Пример #1
 function query_to_csv($query, $headers = TRUE, $download = "")
     if (!is_object($query) or !method_exists($query, 'list_fields')) {
         show_error('invalid query');
     $array = array();
     if ($headers) {
         $line = array();
         foreach ($query->list_fields() as $name) {
             $line[] = ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $name));
         $array[] = $line;
     foreach ($query->result_array() as $row) {
         $line = array();
         foreach ($row as $item) {
             if (dateChecker($item) == true) {
                 $item = date("D jS F Y", strtotime($item));
             $line[] = strip_word_html($item);
         $array[] = $line;
     echo array_to_csv($array, $download);
Пример #2
    function query_to_csv($query, $headers = TRUE, $download = "")
        if ( ! is_object($query) OR ! method_exists($query, 'list_fields'))
            show_error('invalid query');
        $array = array();
        if ($headers)
            $line = array();
            foreach ($query->list_fields() as $name)
                $line[] = $name;
            $array[] = $line;
        foreach ($query->result_array() as $row)
            $line = array();
            foreach ($row as $item)
                $line[] = $item;
            $array[] = $line;

        echo array_to_csv($array, $download);
Пример #3
 function create_csv()
     $query = $this->db->query('SELECT * FROM user ');
     // $query=$query->result();
     // $num = $query->num_fields();
     // // var_dump($num); exit();
     // $var =array();
     // $i=1;
     // $fname="";
     // while($i <= $num){
     //     $test = $i;
     //     $value = $this->input->post($test);
     //     if($value != ''){
     //             $fname= $fname." ".$value;
     //             array_push($var, $value);
     //         }
     //      $i++;
     // }
     // $fname = trim($fname);
     // $fname=str_replace(' ', ',', $fname);
     // $this->db->select($fname);
     // $quer = $this->db->get('user');
     // $quer=$quer->result();
     // var_dump($quer); exit();
     //   query_to_csv($quer,TRUE,'Products_'.date('dMy').'.csv');
     $array = array(array('Last Name', 'First Name', 'Gender'), array('Furtado', 'Nelly', 'female'), array('Twain', 'Shania', 'female'), array('Farmer', 'Mylene', 'female'));
     //echo array_to_csv($array);
     array_to_csv($array, 'toto.csv');
Пример #4
 public function createcsv($id_kls = '')
     if (!$id_kls == '') {
         //ambil data nilai
         $filter_kls = "p.id_kls = '" . $id_kls . "'";
         $temp_nilai = $this->feeder->getrset($this->session->userdata('token'), $this->tbl_nilai, $filter_kls, $this->order, '', $this->offset);
         $dumy_nilai = $temp_nilai['result'];
         //ambil struktur tabel nilai
         $temp_dic = $this->feeder->getdic($this->session->userdata('token'), $this->tbl_nilai);
         $dumy_dic = $temp_dic['result'];
         $array = array();
         $header_nilai = array('no_urut', 'id_kls', 'id_reg_pd', 'nim', 'nm_mhs', 'nilai_angka', 'nilai_huruf', 'nilai_indeks');
         $array[] = $header_nilai;
         //create content
         $i = 0;
         foreach ($dumy_nilai as $row) {
             $filter_mhs_pt = "id_reg_pd = '" . $row['id_reg_pd'] . "'";
             $temp_mhs_pt = $this->feeder->getrecord($this->session->userdata('token'), 'mahasiswa_pt', $filter_mhs_pt);
             $filter_mhs = "id_pd = '" . $temp_mhs_pt['result']['id_pd'] . "'";
             $temp_mhs = $this->feeder->getrecord($this->session->userdata('token'), 'mahasiswa', $filter_mhs);
             $content_nilai = array($i, $row['id_kls'], $row['id_reg_pd'], $temp_mhs_pt['result']['nipd'], $temp_mhs['result']['nm_pd'], $row['nilai_angka'], $row['nilai_huruf'], $row['nilai_indeks']);
             $array[] = $content_nilai;
         //$array[] = $header_nilai;
         array_to_csv($array, $id_kls . '.csv');
     } else {
         echo "Cannot create CSV";
Пример #5
 public function download()
     //            $data['title']="Lead Call funnel";
     //            $this->load->view('include/header',$data);
     //            $this->load->view('lead_call_funnel_view');
     $leadCallData = array();
     //$fh = @fopen( 'php://output', 'w' );
     $start_data = $this->input->post('start_date');
     $end_date = $this->input->post('end_date');
     $type = $this->input->post('type');
     $distinct_source = $this->lead_call_funnel_model->distinct_source();
     $first_iteration = 1;
     $rows = array(array());
     $rows[0][0] = 'sources';
     $row_count = 0;
     foreach ($distinct_source as $row) {
         $source = (string) $row->Source;
         $rows[][0] = $source;
         $getQueries = $this->lead_call_funnel_model->get_query($type);
         if ($first_iteration) {
             $first_iteration = 0;
             foreach ($getQueries as $getQuery) {
                 $columnName = $getQuery->columnName;
                 //echo $columnName;
                 $rows[$row_count][] = $columnName;
             $row_count = $row_count + 1;
         foreach ($getQueries as $getQuery) {
             $sqlQuery = $getQuery->sqlQuery;
             //echo $columnName;
             $rows[$row_count][] = $this->lead_call_funnel_model->main_query($sqlQuery, $source, $start_data, $end_date);
         $row_count = $row_count + 1;
     $list = array(array('aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc', 'dddd'), array('123', '456', '789'), array('"aaa"', '"bbb"'));
     array_to_csv($rows, 'toto.csv');
     //fputcsv($fh, $first_row);
Пример #6
 public function createcsv()
     $separasi = $this->input->post('separasi');
     $array = array();
     $temp_header = array('nim_mhs', 'nm_mhs', 'semester', 'ips', 'ipk', 'sks_semester', 'sks_total', 'status_mhs');
     $array[] = $temp_header;
     $sample = array('Nomor Induk Mahasiswa', 'Nama Mahasiswa', 'Semester Mahasiswa (contoh: 20142)', 'IP Semester', 'IP Kumulatif', 'SKS Semester', 'SKS Total', 'Status Mahasiswa (A: Aktif, C: Cuti, D: Drop-out/Putus Studi, L: Lulus, P: , K: Keluar, N: Non Aktif, G: Sedang Double Degree, X: Unknown)');
     $array[] = $sample;
     $time = time();
     $temp_tulis = write_file('temps/' . $time . '_akm.csv', array_to_csv($array, '', $separasi));
     //echo "File berhasil digenerate. <a href=\"".base_url()."temps/".$time."_mahasiswa.csv\">Download</a>";
     if ($temp_tulis) {
         echo "<div class=\"bs-callout bs-callout-success\">\n                     File berhasil digenerate. <a href=\"" . base_url() . "temps/" . $time . "_akm.csv\">Download</a>\n                  </div>";
     } else {
         echo "<div class=\"bs-callout bs-callout-danger\">\n                      <h4>Error</h4>File tidak bisa digenerate. Folder 'temps' tidak ada atau tidak bisa ditulisi.\n                 </div>";
Пример #7
 public function createcsv()
     $id_kls = $this->input->post('id_kls', TRUE);
     $separasi = $this->input->post('separasi', TRUE);
     if (!$id_kls == '') {
         //ambil data nilai
         $filter_kls = "p.id_kls = '" . $id_kls . "'";
         $temp_nilai = $this->feeder->getrset($this->session->userdata('token'), $this->tbl_nilai, $filter_kls, $this->order, '', $this->offset);
         $dumy_nilai = $temp_nilai['result'];
         //ambil struktur tabel nilai
         $temp_dic = $this->feeder->getdic($this->session->userdata('token'), $this->tbl_nilai);
         $dumy_dic = $temp_dic['result'];
         $array = array();
         $header_nilai = array('no_urut', 'id_kls', 'id_reg_pd', 'nim', 'nm_mhs', 'nilai_angka', 'nilai_huruf', 'nilai_indeks');
         $array[] = $header_nilai;
         //create content
         $i = 0;
         foreach ($dumy_nilai as $row) {
             $filter_mhs_pt = "id_reg_pd = '" . $row['id_reg_pd'] . "'";
             $temp_mhs_pt = $this->feeder->getrecord($this->session->userdata('token'), 'mahasiswa_pt', $filter_mhs_pt);
             $filter_mhs = "id_pd = '" . $temp_mhs_pt['result']['id_pd'] . "'";
             $temp_mhs = $this->feeder->getrecord($this->session->userdata('token'), 'mahasiswa', $filter_mhs);
             $content_nilai = array($i, $row['id_kls'], $row['id_reg_pd'], $temp_mhs_pt['result']['nipd'], $temp_mhs['result']['nm_pd'], $row['nilai_angka'], $row['nilai_huruf'], $row['nilai_indeks']);
             $array[] = $content_nilai;
         //$array[] = $header_nilai;
         //array_to_csv($array, $id_kls.'.csv');
         $date = date('Y-m-d');
         $time = time();
         write_file('temps/nilai_' . $date . '-' . $time . '.csv', array_to_csv($array, '', $separasi));
         //echo "File berhasil digenerate. <a href=\"".base_url()."temps/".$time."_mahasiswa.csv\">Download</a>";
         echo "<div class=\"bs-callout bs-callout-success\">\n                     File berhasil digenerate. <a href=\"" . base_url() . "temps/nilai_" . $date . '-' . $time . ".csv\">Download</a>\n                  </div>";
     } else {
         echo "Cannot create CSV";
Пример #8
 function query_to_csv($query, $headers = TRUE, $download = "")
     if (!is_object($query) or !method_exists($query, 'getFieldNames')) {
         show_error('invalid query: ' . $query);
     $array = array();
     if ($headers) {
         $line = array();
         foreach ($query->getFieldNames() as $name) {
             $line[] = $name;
         $array[] = $line;
     foreach ($query->toArray() as $row) {
         $line = array();
         foreach ($row as $item) {
             $line[] = $item;
         $array[] = $line;
     echo array_to_csv($array, $download);
Пример #9
 function createCSV()
     $pharmacy_stateId = $this->input->post('pharmacy_stateId');
     $pharmacy_cityId = $this->input->post('pharmacy_cityId');
     if ($pharmacy_stateId != '' && $pharmacy_stateId != null) {
         $pharmacy_stateId = $this->input->post('pharmacy_stateId');
     if ($pharmacy_cityId != '' && $pharmacy_cityId != null) {
         $pharmacy_cityId = $this->input->post('pharmacy_cityId');
     $where = array('pharmacy_deleted' => 0, 'pharmacy_cityId' => $pharmacy_cityId, 'pharmacy_stateId' => $pharmacy_stateId);
     // print_r($where); exit;
     $array[] = array('Image Name', 'Pharmacy Name', 'City', 'Phone Number', 'Address');
     $data = $this->Pharmacy_model->createCSVdata($where);
     $arrayFinal = array_merge($array, $data);
     array_to_csv($arrayFinal, 'PharmacyDetail.csv');
     return True;
Пример #10
 public function directCall($item = "", $param = "")
     $dbArr = array();
     switch ($item) {
         case "export":
             if ($_GET['area_no'] != "" && $_GET['area_no'] != "'<ALL>'") {
                 $isoWhere = "AND area_no in ({$_GET['area_no']})";
             if ($_GET['rsOption'] > 0) {
                 $spoolWhere = "AND spool.workable_dt " . ($_GET['rsOption'] == 1 ? "!= NULL" : "= NULL");
             $fieldVal = "";
             if (isset($_GET['fieldF']) && is_array($_GET['fieldF'])) {
                 foreach ($_GET['fieldF'] as $field => $val) {
                     $res = explode(";", $val);
                     $fieldVal .= " AND " . $res[0] . $this->operatorArr[$res[2]] . $res[1] . (in_array($res[2], $this->blankThis) ? "" : "%") . "'";
             foreach ($this->iso_model->area_query_export(isset($fieldVal) ? $fieldVal : "", isset($isoWhere) ? $isoWhere : "", isset($spoolWhere) ? $spoolWhere : "") as $r) {
                 foreach ($r as $r2 => $v2) {
                     if (is_object($v2)) {
                         $date_array = (array) $v2;
                         $date_time = $date_array['date'];
                         $date_only = explode(" ", $date_time);
                         $r[$r2] = $date_only[0];
                 array_push($dbArr, $r);
             // ------ Create and download csv ----
             $csv = array_to_csv($dbArr, "area_query.csv");
             header('Content-Type: application/csv');
             header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="area_query.csv"');
             $csv = urldecode($csv);
             echo $csv;
             return true;
         case "export_insTo":
             $this->read("inst_takeoff", "get_all_export", $fieldVal, $dbArr);
             // ------ Create and download csv ----
             $csv = array_to_csv($dbArr, "insto.csv");
             header('Content-Type: application/csv');
             header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="insto.csv"');
             $csv = urldecode($csv);
             echo $csv;
             return true;
         case "client":
             $fieldVal = $this->session->userdata('department') == "MIS" ? "1" : "short_desc != 'ARCC'";
             $this->read("rclient", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr);
         case "files":
             //echo (!isset($_GET['tgHist']) || $_GET['tgHist'] == 1) ? "here" : " AND date_open is null";
             $fieldVal = " ";
             if (isset($_GET['type_of_trans']) && $_GET['type_of_trans'] == "download") {
                 //$fieldVal = " find_in_set({$_GET['client_id']},recipients) > 0 AND find_in_set({$this->session->userdata('id')},users) > 0";
                 $fieldVal = " find_in_set({$_GET['client_id']},recipients) > 0 AND find_in_set({$this->session->userdata('id')},users) > 0 " . (!isset($_GET['tgHist']) || $_GET['tgHist'] == 1 ? "" : " AND date_open is null");
             } else {
                 $fieldVal = " t.log_created like '{$this->session->userdata('user_id')}%'";
             $this->read("files", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr);
             // foreach ($dbArr as $key => $value) {
             // foreach ($value as $key2 => $value2) {
             // if ($key2 == "name")
             // $dbArr[$key][$key2] = str_replace("'", "\\'", $value2);
             // }
             // }
         case "client_cretorId":
             // $fieldVal = ($this->session->userdata('department') == "MIS" ? "1" : ("t.log_created like '" . $this->session->userdata('user_id') . "%'"));
             // $fieldVal = "t.log_created like '" . $this->session->userdata('user_id') . "%' and t.user_id != '" . $this->session->userdata('user_id') . "'"; //improvements
             //$fieldVal = "find_in_set(t.id,'" . $_GET['follows'] . "') != 0 and t.user_id != '" . $this->session->userdata('user_id') . "'"; //improvements
             $fieldVal = "t.department = '{$_GET['creator']}' and t.user_id != '" . $this->session->userdata('user_id') . "'";
             $this->read("ruser", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr);
         case "user_assign":
             // $fieldVal = ($this->session->userdata('department') == "MIS" ? "1" : ("t.log_created like '" . $this->session->userdata('user_id') . "%'"));
             // $fieldVal = "t.log_created like '" . $this->session->userdata('user_id') . "%' and t.user_id != '" . $this->session->userdata('user_id') . "'"; //improvements
             //$fieldVal = "find_in_set(t.id,'" . $_GET['follows'] . "') != 0 and t.user_id != '" . $this->session->userdata('user_id') . "'"; //improvements
             $fieldVal = "t.client_id != 15";
             //t.creator = '' and
             $this->read("ruser", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr);
         case "user":
             // $fieldVal = ($this->session->userdata('department') == "MIS" ? "1" : ("t.log_created like '" . $this->session->userdata('user_id') . "%'"));
             // $fieldVal = "t.log_created like '" . $this->session->userdata('user_id') . "%' and t.user_id != '" . $this->session->userdata('user_id') . "'"; //improvements
             $fieldVal = "find_in_set(t.id,'" . $_GET['follows'] . "') != 0 and t.user_id != '" . $this->session->userdata('user_id') . "'";
             $this->read("ruser", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr);
         case "modified_connect":
             if ($this->session->userdata('department') == "MIS") {
                 if ($_GET['type'] == "1") {
                     $fieldVal = "find_in_set(t.id,'" . $_GET['follows'] . "') != 0 and t.user_id != '" . $this->session->userdata('user_id') . "'";
                 } else {
                     $fieldVal = "find_in_set(t.id,'" . $_GET['follows'] . "') = 0 and t.user_id != '" . $this->session->userdata('user_id') . "'";
                 $this->read("ruser", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr);
             } else {
                 if ($_GET['type'] == "1") {
                     $fieldVal = "find_in_set(t.id,'" . $_GET['follows'] . "') != 0 and t.user_id != '" . $this->session->userdata('user_id') . "'";
                 } else {
                     $fieldVal = "find_in_set(t.id,'" . $_GET['follows'] . "') = 0 and t.user_id != '" . $this->session->userdata('user_id') . "'";
                 //improvements . " and t.department = '" . $this->session->userdata('department') . "'" -- . " and t.creator = '" . $this->session->userdata('department') . "'"
                 $this->read("ruser", "get_connect", $fieldVal, $dbArr);
         case "user_connect":
             if ($_GET['type'] == "1") {
                 $fieldVal = "find_in_set(t.id,'" . $_GET['follows'] . "') != 0 and t.user_id != '" . $this->session->userdata('user_id') . "'";
             } else {
                 $fieldVal = "find_in_set(t.id,'" . $_GET['follows'] . "') = 0 and t.user_id != '" . $this->session->userdata('user_id') . "'";
             $this->read("ruser", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr);
         case "user_by_id":
             $fieldVal = $this->session->userdata('creator');
             $this->read("ruser", "get_by_id", $fieldVal, $dbArr);
         case "user_dd":
             $this->read("ruser", "get_all_dd", $fieldVal, $dbArr);
         case "expired":
             $this->read("ruser", "get_expired", $fieldVal, $dbArr);
         case "pieceStruc":
             $fieldVal = "plant_no = '{$_GET['plant_no']}' and area_no = '{$_GET['area_no']}' and drawing_no = '{$_GET['drawing_no']}' and sheet_no = '{$_GET['sheet_no']}' and rev_no = '{$_GET['rev_no']}' and area_loc = '{$_GET['area_loc']}'";
             $this->read("piece_struc", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr);
         case "get_department":
             // $fieldVal = "plant_no = '{$_GET['plant_no']}' and area_no = '{$_GET['area_no']}' and drawing_no = '{$_GET['drawing_no']}' and sheet_no = '{$_GET['sheet_no']}' and rev_no = '{$_GET['rev_no']}' and area_loc = '{$_GET['area_loc']}'";
             $this->read("department", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr);
         case "get_dept_dd":
             $fieldVal = "t.flg_status = 1 ";
             $this->read("department", "get_all_dd", $fieldVal, $dbArr);
         case "dept_dd":
             $fieldVal = "t.flg_status = 1 ";
             $this->read("department", "get_all_dd", $fieldVal, $dbArr);
         case "client_dept":
             $fieldVal = "t.flg_status = 1 ";
             $this->read("department", "get_all_dd", $fieldVal, $dbArr);
     $this->result['rows'] = $dbArr;
Пример #11
 function createCSV()
     $stateId = '';
     $cityId = '';
     if (isset($_POST['diagnostic_stateId'])) {
         $stateId = $this->input->post('diagnostic_stateId');
     if (isset($_POST['diagnostic_cityId'])) {
         $cityId = $this->input->post('diagnostic_cityId');
     $where = array('diagnostic_deleted' => 0, 'diagnostic_cityId' => $cityId, 'diagnostic_stateId' => $stateId);
     $array[] = array('Image Name', 'Diagnostic Name', 'City', 'Phone Number', 'Address');
     $data = $this->diagnostic_model->createCSVdata($where);
     $arrayFinal = array_merge($array, $data);
     array_to_csv($arrayFinal, 'DiagnosticDetail.csv');
     return True;
Пример #12
  * @project Qyura
  * @method createCSV
  * @description reviews create csv file
  * @access public
  * @return array
 function createCSV()
     $sDate = '';
     $eDate = '';
     if (isset($_POST['date-1']) && isset($_POST['date-2']) && !empty($_POST['date-1']) && !empty($_POST['date-2'])) {
         $sDate = $this->input->post('date-1');
         $eDate = $this->input->post('date-2');
     $filter = $this->input->post('filter');
     $reviews = $this->reviews_model->fetchReviews(array('filter' => $filter, 'sDate' => $sDate, 'eDate' => $eDate));
     $result = array();
     $i = 1;
     $imgUrl = base_url() . 'assets/patientImages/';
     foreach ($reviews as $key => $val) {
         $result[$i]['reviewBy'] = $val['reviewBy'];
         $result[$i]['patientDetails_patientImg'] = $imgUrl . $val['patientDetails_patientImg'];
         $result[$i]['reviews_details'] = $val['reviews_details'];
         $result[$i]['reviews_rating'] = $val['reviews_rating'];
         $result[$i]['reviewTo'] = $val['reviewTo'];
         $result[$i]['reviews_post_details'] = $val['reviews_post_details'];
         $result[$i]['creationTime'] = date('d F Y h:i:s A', $val['creationTime']);
     $array[] = array('Patient Name', 'Patient Image', 'Patient Review', 'Rating', 'MI Name', 'MI Comment', 'Review Date');
     $arrayFinal = array_merge($array, $result);
     array_to_csv($arrayFinal, 'Reviews.csv');
     return True;
Пример #13
 function download($statement, $id = NULL)
     /********************** TRIAL BALANCE *************************/
     if ($statement == "trialbalance") {
         $all_ledgers = $this->Ledger_model->get_all_ledgers();
         $counter = 0;
         $trialbalance = array();
         $temp_dr_total = 0;
         $temp_cr_total = 0;
         $trialbalance[$counter] = array("TRIAL BALANCE", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "");
         $trialbalance[$counter] = array("FY " . date_mysql_to_php($this->config->item('account_fy_start')) . " - " . date_mysql_to_php($this->config->item('account_fy_end')), "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "");
         $trialbalance[$counter][0] = "Ledger";
         $trialbalance[$counter][1] = "";
         $trialbalance[$counter][2] = "Opening";
         $trialbalance[$counter][3] = "";
         $trialbalance[$counter][4] = "Closing";
         $trialbalance[$counter][5] = "";
         $trialbalance[$counter][6] = "Dr Total";
         $trialbalance[$counter][7] = "";
         $trialbalance[$counter][8] = "Cr Total";
         foreach ($all_ledgers as $ledger_id => $ledger_name) {
             if ($ledger_id == 0) {
             $trialbalance[$counter][0] = $ledger_name;
             list($opbal_amount, $opbal_type) = $this->Ledger_model->get_op_balance($ledger_id);
             if (float_ops($opbal_amount, 0, '==')) {
                 $trialbalance[$counter][1] = "";
                 $trialbalance[$counter][2] = 0;
             } else {
                 $trialbalance[$counter][1] = convert_dc($opbal_type);
                 $trialbalance[$counter][2] = $opbal_amount;
             $clbal_amount = $this->Ledger_model->get_ledger_balance($ledger_id);
             if (float_ops($clbal_amount, 0, '==')) {
                 $trialbalance[$counter][3] = "";
                 $trialbalance[$counter][4] = 0;
             } else {
                 if (float_ops($clbal_amount, 0, '<')) {
                     $trialbalance[$counter][3] = "Cr";
                     $trialbalance[$counter][4] = convert_cur(-$clbal_amount);
                 } else {
                     $trialbalance[$counter][3] = "Dr";
                     $trialbalance[$counter][4] = convert_cur($clbal_amount);
             $dr_total = $this->Ledger_model->get_dr_total($ledger_id);
             if ($dr_total) {
                 $trialbalance[$counter][5] = "Dr";
                 $trialbalance[$counter][6] = convert_cur($dr_total);
                 $temp_dr_total = float_ops($temp_dr_total, $dr_total, '+');
             } else {
                 $trialbalance[$counter][5] = "";
                 $trialbalance[$counter][6] = 0;
             $cr_total = $this->Ledger_model->get_cr_total($ledger_id);
             if ($cr_total) {
                 $trialbalance[$counter][7] = "Cr";
                 $trialbalance[$counter][8] = convert_cur($cr_total);
                 $temp_cr_total = float_ops($temp_cr_total, $cr_total, '+');
             } else {
                 $trialbalance[$counter][7] = "";
                 $trialbalance[$counter][8] = 0;
         $trialbalance[$counter][0] = "";
         $trialbalance[$counter][1] = "";
         $trialbalance[$counter][2] = "";
         $trialbalance[$counter][3] = "";
         $trialbalance[$counter][4] = "";
         $trialbalance[$counter][5] = "";
         $trialbalance[$counter][6] = "";
         $trialbalance[$counter][7] = "";
         $trialbalance[$counter][8] = "";
         $trialbalance[$counter][0] = "Total";
         $trialbalance[$counter][1] = "";
         $trialbalance[$counter][2] = "";
         $trialbalance[$counter][3] = "";
         $trialbalance[$counter][4] = "";
         $trialbalance[$counter][5] = "Dr";
         $trialbalance[$counter][6] = convert_cur($temp_dr_total);
         $trialbalance[$counter][7] = "Cr";
         $trialbalance[$counter][8] = convert_cur($temp_cr_total);
         echo array_to_csv($trialbalance, "trialbalance.csv");
     /********************** LEDGER STATEMENT **********************/
     if ($statement == "ledgerst") {
         $ledger_id = (int) $this->uri->segment(4);
         if ($ledger_id < 1) {
         $cur_balance = 0;
         $counter = 0;
         $ledgerst = array();
         $ledgerst[$counter] = array("", "", "LEDGER STATEMENT FOR " . strtoupper($this->Ledger_model->get_name($ledger_id)), "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "");
         $ledgerst[$counter] = array("", "", "FY " . date_mysql_to_php($this->config->item('account_fy_start')) . " - " . date_mysql_to_php($this->config->item('account_fy_end')), "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "");
         $ledgerst[$counter][0] = "Date";
         $ledgerst[$counter][1] = "Number";
         $ledgerst[$counter][2] = "Ledger Name";
         $ledgerst[$counter][3] = "Narration";
         $ledgerst[$counter][4] = "Type";
         $ledgerst[$counter][5] = "";
         $ledgerst[$counter][6] = "Dr Amount";
         $ledgerst[$counter][7] = "";
         $ledgerst[$counter][8] = "Cr Amount";
         $ledgerst[$counter][9] = "";
         $ledgerst[$counter][10] = "Balance";
         /* Opening Balance */
         list($opbalance, $optype) = $this->Ledger_model->get_op_balance($ledger_id);
         $ledgerst[$counter] = array("Opening Balance", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", convert_dc($optype), $opbalance);
         if ($optype == "D") {
             $cur_balance = float_ops($cur_balance, $opbalance, '+');
         } else {
             $cur_balance = float_ops($cur_balance, $opbalance, '-');
         $this->db->select('entries.id as entries_id, entries.number as entries_number, entries.date as entries_date, entries.narration as entries_narration, entries.entry_type as entries_entry_type, entry_items.amount as entry_items_amount, entry_items.dc as entry_items_dc');
         $this->db->from('entries')->join('entry_items', 'entries.id = entry_items.entry_id')->where('entry_items.ledger_id', $ledger_id)->order_by('entries.date', 'asc')->order_by('entries.number', 'asc');
         $ledgerst_q = $this->db->get();
         foreach ($ledgerst_q->result() as $row) {
             /* Entry Type */
             $current_entry_type = entry_type_info($row->entries_entry_type);
             $ledgerst[$counter][0] = date_mysql_to_php($row->entries_date);
             $ledgerst[$counter][1] = full_entry_number($row->entries_entry_type, $row->entries_number);
             /* Opposite entry name */
             $ledgerst[$counter][2] = $this->Ledger_model->get_opp_ledger_name($row->entries_id, $row->entries_entry_type, $row->entry_items_dc, 'text');
             $ledgerst[$counter][3] = $row->entries_narration;
             $ledgerst[$counter][4] = $current_entry_type['name'];
             if ($row->entry_items_dc == "D") {
                 $cur_balance = float_ops($cur_balance, $row->entry_items_amount, '+');
                 $ledgerst[$counter][5] = convert_dc($row->entry_items_dc);
                 $ledgerst[$counter][6] = $row->entry_items_amount;
                 $ledgerst[$counter][7] = "";
                 $ledgerst[$counter][8] = "";
             } else {
                 $cur_balance = float_ops($cur_balance, $row->entry_items_amount, '-');
                 $ledgerst[$counter][5] = "";
                 $ledgerst[$counter][6] = "";
                 $ledgerst[$counter][7] = convert_dc($row->entry_items_dc);
                 $ledgerst[$counter][8] = $row->entry_items_amount;
             if (float_ops($cur_balance, 0, '==')) {
                 $ledgerst[$counter][9] = "";
                 $ledgerst[$counter][10] = 0;
             } else {
                 if (float_ops($cur_balance, 0, '<')) {
                     $ledgerst[$counter][9] = "Cr";
                     $ledgerst[$counter][10] = convert_cur(-$cur_balance);
                 } else {
                     $ledgerst[$counter][9] = "Dr";
                     $ledgerst[$counter][10] = convert_cur($cur_balance);
         $ledgerst[$counter][0] = "Closing Balance";
         $ledgerst[$counter][1] = "";
         $ledgerst[$counter][2] = "";
         $ledgerst[$counter][3] = "";
         $ledgerst[$counter][4] = "";
         $ledgerst[$counter][5] = "";
         $ledgerst[$counter][6] = "";
         $ledgerst[$counter][7] = "";
         $ledgerst[$counter][8] = "";
         if (float_ops($cur_balance, 0, '<')) {
             $ledgerst[$counter][9] = "Cr";
             $ledgerst[$counter][10] = convert_cur(-$cur_balance);
         } else {
             $ledgerst[$counter][9] = "Dr";
             $ledgerst[$counter][10] = convert_cur($cur_balance);
         $ledgerst[$counter] = array("", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "");
         /* Final Opening and Closing Balance */
         $clbalance = $this->Ledger_model->get_ledger_balance($ledger_id);
         $ledgerst[$counter] = array("Opening Balance", convert_dc($optype), $opbalance, "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "");
         if (float_ops($clbalance, 0, '==')) {
             $ledgerst[$counter] = array("Closing Balance", "", 0, "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "");
         } else {
             if (float_ops($clbalance, 0, '<')) {
                 $ledgerst[$counter] = array("Closing Balance", "Cr", convert_cur(-$clbalance), "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "");
             } else {
                 $ledgerst[$counter] = array("Closing Balance", "Dr", convert_cur($clbalance), "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "");
         echo array_to_csv($ledgerst, "ledgerst.csv");
     /********************** RECONCILIATION ************************/
     if ($statement == "reconciliation") {
         $ledger_id = (int) $this->uri->segment(4);
         $reconciliation_type = $this->uri->segment(5);
         if ($ledger_id < 1) {
         if (!($reconciliation_type == 'all' or $reconciliation_type == 'pending')) {
         $cur_balance = 0;
         $counter = 0;
         $ledgerst = array();
         $ledgerst[$counter] = array("", "", "RECONCILIATION STATEMENT FOR " . strtoupper($this->Ledger_model->get_name($ledger_id)), "", "", "", "", "", "", "");
         $ledgerst[$counter] = array("", "", "FY " . date_mysql_to_php($this->config->item('account_fy_start')) . " - " . date_mysql_to_php($this->config->item('account_fy_end')), "", "", "", "", "", "", "");
         $ledgerst[$counter][0] = "Date";
         $ledgerst[$counter][1] = "Number";
         $ledgerst[$counter][2] = "Ledger Name";
         $ledgerst[$counter][3] = "Narration";
         $ledgerst[$counter][4] = "Type";
         $ledgerst[$counter][5] = "";
         $ledgerst[$counter][6] = "Dr Amount";
         $ledgerst[$counter][7] = "";
         $ledgerst[$counter][8] = "Cr Amount";
         $ledgerst[$counter][9] = "Reconciliation Date";
         /* Opening Balance */
         list($opbalance, $optype) = $this->Ledger_model->get_op_balance($ledger_id);
         $this->db->select('entries.id as entries_id, entries.number as entries_number, entries.date as entries_date, entries.narration as entries_narration, entries.entry_type as entries_entry_type, entry_items.amount as entry_items_amount, entry_items.dc as entry_items_dc, entry_items.reconciliation_date as lreconciliation');
         if ($reconciliation_type == 'all') {
             $this->db->from('entries')->join('entry_items', 'entries.id = entry_items.entry_id')->where('entry_items.ledger_id', $ledger_id)->order_by('entries.date', 'asc')->order_by('entries.number', 'asc');
         } else {
             $this->db->from('entries')->join('entry_items', 'entries.id = entry_items.entry_id')->where('entry_items.ledger_id', $ledger_id)->where('entry_items.reconciliation_date', NULL)->order_by('entries.date', 'asc')->order_by('entries.number', 'asc');
         $ledgerst_q = $this->db->get();
         foreach ($ledgerst_q->result() as $row) {
             /* Entry Type */
             $current_entry_type = entry_type_info($row->entries_entry_type);
             $ledgerst[$counter][0] = date_mysql_to_php($row->entries_date);
             $ledgerst[$counter][1] = full_entry_number($row->entries_entry_type, $row->entries_number);
             /* Opposite entry name */
             $ledgerst[$counter][2] = $this->Ledger_model->get_opp_ledger_name($row->entries_id, $row->entries_entry_type, $row->entry_items_dc, 'text');
             $ledgerst[$counter][3] = $row->entries_narration;
             $ledgerst[$counter][4] = $current_entry_type['name'];
             if ($row->entry_items_dc == "D") {
                 $ledgerst[$counter][5] = convert_dc($row->entry_items_dc);
                 $ledgerst[$counter][6] = $row->entry_items_amount;
                 $ledgerst[$counter][7] = "";
                 $ledgerst[$counter][8] = "";
             } else {
                 $ledgerst[$counter][5] = "";
                 $ledgerst[$counter][6] = "";
                 $ledgerst[$counter][7] = convert_dc($row->entry_items_dc);
                 $ledgerst[$counter][8] = $row->entry_items_amount;
             if ($row->lreconciliation) {
                 $ledgerst[$counter][9] = date_mysql_to_php($row->lreconciliation);
             } else {
                 $ledgerst[$counter][9] = "";
         $ledgerst[$counter] = array("", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "");
         /* Final Opening and Closing Balance */
         $clbalance = $this->Ledger_model->get_ledger_balance($ledger_id);
         $ledgerst[$counter] = array("Opening Balance", convert_dc($optype), $opbalance, "", "", "", "", "", "", "");
         if (float_ops($clbalance, 0, '==')) {
             $ledgerst[$counter] = array("Closing Balance", "", 0, "", "", "", "", "", "", "");
         } else {
             if (float_ops($clbalance, 0, '<')) {
                 $ledgerst[$counter] = array("Closing Balance", "Cr", convert_cur(-$clbalance), "", "", "", "", "", "", "");
             } else {
                 $ledgerst[$counter] = array("Closing Balance", "Dr", convert_cur($clbalance), "", "", "", "", "", "", "");
         /************* Final Reconciliation Balance ***********/
         /* Reconciliation Balance - Dr */
         $this->db->select_sum('amount', 'drtotal')->from('entry_items')->join('entries', 'entries.id = entry_items.entry_id')->where('entry_items.ledger_id', $ledger_id)->where('entry_items.dc', 'D')->where('entry_items.reconciliation_date IS NOT NULL');
         $dr_total_q = $this->db->get();
         if ($dr_total = $dr_total_q->row()) {
             $reconciliation_dr_total = $dr_total->drtotal;
         } else {
             $reconciliation_dr_total = 0;
         /* Reconciliation Balance - Cr */
         $this->db->select_sum('amount', 'crtotal')->from('entry_items')->join('entries', 'entries.id = entry_items.entry_id')->where('entry_items.ledger_id', $ledger_id)->where('entry_items.dc', 'C')->where('entry_items.reconciliation_date IS NOT NULL');
         $cr_total_q = $this->db->get();
         if ($cr_total = $cr_total_q->row()) {
             $reconciliation_cr_total = $cr_total->crtotal;
         } else {
             $reconciliation_cr_total = 0;
         $reconciliation_total = float_ops($reconciliation_dr_total, $reconciliation_cr_total, '-');
         $reconciliation_pending = float_ops($clbalance, $reconciliation_total, '-');
         if (float_ops($reconciliation_pending, 0, '==')) {
             $ledgerst[$counter] = array("Reconciliation Pending", "", 0, "", "", "", "", "", "", "");
         } else {
             if (float_ops($reconciliation_pending, 0, '<')) {
                 $ledgerst[$counter] = array("Reconciliation Pending", "Cr", convert_cur(-$reconciliation_pending), "", "", "", "", "", "", "");
             } else {
                 $ledgerst[$counter] = array("Reconciliation Pending", "Dr", convert_cur($reconciliation_pending), "", "", "", "", "", "", "");
         if (float_ops($reconciliation_total, 0, '==')) {
             $ledgerst[$counter] = array("Reconciliation Total", "", 0, "", "", "", "", "", "", "");
         } else {
             if (float_ops($reconciliation_total, 0, '<')) {
                 $ledgerst[$counter] = array("Reconciliation Total", "Cr", convert_cur(-$reconciliation_total), "", "", "", "", "", "", "");
             } else {
                 $ledgerst[$counter] = array("Reconciliation Total", "Dr", convert_cur($reconciliation_total), "", "", "", "", "", "", "");
         echo array_to_csv($ledgerst, "reconciliation.csv");
     /************************ BALANCE SHEET ***********************/
     if ($statement == "balancesheet") {
         $liability = new Accountlist();
         $liability_array = $liability->build_array();
         $liability_depth = Accountlist::$max_depth;
         $liability_total = -$liability->total;
         $asset = new Accountlist();
         $asset_array = $asset->build_array();
         $asset_depth = Accountlist::$max_depth;
         $asset_total = $asset->total;
         $income = new Accountlist();
         $expense = new Accountlist();
         $income_total = -$income->total;
         $expense_total = $expense->total;
         $pandl = float_ops($income_total, $expense_total, '-');
         $diffop = $this->Ledger_model->get_diff_op_balance();
         /* Liability side */
         $total = $liability_total;
         Accountlist::add_row_csv(array("Liabilities and Owners Equity Total", convert_cur($liability_total)));
         /* If Profit then Liability side, If Loss then Asset side */
         if (float_ops($pandl, 0, '!=')) {
             if (float_ops($pandl, 0, '>')) {
                 $total = float_ops($total, $pandl, '+');
                 Accountlist::add_row_csv(array("Profit & Loss account (Net Profit)", convert_cur($pandl)));
         /* If Op balance Dr then Liability side, If Op balance Cr then Asset side */
         if (float_ops($diffop, 0, '!=')) {
             if (float_ops($diffop, 0, '>')) {
                 $total = float_ops($total, $diffop, '+');
                 Accountlist::add_row_csv(array("Diff in O/P Balance", "Dr " . convert_cur($diffop)));
         Accountlist::add_row_csv(array("Total - Liabilities and Owners Equity", convert_cur($total)));
         /* Asset side */
         $total = $asset_total;
         Accountlist::add_row_csv(array("Asset Total", convert_cur($asset_total)));
         /* If Profit then Liability side, If Loss then Asset side */
         if (float_ops($pandl, 0, '!=')) {
             if (float_ops($pandl, 0, '<')) {
                 $total = float_ops($total, -$pandl, '+');
                 Accountlist::add_row_csv(array("Profit & Loss account (Net Loss)", convert_cur(-$pandl)));
         /* If Op balance Dr then Liability side, If Op balance Cr then Asset side */
         if (float_ops($diffop, 0, '!=')) {
             if (float_ops($diffop, 0, '<')) {
                 $total = float_ops($total, -$diffop, '+');
                 Accountlist::add_row_csv(array("Diff in O/P Balance", "Cr " . convert_cur(-$diffop)));
         Accountlist::add_row_csv(array("Total - Assets", convert_cur($total)));
         $balancesheet = Accountlist::get_csv();
         echo array_to_csv($balancesheet, "balancesheet.csv");
     /********************** PROFIT AND LOSS ***********************/
     if ($statement == "profitandloss") {
         /***************** GROSS CALCULATION ******************/
         /* Gross P/L : Expenses */
         $gross_expense_total = 0;
         $this->db->from('groups')->where('parent_id', 4)->where('affects_gross', 1);
         $gross_expense_list_q = $this->db->get();
         foreach ($gross_expense_list_q->result() as $row) {
             $gross_expense = new Accountlist();
             $gross_expense_total = float_ops($gross_expense_total, $gross_expense->total, '+');
             $gross_exp_array = $gross_expense->build_array();
         /* Gross P/L : Incomes */
         $gross_income_total = 0;
         $this->db->from('groups')->where('parent_id', 3)->where('affects_gross', 1);
         $gross_income_list_q = $this->db->get();
         foreach ($gross_income_list_q->result() as $row) {
             $gross_income = new Accountlist();
             $gross_income_total = float_ops($gross_income_total, $gross_income->total, '+');
             $gross_inc_array = $gross_income->build_array();
         /* Converting to positive value since Cr */
         $gross_income_total = -$gross_income_total;
         /* Calculating Gross P/L */
         $grosspl = float_ops($gross_income_total, $gross_expense_total, '-');
         /* Showing Gross P/L : Expenses */
         $grosstotal = $gross_expense_total;
         Accountlist::add_row_csv(array("Total Gross Expenses", convert_cur($gross_expense_total)));
         if (float_ops($grosspl, 0, '>')) {
             $grosstotal = float_ops($grosstotal, $grosspl, '+');
             Accountlist::add_row_csv(array("Gross Profit C/O", convert_cur($grosspl)));
         Accountlist::add_row_csv(array("Total Expenses - Gross", convert_cur($grosstotal)));
         /* Showing Gross P/L : Incomes  */
         $grosstotal = $gross_income_total;
         Accountlist::add_row_csv(array("Total Gross Incomes", convert_cur($gross_income_total)));
         if (float_ops($grosspl, 0, '>')) {
         } else {
             if (float_ops($grosspl, 0, '<')) {
                 $grosstotal = float_ops($grosstotal, -$grosspl, '+');
                 Accountlist::add_row_csv(array("Gross Loss C/O", convert_cur(-$grosspl)));
         Accountlist::add_row_csv(array("Total Incomes - Gross", convert_cur($grosstotal)));
         /************************* NET CALCULATIONS ***************************/
         /* Net P/L : Expenses */
         $net_expense_total = 0;
         $this->db->from('groups')->where('parent_id', 4)->where('affects_gross !=', 1);
         $net_expense_list_q = $this->db->get();
         foreach ($net_expense_list_q->result() as $row) {
             $net_expense = new Accountlist();
             $net_expense_total = float_ops($net_expense_total, $net_expense->total, '+');
             $net_exp_array = $net_expense->build_array();
         /* Net P/L : Incomes */
         $net_income_total = 0;
         $this->db->from('groups')->where('parent_id', 3)->where('affects_gross !=', 1);
         $net_income_list_q = $this->db->get();
         foreach ($net_income_list_q->result() as $row) {
             $net_income = new Accountlist();
             $net_income_total = float_ops($net_income_total, $net_income->total, '+');
             $net_inc_array = $net_income->build_array();
         /* Converting to positive value since Cr */
         $net_income_total = -$net_income_total;
         /* Calculating Net P/L */
         $netpl = float_ops(float_ops($net_income_total, $net_expense_total, '-'), $grosspl, '+');
         /* Showing Net P/L : Expenses */
         $nettotal = $net_expense_total;
         Accountlist::add_row_csv(array("Total Expenses", convert_cur($nettotal)));
         if (float_ops($grosspl, 0, '>')) {
         } else {
             if (float_ops($grosspl, 0, '<')) {
                 $nettotal = float_ops($nettotal, -$grosspl, '+');
                 Accountlist::add_row_csv(array("Gross Loss B/F", convert_cur(-$grosspl)));
         if (float_ops($netpl, 0, '>')) {
             $nettotal = float_ops($nettotal, $netpl, '+');
             Accountlist::add_row_csv(array("Net Profit", convert_cur($netpl)));
         Accountlist::add_row_csv(array("Total - Net Expenses", convert_cur($nettotal)));
         /* Showing Net P/L : Incomes */
         $nettotal = $net_income_total;
         Accountlist::add_row_csv(array("Total Incomes", convert_cur($nettotal)));
         if (float_ops($grosspl, 0, '>')) {
             $nettotal = float_ops($nettotal, $grosspl, '+');
             Accountlist::add_row_csv(array("Gross Profit B/F", convert_cur($grosspl)));
         if (float_ops($netpl, 0, '>')) {
         } else {
             if (float_ops($netpl, 0, '<')) {
                 $nettotal = float_ops($nettotal, -$netpl, '+');
                 Accountlist::add_row_csv(array("Net Loss", convert_cur(-$netpl)));
         Accountlist::add_row_csv(array("Total - Net Incomes", convert_cur($nettotal)));
         $balancesheet = Accountlist::get_csv();
         echo array_to_csv($balancesheet, "profitandloss.csv");
Пример #14
  * Retrieveing assess data rows for export function
  * @param array $opt - list of options (using array instead list of arguments to prevent sending a lot of empty results)
  * @return array
  * @author Andre Korenev
 function getExportResults($opt = array(), $mode = 'export_primary', $line = array())
     // Initial data
     $default_options = array('chronicle' => FALSE, 'category' => 0, 'brand' => 0, 'summaryFilter' => FALSE, 'superFilter' => FALSE, 'offset' => 0, 'limit' => 'all', 'batch' => 0, 'batch2' => 0, 'searchColumn' => FALSE, 'searchFilter' => FALSE);
     $opt = array_merge($default_options, $opt);
     if ($mode != 'export_primary' && $line == array('url') || $mode == 'export_primary' && $line != array('url')) {
         $mode = 'export_primary';
         $line = array('url');
     // Filters with unique action
     $summedFilters = array(1, 2, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65);
     // Not saved in filters_to_result table
     // Checking if filter is 'Total SKUs'
     $isTotalSkus = $opt['summaryFilter'] == 1 || in_array(1, $opt['summaryFilter']);
     // Trying to get chronicle if we don`t have
     if (empty($opt['chronicle'])) {
         $opt['chronicle'] = $this->combo_chronicle_model->getLastChronicle($opt['batch'], 0, $opt['batch2']);
     // Checking required fields
     if (empty($opt['chronicle'])) {
         return array();
     if (!is_array($opt['chronicle'])) {
         $opt['chronicle'] = array($opt['chronicle']);
     // Getting list of all categories if category set and filter is not "Total SKUs"
     if ($opt['category'] && is_numeric($opt['category']) && !$isTotalSkus) {
         $opt['category'] = $this->product_category_model->getChildCategories($opt['category']);
         // Checking if we have list of categories
         if (!empty($opt['category'])) {
             $this->db->where_in('a.category_id', $opt['category']);
     // Checking brand value if brand set and filter is not "Total SKUs"
     if ($opt['brand'] && is_numeric($opt['brand']) && !$isTotalSkus) {
         $this->db->where_in('a.brand_id', $opt['brand']);
     // Checking summaryFilter value(s)
     if ($opt['summaryFilter']) {
         if (!is_array($opt['summaryFilter'])) {
             $opt['summaryFilter'] = array($opt['summaryFilter']);
         // Deleting unneeded filters
         $opt['summaryFilter'] = array_diff($opt['summaryFilter'], $summedFilters);
         if (!empty($opt['summaryFilter'])) {
             $this->db->where_in('f.filter_id', $opt['summaryFilter']);
     // Do we need offset and limit
     if ($opt['limit'] > 0 && $opt['limit'] != 'all') {
         $this->db->limit($opt['limit'], $opt['offset']);
     // Using DISTINCT for queries without filter - usually Total SKUs
     if (!$opt['summaryFilter']) {
     // Creating query
      Strange thing with distinct - there still can be identical URLs, in the same chronicle, but with different imported_data_parsed_id
     $this->db->join($this->getTableName() . ' a', 'a.imported_data_id = f.imported_data_id');
     if ($mode == 'export_primary') {
         $this->db->join($this->getTableName('imported_data_parsed_new') . ' idp', 'idp.imported_data_id = a.imported_data_id');
     } else {
     // If superFilter exists
     if ($opt['superFilter']) {
         $this->db->join($this->getTableName('filters') . ' f1', 'f1.imported_data_id = a.imported_data_id');
         $this->db->where_in('f1.chronicle_id', $opt['chronicle']);
         $this->db->where('f1.filter_id', $opt['superFilter']);
     // If searchFilter exists and not empty
     if ($opt['searchFilter'] && !empty($opt['searchFilter'])) {
         switch ($opt['searchColumn']) {
             case 'average_review':
             case 'column_reviews':
             case 'images_cmp':
             case 'video_count':
             case 'content_health_score_normalized':
             case 'long_description_wc':
             case 'short_description_wc':
             case 'total_description_wc':
             case "Meta_Description_Count":
             case 'product_name_length':
                 //$this->db->where("a.row_data ~* '\"" . $opt['searchColumn'] . "\":([0-9]*)" . $opt['searchFilter'] . "([0-9]*),'");
                 $this->db->where("REPLACE(a.row_data,'\\','') ~* '\"" . $opt['searchColumn'] . "([0-9])?\":(\"{1,})?([0-9]*)" . $opt['searchFilter'] . "([0-9]*)(\"{1,})?,'");
             case "title_seo_phrases":
                 $this->db->where("REPLACE(regexp_replace(regexp_replace(a.row_data, '<[^>]+display[^>]+none[^>]+>[^>]+>', '', 'g'), '<.*?>', '', 'g'),'\\','') ~* '\"" . $type_column . "\":\"([^\"]*)" . $sSearch . "([^\"]*)\"'");
             case 'prodcat':
                 $this->db->join($this->getTableName('brands') . ' b', 'b.id = a.brand_id', 'left');
                 $this->db->join($this->getTableName('product_categories') . ' p', 'p.id = a.category_id', 'left');
                 $this->db->where('"p"."category_name" ILIKE \'%' . $opt['searchFilter'] . '%\'');
             case 'brand':
                 $this->db->join($this->getTableName('brands') . ' b', 'b.id = a.brand_id', 'left');
                 $this->db->join($this->getTableName('product_categories') . ' p', 'p.id = a.category_id', 'left');
                 $this->db->where('"b"."name" ILIKE \'%' . $opt['searchFilter'] . '%\'');
             case 'price_diff':
                 if (strstr($opt['searchFilter'], '.')) {
                     $this->db->where("REPLACE(a.row_data,'\\','') ~* '\"own_price\":(\"{1,})?" . $opt['searchFilter'] . "(.*)?(\"{1,})?,'");
                 } else {
                     $this->db->where("REPLACE(a.row_data,'\\','') ~* '\"own_price\":(\"{1,})?" . $opt['searchFilter'] . "(\\..*)?(\"{1,})?,'");
                 $this->db->where("REPLACE(regexp_replace(a.row_data, '<.*?>', '', 'g'),'\\','') ~* '\"" . $opt['searchColumn'] . "\":\"([^\"]*)" . $opt['searchFilter'] . "([^\"]*)\"'");
         //$this->db->where('a.row_data LIKE \'%"'.$opt['searchColumn'].'":"%'.$opt['searchFilter'].'%"%\'');
     $this->db->where_in('f.chronicle_id', $opt['chronicle']);
     $this->db->where_in('a.combination', $opt['chronicle']);
     $query = $this->db->get($this->getTableName('filters') . ' f');
     // Returning empty array if result empty
     if ($query->num_rows() == 0) {
         return array();
     // Checking each row for lines
     $result = '';
     $count = 0;
     if ($mode == 'export_primary') {
         while ($val = pg_fetch_object($query->result_id)) {
             $result .= $val->url . PHP_EOL;
     } else {
         while ($val = pg_fetch_object($query->result_id)) {
             // Trying to decode unstripped data
             $row = json_decode(strip_tags($val->row_data), TRUE);
             // If such operation wasn`t succesfull - trying to unstrip each part
             if ($row === NULL) {
                 $row = array();
                 $row_parts = json_decode($val->row_data, TRUE);
                 // If decoded json is not array - skipping current row
                 if (!is_array($row_parts)) {
                 foreach ($row_parts as $part_key => &$part_val) {
                     // Decoding only needed parts
                     if (isset($line[$part_key])) {
                         $row[$part_key] = strip_tags($part_val);
             // Getting data for each line
             $temp = array();
             foreach ($line as $key => $line_value) {
                 if (isset($row[$key])) {
                     $temp[] = $row[$key];
             if ($temp) {
                 $result .= array_to_csv(array($temp));
     return array('data' => $result, 'count' => $count);
Пример #15
 function index()
     $this->load->model(array('payment_schedule_customer_model', 'receipt_model'));
     $data['projects'] = $this->db->get('project')->result();
     $this->form_validation->set_rules('project', 'Date', 'trim|required');
     if ($this->form_validation->run() == FALSE) {
         $data['dues'] = array();
         $this->load->view('reports/sales_report', $data);
     } else {
         $dues = array();
         $project_selected = $this->input->post('project');
         $from_date_db = $this->input->post('from_date');
         $from_date_db = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($from_date_db));
         $to_date_db = $this->input->post('to_date');
         $to_date_db = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($to_date_db));
         $due_report = array();
         $this->db->select('customer_file.id,customer_file.purchase_cost,contact.name,' . 'project.name as project,availability_chart_unit.unit_name as unit_name,' . 'contact.phone,contact.phone_2,contact.phone_3,contact.email,contact.email_2,' . 'customer_file.booking_date,customer_file.area,customer_file.rate,' . 'sales_region.name as sales_region, user.full_name as sales_person');
         $this->db->join('contact', 'customer_file.customer_id=contact.id');
         $this->db->join('project', 'customer_file.project_id=project.id');
         $this->db->join('availability_chart_unit', 'availability_chart_unit.id=customer_file.unit_id');
         $this->db->join('sales_region', 'sales_region.id=customer_file.sales_region', 'left');
         $this->db->join('user', 'user.id=customer_file.sales_person', 'left');
         $this->db->where('customer_file.project_id', $project_selected);
         $this->db->where('customer_file.booking_date >=', $from_date_db);
         $this->db->where('customer_file.booking_date <=', $to_date_db);
         $customers = $this->db->get()->result();
         foreach ($customers as $customer) {
             $due_report[$customer->id] = array();
             $due_report[$customer->id]['client_name'] = $customer->name;
             $due_report[$customer->id]['phone'] = implode(array_filter(array($customer->phone, $customer->phone_2, $customer->phone_3)), ', ');
             $due_report[$customer->id]['email'] = implode(array_filter(array($customer->email, $customer->email_2)), ', ');
             $due_report[$customer->id]['project'] = $customer->project . '-' . $customer->unit_name;
             $due_report[$customer->id]['purchase_cost'] = $customer->purchase_cost;
             $due_report[$customer->id]['booking_date'] = $customer->booking_date;
             $due_report[$customer->id]['area'] = $customer->area;
             $due_report[$customer->id]['rate'] = $customer->rate;
             $due_report[$customer->id]['sales_region'] = $customer->sales_region;
             $due_report[$customer->id]['sales_person'] = $customer->sales_person;
             $due_report[$customer->id]['total_tax'] = 0;
             $due_report[$customer->id]['due_amount'] = 0;
             $due_report[$customer->id]['total_pri'] = 0;
             $due_report[$customer->id]['total_tx'] = 0;
             $due_report[$customer->id]['total_amt'] = 0;
             $due_report[$customer->id]['total_units'] = $this->db->where('project_id', $customer->id)->count_all_results('customer_file');
             $customer_file_id = $customer->id;
             $actual_payment_schedule = $this->payment_schedule_customer_model->list_schedule_customer_file_actual_active($customer_file_id);
             $additional_payment_schedule = $this->payment_schedule_customer_model->list_schedule_customer_file_additional_active($customer_file_id);
             $receipts = $this->receipt_model->list_cleared_receipt_customer_file($customer_file_id);
             $this->db->join('tax_master', 'tax_master.tax_type_id=tax_type.id');
             $this->db->join('customer_file_tax', 'customer_file_tax.tax_id=tax_master.id');
             $this->db->where('customer_file_tax.customer_file_id', $customer_file_id);
             $customer_tax = $this->db->get()->result();
             $total_due_amount = 0;
             // Actual Due
             foreach ($actual_payment_schedule as $schedule) {
                 $total_due_amount += $schedule->due_amount;
                 $ttax = 0;
                 $ttax_bal = 0;
                 foreach ($customer_tax as $cs2) {
                     $tax_amount = 0;
                     $tax_amount_bal = 0;
                     if ($schedule->status == 1) {
                         if ($schedule->due_amount - $schedule->amount_paid == 0) {
                             $this->db->select('SUM(receipt_split_up_tax.tax_amount) as tax_amount');
                             $this->db->join('receipt_split_up', 'receipt_split_up.id=receipt_split_up_tax.receipt_split_up_id');
                             $this->db->where(array('receipt_split_up.installment_id' => $schedule->id, 'receipt_split_up_tax.tax_id' => $cs2->id));
                             $applicale_tax = $this->db->get()->first_row();
                             if ($applicale_tax->tax_amount) {
                                 $ttax += $applicale_tax->tax_amount;
                         } elseif ($schedule->amount_paid == 0) {
                             $this->db->select('tax_slab.tax_percentage as tax_percentage');
                             $this->db->join('tax_slab_cost_head', 'tax_slab.id=tax_slab_cost_head.tax_slab_id');
                             $this->db->where(array('tax_master_id' => $cs2->id, 'from_date <=' => $to_date_db, 'to_date >=' => $to_date_db, 'tax_slab_cost_head.cost_head_id' => $schedule->payment_type));
                             $applicale_tax = $this->db->get()->first_row();
                             if (!empty($applicale_tax->tax_percentage)) {
                                 $tax_amount = $schedule->due_amount / 100 * $applicale_tax->tax_percentage;
                                 $ttax += $tax_amount;
                         } else {
                             // tax on paid amount start
                             $this->db->select('SUM(receipt_split_up_tax.tax_amount) as tax_amount');
                             $this->db->join('receipt_split_up', 'receipt_split_up.id=receipt_split_up_tax.receipt_split_up_id');
                             $this->db->where(array('receipt_split_up.installment_id' => $schedule->id, 'receipt_split_up_tax.tax_id' => $cs2->id));
                             $applicale_tax_paid = $this->db->get()->first_row();
                             // tax on paid amount end
                             //tax on balance amount start
                             $this->db->select('tax_slab.tax_percentage as tax_percentage');
                             $this->db->join('tax_slab_cost_head', 'tax_slab.id=tax_slab_cost_head.tax_slab_id');
                             $this->db->where(array('tax_master_id' => $cs2->id, 'from_date <=' => $to_date_db, 'to_date >=' => $to_date_db, 'tax_slab_cost_head.cost_head_id' => $schedule->payment_type));
                             $tax_percentage_balance = $this->db->get()->first_row();
                             //tax on balance amount end
                             $tax_amount_balance = ($schedule->due_amount - $schedule->amount_paid) / 100 * $tax_percentage_balance->tax_percentage;
                             $applicale_tax_amount = $applicale_tax_paid->tax_amount + $tax_amount_balance;
                             $ttax += $applicale_tax_amount;
                 $due_report[$customer->id]['total_tax'] += $ttax;
                 $due_report[$customer->id]['due_amount'] += $schedule->due_amount;
             // Additional Due
             foreach ($additional_payment_schedule as $schedule_additional) {
                 $total_due_amount_additional += $schedule_additional->due_amount;
                 $ttax_additional = 0;
                 $ttax_bal = 0;
                 foreach ($customer_tax as $cs2) {
                     $tax_amount_add = 0;
                     $tax_amount_bal_add = 0;
                     if ($schedule_additional->status == 1) {
                         if ($schedule_additional->due_amount - $schedule_additional->amount_paid == 0) {
                             $this->db->select('SUM(receipt_split_up_tax.tax_amount) as tax_amount');
                             $this->db->join('receipt_split_up', 'receipt_split_up.id=receipt_split_up_tax.receipt_split_up_id');
                             $this->db->where(array('receipt_split_up.installment_id' => $schedule_additional->id, 'receipt_split_up_tax.tax_id' => $cs2->id));
                             $applicale_tax_add = $this->db->get()->first_row();
                             if ($applicale_tax_add->tax_amount) {
                                 $ttax_additional += $applicale_tax_add->tax_amount;
                         } elseif ($schedule_additional->amount_paid == 0) {
                             $this->db->select('tax_slab.tax_percentage as tax_percentage');
                             $this->db->join('tax_slab_cost_head', 'tax_slab.id=tax_slab_cost_head.tax_slab_id');
                             $this->db->where(array('tax_master_id' => $cs2->id, 'from_date <=' => $to_date_db, 'to_date >=' => $to_date_db, 'tax_slab_cost_head.cost_head_id' => $schedule_additional->payment_type));
                             $applicale_tax_add = $this->db->get()->first_row();
                             if (!empty($applicale_tax_add->tax_percentage)) {
                                 $tax_amount_add = $schedule_additional->due_amount / 100 * $applicale_tax_add->tax_percentage;
                                 $ttax_additional += $tax_amount_add;
                         } else {
                             // tax on paid amount start
                             $this->db->select('SUM(receipt_split_up_tax.tax_amount) as tax_amount');
                             $this->db->join('receipt_split_up', 'receipt_split_up.id=receipt_split_up_tax.receipt_split_up_id');
                             $this->db->where(array('receipt_split_up.installment_id' => $schedule_additional->id, 'receipt_split_up_tax.tax_id' => $cs2->id));
                             $applicale_tax_paid_bal = $this->db->get()->first_row();
                             // tax on paid amount end
                             //tax on balance amount start
                             $this->db->select('tax_slab.tax_percentage as tax_percentage');
                             $this->db->join('tax_slab_cost_head', 'tax_slab.id=tax_slab_cost_head.tax_slab_id');
                             $this->db->where(array('tax_master_id' => $cs2->id, 'from_date <=' => $to_date_db, 'to_date >=' => $to_date_db, 'tax_slab_cost_head.cost_head_id' => $schedule_additional->payment_type));
                             $tax_percentage_balance = $this->db->get()->first_row();
                             //tax on balance amount end
                             $tax_amount_balance_add = ($schedule_additional->due_amount - $schedule_additional->amount_paid) / 100 * $tax_percentage_balance->tax_percentage;
                             $applicale_tax_amount_add = $applicale_tax_paid_bal->tax_amount + $tax_amount_balance_add;
                             $ttax_additional += $applicale_tax_amount_add;
                 $due_report[$customer->id]['total_tax_additional'] += $ttax_additional;
                 $due_report[$customer->id]['due_amount_additional'] += $schedule_additional->due_amount;
             foreach ($receipts as $b => $receipt) {
                 $due_report[$customer->id]['total_pri'] += $receipt->principle_amount;
                 $due_report[$customer->id]['total_tx'] += $receipt->amount_paid - $receipt->principle_amount;
                 $due_report[$customer->id]['total_amt'] += $receipt->amount_paid;
         if (isset($_POST['generate_pdf'])) {
             $this->db->join('project', 'project.company_id=company.id');
             $this->db->join('customer_file', 'customer_file.project_id=project.id');
             $company_details = $this->db->get()->first_row();
             $pdf = new TCPDF('P', PDF_UNIT, 'A4', true, 'UTF-8', false);
             //$pdf->SetHeaderData(PDF_HEADER_LOGO, PDF_HEADER_LOGO_WIDTH, '', '', array(0, 64, 255), array(255, 255, 255));
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             if (@file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . '/lang/eng.php')) {
                 require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/lang/eng.php';
             $pdf->SetFont('dejavusans', '', 7, '', true);
             $pdf->writeHTMLCell(211, 17, '0', 10, '<h2 style="text-align:center;">' . $company_details->name . '</h2>', 0, 1, 0, true, '', true);
             $style = array('width' => 0.1, 'color' => array(0, 0, 0));
             $pdf->Line(0, 25, 220, 25, $style);
             $pdf->writeHTMLCell(0, 0, '', '', '<h2 style="text-align:center;">Sales Report</h2>', 0, 1, 0, true, '', true);
             $style = array('width' => 0.1, 'color' => array(0, 0, 0));
             $pdf->Line(0, 35, 220, 35, $style);
             $pdf->writeHTMLCell(50, 0, 10, 40, '<strong style="text-align:center;">Period : ' . date('M Y', strtotime($from_date_db)) . ' - ' . date('M Y', strtotime($to_date_db)) . '</strong>', 0, 1, 0, true, '', true);
             $pdf->writeHTMLCell(35, 0, 168, 40, '<strong style="text-align:center;">Date : ' . date('d-m-Y') . '</strong>', 0, 1, 0, true, '', true);
             $html .= '<tr><td></td><td><td/></tr></table><br /><br /><br /><br />';
             $html .= '<table  border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing = "0" width = "100%" nobr="true"><thead><tr>';
             $html .= '<th width="30">No.</th>';
             $html .= '<th width="65">Booking Date</th>';
             $html .= '<th width="75">Client Name</th>';
             $html .= '<th width="60">Project</th>';
             $html .= '<th width="40">Rate</th>';
             $html .= '<th width="65">Agreement Value</th>';
             $html .= '<th width="65">Due Amount</th>';
             $html .= '<th width="65">Total Collection</th>';
             $html .= '<th width="65">Balance Due</th>';
             $html .= '<th width="60">Sales Region</th>';
             $html .= '<th width="60">Sales Person</th>';
             $html .= '</tr>';
             $html .= '</thead><tbody>';
             $total_sale_amount = 0;
             $total_due_amount = 0;
             $total_due_amount_additional = 0;
             $total_due_tax = 0;
             $total_due_tax_additional = 0;
             $total_collection = 0;
             $total_balance = 0;
             foreach ($due_report as $due) {
                 $total_sale_amount += $due['purchase_cost'];
                 $total_due_amount += $due['due_amount'];
                 $total_due_amount_additional += $due['due_amount_additional'];
                 $total_due_tax += $due['total_tax'];
                 $total_due_tax_additional += $due['total_tax_additional'];
                 $total_collection += $due['total_amt'];
                 $total_balance += $due['due_amount'] + $due['total_tax'] + $due['due_amount_additional'] + $due['total_tax_additional'] - $due['total_amt'];
                 $html .= '<tr>';
                 $html .= '<td width="30">' . ($n + 1) . '</td>';
                 $html .= '<td width="65">' . date('d-m-Y', strtotime($due['booking_date'])) . '</td>';
                 $html .= '<td width="75">' . $due['client_name'] . '</td>';
                 $html .= '<td width="60">' . $due['project'] . '</td>';
                 $html .= ' <td width="40">' . number_format($due['rate']) . '</td>';
                 $html .= ' <td width="65">' . number_format($due['purchase_cost']) . '</td>';
                 $html .= ' <td width="65">' . number_format($due['due_amount_additional'] + $due['total_tax_additional'] + ($due['due_amount'] + $due['total_tax'])) . '</td>';
                 $html .= ' <td width="65">' . number_format($due['total_amt']) . '</td>';
                 $html .= ' <td width="65">' . number_format($due['due_amount'] + $due['total_tax'] + $due['due_amount_additional'] + $due['total_tax_additional'] - $due['total_amt']) . '</td>';
                 $html .= '<td width="60">' . $due['sales_region'] . '</td>';
                 $html .= '<td width="60">' . $due['sales_person'] . '</td>';
                 $html .= '</tr>';
             $html .= '</tbody>';
             $html .= '<tfoot>';
             $html .= '<tr style="font-weight: bolder">';
             $html .= '<td colspan="5"></td>';
             $html .= '<td>' . number_format($purchase_cost) . '</td>';
             $html .= '<td>' . number_format($due_amount + $due_amount_additional + $total_tax + $total_tax_additional) . '</td>';
             $html .= '<td>' . number_format($total_amt_collected) . '</td>';
             $html .= '<td>' . number_format($due_amount + $due_amount_additional + $total_tax + $total_tax_additional - $total_amt_collected) . '</td>';
             $html .= '<td></td>';
             $html .= '<td></td>';
             $html .= '</tr>';
             $html .= '</tfoot>';
             $html .= '</table><br /><br />';
             //echo $html;
             $pdf->writeHTMLCell(0, 0, '', '', $html, 0, 1, 0, true, '', true);
             $pdf->Output('receipt.pdf', 'I');
         } elseif (isset($_POST['generate_csv'])) {
             $csv_array = array();
             $csv_array_line = array();
             $csv_array_line[] = 'No.';
             $csv_array_line[] = 'Date of Booking';
             $csv_array_line[] = 'Client Name';
             $csv_array_line[] = 'Contact Number';
             $csv_array_line[] = 'Email';
             $csv_array_line[] = 'Area';
             $csv_array_line[] = 'Rate';
             $csv_array_line[] = 'Project';
             $csv_array_line[] = 'Sale Value';
             $csv_array_line[] = 'Prin Amt Due';
             $csv_array_line[] = 'Tax Amt Due';
             $csv_array_line[] = 'Additional Due';
             $csv_array_line[] = 'Additional Due Tax';
             $csv_array_line[] = 'Total Due';
             $csv_array_line[] = 'Total Collection';
             $csv_array_line[] = 'Balance Due';
             $csv_array_line[] = 'Sales Region';
             $csv_array_line[] = 'Sales Person';
             $csv_array[] = $csv_array_line;
             foreach ($due_report as $due) {
                 $csv_array_line = array();
                 $csv_array_line[] = $n + 1;
                 $csv_array_line[] = date('d-m-Y', strtotime($due['booking_date']));
                 $csv_array_line[] = $due['client_name'];
                 $csv_array_line[] = $due['phone'];
                 $csv_array_line[] = $due['email'];
                 $csv_array_line[] = $due['area'];
                 $csv_array_line[] = $due['rate'];
                 $csv_array_line[] = $due['project'];
                 $csv_array_line[] = $due['due_amount'] + $due['due_amount_additional'];
                 $csv_array_line[] = $due['due_amount'];
                 $csv_array_line[] = $due['total_tax'];
                 $csv_array_line[] = $due['due_amount_additional'];
                 $csv_array_line[] = $due['total_tax_additional'];
                 $csv_array_line[] = $due['due_amount_additional'] + $due['total_tax_additional'] + ($due['due_amount'] + $due['total_tax']);
                 $csv_array_line[] = $due['total_amt'];
                 $csv_array_line[] = $due['due_amount'] + $due['total_tax'] + $due['due_amount_additional'] + $due['total_tax_additional'] - $due['total_amt'];
                 $csv_array_line[] = $due['sales_region'];
                 $csv_array_line[] = $due['sales_person'];
                 $csv_array[] = $csv_array_line;
             echo array_to_csv($csv_array, 'due_letter.csv');
         } else {
             $data['due_report'] = $due_report;
             $data['from_date_selected'] = $this->input->post('from_date');
             $data['to_date_selected'] = $this->input->post('to_date');
             $data['project_selected'] = $this->input->post('project');
             $this->load->view('reports/sales_report', $data);
Пример #16
 public function export_action($questionnaire_id)
     $this->questionnaire = new Questionnaire($questionnaire_id);
     if (!$this->questionnaire->isEditable()) {
         throw new AccessDeniedException("Der Fragebogen ist nicht exportierbar.");
     $csv = array(array(_("Nummer"), _("Benutzername"), _("Nachname"), _("Vorname"), _("Email")));
     $results = array();
     $user_ids = array();
     foreach ($this->questionnaire->questions as $question) {
         $result = (array) $question->getResultArray();
         foreach ($result as $frage => $r) {
             $csv[0][] = $frage;
             $user_ids = array_merge($user_ids, array_keys($r));
             $user_ids = array_unique($user_ids);
         $results[] = $result;
     foreach ($user_ids as $key => $user_id) {
         $user = new User($user_id);
         $csv_line = array($key + 1, $user['username'], $user['Nachname'], $user['Vorname'], $user['Email']);
         foreach ($results as $result) {
             foreach ($result as $frage => $value) {
                 $csv_line[] = $value[$user_id];
         $csv[] = $csv_line;
     $this->response->add_header('Content-Type', "text/csv");
     $this->response->add_header('Content-Disposition', "attachment; filename=" . $this->questionnaire['title'] . ".csv");
Пример #17
  * Export list to CSV
 function export()
     // get parameters
     $sort = $this->input->get('sort') ? $this->input->get('sort', TRUE) : DEFAULT_SORT;
     $dir = $this->input->get('dir') ? $this->input->get('dir', TRUE) : DEFAULT_DIR;
     // get filters
     $filters = array();
     if ($this->input->get('username')) {
         $filters['username'] = $this->input->get('username', TRUE);
     if ($this->input->get('first_name')) {
         $filters['first_name'] = $this->input->get('first_name', TRUE);
     if ($this->input->get('last_name')) {
         $filters['last_name'] = $this->input->get('last_name', TRUE);
     // get all users
     $users = $this->users_model->get_all(0, 0, $filters, $sort, $dir);
     if ($users['total'] > 0) {
         // manipulate the output array
         foreach ($users['results'] as $key => $user) {
             if ($user['status'] == 0) {
                 $users['results'][$key]['status'] = lang('admin input inactive');
             } else {
                 $users['results'][$key]['status'] = lang('admin input active');
         // export the file
         array_to_csv($users['results'], "users");
     } else {
         // nothing to export
         $this->session->set_flashdata('error', lang('core error no_results'));
Пример #18
 public function export()
     $params = array();
     $data['member'] = $this->Member_model->get($params);
     $csv = array(0 => array('No.', 'NIPM', 'Nama', 'Jenis Kelamin', 'Tempat Lahir', 'Tanggal Lahir', 'Asal Sekolah', 'Pembimbing', 'No Telp', 'Alamat', 'Departement', 'Status', 'Mulai Prakerin'));
     $i = 1;
     foreach ($data['member'] as $row) {
         $csv[] = array($i, $row['member_nip'], $row['member_full_name'], $row['member_sex'] == 'MALE' ? 'Laki-laki' : 'Perempuan', $row['member_birth_place'], $row['member_birth_date'], $row['member_school'], $row['member_mentor'], $row['member_phone'], $row['member_address'], $row['member_division'], $row['member_status'] == 0 ? 'Non-Aktif' : 'Aktif', pretty_date($row['member_entry_date'], 'm/d/Y', FALSE));
     // echo "<pre>";
     // echo print_r($csv);
     // echo "</pre>";
     // die();
     array_to_csv($csv, 'Data_Peserta_Prakerin.csv');
Пример #19
 public function download_questionnaire($id, $format = 'html')
     $questionnaire = new Questionnaire();
     $questionnaire->get_by_id((int) $id);
     if (!$questionnaire->exists()) {
         add_error_flash_message('Dotazník sa nenašiel.');
     $questionnaire_answer_max = new Questionnaire_answer();
     $questionnaire_answer_max->select_func('MAX', '@answer_number', 'max_answer_number');
     $questionnaire_answer_max->where('${parent}.id', 'questionnaire_answers_subquery.id', false);
     $questionnaire_answers = new Questionnaire_answer();
     $questionnaire_answers->where_subquery('answer_number', $questionnaire_answer_max);
     $questionnaire_answers->include_related('person', array('name', 'surname', 'admin'));
     $questionnaire_answers->order_by_related('person', 'admin', 'asc');
     $questionnaire_answers->order_by_related('person', 'surname', 'asc');
     $questionnaire_answers->order_by_related('person', 'name', 'asc');
     if ($format == 'html') {
         $this->parser->parse('web/controllers/questionnaires/download_questionnaire.tpl', array('questionnaire' => $questionnaire, 'questionnaire_answers' => $questionnaire_answers));
     } else {
         $csv = array();
         $build_questions_line = true;
         $questions_line = array('');
         foreach ($questionnaire_answers as $questionnaire_answer) {
             $resolved = $questionnaire->resolve_answers(unserialize($questionnaire_answer->answers));
             if (count($resolved) > 0) {
                 $person = array($questionnaire_answer->person_name . ' ' . $questionnaire_answer->person_surname);
                 foreach ($resolved as $one_resolv) {
                     if ($build_questions_line) {
                         $questions_line[] = br2nl(strip_tags($one_resolv['question']));
                     $person[] = br2nl(strip_tags($one_resolv['answer']));
                 if ($build_questions_line) {
                     $csv[] = $questions_line;
                 $csv[] = $person;
             $build_questions_line = false;
         header('content-disposition: attachement; filename=vysledky.csv');
         echo array_to_csv($csv);
Пример #20
 public function createcsv()
     $temp_dic = $this->feeder->getdic($this->session->userdata('token'), $this->tabel);
     $dumy_dic = $temp_dic['result'];
     $array = array();
     $header_mhs = array();
     foreach ($dumy_dic as $key) {
         $header_mhs[] = $key['column_name'];
     $array[] = $header_mhs;
     //echo $this->input->post('prodi')."<br />".$this->input->post('separasi');
     $id_sp = $this->session->userdata('id_sp');
     $id_sms = $this->input->post('prodi');
     $separasi = $this->input->post('separasi');
     $sample = array('ID PD / Hapus kolom ini', 'Nama Lengkap Mahasiswa sesuai KTP/Tanda Pengenal Lainnya - Wajib diisi', 'Jenis Kelamin (L: Laki-laki, P: Perempuan, *: Belum ada informasi) - Wajib diisi', 'NISN (Nomor Induk Siswa Nasional) / Hapus kolom ini jika tidak ada', 'NIK (Nomor Induk Kependudukan) / Hapus kolom ini jika tidak ada', 'Tempat Lahir / Hapus kolom ini jika tidak ada', 'Tanggal Lahir (Format: yyyy-mm-dd / contoh: 2000-12-30) - Wajib diisi', 'ID Agama (1: Islam, 2: Kristen, 3: Katholik, 4: Hindu, 5: Budha, 6: Konghucu, 98: Tidak diisi, 99: Lainnya) - Wajib diisi', 'ID KK / Isikan angka 0 - Wajib diisi', $id_sp, 'Nama Jalan alamat tinggal / Hapus kolom ini jika tidak ada', 'RT alamat tinggal / Hapus kolom ini jika tidak ada', 'RW alamat tinggal / Hapus kolom ini jika tidak ada', 'Nama Dusun / Hapus kolom ini jika tidak ada', 'Nama Desa atau Keluarahan - Wajib diisi', 'ID WIlayah/Propinsi (Lihat tabel wilayah - Wajib diisi)', 'Kode Pos Alamat Tinggal / Hapus kolom ini jika tidak ada', 'ID Jenis Tinggal / Isikan angka 0 atau Hapus kolom ini jika tidak ada', 'ID Alat Transport / Isikan angka 0 Hapus kolom ini jika tidak ada', 'Nomor Telepon Rumah / Hapus kolom ini jika tidak ada', 'Nomor Telepon Seluler / Hapus kolom ini jika tidak ada', 'Alamat email / Hapus kolom ini jika tidak ada', 'Kartu Perlindungan Sosial (0: Bukan penerima KPS, 1: Penerima KPS) - Wajib diisi', 'Nomor KPS / Isikan jika penerima KPS, Hapus kolom ini jika bukan penerima KPS', 'Status Mahasiswa (A: Aktif, C: Cuti, D: Drop-out/Putus Studi, L: Lulus, P: , K: Keluar, N: Non Aktif, G: Sedang Double Degree, X: Unknown) - Wajib diisi', 'Nama Ayah / Hapus kolom ini jika tidak ada', 'Tanggal Lahir Ayah (yyy-mm-dd) / Hapus kolom ini jika tidak ada', 'ID Jenjang Pendidikan Ayah / Hapus kolom ini jika tidak ada', 'ID Pekerjaan Ayah / Hapus kolom ini jika tidak ada', 'ID Penghasilan Ayah / Hapus kolom ini jika tidak ada', 'ID Kebutuhan Khusus Ayah (Isikan angka 0) - Wajib diisi', 'Nama Ibu Kandung - Wajib diisi', 'Tanggal Lahir Ibu (yyy-mm-dd) / Hapus kolom ini jika tidak ada', 'ID Jenjang Pendidikan Ibu / Hapus kolom ini jika tidak ada', 'ID Penghasilan Ibu / Hapus kolom ini jika tidak ada', 'ID Pekerjaan Ibu / Hapus kolom ini jika tidak ada', 'ID Kebutuhan Khusus Ibu (Isikan angka 0) - Wajib diisi', 'Nama Wali / Hapus kolom ini jika tidak ada', 'Tanggal Lahir Wali (yyyy-mm-dd) / Hapus kolom ini jika tidak ada', 'ID Pendidikan Wali / Hapus kolom ini jika tidak ada', 'ID Pekerjaan Wali / Hapus kolom ini jika tidak ada', 'ID Penghasilan Wali / Hapus kolom ini jika tidak ada', 'Kewarganegaraan (ID: Indonesia) - Wajib diisi', 'ID Registrasi Mahasiswa - Hapus kolom ini', $id_sms, 'ID PD - Hapus kolom ini', $id_sp, 'ID Jenis Daftar (2: Pindahan, 3: Naik kelas, 4: Akselerasi, 5: Mengulang, 6: Lanjutan semester, 9: Putus Sekolah, 0: Lainnya, 1: Peserta didik baru, 8: Pindahan Alih Bentuk) - Wajib diisi', 'NIPD (Nomor Induk Mahasiswa) - Wajib diisi', 'Tanggal Masuk Mahasiswa (yyyy-mm-dd / Contoh: 2000-12-30) - Wajib diisi', 'ID Jenis Keluar (1: Lulus, 2: Mutasi, 3: Dikeluarkan, 4: Mengundurkan diri, 5: Putus Sekolah, 6: Wafat, 7: Hilang, 8: Alih Fungsi, 9: Pensiun, Z: Lainnya)/ Hapus kolom ini jika mahasiswa aktif', 'Tanggal Keluar Mahasiswa (yyyy-mm-dd / Contoh: 2000-12-30) / Hapus kolom ini jika mahasiswa masih aktif', 'Keterangan Mahasiswa / Hapus kolom ini jika tidak ada', 'Surat Keterangan Hasil Ujian Nasional (SKHUN) / Hapus kolom ini jika tidak ada', 'Mahasiswa Pernah PAUD (0: Tidak pernah PAUD, 1: Pernah PAUD) / Hapus kolom ini jika tidak ada', 'Mahasiswa Pernah TK (0: Tidak pernah TK, 1: Pernah TK) / Hapus kolom ini jika tidak ada', 'Awal Semester Mahasiswa (ex. 20121) - Wajib diisi', 'SKS Diakui (Jika Status Mahasiswa Pindahan) / Hapus kolom ini jika status masuk mahasiswa baru', 'Jalur Keluar Mahasiswa / Hapus kolom ini jika mahasiswa masih aktif, dan isikan 0 jika mahasiswa sudah Lulus', 'Judul Skripsi Mahasiswa / Hapus kolom ini jika mahasiswa masih aktif', 'Tanggal/Bulan Awal Bimbingan Skripsi (yyyy-mm-dd) / Hapus kolom ini jika mahasiswa belum skripsi', 'Tanggal/Bulan Akhir Bimbingan Skripsi (yyyy-mm-dd) / Hapus kolom ini jika mahasiswa belum skripsi', 'Nomor SK Yudisium (yyyy-mm-dd) / Hapus kolom ini jika mahasiswa masih aktif', 'Tanggal SK Yudisium / Hapus kolom ini jika mahasiswa masih aktif', 'Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif / Hapus kolom ini jika mahasiswa masih aktif', 'Nomor Seri Ijazah / Hapus kolom ini jika mahasiswa masih aktif', 'Nomor Sertifikat Profesional / Hapus kolom ini jika tidak ada', 'Mahasiswa Asing Pindahan / Hapus kolom ini jika tidak ada', 'Nama PT Asal / Diisi jika status mahasiswa pindahan, Hapus kolom ini jika status mahasiswa baru', 'Nama PRODI Asal / Diisi jika status mahasiswa pindahan, Hapus kolom ini jika status mahasiswa baru');
     $array[] = $sample;
     $time = time();
     write_file('temps/' . $time . '_mahasiswa.csv', array_to_csv($array, '', $separasi));
     //echo "File berhasil digenerate. <a href=\"".base_url()."temps/".$time."_mahasiswa.csv\">Download</a>";
     echo "<div class=\"bs-callout bs-callout-success\">\n                 File berhasil digenerate. <a href=\"" . base_url() . "temps/" . $time . "_mahasiswa.csv\">Download</a>\n              </div>";
Пример #21
 function createCSV()
     $doctorSpecialities_specialitiesId = '';
     if (isset($_POST['doctorSpecialities_specialitiesId'])) {
         $doctorSpecialities_specialitiesId = $this->input->post('doctorSpecialities_specialitiesId');
     // $where=array('doctors_deleted'=> 0,'doctorSpecialities_specialitiesId'=> $doctorSpecialities_specialitiesId);
     $where = '';
     $array[] = array('Image Name', 'Doctor Name', 'Doctor ID', 'Address', 'Speciality', 'Exprience', 'Date Of Joining', 'Phone Number', 'Mobile Number');
     $data = $this->Doctor_model->createCSVdata($where);
     $arrayFinal = array_merge($array, $data);
     array_to_csv($arrayFinal, 'DoctorDetail.csv');
     return True;
Пример #22
 public function exportPage1ShareOfShelf()
     $brandIds = $this->input->get('brands');
     $termIds = $this->input->get('searchTerms');
     $siteIds = $this->input->get('sites');
     $dates = $this->input->get('dates');
     $plistIds = is_array($this->input->get('productList')) && $this->input->get('productList') ? $this->input->get('productList') : null;
     $brands = $this->ranking_model->getBrandByIdsArray($brandIds);
     $terms = $this->ranking_model->getTermsByIds($termIds);
     $groupIds = [];
     foreach ($terms as $term) {
         $groupIds[] = $term->group_id;
     $groupIds = array_unique($groupIds);
     $dataRaw = ['curr_group_terms_count' => 0, 'all_results_for_body' => array('brands' => array(), 'terms' => array(), 'brand_terms' => array(), 'search_terms_list' => array())];
     foreach ($groupIds as $groupId) {
         $this->populateShareOfShelfData($dataRaw, $siteIds, $dates, $terms, $brandIds, $plistIds);
     $data = $dataRaw['all_results_for_body'];
     $header = ['Search Terms'];
     $avgData = ['Page 1 share of shelf'];
     $maxVal = $data['serch_terms_ofp']['summary_ofp_count'];
     $totalPercentage = 100;
     foreach ($brands as $brand) {
         $header[] = $brand->name;
         $val = isset($data['brands'][$brand->name]) ? $data['brands'][$brand->name] : 0;
         $brandPercentage = round($val / $maxVal * 100);
         $totalPercentage -= $brandPercentage;
         $avgData[] = round($val / $maxVal * 100) . '%';
     $header[] = 'Other';
     $avgData[] = $totalPercentage . '%';
     $termDetails = [];
     foreach ($terms as $term) {
         $row = [$term->title];
         foreach ($brands as $brand) {
             $row[] = isset($data['brand_terms'][$term->title . '_' . $brand->name]) ? $data['brand_terms'][$term->title . '_' . $brand->name] : 0;
         $others = intval($data['serch_terms_ofp'][$term->title]);
         if (isset($data['terms'][$term->title])) {
             $others -= $data['terms'][$term->title];
         $row[] = $others;
         $termDetails[] = $row;
     $outputData = [$header, $avgData];
     foreach ($termDetails as $termItem) {
         $outputData[] = $termItem;
     $csvFormatted = array_to_csv($outputData);
     $fileName = 'Page1ShareOfShelf- ' . date('Y-m-d') . '.csv';
     $this->outputCsv($csvFormatted, $fileName);
Пример #23
 function customer_aging_report()
     $this->load->model(array('payment_schedule_customer_model', 'receipt_model', 'project_model'));
     $this->load->helper(array('csv', 'download'));
     $data['projects'] = $this->db->get('project')->result();
     $this->form_validation->set_rules('due_date', 'Date', 'trim|required');
     if ($this->form_validation->run() == FALSE) {
         $data['dues'] = array();
         $this->load->view('reports/customer_wise_aging', $data);
     } else {
         $dues = array();
         $project_selected = $this->input->post('project');
         $with_tax_selected = $this->input->post('with_tax');
         $due_date_db = $this->input->post('due_date');
         $due_date_selected = $due_date_db;
         $due_date_db = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($due_date_db));
         $due_report = array();
         $this->db->select('customer_file.id,customer_file.purchase_cost,contact.name,project.name as project,availability_chart_unit.unit_name as unit_name');
         $this->db->join('contact', 'customer_file.customer_id=contact.id');
         $this->db->join('project', 'customer_file.project_id=project.id');
         $this->db->join('availability_chart_unit', 'availability_chart_unit.id=customer_file.unit_id');
         $this->db->where('customer_file.project_id', $project_selected);
         $this->db->where('customer_file.approval_status', 1);
         $customers = $this->db->get()->result();
         foreach ($customers as $customer) {
             $due_report[$customer->id] = array();
             $due_report[$customer->id]['client_name'] = $customer->name;
             $due_report[$customer->id]['project'] = $customer->project . '-' . $customer->unit_name;
             $due_report[$customer->id]['purchase_cost'] = $customer->purchase_cost;
             $due_report[$customer->id]['total_tax'] = 0;
             $due_report[$customer->id]['due_amount'][1] = 0;
             $due_report[$customer->id]['due_amount'][2] = 0;
             $due_report[$customer->id]['due_amount'][3] = 0;
             $due_report[$customer->id]['due_amount'][4] = 0;
             $due_report[$customer->id]['due_amount'][5] = 0;
             $due_report[$customer->id]['due_amount'][6] = 0;
             $due_report[$customer->id]['due_amount'][7] = 0;
             $due_report[$customer->id]['total_due_amount'] = 0;
             $due_report[$customer->id]['total_pri'] = 0;
             $due_report[$customer->id]['total_tx'] = 0;
             $due_report[$customer->id]['total_amt'] = 0;
             $due_report[$customer->id]['total_units'] = $this->db->where('project_id', $customer->id)->count_all_results('customer_file');
             $customer_file_id = $customer->id;
             $actual_payment_schedule = $this->payment_schedule_customer_model->list_schedule_customer_file_actual_active($customer_file_id);
             $additional_payment_schedule = $this->payment_schedule_customer_model->list_schedule_customer_file_additional_active($customer_file_id);
             $receipts = $this->receipt_model->list_cleared_receipt_customer_file($customer_file_id);
             $this->db->join('tax_master', 'tax_master.tax_type_id=tax_type.id');
             $this->db->join('customer_file_tax', 'customer_file_tax.tax_id=tax_master.id');
             $this->db->where('customer_file_tax.customer_file_id', $customer_file_id);
             $customer_tax = $this->db->get()->result();
             $total_due_amount = 0;
             // Actual Due
             foreach ($actual_payment_schedule as $schedule) {
                 $total_due_amount += $schedule->due_amount;
                 $ttax = 0;
                 $ttax_bal = 0;
                 $date1 = strtotime($schedule->due_date);
                 // or your date as well
                 $date2 = strtotime($due_date_db);
                 $datediff = $date2 - $date1;
                 $delay = floor($datediff / (60 * 60 * 24));
                 //echo $schedule->due_date . ' - ' . $due_date_db . ' - ' . $delay . '<br />';
                 $tax_amount_tot = 0;
                 if ($with_tax_selected == 1) {
                     foreach ($customer_tax as $cs2) {
                         $tax_amount = 0;
                         $tax_amount_bal = 0;
                         if ($schedule->due_amount - $schedule->amount_paid != 0) {
                             $this->db->select('tax_slab.tax_percentage as tax_percentage');
                             $this->db->join('tax_slab_cost_head', 'tax_slab.id=tax_slab_cost_head.tax_slab_id');
                             $this->db->where(array('tax_master_id' => $cs2->id, 'from_date <=' => $due_date_db, 'to_date >=' => $due_date_db, 'tax_slab_cost_head.cost_head_id' => $schedule->payment_type));
                             $applicale_tax = $this->db->get()->first_row();
                             if (!empty($applicale_tax->tax_percentage)) {
                                 $tax_amount = ($schedule->due_amount - $schedule->amount_paid) / 100 * $applicale_tax->tax_percentage;
                                 $tax_amount_tot += $tax_amount;
                 } else {
                     $tax_amount = 0;
                 $due_report[$customer->id]['total_due_amount'] += $schedule->due_amount - $schedule->amount_paid + $tax_amount_tot;
                 if ($delay < 90) {
                     $due_report[$customer->id]['due_amount'][1] += $schedule->due_amount - $schedule->amount_paid + $tax_amount_tot;
                 if ($delay >= 90 and $delay < 180) {
                     $due_report[$customer->id]['due_amount'][2] += $schedule->due_amount - $schedule->amount_paid + $tax_amount_tot;
                 if ($delay >= 180 and $delay < 270) {
                     $due_report[$customer->id]['due_amount'][3] += $schedule->due_amount - $schedule->amount_paid + $tax_amount_tot;
                 if ($delay >= 270 and $delay < 365) {
                     $due_report[$customer->id]['due_amount'][4] += $schedule->due_amount - $schedule->amount_paid + $tax_amount_tot;
                 if ($delay >= 365 and $delay < 540) {
                     $due_report[$customer->id]['due_amount'][5] += $schedule->due_amount - $schedule->amount_paid + $tax_amount_tot;
                 if ($delay >= 540 and $delay < 720) {
                     $due_report[$customer->id]['due_amount'][6] += $schedule->due_amount - $schedule->amount_paid + $tax_amount_tot;
                 if ($delay > 720) {
                     $due_report[$customer->id]['due_amount'][7] += $schedule->due_amount - $schedule->amount_paid + $tax_amount_tot;
             // Additional Due
             foreach ($additional_payment_schedule as $schedule_additional) {
                 $total_due_amount += $schedule_additional->due_amount;
                 $ttax = 0;
                 $ttax_bal = 0;
                 $date1 = strtotime($schedule_additional->due_date);
                 // or your date as well
                 $date2 = strtotime($due_date_db);
                 $datediff = $date2 - $date1;
                 $delay = floor($datediff / (60 * 60 * 24));
                 $tax_amount_tot = 0;
                 if ($with_tax_selected == 1) {
                     foreach ($customer_tax as $cs2) {
                         $tax_amount = 0;
                         $tax_amount_bal = 0;
                         if ($schedule_additional->due_amount - $schedule_additional->amount_paid != 0) {
                             $this->db->select('tax_slab.tax_percentage as tax_percentage');
                             $this->db->join('tax_slab_cost_head', 'tax_slab.id=tax_slab_cost_head.tax_slab_id');
                             $this->db->where(array('tax_master_id' => $cs2->id, 'from_date <=' => $due_date_db, 'to_date >=' => $due_date_db, 'tax_slab_cost_head.cost_head_id' => $schedule->payment_type));
                             $applicale_tax = $this->db->get()->first_row();
                             if (!empty($applicale_tax->tax_percentage)) {
                                 $tax_amount = ($schedule_additional->due_amount - $schedule_additional->amount_paid) / 100 * $applicale_tax->tax_percentage;
                                 $tax_amount_tot += $tax_amount;
                 } else {
                     $tax_amount = 0;
                 //echo $schedule_additional->due_date . ' - ' . $due_date_db . ' - ' . $delay . '<br />';
                 if ($delay < 90) {
                     $due_report[$customer->id]['due_amount'][1] += $schedule_additional->due_amount - $schedule_additional->amount_paid + $tax_amount_tot;
                 if ($delay >= 90 and $delay < 180) {
                     $due_report[$customer->id]['due_amount'][2] += $schedule_additional->due_amount - $schedule_additional->amount_paid + $tax_amount_tot;
                 if ($delay >= 180 and $delay < 270) {
                     $due_report[$customer->id]['due_amount'][3] += $schedule_additional->due_amount - $schedule_additional->amount_paid + $tax_amount_tot;
                 if ($delay >= 270 and $delay < 365) {
                     $due_report[$customer->id]['due_amount'][4] += $schedule_additional->due_amount - $schedule_additional->amount_paid + $tax_amount_tot;
                 if ($delay >= 365 and $delay < 540) {
                     $due_report[$customer->id]['due_amount'][5] += $schedule_additional->due_amount - $schedule_additional->amount_paid + $tax_amount_tot;
                 if ($delay >= 540 and $delay < 720) {
                     $due_report[$customer->id]['due_amount'][6] += $schedule_additional->due_amount - $schedule_additional->amount_paid + $tax_amount_tot;
                 if ($delay > 720) {
                     $due_report[$customer->id]['due_amount'][7] += $schedule_additional->due_amount - $schedule_additional->amount_paid + $tax_amount_tot;
             foreach ($receipts as $b => $receipt) {
                 $due_report[$customer->id]['total_pri'] += $receipt->principle_amount;
                 $due_report[$customer->id]['total_tx'] += $receipt->amount_paid - $receipt->principle_amount;
                 $due_report[$customer->id]['total_amt'] += $receipt->amount_paid;
         if (isset($_POST['generate_pdf'])) {
             $this->db->join('project', 'project.company_id=company.id');
             $this->db->join('customer_file', 'customer_file.project_id=project.id');
             $company_details = $this->db->get()->first_row();
             $pdf = new TCPDF('P', PDF_UNIT, 'A4', true, 'UTF-8', false);
             //$pdf->SetHeaderData(PDF_HEADER_LOGO, PDF_HEADER_LOGO_WIDTH, '', '', array(0, 64, 255), array(255, 255, 255));
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                 require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/lang/eng.php';
             $pdf->SetFont('dejavusans', '', 7, '', true);
             $pdf->writeHTMLCell(211, 17, '0', 10, '<h2 style="text-align:center;">' . $company_details->name . '</h2>', 0, 1, 0, true, '', true);
             $style = array('width' => 0.1, 'color' => array(0, 0, 0));
             $pdf->Line(0, 25, 220, 25, $style);
             if ($with_tax_selected == 1) {
                 $pdf->writeHTMLCell(0, 0, '', '', '<h2 style="text-align:center;">Customer Wise Aging Report - With Tax</h2>', 0, 1, 0, true, '', true);
             } else {
                 $pdf->writeHTMLCell(0, 0, '', '', '<h2 style="text-align:center;">Customer Wise Aging Report - without Tax</h2>', 0, 1, 0, true, '', true);
             $style = array('width' => 0.1, 'color' => array(0, 0, 0));
             $pdf->Line(0, 35, 220, 35, $style);
             $pdf->writeHTMLCell(35, 0, 10, 40, '<strong style="text-align:center;">Period : ' . date('M Y', strtotime($due_date_db)) . '</strong>', 0, 1, 0, true, '', true);
             $pdf->writeHTMLCell(35, 0, 168, 40, '<strong style="text-align:center;">Date : ' . date('d-m-Y') . '</strong>', 0, 1, 0, true, '', true);
             $html .= '<tr><td></td><td><td/></tr></table><br /><br /><br /><br />';
             $html .= '<table  border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing = "0" width = "100%" nobr="true"><thead><tr>';
             $html .= '<th width="25">No.</th>';
             $html .= '<th width="75">Client Name</th>';
             $html .= '<th width="60">0-3 Month</th>';
             $html .= '<th width="60">3-6 Month</th>';
             $html .= '<th width="60">6-9 Month</th>';
             $html .= '<th width="60">9-12 Month</th>';
             $html .= '<th width="60">1-1.5 Yrs</th>';
             $html .= '<th width="60">1.5-2 Yrs</th>';
             $html .= '<th width="60">Above 2 Yrs</th>';
             $html .= '<th width="60">Total</th>';
             $html .= '<th width="60">Tools</th>';
             $html .= '</tr>';
             $html .= '</thead><tbody>';
             $total_sale_amount = 0;
             $total_due_amount = 0;
             $total_due_amount_additional = 0;
             $total_due_tax = 0;
             $total_due_tax_additional = 0;
             $total_collection = 0;
             $total_balance = 0;
             foreach ($due_report as $due) {
                 $dues = $due['due_amount'];
                 $html .= '<tr>';
                 $html .= '<td width="25">' . ($n + 1) . '</td>';
                 $html .= '<td width="75">' . $due['client_name'] . '</td>';
                 foreach ($dues as $d => $du) {
                     $html .= '<td width="60">' . number_format($du) . '</td>';
                 $html .= '<td width="60">' . number_format($due['total_due_amount']) . '</td>';
                 $html .= '<td width="60"></td>';
                 $html .= '</tr>';
             $html .= '</tbody>';
             $html .= '</table><br /><br />';
             //echo $html;
             $pdf->writeHTMLCell(0, 0, '', '', $html, 0, 1, 0, true, '', true);
             $pdf->Output('receipt.pdf', 'I');
         } elseif (isset($_POST['generate_csv'])) {
             $csv_array = array();
             $csv_array_line = array();
             $csv_array_line[] = 'No.';
             $csv_array_line[] = 'Client Name';
             $csv_array_line[] = '0-3 Month';
             $csv_array_line[] = '3-6 Month';
             $csv_array_line[] = '6-9 Month';
             $csv_array_line[] = '9-12 Month';
             $csv_array_line[] = '1-1.5 Yrs';
             $csv_array_line[] = '1.5-2 Yrs';
             $csv_array_line[] = 'Above 2 Yrs';
             $csv_array_line[] = 'Total';
             $csv_array[] = $csv_array_line;
             $csv_array_line = array();
             $n = 1;
             foreach ($due_report as $due) {
                 $total_due = 0;
                 $dues = $due['due_amount'];
                 $csv_array_line = array();
                 $csv_array_line[] = $n;
                 $csv_array_line[] = $due['client_name'];
                 foreach ($dues as $d => $du) {
                     $total_due += $du;
                     $csv_array_line[] = $du;
                 $csv_array_line[] = $due['total_due_amount'];
                 $csv_array[] = $csv_array_line;
                 $n = $n + 1;
             echo array_to_csv($csv_array, 'interaction_report.csv');
         } else {
             $data['due_report'] = $due_report;
             $data['with_tax_selected'] = $with_tax_selected;
             $data['project_selected'] = $project_selected;
             $data['due_date_selected'] = $due_date_selected;
             $this->load->view('reports/customer_wise_aging', $data);
Пример #24
 function customer_wise()
     $this->load->model(array('payment_schedule_customer_model', 'receipt_model'));
     $this->load->helper(array('csv', 'download'));
     $this->form_validation->set_rules('project', 'Project', 'trim|required');
     $data['projects'] = $this->db->get('project')->result();
     $data['tax_types'] = $this->db->get('tax_type')->result();
     if ($this->form_validation->run() == FALSE) {
         $data['collections'] = array();
         $this->load->view('reports/customer_wise_loan_report', $data);
     } else {
         $tax_types = $this->db->get('tax_type')->result();
         $project_selected = $this->input->post('project');
         $date_to = $this->input->post('date_to');
         $date_to = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($date_to));
         $this->load->model(array('payment_schedule_customer_model', 'receipt_model'));
         $this->db->select('company.name,project.project_type,project.name as project');
         $this->db->join('project', 'project.company_id=company.id');
         $this->db->join('customer_file', 'customer_file.project_id=project.id');
         $this->db->where('project.id', $project_selected);
         $company_details = $this->db->get()->first_row();
         $this->db->select('contact.name as customer_name,project.name as project,' . 'customer_file.purchase_cost,bank.name as bank,customer_file.branch,' . 'customer_file.loan_amount,' . 'customer_file.id as customer_file_id');
         $this->db->join('project', 'project.id=customer_file.project_id');
         $this->db->join('contact', 'contact.id=customer_file.customer_id');
         $this->db->join('bank', 'bank.id=customer_file.bank', 'left');
         $this->db->where('customer_file.project_id', $project_selected);
         $this->db->where('customer_file.finance_mode', 1);
         $this->db->where('customer_file.booking_date <=', $date_to);
         $collection_report = $this->db->get()->result();
         if (isset($_POST['generate_pdf'])) {
             $pdf = new TCPDF('P', PDF_UNIT, 'A4', true, 'UTF-8', false);
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             $pdf->SetFont('dejavusans', '', 8, '', true);
             $pdf->writeHTMLCell(211, 17, '0', 10, '<h2 style="text-align:center;">' . $company_details->name . '</h2>', 0, 1, 0, true, '', true);
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             $pdf->Line(0, 25, 220, 25, $style);
             $pdf->writeHTMLCell(0, 0, '', '', '<h2 style="text-align:center;">Customer Wise Loan Report - ' . $company_details->project . '</h2>', 0, 1, 0, true, '', true);
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             $pdf->Line(0, 35, 220, 35, $style);
             $pdf->writeHTMLCell(38, 0, 10, 40, '<strong style="text-align:center;">Period : ' . date('M Y', strtotime($date_to)) . '</strong>', 0, 1, 0, true, '', true);
             $pdf->writeHTMLCell(35, 0, 161, 40, '<strong style="text-align:center;">Date : ' . date('d-m-Y') . '</strong>', 0, 1, 0, true, '', true);
             $html .= '<tr><td></td><td><td/></tr></table><br /><br /><br /><br />';
             $html .= '<table  border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing = "0" width = "100%" nobr="true"><thead><tr>';
             $html .= '<th width="30">No.</th>';
             $html .= '<th width="90">Customer Name</th>';
             $html .= '<th width="65">Project</th>';
             $html .= '<th width="85">Agreement Value</th>';
             $html .= '<th width="75">Bank Name</th>';
             $html .= '<th width="74">Branch</th>';
             $html .= '<th width="80">Loan Amount</th>';
             $html .= '<th width="74">Loan Paid</th>';
             $html .= '<th width="74">Loan Balance</th>';
             $html .= '</tr>';
             $html .= '</thead><tbody>';
             $total_due_percentage = 0;
             $total_due_amount = 0;
             $total_due_tax_amount = 0;
             $total_balance = 0;
             $total_tax = array();
             $total_paid = 0;
             $n = 1;
             $total_principle_amount = 0;
             $total_purchase_cost = 0;
             $total_loan_paid = 0;
             $total_loan = 0;
             $txts = array();
             foreach ($collection_report as $collection) {
                 $total_purchase_cost += $collection->purchase_cost;
                 $total_loan += $collection->loan_amount;
                 $total_loan_paid += $loan_amount_paid->amount_paid;
                 $total_tax_row = 0;
                 $this->db->select('SUM(receipt.amount_paid) as amount_paid');
                 $this->db->where('receipt.customer_file_id', $collection->customer_file_id);
                 $this->db->where('receipt.finance_mode', 1);
                 $loan_amount_paid = $this->db->get()->first_row();
                 $total_principle_amount += $collection->principle_amount;
                 $html .= '<tr>';
                 $html .= '<td width="30">' . $n . '</td>';
                 $html .= '<td width="90">' . $collection->customer_name . '</td>';
                 $html .= '<td width="65">' . $collection->project . '</td>';
                 $html .= '<td width="85">' . number_format($collection->purchase_cost) . '</td>';
                 $html .= ' <td width="75">' . $collection->bank . '</td>';
                 $html .= ' <td width="74">' . $collection->branch . '</td>';
                 $html .= ' <td width="80">' . number_format($collection->loan_amount) . '</td>';
                 $html .= ' <td width="74">' . number_format($loan_amount_paid->amount_paid) . '</td>';
                 $html .= ' <td width="74">' . number_format($collection->loan_amount - $loan_amount_paid->amount_paid) . '</td>';
                 $html .= '</tr>';
             $html .= '</tbody>';
             $html .= '<tfoot>';
             $html .= '<tr style="font-weight: bolder">';
             $html .= '<td colspan="3"></td>';
             $html .= '<td>' . number_format($total_purchase_cost) . '</td>';
             $html .= '<td colspan="2"></td>';
             $html .= '<td>' . number_format($total_loan) . '</td>';
             $html .= '<td>' . number_format($total_loan_paid) . '</td>';
             $html .= '<td>' . number_format($total_loan - $total_loan_paid) . '</td>';
             $html .= '</tr>';
             $html .= '</tfoot>';
             $html .= '</table><br /><br />';
             //echo $html;
             $pdf->writeHTMLCell(0, 0, '', '', $html, 0, 1, 0, true, '', true);
             $pdf->Output('receipt.pdf', 'I');
         } elseif (isset($_POST['generate_csv'])) {
             $csv_array = array();
             $csv_array_line = array();
             $csv_array_line[] = 'No.';
             $csv_array_line[] = 'Customer Name';
             $csv_array_line[] = 'Project';
             $csv_array_line[] = 'Agreement Value';
             $csv_array_line[] = 'Bank Name';
             $csv_array_line[] = 'Branch';
             $csv_array_line[] = 'Loan Amount';
             $csv_array_line[] = 'Loan Paid';
             $csv_array_line[] = 'Loan Balance';
             $csv_array[] = $csv_array_line;
             $csv_array_line = array();
             $n = 1;
             foreach ($collection_report as $collection) {
                 $this->db->select('SUM(receipt.amount_paid) as amount_paid');
                 $this->db->where('receipt.customer_file_id', $collection->customer_file_id);
                 $this->db->where('receipt.finance_mode', 1);
                 $loan_amount_paid = $this->db->get()->first_row();
                 $csv_array_line = array();
                 $csv_array_line[] = $n;
                 $csv_array_line[] = $collection->customer_name;
                 $csv_array_line[] = $collection->project;
                 $csv_array_line[] = $collection->purchase_cost;
                 $csv_array_line[] = $collection->bank;
                 $csv_array_line[] = $collection->branch;
                 $csv_array_line[] = $collection->loan_amount;
                 $csv_array_line[] = $loan_amount_paid->amount_paid;
                 $csv_array_line[] = $collection->loan_amount - $loan_amount_paid->amount_paid;
                 $csv_array[] = $csv_array_line;
                 $n = $n + 1;
             echo array_to_csv($csv_array, 'interaction_report.csv');
         } else {
             $data['collection_report'] = $collection_report;
             $data['date_from_selected'] = $this->input->post('date_from');
             $data['date_to_selected'] = $this->input->post('date_to');
             $data['project_selected'] = $this->input->post('project');
             $this->load->view('reports/customer_wise_loan_report', $data);
Пример #25
    $temprows = $rows;
    $rows = array();
    foreach ($temprows as $row) {
        $newRow = array();
        foreach ($exportFields as $key => $exportKey) {
            if (isset($row[$key])) {
                $newRow[$exportKey] = $row[$key];
            } else {
                $newRow[$exportKey] = '';
        $rows[] = $newRow;
    //die(print_r($rows, true));
    $output = array_to_csv($rows);
    $cacheName = md5(time());
    $cacheName = $modx->getOption('core_path') . 'export/' . $cacheName;
    $cacheManager = $modx->getCacheManager();
    $cacheManager->writeFile($cacheName, $output);
    $_SESSION['csv_filedownload'] = basename($cacheName);
    return $modx->error->success(basename($cacheName));
} else {
    $configs = $modx->getOption('configs', $scriptProperties, '');
    $cacheName = $scriptProperties['download'];
    $output = 'Export error: ' . $cacheName . ' unknown/no permission';
    if (isset($_SESSION['csv_filedownload']) && $cacheName == $_SESSION['csv_filedownload']) {
        $cacheName = $modx->getOption('core_path') . 'export/' . $cacheName;
        if (!is_file($cacheName)) {
            return 'Export error: Export ' . $cacheName . ' does not exist';
        } else {
Пример #26
 function query_to_csv($query, $headers = TRUE, $download = 'csv.csv')
     if (!is_object($query) or !method_exists($query, 'list_fields')) {
         show_error('invalid query');
     $array = array();
     if ($headers) {
         $line = array();
         foreach ($query->list_fields() as $name) {
             $line[] = ucfirst(str_replace("_", " ", $name));
         $array[] = $line;
     foreach ($query->result_array() as $row) {
         $line = array();
         foreach ($row as $item) {
             $line[] = $item;
         $array[] = $line;
     echo array_to_csv($array, $download);
Пример #27
 public function directCall($item = "", $param = "")
     $dbArr = array();
     switch ($item) {
         case "export":
             if ($_GET['area_no'] != "" && $_GET['area_no'] != "'<ALL>'") {
                 $isoWhere = "AND area_no in ({$_GET['area_no']})";
             if ($_GET['rsOption'] > 0) {
                 $spoolWhere = "AND spool.workable_dt " . ($_GET['rsOption'] == 1 ? "!= NULL" : "= NULL");
             $fieldVal = "";
             if (isset($_GET['fieldF']) && is_array($_GET['fieldF'])) {
                 foreach ($_GET['fieldF'] as $field => $val) {
                     $res = explode(";", $val);
                     $fieldVal .= " AND " . $res[0] . $this->operatorArr[$res[2]] . $res[1] . (in_array($res[2], $this->blankThis) ? "" : "%") . "'";
             foreach ($this->iso_model->area_query_export(isset($fieldVal) ? $fieldVal : "", isset($isoWhere) ? $isoWhere : "", isset($spoolWhere) ? $spoolWhere : "") as $r) {
                 foreach ($r as $r2 => $v2) {
                     if (is_object($v2)) {
                         $date_array = (array) $v2;
                         $date_time = $date_array['date'];
                         $date_only = explode(" ", $date_time);
                         $r[$r2] = $date_only[0];
                 array_push($dbArr, $r);
             // ------ Create and download csv ----
             $csv = array_to_csv($dbArr, "area_query.csv");
             header('Content-Type: application/csv');
             header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="area_query.csv"');
             $csv = urldecode($csv);
             echo $csv;
             return true;
         case "export_insTo":
             $this->read("inst_takeoff", "get_all_export", $fieldVal, $dbArr);
             // ------ Create and download csv ----
             $csv = array_to_csv($dbArr, "insto.csv");
             header('Content-Type: application/csv');
             header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="insto.csv"');
             $csv = urldecode($csv);
             echo $csv;
             return true;
         case "client":
             $this->read("rclient", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr);
         case "files":
             $fieldVal = " ";
             if (isset($_GET['type_of_trans']) && $_GET['type_of_trans'] == "download") {
                 $fieldVal = " find_in_set({$_GET['client_id']},recipients) > 0 AND find_in_set({$this->session->userdata('id')},users) > 0";
             } else {
                 $fieldVal = " t.log_created like '{$this->session->userdata('user_id')}%'";
             $this->read("files", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr);
         case "user":
             $this->read("ruser", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr);
         case "user_by_id":
             $fieldVal = $this->session->userdata('creator');
             $this->read("ruser", "get_by_id", $fieldVal, $dbArr);
         case "user_dd":
             $this->read("ruser", "get_all_dd", $fieldVal, $dbArr);
         case "expired":
             $this->read("ruser", "get_expired", $fieldVal, $dbArr);
         case "pieceStruc":
             $fieldVal = "plant_no = '{$_GET['plant_no']}' and area_no = '{$_GET['area_no']}' and drawing_no = '{$_GET['drawing_no']}' and sheet_no = '{$_GET['sheet_no']}' and rev_no = '{$_GET['rev_no']}' and area_loc = '{$_GET['area_loc']}'";
             $this->read("piece_struc", "get_all", $fieldVal, $dbArr);
     $this->result['rows'] = $dbArr;
Пример #28
function api_create_invoice($return_type, $params)
    $data = array("id_user" => trim($params[0]), "id_task" => trim($params[1]), "id_company" => trim($params[2]), "bill_id" => trim($params[3]), "concept1" => trim($params[4]), "amount1" => trim($params[5]), "tax" => trim($params[6]), "currency" => trim($params[7]), "description" => trim($params[8]), "locked" => trim($params[9]), "locked_id_user" => trim($params[10]), "invoice_create_date" => trim($params[11]), "invoice_payment_date" => trim($params[12]), "status" => trim($params[13]), "reference" => trim($params[14]), "internal_note" => trim($params[15]), "invoice_type" => trim($params[16]), "id_language" => trim($params[17]));
    $res_data = array("status" => 1, "error" => "invoice created");
    #Set some default values
    if (!$data["status"]) {
        $data["status"] = "pending";
    if ($data["invoice_create_date"] == "") {
        $data["invoice_create_date"] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time());
    if ($data["status"] && !$data["invoice_payment_date"]) {
        $data["invoice_payment_date"] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time());
    if ($data["id_language"] == "") {
        $data["id_language"] = "en_GB";
    $check_user = get_db_value("id_usuario", "tusuario", "id_usuario", $data["id_user"]);
    $check_locked_user = get_db_value("id_usuario", "tusuario", "id_usuario", $data["locked_id_user"]);
    #Check for empty billing id
    if (!$data["bill_id"]) {
        $res_data["status"] = 0;
        $res_data["error"] = "empty billing id";
    } else {
        if (!$data["id_company"]) {
            $res_data["status"] = 0;
            $res_data["error"] = "empty invoice company";
        } else {
            if (!$data["concept1"]) {
                $res_data["status"] = 0;
                $res_data["error"] = "empty invoice concept";
            } else {
                if (!$data["amount1"]) {
                    $res_data["status"] = 0;
                    $res_data["error"] = "empty invoice amount";
                } else {
                    if (!$data["currency"]) {
                        $res_data["status"] = 0;
                        $res_data["error"] = "empty invoice currency";
                    } else {
                        if (!$data["invoice_type"]) {
                            $res_data["status"] = 0;
                            $res_data["error"] = "empty invoice type (Submitted or Received)";
                        } else {
                            if (empty($check_user) && !empty($data["id_user"])) {
                                $res_data["status"] = 0;
                                $res_data["error"] = "user does not exist";
                            } else {
                                if ($data["locked"] && empty($check_locked_user)) {
                                    $res_data["status"] = 0;
                                    $res_data["error"] = "user locked does not exist";
                                } else {
                                    #Check if billing id exists
                                    $invoice_id = get_db_value("id", "tinvoice", "bill_id", $data["bill_id"]);
                                    if (!$invoice_id) {
                                        $res = process_sql_insert("tinvoice", $data);
                                        if (!$res) {
                                            $res_data["status"] = 0;
                                            $res_data["error"] = "error creating invoice";
                                    } else {
                                        $res_data["status"] = 0;
                                        $res_data["error"] = "invalid billing id";
    if ($return_type == 'xml') {
        $return = "<xml>\n";
        $return .= "<invoice>\n";
        foreach ($res_data as $key => $value) {
            $return .= "<" . $key . ">";
            $return .= "<![CDATA[" . $value . "]]>";
            $return .= "</" . $key . ">\n";
        $return .= "</invoice>\n";
        $return .= "</xml>\n";
    } else {
        $return = array_to_csv($res_data);
    return $return;
Пример #29
 private function _export_summary($batch_name, $chronicle_id)
     $allFilters = $this->products_filters->findAll();
     $line[0] = array('filter_name' => 'Filter name', 'filter_value' => 'Filter value');
     if ($cmp_selected > 0 || $chronicle2 > 0) {
         $line[0]['filter_name2'] = 'Filter name 2';
         $line[0]['filter_value2'] = 'Filter value 2';
         if ($chronicle2 > 0) {
             $seFilters = $this->filters_values->findAllByAttributes(array('combination_id' => $chronicle2));
             $second = array();
             foreach ($seFilters as $f) {
                 $second[$f->filter_id] = $f;
         } else {
             $combo = $batch_id . '_' . $catId . '_' . $cmp_selected;
             $comboId = $this->batches_combinations->findByAttributes(array('batches_combination' => $combo));
             if (isset($comboId->id)) {
                 $chronicle = $this->combo_chronicle_model->findByAttributes(array('combo_id' => $comboId->id), array('where' => array('column' => 'date = (SELECT date FROM combo_chronicle WHERE id = ' . $chronicle_id . ')')));
                 if (isset($chronicle->id)) {
                     $chronicle_id = $chronicle->id;
     $prFilters = $this->filters_values->findAllByAttributes(array('combination_id' => $chronicle_id));
     $primary = array();
     if (is_array($prFilters)) {
         foreach ($prFilters as $f) {
             $primary[$f->filter_id] = $f;
     if (is_array($prFilters) && is_array($allFilters)) {
         foreach ($allFilters as $key => $filter) {
             $k = $key + 1;
             $line[$k]['filter_name'] = str_replace(':', '', $filter['label']);
             preg_match('#<span class="pure_filter_value">(.[0-9]+?)<#s', $primary[isset($filter['filter_id'][0]) ? $filter['filter_id'][0] : $filter['filter_id']]->value, $fval);
             $line[$k]['filter_value'] = isset($fval[1]) ? $fval[1] : 0;
             if (isset($second[$filter['filter_id']])) {
                 $line[$k]['filter_name2'] = str_replace(':', '', $filter['label']);
                 preg_match('#<span class="pure_filter_value">(.[0-9]+?)<#s', $second[isset($filter['filter_id'][0]) ? $filter['filter_id'][0] : $filter['filter_id']]->value, $fval2);
                 $line[$k]['filter_value2'] = isset($fval2[1]) ? $fval2[1] : 0;
             } elseif (isset($filter['has_competitor']) && $filter['has_competitor']) {
                 if (!isset($line[$k]['filter_name'])) {
                     $line[$k]['filter_name'] = '';
                     $line[$k]['filter_value'] = '';
                 preg_match('#<span class="pure_filter_value">(.[0-9]+?)<#s', $primary[isset($filter['filter_id'][1]) ? $filter['filter_id'][1] : $filter['filter_id']]->value, $fval2);
                 $line[$k]['filter_name2'] = str_replace(':', '', isset($filter['competitor']) ? $filter['competitor']['label'] : 'Competitor ' . $filter['label']);
                 $line[$k]['filter_value2'] = isset($fval2[1]) ? $fval2[1] : 0;
             if (!isset($line[$k]['filter_name2']) && ($cmp_selected > 0 || $chronicle2 > 0)) {
                 $line[$k]['filter_name2'] = '';
                 $line[$k]['filter_value2'] = '';
     $line = array_values($line);
     $result = array_to_csv($line, $batch_name . " (" . date("Y-m-d H:i") . ').csv', TRUE);
 function receipt_wise_collection()
     $this->load->model(array('payment_schedule_customer_model', 'receipt_model'));
     $this->load->helper(array('csv', 'download'));
     $this->form_validation->set_rules('project', 'Project', 'trim|required');
     $data['projects'] = $this->db->get('project')->result();
     $data['tax_types'] = $this->db->get('tax_type')->result();
     if ($this->form_validation->run() == FALSE) {
         $data['collections'] = array();
         $this->load->view('reports/receipt_wise_collection', $data);
     } else {
         $tax_types = $this->db->get('tax_type')->result();
         $project_selected = $this->input->post('project');
         $date_from = $this->input->post('date_from');
         $date_from = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($date_from));
         $date_to = $this->input->post('date_to');
         $date_to = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($date_to));
         $this->load->model(array('payment_schedule_customer_model', 'receipt_model'));
         $this->db->select('company.name,project.project_type,project.name as project');
         $this->db->join('project', 'project.company_id=company.id');
         $this->db->join('customer_file', 'customer_file.project_id=project.id');
         $this->db->where('project.id', $project_selected);
         $company_details = $this->db->get()->first_row();
         $this->db->select('contact.name as customer_name,project.name as project,SUM(`receipt`.`principle_amount`) as principle_amount,' . 'SUM(`receipt`.`amount_paid`) as amount_paid,receipt.customer_file_id as customer_file_id,' . 'receipt.receipt_number,receipt.date_payment,receipt.id as receipt_number');
         $this->db->join('customer_file', 'customer_file.id=receipt.customer_file_id');
         $this->db->join('project', 'project.id=customer_file.project_id');
         $this->db->join('contact', 'contact.id=customer_file.customer_id');
         $this->db->where('customer_file.project_id', $project_selected);
         $this->db->where('receipt.date_payment >=', $date_from);
         $this->db->where('receipt.date_payment <=', $date_to);
         $this->db->order_by('receipt.date_payment', 'desc');
         $collection_report = $this->db->get()->result();
         if (isset($_POST['generate_pdf'])) {
             $pdf = new TCPDF('P', PDF_UNIT, 'A4', true, 'UTF-8', false);
             //$pdf->SetHeaderData(PDF_HEADER_LOGO, PDF_HEADER_LOGO_WIDTH, '', '', array(0, 64, 255), array(255, 255, 255));
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             $pdf->SetFont('dejavusans', '', 7, '', true);
             $pdf->writeHTMLCell(211, 17, '0', 10, '<h2 style="text-align:center;">' . $company_details->name . '</h2>', 0, 1, 0, true, '', true);
             $style = array('width' => 0.1, 'color' => array(0, 0, 0));
             $pdf->Line(0, 25, 220, 25, $style);
             $pdf->writeHTMLCell(0, 0, '', '', '<h2 style="text-align:center;">Receipt Wise Collection Report - ' . $company_details->project . '</h2>', 0, 1, 0, true, '', true);
             $style = array('width' => 0.1, 'color' => array(0, 0, 0));
             $pdf->Line(0, 35, 220, 35, $style);
             $pdf->writeHTMLCell(58, 0, 10, 40, '<strong style="text-align:center;">Period : ' . date('M Y', strtotime($date_from)) . ' to ' . date('M Y', strtotime($date_to)) . '</strong>', 0, 1, 0, true, '', true);
             $pdf->writeHTMLCell(35, 0, 161, 40, '<strong style="text-align:center;">Date : ' . date('d-m-Y') . '</strong>', 0, 1, 0, true, '', true);
             $html .= '<tr><td></td><td><td/></tr></table><br /><br /><br /><br />';
             $html .= '<table  border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing = "0" width = "100%" nobr="true"><thead><tr>';
             $html .= '<th width="30">No.</th>';
             $html .= '<th width="90">Customer Name</th>';
             $html .= '<th width="70">Date</th>';
             $html .= '<th width="75">Principal Amount Paid</th>';
             foreach ($tax_types as $tax_type) {
                 $html .= '<th width="75">' . $tax_type->name . '</th>';
             $html .= '<th width="75">Total Tax</th>';
             $html .= '<th width="74">Total Paid</th>';
             $html .= '</tr>';
             $html .= '</thead><tbody>';
             $total_due_percentage = 0;
             $total_due_amount = 0;
             $total_due_tax_amount = 0;
             $total_balance = 0;
             $total_tax = array();
             foreach ($customer_tax as $cs5) {
                 $total_tax[$cs5->id] = 0;
             $total_paid = 0;
             $n = 1;
             $total_principle_amount = 0;
             $txts = array();
             foreach ($collection_report as $collection) {
                 $total_tax_row = 0;
                 $total_principle_amount += $collection->principle_amount;
                 $html .= '<tr>';
                 $html .= '<td width="30">' . $n . '</td>';
                 $html .= '<td width="90">' . $collection->customer_name . '</td>';
                 $html .= '<td width="70">' . date('d-m-Y', strtotime($collection->date_payment)) . '</td>';
                 $html .= '<td width="75">' . number_format($collection->principle_amount) . '</td>';
                 foreach ($tax_types as $tax_type) {
                     $this->db->select("SUM(`tax_amount`) as tax");
                     $this->db->join('tax_master', 'tax_master.id=receipt_split_up_tax.tax_id');
                     $this->db->join('tax_type', 'tax_type.id=tax_master.tax_type_id');
                     $this->db->join('receipt_split_up', 'receipt_split_up.id=receipt_split_up_tax.receipt_split_up_id');
                     $this->db->join('receipt', 'receipt.id=receipt_split_up.receipt_id');
                     $this->db->where('receipt.id', $collection->receipt_number);
                     $this->db->where('tax_type.id', $tax_type->id);
                     @($txs = $this->db->get()->first_row());
                     if (!$txs->tax) {
                         $txs = 0;
                     } else {
                         $txs = $txs->tax;
                     $txts[$tax_type->id] += $txs;
                     $total_tax_row += $txs;
                     $html .= '<td width="75">' . number_format($txs) . '</td>';
                 $html .= ' <td width="75">' . number_format($total_tax_row) . '</td>';
                 $html .= ' <td width="74">' . number_format($collection->amount_paid) . '</td>';
                 $html .= '</tr>';
             $html .= '</tbody>';
             $html .= '<tfoot>';
             $html .= '<tr style="font-weight: bolder">';
             $html .= '<td colspan="3"></td>';
             $html .= '<td>' . number_format($total_principle_amount) . '</td>';
             $tt_tax = 0;
             $ttottax = 0;
             foreach ($tax_types as $tax_type) {
                 $html .= '<td>' . number_format($txts[$tax_type->id]) . '</td>';
                 $ttottax += $txts[$tax_type->id];
             $html .= '<td>' . number_format($ttottax) . '</td>';
             $html .= '<td>' . number_format($ttottax + $total_principle_amount) . '</td>';
             $html .= '</tr>';
             $html .= '</tfoot>';
             $html .= '</table><br /><br />';
             //echo $html;
             $pdf->writeHTMLCell(0, 0, '', '', $html, 0, 1, 0, true, '', true);
             $pdf->Output('receipt.pdf', 'I');
         } elseif (isset($_POST['generate_csv'])) {
             $csv_array = array();
             $csv_array_line = array();
             $csv_array_line[] = 'No.';
             $csv_array_line[] = 'Customer Name';
             $csv_array_line[] = 'Project';
             $csv_array_line[] = 'Receipt Number';
             $csv_array_line[] = 'Date';
             $csv_array_line[] = 'Principal Amount Paid';
             foreach ($tax_types as $tax_type) {
                 $csv_array_line[] = $tax_type->name;
             $csv_array_line[] = 'Total Tax';
             $csv_array_line[] = 'Total Paid';
             $csv_array[] = $csv_array_line;
             $csv_array_line = array();
             $n = 1;
             foreach ($collection_report as $collection) {
                 $csv_array_line = array();
                 $csv_array_line[] = $n;
                 $csv_array_line[] = $collection->customer_name;
                 $csv_array_line[] = $collection->project;
                 $csv_array_line[] = $collection->receipt_number;
                 $csv_array_line[] = date('d-m-Y', strtotime($collection->date_payment));
                 $csv_array_line[] = $collection->principle_amount;
                 $total_tax_row = 0;
                 foreach ($tax_types as $tax_type) {
                     $this->db->select("SUM(`tax_amount`) as tax");
                     $this->db->join('tax_master', 'tax_master.id=receipt_split_up_tax.tax_id');
                     $this->db->join('tax_type', 'tax_type.id=tax_master.tax_type_id');
                     $this->db->join('receipt_split_up', 'receipt_split_up.id=receipt_split_up_tax.receipt_split_up_id');
                     $this->db->join('receipt', 'receipt.id=receipt_split_up.receipt_id');
                     $this->db->where('receipt.id', $collection->receipt_number);
                     $this->db->where('tax_type.id', $tax_type->id);
                     @($txs = $this->db->get()->first_row());
                     if (!$txs->tax) {
                         $txs = 0;
                     } else {
                         $txs = $txs->tax;
                     $txts[$tax_type->id] += $txs;
                     $total_tax_row += $txs;
                     $csv_array_line[] = $txs;
                 $csv_array_line[] = $total_tax_row;
                 $csv_array_line[] = $collection->amount_paid;
                 $csv_array[] = $csv_array_line;
                 $n = $n + 1;
             echo array_to_csv($csv_array, 'receipt_wise_collection_report.csv');
         } else {
             $data['collection_report'] = $collection_report;
             $data['date_from_selected'] = $this->input->post('date_from');
             $data['date_to_selected'] = $this->input->post('date_to');
             $data['project_selected'] = $this->input->post('project');
             $this->load->view('reports/receipt_wise_collection', $data);