Пример #1
$headeroptions->cellHtmlText = 'nombre:' . $quizname;
$headeroptions->cellHtmlDate = '';
$headeroptions->cellHtmlUser = '******' . $fullname;
$headeroptions->cellCourseName = 'curso' . $coursename;
$headeroptions->marksize = 5;
$headeroptions->marksName = 'EVAL';
$page_dims = array();
// add a page
$dims = new stdClass();
$dims->coords = array();
$page_dims[] = $dims;
blended_print_page_header($pdf, $dims, "9901984610272", "22222222201", $headeroptions);
$pdf->writeHTMLCell($columnsWidth, 1, '', '', $question->textHtml, $borderDescription, 0, 0, false);
//$pdf->SetXY(10,10); // no importa el inicio en Y
draw_multichoice_question($pdf, $dims, $question, $columnsWidth, 0, $markSize);
draw_multichoice_question($pdf, $dims, $question2, $columnsWidth, 0, $markSize);
$pdf->SetY(max($dims->coords[$question->id]->Y + $dims->coords[$question->id]->H, $dims->coords[$question2->id]->Y + $dims->coords[$question2->id]->H));
draw_multichoice_question($pdf, $dims, $question3, $columnsWidth, 0, $markSize);
//Close and output PDF document
// affects the inter-line space
$text = generate_template($dims, $fieldname);
$pdf->writeHTMLCell('', '', '', '', $text, 1);
$pdf->Output('labels.pdf', 'I');
Пример #2
        } else {
            $descartados->question[$i] = $original->question[$key];
            $control = 1;
    if ($control == 0) {
        illustrate_layout($pdf1, $dimsn[$page], $page, $uniqueid);
    $original = $descartados;
    $i = 0;
    if (count($original) == 0 && count($descartados) == 0) {
        illustrate_layout($pdf1, $dimsn[$page], $page, $uniqueid);
    } else {
        if ($cols == $numcols - 1) {
            illustrate_layout($pdf1, $dimsn[$page], $page, $uniqueid);
            $dimsn[$page]->coords = array();
            blended_print_page_header($pdf1, $dimsn[$page], null, $activity_code, $headeroptions);
            $cols = -1;
            $x = 0;
$pdf1->Output('paperquiz.pdf', 'I');
Пример #3
function pdfAssignmentPage($code, $margins, $fullname, grade_item $item, $course, $blended, $gradingmarks = false)
    global $CFG;
    $assignmentname = blended_get_item_name($item);
    $assignmenttimedue = blended_get_item_due_date($item);
    //	if(isset($item->duedate)){
    //		$assignmenttimedue= $item->duedate ? userdate($item->duedate,"%A %d, %B, %Y") : ' ';
    //	}
    //	else if(isset($item->timedue)){
    //		$assignmenttimedue= $item->timedue ? userdate($item->timedue,"%A %d, %B, %Y") : ' ';
    //	}
    $assignment_code = $item->id;
    $formatoptions = new stdClass();
    $formatoptions->noclean = true;
    $item_desc = blended_get_item_description($item);
    $cellHtmlDescription = format_text($item_desc->text, $item_desc->format, $formatoptions);
    $coursename = $course->fullname;
    // create new PDF document
    $pdf = new TCPDF(PDF_PAGE_ORIENTATION, PDF_UNIT, PDF_PAGE_FORMAT, true, 'UTF-8', false);
    // set document information
    $pdf->SetAuthor('Blended Module');
    $pdf->SetTitle('Submission form for activity "$assigment_name".');
    $pdf->SetSubject('Blended module. (C)ITAST group. Juan Pablo de Castro');
    $pdf->SetKeywords('Moodle, blended, ITAST');
    //set margins
    $pdf->SetMargins($margins['left'], $margins['top'], $margins['right']);
    //set auto page breaks
    $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(TRUE, $margins['bottom']);
    //set image scale factor
    // set font
    $pdf->AddFont('courier', '', '');
    $pdf->SetFont('courier', '', 10);
    // add a page
    $dims = new stdClass();
    $dims->coords = array();
    $headeroptions = new stdClass();
    $headeroptions->rowHeight = 6;
    $headeroptions->logoWidth = 30;
    $headeroptions->codebarWidth = 30;
    $headeroptions->logo_url = "pix/UVa_logo.jpg";
    $headeroptions->codebarType = $blended->codebartype;
    $headeroptions->cellHtmlText = '<b>' . $assignmentname . '</b>';
    $headeroptions->cellHtmlDate = get_string('duedate', 'blended') . ':<b>' . $assignmenttimedue . '</b>' . '  ';
    $headeroptions->cellHtmlUser = get_string('username', 'blended') . ':' . $fullname;
    $headeroptions->cellCourseName = get_string('course') . ':' . $coursename;
    $headeroptions->marksize = 5;
    $headeroptions->marksName = 'a';
    $identifylabel = "printCourseLabels.php?a={$blended->id}&action=barcode&scale=2&code={$code}";
    blended_print_page_header($pdf, $dims, $code, $assignment_code . "1", $headeroptions, '', $identifylabel, '');
    $pdf->writeHTMLCell($pdf->getPageWidth() - $margins['left'] - $margins['right'], '', $margins['left'], '', $cellHtmlDescription, true, 0, 0, true);
    //Close and output PDF document
    $pdf->Output('labels.pdf', 'I');
Пример #4
* Prints the quiz in the PDF object and writes the template
* @param unknown_type $pdf1
* @param unknown_type $numcols
* @param unknown_type $columnsWidth
* @param unknown_type $margins
* @param unknown_type $original
* @param unknown_type $dimsn
* @param unknown_type $markSize
* @param unknown_type $headeroptions
* @param unknown_type $uniqueid
* @param unknown_type $pdfFile
function blended_print_quiz($pdf1, $numcols, $columnsWidth, $margins, $original, $dimsn, $markSize, $headeroptions, $uniqueid, $pdfFile)
    $ordinal = 1;
    $i = 0;
    $item = new stdClass();
    $Height = $pdf1->getPageHeight() - $margins['bottom'];
    $page = 1;
    while (count($original->question) > 0) {
        $dims = new stdClass();
        $dims->coords = array();
        $dimsn[$page] = $dims;
        debugging("<p>Create page {$page}</p>");
        // Print page Header
        blended_print_page_header($pdf1, $dimsn[$page], null, $uniqueid, $headeroptions, $page);
        $topY = $pdf1->GetY();
        for ($cols = 0; $cols < $numcols; $cols++) {
            debugging("<p>Filling up column {$cols}<p>");
            $i = 0;
            $pending = new stdClass();
            $pending->question = array();
            $x = $cols * $columnsWidth + $margins['left'];
            foreach ($original->question as $question_original) {
                $question = clone $question_original;
                if ($pdf1->GetY() + $question->height < $Height) {
                    // There is room for this Question block
                    //avoid a new line if there is a paragraph mark
                    $question->questiontext = trim($question->questiontext);
                    $paragraphmark = '<p align="justify">';
                    // TODO filter this with regular expressions
                    $par_pos = strpos($question->questiontext, $paragraphmark);
                    if ($par_pos !== false && $par_pos == 0) {
                        $question->questiontext = "{$paragraphmark}{$ordinal})" . substr($question->questiontext, strlen($paragraphmark));
                    } else {
                        // add an ordinal to the question for easy identification on the page
                        $question->questiontext = "{$ordinal})" . $question->questiontext;
                    //Print a question block
                    $pdf1->SetFont($headeroptions->textStyle['font'], '', $headeroptions->textStyle['fontsize']);
                    blended_draw_question($pdf1, $dimsn[$page], $question, $columnsWidth, 0, $markSize);
                    debugging("<p>Item {$question->id} printed</p>");
                } else {
                    $pending->question[] = $question;
                    debugging("<p>Item {$question->id} discarted, passed to next column.</p>");
            // iteration over questions
            // Start a new column
            $original = $pending;
            //unset ($pending);
            debugging("<p>There are " . count($original->question) . " questions to print.</p>");
        // iterate over columns
        debugging("<p>Columns or questions exhausted. Ending page.</p>");
        // save OMR information for this page
        blended_generate_omrfile($pdf1, $dimsn[$page], $page, $uniqueid, $pdfFile);
        // Start a new page
        debugging("<p>There are " . count($original->question) . " questions to print.</p>");
    //while(true) pages
    return $pdf1;