Пример #1
 function edit($id = FALSE, $page = 1)
     //load block submit helper and append in the head
     //get the $id and sanitize
     $id = $this->uri->segment(4) ? $this->uri->segment(4) : $this->input->post('id', TRUE);
     $id = $id != 0 ? filter_var($id, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT) : NULL;
     //get the $page and sanitize
     $page = $this->uri->segment(5) ? $this->uri->segment(5) : $this->input->post('page', TRUE);
     $page = $page != 0 ? filter_var($page, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT) : NULL;
     //redirect if it´s no correct
     if (!$id) {
         $this->session->set_flashdata('message', array('type' => 'warning', 'text' => lang('web_object_not_exist')));
     //variables for check the upload
     $form_data_aux = array();
     $files_to_delete = array();
     //Rules for validation
     //create control variables
     $this->template->set('updType', 'edit');
     $this->template->set('page', $page);
     if ($this->form_validation->run() == FALSE) {
         //search the item to show in edit form
         $this->template->set('group', Group::find_by_id($id));
         //load the view and the layout
     } else {
         // build array for the model
         $form_data = array('id' => $this->input->post('id', TRUE), 'name' => set_value('name'), 'description' => set_value('description'));
         //add the aux form data to the form data array to save
         $form_data = array_merge($form_data_aux, $form_data);
         //find the item to update
         $group = Group::find($this->input->post('id', TRUE));
         // run insert model to write data to db
         if ($group->is_valid()) {
             $this->session->set_flashdata('message', array('type' => 'success', 'text' => lang('web_edit_success')));
             redirect("/admin/groups/" . $page);
         if ($group->is_invalid()) {
             $this->session->set_flashdata('message', array('type' => 'error', 'text' => $group->errors->full_messages()));
             redirect("/admin/groups/" . $page);
Пример #2
 function edit($id = FALSE, $parent_id = FALSE)
     //load block submit helper and append in the head
     //Rules for validation
     //get the parent id and sanitize
     $parent_id = $this->uri->segment(5) ? $this->uri->segment(5) : $this->input->post('parent_id', TRUE);
     $parent_id = $parent_id != 0 ? filter_var($parent_id, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT) : NULL;
     //get the $id and sanitize
     $id = $this->uri->segment(4) ? $this->uri->segment(4) : $this->input->post('id', TRUE);
     $id = $id != 0 ? filter_var($id, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT) : NULL;
     //redirect if it´s no correct
     if (!$id) {
         $this->session->set_flashdata('message', array('type' => 'warning', 'text' => lang('web_object_not_exit')));
     //create control variables
     $this->template->set('category', Category::find_by_id($id));
     $this->template->set('updType', 'edit');
     $this->template->set('parent_id', $parent_id);
     if ($this->form_validation->run() == FALSE) {
         //load the view and the layout
     } else {
         // build array for the model
         $form_data = array('name' => $this->input->post('name', TRUE), 'id' => $this->input->post('id', TRUE));
         //find the item to update
         $category = Category::find($this->input->post('id', TRUE));
         // run insert model to write data to db
         if ($category->is_valid()) {
             $this->session->set_flashdata('message', array('type' => 'success', 'text' => lang('web_edit_success')));
             redirect('admin/categories/' . $parent_id);
         if ($category->is_invalid()) {
             $this->session->set_flashdata('message', array('type' => 'error', 'text' => $category->errors->full_messages()));
             redirect('admin/categories/' . $parent_id);
Пример #3
 function edit($id = FALSE)
     //load block submit helper and append in the head
     //get the $id
     $id = $this->uri->segment(4) ? $this->uri->segment(4) : $this->input->post('id', TRUE);
     //Filter & Sanitize $id
     $id = $id != 0 ? filter_var($id, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT) : NULL;
     //redirect if it´s no correct
     if (!$id) {
         $this->session->set_flashdata('message', array('type' => 'warning', 'text' => lang('web_object_not_exist')));
     //Rules for validation
     $this->_set_rules('edit', $id);
     if ($this->form_validation->run() == FALSE) {
         $this->template->set('updType', 'edit');
         $this->template->set('user', User::find_by_id($id));
     } else {
         $data = array('username' => $this->input->post('email'), 'email' => $this->input->post('email'), 'first_name' => $this->input->post('first_name'), 'last_name' => $this->input->post('last_name'));
         if ($this->input->post('password') != '') {
             $data['password'] = User::new_password($this->input->post('password'));
         //find the item to update
         $user = User::find($this->input->post('id', TRUE));
         // run insert model to write data to db
         if ($user->is_valid()) {
             $this->session->set_flashdata('message', array('type' => 'success', 'text' => lang('web_edit_success')));
         if ($user->is_invalid()) {
             $this->session->set_flashdata('message', array('type' => 'error', 'text' => lang('web_edit_failed')));
Пример #4
 function edit($id = FALSE)
     //load block submit helper and append in the head
     //get the $id and sanitize
     $id = $this->uri->segment(4) ? $this->uri->segment(4) : $this->input->post('id', TRUE);
     $id = $id != 0 ? filter_var($id, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT) : NULL;
     //search the categories and send to the view
     //create control variables
     $this->template->set('updType', 'edit');
     $this->template->set('page', $this->uri->segment(6) ? $this->uri->segment(6) : $this->input->post('page', TRUE));
     $this->template->set('parent_id', $this->uri->segment(5) ? $this->uri->segment(5) : $this->input->post('parent_id', TRUE));
     $this->template->set('categories', Category::get_formatted_combo());
     //variables for check the upload
     $form_data_aux = array();
     $files_to_delete = array();
     //redirect if it´s no correct
     if (!$id) {
         $this->session->set_flashdata('message', array('type' => 'warning', 'text' => lang('web_object_not_exist')));
     //Rules for validation
     if ($this->form_validation->run() == FALSE) {
         //search the item to show in edit form
         $this->template->set('product', Product::find_by_id($id));
         //load the view and the layout
     } else {
         $data['product'] = Product::find($this->input->post('id', TRUE));
         $this->template->set('product', $data['product']);
         foreach ($_FILES as $index => $value) {
             if ($value['name'] != '') {
                 //initializing the upload library
                 //upload the image
                 if (!$this->upload->do_upload($index)) {
                     $this->template->set('upload_error', $this->upload->display_errors("<span class='error'>", "</span>"));
                     //load the view and the layout
                     return FALSE;
                 } else {
                     //create an array to send to image_lib library to create the thumbnail
                     $info_upload = $this->upload->data();
                     //Save the name an array to save on BD before
                     $form_data_aux[$index] = $info_upload["file_name"];
                     //Save the name of old files to delete
                     array_push($files_to_delete, $data['product']->{$index});
                     //Load and initializing the imagelib library to create the thumbnail
                     $this->image_lib->initialize($this->set_thumbnail_options($info_upload, 'products'));
                     //create the thumbnail
                     if (!$this->image_lib->resize()) {
                         $this->template->set('upload_error', $this->image_lib->display_errors("<span class='error'>", "</span>"));
                         //load the view and the layout
                         return FALSE;
         // build array for the model
         $form_data = array('name' => $this->input->post('name', TRUE), 'description' => $this->input->post('description', TRUE), 'active' => $this->input->post('active', TRUE), 'option' => $this->input->post('option', TRUE), 'category_id' => $this->input->post('category_id', TRUE), 'id' => $this->input->post('id', TRUE));
         //add the aux form data to the form data array to save
         $form_data = array_merge($form_data_aux, $form_data);
         //find the item to update
         $product = Product::find($this->input->post('id', TRUE));
         //save the old image to delete
         $old_image = $product->image;
         // run insert model to write data to db
         if ($product->is_valid()) {
             $this->session->set_flashdata('message', array('type' => 'success', 'text' => lang('web_edit_success')));
             //delete the old images
             foreach ($files_to_delete as $index) {
                 if (is_file(FCPATH . 'public/uploads/products/img/' . $index)) {
                     unlink(FCPATH . 'public/uploads/products/img/' . $index);
                 if (is_file(FCPATH . 'public/uploads/products/img/thumbs/' . $index)) {
                     unlink(FCPATH . 'public/uploads/products/img/thumbs/' . $index);
         if ($product->is_invalid()) {
             $this->session->set_flashdata('message', array('type' => 'error', 'text' => $product->errors->full_messages()));
         if ($this->input->post('parent_id')) {
             redirect('admin/products/product_list/' . $this->input->post('category_id', TRUE) . '/' . $this->input->post('page', TRUE));
         } else {
             redirect('admin/products/' . $this->input->post('page', TRUE));