<?php global $avia_config; /* * get_header is a basic wordpress function, used to retrieve the header.php file in your theme directory. */ get_header(); echo avia_title(array('title' => avia_which_archive())); do_action('ava_after_main_title'); ?> <div class='container_wrap container_wrap_first main_color <?php avia_layout_class('main'); ?> '> <div class='container'> <main class='template-page template-portfolio content <?php avia_layout_class('content'); ?> units' <?php avia_markup_helper(array('context' => 'content', 'post_type' => 'portfolio')); ?> > <div class="entry-content-wrapper clearfix"> <div class="category-term-description"> <?php echo term_description();
<?php global $avia_config; /* * get_header is a basic wordpress function, used to retrieve the header.php file in your theme directory. */ get_header(); // allows to customize the layout do_action('ava_search_after_get_header'); $results = avia_which_archive(); echo avia_title(array('title' => $results)); do_action('ava_after_main_title'); ?> <div class='container_wrap container_wrap_first main_color <?php avia_layout_class('main'); ?> '> <div class='container'> <main class='content template-search <?php avia_layout_class('content'); ?> units' <?php avia_markup_helper(array('context' => 'content')); ?> > <div class='page-heading-container clearfix'> <section class="search_form_field">
* get_header is a basic wordpress function, used to retrieve the header.php file in your theme directory. */ get_header(); ?> <!-- ####### MAIN CONTAINER ####### --> <div class='container_wrap <?php echo $avia_config['layout']; ?> ' id='main'> <div class='container'> <?php echo avia_title(false, false, avia_which_archive()); ?> <div class='template-blog content'> <?php /* Run the loop to output the posts. * If you want to overload this in a child theme then include a file * called loop-index.php and that will be used instead. */ $more = 0; get_template_part('includes/loop', 'index'); ?> <!--end content--> </div>
<?php global $avia_config, $more; /* * get_header is a basic wordpress function, used to retrieve the header.php file in your theme directory. */ get_header(); $description = is_tag() ? tag_description() : category_description(); echo avia_title(array('title' => avia_which_archive(), 'subtitle' => $description, 'link' => false)); $author_id = get_query_var('author'); $name = apply_filters('avf_author_name', get_the_author_meta('display_name', $author_id), $author_id); $heading_s = __("Entries by", 'avia_framework') . " " . $name; do_action('ava_after_main_title'); ?> <div id="page_slider_title_content" class="av-layout-grid-container entry-content-wrapper main_color av-flex-cells avia-builder-el-0 el_before_av_codeblock avia-builder-el-first container_wrap sidebar_left"> <div class="flex_cell no_margin av_one_fourth avia-builder-el-1 el_before_av_cell_three_fourth avia-builder-el-first av-zero-padding " style="vertical-align:top; padding:0px; "> <div class="flex_cell_inner"> <div id="page-slider-title"> <?php echo do_shortcode('[pageslidertitle]'); ?> </div> </div> </div> <div class="flex_cell no_margin av_three_fourth avia-builder-el-3 el_after_av_cell_one_fourth avia-builder-el-last av-zero-padding " style="vertical-align:top; padding:0px; "> <div class="flex_cell_inner"> <section class="avia_codeblock_section avia_code_block_1" itemscope="itemscope" itemtype="https://schema.org/CreativeWork"> <div class="avia_codeblock " itemprop="text"> <?php echo do_shortcode('[rev_slider alias="page_slider"]');
global $avia_config; /* * get_header is a basic wordpress function, used to retrieve the header.php file in your theme directory. */ get_header(); $avia_config['layout'] = 'big_image sidebar_left single_sidebar'; ?> <!-- ####### MAIN CONTAINER ####### --> <div class='container_wrap <?php echo $avia_config['layout']; ?> ' id='main'> <h2 class='firstheading'><span class='container'><?php echo avia_which_archive(); ?> </span></h2> <div class='container'> <div class='content template-search'> <?php /* Run the loop to output the posts. * If you want to overload this in a child theme then include a file * called loop-search.php and that will be used instead. */ $more = 0; get_template_part('includes/loop', 'search'); ?>