function process_photos($post_id, $photos)
    global $hexon_nr;
    $index = 0;
    $time = date('Y/m');
    foreach ($photos as $photo_nr) {
        $file = 'wp-content/uploads/' . $time . '/' . $hexon_nr . '-' . $index . '.jpg';
        $imgdata = file_get_contents($photo_nr['@value']);
        file_put_contents($file, $imgdata);
        attach_image($file, $post_id);
Пример #2
function fix_images($filedirectory)
	global $vbulletin;
	$contenttypeid = vB_Types::instance()->getContentTypeId("vBCms_Article");
	$set = $vbulletin->db->query_read("
		SELECT cms_node.nodeid, cms_article.*
		FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "cms_article AS cms_article JOIN " .
			TABLE_PREFIX . "cms_node AS cms_node ON
				(cms_article.contentid = cms_node.contentid AND cms_node.contenttypeid = $contenttypeid)

	while ($row = $vbulletin->db->fetch_array($set))
		$attachment_map = array();
		$pagetext = $row['pagetext'];

		//get attachments and replace with new ids
		$matches = array();
		if (preg_match_all("#\\[ATTACH=CONFIG\\](\\d+)\\[/ATTACH\\]#i", $row['pagetext'], $matches))
			foreach($matches[1] AS $attachmentid)
				if (!array_key_exists($attachmentid, $attachment_map))
					$file_name = get_image_filename($filedirectory, $attachmentid);
					$attachment_map[$attachmentid] = attach_image($file_name, $filedirectory, $row['nodeid']);

			if (count($attachment_map))
				$orig = array();
				$replacement = array();
				foreach($attachment_map AS $oldid => $newid)
					$orig[] = "[ATTACH=CONFIG]" . $oldid . "[/ATTACH]";
					$replacement[] = "[ATTACH=CONFIG]" . $newid . "[/ATTACH]";

				if (count($orig))
					$pagetext = str_replace($orig, $replacement, $pagetext);

					UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "cms_article
					SET pagetext = '" . $vbulletin->db->escape_string($pagetext) . "'
					WHERE contentid = $row[contentid]


		//find and replace attachments added as IMG tags.  Otherwise they'll look for the live site, which is bad.

		$matches = array();
		if (preg_match_all("#\\[IMG\\][^]]*attachmentid=(\\d+)[^]]*\\[/IMG\\]#i", $row['pagetext'], $matches))
			$orig = array();
			$replacement = array();
			foreach($matches[1] AS $key => $attachmentid)
				if (!array_key_exists($attachmentid, $attachment_map))
					$file_name = get_image_filename($filedirectory, $attachmentid);
					$attachment_map[$attachmentid] = attach_image($file_name, $filedirectory, $row['nodeid']);

				if ($attachment_map[$attachmentid])
					$orig[] = $matches[0][$key];
					$replacement[] = "[ATTACH]" . $attachment_map[$attachmentid] . "[/ATTACH]";
			if (count($orig))
				$pagetext = str_replace($orig, $replacement, $pagetext);
					UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "cms_article
					SET pagetext = '" . $vbulletin->db->escape_string($pagetext) . "'
					WHERE contentid = $row[contentid]

		//handle preview images
		$matches = array();
		if (preg_match("#attachmentid=(\\d+)&#", $row['previewimage'], $matches))
			$attachmentid = $matches[1];
			if ($attachmentid)
				if (!array_key_exists($attachmentid, $attachment_map))
					$file_name = get_image_filename($filedirectory, $attachmentid);
					$attachment_map[$attachmentid] = attach_image($file_name, $filedirectory, $row['nodeid']);

				$newid = $attachment_map[$attachmentid];
				if ($newid)
					$record = $vbulletin->db->query_first($q = "
						SELECT thumbnail_width, thumbnail_height
						FROM " .
							TABLE_PREFIX . "attachment AS attach INNER JOIN "  .
							TABLE_PREFIX . "filedata AS data ON data.filedataid = attach.filedataid WHERE attachmentid = $newid"

					$vbulletin->db->query_write($q = "
						UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "cms_article
						SET previewimage = 'attachment.php?attachmentid=$newid&cid=$contenttypeid',
							imagewidth = $record[thumbnail_width], imageheight = $record[thumbnail_height]
						WHERE contentid = $row[contentid]
					echo "<p>Could not find attachmentid $attachmentid</p>";

				var_dump($row['contentid'], $row['previewimage']);