array(); $value = in_array($param[0]->evaluate(), $array) ? '' : $param[2]->evaluate(); } break; case 'IMPLODE': if (isset($param[1])) { $key = $param[1]->evaluate(); $array = array_key_exists($key, $param['vars']) ? $param['vars'][$key] : array(); if (isset($param[2]) && $param[2]->evaluate() == '1') { $delim = $param[0]->evaluate(); foreach ($array as $key => $val) { if ($value != '') { $value .= $delim; } $value .= (is_integer($key) ? integer_format($key) : $key) . ' = ' . $val; } } else { $value = implode($param[0]->evaluate(), $array); } } break; case 'COUNT': if (isset($param[0])) { $key = $param[0]->evaluate(); $array = array_key_exists($key, $param['vars']) ? $param['vars'][$key] : array(); $value = strval(count($array)); } break; case 'BOX': unset($param['vars']); $title = isset($param[1]) ? $param[0]->evaluate() : ''; $dimensions = isset($param[2]) ? $param[1]->evaluate() : '100%'; if ($dimensions == '') { $dimensions = '100%'; } $box_type = isset($param[3]) ? $param[2]->evaluate() : 'classic'; $options = isset($param[4]) ? $param[3]->evaluate() : ''; $meta = isset($param[5]) ? $param[4]->evaluate() : ''; $links = isset($param[6]) ? $param[5]->evaluate() : ''; $expand = isset($param[7]) ? $param[6]->evaluate() == '1' : false; $toplink = isset($param[8]) ? $param[7]->evaluate() : ''; $tmp = put_in_standard_box(array_pop($param), $title, $dimensions, $box_type, $options, $meta, $links, $expand, $toplink); $value = $tmp->evaluate(); break; case 'IF_NON_EMPTY': if (isset($param[1])) { if (!$param[0]->is_really_empty()) { $value = $param[1]->evaluate(); } } break; case 'IF_PASSED': if (isset($param[1])) { $t = $param[0]->evaluate(); if (isset($param['vars'][$t])) { $value = $param[1]->evaluate(); } } break; case 'IF_NON_PASSED': if (isset($param[1])) { $t = $param[0]->evaluate(); if (!isset($param['vars'][$t])) { $value = $param[1]->evaluate(); } } break; case 'IF_EMPTY': if (isset($param[1])) { if ($param[0]->is_really_empty()) { $value = $param[1]->evaluate(); } } break; case 'IF_ARRAY_EMPTY': if (isset($param[0])) { $looking_at = $param[0]->evaluate(); if (array_key_exists($looking_at, $param['vars'])) { if (count($param['vars'][$looking_at]) == 0) { $value = $param[1]->evaluate(); } } } break; case 'IF_ARRAY_NON_EMPTY': if (isset($param[0])) { $looking_at = $param[0]->evaluate(); if (array_key_exists($looking_at, $param['vars'])) { if (count($param['vars'][$looking_at]) != 0) { $value = $param[1]->evaluate(); } } } break; case 'OF': if (isset($param[1])) { $key = $param[0]->evaluate(); $x = $param[1]->evaluate(); $array = array_key_exists($key, $param['vars']) ? $param['vars'][$key] : array(); $x2 = is_numeric($x) ? intval($x) : $x; if (is_integer($x2)) { if ($x2 < 0) { $x2 = count($array) - 1; } elseif ($x2 >= count($array)) { $x2 -= count($array); } } $value = array_key_exists($x2, $array) ? $array[$x2] : ''; if (is_object($value)) { $value = $value->evaluate(); } } break; case 'INCLUDE': if (isset($param[1])) { $tpl_params = $param['vars']; $explode = explode(chr(10), $param[1]->evaluate()); foreach ($explode as $val) { $bits = explode('=', $val, 2); if (count($bits) == 2) { $tpl_params[ltrim($bits[0])] = $bits[1]; } } $td = isset($param[3]) ? $param[2]->evaluate() : ''; if ($td == '') { $td = 'templates'; } $ex = isset($param[2]) ? $param[1]->evaluate() : ''; if ($ex == '') { $ex = '.tpl'; } $_value = do_template($param[0]->evaluate(), $tpl_params, NULL, false, NULL, $ex, $td); $value = $_value->evaluate(); } break; case 'WHILE': if (isset($param[1])) { $_p = $param[0]->evaluate(); if ($_p == '1' || $_p == '1') { $value = ''; $value .= $param[1]->evaluate(); $value .= ecv($lang, $escaped, $type, $name, $param); } } break; case 'IF': if (isset($param[1])) { $_p = $param[0]->evaluate(); if ($_p == '1' || $_p == '1') { $value = $param[1]->evaluate(); } } break; case 'LOOP': if (isset($param[0])) { if (!array_key_exists($param[0]->evaluate(), $param['vars'])) { require_code('site'); attach_message(do_lang_tempcode('MISSING_TEMPLATE_PARAMETER', $param[0]->evaluate(), '???'), 'warn'); return ''; } $array_key = $param[0]->evaluate(); if (is_numeric($array_key) || strpos($array_key, ',') !== false) { $array = explode(',', $array_key); } else { $array = array_key_exists($array_key, $param['vars']) ? $param['vars'][$array_key] : array(); if (!is_array($array)) { $array = array(); } } $value = ''; if (array_key_exists(1 + 1, $param)) { $columns = $param[1]->evaluate(); $row_starter = array_key_exists(2 + 1, $param) ? $param[2]->evaluate() : '<tr>'; $row_terminator = array_key_exists(3 + 1, $param) ? $param[3]->evaluate() : '</tr>'; $value .= $row_starter; // Sorting if (array_key_exists(4 + 1, $param)) { $sort_key = $param[4]->evaluate(); $rev = array_key_exists(5 + 1, $param) && $param[5]->evaluate() == 'DESC'; if ($sort_key != '') { global $M_SORT_KEY; $M_SORT_KEY = $sort_key; uasort($array, 'multi_sort'); } if ($rev) { $array = array_reverse($array); } } } $last = count($param) - 2; $col = 0; $first = true; foreach ($array as $go_key => $go) { if (!is_array($go)) { $go = array('_loop_key' => make_string_tempcode(is_integer($go_key) ? strval($go_key) : $go_key), '_loop_var' => make_string_tempcode($go)); } // In case it's not a list of maps, but just a list if (isset($param[2]) && $col % $columns == 0 && $col != 0) { $value .= $row_starter; } $ps = $go + $param['vars'] + array('_loop_key' => make_string_tempcode(is_integer($go_key) ? strval($go_key) : $go_key), '_i' => strval($col), '_first' => $first, '_last' => $col == count($array) - 1); $bound = $param[$last]->bind($ps, ''); $value .= $bound->evaluate(); ++$col; if (isset($param[3]) && $col % $columns == 0) { $value .= $row_terminator; } $first = false; } if (isset($param[2]) && $col % $columns != 0) { $value .= $row_terminator; } } break; default: require_code('site'); attach_message(do_lang_tempcode('UNKNOWN_DIRECTIVE', escape_html($name)), 'warn'); } if ($escaped != array()) { apply_tempcode_escaping($escaped, $value); } return $value; } // By elimination, it's language $a = isset($param[0]) ? is_object($param[0]) ? $param[0]->evaluate() : $param[0] : NULL; $b = isset($param[1]) ? is_object($param[1]) ? $param[1]->evaluate() : $param[1] : NULL; $c = isset($param[2]) ? array_splice($param, 2) : NULL; if ($c !== NULL) { foreach ($c as $i => $cc) { if (is_object($cc)) { $c[$i] = $cc->evaluate(); } } } static $dle = false; if (!$dle) { $dle = function_exists('do_lang'); } $ret = $dle ? do_lang($name, $a, $b, $c, $lang, false) : escape_html($name . ':' . (!is_null($a) ? $a : '') . ',' . (!is_null($b) ? $b : '')); if ($ret === NULL) { if ($type != TC_PARAMETER) { require_code('site'); attach_message(do_lang_tempcode('MISSING_LANG_ENTRY', escape_html($name)), 'warn'); } $value = ''; if ($GLOBALS['XSS_DETECT']) { ocp_mark_as_escaped($value); } return $value; } if ($escaped != array() && $escaped != array(ENTITY_ESCAPED)) { apply_tempcode_escaping(array_diff($escaped, array(ENTITY_ESCAPED)), $ret); } // Escape but without ENTITY_ESCAPED because we don't do that on lang strings return $ret; }