Пример #1
function do_artists_from_database($why, $what, $who)
    global $divtype;
    $singleheader = array();
    debuglog("Generating artist " . $who . " from database", "DUMPALBUMS", 7);
    $singleheader['type'] = 'insertAfter';
    $singleheader['where'] = 'fothergill';
    $count = 0;
    if ($result = generic_sql_query(albumartist_sort_query($why))) {
        while ($obj = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) {
            if ($who == "root") {
                print artistHeader($why . $what . $obj->Artistindex, $obj->Artistname);
            } else {
                if ($obj->Artistindex != $who) {
                    $singleheader['type'] = 'insertAfter';
                    $singleheader['where'] = $why . $what . $obj->Artistindex;
                } else {
                    $singleheader['html'] = artistHeader($why . $what . $obj->Artistindex, $obj->Artistname);
                    return $singleheader;
            $divtype = $divtype == "album1" ? "album2" : "album1";
    } else {
        print '<h3>' . get_int_text("label_general_error") . '</h3>';
    return $count;
Пример #2
function getWishlist()
    global $mysqlc, $divtype, $prefs;
    if ($mysqlc === null) {
    $qstring = 'SELECT wishlist.*, Ratingtable.Rating FROM
        (SELECT Tracktable.TTindex AS ttindex, Tracktable.Title AS track, Tracktable.TrackNo
            AS num, Tracktable.Duration AS time, Tracktable.Disc as disc, Artisttable.Artistname
            AS artist, Albumtable.Albumname AS album, Albumtable.Image AS image, Albumtable.ImgKey
            AS imgkey FROM Tracktable JOIN Artisttable USING (Artistindex) JOIN Albumtable ON
            Tracktable.Albumindex = Albumtable.Albumindex WHERE Uri IS NULL AND Hidden = 0
        SELECT Tracktable.TTindex AS ttindex, Tracktable.Title AS track, Tracktable.TrackNo
            AS num, Tracktable.Duration AS time, Tracktable.Disc as disc, Artisttable.Artistname
            AS artist, "" AS Albumname, NULL as Image, NULL AS ImgKey FROM Tracktable JOIN
            Artisttable USING (Artistindex) WHERE Albumindex IS NULL AND Uri IS NULL AND Hidden = 0)
        AS wishlist
        LEFT JOIN Ratingtable ON Ratingtable.TTindex = wishlist.ttindex
        ORDER BY ';
    foreach ($prefs['artistsatstart'] as $a) {
        $qstring .= "CASE WHEN LOWER(artist) = LOWER('" . $a . "') THEN 1 ELSE 2 END, ";
    if (count($prefs['nosortprefixes']) > 0) {
        $qstring .= "(CASE ";
        foreach ($prefs['nosortprefixes'] as $p) {
            $phpisshitsometimes = strlen($p) + 2;
            $qstring .= "WHEN LOWER(artist) LIKE '" . strtolower($p) . " %' THEN LOWER(SUBSTR(artist," . $phpisshitsometimes . ")) ";
        $qstring .= "ELSE LOWER(artist) END)";
    } else {
        $qstring .= "LOWER(artist)";
    $qstring .= ', LOWER (album),
    $current_artist = "";
    $current_album = "";
    $count = 0;
    if ($result = generic_sql_query($qstring)) {
        while ($obj = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) {
            $bothclosed = false;
            debuglog("Found Track " . $obj->track, "WISHLIST");
            if ($current_artist != $obj->artist) {
                if ($current_artist != "") {
                    print '</div></div>';
                    $bothclosed = true;
                $current_artist = $obj->artist;
                print artistHeader("wishlistartist_" . $count, $obj->artist);
                print '<div id="wishlistartist_' . $count . '" class="dropmenu ' . $divtype . '">';
                $divtype = $divtype == "album1" ? "album2" : "album1";
            if ($current_album != $obj->album) {
                if (!$bothclosed && $current_album != "") {
                    print '</div>';
                $current_album = $obj->album;
                print albumHeader($obj->album, null, 'wishlistalbum_' . $count, $obj->image === null ? "no" : "yes", $obj->album == "" ? "yes" : "no", $obj->imgkey, $obj->image, null, null, null);
                print '<div id="wishlistalbum_' . $count . '" class="dropmenu">';
            albumTrack(null, $obj->Rating, null, 0, $obj->num, $obj->track, 0, null, null);