function array2json($arr) { //if(function_exists('json_encode')) return json_encode($arr); //Lastest versions of PHP already has this functionality. $parts = array(); $is_list = false; //Find out if the given array is a numerical array $keys = array_keys($arr); $max_length = count($arr) - 1; if ($keys[0] == 0 and $keys[$max_length] == $max_length) { //See if the first key is 0 and last key is length - 1 $is_list = true; for ($i = 0; $i < count($keys); $i++) { //See if each key correspondes to its position if ($i != $keys[$i]) { //A key fails at position check. $is_list = false; //It is an associative array. break; } } } foreach ($arr as $key => $value) { if (is_array($value)) { //Custom handling for arrays if ($is_list) { $parts[] = array2json($value); } else { $parts[] = '"' . $key . '":' . array2json($value); } /* :RECURSION: */ } else { $str = ''; if (!$is_list) { $str = '"' . $key . '":'; } //Custom handling for multiple data types if (is_numeric($value)) { $str .= $value; } elseif ($value === false) { $str .= 'false'; } elseif ($value === true) { $str .= 'true'; } else { $str .= '"' . addslashes($value) . '"'; } //All other things $parts[] = $str; } } $json = implode(',', $parts); if ($is_list) { return '[' . $json . ']'; } //Return numerical JSON return '{' . $json . '}'; //Return associative JSON }
public function reg() { $data = $_POST; foreach ($data as $key => $rec) { if (empty($rec)) { $data['error'] = $key; break; } } echo array2json($data); exit; }
public static function array2json(array $arr) { $parts = array(); $is_list = false; if (count($arr) > 0) { //Find out if the given array is a numerical array $keys = array_keys($arr); $max_length = count($arr) - 1; if ($keys[0] === 0 and $keys[$max_length] === $max_length) { //See if the first key is 0 and last key is length - 1 $is_list = true; for ($i = 0; $i < count($keys); $i++) { //See if each key correspondes to its position if ($i !== $keys[$i]) { //A key fails at position check. $is_list = false; //It is an associative array. break; } } } foreach ($arr as $key => $value) { $str = !$is_list ? '"' . $key . '":' : ''; if (is_array($value)) { //Custom handling for arrays $parts[] = $str . array2json($value); } else { //Custom handling for multiple data types if (is_numeric($value) && !is_string($value)) { $str .= $value; //Numbers } elseif (is_bool($value)) { $str .= $value ? 'true' : 'false'; } elseif ($value === null) { $str .= 'null'; } else { $str .= '"' . addslashes($value) . '"'; //All other things } $parts[] = $str; } } } $json = implode(',', $parts); if ($is_list) { return '[' . $json . ']'; } //Return numerical JSON return '{' . $json . '}'; //Return associative JSON }
function drawHand() { // draw HTML from class variables $card_html = array("H" => '♥', "S" => '♠', "C" => '♣', "D" => '♦'); $ht_array = array(); $ht_array['table_id'] = $this->table_id; $ht_array['dealer_position'] = $this->dealer_position; $ht_array['numberof_players'] = $this->numberof_players; $ht_array['last_error'] = $this->last_error; $ht_array['last_error_code'] = $this->last_error_code; $ht_array['last_message'] = $this->last_message; // $ht_array['main_action'] = "<a class=\"actions\" onclick=\"playTurn()\"><b>Refresh</b></a>"; $ht_array['main_action'] = $this->currentStateHtml(); // following 3 lines was for initial testing to start game manually. // $ht_array['main_action'] = ""; // if($this->current_state==0 || $this->current_state==H_STATE_SHOWDOWN || $this->current_state==H_STATE_CLOSED) // $ht_array['main_action'] = "<a class=\"actions\" onclick=\"playTurn()\"><b>Refresh</b></a>"; for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) { if (isset($this->community_cards[$i])) { $card = $this->community_cards[$i]; $url = '<img src="images/' . $card['value'] . $card['suit'] . '.jpg" border=0>'; } else { $url = ""; } $ht_array['community_cards'][] = $url; } $ht_array['pots'] = $this->pots; if (count($ht_array['pots']) == 0) { $ht_array['pots'] = array(""); } // player data: $player_id $nick_name $table_stack $pocket_cards $current_share $current_state for ($i = 1; $i <= $this->numberof_players; $i++) { $pa = array(); if (isset($this->hand_players[$i])) { $p = $this->hand_players[$i]; $pa['player_id'] = $p->player_id; $pa['nick_name'] = $p->nick_name; $pa['table_stack'] = $p->table_stack; $pa['current_share'] = $p->current_share; $pa['action_url'] = ""; $pa['pocket_cards'] = array("", ""); $pa['current_state'] = $this->playerStateHtml($p->current_state); if ($this->current_state == H_STATE_SHOWDOWN) { $pa['table_stack'] = $p->win_html; } if ($p->current_state == P_STATE_SITTING_OUT) { $pa['table_stack'] = "Sitting Out"; } $pa['action_url'] = $this->playerActionHtml($p); if (count($p->pocket_cards) > 0 && $p->player_id == $this->request['request_player_id'] || $this->current_state == H_STATE_SHOWDOWN && $p->current_state == P_STATE_WAITING) { unset($pa['pocket_cards']); for ($j = 0; $j < count($p->pocket_cards); $j++) { $card = $p->pocket_cards[$j]; $suit = $card['suit']; $pa['pocket_cards'][] = '<img src="images/' . $card['value'] . $card['suit'] . '.jpg" border=0>'; } $this->addAnimation("pocket_cards" . $p->table_position); } else { $pa['pocket_cards'] = array('<img src="images/back.jpg" border=0>', '<img src="images/back.jpg" border=0>'); } } else { $pa['player_id'] = 0; $pa['nick_name'] = "<a class=\"actions1\" onclick=\"playSitOn(" . P_ACTION_SIT . ",{$i})\"><b>Sit On</b></a>"; $pa['table_stack'] = ""; $pa['pocket_cards'] = array("", ""); $pa['current_share'] = ""; $pa['action_url'] = ""; $pa['current_state'] = "Empty"; } $ht_array['players'][] = $pa; } $ht_array['animation_queue'] = $this->animation_queue; echo array2json($ht_array); }
function cpjson($obj) { if (ob_get_contents()) { ob_end_clean(); } if (function_exists("json_encode")) { echojson(array2json($obj)); } else { include_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/../pacotes/cpaint/"; $cp = new cpaint(); $cp->set_data($obj); $cp->return_data(); exit; } }
} $_SESSION["_current_file"] = $file; $_level_key_name = $_SESSION['_level_key_name']; $data = html_entity_decode(base64_decode($_POST['data']), ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8"); if (copy($path, $path_tmp) == false) { echo "2###"; exit; } if (@file_put_contents($path, $data, LOCK_EX) === false) { $error = true; echo "3###"; } else { $result = test_conf(); if ($result !== true) { $error = true; echo "4###" . $result; } else { $xml_obj = new xml($_level_key_name); $xml_obj->load_file($path); $array_xml = $xml_obj->xml2array(); $tree_json = array2json($array_xml, $path); $_SESSION['_tree_json'] = $tree_json; $_SESSION['_tree'] = $array_xml; echo "5###" . base64_encode($tree_json); } } if ($error == true) { @unlink($path); @copy($path_tmp, $path); } @unlink($path_tmp);
function fetchVocabularyService($task, $arg, $output = "xml") { $evalParam = evalServiceParam($task, $arg); //Verificar servicio habilitado if (CFG_SIMPLE_WEB_SERVICE !== "1" || !$task) { $service = new XMLvocabularyServices(); return array2xml($service->describeService()); // Controlar parametros } elseif (@$evalParam["error"]) { $service = new XMLvocabularyServices(); return array2xml($service->describeService($evalParam)); // Los param esta bien } else { $task = $evalParam["task"]; $arg = $evalParam["arg"]; $service = new XMLvocabularyServices(); switch ($task) { //array case 'fetch': $response = $service->fetchExactTerm($arg); break; //array //array case 'search': $response = $service->fetchTermsBySearch($arg); break; //array //array case 'searchNotes': $response = $service->fetchTermsBySearchNotes($arg); break; //array //array case 'suggest': $response = $service->fetchSuggested($arg); break; //array //array case 'suggestDetails': $response = $service->fetchSuggestedDetails($arg); break; //array (tema_id,tema) //array (tema_id,tema) case 'fetchSimilar': $response = $service->fetchSimilar($arg); break; case 'fetchRelated': // array (tema_id, tema,t_relacion_id) $response = $service->fetchRelatedTerms($arg); break; case 'fetchAlt': // array (tema_id, tema,t_relacion_id) $response = $service->fetchAltTerms($arg); break; case 'fetchDown': // Devuelve lista de temas especificos // array (tema_id, tema,t_relacion_id, hasMoreDown) $response = $service->fetchTermDown($arg); break; case 'fetchUp': // Devuelve arbol de temas genericos // array(tema_id,string,relation_type_id,order) $response = $service->fetchTermUp($arg); break; case 'fetchTermFull': // Devuelve detalles competos de un tema (tema + notas) // array(tema_id,string,hasMoreUp,term_type,date_create,date_mod,numNotes) break; case 'fetchTerm': // Devuelve detalles de un tema // array(tema_id,string) $response = $service->fetchTermDetailsBrief($arg); break; case 'fetchCode': // Devuelve detalles de un tema // array(tema_id,string) $response = $service->fetchCode($arg); break; case 'fetchNotes': // Devuelve notas de un tema // array(tema_id,string,note_id,note_type,note_lang,note_text) $response = $service->fetchTermNotes($arg); break; case 'fetchTopTerms': // Array de términos tope // array(tema_id,string) $response = $service->fetchTopTerms($arg); break; case 'fetchLast': // Array de últimos términos creados // array(tema_id,string) $response = $service->fetchLast(); break; case 'fetchDirectTerms': // Array de términos vinculados directamente con el termino (TG,TR,UF) // array(tema_id,string,relation_type_id) $response = $service->fetchDirectTerms($arg); break; case 'fetchTerms': // Devuelve lista de términos para una lista separada por comas de tema_id // array(tema_id,string) $response = $service->fetchTermsByIds($arg); break; case 'fetchRelatedTerms': // Devuelve lista de términos relacionados para una lista separada por comas de tema_id // array(tema_id,string) $response = $service->fetchRelatedTermsByIds($arg); break; case 'fetchTargetTerms': // Devuelve lista de términos mapeados para un tema_id // array(tema_id,string) $response = $service->fetchTargetTermsById($arg); break; case 'fetchURI': // Devuelve lista de enlaces linkeados para un tema_id // list of foreign links to term // array(type link,link) $response = $service->fetchURI($arg); break; //~ case 'fetchSourceTermsURI': //~ // Devuelve lista de términos propios que están mapeados para una URI provista por un término externo //~ // list of source terms who are mapped by URI provided by target vocabulary. //~ // array(tema_id,string,code,lang,date_create,date_mod) //~ $response = $service-> fetchSourceTermsByURI(rawurldecode($arg)); //~ break; //~ case 'fetchSourceTermsURI': //~ // Devuelve lista de términos propios que están mapeados para una URI provista por un término externo //~ // list of source terms who are mapped by URI provided by target vocabulary. //~ // array(tema_id,string,code,lang,date_create,date_mod) //~ $response = $service-> fetchSourceTermsByURI(rawurldecode($arg)); //~ break; case 'fetchSourceTerms': // Devuelve lista de términos propios que están mapeados para un determinado término // list of source terms who are mapped for a given term provided by ANY target vocabulary. // array(tema_id,string,code,lang,date_create,date_mod) $response = $service->fetchSourceTerms($arg); break; case 'letter': // Array de términos que comienzan con una letra // array(tema_id,string,no_term_string,relation_type_id) // sanitice $letter $arg = trim(urldecode($arg)); // comment this line for russian chars //$arg=secure_data($arg,"alnum"); $response = $service->fetchTermsByLetter($arg); break; case 'fetchVocabularyData': // Devuelve detalles del vocabularios //array(vocabulario_id,titulo,autor,idioma,cobertura,keywords,tipo,cuando,url_base) $response = $service->fetchVocabularyData("1"); break; default: $response = $service->describeService(); break; } global $CFG; $arrayResume['status'] = CFG_SIMPLE_WEB_SERVICE == '1' ? 'available' : 'disable'; $arrayResume['param'] = array("task" => $task, "arg" => $arg); $arrayResume['web_service_version'] = $CFG["VersionWebService"]; $arrayResume['version'] = $CFG["Version"]; $arrayResume["cant_result"] = count($response["result"]); $response["resume"] = $arrayResume; $xml_resume = array2xml($arrayResume, $name = 'resume', $standalone = FALSE, $beginning = FALSE); $xml_response = array2xml($response, $name = 'terms', $standalone = TRUE, $beginning = FALSE, $nodeChildName = 'term'); switch ($output) { case 'json': header('Content-type: application/json'); return array2json($response, 'vocabularyservices'); break; case 'skos': header('Content-Type: text/xml'); return $_SESSION[$_SESSION["CFGURL"]]["_PUBLISH_SKOS"] == '1' ? array2skos($response, 'vocabularyservices') : array2xml($response, 'vocabularyservices'); break; default: header('Content-Type: text/xml'); return array2xml($response, 'vocabularyservices'); } } }
$output = utf8_decode($output); if (@file_put_contents($path, $output, LOCK_EX) === false) { echo "2###" . _("Failure to update XML File") . " (3)"; $error = true; } else { $res = getTree($file); if (!is_array($res)) { echo $res; $error = true; } else { $tree = $res; $tree_json = array2json($tree, $path); $_SESSION['_tree_json'] = $tree_json; $_SESSION['_tree'] = $tree; $result = test_conf(); if ($result !== true) { $error = true; echo "3###" . $result; } } } } if ($error == true) { @unlink($path); @copy($path_tmp, $path); $_SESSION['_tree'] = $tree_cp; $_SESSION['_tree_json'] = array2json($tree_cp, $path); } else { echo "1###" . _("XML file update successfully") . "###" . base64_encode($tree_json); } @unlink($path_tmp);
if (!$memm->is_login()) { exit("NoLogin"); } if (!$memm->MemConnect($type, $curcon)) { exit("ConnectFail"); } $thekey = str_replace("_ _rd", "'", $data[0]['key']); $thekey = str_replace("_ _rx", "\\", $thekey); $keylist = explode(" ", $thekey); $list = $memm->MemGet($keylist); $relist = array(); $relist[0] = array(); $relist[1] = array(); foreach ($list[0] as $key => $value) { $newkey = urlencode($key); $relist[0][$newkey] = array(); if (is_array($value)) { $relist[0][$newkey][0] = serialize($value); } elseif (gettype($value) == 'object') { $relist[0][$newkey][0] = serialize($value); } else { $relist[0][$newkey][0] = $value; } $relist[0][$newkey][1] = gettype($value); } foreach ($list[1] as $key => $value) { $newkey = urlencode($key); $relist[1][$newkey] = $value; } echo array2json($relist, $cs);
public function update($field) { $field_value = $_POST['field_value']; $id = $_POST['id']; if ($this->isAdmin && $this->validateField($field, $field_value) && $this->validateField('id', $id)) { //эта часть запроса общая для всех $query = "UPDATE banlist SET {$field} = ?"; $d1_return = NULL; $d2_return = NULL; $is_blocked = isset($_POST['is_blocked']) ? $_POST['is_blocked'] : NULL; /* Если пользователь на данный момент разблокирован, * а мы хотим установить дату блокировки > даты разблокировки * => нужно заблокировать пользователя, а дату разблокировки поставить NULL. * * Если же пользователь на данный момент заблокирован, а мы хотим поставить * дату разблокировки > даты блокировки * => пользователя нужно разблокировать. */ if (($field === 'block_date' || $field === 'unblock_date') && $this->validateField('block_date', $_POST['block_date']) && $this->validateField('unblock_date', $_POST['unblock_date'])) { $d1 = new DateTime($_POST['block_date']); $d2 = new DateTime($_POST['unblock_date']); if ($d1 > $d2) { $query .= ", unblock_date = NULL, is_blocked = 1"; $is_blocked = 1; } else { $query .= ", is_blocked = 0"; $is_blocked = 0; } $d1_return = $d1->format('d.m.Y H:i:s'); $d2_return = $d2->format('d.m.Y H:i:s'); } //Если пользователь разблокирован - устанавливаем дату разблокировки на текущую, // заблокирован - дату блокировки на текущую, дату разблокировки удаляем: if ($field === 'is_blocked') { $date = new DateTime(); $insert_date = $date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $return_date = $date->format('d.m.Y H:i:s'); $query = $_POST['field_value'] == 0 ? $query . ", unblock_date = '{$insert_date}'" : $query . ", block_date = '{$insert_date}', unblock_date = NULL"; } $query .= " WHERE id = ?"; if ($field === 'block_date' || $field === 'unblock_date') { $date = new DateTime($field_value); $field_value = $date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); } $this->db->query($query, $field_value, $id); $this->log->write("Изменена запись id: {$id}, поле: {$field}, значение: {$field_value}"); if ($field === 'is_blocked') { echo array2json(array('date' => $return_date)); } else { echo array2json(array('field' => $field_value, 'block_date' => $d1_return, 'unblock_date' => $d2_return, 'is_blocked' => $is_blocked)); } } else { echo array2json(array('error' => $this->error_msg)); } }
function array2json($arr, $jse = 1) { if ($jse == 1) { if (function_exists('json_encode')) { return json_encode($arr); //Lastest versions of PHP already has this functionality. } } else { $parts = array(); $is_list = false; if (!is_array($arr)) { return; } if (count($arr) < 1) { return '{}'; } //Выясняем, данный массив это числовой массив?! $keys = array_keys($arr); $max_length = count($arr) - 1; if ($keys[0] == 0 and $keys[$max_length] == $max_length) { //See if the first key is 0 and last key is length - 1 $is_list = true; for ($i = 0; $i < count($keys); $i++) { //See if each key correspondes to its position if ($i != $keys[$i]) { //A key fails at position check. $is_list = false; //It is an associative array. break; } } } foreach ($arr as $key => $value) { if (is_array($value)) { //Custom handling for arrays if ($is_list) { $parts[] = array2json($value, $jse); } else { $parts[] = '"' . $key . '":' . array2json($value, $jse); } /* :РЕКУРСИЯ: */ } else { $str = ''; if (!$is_list) { $str = '"' . $key . '":'; } //Custom handling for multiple data types if (is_numeric($value)) { $str .= $value; //Numbers } elseif ($value === false) { $str .= 'false'; //The booleans } elseif ($value === true) { $str .= 'true'; } else { $str .= '"' . addslashes($value) . '"'; //All other things // Есть ли более типов данных мы должны быть в поиске? (объект?) } $parts[] = $str; } } $json = implode(',', $parts); if ($is_list) { return '[' . $json . ']'; //Вернуть как числовой JSON } return '{' . $json . '}'; //Вернуть как ассоциативный JSON } }
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ include_once "includes/config.php"; include_once "includes/utils.php"; $regid = intval($_GET['id']); // Fetch available computers in the region // Now connect to the db $dbTrackHandler = connectDb(); // and see if we need to check any computer? $computersQuery = $dbTrackHandler->query('SELECT id, lastsignal, name, laststatus ' . 'FROM computers ' . 'WHERE region = ' . $regid . ' ' . 'ORDER BY id; '); //while($computersQuery->valid()) { // $computers[] = $computersQuery->current(); // $computersQuery->next(); //} $computers = $computersQuery->fetchAll(); header('Content-type: text/plain'); echo array2json($computers);
function array2json($arr) { $parts = array(); $is_list = false; if (!is_array($arr)) { return; } if (count($arr) < 1) { return '{}'; } //Find out if the given array is a numerical array $keys = array_keys($arr); $max_length = count($arr); if ($keys[0] == 0 and isset($keys[$max_length]) and $keys[$max_length] == $max_length) { //See if the first key is 0 and last key is length - 1 $is_list = true; for ($i = 0; $i < count($keys); $i++) { //See if each key correspondes to its position if ($i != $keys[$i]) { //A key fails at position check. $is_list = false; //It is an associative array. break; } } } foreach ($arr as $key => $value) { if (is_array($value)) { //Custom handling for arrays if ($is_list) { $parts[] = array2json($value); } else { $parts[] = '"' . $key . '":' . array2json($value); } /* :RECURSION: */ } else { $str = ''; if (!$is_list) { $str = '"' . $key . '":'; } //Custom handling for multiple data types if (is_numeric($value)) { $str .= $value; } elseif ($value === false) { $str .= 'false'; } elseif ($value === true) { $str .= 'true'; } else { $str .= '"' . addslashes($value) . '"'; } //All other things // :TODO: Is there any more datatype we should be in the lookout for? (Object?) $parts[] = $str; } } $json = implode(',', $parts); if ($is_list) { return '[' . $json . ']'; } //Return numerical JSON return '{' . $json . '}'; //Return associative JSON }
private function sendError($message) { echo array2json(array('error' => array('text' => $message))); die; }
function array2json($arr) { $keys = array_keys($arr); $isarr = true; $json = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < count($keys); $i++) { if ($keys[$i] !== $i) { $isarr = false; break; } } $json = $space; $json .= $isarr ? "[" : "{"; for ($i = 0; $i < count($keys); $i++) { if ($i != 0) { $json .= ","; } $item = $arr[$keys[$i]]; $json .= $isarr ? "" : $keys[$i] . ':'; if (is_array($item)) { $json .= array2json($item); } else { if (is_string($item)) { $json .= '"' . str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), "", $item) . '"'; } else { $json .= $item; } } } $json .= $isarr ? "]" : "}"; return $json; }
function porto_product_quickview() { global $post, $product; $post = get_post($_GET['pid']); $product = wc_get_product($post->ID); if (post_password_required()) { echo get_the_password_form(); die; return; } $displaytypenumber = 0; if (function_exists('wcva_get_woo_version_number')) { require_once wcva_plugin_path() . '/includes/wcva_common_functions.php'; } if (function_exists('wcva_return_displaytype_number')) { $displaytypenumber = wcva_return_displaytype_number($product, $post); } $goahead = 1; if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) { $agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; } if (preg_match('/(?i)msie [5-8]/', $agent)) { $goahead = 0; } ?> <div class="quickview-wrap quickview-wrap-<?php echo $post->ID; ?> single-product"> <div class="product product-summary-wrap"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-12 summary-before"> <?php do_action('woocommerce_before_single_product_summary'); ?> </div> <div class="col-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-12 summary entry-summary"> <?php do_action('woocommerce_single_product_summary'); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> /* <![CDATA[ */ <?php $suffix = defined('SCRIPT_DEBUG') && SCRIPT_DEBUG ? '' : '.min'; $assets_path = esc_url(str_replace(array('http:', 'https:'), '', WC()->plugin_url())) . '/assets/'; $frontend_script_path = $assets_path . 'js/frontend/'; ?> var wc_add_to_cart_params = <?php echo array2json(apply_filters('wc_add_to_cart_params', array('ajax_url' => WC()->ajax_url(), 'ajax_loader_url' => apply_filters('woocommerce_ajax_loader_url', $assets_path . 'images/ajax-loader@2x.gif'), 'i18n_view_cart' => esc_attr__('View Cart', 'woocommerce'), 'cart_url' => get_permalink(wc_get_page_id('cart')), 'is_cart' => is_cart(), 'cart_redirect_after_add' => get_option('woocommerce_cart_redirect_after_add')))); ?> ; var wc_single_product_params = <?php echo array2json(apply_filters('wc_single_product_params', array('i18n_required_rating_text' => esc_attr__('Please select a rating', 'woocommerce'), 'review_rating_required' => get_option('woocommerce_review_rating_required')))); ?> ; var woocommerce_params = <?php echo array2json(apply_filters('woocommerce_params', array('ajax_url' => WC()->ajax_url(), 'ajax_loader_url' => apply_filters('woocommerce_ajax_loader_url', $assets_path . 'images/ajax-loader@2x.gif')))); ?> ; var wc_cart_fragments_params = <?php echo array2json(apply_filters('wc_cart_fragments_params', array('ajax_url' => WC()->ajax_url(), 'fragment_name' => apply_filters('woocommerce_cart_fragment_name', 'wc_fragments')))); ?> ; var wc_add_to_cart_variation_params = <?php echo array2json(apply_filters('wc_add_to_cart_variation_params', array('i18n_no_matching_variations_text' => esc_attr__('Sorry, no products matched your selection. Please choose a different combination.', 'woocommerce'), 'i18n_unavailable_text' => esc_attr__('Sorry, this product is unavailable. Please choose a different combination.', 'woocommerce')))); ?> ; jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $( document ).off( 'click', '.plus, .minus'); $( document ).off( 'click', '.add_to_cart_button'); $.getScript('<?php echo $frontend_script_path . 'add-to-cart' . $suffix . '.js'; ?> '); $.getScript('<?php echo $frontend_script_path . 'single-product' . $suffix . '.js'; ?> '); $.getScript('<?php echo $frontend_script_path . 'woocommerce' . $suffix . '.js'; ?> '); <?php if ($goahead == 1 && $displaytypenumber > 0) { ?> $.getScript('<?php echo porto_js . '/manage-variation-selection.js'; ?> '); <?php } else { ?> $.getScript('<?php echo $frontend_script_path . 'add-to-cart-variation' . $suffix . '.js'; ?> '); <?php } ?> }); /* ]]> */ </script> </div><!-- .summary --> </div> </div> </div> <?php die; }
function venedor_product_quickview() { global $post, $product, $woocommerce, $wpdb, $venedor_quickview; $post = get_post($_GET['pid']); $product = wc_get_product($post->ID); $attachment_ids = $product->get_gallery_attachment_ids(); if (post_password_required()) { echo get_the_password_form(); die; return; } $venedor_quickview = true; $displaytypenumber = 0; if (function_exists('wcva_get_woo_version_number')) { require_once wcva_plugin_path() . '/includes/wcva_common_functions.php'; } if (function_exists('wcva_return_displaytype_number')) { $displaytypenumber = wcva_return_displaytype_number($product, $post); } $goahead = 1; if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) { $agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; } if (preg_match('/(?i)msie [5-8]/', $agent) || strpos($agent, 'Trident/7.0; rv:11.0') !== false) { $goahead = 0; } ?> <div class="quickview-wrap single-product"> <div class="column2"> <div class="product product-essential"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-12 summary-before"> <?php if (defined('ADDTHIS_INIT')) { $addthis_options = get_option('addthis_settings'); $atversion = is_array($addthis_options) && array_key_exists('addthis_profile', $addthis_options) && $addthis_options['addthis_profile'] == 1 ? $addthis_options['addthis_profile'] : 300; $pub = isset($addthis_options['profile']) ? $addthis_options['profile'] : false; if (!$pub) { $pub = isset($addthis_options['addthis_profile']) ? $addthis_options['addthis_profile'] : false; } if (!$pub) { $pub = 'wp-' . hash_hmac('md5', get_option('home'), 'addthis'); } $pub = urlencode($pub); } do_action('woocommerce_before_single_product_summary'); ?> </div> <div class="col-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-12 summary entry-summary"> <?php /** * woocommerce_single_product_summary hook * * @hooked woocommerce_template_single_title - 5 * @hooked woocommerce_template_single_rating - 10 * @hooked woocommerce_template_single_price - 10 * @hooked woocommerce_template_single_excerpt - 20 * @hooked woocommerce_template_single_add_to_cart - 30 * @hooked woocommerce_template_single_meta - 40 * @hooked woocommerce_template_single_sharing - 50 */ do_action('woocommerce_single_product_summary'); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> /* <![CDATA[ */ <?php $suffix = defined('SCRIPT_DEBUG') && SCRIPT_DEBUG ? '' : '.min'; $assets_path = str_replace(array('http:', 'https:'), '', WC()->plugin_url()) . '/assets/'; $frontend_script_path = $assets_path . 'js/frontend/'; ?> var wc_add_to_cart_params = <?php echo array2json(apply_filters('wc_add_to_cart_params', array('ajax_url' => WC()->ajax_url(), 'ajax_loader_url' => apply_filters('woocommerce_ajax_loader_url', $assets_path . 'images/ajax-loader@2x.gif'), 'i18n_view_cart' => esc_attr__('View Cart', 'woocommerce'), 'cart_url' => get_permalink(wc_get_page_id('cart')), 'is_cart' => is_cart(), 'cart_redirect_after_add' => get_option('woocommerce_cart_redirect_after_add')))); ?> ; var wc_single_product_params = <?php echo array2json(apply_filters('wc_single_product_params', array('i18n_required_rating_text' => esc_attr__('Please select a rating', 'woocommerce'), 'review_rating_required' => get_option('woocommerce_review_rating_required')))); ?> ; var woocommerce_params = <?php echo array2json(apply_filters('woocommerce_params', array('ajax_url' => WC()->ajax_url(), 'ajax_loader_url' => apply_filters('woocommerce_ajax_loader_url', $assets_path . 'images/ajax-loader@2x.gif')))); ?> ; var wc_cart_fragments_params = <?php echo array2json(apply_filters('wc_cart_fragments_params', array('ajax_url' => WC()->ajax_url(), 'fragment_name' => apply_filters('woocommerce_cart_fragment_name', 'wc_fragments')))); ?> ; var wc_add_to_cart_variation_params = <?php echo array2json(apply_filters('wc_add_to_cart_variation_params', array('i18n_no_matching_variations_text' => esc_attr__('Sorry, no products matched your selection. Please choose a different combination.', 'woocommerce'), 'i18n_unavailable_text' => esc_attr__('Sorry, this product is unavailable. Please choose a different combination.', 'woocommerce')))); ?> ; if (window.addthis) { window.addthis = null; for(var i in window) { if(i.match(/^_at/) ) { window[i]=null } } } jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $( document ).off( 'click', '.plus, .minus'); $( document ).off( 'click', '.add_to_cart_button'); $.getScript('<?php echo $frontend_script_path . 'add-to-cart' . $suffix . '.js'; ?> '); $.getScript('<?php echo $frontend_script_path . 'single-product' . $suffix . '.js'; ?> '); $.getScript('<?php echo $frontend_script_path . 'woocommerce' . $suffix . '.js'; ?> '); <?php if ($goahead == 1 && $displaytypenumber > 0) { ?> $.getScript('<?php echo wcva_PLUGIN_URL . 'js/manage-variation-selection.js'; ?> '); <?php } else { ?> $.getScript('<?php echo $frontend_script_path . 'add-to-cart-variation' . $suffix . '.js'; ?> '); <?php } ?> <?php if (defined('ADDTHIS_INIT')) { ?> $.getScript('//<?php echo $atversion; ?> /addthis_widget.js?async=1&pubid=<?php echo $pub; ?> ', function() { addthis.init(); }); <?php } ?> }); /* ]]> */ </script> </div><!-- .summary --> </div> </div> </div> </div> <?php $venedor_quickview = true; die; }
* This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this package; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, * MA 02110-1301 USA * * * On Debian GNU/Linux systems, the complete text of the GNU General * Public License can be found in `/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2'. * * Otherwise you can read it here: ****************************************************************************/ require_once 'classes/'; require_once 'classes/'; require_once '../utils.php'; require_once '../conf/_conf.php'; $res = getTree(POST('file')); $filename = $rules_file . POST('file'); if (!is_array($res)) { echo $res; } else { $tree = $res; $tree_json = array2json($tree, $filename); $_SESSION['_tree_json'] = $tree_json; $_SESSION['_tree'] = $tree; echo "1###" . _("Click on a brach to display a node") . "###" . base64_encode($tree_json); }
$error = true; $link_txt = _("Configuration error in file") . " " . basename($ossec_conf) . " " . _("and/or") . " " . $editable_files[0]; $info_conf = "<span style='font-weight: bold;'>{$link_txt}<a onclick=\"\$('#msg_errors').toggle();\"> [" . _("View errors") . "]</a><br/></span>"; $info_conf .= "<div id='msg_errors'>{$result}</div>"; $error_conf = "<div id='parse_errors' class='oss_error'>{$info_conf}</div>"; } else { $file_xml = @file_get_contents($filename, false); if ($file_xml === false) { $error = true; } else { $_level_key_name = set_key_name($_level_key_name, $file_xml); $_SESSION['_level_key_name'] = $_level_key_name; $xml_obj = new xml($_level_key_name); $xml_obj->load_file($filename); $array_xml = $xml_obj->xml2array(); $tree_json = array2json($array_xml, $filename); $_SESSION['_tree_json'] = $tree_json; $_SESSION['_tree'] = $array_xml; $file_xml = clean_string($file_xml); } } } else { $error = true; } if ($error == true) { $file_xml = ''; $tree_json = "{title:'<span>" . $filename . "</span>', icon:'../../pixmaps/theme/any.png', addClass:'size12', isFolder:'true', key:'1', children:[{title: '<span>" . _("No Valid XML File") . "</span>', icon:'../../pixmaps/theme/ltError.gif', addClass:'bold_red', key:'load_error'}]}"; $_SESSION['_tree_json'] = $tree_json; $_SESSION['_tree'] = array(); } else { $info = "<div id='msg_init'><div class='oss_info'><span>" . _("Click on a brach to display a node") . "</span></div></div>";
if (!$SMObj->isUserLoggedIn()) { die($LangUI->_('You must be logged into perform the requested action.')); } $searchText = isset($_GET['term']) ? $_GET['term'] : ".*"; $searchLimit = 100; //isset ($_GET['limit'] ) ? $_GET['limit'] : 100; $count = 0; $sResult = ""; $sql = "SELECT C.Id as core_id, C.description FROM {$db_table_core_ingredients} C WHERE C.description LIKE '%" . $DB_LINK->addq($searchText, get_magic_quotes_gpc()) . "%' \n\t AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT ingredient_core FROM recipe_ingredients WHERE ingredient_user = "******" AND C.Id = ingredient_core);"; $ingredients = $DB_LINK->Execute($sql); $searchResults = array(); while (!$ingredients->EOF) { $key = $ingredients->fields['description']; $value = $ingredients->fields['core_id']; array_push($searchResults, array("id" => $value, "label" => $key, "value" => strip_tags($key))); if (count($searchResults) >= $searchLimit) { break; } $ingredients->MoveNext(); } // return a friendly no-found message if (count($searchResults) == 0) { $key = "No Results for '{$searchText}' Found"; $value = ""; array_push($searchResults, array("id" => $value, "label" => $key, "value" => strip_tags($key))); $searchResults[] = ""; } echo array2json($searchResults); ?>
?> ", close : "<?php echo $lang["bs"]["exit"]; ?> ", open : "", title : "", alt : "<?php echo $lang["bs"]["alt"]; ?> " //replace tag A's title and tag IMG's alt } var lang = <?php echo array2json($lang["js"]); ?> function search() { var html = "<div style='font-size:16px;font-weight:bold;margin:5px;color:#FF6600'>""</div>"; html+="<form style='margin:10px' action='' onsubmit='search_do(this);return false;'>"; html+="<textarea name='s' cols=20 rows=3>"+window.search_content+"</textarea><br/>"; html+="<input type=checkbox checked name='filename' />"+lang.search_filename+"<br/>"; html+="<input type=checkbox checked name='content' />"+lang.search_content+"<br/>"; html+="<input type=checkbox name='casebig' />"+lang.care_case+"<br/>"; html+="<div id='search_charset' style='display:none;border:1px solid red;'>"+lang.search_charset+"<select name='charset'><option value='gb2312'>GB2312<option value='utf-8'>UTF-8</select></div>"; html+="<br/><input type=submit value='Search' /> <input type=reset value='Reset' />"; html+="</form><br/><a href='javascript:search_close();'>"+lang.close+"</a>"; window.movenotice = 0;
require "php/functions.php"; require "../config/flyCRM.db.php"; //edump($_SERVER); session_start(); $user = isset($_SESSION['PHP_AUTH_USER']) ? $_SESSION['PHP_AUTH_USER'] : '******'; $basePath = preg_replace("/index.php\$/", "", $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); $base = "{$_SERVER['REQUEST_SCHEME']}://{$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']}{$basePath}"; $actionPath = preg_replace("|^{$basePath}|", "", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); $action = $actionParam = ''; if ($actionPath) { $actionParam = preg_split("/\\//", $actionPath); #edump($actionParam); $action = array_pop($actionParam); #exit(printf("<div><pre>%s</pre></div>",print_r($actionParam,1))); } $params = array2json($actionParam); ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="de"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1,maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=0"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/jquery-ui.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/app.css"> <base href="<?php echo $base; ?> "> </head> <body>
latest = false; text = '<b>' + { <?php array2json($versions, 'filename'); ?> }[ plugin ] + '</b> '; text += { <?php array2json($versions, 'version'); ?> }[ plugin ] + '<br/>'; text += '<span style="font-size: 8pt">' + { <?php array2json($versions, 'desc'); ?> }[ plugin ] + '</span><br/>'; url = { <?php array2json($versions, 'url'); ?> }[ plugin ]; text += '<a href="' + url + "' />" + url + '</a>'; popup = document.getElementById( 'popup' ); popup.innerHTML = text; = ( el.offsetLeft + 19 ) + "px"; = ( el.offsetTop + 82 ) + "px"; = 'block'; } function hide( plugin ) {