Пример #1
        bh_log("Fatal error in upload notification system", "BH_ERROR");
} elseif (count($fupload) > 0) {
    # Notify the popup to close
    $uploadrows = select_bhdb("uploads", array("sessionid" => session_id()), 1);
    if (empty($uploadrows)) {
        insert_bhdb("uploads", array("sessionid" => session_id(), "status" => "finished"));
    } else {
        update_bhdb("uploads", array("status" => "finished"), array("sessionid" => session_id()));
    # Calculate used bandwidth
    foreach ($fupload as $fileinfo) {
        bh_bandwidth($bhsession['username'], "up", $fileinfo['size']);
    # Check they can write to the destination directory
    if (bh_checkrights($infolder, $bhsession['username']) >= 2) {
        foreach ($fupload as $fileinfo) {
            # If it's a valid upload...
            if (empty($fileinfo['name']) !== TRUE) {
                # Check the file actually exists.
                if (file_exists($fileinfo['tempname'])) {
                    # Create thing of banned exts
                    $bannedexts = array("exexexexex" => 1);
                    $invalid = False;
                    foreach ($bannedexts as $ext => $one) {
                        if (substr($fileinfo['name'], 0 - strlen($ext)) == $ext) {
                            $invalid = True;
                    # Check the file would not exceed the quota
                    if ($bhcurrent['userobj']->spaceremaining() < $fileinfo['size']) {
Пример #2
function bh_checkmodulefilepath($module, $filepath, $username)
    $accesslevel = bh_checkrights($filepath, $username);
    if ($accesslevel == 0) {
        return 0;
    $modulepermrows = select_bhdb("modulesaccesslevel", array("module" => $module, "accesslevel" => $accesslevel), "");
    $status = $modulepermrows[0]['status'];
    switch ($status) {
        case "y":
        case "1":
        case "ok":
        case "TRUE":
        case "true":
            return 1;
            return 0;
Пример #3
 function loadfile()
     global $bhconfig, $bhsession;
     # Check if it's a directory.
     # For directories, loadfile still returns the contents of the filepath - the directory listing. Everything is a file.
     if ($this->is_dir()) {
         $files = array();
         $handle = opendir($this->absfilepath);
         while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
             # Open and close the file, to assign permissions to new files.
             $tempfileobj = new bhfile($this->filepath . "/" . $file);
             if (bh_checkrights($this->filepath . "/" . $file, $bhsession['username']) > 0) {
                 if ($bhconfig['hidedotfiles'] == 1) {
                     if (!preg_match("/^\\.{1,2}/", $file)) {
                         $files[] = array("filename" => $file, "filepath" => $this->filepath . "/" . $file, "filesize" => filesize($this->absfilepath . "/" . $file), "filedate" => filemtime($this->absfilepath . "/" . $file), "absfilepath" => $this->absfilepath . "/" . $file);
                 } else {
                     if (!preg_match("/^\\.{1,2}\$/", $file)) {
                         $files[] = array("filename" => $file, "filepath" => $this->filepath . "/" . $file, "filesize" => filesize($this->absfilepath . "/" . $file), "filedate" => filemtime($this->absfilepath . "/" . $file), "absfilepath" => $this->absfilepath . "/" . $file);
         $this->filecontents = $files;
         return $files;
     } else {
         # Check to use file_get_contents (apparentely faster) or fread (compatable)
         if (function_exists("file_get_contents")) {
             $this->filecontents = file_get_contents($this->absfilepath);
         } else {
             $filepointer0 = fopen($this->absfilepath, "rb");
             $this->filecontents = fread($filepointer0, filesize($this->filecontents));
Пример #4
 function COPY(&$options)
     global $bhsession;
     $destfilepath = bh_fpclean($options['dest']);
     $filepath = bh_fpclean($options['path']);
     $infolder = bh_get_parent($destfilepath);
     $fileexist = bh_user_file_exists($filepath);
     if (!$fileexist) {
         return "404 Not Found";
     if (bh_checkrights(bh_fpclean($infolder), $bhsession['username']) <= 1) {
         return "403 Forbidden";
     $fileobj = new bhfile($filepath);
     return "204 No Content";
Пример #5
if (empty($infolder)) {
    $infolder = $_GET['infolder'];
if (empty($infolder)) {
    $infolder = $_POST['infolder'];
if (empty($infolder)) {
    $infolder = $_SESSION['lastdir'];
if (empty($infolder)) {
    $infolder = $bhcurrent['userobj']->homedir;
if (!empty($_POST['foldername'])) {
    # Check they have permission to write in the folder
    if (bh_checkrights(bh_fpclean($infolder), $bhsession['username']) >= 2) {
        bh_mkdir(bh_fpclean($infolder . "/" . $_POST['foldername']));
        $fileobj = new bhfile(bh_fpclean($infolder . "/" . $_POST['foldername']));
        bh_log($bhlang['notice:folder_created'], "BH_NOTICE");
        bh_log(str_replace("#USER#", $bhsession['username'], str_replace("#FOLDER#", bh_fpclean($infolder . "/" . $_POST['foldername']), $bhlang['log:#USER#_created_#FOLDER#'])), "BH_FOLDER_CREATED");
        $_GET['filepath'] = bh_fpclean($infolder . "/" . $_POST['foldername']);
        require "modules/viewdir.inc.php";
    } else {
        bh_log($bhlang['error:access_denied'], "BH_ERROR");
        bh_log(str_replace("#USER#", $bhsession['username'], str_replace("#PAGE#", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $bhlang['log:#USER#_denied_#PAGE#'])), "BH_ACCESS_DENIED");
        require "modules/error.inc.php";
} else {
    # Open layout object
    $layoutobj = new bhlayout("addfolderform");