function amr_trash_the_cache() { ausers_delete_option('amr-users-cache-status'); $text = __('Cache status records deleted, try building cache again', 'amr-users'); $text = $text . '<br/>' . '<a href="">' . __('Return', 'amr-users') . '</a>'; amr_users_message($text); }
function ausers_get_option($option) { // allows user reports to be run either at site level and/or at blog level global $ausersadminurl, $amr_nicenames; if (amr_is_network_admin()) { $result = get_site_option('network_' . $option); } else { $result = get_option($option); } if (empty($result)) { // it's new, get defaults //if ($option == 'amr-users-no-lists' ) return ameta_default_main(); // old - leave for upgrade check if ($option == 'amr-users-main') { // and it's empty //------------------------- //if (WP_DEBUG) echo '<br />Renaming stored option "amr-users-no-lists" to "amr-users-main" '; $amain = get_site_option('amr-users-no-lists'); // might return default ok, if not will have done upgrade check if (empty($amain)) { $amain = ausers_get_option('amr-users-no-lists'); if (empty($amain)) { $amain = ameta_default_main(); } } $amain['version'] = AUSERS_VERSION; ausers_update_option('amr-users-main', $amain); ausers_delete_option('amr-users-no-lists'); return $amain; //------------------------- } if ($option == 'amr-users') { return ameta_default_list_options(); } if ($option == 'amr-users-nicenames-excluded') { return array('attachment_count' => true, 'activation_key' => true, 'dismissed_wp_pointers' => true, 'default_password_nag' => true, 'nav_menu_item_count' => true, 'revision_count' => true, 'comment_count' => true, 'show_admin_bar_front' => true, 'show_welcome_panel' => true, 'user_activation_key' => true, 'user_status' => true, 'yim' => true, 'aim' => true, 'jabber' => true, 'reply_count' => true, 'topic_count' => true, 'forum_count' => true, 'use_ssl' => true); } if ($option == 'amr-users-original-keys') { return array(); } if ($option == 'amr-users-custom-headings') { return array(); } if ($option == 'amr-users-prefixes-in-use') { return array(); } if ($option == 'amr-users-nicenames') { $amr_nicenames = ameta_defaultnicenames(); } } return $result; }
function clear_all_cache() { global $wpdb; $sql = "TRUNCATE " . $this->table_name; $results = $wpdb->query($sql); if ($results) { $text = __('Cache cleared. ', 'amr-users'); } else { $text = __('Error clearing cache, or no cache to clear. ', 'amr-users'); } $result = ausers_delete_option('amr-users-cache-status'); if ($result) { $text .= __('Cache status in db cleared', 'amr-users'); } else { $text .= __('Error clearing cache in db, or no cache to clear', 'amr-users'); } $text = $text . '<br/>' . '<a href="">' . __('Return', 'amr-users') . '</a>'; amr_users_message($text); return $results; }
function amr_meta_keys_page() { global $ausersadminurl; //amr_meta_main_admin_header('Find fields, make nice names' ); amr_meta_admin_headings($plugin_page = ''); // does the nonce check etc if (isset($_POST['action']) and !($_POST['action'] === "save")) { return; } echo PHP_EOL . '<div class="clear" style="clear:both;"> </div>' . PHP_EOL; if (isset($_POST['deleteconfirmed']) and $_POST['deleteconfirmed'] === "Confirm Delete") { if (isset($_POST['delete']) and is_array($_POST['delete'])) { amr_delete_user_meta($_POST['delete']); } else { echo amr_users_message(__('No meta_keys selected for deletion', 'amr-users')); } } elseif (isset($_POST['delete']) and $_POST['delete'] === "Delete") { if (isset($_POST['del']) and is_array($_POST['del'])) { amr_confirm_delete_user_meta($_POST['del']); } else { echo amr_users_message(__('No meta_keys selected for deletion', 'amr-users')); } return; } elseif (isset($_POST['update']) and $_POST['update'] === "Update") { /* Validate the input and save */ if (amrmeta_validate_excluded_keys()) { // updates inside the function now } else { echo '<h2>' . __('Validation failed', 'amr-users') . '</h2>'; } } elseif (isset($_POST['resetex']) and $_POST['resetex'] === "Reset") { if (ausers_delete_option('amr-users-excluded-meta-keys')) { //201410 - wrong optionname echo '<h2>' . __('Deleting all excluded keys settings in database', 'amr-users') . '</h2>'; } } else { //amrmeta_check_find_keys(); } ameta_list_excluded_keys(); }
function amr_meta_reset() { global $aopt; global $amain; global $amr_nicenames, $ausersadminurl; if (ausers_delete_option('amr-users')) { echo '<h2>' . __('Deleting number of lists and names in database', 'amr-users') . '</h2>'; } // else echo '<h3>'.__('Error deleting number of lists and names in database.','amr-users').'</h3>'; if (ausers_delete_option('amr-users-main')) { echo '<h2>' . __('Deleting all main settings in database', 'amr-users') . '</h2>'; } // else echo '<h3>'.__('Error deleting all lists settings in database','amr-users').'</h3>'; if (ausers_delete_option('amr-users-nicenames')) { echo '<h2>' . __('Deleting all nice name settings in database', 'amr-users') . '</h2>'; } if (ausers_delete_option('amr-users-nicenames-excluded')) { echo '<h2>' . __('Deleting all nice name exclusion settings in database', 'amr-users') . '</h2>'; } if (ausers_delete_option('amr-users-show-in-wplist')) { echo '<h2>' . __('Deleting the show in wp list settings', 'amr-users') . '</h2>'; } // else echo '<h3>'.__('Error deleting all lists settings in database','amr-users').'</h3>'; if (ausers_delete_option('amr-users-cache-status')) { echo '<h2>' . __('Deleting cache status in database', 'amr-users') . '</h2>'; } if (ausers_delete_option('amr-users-original-keys')) { echo '<h2>' . __('Deleting original keys mapping in database', 'amr-users') . '</h2>'; } if (ausers_delete_option('amr-users-custom-headings')) { echo '<h2>' . __('Deleting custom-headings in database', 'amr-users') . '</h2>'; } if (ausers_delete_option('amr-users-filtering')) { echo '<h2>' . __('Deleting amr-users-filtering in database', 'amr-users') . '</h2>'; } if (ausers_delete_option('amr-users-prefixes-in-use')) { echo '<h2>' . __('Deleting amr-users-prefixes-in-use in database', 'amr-users') . '</h2>'; } $c = new adb_cache(); //$c->clear_all_cache(); $c->deactivate(); echo '<h2>' . __('All cached listings cleared.', 'amr-users') . '</h2>'; unset($aopt); unset($amain); unset($amr_nicenames); echo '<h2><a href="' . $ausersadminurl . '?page=ameta-admin-general.php&tab=fields' . '">' . __('Click to find your user fields again.', 'amr-users') . '</a></h2>'; die; }
function amr_meta_nice_names_page() { /* may be able to work generically */ global $amr_nicenames; global $ausersadminurl; //amr_meta_main_admin_header('Find fields, make nice names' ); amr_meta_admin_headings($plugin_page = ''); // does the nonce check etc if (isset($_POST['action']) and !($_POST['action'] === "save")) { return; } echo PHP_EOL . '<div class="clear" style="clear:both;"> </div>' . PHP_EOL; if (isset($_POST['update']) and $_POST['update'] === "Update") { /* Validate the input and save */ if (amrmeta_validate_nicenames()) { // updates inside the function now } else { echo '<h2>' . __('Validation failed', 'amr-users') . '</h2>'; } } if (isset($_POST['resetnice'])) { if (ausers_delete_option('amr-users-nicenames')) { echo '<h2>' . __('Deleting all nice name settings in database', 'amr-users') . '</h2>'; } if (ausers_delete_option('amr-users-nicenames-excluded')) { echo '<h2>' . __('Deleting all nice name exclusion settings in database', 'amr-users') . '</h2>'; } if (ausers_delete_option('amr-users-original-keys')) { echo '<h2>' . __('Deleting original keys mapping in database', 'amr-users') . '</h2>'; } } if (isset($_POST['rebuild']) or isset($_POST['resetnice'])) { /* Rebuild the nicenames - could take a while */ $amr_nicenames = ameta_rebuildnicenames(); echo '<h3>' . __('Rebuild Complete.', 'amr-users') . '</h3>'; return; } else { amrmeta_check_find_fields(); } $amr_nicenames = ausers_get_option('amr-users-nicenames'); ameta_list_nicenames_for_input($amr_nicenames); }