public function __construct(HotelInterface $hotel, TaxInterface $tax, CountryInterface $country) { $this->hotel = $hotel; $this->tax = $tax; $this->country = $country; authorize('manage_hotels'); }
public function __construct(RoomInterface $room, TaxInterface $tax, HotelInterface $hotel) { $this->room = $room; $this->roomtype = $tax; $this->hotel = $hotel; authorize('manage_rooms'); }
function request_token($tmhOAuth) { $code = $tmhOAuth->request('POST', $tmhOAuth->url('oauth/request_token', ''), array('oauth_callback' => tmhUtilities::php_self())); if ($code == 200) { $_SESSION['oauth'] = $tmhOAuth->extract_params($tmhOAuth->response['response']); authorize($tmhOAuth); } else { outputError($tmhOAuth); } }
public function massdel(Request $request) { authorize('delete_users'); try { $this->user->massdel($request); return redirect()->back()->with('Mess', 'Đã xóa!'); } catch (NullException $e) { return redirect()->back()->with('errorMess', $e->getErrors()); } }
function createAccount($email, $name) { $query = "INSERT INTO accounts (`email`, `fullname`) VALUES (" . sqlSafe($email) . ", " . sqlSafe($name) . ")"; if (writeQuery($query)) { authorize($email); return true; } else { var_dump(getSQLerrors()); return false; } }
public function store(Request $request) { authorize('create_services'); DB::beginTransaction(); try { $this->services->create($request); DB::commit(); return redirect()->route('')->with('Mess', 'Thêm thành công'); } catch (ValidateException $e) { DB::rollBack(); return redirect()->back()->withInput()->withErrors($e->getError()); } }
public function massdel(Request $request) { authorize('delete_tags'); DB::beginTransaction(); try { $this->tag->massdel($request); DB::commit(); return redirect()->back()->with('Mess', 'Đã xóa!'); } catch (ExcuteNullException $e) { DB::rollBack(); return redirect()->back()->with('errorMess', $e->getErrors()); } }
function request_token($tmhOAuth) { $code = $tmhOAuth->request('POST', $tmhOAuth->url('oauth/request_token', ''), array('oauth_callback' => tmhUtilities::php_self())); if ($code == 200) { $_SESSION['oauth'] = $tmhOAuth->extract_params($tmhOAuth->response['response']); if (isset($_SESSION['account']['id'])) { // We already have a logged in user account authorize($tmhOAuth); } else { authenticate($tmhOAuth); } } else { outputError($tmhOAuth); } }
function source($submitid) { global $is_admin; global $mysqli_; if (1 != $is_admin) { authorize(); } // параметры if (!isset($submitid)) { fail(_error_no_submit_id_code); } // читаем данные $query = $mysqli_->prepare('select S.source, S.contestid, S.userid, U.nickname, L.desc, S.submittime, S.message from ((select Si.contestId, Si.userid, Si.langId, Si.source, Si.submittime, Si.message from `submit` Si where Si.submitID=?) S inner join `user` U on inner join Lang L on S.langId=L.langId'); $query->bind_param('i', $submitid); $query->bind_result($source, $contestid, $userid, $nickname, $language, $submitdate, $submitmessage); if (!$query->execute()) { fail(_error_mysql_query_error_code); } // auto-close of query $query->store_result(); if (0 == $query->num_rows) { fail(_error_no_submit_found_code); } // auto-close of quert $query->fetch(); if ('' == $source) { fail(_error_submit_source_is_empty_code); } // auto-close of query $query->close(); // конец считывания данных data('source', $source); data('submitid', $submitid); data('contestid', $contestid); data('nickname', $nickname); data('userid', $userid); data('language', $language); data('submitdate', $submitdate); data('submitmessage', $submitmessage); data('top', isset($_GET['top']) ? $_GET['top'] : -1); data('topuserid', isset($_GET['userid']) ? $_GET['userid'] : -1); }
function set_access($allModules, $userRights) { $data = array(); for ($i = 0, $c = count($allModules); $i < $c; $i++) { $row = array(); for ($j = 0, $c2 = count($userRights); $j < $c2; $j++) { if ($userRights[$j]["rr_modulecode"] == $allModules[$i]["mod_modulecode"]) { if (authorize($userRights[$j]["rr_create"]) || authorize($userRights[$j]["rr_edit"]) || authorize($userRights[$j]["rr_delete"]) || authorize($userRights[$j]["rr_view"])) { $row["menu"] = $allModules[$i]["mod_modulegroupcode"]; $row["menu_name"] = $allModules[$i]["mod_modulename"]; $row["page_name"] = $allModules[$i]["mod_modulepagename"]; $row["create"] = $userRights[$j]["rr_create"]; $row["edit"] = $userRights[$j]["rr_edit"]; $row["delete"] = $userRights[$j]["rr_delete"]; $row["view"] = $userRights[$j]["rr_view"]; $data[$allModules[$i]["mod_modulegroupcode"]][$userRights[$j]["rr_modulecode"]] = $row; $data[$allModules[$i]["mod_modulegroupcode"]]["top_menu_name"] = $allModules[$i]["mod_modulegroupname"]; } } } } return $data; }
function task_data($db_id) { global $dv_conf; $dd = get_dd($db_id); if (!authorize($dd)) { print '<br /><p class="error">Sorry, you are not authorized to view this page.</p>'; return; } $filter = strtolower(Request::getVar('type', 'json')); $file = JPATH_COMPONENT . DS . "filter/{$filter}.php"; if (file_exists($file)) { require_once $file; } if ($dd) { $link = get_db(); $sql = query_gen($dd); $res = get_results($sql, $dd); print filter($res, $dd); exit(0); } else { print print "<p class=\"error\">Invalid Request</p>"; exit(1); } }
<? // управление заказчиками include_once $GLOBALS["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/lib/sql.php"; authorize(); // вызов авторизации if (isset($edit) || isset($add) ) { if (!isset($accept)) { if ($edit) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM customers WHERE id='".$edit."'"; $res = mysql_query($sql); $rs=mysql_fetch_array($res); } echo "<form method=post id=editform action='http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$GLOBALS["PHP_SELF"]."'>"; echo "<input type='hidden' value='".(isset($edit)?$edit:"0")."' name='edit'>"; echo "<input type=hidden name=tid value=$tid>"; if (isset($order)) echo "<input type=hidden name=order value=$order>"; if (isset($idstr)) echo "<input type=hidden name=idstr value=$idstr>"; if (isset($find))echo "<input type=hidden name=find value=$find>"; if (isset($all)) echo "<input type=hidden name=all value=$all>"; echo "<input type=hidden name=accept value='yes'>"; echo "Краткое название (имя каталога):<input type=text name=customer size=20 value='".$rs["customer"]."'><br>"; echo "Полное название (для теззаданий): <input type=text name=fullname size=50 value='".$rs["fullname"]."'><br>"; echo "Каталог на диске К (для сверловок): <input type=text name=kdir size=50 value='".$rs["kdir"]."'><br>"; echo "<input type=button value='Сохранить' onclick=\"editrecord('customers',$('#editform').serialize())\"><input type=button value='Отмена' onclick='closeedit()'>"; } else { // сохрнение if ($edit) { // редактирование $sql = "UPDATE customers SET customer='$customer', fullname='$fullname', kdir='$kdir' WHERE id='$edit'";
require_once './config/require.php'; if (isset($firstattempt)) { authorize(); } // попытка войти if (isset($login) && isset($password)) { if (time() - $login_lastaccess < antiSpamTimeOut) { $header = 'Не удалось войти в систему'; $message = 'В целях защиты от спама не разрешается делать попытки входа в систему с интервалом между ними менее ' . antiSpamTimeOut . ' секунд. Попробуйте повторить запрос позже.'; } else { $q = $mysqli_->prepare('SELECT id,nickname,is_admin FROM `user` WHERE login=? AND `password`=password(?)'); $q->bind_param('ss', $login, $password); $q->bind_result($curuserid, $curnickname, $is_admin); if ($q->execute() && $q->fetch()) { $authorized = 1; $curlogin = $login; $curpass = $password; $message = 'Вход в систему произведен успешно'; } else { $message = 'Не удалось выполнить операцию сверки имени пользователя и пароля. Возможно, login или пароль введены неверно. Попробуйте повторить запрос позже.'; } $q->close(); } $login_lastaccess = time(); } else { $message = "Не указаны все необходимые параметры. Попробуйте повторить запрос позже."; } // конец попытки войти data('message', $message); authorize($data);
<?php if (!defined('REST')) { exit('Access Denied'); } include_once "class_pwd.php"; include_once "config_common.php"; include_once "config_sql.php"; include_once "class_response.php"; $restID = $_POST["rest_id"]; $restKey = $_POST["rest_key"]; $restName = $_POST["rest_name"]; if (!authorize($restID, $restKey, $restName)) { $response = new Response(); $response->status = 0; $response->msg = "authorize failed"; } else { $pwd = new PWD(); $response = $pwd->get(); } echo $response;
function dupe_comments($GroupID, $Comments) { global $DB, $LoggedUser; authorize(); if (!check_perms('users_mod')) { error(403); } if (!is_number($GroupID)) { error(403); } $DB->query("\n\t\tSELECT SHA1(Comments) AS CommentHash\n\t\tFROM dupe_groups\n\t\tWHERE ID = {$GroupID}"); list($OldCommentHash) = $DB->next_record(); if ($OldCommentHash != sha1($Comments)) { $AdminComment = sqltime() . " - Linked accounts updated: Comments updated by " . $LoggedUser['Username']; if ($_POST['form_comment_hash'] == $OldCommentHash) { $DB->query("\n\t\t\t\tUPDATE dupe_groups\n\t\t\t\tSET Comments = '" . db_string($Comments) . "'\n\t\t\t\tWHERE ID = '{$GroupID}'"); } else { $DB->query("\n\t\t\t\tUPDATE dupe_groups\n\t\t\t\tSET Comments = CONCAT('" . db_string($Comments) . "\n\n',Comments)\n\t\t\t\tWHERE ID = '{$GroupID}'"); } $DB->query("\n\t\t\tUPDATE users_info AS i\n\t\t\t\tJOIN users_dupes AS d ON d.UserID = i.UserID\n\t\t\tSET i.AdminComment = CONCAT('" . db_string($AdminComment) . "\n\n', i.AdminComment)\n\t\t\tWHERE d.GroupID = {$GroupID}"); } }
// to remove unwanted actions // it's not the best solution, maybe someone can do this without so many loops? // first build special (helper) bindings table for authorize() function foreach ($ExecStack->_BINDTABLE as $idx => $binding) { list($pre, $act) = explode('/', $idx); foreach ($binding as $bind) { $bindtable[$bind]['action'][] = $act; $bindtable[$bind]['count']++; } } reset($ExecStack->_MODINFO); // reset for each() function below while (list($mod_name, $mod_info) = each($ExecStack->_MODINFO)) { if (isset($mod_info['actions'])) { foreach ($mod_info['actions'] as $action_name => $action_info) { authorize($mod_name, $action_name); } } } // the same with menus (I don't kwnow how to do this in one loop) $_MODINFO = $ExecStack->_MODINFO; // copy for nested loops below reset($ExecStack->_MODINFO); // reset again while (list($mod_name, $mod_info) = each($ExecStack->_MODINFO)) { if (isset($mod_info['menus'])) { foreach ($mod_info['menus'] as $menu_idx => $menu_array) { foreach ($_MODINFO as $mod_array) { if (isset($mod_array['actions'])) { foreach ($mod_array['actions'] as $act) { if (isset($act['menu']) && $act['menu'] == $menu_array['id']) {
function invite($teamid, $mode) { global $is_admin; global $mysqli_; if (1 != $is_admin) { authorize(); } // параметры if (!isset($teamid)) { return _error_no_team_id_code; } // запрос на проверку существования команды if (-1 < $teamid) { $query = $mysqli_->prepare('select count(*) from `teams` T where T.teamID=?'); $query->bind_param('i', $teamid); $query->bind_result($count); if (!$query->execute()) { fail(_error_mysql_query_error_code); } // auto-close of query $query->fetch(); if (0 == $count) { return _error_no_team_found_code; } // auto-close of query $query->close(); } // конец проверки существования команды // проверяем, что команда еще не приглашена $query = $mysqli_->prepare('select count(*) from `teams` T where T.teamID=? and T.invited=1-?'); $query->bind_param('ii', $teamid, $mode); $query->bind_result($count); if (!$query->execute()) { fail(_error_mysql_query_error_code); } // auto-close of query $query->fetch(); if (0 == $count && 1 == $mode) { return _error_team_already_invited_code; } // auto-close of query if (0 == $count && 0 == $mode) { return _error_team_not_invited_code; } // auto-close of query $query->close(); // проставляем галочку $query = $mysqli_->prepare('update `teams` set invited=? where teamid=?'); $query->bind_param('ii', $mode, $teamid); if (!$query->execute() || 0 == $query->affected_rows) { fail(_error_mysql_query_error_code); } // auto-close of query $query->close(); // пытаемся отправить уведомление global $messages; $code = notify(-1, $teamid, 1 == $mode ? $messages[_header_you_are_invited_code] : $messages[_header_you_are_fired_code], 1 == $mode ? $messages[_message_you_are_invited_code] : $messages[_message_you_are_fired_code]); if (_success_notify_added_code != $code) { return $code; } // конец попытки отправить уведомление return 1 == $mode ? _success_team_invited_code : _success_team_declined_code; }
* Please bear in mind, that this software was written for _fun_ =) *************************/ /************************ * Usersnew - add new users to the station admin panel *---------------------------------------- * This page will allow the registration of new users to the station. This simply * inludes the creation of a new account. * * 2DO - Tie to XMLRPC Interface ************************/ include(""); # include the global framwork include("classes/sendMail.class.php"); # include the mail sender $myNav->add($SECTION[USERS],'users.php'); # add entry to Navigation Bar Stack $myNav->add($SECTION[USERSNEW],'usersnew.php'); # add entry to Navigation Bar Stack authorize('edit_users'); # check access rights /** * random_char() - will return a random charachter * * @param $string -- string to pick a random charachter from * @return char * * Alexey Koulikov - 12.01.2001 */ function random_char($string){ $length = strlen($string); $position = mt_rand(0, $length - 1); return($string[$position]); }
echo json_encode($fotosDAO->selectAll(), JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK); exit; }); $app->get('/fotos/:id/?', authorize(), function ($id) use($fotosDAO) { header("Content-Type: application/json"); echo json_encode($fotosDAO->selectById($id), JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK); exit; }); $app->post('/fotos/?', authorize(), function () use($app, $fotosDAO) { header("Content-Type: application/json"); $post = $app->request->post(); if (empty($post)) { $post = (array) json_decode($app->request()->getBody()); } echo json_encode($fotosDAO->insert($post), JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK); exit; }); $app->delete('/fotos/:id/?', authorize(), function () use($fotosDAO) { header("Content-Type: application/json"); echo json_encode($fotosDAO->delete()); exit; }); $app->put('/fotos/:id/?', authorize(), function () use($app, $fotosDAO) { header("Content-Type: application/json"); $post = $app->request->post(); if (empty($post)) { $post = (array) json_decode($app->request()->getBody()); } echo json_encode($fotosDAO->update($id, $post), JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK); exit; });
public function __construct(TaxInterface $tax, BannerInterface $banner) { $this->bannergroup = $tax; $this->banner = $banner; authorize('manage_bannergroups'); }
<?php if (authorize($_SESSION["access_module"]["INVT"]["PURCHASES"]["edit"])) { ?> <button class="btn btn-sm btn-info" type="button"><i class="fa fa-edit"></i> EDIT</button> <?php } ?> <?php if (authorize($_SESSION["access_module"]["INVT"]["PURCHASES"]["view"])) { ?> <button class="btn btn-sm btn-warning" type="button"><i class="fa fa-search-plus"></i> VIEW</button> <?php } ?> <?php if (authorize($_SESSION["access_module"]["INVT"]["PURCHASES"]["delete"])) { ?> <button class="btn btn-sm btn-danger" type="button"><i class="fa fa-trash-o"></i> DELETE</button> <?php } ?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> </tbody></table> </div> </div>
<?php session_start(); require 'Slim/Slim.php'; $app = new Slim(); $app->get('/employees', authorize('user'), 'getEmployees'); $app->get('/employees/:id', authorize('user'), 'getEmployee'); $app->get('/employees/:id/reports', authorize('user'), 'getReports'); $app->get('/employees/search/:query', authorize('user'), 'getEmployeesByName'); $app->get('/employees/modifiedsince/:timestamp', authorize('user'), 'findByModifiedDate'); // I add the login route as a post, since we will be posting the login form info $app->post('/login', 'login'); $app->run(); // api/index.php /** * Quick and dirty login function with hard coded credentials (admin/admin) * This is just an example. Do not use this in a production environment */ function login() { if (!empty($_POST['email']) && !empty($_POST['password'])) { // normally you would load credentials from a database. // This is just an example and is certainly not secure if ($_POST['email'] == 'admin' && $_POST['password'] == 'admin') { $user = array("email" => "admin", "firstName" => "Clint", "lastName" => "Berry", "role" => "user"); $_SESSION['user'] = $user; echo json_encode($user); } else { $error = array("error" => array("text" => "You shall not pass...")); echo json_encode($error); }
<?php authorize(true); /* User topic subscription page */ if (!empty($LoggedUser['DisableForums'])) { print json_encode(array('status' => 'failure')); die; } include SERVER_ROOT . '/classes/class_text.php'; // Text formatting class $Text = new TEXT(); if (isset($LoggedUser['PostsPerPage'])) { $PerPage = $LoggedUser['PostsPerPage']; } else { $PerPage = POSTS_PER_PAGE; } list($Page, $Limit) = page_limit($PerPage); if ($LoggedUser['CustomForums']) { unset($LoggedUser['CustomForums']['']); $RestrictedForums = implode("','", array_keys($LoggedUser['CustomForums'], 0)); $PermittedForums = implode("','", array_keys($LoggedUser['CustomForums'], 1)); } $ShowUnread = !isset($_GET['showunread']) && !isset($HeavyInfo['SubscriptionsUnread']) || isset($HeavyInfo['SubscriptionsUnread']) && !!$HeavyInfo['SubscriptionsUnread'] || isset($_GET['showunread']) && !!$_GET['showunread']; $ShowCollapsed = !isset($_GET['collapse']) && !isset($HeavyInfo['SubscriptionsCollapse']) || isset($HeavyInfo['SubscriptionsCollapse']) && !!$HeavyInfo['SubscriptionsCollapse'] || isset($_GET['collapse']) && !!$_GET['collapse']; $sql = 'SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS MAX(p.ID) AS ID FROM forums_posts AS p LEFT JOIN forums_topics AS t ON t.ID = p.TopicID
echo json_encode($userDAO->selectById($id), JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK); exit; }); $app->get('/users/login/:mail/?', authorize(), function ($mail) use($userDAO) { header("Content-Type: application/json"); echo json_encode($userDAO->selectByMail($mail), JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK); exit; }); $app->post('/users/?', authorize(), function () use($app, $userDAO) { header("Content-Type: application/json"); $post = $app->request->post(); if (empty($post)) { $post = (array) json_decode($app->request()->getBody()); } echo json_encode($userDAO->insert($post), JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK); exit; }); $app->delete('/users/:id/?', authorize(), function () use($userDAO) { header("Content-Type: application/json"); echo json_encode($userDAO->delete()); exit; }); $app->put('/users/:id/?', function ($id) use($app, $userDAO) { header("Content-Type: application/json"); $post = $app->request->post(); if (empty($post)) { $post = (array) json_decode($app->request()->getBody()); } echo json_encode($userDAO->update($id, $post), JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK); exit; });
* Author: Kulikov Alexey -, ********************************* * Please bear in mind, that this software was written for _fun_ =) *************************/ /************************ * myseries - shows the series of some user *---------------------------------------- * This page will display a list of all the possible users registered with * this station and their access levels. The Administrator can always * add new users to the list or take away privileges or even delete them... ************************/ include(""); # include the global framwork include("classes/pageSplit.class.php"); # include the page splitting utility $myNav->add($SECTION[SERIES],'myseries.php'); # add entry to Navigation Bar Stack authorize('edit_series'); # check access rights $me = $_SESSION['USER']->get("auth_id"); # global ME :) //can I edit this? if($_GET['id']){ if($_SESSION['USER']->get("auth_id") == $db->getOne("SELECT series.owner FROM series WHERE = '$_GET[id]'")){ $mod = true; } } if(($_SESSION['USER']->get("edit_station")==2) or ($mod)){ $mod_flag = TRUE; } ################# PROCESS POST ACTION ######################################################
$app->get('/contactos/justnames/:clientid', authorize(), 'getContactosJustNames'); $app->get('/contactos/total/', authorize(), 'getContactosTotal'); $app->get('/contactos/:id', authorize(), 'getContactosById'); $app->get('/contactos/name/:name', authorize(), 'getContactosByName'); $app->get('/contactos/page/:pagenumber', authorize(), 'getContactosByPage'); $app->post('/contactos', authorize(), 'addContactos'); $app->put('/contactos/:id', authorize(), 'updateContactosById'); $app->delete('/contactos/:id', authorize(), 'deleteContactos'); //segmentos $app->get('/segmentos', authorize(), 'getSegmentos'); $app->get('/segmentos/justnames/', authorize(), 'getSegmentosJustNamesAll'); $app->get('/segmentos/justnames/:clientid', authorize(), 'getSegmentosJustNames'); $app->get('/segmentos/total/', authorize(), 'getSegmentosTotal'); $app->get('/segmentos/:id', authorize(), 'getSegmentosById'); $app->get('/segmentos/name/:name', authorize(), 'getSegmentosByName'); $app->get('/segmentos/page/:pagenumber', authorize(), 'getSegmentosByPage'); $app->post('/segmentos', authorize(), 'addSegmentos'); $app->put('/segmentos/:id', authorize(), 'updateSegmentosById'); $app->delete('/segmentos/:id', authorize(), 'deleteSegmentos'); //subsegmentos //usuarios $app->get('/usuarios', authorize(), 'getUsuarios'); //$app->get('/usuarios/justnames/', authorize(), 'getUsuariosJustNamesAll'); //$app->get('/usuarios/total/', authorize(), 'getUsuariosTotal'); $app->get('/usuarios/:id', authorize(), 'getUsuariosById'); //$app->get('/usuarios/name/:name', authorize(), 'getUsuariosByName'); //$app->get('/usuarios/page/:pagenumber', authorize(), 'getUsuariosByPage'); $app->post('/usuarios', authorize(), 'addUsuarios'); $app->put('/usuarios/:id', authorize(), 'updateUsuariosById'); $app->delete('/usuarios/:id', authorize(), 'deleteUsuarios');
// Make the client connect and exchange tokens try { $connection->connect(); } catch (\Exception $e) { throw new Exception('Could not connect to Moneybird: ' . $e->getMessage()); } // Save the new tokens for next connections setValue('accesstoken', $connection->getAccessToken()); return $connection; } // If authorization code is returned from Moneybird, save this to use for token request if (isset($_GET['code']) && is_null(getValue('authorizationcode'))) { setValue('authorizationcode', $_GET['code']); } // If we do not have a authorization code, authorize first to setup tokens if (getValue('authorizationcode') === null) { authorize($redirectUrl, $clientId, $clientSecret); } // Create the Moneybird client $connection = connect($redirectUrl, $clientId, $clientSecret); $connection->setAdministrationId($administrationId); $moneybird = new \Picqer\Financials\Moneybird\Moneybird($connection); // Get the sales invoices from our administration try { $salesInvoices = $moneybird->salesInvoice()->get(); foreach ($salesInvoices as $salesInvoice) { var_dump($salesInvoice); } } catch (\Exception $e) { echo get_class($e) . ' : ' . $e->getMessage(); }
<?php include "funcuser.php"; include "template.php"; CreateCatalog($mysqli, $tmpl['category1'], $tmpl['category2'], $tmpl['search']); //Переход на страницу с формой входа if (isset($_POST['FormLogIn'])) { openFormLogIn($tmpl['LogIn']); } else { if (isset($_POST['FormSingUp'])) { openFormSingUp($tmpl['LogIn']); } else { if (isset($_POST['LogIn'])) { if (authorize($mysqli, $_POST['login'], $_POST['password'], $tmpl['logout'])) { $_SESSION["pageNumber"] = 1; $_SESSION["pagelist"] = $tmpl["pagenumber"]; guest_event($mysqli, $tmpl['mininews'], $tmpl['pagenumber'], $tmpl['page']); hotnews($mysqli, $tmpl["hotnews"]); } } else { if (isset($_POST['LogOut'])) { if (LogOut($mysqli, $tmpl['regist'])) { /*НОВАЯ АВТОРИЗАЦИЯ ДЛЯ ГОСТЯ*/ if (!isset($_SESSION["pageNumber"])) { $_SESSION["pageNumber"] = 1; } if (!isset($_SESSION["maxCountNews"])) { $_SESSION["maxCountNews"] = 2; } $_SESSION["postCateg"] = "Главная страница"; $_SESSION['select'] = $tmpl['selectnumbernews'];
<?php //******************************************************************************// //--------------- Fill a request -----------------------------------------------// $RequestID = $_REQUEST['requestid']; if (!is_number($RequestID)) { error(0); } authorize(); //VALIDATION if (!empty($_GET['torrentid']) && is_number($_GET['torrentid'])) { $TorrentID = $_GET['torrentid']; } else { if (empty($_POST['link'])) { error('You forgot to supply a link to the filling torrent'); } else { $Link = $_POST['link']; if (!preg_match('/' . TORRENT_REGEX . '/i', $Link, $Matches)) { error('Your link didn\'t seem to be a valid torrent link'); } else { $TorrentID = $Matches[4]; } } if (!$TorrentID || !is_number($TorrentID)) { error(404); } } //Torrent exists, check it's applicable $DB->query("\n\tSELECT\n\t\tt.UserID,\n\t\tt.Time,\n\t\ttg.ReleaseType,\n\t\tt.Encoding,\n\t\tt.Format,\n\t\tt.Media,\n\t\tt.HasLog,\n\t\tt.HasCue,\n\t\tt.LogScore,\n\t\ttg.CategoryID,\n\t\tIF(t.Remastered = '1', t.RemasterCatalogueNumber, tg.CatalogueNumber)\n\tFROM torrents AS t\n\t\tLEFT JOIN torrents_group AS tg ON t.GroupID = tg.ID\n\tWHERE t.ID = {$TorrentID}\n\tLIMIT 1"); if (!$DB->has_results()) { error(404);
echo json_encode($groupDAO->selectById($id), JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK); exit; }); $app->get('/group/:groupname/?', authorize(), function ($groupname) use($groupDAO) { header("Content-Type: application/json"); echo json_encode($groupDAO->selectByGroupName($groupname), JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK); exit; }); $app->post('/group/?', function () use($app, $groupDAO) { header("Content-Type: application/json"); $post = $app->request->post(); if (empty($post)) { $post = (array) json_decode($app->request()->getBody()); } echo json_encode($groupDAO->insert($post), JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK); exit; }); $app->delete('/group/:id/?', authorize(), function () use($groupDAO) { header("Content-Type: application/json"); echo json_encode($groupDAO->delete()); exit; }); $app->put('/group/:id/?', authorize(), function ($id) use($app, $groupDAO) { header("Content-Type: application/json"); $post = $app->request->post(); if (empty($post)) { $post = (array) json_decode($app->request()->getBody()); } echo json_encode($groupDAO->updateGroup($id, $post), JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK); exit; });