  * Get notifications, based on provided filter parameters.
  * @since 1.9.0
  * @param array $args {
  *     Associative array of arguments. All arguments but $page and
  *     $per_page can be treated as filter values for get_where_sql()
  *     and get_query_clauses(). All items are optional.
  *     @type int|array    $id                ID of notification being updated. Can be an
  *                                           array of IDs.
  *     @type int|array    $user_id           ID of user being queried. Can be an
  *                                           array of user IDs.
  *     @type int|array    $item_id           ID of associated item. Can be an array
  *                                           of multiple item IDs.
  *     @type int|array    $secondary_item_id ID of secondary associated
  *                                           item. Can be an array of multiple IDs.
  *     @type string|array $component_name    Name of the component to
  *                                           filter by. Can be an array of component names.
  *     @type string|array $component_action  Name of the action to
  *                                           filter by. Can be an array of actions.
  *     @type bool         $is_new            Whether to limit to new notifications. True
  *                                           returns only new notifications, false returns only non-new
  *                                           notifications. 'both' returns all. Default: true.
  *     @type string       $search_terms      Term to match against component_name
  *                                           or component_action fields.
  *     @type string       $order_by          Database column to order notifications by.
  *     @type string       $sort_order        Either 'ASC' or 'DESC'.
  *     @type string       $order_by          Field to order results by.
  *     @type string       $sort_order        ASC or DESC.
  *     @type int          $page              Number of the current page of results. Default:
  *                                           false (no pagination - all items).
  *     @type int          $per_page          Number of items to show per page. Default:
  *                                           false (no pagination - all items).
  *     @type array        $meta_query        Array of meta_query conditions. See WP_Meta_Query::queries.
  *     @type array        $date_query        Array of date_query conditions. See first parameter of
  *                                           WP_Date_Query::__construct().
  *     @type bool         $update_meta_cache Whether to update meta cache. Default: true.
  * }
  * @return array Located notifications.
 public static function get($args = array())
     global $wpdb;
     // Parse the arguments.
     $r = self::parse_args($args);
     // Get BuddyPress.
     $bp = buddypress();
     // METADATA.
     $meta_query_sql = self::get_meta_query_sql($r['meta_query']);
     // SELECT.
     $select_sql = "SELECT *";
     // FROM.
     $from_sql = "FROM {$bp->notifications->table_name} n ";
     // JOIN.
     $join_sql = $meta_query_sql['join'];
     // WHERE.
     $where_sql = self::get_where_sql(array('id' => $r['id'], 'user_id' => $r['user_id'], 'item_id' => $r['item_id'], 'secondary_item_id' => $r['secondary_item_id'], 'component_name' => $r['component_name'], 'component_action' => $r['component_action'], 'is_new' => $r['is_new'], 'search_terms' => $r['search_terms'], 'date_query' => $r['date_query']), $select_sql, $from_sql, $join_sql, $meta_query_sql);
     // ORDER BY.
     $order_sql = self::get_order_by_sql(array('order_by' => $r['order_by'], 'sort_order' => $r['sort_order']));
     // LIMIT %d, %d.
     $pag_sql = self::get_paged_sql(array('page' => $r['page'], 'per_page' => $r['per_page']));
     // Concatenate query parts.
     $sql = "{$select_sql} {$from_sql} {$join_sql} {$where_sql} {$order_sql} {$pag_sql}";
     $results = $wpdb->get_results($sql);
     // Integer casting.
     foreach ($results as $key => $result) {
         $results[$key]->id = (int) $results[$key]->id;
         $results[$key]->user_id = (int) $results[$key]->user_id;
         $results[$key]->item_id = (int) $results[$key]->item_id;
         $results[$key]->secondary_item_id = (int) $results[$key]->secondary_item_id;
         $results[$key]->is_new = (int) $results[$key]->is_new;
     // Update meta cache.
     if (true === $r['update_meta_cache']) {
         bp_notifications_update_meta_cache(wp_list_pluck($results, 'id'));
     return $results;
Пример #2
  * @group bp_notifications_update_meta_cache
 public function test_bp_notifications_update_meta_cache()
     $u = $this->factory->user->create();
     $n1 = $this->factory->notification->create(array('component_name' => 'messages', 'user_id' => $u));
     $n2 = $this->factory->notification->create(array('component_name' => 'groups', 'user_id' => $u));
     // Add cache for each notification.
     bp_notifications_update_meta($n1, 'meta', 'data');
     bp_notifications_update_meta($n1, 'data', 'meta');
     bp_notifications_update_meta($n2, 'meta', 'human');
     // Prime cache.
     bp_notifications_get_meta($n1, 'meta');
     // Ensure an empty cache for second notification.
     wp_cache_delete($n2, 'notification_meta');
     // Update notification meta cache.
     bp_notifications_update_meta_cache(array($n1, $n2));
     $expected = array($n1 => array('meta' => array('data'), 'data' => array('meta')), $n2 => array('meta' => array('human')));
     $found = array($n1 => wp_cache_get($n1, 'notification_meta'), $n2 => wp_cache_get($n2, 'notification_meta'));
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $found);