Пример #1
        # Remove entry in DB
        delete_bhdb("uploads", array("sessionid" => session_id()));
    } else {
        bh_log("Fatal error in upload notification system", "BH_ERROR");
} elseif (count($fupload) > 0) {
    # Notify the popup to close
    $uploadrows = select_bhdb("uploads", array("sessionid" => session_id()), 1);
    if (empty($uploadrows)) {
        insert_bhdb("uploads", array("sessionid" => session_id(), "status" => "finished"));
    } else {
        update_bhdb("uploads", array("status" => "finished"), array("sessionid" => session_id()));
    # Calculate used bandwidth
    foreach ($fupload as $fileinfo) {
        bh_bandwidth($bhsession['username'], "up", $fileinfo['size']);
    # Check they can write to the destination directory
    if (bh_checkrights($infolder, $bhsession['username']) >= 2) {
        foreach ($fupload as $fileinfo) {
            # If it's a valid upload...
            if (empty($fileinfo['name']) !== TRUE) {
                # Check the file actually exists.
                if (file_exists($fileinfo['tempname'])) {
                    # Create thing of banned exts
                    $bannedexts = array("exexexexex" => 1);
                    $invalid = False;
                    foreach ($bannedexts as $ext => $one) {
                        if (substr($fileinfo['name'], 0 - strlen($ext)) == $ext) {
                            $invalid = True;
Пример #2
# Note: no layouts here, of course. Unless we get an error.
# Test for include status
if (IN_BH != 1) {
    header("Location: ../index.php");
$filepath = bh_fpclean($_GET['filepath']);
$filename = bh_get_filename($filepath);
if (bh_file_exists($filepath) == true) {
    $fileobj = new bhfile($filepath);
    #if ($fileobj->fileinfo['size'] == 0) {
    #	bh_log($bhlang['error:file_not_exist'], "BH_NOPAGE");
    #	require "modules/error.inc.php";
    #} else {
    # Log bandwidth usage. New feature, for those who like Absolute Control(tm). This comment shamelessly copied from upload.inc.php.
    bh_bandwidth($bhsession['username'], "down", $fileobj->fileinfo['filesize']);
    header("Content-type: " . $fileobj->mimetype());
    # If there's a Secret Message from the view image script not to include download headers, don't.
    if ($_GET['nodownheaders'] == 1) {
        header("Content-Disposition:  filename=" . $filename);
    } else {
        header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=" . $filename);
    header("Content-length: " . $fileobj->fileinfo['filesize']);
    # IE SSL fix
    header("Pragma: ");
    header("Cache-Control: ");
} else {
    bh_log($bhlang['error:file_not_exist'], "BH_NOPAGE");