Пример #1
function Connexion($check_validity = TRUE)
    // the following global variables are stored in a distinct file
    if (!isset($_SERVER["PHP_AUTH_USER"]) || !isset($_SERVER["PHP_AUTH_PW"])) {
    $connexion = mysql_pconnect($WIKISERVER, $WIKILOGIN, $WIKIBASEPASSWORD);
    if (!$connexion) {
        echo gettext("Sorry, impossible connexion to server");
    if (!mysql_select_db($BASE, $connexion)) {
        echo gettext("Sorry, impossible connexion to database");
        echo "<B>Message de MySQL :</B> " . mysql_error($connexion);
    // from the manual, Chapter 16
    $query = "SELECT my_username FROM user WHERE my_login='******' and my_password='******'";
    $result = mysql_query($query, $connexion);
    if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) {
        echo gettext("Sorry, wrong username or password");
    return $connexion;
Пример #2

include_once '../Model/authentification.php';
if (isset($_POST['pseudo']) && isset($_POST['password'])) {
    $pseudo = strip_tags($_POST['pseudo']);
    $passH = sha1(strip_tags($_POST['password']));
    $per = authentification($pseudo, $passH);
    if ($per) {
        $_SESSION['USER_ID'] = $per['id'];
        $_SESSION['USER_PSEUDO'] = $pseudo;
include_once '../View/index.php';

Пример #3

include_once "connexion.php";
include_once "fonctions.php";
/* Affiche un message d'erreur si connexion échouée */
$erreurCo = "";
$erreurCrea = "";
$erreurModif = "";
if (isset($_POST['login']) && isset($_POST['password']) && !$_SESSION['connecte']) {
    $erreurCo = authentification($dbh);
if (isset($_POST['nlogin']) && isset($_POST['npassword']) && isset($_POST['npasswordV'])) {
    $erreurCrea = inscription($dbh);
if (isset($_POST['infoPassword'])) {
    $erreurModif = modifInfoUser($dbh);
$infos_user = getInfosUser($dbh);
/* Stockage de la vue à charger dans un buffer */
$html = recupererHTML("../main.html");
/* Initialisation du tableau pour le remplacement */
$remplacement = array('%navbar%' => recupererHTML("../html/navbar.html"), '%contenu%' => $_SESSION['connecte'] ? recupererHTML("../html/compte.html") : recupererHTML("../html/accueil.html"), '%scripts%' => "", '%accueilActif%' => 'class="active"', '%questActif%' => "", '%statActif%' => "", '%deconnexion%' => $_SESSION['connecte'] ? '<ul class="nav navbar-nav navbar-right"><li><a href="../php/deconnexion.php">Deconnexion</a></li></ul>' : '', '%erreurCo%' => $erreurCo, '%erreurCrea%' => $erreurCrea, '%erreurModif%' => $erreurModif, '%selGNull%' => !isset($infos_user->genre) ? "selected" : "", '%selGHom%' => $infos_user->genre == "homme" ? "selected" : "", '%selGFem%' => $infos_user->genre == "femme" ? "selected" : "", '%infoProf%' => isset($infos_user->profession) ? "value='" . $infos_user->profession . "'" : "", '%infoFrT%' => $infos_user->fr_natif ? 'checked' : '', '%infoFrF%' => !$infos_user->fr_natif ? 'checked' : '');
/* Remplacement des variables de la vue par les données de la page */
$html = remplacerContenu($html, $remplacement);
echo $html;
Пример #4

include 'lib/PDO.php';
include 'lib/user.php';
include 'lib/random_password.php';
//permet de se deconnecter
if (!empty($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == 'off') {
    include 'modele/connexion/deconnexion.php';
} else {
    if (!empty($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action'] == 'login') {
        if (isset($_POST['pseudo']) && isset($_POST['password'])) {
            include 'modele/connexion/authentification.php';
            authentification($_POST['pseudo'], $_POST['password']);
    } else {
        include 'vue/connexion/connexion.php';
Пример #5
header('Content-type: application/json');
include_once "./mysql_connect.php";
/* INPUT */
$EMAIL = set_value('EMAIL', '');
$PASSWORD = set_value('PASSWORD', '');
$SERVER_URL = set_value('SERVER_URL', 'http://refresh.nouvelingenieur.fr');
function authentification($EMAIL, $PASSWORD)
    if ($PASSWORD == sha1('')) {
        return array('SUCCESS' => 'False', 'MESSAGE' => _('Email missing'));
    if ($EMAIL == sha1('')) {
        return array('SUCCESS' => 'False', 'MESSAGE' => _('Password missing'));
    $hash_log = $EMAIL;
    $hash_pass = $PASSWORD;
    $result = @mysql_query(sprintf("SELECT user_id,is_valid,privileges FROM user WHERE hash_mail='%s' AND hash_pass='******'", mysql_real_escape_string($hash_log), mysql_real_escape_string($hash_pass)));
    if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) {
        return array('SUCCESS' => 'False', 'MESSAGE' => _('Email and password do not match'));
    } else {
        return array('SUCCESS' => 'True', 'MESSAGE' => _('You are now logged in'));
$array = authentification($EMAIL, $PASSWORD);
array_walk_recursive($array, function (&$item, $key) {
    if (is_string($item)) {
        $item = htmlentities($item);
echo "Ext.util.JSONP.callback(" . json_encode(array("data" => $array)) . ")";
Пример #6
 * 	Affiche le header du site
 *	Affiche les boutons de connexion/inscription pour les visiteurs
 *	Affiche un message personnalisé et l'option de déconnexion pour les membres authentifiés
function afficheHeader($dbh)
    $html = recupererHTML("../html/bandeau.html");
    //$estConnecte = true;
    $espaceConnexion = "";
    $modalInscription = "";
    $modalConnexion = "";
    $modalConfirmation = "";
    if (isset($_POST["login"]) && $_POST["password"]) {
        $_SESSION["estConnecte"] = authentification($dbh, $_POST["login"], $_POST["password"]);
        $_SESSION["role"] = $dbh->query("SELECT role FROM utilisateur WHERE pseudo='" . $_POST["login"] . "'");
        $_SESSION["role"] = $_SESSION["role"]->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
        $_SESSION["role"] = $_SESSION["role"]->role;
        $_SESSION["pseudo"] = $_POST["login"];
    if (isset($_SESSION["estConnecte"]) && $_SESSION["estConnecte"]) {
        $espaceConnexion = '
			<div class="account" id="logged">
					Bienvenue, ' . $_SESSION["pseudo"] . ' !
					<form method="post">
						<button type="submit" id="deConnexion" value="Deconnexion" name="deConnexion">Deconnexion</button>
    } else {
        $espaceConnexion = '
			<nav class="main-nav">
					<li><a class="connexion lien" href="#conn">Se connecter</a></li>
					<li><a class="inscription lien" href="#inscr">S\'inscrire</a></li>
        $modalInscription = '
			<div id="inscr" class="modal">
					<a href="#fermer" title="Fermer" class="fermer">X</a>
					<form action="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '#conf" method="post">
						<label for="inscrPseudo">Pseudo</label>
						<input type="text" name="inscrPseudo" id="inscrPseudo" placeholder="Pseudo" required><br>
						<label for="inscrMail">Mail</label>
						<input type="text" name="inscrMail" id="inscrMail" placeholder="*****@*****.**" required><br>
						<button type="submit" class="submit">Je m\'inscris !</button>
        $pageActuelle = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] == "/1000k_web/php/consulter_technote.php" ? "/1000k_web/php/consulter_technote.php?id=" . $_GET["id"] : ($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] == "/1000k_web/php/consulter_question.php" ? "/1000k_web/php/consulter_question.php?id=" . $_GET["id"] : $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
        $modalConnexion = '
			<div id="conn" class="modal">
					<a href="#fermer" title="Fermer" class="fermer">X</a>
					<form action="' . $pageActuelle . '" method="post">
						<label for="connPseudo">Pseudo</label>
						<input type="text" name="login" id="connPseudo" placeholder="Pseudo" required><br>
						<label for="connMDP">Mail</label>
						<input type="password" name="password" id="connMDP" placeholder="*****" required><br>
						<button type="submit" class="submit">Je me connecte !</button>
        if (isset($_POST["inscrPseudo"]) && isset($_POST["inscrMail"])) {
            $message = creationCompte($_POST["inscrMail"], $_POST["inscrPseudo"], $dbh);
            $modalConfirmation = '
				<div id="conf" class="modal">
						<a href="#fermer" title="Fermer" class="fermer">X</a>
						<span>' . $message . '</span>
    $remplacement = array('%espaceConnexion%' => $espaceConnexion, '%modalInscription%' => $modalInscription, '%modalConnexion%' => $modalConnexion, '%modalConfirmation%' => $modalConfirmation);
    return remplacerContenu($html, $remplacement);