Пример #1

// set the initial title here
appconf_set('title', 'Sitellite API');
// this will allow more than one codebase to be documented, the core saf/lib
// as well as libraries for the various Sitellite apps.
appconf_set('codebases', array('saf' => 'saf/lib', 'cms' => 'inc/app/cms/lib', 'multilingual' => 'inc/app/multilingual/lib', 'news' => 'inc/app/news/lib', 'xed' => 'inc/app/xed/lib'));
// these rules will forward packages that end up in the wrong parts of the tree,
// or which actually belong to 3rd party libraries (that we've inherited from)
// such as PEAR.
appconf_set('forward_rules', array('saf.Database:I18n' => 'saf.I18n:I18n', 'saf.XML:Parser' => 'saf.Parser:Parser', 'saf.HTML:Parser' => 'saf.Parser:Parser', 'saf.Template:XT' => 'saf.XML:XT', 'saf.HTML:XML_HTMLSax3' => 'http://pear.php.net/package/XML_HTMLSax3', 'saf.File:Directory' => 'http://www.php.net/manual/en/class.dir.php', 'saf.Date:HtmlLayout' => 'saf.GUI:HtmlLayout'));
Пример #2
// appconf_set ('name', 'value'); function to add values here.
 * Set this to the page title as it will appear on the full quotes page.
appconf_set('title', intl_get('Quotes'));
 * Set this to the template you wish to use to display the app, otherwise
 * the default is used.
appconf_set('template', false);
 * Set this to the page ID of the page you would like to be the parent of
 * the app.  This affects the web site navigation while within the
 * app itself, and the breadcrumb trail as well.
appconf_set('page_below', false);
 * Set this to the ID of the page which is an alias of the app.
appconf_set('page_alias', false);
if ($context == 'action') {
    if (appconf('page_below')) {
    if (appconf('page_alias')) {
    if (appconf('template')) {
Пример #3
// If this is set to 'default', it will use the built-in sidebar content
// for logged-in users.  Otherwise you may specify a box to display as
// an alternate.
appconf_set('sidebar', 'default');
// If this is set to false, visitor sessions will expire as per usual.
// If this is set to a number, two things will happen: 1) the login
// form will grow a "Remember me" checkbox, and 2) sessions of visitors
// who click said checkbox will only expire after the number of days
// specified here.
appconf_set('remember_login', 90);
// This is the user profile handler, which displays a user's details
// to the public site.  Set this to false to keep user profiles
// private.
appconf_set('profile', 'box:sitemember/profile');
//appconf_set ('profile', 'box:sitemember/homepage');
// This is the user list handler, which displays a list of users.
// Set this to false to keep the user list private.
appconf_set('list', 'box:sitemember/list');
// This is the user contact handler, which allows members to email each
// other through the site without exposing their email addresses.
appconf_set('contact', 'form:sitemember/contact');
// Set this to the template you wish to use to display the app, otherwise
// the default is used.
appconf_set('template', false);
// Set this to the template you wish to use to display the member homepages.
appconf_set('homepage_template', false);
if ($context == 'action') {
    if (appconf('template')) {
Пример #4
// via the /index/sitelinks-rss-action box, however they simply won't be
// linked to automatically for you.
appconf_set('rss_links', true);
// Set this to whatever you want your RSS <title> field to contain.
appconf_set('rss_title', site_domain() . ' ' . intl_get('Forum'));
// Set this to whatever you want your RSS <description> field to
// contain.
appconf_set('rss_description', intl_get('Postings from') . ' ' . site_domain());
// Set this to the template you wish to use to display the app, otherwise
// the default is used.
appconf_set('template', 'wide');
// Set this to the page ID of the page you would like to be the parent of
// your forum.  This affects the web site navigation while within the
// forum itself, and the breadcrumb trail as well.
appconf_set('page_below', false);
// Set this to the ID of the page which is an alias of the forum.
appconf_set('page_alias', false);
// Set this to the number of posts to display per screen.
appconf_set('limit', 10);
if ($context == 'action') {
    page_add_link('alternate', 'application/rss+xml', site_url() . '/index/siteforum-rss-action');
    if (appconf('page_below')) {
    if (appconf('page_alias')) {
    if (appconf('template')) {
Пример #5

// This is where app-level variables can be centrally stored.  This file is
// automatically included when the first call to your app is made.  Use the
// appconf_set ('name', 'value'); function to add values here.
// Set this to the email address of the forum administrator if you would
// like comment posting notices to be emailed to you.  You may also include
// multiple email addresses by separating them with commas.
appconf_set('comments_email', false);
Пример #6

// Make index page a list of petitions or just the current one
// Options: 'list' or 'current'
appconf_set('show', 'current');
appconf_set('provinces', array('' => '- SELECT -', 'AB' => 'Alberta', 'BC' => 'British Columbia', 'MB' => 'Manitoba', 'NB' => 'New Brunswick', 'NF' => 'Newfoundland/Labrador', 'NS' => 'Nova Scotia', 'NV' => 'Nunavut', 'NT' => 'Northwest Territories', 'ON' => 'Ontario', 'PE' => 'Prince Edward Island', 'QC' => 'Quebec', 'SK' => 'Saskatchewan', 'YK' => 'Yukon Territory'));
Пример #7

appconf_set('title', 'Current Listings');
Пример #8
// such uses as community help services (ie. addictions, teen help, etc.).
appconf_set('user_anonymity', false);
appconf_set('user_age_list', array('blank' => '- SELECT -', 'Under 18' => 'Under 18', '18-24' => '18-24', '25-29' => '25-29', '30-39' => '30-39', '40-49' => '40-49', '50-59' => '50-59', '60-70' => '60-70', 'Over 70' => 'Over 70'));
 * Set this to the template you wish to use to display the app, otherwise
 * the default is used.
appconf_set('template', false);
 * Set this to the page ID of the page you would like to be the parent of
 * the app.  This affects the web site navigation while within the
 * app itself, and the breadcrumb trail as well.
appconf_set('page_below', false);
 * Set this to the ID of the page which is an alias of the app.
appconf_set('page_alias', false);
if ($context == 'action') {
    if (appconf('page_below')) {
    if (appconf('page_alias')) {
    if (appconf('template')) {
appconf_set('format_date_time', 'F jS, Y - g:i A');
Пример #9

define('USRADM_JS_ALERT_MESSAGE', '<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">

{if not empty (obj._msg)}
	alert (\'{php usradm_msg (obj._msg)}\');
{end if}

// -->
function usradm_msg($msg)
    $messages = array('restored' => intl_get('The item has been restored.'), 'deleted' => intl_get('The items have been deleted.'), 'sent' => intl_get('Your message has been sent.'));
    if (isset($messages[$msg])) {
        return $messages[$msg];
    } else {
        return intl_get($msg);
appconf_set('date_format_day', 'F jS');
appconf_set('date_format_week', '\\W\\e\\e\\k \\o\\f F jS');
appconf_set('date_format_month', 'F, Y');
appconf_set('date_format_year', 'Y');
Пример #10

// This is where app-level variables can be centrally stored.  This file is
// automatically included when the first call to your app is made.  Use the
// appconf_set ('name', 'value'); function to add values here.
appconf_set('show_date', true);
Пример #11

 * Set this to the email address to send notices of completed tasks to.
 * Add multiple email recipients by separating them with commas.
appconf_set('email_notices', '*****@*****.**');
 * Override the template set used in the application.  This can be used
 * to integrate the app into a web site.  Note that the access.php files
 * will also need to be modified in this case.
appconf_set('template_set', false);
if ($context == 'action' && appconf('template_set')) {
Пример #12
// You can edit all configurable settings through Sitellite now via
// Control Panel > Admin > Applications
// Also note that the spell checker has been disabled, since better
// spell checking solutions with less server-side prerequisites
// exist for all modern browsers -- built-in for all except IE, for
// which we recommend the free IEspell add-on:
// http://www.iespell.com/
// The path to the aspell/pspell command.
//appconf_set ('pspell_location', 'aspell');
appconf_set('pspell_location', false);
// Whether to cache the dictionary to the database.  This is useful
// when the pspell PHP extension is not available and the spell checker
// must resort to using a command-line pspell utility.
appconf_set('pspell_save_suggestions', false);
// The list of supported languages, including their names and encodings.
// To see a list of installed dictionaries, run `aspell dump dicts`
// from the command line.
appconf_set('pspell_languages', array('en' => array('code' => 'en', 'name' => 'English', 'charset' => 'UTF-8')));
// The default language code.
appconf_set('pspell_default_language', 'en');
// The path to the wvHtml command.  Set to false if unavailable.
// Be sure to include the command itself, ie.
// /usr/local/bin/wvHtml
// You can get the wvWare package from the following website:
// http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/wvware
appconf_set('wvhtml_location', false);
Пример #13

// This is where app-level variables can be centrally stored.  This file is
// automatically included when the first call to your app is made.  Use the
// appconf_set ('name', 'value'); function to add values here.
appconf_set('thumbnail_width', 50);
appconf_set('thumbnail_height', 50);
Пример #14

// You can set this to a single website domain name, or an array of up
// to 30 domains which will be searched.
appconf_set('site', 'www.example.com');
// This is a list of prefixes you can filter out of page titles.  Useful
// for removing repetitive parts of titles in the search results, such
// as the name of the website being searched.
appconf_set('titles', array('Example Site -'));
// This appid is simply a way for Yahoo to keep track of how popular a
// single application is.  Yahoo's rate limit of 5000 requests/day is
// based on IP address, not the appid.  Sites requiring more requests
// per day however must contact Yahoo for that at
// http://developer.yahoo.com/
appconf_set('appid', 'sitesearch_sitellite_org');
Пример #15
 * Loads the default app settings from the conf/settings.ini.php file in
 * the currently active app.  Parses each block like a form's settings.php
 * file, but instead looks for the 'value' setting for each block.  Also
 * parses the value with template_simple() if any {} braces are found in it.
function appconf_default_settings()
    global $conf, $loader;
    $app = $loader->app();
    if (!isset($loader->{'_appconf_loaded_' . $app}) && @file_exists($loader->prefix . '/' . $app . '/conf/settings.ini.php')) {
        $settings = ini_parse($loader->prefix . '/' . $app . '/conf/settings.ini.php', true);
        foreach ($settings as $k => $v) {
            if (strpos($v['value'], '{') !== false && strpos($v['value'], '}') !== false) {
                $v['value'] = template_simple($v['value']);
            appconf_set($k, $v['value']);
    $loader->{'_appconf_loaded_' . $app} = true;
Пример #16
Fax: 1-514-555-4321');
 * Here you can customize the taxes to your region.  Taxes are specified
 * as an array with the keys being the tax name (ie. GST, VAT, etc.) and
 * the value being the decimal value to multiple the subtotal by to
 * determine the tax amount.  For example, if the tax is 7%, then the
 * value would be 0.07
appconf_set('taxes', array('GST' => 0.06, 'PST' => 0.07000000000000001));
 * Here you can set the subject lines for each of the reminders.  If you
 * don't wish to have a reminder sent for one of these, simply set the
 * value to false.  Note that %s in the value will be replaced with the
 * invoice ID number.
appconf_set('reminders', array(30 => 'Invoice #%s - 30-day reminder', 45 => 'Invoice #%s - 45-day reminder', 60 => 'Invoice #%s - 60-day reminder'));
 * This is the default currency to use as a base for currency conversions.
appconf_set('default_currency', 'CAD');
 * This is the list of currencies to display.
appconf_set('currencies', array('CAD', 'USD'));
 * This is a Paypal ID to allow people to pay you via Paypal directly from
 * the invoice emails.
appconf_set('paypal_id', '');
Пример #17
appconf_set('rss_links', true);
// Set this to whatever you want your RSS <title> field to contain.
appconf_set('rss_title', site_domain() . ' ' . intl_get('Events'));
// Set this to whatever you want your RSS <description> field to
// contain.
appconf_set('rss_description', intl_get('Event listings from') . ' ' . site_domain());
// Set this to false if you want to remove the direction links to Google Maps.
appconf_set('google_maps', true);
define('SITEEVENT_TODAY', date('Y-m-d'));
if (date('i') < 30) {
    define('SITEEVENT_NOW', date('H:i:00', time() - date('i') * 60 + 1800));
} else {
    define('SITEEVENT_NOW', date('H:00:00', time() + (3600 - date('i') * 60)));
appconf_set('date_format', '%B %e, %Y');
appconf_set('short_date', '%B %e');
// This loads the settings.ini.php file now so the defaults there can affect
// subsequent function calls like page_add_style() below in this file.
formdata_set('hours', array('00:00:00' => '- SELECT -', '08:00:00' => '&nbsp;8:00 AM', '08:30:00' => '&nbsp;8:30 AM', '09:00:00' => '&nbsp;9:00 AM', '09:30:00' => '&nbsp;9:30 AM', '10:00:00' => '10:00 AM', '10:30:00' => '10:30 AM', '11:00:00' => '11:00 AM', '11:30:00' => '11:30 AM', '12:00:00' => '12:00 PM', '12:30:00' => '12:30 PM', '13:00:00' => '&nbsp;1:00 PM', '13:30:00' => '&nbsp;1:30 PM', '14:00:00' => '&nbsp;2:00 PM', '14:30:00' => '&nbsp;2:30 PM', '15:00:00' => '&nbsp;3:00 PM', '15:30:00' => '&nbsp;3:30 PM', '16:00:00' => '&nbsp;4:00 PM', '16:30:00' => '&nbsp;4:30 PM', '17:00:00' => '&nbsp;5:00 PM', '17:30:00' => '&nbsp;5:30 PM', '18:00:00' => '&nbsp;6:00 PM', '18:30:00' => '&nbsp;6:30 PM', '19:00:00' => '&nbsp;7:00 PM', '19:30:00' => '&nbsp;7:30 PM', '20:00:00' => '&nbsp;8:00 PM', '20:30:00' => '&nbsp;8:30 PM', '21:00:00' => '&nbsp;9:00 PM', '21:30:00' => '&nbsp;9:30 PM', '22:00:00' => '10:00 PM', '22:30:00' => '10:30 PM', '23:00:00' => '11:00 PM', '23:30:00' => '11:30 PM'));
formdata_set('recurring', array('no' => '- ' . intl_get('SELECT') . ' -', 'daily' => intl_get('Daily'), 'weekly' => intl_get('Weekly'), 'monthly' => intl_get('Monthly'), 'yearly' => intl_get('Yearly')));
if ($context == 'action') {
    if (appconf('page_below')) {
    if (appconf('page_alias')) {
    if (appconf('template')) {
Пример #18
// get settings from the db
$res = db_single('select * from devfiles_config');
if (!is_object($res)) {
    // create a sane default
    $res = new StdClass();
    $res->id = 0;
    $res->notes = 'on';
    $res->contact = '';
    $res->ignore_list = 'admin';
    $res->allowed_types = '';
    $res->not_allowed = 'exe,vbs';
// on, off, or date
$res->files = $res->files === 'on' ? true : $res->files;
$res->files = $res->files === 'off' ? false : $res->files;
define('DEVFILES', $res->files);
// send email to these foolios when a note is made
$res->contact = empty($res->contact) ? false : $res->contact;
appconf_set('contact', $res->contact);
// don't send emails for notes from these foolios
$res->ignore_list = preg_split('/, ?/', $res->ignore_list);
appconf_set('ignore', $res->ignore_list);
// only let people upload files of these types
$res->allowed_types = preg_split('/, ?/', $res->allowed_types, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
appconf_set('allowed', $res->allowed_types);
// or at least make sure the files are not of these types
$res->not_allowed = preg_split('/, ?/', $res->not_allowed, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
appconf_set('not_allowed', $res->not_allowed);
// list of alternating note highlighting colours
appconf_set('colours', array('#cde', '#cfc', '#fcc', '#ffc', '#cff', '#fcf', '#ccf', '#edc', '#ace', '#afa', '#faa', '#ffa', '#aff', '#faf', '#aaf', '#eee', '#ccc', '#aaa'));
Пример #19

// This is where app-level variables can be centrally stored.  This file is
// automatically included when the first call to your app is made.  Use the
// appconf_set ('name', 'value'); function to add values here.
$conf = ini_parse('inc/app/sitewiki/conf/settings.php', false);
foreach ($conf as $k => $v) {
    if ($k == 'template' && $context == 'action') {
    } else {
        appconf_set($k, $v);
appconf_set('default_page', 'HomePage');
appconf_set('date_format', 'F j, Y g:i A');
appconf_set('levels', array('0' => intl_get('Anyone'), '1' => intl_get('Registered Users Only'), '2' => intl_get('Admin-Level Users Only'), '3' => intl_get('Owner Only')));
appconf_set('yesno', array('0' => intl_get('No'), '1' => intl_get('Yes')));
//page_template ('full');
page_add_link('alternate', 'application/rss+xml', site_url() . '/index/sitewiki-feeds-short-action');
page_add_link('alternate', 'application/rss+xml', site_url() . '/index/sitewiki-feeds-full-action');
Пример #20

// Results per screen
appconf_set('limit', 10);
// Set to true for RSS links to appear in the bottom navigation links
// of the SiteLinks app.  If it is false, RSS feeds are still available
// via the /index/sitelinks-rss-action box, however they simply won't be
// linked to automatically for you.
appconf_set('rss_links', true);
// Set this to whatever you want your RSS <title> field to contain.
appconf_set('rss_title', site_domain() . ' ' . intl_get('Search'));
// Set this to whatever you want your RSS <description> field to
// contain.
appconf_set('rss_description', intl_get('Search results from') . ' ' . site_domain());
appconf_set('date_format', 'F d, Y \\a\\t g:ia');
appconf_set('date_short', 'F d, Y');
appconf_set('date_month', 'F, Y');
appconf_set('date_year', 'Y');
appconf_set('time_format', 'g:ia');
Пример #21

// This is where app-level variables can be centrally stored.  This file is
// automatically included when the first call to your app is made.  Use the
// appconf_set ('name', 'value'); function to add values here.
appconf_set('valid', array('mp3', 'ogg', 'wma', 'ra', 'rm', 'wav', 'aif', 'aiff', 'qt', 'mov', 'mpg', 'mpeg', 'mp2', 'mp4', 'wmv', 'avi', 'rv'));
appconf_set('mimes', array('mp3' => 'audio/mpeg', 'ogg' => 'application/ogg', 'wma' => 'audio/x-ms-wma', 'ra' => 'audio/x-pn-realaudio', 'rm' => 'audio/x-pn-realaudio', 'ram' => 'audio/x-pn-realaudio', 'wav' => 'audio/x-wav', 'aif' => 'audio/x-aiff', 'aiff' => 'audio/x-aiff', 'qt' => 'video/quicktime', 'mov' => 'video/quicktime', 'mpg' => 'video/mpeg', 'mpeg' => 'video/mpeg', 'mp2' => 'video/mpeg', 'mp4' => 'video/mp4', 'wmv' => 'video/x-ms-wmv', 'avi' => 'video/x-msvideo', 'rv' => 'video/vnd.rn-realvideo'));