Пример #1
 public static function delete_article($articleid)
     $db = cmsms()->GetDb();
     //Now remove the article
     $query = "DELETE FROM " . cms_db_prefix() . "module_news WHERE news_id = ?";
     $db->Execute($query, array($articleid));
     // Delete it from the custom fields
     $query = 'DELETE FROM ' . cms_db_prefix() . 'module_news_fieldvals WHERE news_id = ?';
     $db->Execute($query, array($articleid));
     // delete any files...
     $config = cmsms()->GetConfig;
     $p = cms_join_path($config['uploads_path'], 'news', 'id', $articleid);
     if (is_dir($p)) {
     //Update search index
     $mod = cms_utils::get_module('News');
     $module = cms_utils::get_module('Search');
     if ($module != FALSE) {
         $module->DeleteWords($mod->GetName(), $articleid, 'article');
     @$mod->SendEvent('NewsArticleDeleted', array('news_id' => $articleid));
     // put mention into the admin log
     audit($articleid, 'News: ' . $articleid, 'Article deleted');
 protected function fetch($name, &$source, &$mtime)
     debug_buffer('start global_content_get_template');
     $gCms = cmsms();
     $config = $gCms->GetConfig();
     $gcbops = $gCms->GetGlobalContentOperations();
     $oneblob = $gcbops->LoadHtmlBlobByName($name);
     if ($oneblob) {
         $text = $oneblob->content;
         $source = $text;
         $mtime = $oneblob->modified_date;
         // So no one can do anything nasty, take out the php smarty tags.  Use a user
         // defined plugin instead.
         if (!(isset($config["use_smarty_php_tags"]) && $config["use_smarty_php_tags"] == true)) {
             $source = preg_replace("/\\{\\/?php\\}/", "", $source);
     } else {
         $source = "<!-- Html blob '" . $name . "' does not exist  -->";
         // put mention into the admin log
         audit('', 'Global Content Block: ' . $name, 'Can not open or does not exist!');
         $mtime = time();
     debug_buffer('end global_content_get_template');
     return true;
  * @param array $data
  * @param int   $level
  * @param bool  $deprovisioning
  * @return bool
 protected function audit($data = [], $level = 6, $deprovisioning = false)
     if (function_exists('audit')) {
         //  Put instance ID into the correct place
         isset($data['instance']) && ($data['dfe'] = ['instance_id' => $data['instance']->instance_id_text]);
         return audit($data, $level, ($deprovisioning ? 'de' : null) . 'provision');
     return false;
Пример #4
function cms_shutdown_function()
    $error = error_get_last();
    if ($error['type'] == E_ERROR || $error['type'] == E_USER_ERROR) {
        $str = 'ERROR DETECTED: ' . $error['message'] . ' at ' . $error['file'] . ':' . $error['line'];
        $db = cmsms()->GetDb();
        if (is_object($db)) {
            // put mention into the admin log
            audit('', 'ERROR', $str);
Пример #5
 * A function to send lost password recovery email to a specified admin user (by name)
 * @internal
 * @access private
 * @param string the username
 * @return results from the attempt to send a message.
function send_recovery_email($username)
    $gCms = cmsms();
    $config = $gCms->GetConfig();
    $userops = $gCms->GetUserOperations();
    $user = $userops->LoadUserByUsername($username);
    $obj = cms_utils::get_module('CMSMailer');
    if ($obj == null) {
        return false;
    $obj->AddAddress($user->email, html_entity_decode($user->firstname . ' ' . $user->lastname));
    $obj->SetSubject(lang('lostpwemailsubject', html_entity_decode(get_site_preference('sitename', 'CMSMS Site'))));
    $url = $config['admin_url'] . '/login.php?recoverme=' . md5(md5($config['root_path'] . '--' . $user->username . md5($user->password)));
    $body = lang('lostpwemail', html_entity_decode(get_site_preference('sitename', 'CMSMS Site')), $user->username, $url);
    audit('', 'Core', 'Sent Lost Password Email for ' . $username);
    return $obj->Send();
Пример #6
function deldir($dir)
    $handle = opendir($dir);
    while (false !== ($FolderOrFile = readdir($handle))) {
        if ($FolderOrFile != "." && $FolderOrFile != "..") {
            if (@is_dir("{$dir}/{$FolderOrFile}")) {
            } else {
    if (rmdir($dir)) {
        // put mention into the admin log
        audit('', 'Image Manager', 'Removed Directory ' . $dir);
        $success = true;
    return $success;
Пример #7
 protected function after_uploaded_file($fileobject)
     // here we may do image handling, and other cruft.
     if (is_object($fileobject) && $fileobject->name != '') {
         $mod = cms_utils::get_module('FileManager');
         $parms = array();
         $parms['file'] = filemanager_utils::join_path(filemanager_utils::get_full_cwd(), $fileobject->name);
         if ($mod->GetPreference('create_thumbnails')) {
             $thumb = cms_utils::generate_thumbnail($parms['file']);
             if ($thumb) {
                 $params['thumb'] = $thumb;
         $str = $fileobject->name . ' uploaded to ' . filemanager_utils::get_full_cwd();
         if (isset($params['thumb'])) {
             $str .= ' and a thumbnail was generated';
         audit('', $mod->GetName(), $str);
         $mod->SendEvent('OnFileUploaded', $parms);
Пример #8
 if ($validinfo) {
     $onetemplate = $templateops->LoadTemplateByID($template_id);
     $onetemplate->name = $template;
     $onetemplate->content = $content;
     $onetemplate->stylesheet = $stylesheet;
     $onetemplate->encoding = $encoding;
     $onetemplate->active = $active;
     Events::SendEvent('Core', 'EditTemplatePre', array('template' => &$onetemplate));
     $result = $onetemplate->Save();
     if ($result) {
         #Make sure the new name is used if this is an apply
         $orig_template = $template;
         Events::SendEvent('Core', 'EditTemplatePost', array('template' => &$onetemplate));
         // put mention into the admin log
         audit($template_id, 'HTML-template: ' . $onetemplate->name, 'Edited');
         if (!$apply) {
             switch ($from) {
                 case 'content':
                     redirect("listcontent.php" . $urlext);
                 case 'cssassoc':
                     redirect('templatecss.php' . $urlext . '&id=' . $cssid . '&type=template');
                 case 'module_TemplateManager':
                     redirect('moduleinterface.php' . $urlext . '&module=TemplateManager');
                     redirect("listtemplates.php" . $urlext);
Пример #9
         //eval('function testfunction'.rand().'() {'.$code.'}');
         $buffer = ob_get_clean();
         //add error
         $error[] = preg_replace('/<br \\/>/', '', $buffer);
         $validinfo = false;
     } else {
 if ($validinfo) {
     Events::SendEvent('Core', 'EditUserDefinedTagPre', array('id' => $userplugin_id, 'name' => &$plugin_name, 'code' => &$code));
     $query = "UPDATE " . cms_db_prefix() . "userplugins SET userplugin_name = " . $db->qstr($plugin_name) . ", code = " . $db->qstr($code) . ", modified_date = " . $db->DBTimeStamp(time()) . " WHERE userplugin_id = " . $db->qstr($userplugin_id);
     $result = $db->Execute($query);
     if ($result) {
         Events::SendEvent('Core', 'EditUserDefinedTagPost', array('id' => $userplugin_id, 'name' => &$plugin_name, 'code' => &$code));
         audit($userplugin_id, $plugin_name, 'Edited User Defined Tag');
         if (!isset($_POST['apply'])) {
             redirect("listusertags.php" . $urlext . "&message=usertagupdated");
     } else {
         $error[] = lang('errorupdatingusertag');
 if ($ajax) {
     header('Content-Type: text/xml');
     print '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>';
     print '<EditUserPlugin>';
     if (sizeof($error)) {
         print '<Response>Error</Response>';
         print '<Details><![CDATA[';
Пример #10
  * _SetModuleAdminInterfaces
  * This function sets up data structures to place modules in the proper Admin sections
  * for display on section pages and menus.
  * @since 1.10
  * @access private
  * @ignore
 private function _SetModuleAdminInterfaces()
     if (is_array($this->_sectionCount)) {
     $this->_sectionCount = array();
     $this->_modulesBySection = array();
     // get the info from the cache
     $usermoduleinfo = $this->_get_user_module_info();
     if (!is_array($usermoduleinfo)) {
         // put mention into the admin log
         audit(get_userid(FALSE), 'Admin Theme', 'No module information found for user');
     // Are there any modules with an admin interface?
     foreach ($usermoduleinfo as $key => $rec) {
         $section = $rec['adminsection'];
         if ($section == '') {
             $section == 'extensions';
         if (!isset($this->_sectionCount[$section])) {
             $this->_sectionCount[$section] = 0;
         $data = array();
         $data['key'] = $key;
         $data['friendlyname'] = isset($rec['friendlyname']) ? $rec['friendlyname'] : $key;
         $data['name'] = $data['friendlyname'];
         $data['description'] = $rec['admindescription'] != '' ? $rec['admindescription'] : '';
         $config = cmsms()->GetConfig();
         $tmp = array("modules/{$key}/images/icon.gif", "modules/{$key}/icons/icons.gif", "modules/{$key}/images/icon.png", "modules/{$key}/icons/icons.png");
         foreach ($tmp as $one) {
             $fn = cms_join_path($config['root_path'], $one);
             if (file_exists($fn)) {
                 $data['icon'] = $config['root_url'] . '/' . $one;
         $this->_modulesBySection[$section][] = $data;
Пример #11
    set_preference($userid, 'syntaxhighlighter', $syntaxhighlighter);
    set_preference($userid, 'default_cms_language', $default_cms_lang);
    set_preference($userid, 'admintheme', $admintheme);
    set_preference($userid, 'bookmarks', $bookmarks);
    set_preference($userid, 'hide_help_links', $hide_help_links);
    set_preference($userid, 'indent', $indent);
    set_preference($userid, 'enablenotifications', $enablenotifications);
    set_preference($userid, 'paging', $paging);
    set_preference($userid, 'date_format_string', $date_format_string);
    set_preference($userid, 'default_parent', $default_parent);
    set_preference($userid, 'homepage', $homepage);
    set_preference($userid, 'ignoredmodules', implode(',', $ignoredmodules));
    set_preference($userid, 'listtemplates_pagelimit', $listtemplates_pagelimit);
    set_preference($userid, 'liststylesheets_pagelimit', $liststylesheets_pagelimit);
    set_preference($userid, 'listgcbs_pagelimit', $listgcbs_pagelimit);
    audit(-1, '', 'Edited User Preferences');
    $page_message = lang('prefsupdated');
} else {
    if (!isset($_POST["edituserprefs"])) {
        $gcb_wysiwyg = get_preference($userid, 'gcb_wysiwyg', 1);
        $wysiwyg = get_preference($userid, 'wysiwyg');
        $syntaxhighlighter = get_preference($userid, 'syntaxhighlighter');
        $default_cms_lang = get_preference($userid, 'default_cms_language');
        $old_default_cms_lang = $default_cms_lang;
        $admintheme = get_preference($userid, 'admintheme');
        $bookmarks = get_preference($userid, 'bookmarks');
        $indent = get_preference($userid, 'indent', true);
        $enablenotifications = get_preference($userid, 'enablenotifications', 1);
        $paging = get_preference($userid, 'paging', 0);
Пример #12
if ($access && strtoupper($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) == 'POST') {
    try {
        if ($submit || $apply) {
            // Fill contentobj with parameters
            $error = $contentobj->ValidateData();
            if ($error === FALSE) {
                $gCms = cmsms();
                $contentops = $gCms->GetContentOperations();
                if ($submit) {
                    // put mention into the admin log
                    audit($contentobj->Id(), 'Content Item: ' . $contentobj->Name(), 'Added');
                    redirect('listcontent.php' . $urlext . '&message=contentadded');
        } else {
    } catch (CmsEditContentException $e) {
        $error = $e->getMessage();
if (!$access) {
    echo "<div class=\"pageerrorcontainer pageoverflow\"><p class=\"pageerror\">" . lang('noaccessto', array(lang('addcontent'))) . "</p></div>";
} else {
    $tabnames = $contentobj->TabNames();
    // Get a list of content_types and build the dropdown to select one
Пример #13
        } else {
            redirect('listtemplates.php' . $urlext);
    } else {
        if ($action == 'dodelete') {
            $userid = get_userid();
            $access = check_permission($userid, 'Remove Templates');
            if ($access) {
                foreach ($nodelist as $node) {
                    $id = $node->id;
                    $title = $node->name;
                    audit($id, $title, 'Deleted Template');
            redirect("listtemplates.php" . $urlext);
        } else {
            if ($action == 'inactive') {
                $userid = get_userid();
                $permission = check_permission($userid, 'Modify Templates');
                foreach ($nodelist as $node) {
                    if ($permission) {
                        if ($node->active) {
                            $node->active = false;
    $new[] = $role;
$orig = $user->roles;
if ($new != $orig) {
    array_push($audit_changes, sprintf("Roles = <%s>", implode(", ", $new)));
    $user->roles = $new;
if (count($audit_changes) == 0) {
    $renderer->flash_success("No changes were made");
    header("Location: user-list.php");
$errors = $user->errors();
if (count($errors) == 0) {
    if (!$user->save()) {
        array_push($errors, "Unknown error trying to save a user!  Try again or contact support.");
if (count($errors) == 0) {
    audit($action, sprintf("User %s [%s]", $userid, implode("; ", $audit_changes)));
    $renderer->flash_success("Saved user");
    header("Location: user-list.php");
} else {
    $renderer->variable("errors", $errors);
    $renderer->variable("mod_user", $user);
    $renderer->variable("title", sprintf("Editing %s", $user->login));
Пример #15
if (isset($params['prefix'])) {
    $prefix = trim($params['prefix']);
if (!isset($params['templatecontent']) || empty($params['templatecontent'])) {
    $module->RedirectToTab($id, $this->_current_tab, '', $the_action);
if ($template == "" || $prefix == "") {
    $module->RedirectToTab($id, $this->_current_tab, '', $the_action);
$newtemplate = $prefix . $template;
// check if this template already exists
$txt = trim($module->GetTemplate($newtemplate));
if ($txt != "") {
    $module->RedirectToTab($id, $this->_current_tab, '', $the_action);
// we're ready to set it
$text = $params['templatecontent'];
//$text = cms_html_entity_decode($params['templatecontent'],ENT_QUOTES,get_encoding());
$module->SetTemplate($newtemplate, $text);
audit('', $module->GetName(), 'Added Template ' . $newtemplate);
if ($this->_current_tab != '') {
    $module->RedirectToTab($id, $this->_current_tab, '', $the_action);
$module->Redirect($id, $the_action);
Пример #16
            if ($types != '') {
                $types = substr($types, 0, -2);
                #strip last space and comma
            } else {
                $types = '';
            $newstylesheet->media_type = $types;
            Events::SendEvent('Core', 'AddStylesheetPre', array('stylesheet' => &$newstylesheet));
            $result = $newstylesheet->Save();
            # we now have to check that everything went well
            if ($result) {
                #Sent the post event
                Events::SendEvent('Core', 'AddStylesheetPost', array('stylesheet' => &$newstylesheet));
                # it's ok, we record the operation in the admin log
                audit($newstylesheet->id, 'Stylesheet: ' . $css_name, 'Added');
                # and goes back to the css list
                redirect("listcss.php" . $urlext);
            } else {
                $error .= "<li>" . lang('errorinsertingcss') . "</li>";
include_once "header.php";
# the user does not have access : error message
if (!$access) {
    echo "<div class=\"pageerrorcontainer\"><p class=\"pageerror\">" . lang('noaccessto', array(lang('addstylesheet'))) . "</p></div>";
Пример #17
        Events::SendEvent('Core', 'ChangeGroupAssignPre', array('group' => $thisGroup, 'users' => $userops->LoadUsersInGroup($thisGroup->id)));
        $query = "DELETE FROM " . cms_db_prefix() . "user_groups WHERE group_id = ? AND user_id != ?";
        $result = $db->Execute($query, array($thisGroup->id, $userid));
        $iquery = "INSERT INTO " . cms_db_prefix() . "user_groups (group_id, user_id, create_date, modified_date) VALUES (?,?,?,?)";
        foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
            if (strpos($key, "ug") == 0 && strpos($key, "ug") !== false) {
                $keyparts = explode('_', $key);
                if ($keyparts[2] == $thisGroup->id && $value == '1') {
                    $result = $db->Execute($iquery, array($thisGroup->id, $keyparts[1], $db->DBTimeStamp(time()), $db->DBTimeStamp(time())));
        Events::SendEvent('Core', 'ChangeGroupAssignPost', array('group' => $thisGroup, 'users' => $userops->LoadUsersInGroup($thisGroup->id)));
        audit($group_id, 'Group ID', lang('assignmentchanged'));
    audit($userid, 'Group ID', lang('assignmentchanged'));
    $message = lang('assignmentchanged');
$query = "SELECT u.user_id, u.username, ug.group_id FROM " . cms_db_prefix() . "users u LEFT JOIN " . cms_db_prefix() . "user_groups ug ON u.user_id = ug.user_id ORDER BY u.username";
$result = $db->Execute($query);
$user_struct = array();
while ($result && ($row = $result->FetchRow())) {
    if (isset($user_struct[$row['user_id']])) {
        $str =& $user_struct[$row['user_id']];
        $str->group[$row['group_id']] = 1;
    } else {
        $thisUser = new stdClass();
        $thisUser->group = array();
        if (!empty($row['group_id'])) {
            $thisUser->group[$row['group_id']] = 1;
Пример #18
    foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
        if (strpos($key, "pg") == 0 && strpos($key, "pg") !== false) {
            $keyparts = explode('_', $key);
            $keyparts[1] = (int) $keyparts[1];
            if ($keyparts[1] > 0 && $keyparts[2] != '1' && $value == '1') {
                $new_id = $db->GenID(cms_db_prefix() . "group_perms_seq");
                $result = $db->Execute($iquery, array($new_id, $keyparts[2], $keyparts[1]));
                if (!$result) {
                    echo "FATAL: " . $db->ErrorMsg() . '<br/>' . $db->sql;
    // put mention into the admin log
    audit($userid, 'Permission Group ID: ' . $userid, 'Changed');
    $message = lang('permissionschanged');
$query = "SELECT p.permission_id, p.permission_text, up.group_id FROM " . cms_db_prefix() . "permissions p LEFT JOIN " . cms_db_prefix() . "group_perms up ON p.permission_id = up.permission_id ORDER BY p.permission_text";
$result = $db->Execute($query);
$perm_struct = array();
while ($result && ($row = $result->FetchRow())) {
    if (isset($perm_struct[$row['permission_id']])) {
        $str =& $perm_struct[$row['permission_id']];
        $str->group[$row['group_id']] = 1;
    } else {
        $thisPerm = new stdClass();
        $thisPerm->group = array();
        if (!empty($row['group_id'])) {
            $thisPerm->group[$row['group_id']] = 1;
Пример #19
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
# Or read it online: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/licenses.html#GPL
if (!isset($gCms)) {
$outp = cgsi_utils::process_image($params);
$silent = $this->GetPreference('silent', 0);
if (isset($params['silent'])) {
    $silent = (int) $params['silent'];
if (isset($outp['error']) && $outp['error'] != '') {
    if (!$silent) {
    audit('', $this->GetName(), $outp['error']);
if (isset($outp['output'])) {
    echo $outp['output'];
Пример #20
 $classname = "";
 if (is_object($contentobj)) {
     $classname = get_class($contentobj);
 if ($submit || $apply) {
     #Fill contentobj with parameters
     // $contentobj->SetProperties();  // calguy should not be necessary
     $error = $contentobj->ValidateData();
     if ($error === FALSE) {
         global $gCms;
         $contentops =& $gCms->GetContentOperations();
         audit($contentobj->Id(), $contentobj->Name(), 'Edited Content');
         if ($submit) {
             redirect("listcontent.php" . $urlext . "&page=" . $pagelist_id . '&message=contentupdated');
     if ($ajax) {
         header('Content-Type: text/xml');
         print '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>';
         print '<EditContent>';
         if ($error !== false) {
             print '<Response>Error</Response>';
             print '<Details><![CDATA[';
             if (!is_array($error)) {
                 $error = array($error);
             print '<li>' . join('</li><li>', $error) . '</li>';
    die('<br/>Destination module not set');
$module =& $this->GetModuleInstance($params['destmodule']);
if (!is_object($module)) {
    die('<br/>Could not find destination module');
if (isset($params['resettodefault']) && isset($params['prefname']) && isset($params['filename'])) {
    $fn = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $module->GetName() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'templates' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $params['filename'];
    if (file_exists($fn)) {
        $template = @file_get_contents($fn);
        $module->SetTemplate($params['prefname'], $template);
        // clear old cruft.
        audit('', $module->GetName(), 'Reset the default template for ' . $params['prefname']);
} else {
    if (isset($params['submit']) && isset($params['prefname'])) {
        $module->SetTemplate($params['prefname'], $params['input_template']);
        // clear old cruft.
        audit('', $module->GetName(), 'Template ' . $params['prefname'] . ' was edited');
$the_action = 'defaultadmin';
if (isset($params['destaction'])) {
    $the_action = trim($params['destaction']);
$module->RedirectToTab($id, '', '', $the_action);
// EOF
Пример #22
        } else {
            redirect('listtemplates.php' . $urlext);
    } else {
        if ($action == 'dodelete') {
            $userid = get_userid();
            $access = check_permission($userid, 'Remove Templates');
            if ($access) {
                foreach ($nodelist as $node) {
                    $id = $node->id;
                    $title = $node->name;
                    // put mention into the admin log
                    audit($id, 'HTML-template: ' . $title, 'Deleted');
            redirect("listtemplates.php" . $urlext);
        } else {
            if ($action == 'inactive') {
                $userid = get_userid();
                $permission = check_permission($userid, 'Modify Templates');
                foreach ($nodelist as $node) {
                    if ($permission) {
                        if ($node->active) {
                            $node->active = false;
Пример #23
function display_hierarchy(&$root, &$userid, $modifyall, &$users, &$menupos, &$openedArray, &$pagelist, &$image_true, &$image_set_false, &$image_set_true, &$upImg, &$downImg, &$viewImg, &$editImg, &$copyImg, &$deleteImg, &$expandImg, &$contractImg, &$mypages, &$page, $columnstodisplay, $author_allpages)
    global $thisurl;
    global $urlext;
    global $currow;
    global $config;
    global $page;
    global $indent;
    if (empty($currow)) {
        $currow = 'row1';
    $children = $root->getChildren(false, true);
    $one = $root->getContent();
    $thelist = '';
    if (!(isset($one) && $one != NULL)) {
        audit($root->get_tag('id'), 'Core', 'failed to get content for valid content id ' . $root->get_tag('id'));
    if (!array_key_exists($one->Owner(), $users)) {
        $userops = cmsms()->GetUserOperations();
        $users[$one->Owner()] = $userops->LoadUserById($one->Owner());
    $display = 'none';
    if (check_modify_all($userid) || check_ownership($userid, $one->Id()) || quick_check_authorship($one->Id(), $mypages)) {
        $display = 'edit';
    } else {
        if (check_children($root, $mypages, $userid)) {
            $display = 'view';
        } else {
            if (check_permission($userid, 'Manage All Content')) {
                $display = 'structure';
    $columns = array();
    if ($display != 'none') {
        $thelist .= "<tr id=\"tr_" . $one->Id() . "\" class=\"{$currow}\">\n";
        /* expand/collapse column */
        $columns['expand'] = '&nbsp;';
        if ($columnstodisplay['expand']) {
            $txt = '';
            if ($root->hasChildren()) {
                if (!in_array($one->Id(), $openedArray)) {
                    $txt .= "<a class=\"expand\" href=\"{$thisurl}&amp;content_id=" . $one->Id() . "&amp;col=0&amp;page=" . $page . "\" onclick=\"xajax_content_toggleexpand(" . $one->Id() . ", 'false'); return false;\">";
                    $txt .= $expandImg;
                    $txt .= "</a>";
                } else {
                    $txt .= "<a class=\"contract\" href=\"{$thisurl}&amp;content_id=" . $one->Id() . "&amp;col=1&amp;page=" . $page . "\" onclick=\"xajax_content_toggleexpand(" . $one->Id() . ", 'true'); return false;\">";
                    $txt .= $contractImg;
                    $txt .= "</a>";
            if (!empty($txt)) {
                $columns['expand'] = $txt;
        /* hierarchy column */
        if ($columnstodisplay['hier']) {
            $columns['hier'] = $one->Hierarchy();
        /* page column */
        if ($columnstodisplay['page']) {
            $columns['page'] = '&nbsp;';
            $txt = '';
            if ($one->MenuText() != CMS_CONTENT_HIDDEN_NAME) {
                if ($indent) {
                    for ($i = 0; $i < $root->getLevel(); $i++) {
                        $txt .= "-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
                $str = $one->MenuText();
                if (get_site_preference('listcontent_showtitle', 0)) {
                    $str = $one->Name();
                if ($display == 'edit') {
                    $txt .= '<a class="tooltip" href="editcontent.php' . $urlext . '&amp;content_id=' . $one->Id() . '&amp;page=' . $page . '" title="' . cms_htmlentities($one->Name() . ' (' . $one->Alias() . ')', '', '', true) . '" onmouseover="document.getElementById(\'' . $one->Id() . '_info\').style.display = \'inline-block\';" onmouseout="document.getElementById(\'' . $one->Id() . '_info\').style.display = \'none\';">
			' . cms_htmlentities($str, '', '', true) . '<span id="' . $one->Id() . '_info"><strong>' . lang('content_id') . ':</strong> ' . $one->Id() . '<br /> <strong>' . lang('title') . ':</strong> ' . cms_htmlentities($one->Name()) . '<br /> <strong>' . lang('pagealias') . ':</strong> ' . $one->Alias() . '</span></a>';
                } else {
                    $txt .= cms_htmlentities($str, '', '', true);
            if (!empty($txt)) {
                $columns['page'] = $txt;
        /* alias column */
        if ($columnstodisplay['alias']) {
            $columns['alias'] = '&nbsp;';
            $txt = '';
            if ($one->HasUsableLink() && $one->Alias() != '') {
                $txt = $one->Alias();
            if (!empty($txt)) {
                $columns['alias'] = $txt;
        /* url column */
        if ($columnstodisplay['url']) {
            $columns['url'] = '&nbsp;';
            $txt = '';
            if ($one->HasUsableLink() && $one->URL() != '') {
                $url = $one->URL();
                if (strlen($url) > 30) {
                    $url = '...' . substr($url, strlen($url) - 27);
                $txt = $url;
            if (!empty($txt)) {
                if (!prettyurls_ok()) {
                    $txt = '<span style="color: red;" title="' . lang('prettyurls_noeffect') . '">' . $txt . '<span>';
            if (!empty($txt)) {
                $columns['url'] = $txt;
        /* template column */
        if ($columnstodisplay['template']) {
            $columns['template'] = '&nbsp;';
            $txt = '';
            if ($one->Type() != 'pagelink' && $one->Type() != 'link' && $one->Type() != 'sectionheader' && $one->Type() != 'separator') {
                $template = TemplateOperations::get_instance()->LoadTemplateById($one->TemplateId());
                if ($template && check_permission($userid, 'Modify Template')) {
                    $txt .= "<a title=\"" . lang('edittemplate') . "\" href=\"edittemplate.php" . $urlext . "&amp;template_id=" . $one->TemplateId() . "&amp;from=content\">" . cms_htmlentities($template->name, '', '', true) . "</a>";
                } else {
                    if ($template) {
                        $txt .= $template->name;
            if (!empty($txt)) {
                $columns['template'] = $txt;
        /* friendly name column */
        if ($columnstodisplay['friendlyname']) {
            $columns['friendlyname'] = $one->FriendlyName();
        /* owner column */
        if ($columnstodisplay['owner']) {
            $columns['owner'] = '&nbsp;';
            if ($one->Owner() > -1) {
                $columns['owner'] = $users[$one->Owner()]->username;
        /* active column */
        if ($columnstodisplay['active']) {
            $columns['active'] = '&nbsp;';
            $txt = '';
            if (check_permission($userid, 'Manage All Content') && $one->Type() != 'errorpage') {
                if ($one->Active()) {
                    $txt = $one->DefaultContent() ? $image_true : "<a href=\"{$thisurl}&amp;setinactive=" . $one->Id() . "\" onclick=\"xajax_content_setinactive(" . $one->Id() . ");return false;\">" . $image_set_false . "</a>";
                } else {
                    $txt = "<a href=\"{$thisurl}&amp;setactive=" . $one->Id() . "\" onclick=\"xajax_content_setactive(" . $one->Id() . ");return false;\">" . $image_set_true . "</a>";
            if (!empty($txt)) {
                $columns['active'] = $txt;
        /* default content */
        if ($columnstodisplay['default']) {
            $columns['default'] = '&nbsp;';
            $txt = '';
            if (check_permission($userid, 'Manage All Content')) {
                if ($one->IsDefaultPossible()) {
                    $txt = $one->DefaultContent() ? $image_true : "<a href=\"{$thisurl}&amp;makedefault=" . $one->Id() . "\" onclick=\"if(confirm('" . cms_html_entity_decode_utf8(lang("confirmdefault", $one->Name()), true) . "')) xajax_content_setdefault(" . $one->Id() . ");return false;\">" . $image_set_true . "</a>";
            if (!empty($txt)) {
                $columns['default'] = $txt;
        /* move column */
        if ($columnstodisplay['move']) {
            // code for move up is simple
            $columns['move'] = '&nbsp;';
            $txt = '';
            if (check_permission($userid, 'Manage All Content') || $author_allpages) {
                $sameLevel = $root->getSiblingCount();
                if ($sameLevel > 1) {
                    if ($one->ItemOrder() - 1 <= 0) {
                        $txt .= "<a onclick=\"xajax_content_move(" . $one->Id() . ", " . $one->ParentId() . ", 'down'); return false;\" href=\"{$thisurl}&amp;direction=down&amp;content_id=" . $one->Id() . "&amp;parent_id=" . $one->ParentId() . "&amp;page=" . $page . "\">";
                        $txt .= $downImg;
                        $txt .= "</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;";
                    } else {
                        if ($one->ItemOrder() - 1 == $sameLevel - 1) {
                            $txt .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;<a class=\"move_up\" onclick=\"xajax_content_move(" . $one->Id() . ", " . $one->ParentId() . ", 'up'); return false;\" href=\"{$thisurl}&amp;direction=up&amp;content_id=" . $one->Id() . "&amp;parent_id=" . $one->ParentId() . "&amp;page=" . $page . "\">";
                            $txt .= $upImg;
                            $txt .= "</a>";
                        } else {
                            $txt .= "<a onclick=\"xajax_content_move(" . $one->Id() . ", " . $one->ParentId() . ", 'down'); return false;\" href=\"{$thisurl}&amp;direction=down&amp;content_id=" . $one->Id() . "&amp;parent_id=" . $one->ParentId() . "&amp;page=" . $page . "\">";
                            $txt .= $downImg;
                            $txt .= "</a>&nbsp;<a onclick=\"xajax_content_move(" . $one->Id() . ", " . $one->ParentId() . ", 'up'); return false;\" href=\"{$thisurl}&amp;direction=up&amp;content_id=" . $one->Id() . "&amp;parent_id=" . $one->ParentId() . "&amp;page=" . $page . "\">";
                            $txt .= $upImg;
                            $txt .= "</a>";
                // $txt .= '<input clsss="hidden" type="text" name="order-'. $one->Id().'" value="'.$one->ItemOrder().'" class="order" />';
            if (!empty($txt)) {
                $columns['move'] = $txt;
            // end of move code
        /* view column */
        if ($columnstodisplay['view']) {
            $columns['view'] = '&nbsp;';
            $txt = '';
            $url = $one->GetURL();
            if ($url != '' && $url != '#' && $one->IsViewable() && $one->Active()) {
                $txt .= "<a href=\"" . $url . "\" rel=\"external\" target=\"_blank\">";
                $txt .= $viewImg . "</a>";
            if (!empty($txt)) {
                $columns['view'] = $txt;
        /* copy column */
        if ($columnstodisplay['copy']) {
            $columns['copy'] = '&nbsp;';
            $txt = '';
            if ($one->IsCopyable() && (check_permission($userid, 'Add Pages') && (check_ownership($userid, $one->Id()) || quick_check_authorship($one->Id(), $mypages)) || check_permission($userid, 'Manage All Content'))) {
                $txt .= '<a href="copycontent.php' . $urlext . '&amp;content_id=' . $one->Id() . '">';
                $txt .= $copyImg . "</a>";
            if (!empty($txt)) {
                $columns['copy'] = $txt;
        /* edit column */
        if ($columnstodisplay['edit']) {
            $columns['edit'] = '&nbsp;';
            $txt = '';
            if (check_modify_all($userid) || check_ownership($userid, $one->Id()) || quick_check_authorship($one->Id(), $mypages) || check_permission($userid, 'Manage All Content')) {
                // edit link
                $txt .= "<a href=\"editcontent.php" . $urlext . "&amp;content_id=" . $one->Id() . "\">";
                $txt .= $editImg;
                $txt .= "</a>";
            if (!empty($txt)) {
                $columns['edit'] = $txt;
        /* delete column */
        if ($columnstodisplay['delete']) {
            $columns['delete'] = '&nbsp;';
            $txt = '';
            if ($one->DefaultContent() != true) {
                if ($root->getChildrenCount() == 0 && (check_permission($userid, 'Remove Pages') && (check_ownership($userid, $one->Id()) || quick_check_authorship($one->Id(), $mypages)) || check_permission($userid, 'Manage All Content'))) {
                    //$txt .= "<a href=\"{$thisurl}&amp;deletecontent=".$one->Id()."\" onclick=\"confirm('".cms_html_entity_decode_utf8(lang('deleteconfirm', $one->mName), true)."');\">";
                    $txt .= "<a href=\"{$thisurl}&amp;deletecontent=" . $one->Id() . "\" onclick=\"if (confirm('" . cms_html_entity_decode_utf8(lang('deleteconfirm', $one->Name()), true) . "')) xajax_content_delete(" . $one->Id() . "); return false;\">";
                    $txt .= $deleteImg;
                    $txt .= "</a>";
            if (!empty($txt)) {
                $columns['delete'] = $txt;
        if ($columnstodisplay['multiselect']) {
            /* multiselect */
            $columns['multiselect'] = '&nbsp;';
            $txt = '';
            $remove = check_permission($userid, 'Remove Pages') ? 1 : 0;
            $structure = check_permission($userid, 'Manage All Content') ? 1 : 0;
            $editperms = check_permission($userid, 'Modify Any Page') || quick_check_authorship($one->Id(), $mypages) || check_ownership($userid, $one->Id()) ? 1 : 0;
            if (($structure == 1 || $remove == 1 && $editperms == 1) && $one->Type() != 'errorpage') {
                $txt .= '<label class="invisible" for="multicontent-' . $one->Id() . '">' . lang('toggle') . '</label><input type="checkbox" id="multicontent-' . $one->Id() . '" name="multicontent-' . $one->Id() . '" title="' . lang('toggle') . '"/>';
            if (!empty($txt)) {
                $columns['multiselect'] = $txt;
        /* done */
        foreach ($columns as $name => $value) {
            if (!$columnstodisplay[$name]) {
            switch ($name) {
                case 'edit':
                case 'default':
                case 'view':
                case 'copy':
                case 'delete':
                case 'active':
                    $thelist .= '<td class="pagepos">' . $value . "</td>\n";
                case 'move':
                    $thelist .= '<td class="move">' . $value . "</td>\n";
                case 'multiselect':
                    $thelist .= '<td class="checkbox">' . $value . "</td>\n";
                    $thelist .= '<td>' . $value . "</td>\n";
        $thelist .= "</tr>\n";
        $currow == "row1" ? $currow = "row2" : ($currow = "row1");
    $pagelist[] = $thelist;
    $indent = get_preference($userid, 'indent', true);
    if (in_array($one->Id(), $openedArray) && is_array($children) && count($children)) {
        // count through all the children and see if we can display the move column.
        $author_allpages = check_permission($userid, 'Reorder Content') && check_peer_authorship($userid, $children[0]->getId());
        foreach ($children as $child) {
            display_hierarchy($child, $userid, $modifyall, $users, $menupos, $openedArray, $pagelist, $image_true, $image_set_false, $image_set_true, $upImg, $downImg, $viewImg, $editImg, $copyImg, $deleteImg, $expandImg, $contractImg, $mypages, $page, $columnstodisplay, $author_allpages);
Пример #24
" class="pagebutton" onmouseover="this.className='pagebuttonhover'" onmouseout="this.className='pagebutton'" />
        } else {
            redirect('listcss.php' . $urlext);
    } else {
        if ($action == 'dodelete') {
            $userid = get_userid();
            $access = check_permission($userid, 'Remove Stylesheets');
            if ($access) {
                foreach ($nodelist as $node) {
                    $id = $node->id;
                    $title = $node->name;
                    audit($id, $title, 'Deleted Stylesheet');
            redirect("listcss.php" . $urlext);
        } else {
            redirect("listcss.php" . $urlext);
include_once "footer.php";
# vim:ts=4 sw=4 noet
Пример #25
        // Display a warning sitedownwarning
        $sitedown_message = lang('sitedownwarning', TMP_CACHE_LOCATION . '/SITEDOWN');
        $sitedown_file = TMP_CACHE_LOCATION . '/SITEDOWN';
        if (file_exists($sitedown_file)) {
            $themeObject->AddNotification(1, 'Core', $sitedown_message);
        $timelastchecked = get_site_preference('lastcmsversioncheck', 0);
        if (get_site_preference('checkversion', 1) && time() - $timelastchecked > 24 * 60 * 60 || isset($_GET['forceversioncheck'])) {
            $req = new cms_http_request();
            if ($req->getStatus() == 200) {
                $remote_ver = trim($req->getResult());
                if (strpos($remote_ver, ':') !== FALSE) {
                    list($tmp, $remote_ver) = explode(':', $remote_ver, 2);
                    $remote_ver = trim($remote_ver);
                if (version_compare(CMS_VERSION, $remote_ver) < 0) {
                    set_site_preference('cms_is_uptodate', 0);
                    $themeObject->AddNotification(1, 'Core', lang('new_version_available'));
                    audit('', 'Core', 'CMSMS version ' . $remote_ver . ' is available');
                } else {
                    set_site_preference('cms_is_uptodate', 1);
                    audit('', 'Core', 'Tested for newer CMSMS Version. None Available.');
            set_site_preference('lastcmsversioncheck', mktime(23, 59, 55));
Пример #26
             $query = 'SELECT count(*) as thecount FROM ' . cms_db_prefix() . 'content WHERE parent_id = ' . $db->qstr($parentid);
             $result =& $db->Execute($query);
             while ($result && !$result->EOF) {
                 $childcount = $result->fields['thecount'];
             #See if this is the last child... if so, remove
             #the expand for it
             if ($childcount == 1 && $parentid > -1) {
                 toggleexpand($parentid, true);
             #Do the same with this page as well
             toggleexpand($id, true);
             audit($id, $title, 'Deleted Content');
         $bulk = true;
     if (!$bulk) {
         redirect("listcontent.php" . $urlext . '&message=no_bulk_performed');
     redirect("listcontent.php" . $urlext . '&message=bulk_success');
 } else {
     if ($action == 'inactive') {
         $userid = get_userid();
         $modifyall = check_permission($userid, 'Modify Any Page');
         foreach ($nodelist as $node) {
             $permission = $modifyall || check_ownership($userid, $node->Id()) || check_authorship($userid, $node->Id()) || check_persmission($userid, 'Manage All Content');
Пример #27
    } else {
        $userops = $gCms->GetUserOperations();
        $thisuser =& $userops->LoadUserByID($_GET["toggleactive"]);
        if ($thisuser) {
            //modify users, is this enough?
            $userid = get_userid();
            $permission = check_permission($userid, 'Modify Users');
            $result = false;
            if ($permission) {
                $thisuser->active == 1 ? $thisuser->active = 0 : ($thisuser->active = 1);
                Events::SendEvent('Core', 'EditUserPre', array('user' => $thisuser));
                $result = $thisuser->save();
            if ($result) {
                // put mention into the admin log
                audit($userid, 'Admin Username: '******'Edited');
                Events::SendEvent('Core', 'EditUserPost', array('user' => $thisuser));
            } else {
                $error .= "<li>" . lang('errorupdatinguser') . "</li>";
if (FALSE == empty($error)) {
    echo $themeObject->ShowErrors('<ul class="error">' . $error . '</ul>');

<div class="pagecontainer">
	<div class="pageoverflow">
Пример #28
  * Error console
  * @param object Exception $e
  * @return html
  * @author Stikki
 public function errorConsole(Exception $e)
     $config = cmsms()->GetConfig();
     $odir = $this->template_dir;
     $this->force_compile = true;
     $this->debugging = true;
     $this->template_dir = cms_join_path($config['root_path'], 'lib', 'smarty');
     $this->assign('e_line', $e->getLine());
     $this->assign('e_file', $e->getFile());
     $this->assign('e_message', $e->getMessage());
     $this->assign('e_trace', htmlentities($e->getTraceAsString()));
     // put mention into the admin log
     audit('', 'Error: ' . substr($e->getMessage(), 0, 50), 'has occured');
     $output = $this->fetch('error-console.tpl');
     $this->force_compile = false;
     $this->debugging = false;
     $this->template_dir = $odir;
     return $output;
require_once __DIR__ . "/includes/root.php";
must_allow("modify users");
$user = User::find($_GET["id"]);
if ($user == NULL) {
    $renderer->flash_alert("Can't find a user by the given id!");
    header("Location: user-list.php");
$curruser = get_user();
if ($curruser->id == $user->id) {
    $renderer->flash_alert("You cannot delete yourself!");
    header("Location: user-list.php");
foreach ($user->roles as $role) {
    if (!can_give_role($curruser, $role)) {
        $renderer->flash_alert("You cannot delete users with the '{$role}' role");
        header("Location: user-list.php");
if ($user->id == 1) {
    $renderer->flash_alert("You cannot delete user 1");
    header("Location: user-list.php");
audit("delete user", $user->login);
$renderer->flash_success("Deleted {$user->login}");
header("Location: user-list.php");
Пример #30
 $result = $onestylesheet->Save();
 // Update the css hash
 // deprecated:  this was used by the stylesheet.php function which we no longer distribute
 // as of CMSMS 1.10.
 $config = $gCms->GetConfig();
 $hashfile = cms_join_path($config['root_path'], 'tmp', 'cache', 'csshash.dat');
 $md5sum = md5($css_text);
 $csshash = csscache_csvfile_to_hash($hashfile);
 $csshash[$css_id] = $md5sum;
 csscache_hash_to_csvfile($hashfile, $csshash);
 if ($result) {
     #Start using new name, just in case this is an apply
     $orig_css_name = $css_name;
     Events::SendEvent('Core', 'EditStylesheetPost', array('stylesheet' => &$onestylesheet));
     // put mention into the admin log
     audit($css_id, 'Stylesheet: ' . $css_name, 'Changed');
     # we now have to check which templates are associated with this CSS and update their modified date.
     $cssquery = "SELECT assoc_to_id FROM " . cms_db_prefix() . "css_assoc\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE\tassoc_type\t\t= 'template'\n\t\t\t\t\tAND\t\tassoc_css_id\t=  ?";
     $cssresult = $db->Execute($cssquery, array($css_id));
     # now updating templates
     while ($cssresult && ($line = $cssresult->FetchRow())) {
         $query = "UPDATE " . cms_db_prefix() . "templates SET modified_date = " . $db->DBTimeStamp(time()) . " \n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE template_id = '" . $line["assoc_to_id"] . "'";
         $result = $db->Execute($query);
         if (FALSE == $result) {
             $error .= "<li>" . lang('errorupdatingtemplate') . "</li>";
     if (!isset($_POST["apply"])) {
         if ($from == 'templatecssassoc') {
             redirect("listcssassoc.php" . $urlext . "&type=template&id=" . $templateid);
         } else {