require_capability('moodle/course:update', $context); // OK, now let's process the parameters and do stuff switch ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) { case 'POST': switch ($class) { case 'block': switch ($field) { case 'visible': blocks_execute_action($PAGE, $pageblocks, 'toggle', $blockinstance); break; case 'position': // Misleading case. Should probably call it 'move'. // We want to move the block around. This means changing // the column (position field) and/or block sort order // (weight field). blocks_move_block($PAGE, $blockinstance, $column, $value); break; } break; case 'section': if (!record_exists('course_sections', 'course', $course->id, 'section', $id)) { error_log('AJAX commands.php: Bad Section ID ' . $id); die; } switch ($field) { case 'visible': set_section_visible($course->id, $id, $value); break; case 'move': move_section($course, $id, $value); break;
$recordexists = record_exists('block_instance', 'position', $column, 'pageId', $courseid, 'id', $instanceid); if ($isaddednewblock || $undifinedinsertedid) { if (!empty($countrecords)) { $destweight = $recordexists ? $instweight->weight : $instweight->weight + 1; } else { $destweight = 0; } } else { if (!empty($countrecords)) { $destweight = $recordexists ? $instweight->weight : $instweight->weight + 1; } else { $destweight = 0; } } } blocks_move_block($PAGE, $blockinstance, $column, $destweight); $current_blocks = blocks_get_by_page_pinned($PAGE); global $COURSE; foreach ($current_blocks as $pos => $blocks) { if (count($current_blocks[$pos]) == 0) { print_side_block('', '', NULL, NULL, '', array('id' => $pos . 'inst0', 'class' => 'tempblockhandle'), ''); } } break; } break; case 'section': if (!record_exists('course_sections', 'course', $course->id, 'section', $id)) { error_log('AJAX commands.php: Bad Section ID ' . $id); die; }