 * Delete an appointment forever
 * @param $app_id
 * @return bool|false|int
function appointments_delete_appointment($app_id)
    global $wpdb;
    $app = appointments_get_appointment($app_id);
    if (!$app) {
        return false;
    $table = appointments_get_table('appointments');
    $result = $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("DELETE FROM {$table} WHERE ID = %d", $app_id));
    return (bool) $result;

						<td class="column-user">
        echo $appointments->get_client_name($transaction->transaction_app_ID);
						<td class="column-date">
        echo date_i18n($appointments->datetime_format, $transaction->transaction_stamp);
						<td class="column-service">
        $app = appointments_get_appointment($transaction->transaction_app_ID);
        if ($app) {
            $service_id = $app->service;
        echo $appointments->get_service_name($service_id);
						<td class="column-amount">
        $amount = $transaction->transaction_total_amount / 100;
        echo $transaction->transaction_currency;
        echo "&nbsp;" . number_format($amount, 2, '.', ',');
						<td class="column-transid">
 function inline_edit_save()
     global $appointments, $wpdb, $current_user;
     $app_id = absint($_POST["app_id"]);
     $app = appointments_get_appointment($app_id);
     $data = array();
     $data['user'] = $_POST['user'];
     $data['email'] = !empty($_POST['email']) && is_email($_POST['email']) ? $_POST['email'] : '';
     $data['name'] = $_POST['name'];
     $data['phone'] = $_POST['phone'];
     $data['address'] = $_POST['address'];
     $data['city'] = $_POST['city'];
     $data['service'] = $_POST['service'];
     $data['worker'] = $_POST['worker'];
     $data['price'] = $_POST['price'];
     $data['note'] = $_POST['note'];
     $data['status'] = $_POST['status'];
     $data['date'] = $_POST['date'];
     $data['time'] = $_POST['time'];
     $resend = $_POST["resend"];
     $data = apply_filters('app-appointment-inline_edit-save_data', $data);
     $update_result = $insert_result = false;
     if ($app) {
         // Update
         $update_result = appointments_update_appointment($app_id, $data);
         if ($update_result) {
             if (('pending' == $data['status'] || 'removed' == $data['status'] || 'completed' == $data['status']) && is_object($appointments->gcal_api)) {
             } else {
                 if (is_object($appointments->gcal_api) && $appointments->gcal_api->is_syncable_status($data['status'])) {
                     // This also checks for event insert
         if ($resend && 'removed' != $data['status']) {
     } else {
         // Insert
         $app_id = appointments_insert_appointment($data);
         if ($app_id) {
             $insert_result = true;
             if ($resend) {
     do_action('app-appointment-inline_edit-after_save', $app_id, $data);
     do_action('app-appointment-inline_edit-before_response', $app_id, $data);
     $app = appointments_get_appointment($app_id);
     if (!$app) {
         $insert_result = false;
         $update_result = false;
     // Move mail sending here so the fields can expand
     if ($insert_result && is_object($appointments->gcal_api) && $appointments->gcal_api->is_syncable_status($data['status'])) {
     $result = array('app_id' => 0, 'message' => '');
     if ($update_result) {
         // Log change of status
         if ($data['status'] != $app->status) {
             $appointments->log(sprintf(__('Status changed from %s to %s by %s for appointment ID:%d', 'appointments'), $app->status, $data["status"], $current_user->user_login, $app->ID));
         $result = array('app_id' => $app->ID, 'message' => __('<span style="color:green;font-weight:bold">Changes saved.</span>', 'appointments'));
     } else {
         if ($insert_result) {
             $result = array('app_id' => $app->ID, 'message' => __('<span style="color:green;font-weight:bold">Changes saved.</span>', 'appointments'));
         } else {
             $message = $resend && !empty($data['status']) && 'removed' != $data['status'] ? sprintf('<span style="color:green;font-weight:bold">%s</span>', __('Confirmation message (re)sent', 'appointments')) : sprintf('<span style="color:red;font-weight:bold">%s</span>', __('Record could not be saved OR you did not make any changes!', 'appointments'));
             $result = array('app_id' => $app_id, 'message' => $message);
     $result = apply_filters('app-appointment-inline_edit-result', $result, $app_id, $data);
 function test_delete_appointment()
     $worker_id = $this->factory->user->create_object($this->factory->user->generate_args());
     $user_id = $this->factory->user->create_object($this->factory->user->generate_args());
     $service_args = array('name' => 'My Service', 'duration' => 90);
     $service_id = appointments_insert_service($service_args);
     $worker_args = array('ID' => $worker_id, 'services_provided' => array($service_id));
     $args = array('user' => $user_id, 'email' => '*****@*****.**', 'name' => 'Tester', 'phone' => '667788', 'address' => 'An address', 'city' => 'Madrid', 'service' => $service_id, 'worker' => $worker_id, 'price' => '90', 'date' => 'December 18, 2024', 'time' => '07:30', 'note' => 'It\'s a note', 'status' => 'paid', 'location' => 5);
     $app_id = appointments_insert_appointment($args);
     $app = appointments_get_appointment($app_id);
     $app = appointments_get_appointment($app_id);