Пример #1
while ($ir = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
    if ($ir['islinked']) {
        $cls = "class='bld'";
    } else {
        $cls = "";
    $x = attrofstatus((int) $ir['status'], $dbh);
    $attr = $x[0];
    $statustxt = $x[1];
    echo "<tr><td><input name='itlnk[]' value='" . $ir['id'] . "' ";
    if ($ir['islinked']) {
        echo " checked ";
    echo " type='checkbox'></td>" . "<td nowrap {$cls}><span {$attr}>&nbsp;</span><a title='Edit item {$ir['id']} in a new window' " . "target=_blank href='{$scriptname}?action=edititem&amp;id=" . $ir['id'] . "'><div class='editid'>";
    echo $ir['id'];
    echo "</div></a></td>" . "<td {$cls}>" . $ir['typedesc'] . "</td>" . "<td {$cls}>" . $agents[$ir['manufacturerid']]['title'] . "&nbsp;</td>" . "<td {$cls}>" . $ir['model'] . "&nbsp;</td>" . "<td {$cls}>" . $ir['label'] . "&nbsp;</td>" . "<td {$cls}>" . $ir['dnsname'] . "&nbsp;</td>" . "<td {$cls}>" . $ir['username'] . "&nbsp;</td>" . "<td {$cls}>" . $ir['sn'] . "&nbsp;</td></tr>\n";
Пример #2
function printitemcell($rr, $depth)
    global $rackrow, $items, $scriptname, $_GET;
    global $dbh;
    $dns = $items[$rackrow[$rr][$depth]]['dnsname'];
    $label = $items[$rackrow[$rr][$depth]]['label'];
    $dr = explode(".", $dns);
    if (count($dr)) {
        $dr = $dr[0];
    $itemid = $items[$rackrow[$rr][$depth]]['id'];
    $mixlabel = " ";
    if (strlen($label)) {
        $mixlabel = " {$label} ";
    if (strlen($dr)) {
        $mixlabel .= " [DNS:{$dr}]";
    $sid = getstatusidofitem($itemid, $dbh);
    $x = attrofstatus($sid, $dbh);
    $attr = $x[0];
    $statustxt = $x[1];
    return "<span {$attr}>&nbsp;</span>&nbsp;<a href='{$scriptname}?action=edititem&amp;id={$rackrow[$rr][$depth]}'>" . $items[$rackrow[$rr][$depth]]['agtitle'] . " " . $items[$rackrow[$rr][$depth]]['model'] . " " . " [ID:{$itemid}]" . $mixlabel . "</a>";
/* The actual query */
//if ( $sWhere == "" ) $sWhere = " WHERE 1=1 ";
//(purchasedate+warrantymonths*30*24*60*60-$t)/(60*60*24) AS remdays,
$sQuery = "\n\t\t  SELECT \n\t\t  items.id AS itemid,\n\t\t  itemtypes.typedesc as typedesc, \n                  agents.title,\n                  items.model as itemmodel,\n                  dnsname,\n                  items.label as itemlabel,\n                  purchasedate,\n                  users.username,\n                  statustypes.statusdesc,\n                  locations.name as locationname,\n                  locareas.areaname,\n                  coalesce(sn,'') || ' ' || coalesce(sn2,'') || ' ' || coalesce(sn3,'') AS serial,\n\t\t\t\t  '' as remdays, warrantymonths, \n                  coalesce(racks.label,'') || ' ' || coalesce(racks.usize,'') || ' ' || coalesce(racks.model,'') AS rackinfo,\n                  (SELECT group_concat( tags.name ,', ') FROM tags,tag2item WHERE tag2item.itemid=items.id AND tags.id=tag2item.tagid) AS taginfo,\n                  (SELECT group_concat( software.stitle ,',') FROM software,item2soft WHERE item2soft.itemid=items.id and software.id=item2soft.softid) AS softinfo,\n                  purchprice,\n                  macs, ipv4, ipv6, remadmip\n                  FROM\n                  items\n\t\t  JOIN itemtypes ON items.itemtypeid=itemtypes.id \n\t\t  JOIN agents ON items.manufacturerid=agents.id\n\t\t  LEFT OUTER JOIN statustypes ON items.status=statustypes.id\n\t\t  JOIN users ON items.userid=users.id\n\t\t  LEFT OUTER JOIN locations ON items.locationid=locations.id\n\t\t  LEFT OUTER JOIN locareas ON items.locareaid=locareas.id\n\t\t  LEFT OUTER JOIN racks ON items.rackid=racks.id\n\t\t  {$sWhere}\n\t\t  {$sOrder}\n\t\t  {$sLimit}\n\t\t  ";
$sth = db_execute($dbh, $sQuery);
 * Output
$output = array("sEcho" => intval($_GET['sEcho']), "iTotalRecords" => $iTotal, "iTotalDisplayRecords" => $iFilteredTotal, "aaData" => array());
while ($aRow = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
    $row = array();
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($aColumns); $i++) {
        if ($aColumns[$i] == "itemid") {
            $statusid = getstatusidofitem($aRow['itemid'], $dbh);
            $x = attrofstatus($statusid, $dbh);
            $attr = $x[0];
            $statustxt = $x[1];
            $r = "<div style='width:60px'><span {$attr}>&nbsp;</span>" . "<span><a class='editid' title='Edit' href='?action=edititem&amp;id=" . $aRow['itemid'] . "'>" . $aRow['itemid'] . "</a></span></div>";
            $row[] = $r;
        } elseif ($aColumns[$i] == "remdays") {
            $remdays_r = calcremdays($aRow['purchasedate'], $aRow['warrantymonths']);
            $rdstr = $remdays_r['string'];
            $rd = $remdays_r['days'];
            $row[] = "<small><div title='{$rd}'>" . $rdstr . "</div></small>";
            // title attribute used for sorting
        } elseif ($aColumns[$i] == "purchasedate") {
            if (strlen($aRow[$aColumns[$i]])) {
                $row[] = "<span title='{$aRow[$aColumns[$i]]}'>" . date($dateparam, (int) $aRow[$aColumns[$i]]) . "</span>";
            } else {
Пример #4

$i = 0;
while ($r = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
    $dbid = $r['id'];
    if ($dbid > $internaltypes) {
        //change this to remove X from internal types
        echo "\n<tr><td title='Delete'><a href='javascript:delconfirm(\"{$itype}\",\"{$scriptname}?action={$action}&amp;deltype={$dbid}\");'>" . "<img src='images/delete.png' border=0></a></td>";
    } else {
        echo "\n\n<tr><td title='internal type ({$dbid}), cannot delete'></td>";
    $x = attrofstatus($dbid, $dbh);
    $attr = $x[0];
    $statustxt = $x[1];
    echo "<td nowrap><input type=hidden name='id[]' value='" . $r['id'] . "' readonly size=3>\n";
    echo "<span {$attr}>&nbsp;</span><input size=15 maxlen=20 type=text name='statusdesc[]' value=\"" . $r['statusdesc'] . "\"></td>\n";
    echo "</tr>\n\n";
//empty line to add new items at bottom
echo "<tr><td><input type=hidden name='id[]' value='new' readonly size=3>New:</td>\n";
echo "<td><input size=15 maxlen=20 type=text name='statusdesc[]' ></td>\n";
<tr><td colspan=2><button type="submit"><img src="images/save.png" alt="Save" > <?php 