Пример #1
 public static function update_locked($userid)
     if (empty($userid)) {
     $submitted = get_column_sql('
         SELECT a.id
         FROM {artefact} a
             JOIN {view_artefact} va ON a.id = va.artefact
             JOIN {view} v ON va.view = v.id
         WHERE a.owner = ?
             AND v.owner = ?
             AND (v.submittedgroup IS NOT NULL OR v.submittedhost IS NOT NULL)', array($userid, $userid));
     if ($submitted) {
         $submitted = artefact_get_descendants($submitted);
         if ($attachments = get_column_sql('
             SELECT attachment FROM {artefact_attachment}
             WHERE artefact IN (' . join(',', $submitted) . ')', array())) {
             $submitted = array_merge($submitted, $attachments);
     if (!empty($submitted)) {
         $idstr = '(' . join(',', $submitted) . ')';
         set_field_select('artefact', 'locked', 1, "locked = 0 AND id IN {$idstr}", array());
     // Unlock
     $select = 'locked = 1 AND "owner" = ?';
     if (isset($idstr)) {
         $select .= " AND NOT id IN {$idstr}";
     set_field_select('artefact', 'locked', 0, $select, array($userid));
Пример #2
 public static function render_instance(BlockInstance $instance, $editing = false)
     $configdata = $instance->get('configdata');
     // this will make sure to unserialize it for us
     $configdata['viewid'] = $instance->get('view');
     $style = isset($configdata['style']) ? intval($configdata['style']) : 2;
     $copyright = null;
     // Needed to set Panoramio copyright later...
     $width = !empty($configdata['width']) ? $configdata['width'] : 75;
     switch ($style) {
         case 0:
             // thumbnails
             $template = 'thumbnails';
         case 1:
             // slideshow
             $template = 'slideshow';
             $width = !empty($configdata['width']) ? $configdata['width'] : 400;
         case 2:
             // square thumbnails
             $template = 'squarethumbs';
     $images = array();
     $slimbox2 = get_config_plugin('blocktype', 'gallery', 'useslimbox2');
     if ($slimbox2) {
         $slimbox2attr = 'lightbox_' . $instance->get('id');
     } else {
         $slimbox2attr = null;
     // if we're trying to embed external gallery (thumbnails or slideshow)
     if (isset($configdata['select']) && $configdata['select'] == 2) {
         $gallery = self::make_gallery_url($configdata['external']);
         if (empty($gallery)) {
             return get_string('externalnotsupported', 'blocktype.file/gallery');
         $url = isset($gallery['url']) ? hsc($gallery['url']) : null;
         $type = isset($gallery['type']) ? hsc($gallery['type']) : null;
         $var1 = isset($gallery['var1']) ? hsc($gallery['var1']) : null;
         $var2 = isset($gallery['var2']) ? hsc($gallery['var2']) : null;
         switch ($type) {
             case 'widget':
                            Roy Tanck's FLICKR WIDGET
                            for Flickr RSS & Picasa RSS
                 $widget_sizes = array(100, 200, 300);
                 $width = self::find_nearest($widget_sizes, $width);
                 $images = urlencode(str_replace('&', '&', $url));
                 $template = 'imagecloud';
             case 'picasa':
                 // Slideshow
                 if ($style == 1) {
                     $picasa_show_sizes = array(144, 288, 400, 600, 800);
                     $width = self::find_nearest($picasa_show_sizes, $width);
                     $height = round($width * 0.75);
                     $images = array('user' => $var1, 'gallery' => $var2);
                     $template = 'picasashow';
                 } else {
                     $picasa_thumbnails = array(32, 48, 64, 72, 104, 144, 150, 160);
                     $width = self::find_nearest($picasa_thumbnails, $width);
                     // If the Thumbnails should be Square...
                     if ($style == 2) {
                         $small = 's' . $width . '-c';
                         $URL = 'http://picasaweb.google.com/data/feed/api/user/' . $var1 . '/album/' . $var2 . '?kind=photo&thumbsize=' . $width . 'c';
                     } else {
                         $small = 's' . $width;
                         $URL = 'http://picasaweb.google.com/data/feed/api/user/' . $var1 . '/album/' . $var2 . '?kind=photo&thumbsize=' . $width;
                     $big = 's' . get_config_plugin('blocktype', 'gallery', 'previewwidth');
                     $xmlDoc = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
                     $config = array(CURLOPT_URL => $URL, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true);
                     $result = mahara_http_request($config);
                     $photos = $xmlDoc->getElementsByTagNameNS('http://search.yahoo.com/mrss/', 'group');
                     foreach ($photos as $photo) {
                         $children = $photo->cloneNode(true);
                         $thumb = $children->getElementsByTagNameNS('http://search.yahoo.com/mrss/', 'thumbnail')->item(0)->getAttribute('url');
                         $description = null;
                         if (isset($children->getElementsByTagNameNS('http://search.yahoo.com/mrss/', 'description')->item(0)->firstChild->nodeValue)) {
                             $description = $children->getElementsByTagNameNS('http://search.yahoo.com/mrss/', 'description')->item(0)->firstChild->nodeValue;
                         $images[] = array('link' => str_replace($small, $big, $thumb), 'source' => $thumb, 'title' => $description, 'slimbox2' => $slimbox2attr);
             case 'flickr':
                 // Slideshow
                 if ($style == 1) {
                     $flickr_show_sizes = array(400, 500, 700, 800);
                     $width = self::find_nearest($flickr_show_sizes, $width);
                     $height = round($width * 0.75);
                     $images = array('user' => $var1, 'gallery' => $var2);
                     $template = 'flickrshow';
                 } else {
                     $width = 75;
                     // Currently only thumbnail size, that Flickr supports
                     $api_key = get_config_plugin('blocktype', 'gallery', 'flickrapikey');
                     $URL = 'http://api.flickr.com/services/rest/?method=flickr.photosets.getPhotos&extras=url_sq,url_t&photoset_id=' . $var2 . '&api_key=' . $api_key;
                     $xmlDoc = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
                     $config = array(CURLOPT_URL => $URL, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true);
                     $result = mahara_http_request($config);
                     $photos = $xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName('photo');
                     foreach ($photos as $photo) {
                         // If the Thumbnails should be Square...
                         if ($style == 2) {
                             $thumb = $photo->getAttribute('url_sq');
                             $link = str_replace('_s.jpg', '_b.jpg', $thumb);
                         } else {
                             $thumb = $photo->getAttribute('url_t');
                             $link = str_replace('_t.jpg', '_b.jpg', $thumb);
                         $description = $photo->getAttribute('title');
                         $images[] = array('link' => $link, 'source' => $thumb, 'title' => $description, 'slimbox2' => $slimbox2attr);
             case 'panoramio':
                 // Slideshow
                 if ($style == 1) {
                     $height = round($width * 0.75);
                     $images = array('user' => $var1);
                     $template = 'panoramioshow';
                 } else {
                     $copyright = get_string('panoramiocopyright', 'blocktype.file/gallery');
                     $URL = 'http://www.panoramio.com/map/get_panoramas.php?set=' . $var1 . '&from=0&to=50&size=original&mapfilter=true';
                     $config = array(CURLOPT_URL => $URL, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true);
                     $result = mahara_http_request($config);
                     $data = json_decode($result->data, true);
                     foreach ($data['photos'] as $photo) {
                         $link = str_replace('/original/', '/large/', $photo['photo_file_url']);
                         // If the Thumbnails should be Square...
                         if ($style == 2) {
                             $thumb = str_replace('/original/', '/square/', $photo['photo_file_url']);
                             $width = 60;
                             // Currently only square thumbnail size, that Panoramio supports
                         } else {
                             $thumb = str_replace('/original/', '/thumbnail/', $photo['photo_file_url']);
                         $title = !empty($photo['photo_title']) ? $photo['photo_title'] : get_string('Photo', 'blocktype.file/gallery');
                         $description = '<a href="' . $photo['photo_url'] . '" target="_blank">' . $title . '</a>' . '&nbsp;' . get_string('by', 'blocktype.file/gallery') . '&nbsp;' . '<a href="' . $photo['owner_url'] . '" target="_blank">' . $photo['owner_name'] . '</a>';
                         $images[] = array('link' => $link, 'source' => $thumb, 'title' => $description, 'slimbox2' => $slimbox2attr);
             case 'photobucket':
                 // Slideshow
                 if ($style == 1) {
                     $height = round($width * 0.75);
                     $images = array('url' => $url, 'user' => $var1, 'album' => $var2);
                     $template = 'photobucketshow';
                 } else {
                     $consumer_key = get_config_plugin('blocktype', 'gallery', 'pbapikey');
                     // PhotoBucket API key
                     $consumer_secret = get_config_plugin('blocktype', 'gallery', 'pbapiprivatekey');
                     //PhotoBucket API private key
                     $oauth_signature_method = 'HMAC-SHA1';
                     $oauth_version = '1.0';
                     $oauth_timestamp = time();
                     $mt = microtime();
                     $rand = mt_rand();
                     $oauth_nonce = md5($mt . $rand);
                     $method = 'GET';
                     $albumname = $var1 . '/' . $var2;
                     $api_url = 'http://api.photobucket.com/album/' . urlencode($albumname);
                     $params = null;
                     $paramstring = 'oauth_consumer_key=' . $consumer_key . '&oauth_nonce=' . $oauth_nonce . '&oauth_signature_method=' . $oauth_signature_method . '&oauth_timestamp=' . $oauth_timestamp . '&oauth_version=' . $oauth_version;
                     $base = urlencode($method) . '&' . urlencode($api_url) . '&' . urlencode($paramstring);
                     $oauth_signature = base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha1', $base, $consumer_secret . '&', true));
                     $URL = $api_url . '?' . $paramstring . '&oauth_signature=' . urlencode($oauth_signature);
                     $xmlDoc = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
                     $config = array(CURLOPT_URL => $URL, CURLOPT_HEADER => false, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true);
                     $result = mahara_http_request($config);
                     $xmlDoc2 = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
                     $config2 = array(CURLOPT_URL => $xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName('url')->item(0)->firstChild->nodeValue, CURLOPT_HEADER => false, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true);
                     $result2 = mahara_http_request($config2);
                     $photos = $xmlDoc2->getElementsByTagName('media');
                     foreach ($photos as $photo) {
                         $children = $photo->cloneNode(true);
                         $link = $children->getElementsByTagName('url')->item(0)->firstChild->nodeValue;
                         $thumb = $children->getElementsByTagName('thumb')->item(0)->firstChild->nodeValue;
                         $description = null;
                         if (isset($children->getElementsByTagName('description')->item(0)->firstChild->nodeValue)) {
                             $description = $children->getElementsByTagName('description')->item(0)->firstChild->nodeValue;
                         $images[] = array('link' => $link, 'source' => $thumb, 'title' => $description, 'slimbox2' => $slimbox2attr);
             case 'windowslive':
                 // Slideshow
                 if ($style == 1) {
                     $images = array('url' => $url, 'user' => $var1, 'album' => $var2);
                     $template = 'windowsliveshow';
                 } else {
                     $config = array(CURLOPT_URL => str_replace(' ', '%20', $url), CURLOPT_HEADER => false, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true);
                     $result = mahara_http_request($config);
                     $data = $result->data;
                     // Extract data about images and thumbs from HTML source - hack!
                     preg_match_all("#previewImageUrl: '([a-zA-Z0-9\\_\\-\\.\\\\/]+)'#", $data, $photos);
                     preg_match_all("#thumbnailImageUrl: '([a-zA-Z0-9\\_\\-\\.\\\\/]+)'#", $data, $thumbs);
                     for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($photos[1]); $i++) {
                         $images[] = array('link' => str_replace(array('\\x3a', '\\x2f', '\\x25', '\\x3fpsid\\x3d1'), array(':', '/', '%', ''), $photos[1][$i]), 'source' => str_replace(array('\\x3a', '\\x2f', '\\x25', '\\x3fpsid\\x3d1'), array(':', '/', '%', ''), $thumbs[1][$i]), 'title' => null, 'slimbox2' => $slimbox2attr);
     } else {
         safe_require('artefact', 'file');
         $artefactids = array();
         if (isset($configdata['select']) && $configdata['select'] == 1 && is_array($configdata['artefactids'])) {
             $artefactids = $configdata['artefactids'];
         } else {
             if (!empty($configdata['artefactid'])) {
                 // Get descendents of this folder.
                 $artefactids = artefact_get_descendants(array(intval($configdata['artefactid'])));
         // This can be either an image or profileicon. They both implement
         // render_self
         foreach ($artefactids as $artefactid) {
             $image = $instance->get_artefact_instance($artefactid);
             if ($image instanceof ArtefactTypeProfileIcon) {
                 $src = get_config('wwwroot') . 'thumb.php?type=profileiconbyid&id=' . $artefactid;
                 $description = $image->get('title');
             } else {
                 if ($image instanceof ArtefactTypeImage) {
                     $src = get_config('wwwroot') . 'artefact/file/download.php?file=' . $artefactid;
                     $src .= '&view=' . $instance->get('view');
                     $description = $image->get('description');
                 } else {
             if ($slimbox2) {
                 $link = $src . '&maxwidth=' . get_config_plugin('blocktype', 'gallery', 'previewwidth');
             } else {
                 $link = get_config('wwwroot') . 'artefact/artefact.php?artefact=' . $artefactid . '&view=' . $instance->get('view');
             // If the Thumbnails are Square or not...
             if ($style == 2) {
                 $src .= '&size=' . $width . 'x' . $width;
                 $height = $width;
             } else {
                 $src .= '&maxwidth=' . $width;
                 $imgwidth = $image->get('width');
                 $imgheight = $image->get('height');
                 $height = $imgwidth > $width ? intval($width / $imgwidth * $imgheight) : $imgheight;
             $images[] = array('link' => $link, 'source' => $src, 'height' => $height, 'title' => $image->get('description'), 'slimbox2' => $slimbox2attr);
     $smarty = smarty_core();
     $smarty->assign('instanceid', $instance->get('id'));
     $smarty->assign('count', count($images));
     $smarty->assign('images', $images);
     $smarty->assign('showdescription', !empty($configdata['showdescription']) ? $configdata['showdescription'] : false);
     $smarty->assign('width', $width);
     $smarty->assign('captionwidth', get_config_plugin('blocktype', 'gallery', 'photoframe') ? $width + 8 : $width);
     if (isset($height)) {
         $smarty->assign('height', $height);
     if (isset($needsapikey)) {
         $smarty->assign('needsapikey', $needsapikey);
     $smarty->assign('frame', get_config_plugin('blocktype', 'gallery', 'photoframe'));
     $smarty->assign('copyright', $copyright);
     return $smarty->fetch('blocktype:gallery:' . $template . '.tpl');
Пример #3
 public function delete()
     // ArtefactType::delete() deletes all the child artefacts one by one.
     // If the folder contains a lot of artefacts, it's too slow to do this
     // but for very small directories it seems to be slightly faster.
     $descendants = artefact_get_descendants(array($this->id));
     if (count($descendants) < 10) {
     } else {
Пример #4
  * Builds a new block instance as a copy of this one, taking into account
  * the Views being copied from and to.
  * Blocktypes can decide whether they want to be copied to the new View. The
  * return value of this method should indicate whether the blocktype was
  * copied or not.
  * @param View $view The view that this new blockinstance is being created for
  * @param View $template The view that this (the old) blockinstance comes from
  * @param array $artefactcopies Correspondence between original artefact IDs and IDs of copies
  * @return boolean Whether a new blockinstance was made or not.
 public function copy(View $view, View $template, &$artefactcopies)
     $blocktypeclass = generate_class_name('blocktype', $this->get('blocktype'));
     $configdata = $this->get('configdata');
     if (isset($configdata['copytype'])) {
         $copytype = $configdata['copytype'];
     } else {
         $copytype = call_static_method($blocktypeclass, 'default_copy_type');
     $viewowner = $view->ownership();
     $templateowner = $template->ownership();
     $sameowner = $viewowner['type'] == $templateowner['type'] && $viewowner['id'] == $templateowner['id'];
     // Check to see if the block is allowed to be copied into the new View
     // Note for later: this is Blockinstance->allowed_in_view. This
     // determines whether this blockinstance should be copied into a view.
     // This could be a different question from BlockType::allowed_in_view!
     // But for now they use the same method.
     if (!call_static_method($blocktypeclass, 'allowed_in_view', $view)) {
         return false;
     if ($copytype == 'nocopy' && !$sameowner) {
         return false;
     $newblock = new BlockInstance(0, array('blocktype' => $this->get('blocktype'), 'title' => $this->get('title'), 'view' => $view->get('id'), 'view_obj' => $view, 'row' => $this->get('row'), 'column' => $this->get('column'), 'order' => $this->get('order')));
     if ($sameowner || $copytype == 'reference') {
         $newblock->set('configdata', $configdata);
         return true;
     $artefactids = get_column('view_artefact', 'artefact', 'block', $this->get('id'));
     if (!empty($artefactids) && $copytype == 'full') {
         // Copy artefacts & put the new artefact ids into the new block.
         // Artefacts may have children (defined using the parent column of the artefact table) and attachments (currently
         // only for blogposts).  If we copy an artefact we must copy all its descendents & attachments too.
         $descendants = artefact_get_descendants($artefactids);
         // We need the artefact instance before we can get its attachments
         $tocopy = array();
         $attachmentlists = array();
         $embedlists = array();
         foreach ($descendants as $d) {
             if (!isset($artefactcopies[$d])) {
                 $tocopy[$d] = artefact_instance_from_id($d);
                 // Get attachments.
                 $attachmentlists[$d] = $tocopy[$d]->attachment_id_list();
                 foreach ($attachmentlists[$d] as $a) {
                     if (!isset($artefactcopies[$a]) && !isset($tocopy[$a])) {
                         $tocopy[$a] = artefact_instance_from_id($a);
                 // Get embedded file artefacts
                 $embedlists[$d] = $tocopy[$d]->embed_id_list();
                 foreach ($embedlists[$d] as $a) {
                     if (!isset($artefactcopies[$a]) && !isset($tocopy[$a])) {
                         $tocopy[$a] = artefact_instance_from_id($a);
         // Copy all the artefacts we haven't copied yet
         foreach ($tocopy as $aid => $a) {
             // Save the id of the original artefact's parent
             $artefactcopies[$aid] = (object) array('oldid' => $aid, 'oldparent' => $a->get('parent'));
             if (!empty($attachmentlists[$aid])) {
                 $artefactcopies[$aid]->oldattachments = $attachmentlists[$aid];
             if (!empty($embedlists[$aid])) {
                 $artefactcopies[$aid]->oldembeds = $embedlists[$aid];
             $artefactcopies[$aid]->newid = $a->copy_for_new_owner($view->get('owner'), $view->get('group'), $view->get('institution'));
         // Record new artefact ids in the new block
         if (isset($configdata['artefactid'])) {
             $configdata['artefactid'] = $artefactcopies[$configdata['artefactid']]->newid;
         if (isset($configdata['artefactids'])) {
             foreach ($configdata['artefactids'] as &$oldid) {
                 $oldid = $artefactcopies[$oldid]->newid;
     } else {
         $configdata = call_static_method($blocktypeclass, 'rewrite_blockinstance_config', $view, $configdata);
     // Rewrite the extra configuration of block
     $configdata = call_static_method($blocktypeclass, 'rewrite_blockinstance_extra_config', $view, $newblock, $configdata, $artefactcopies);
     $newblock->set('configdata', $configdata);
     return true;
Пример #5
  * Establishes exactly what views and artefacts are to be exported, and
  * sets up temporary export directories
  * Subclasses can override this if they need to do anything else, but
  * they must call parent::__construct.
  * @param User $user       The user to export data for
  * @param mixed $views     can be:
  *                         - PluginExport::EXPORT_ALL_VIEWS
  *                         - array, containing:
  *                             - int - view ids
  *                             - stdclass objects - db rows
  *                             - View objects
  * @param mixed $artefacts can be:
  *                         - PluginExport::EXPORT_ALL_ARTEFACTS
  *                         - PluginExport::EXPORT_ARTEFACTS_FOR_VIEWS
  *                         - PluginExport::EXPORT_COLLECTIONS
  *                         - array, containing:
  *                             - int - artefact ids
  *                             - stdclass objects - db rows
  *                             - ArtefactType subclasses
 public function __construct(User $user, $views, $artefacts, $progresscallback = null)
     if (!is_null($progresscallback)) {
         if (is_callable($progresscallback)) {
             $this->progresscallback = $progresscallback;
         } else {
             throw new SystemException("The specified progress callback isn't callable");
     $this->notify_progress_callback(0, 'Starting');
     $this->exporttime = time();
     $this->user = $user;
     $userid = $this->user->get('id');
     $tmpviews = array();
     $tmpartefacts = array();
     // Get the list of views to export
     if ($views == self::EXPORT_ALL_VIEWS) {
         $tmpviews = get_column_sql('SELECT id FROM {view} WHERE owner = ? ORDER BY id', array($userid));
         $this->viewexportmode = $views;
     } else {
         if (is_array($views) && $artefacts == self::EXPORT_COLLECTIONS) {
             $tmpviews = $views;
             $this->viewexportmode = self::EXPORT_COLLECTIONS;
         } else {
             if (is_array($views)) {
                 $tmpviews = $views;
                 $this->viewexportmode = self::EXPORT_LIST_OF_VIEWS;
     foreach ($tmpviews as $v) {
         $view = null;
         if ($v instanceof View) {
             $view = $v;
         } else {
             if (is_object($v)) {
                 $view = new View($v->id, $v);
             } else {
                 if (is_numeric($v)) {
                     $view = new View($v);
         if (is_null($view)) {
             throw new ParamOutOfRangeException("Invalid view {$v}");
         if ($view->get('owner') != $userid) {
             throw new UserException("User {$userid} does not own view " . $view->get('id'));
         $this->views[$view->get('id')] = $view;
     // Get the list of artefacts to export
     if ($artefacts == self::EXPORT_ALL_ARTEFACTS) {
         $query = 'SELECT id FROM {artefact} WHERE "owner" = ?';
         $args = array($userid);
         if (sizeof($tmpviews)) {
             $query .= 'UNION
                 SELECT artefact
                 FROM {view_artefact}
             WHERE "view" IN (SELECT id FROM {view} WHERE "owner" = ?)
                 ORDER BY id';
             $args[] = $userid;
             $this->artefactexportmode = $tmpartefacts = get_column_sql($query, $args);
     } else {
         if ($tmpviews) {
             $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT va.artefact\n                    FROM {view_artefact} va\n                    LEFT JOIN {view} v ON v.id = va.view\n                    WHERE v.owner = ?\n                    AND va.view IN ( " . implode(',', array_keys($this->views)) . ")\n                    ORDER BY va.artefact";
             $tmpartefacts = (array) get_column_sql($sql, array($userid));
             // Some artefacts are not inside the view, but still need to be exported with it
             $tmpartefacts = array_unique(array_merge($tmpartefacts, $this->get_view_extra_artefacts()));
             $tmpartefacts = artefact_get_descendants($tmpartefacts);
             $tmpartefacts = array_unique(array_merge($tmpartefacts, $this->get_artefact_extra_artefacts($tmpartefacts)));
         if ($artefacts == self::EXPORT_ARTEFACTS_FOR_VIEWS) {
             $this->artefactexportmode = $artefacts;
         } else {
             if ($artefacts == self::EXPORT_COLLECTIONS) {
                 $this->artefactexportmode = self::EXPORT_ARTEFACTS_FOR_VIEWS;
             } else {
                 $tmpartefacts = array_unique(array_merge($tmpartefacts, $artefacts));
                 $this->artefactexportmode = self::EXPORT_LIST_OF_ARTEFACTS;
     $typestoplugins = get_records_assoc('artefact_installed_type');
     $ids_to_get = array();
     foreach ($tmpartefacts as $a) {
         if ($a instanceof ArtefactType) {
         } else {
             if (is_object($a) && isset($a->id)) {
                 $ids_to_get[] = $a->id;
             } else {
                 if (is_numeric($a)) {
                     $ids_to_get[] = $a;
     $artefacts = artefact_instances_from_ids($ids_to_get);
     foreach ($tmpartefacts as $a) {
         $artefact = null;
         if ($a instanceof ArtefactType) {
             $artefact = $a;
         } else {
             if (is_object($a) && isset($a->id)) {
                 $artefact = $artefacts[$a->id];
             } else {
                 if (is_numeric($a)) {
                     $artefact = $artefacts[$a];
         if (is_null($artefact)) {
             throw new ParamOutOfRangeException("Invalid artefact {$a}");
         // This check won't work, at the _least_ because at the time of
         // writing, can_view_artefact does not support normal users viewing
         // site files. This check is also pretty damn slow. So think twice
         // before uncommenting it. I presume if you _are_ uncommenting it,
         // it's because you're trying to isloate a security vulnerability
         // where a user can export another user's files or something. In
         // which case you'll be being careful anyway, I hope.
         //if (!$this->user->can_view_artefact($artefact)) {
         //    throw new SystemException("User $userid does not own artefact " . $artefact->get('id'));
         if ($artefact->exportable()) {
             $this->artefacts[$artefact->get('id')] = $artefact;
     $this->collections = array();
     if ($views === -1) {
         $collections = FALSE;
     } else {
         $collections = get_records_sql_assoc('
                 SELECT * FROM {collection} WHERE id IN (
                     SELECT collection
                     FROM {collection_view}
                     WHERE view IN (' . join(',', array_keys($this->views)) . ')
                     )', array());
     if ($collections) {
         require_once 'collection.php';
         foreach ($collections as &$c) {
             $this->collections[$c->id] = new Collection(0, $c);
     // Now set up the temporary export directories
     $this->exportdir = get_config('dataroot') . 'export/' . $this->user->get('id') . '/' . $this->exporttime . '/';
     if (!check_dir_exists($this->exportdir)) {
         throw new SystemException("Couldn't create the temporary export directory {$this->exportdir}");
     $this->messages = array();
     $this->notify_progress_callback(10, 'Setup');