Пример #1
    $sql = "insert {$g5['g5_shop_item_use_table']}\n               set it_id = '{$it_id}',\n                   mb_id = '{$member['mb_id']}',\n                   is_score = '{$is_score}',\n                   is_name = '{$is_name}',\n                   is_password = '******',\n                   is_subject = '{$is_subject}',\n                   is_content = '{$is_content}',\n                   is_time = '" . G5_TIME_YMDHIS . "',\n\t\t\t\t   pt_it = '{$it['pt_it']}',\n\t\t\t\t   pt_photo = '{$is_photo}',\n\t\t\t\t   pt_id = '{$it['pt_id']}',\n                   is_ip = '{$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}' ";
    // APMS - 2014.07.21
    if (!$default['de_item_use_use']) {
        $sql .= ", is_confirm = '1' ";
    $is_id = sql_insert_id();
    if ($default['de_item_use_use']) {
        $alert_msg = "글은 관리자가 확인한 후에 출력됩니다.";
    } else {
        //$alert_msg = "등록 되었습니다.";
        // 내글반응	등록
        $it['pt_id'] = $it['pt_id'] ? $it['pt_id'] : $config['cf_admin'];
        // 파트너 없으면 최고관리자에게 보냄
        apms_response('it', 'use', $it_id, '', $is_id, $is_subject, $it['pt_id'], $member['mb_id'], $is_name);
} else {
    if ($w == "u") {
        $sql = " select is_password from {$g5['g5_shop_item_use_table']} where is_id = '{$is_id}' ";
        $row = sql_fetch($sql);
        if ($row['is_password'] != $is_password) {
            alert("비밀번호가 틀리므로 수정하실 수 없습니다.");
        $sql = " update {$g5['g5_shop_item_use_table']}\n                set is_subject = '{$is_subject}',\n                    is_content = '{$is_content}',\n                    is_score = '{$is_score}',\n\t\t\t\t\tpt_photo = '{$is_photo}'\n\t\t\t  where is_id = '{$is_id}' ";
        //$alert_msg = "수정 되었습니다.";
    } else {
        if ($w == "d") {
            if (!$is_admin) {
                $sql = " select count(*) as cnt from {$g5['g5_shop_item_use_table']} where mb_id = '{$member['mb_id']}' and is_id = '{$is_id}' ";
Пример #2
 // 원글에 댓글수 증가 & 마지막 시간 반영
 sql_query(" update {$write_table} set wr_comment = wr_comment + 1, wr_last = '" . G5_TIME_YMDHIS . "' where wr_id = '{$wr_id}' ");
 sql_query(" update {$g5['board_new_table']} set as_comment = as_comment + 1 where bo_table = '{$bo_table}' and wr_id = '{$wr_id}' ", false);
 // 새글 INSERT
 if ($is_new) {
     sql_query(" insert into {$g5['board_new_table']} ( bo_table, wr_id, wr_parent, bn_datetime, mb_id, as_lucky, as_re_mb ) values ( '{$bo_table}', '{$comment_id}', '{$wr_id}', '" . G5_TIME_YMDHIS . "', '{$member['mb_id']}', '{$as_lucky}', '{$as_re_mb}') ");
 // 댓글 1 증가
 sql_query(" update {$g5['board_table']} set bo_count_comment = bo_count_comment + 1 where bo_table = '{$bo_table}' ");
 // APMS : 내글반응 등록
 if ($is_response) {
     apms_response('wr', 'comment', '', $bo_table, $wr_id, $wr_subject, $wr['mb_id'], $member['mb_id'], $wr_name, $comment_id);
     if ($response_flag == 'reply') {
         //대댓글일 때
         $pre_comment = sql_fetch(" select mb_id from {$write_table} where wr_parent = '{$wr_id}' and wr_is_comment = 1 and wr_comment = '{$tmp_comment}' and wr_comment_reply = '" . substr($tmp_comment_reply, 0, -1) . "' ");
         apms_response('wr', 'comment_reply', '', $bo_table, $wr_id, $wr_subject, $pre_comment['mb_id'], $member['mb_id'], $wr_name, $comment_id);
 // 포인트 부여
 insert_point($member['mb_id'], $board['bo_comment_point'], "{$board['bo_subject']} {$wr_id}-{$comment_id} 댓글쓰기", $bo_table, $comment_id, '댓글');
 // 메일발송 사용
 if ($config['cf_email_use'] && $board['bo_use_email']) {
     // 관리자의 정보를 얻고
     $super_admin = get_admin('super');
     $group_admin = get_admin('group');
     $board_admin = get_admin('board');
     $wr_content = nl2br(get_text(stripslashes("원글\n{$wr['wr_subject']}\n\n\n댓글\n{$wr_content}")));
     $warr = array('' => '입력', 'u' => '수정', 'r' => '답변', 'c' => '댓글 ', 'cu' => '댓글 수정');
     $str = $warr[$w];
     $subject = '[' . $config['cf_title'] . '] ' . $board['bo_subject'] . ' 게시판에 ' . $str . '글이 올라왔습니다.';
     // 4.00.15 - 메일로 보내는 댓글의 바로가기 링크 수정
Пример #3
    if (!$iq_question) {
        alert("질문을 입력하여 주십시오.");
if ($w == "") {
    //APMS : 파트너 정보 등록 - 2014.07.21
    $it = apms_it($it_id);
    $sql = "insert {$g5['g5_shop_item_qa_table']}\n               set it_id = '{$it_id}',\n                   mb_id = '{$member['mb_id']}',\n                   iq_secret = '{$iq_secret}',\n                   iq_name  = '{$iq_name}',\n                   iq_email = '{$iq_email}',\n                   iq_hp = '{$iq_hp}',\n                   iq_password  = '******',\n                   iq_subject  = '{$iq_subject}',\n                   iq_question = '{$iq_question}',\n                   iq_time = '" . G5_TIME_YMDHIS . "',\n\t\t\t\t   pt_it = '{$it['pt_it']}',\n                   pt_id = '{$it['pt_id']}',\n\t\t\t\t   iq_ip = '{$REMOTE_ADDR}' ";
    // APMS - 2014.07.21
    //$alert_msg = '등록 되었습니다.';
    $iq_id = sql_insert_id();
    // 내글반응	등록
    $it['pt_id'] = $it['pt_id'] ? $it['pt_id'] : $config['cf_admin'];
    // 파트너 없으면 최고관리자에게 보냄
    apms_response('it', 'qa', $it_id, '', $iq_id, $iq_subject, $it['pt_id'], $member['mb_id'], $iq_name);
} else {
    if ($w == "u") {
        if (!$is_admin) {
            $sql = " select count(*) as cnt from {$g5['g5_shop_item_qa_table']} where mb_id = '{$member['mb_id']}' and iq_id = '{$iq_id}' ";
            $row = sql_fetch($sql);
            if (!$row['cnt']) {
                alert("자신의 글만 수정하실 수 있습니다.");
        $sql = " update {$g5['g5_shop_item_qa_table']}\n                set iq_secret = '{$iq_secret}',\n                    iq_email = '{$iq_email}',\n                    iq_hp = '{$iq_hp}',\n                    iq_subject = '{$iq_subject}',\n                    iq_question = '{$iq_question}'\n              where iq_id = '{$iq_id}' ";
        //$alert_msg = '수정 되었습니다.';
    } else {
        if ($w == "d") {
            if (!$is_admin) {
Пример #4
    $wr_lucky = $default['pt_lucky'] ? apms_lucky($it_id, '', '') : 0;
    $sql = " insert into {$comment_table}\n                set it_id = '{$it['it_id']}',\n                     pt_id = '{$it['pt_id']}',\n\t\t\t\t\t wr_option = '{$wr_secret}',\n                     wr_comment = '{$tmp_comment}',\n                     wr_comment_reply = '{$tmp_comment_reply}',\n                     wr_subject = '{$wr_subject}',\n                     wr_content = '{$wr_content}',\n                     wr_level = '{$wr_level}',\n\t\t\t\t\t wr_lucky = '{$wr_lucky}',\n                     mb_id = '{$mb_id}',\n                     wr_password = '******',\n                     wr_name = '{$wr_name}',\n                     wr_email = '{$wr_email}',\n                     wr_homepage = '{$wr_homepage}',\n                     wr_re_mb = '{$wr_re_mb}',\n\t\t\t\t\t wr_re_name = '{$wr_re_name}',\n                     wr_datetime = '" . G5_TIME_YMDHIS . "',\n                     wr_ip = '{$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}',\n                     wr_1 = '{$wr_1}',\n                     wr_2 = '{$wr_2}',\n                     wr_3 = '{$wr_3}',\n                     wr_4 = '{$wr_4}',\n                     wr_5 = '{$wr_5}' ";
    $comment_id = sql_insert_id();
    // 상품에 댓글 반영
    sql_query(" update {$g5['g5_shop_item_table']} set pt_comment = pt_comment + 1 where it_id = '{$it_id}' ");
    // 내글반응 등록
    $it['pt_id'] = $it['pt_id'] ? $it['pt_id'] : $config['cf_admin'];
    // 파트너 없으면 최고관리자에게 보냄
    apms_response('it', 'comment', $it_id, '', '', $it['it_name'], $it['pt_id'], $member['mb_id'], $wr_name, $comment_id);
    if ($response_flag == 'reply' && $wr_re_mb && $wr_re_mb != $it['pt_id']) {
        //대댓글일 때 - 파트너와 다를 경우
        if ($wr_re_mb != $member['mb_id']) {
            // 대댓글이 글쓴이와 다르다면 보냄
            apms_response('it', 'comment_reply', $it_id, '', '', $it['it_name'], $wr_re_mb, $member['mb_id'], $wr_name, $comment_id);
    // 포인트 부여
    if ($default['pt_comment_point']) {
        insert_point($member['mb_id'], $default['pt_comment_point'], "{$it_id}-{$comment_id} 댓글", $it_id, $comment_id, '댓글');
    // 메일발송은 삭제
    // SNS 등록
    include_once "./itemcommentsend.php";
    if ($wr_facebook_user || $wr_twitter_user) {
        $sql = " update {$comment_table}\n                    set wr_facebook_user = '******',\n                        wr_twitter_user  = '******'\n                    where wr_id = '{$comment_id}' ";
    apms_alert('0|댓글을 등록 하였습니다.');
} else {
Пример #5
            alert('이 게시판은 비추천 기능을 사용하지 않습니다.');
        $sql = " select bg_flag from {$g5['board_good_table']}\n                    where bo_table = '{$bo_table}'\n                    and wr_id = '{$wr_id}'\n                    and mb_id = '{$member['mb_id']}'\n                    and bg_flag in ('good', 'nogood') ";
        $row = sql_fetch($sql);
        if ($row['bg_flag']) {
            if ($row['bg_flag'] == 'good') {
                $status = $txt_good ? $txt_good : '추천';
            } else {
                $status = $txt_nogood ? $txt_nogood : '비추천';
            alert("이미 {$status} 하셨습니다.");
        } else {
            @(include_once $board_skin_path . '/good.skin.php');
            // 추천(찬성), 비추천(반대) 카운트 증가
            sql_query(" update {$g5['write_prefix']}{$bo_table} set wr_{$good} = wr_{$good} + 1 where wr_id = '{$wr_id}' ");
            sql_query(" update {$g5['board_new_table']} set as_{$good} = as_{$good} + 1 where bo_table = '{$bo_table}' and wr_id = '{$wr_id}' ", false);
            // 내역 생성
            sql_query(" insert {$g5['board_good_table']} set bo_table = '{$bo_table}', wr_id = '{$wr_id}', mb_id = '{$member['mb_id']}', bg_flag = '{$good}', bg_datetime = '" . G5_TIME_YMDHIS . "' ");
            // 내글반응
            apms_response('wr', $good, '', $bo_table, $wr_id, $write['wr_subject'], $write['mb_id'], $member['mb_id'], $member['mb_nick']);
            if ($good == 'good') {
                $status = $txt_good ? $txt_good : '추천';
            } else {
                $status = $txt_nogood ? $txt_nogood : '비추천';
            $href = './board.php?bo_table=' . $bo_table . '&wr_id=' . $wr_id;
            @(include_once $board_skin_path . '/good.tail.skin.php');
            alert("{$status} 하셨습니다.", '', false);
Пример #6
        alert("자신이 등록한 상품의 문의글에 대한 답글만 가능합니다.");
    } else {
        alert_close("자신이 등록한 상품의 문의글에 대한 답글만 가능합니다.");
if (!$iq_answer) {
    alert("답변을 입력하여 주십시오.");
// 답변등록
$sql = "update {$g5['g5_shop_item_qa_table']} set iq_answer = '{$iq_answer}' where iq_id = '{$iq_id}' ";
if (!$iq['iq_answer'] && trim($iq_answer)) {
    $sql = " select a.mb_id, a.iq_email, a.iq_hp, b.it_name\n\t\t\t\tfrom {$g5['g5_shop_item_qa_table']} a left join {$g5['g5_shop_item_table']} b on ( a.it_id = b.it_id )\n\t\t\t\twhere a.iq_id = '{$iq_id}' ";
    $row = sql_fetch($sql);
    // 내글반응	등록
    apms_response('it', 'reply', $iq['it_id'], '', $iq_id, get_text($iq['iq_subject']), $row['mb_id'], $member['mb_id'], $member['mb_nick']);
    // SMS 알림
    if ($config['cf_sms_use'] == 'icode' && $row['iq_hp']) {
        include_once G5_LIB_PATH . '/icode.sms.lib.php';
        $sms_content = get_text($row['it_name']) . ' 문의에 답변이 등록되었습니다.';
        $send_number = preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $default['de_admin_company_tel']);
        $recv_number = preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $row['iq_hp']);
        if ($recv_number) {
            $SMS = new SMS();
            // SMS 연결
            $SMS->SMS_con($config['cf_icode_server_ip'], $config['cf_icode_id'], $config['cf_icode_pw'], $config['cf_icode_server_port']);
            $SMS->Add($recv_number, $send_number, $config['cf_icode_id'], iconv("utf-8", "euc-kr", stripslashes($sms_content)), "");
    // 답변 이메일전송
Пример #7
        if (!apms_it_payment($it_id)) {
            alert('구매가 완료된 회원만 가능합니다.');
    if ($good == 'good' || $good == 'nogood') {
        if ($it['pt_id'] == $member['mb_id']) {
            alert('자신의 자료에는 추천 또는 비추천 하실 수 없습니다.');
        $sql = " select pg_flag from {$g5['apms_good']} where it_id = '{$it_id}' and mb_id = '{$member['mb_id']}' and pg_flag in ('good', 'nogood') ";
        $row = sql_fetch($sql);
        if ($row['pg_flag']) {
            $status = $row['pg_flag'] == 'good' ? '추천' : '비추천';
            alert("이미 {$status} 하셨습니다.");
        } else {
            // 추천(찬성), 비추천(반대) 카운트 증가
            sql_query(" update {$g5['g5_shop_item_table']} set pt_{$good} = pt_{$good} + 1 where it_id = '{$it_id}' ");
            // 내역 생성
            sql_query(" insert {$g5['apms_good']} set it_id = '{$it_id}', mb_id = '{$member['mb_id']}', pg_flag = '{$good}', pg_datetime = '" . G5_TIME_YMDHIS . "' ");
            // 내글반응
            apms_response('it', $good, $it['it_id'], '', '', $it['it_name'], $it['pt_id'], $member['mb_id'], $member['mb_nick']);
            $status = $good == 'good' ? '추천' : '비추천';
            $good_point = (int) $default['pt_good_point'];
            $good_msg = $it['it_id'] . ' 자료를 ' . $status . ' 했습니다.';
            if ($good_point) {
                insert_point($member['mb_id'], $good_point, $good_msg, $it['it_id'], $it['pt_id'], '@' . $good);
            $href = './item.php?it_id=' . $it_id;
            alert("{$status} 하셨습니다.", '', false);
Пример #8
            $mb_tmp = $config['cf_admin'] . ',' . $config['as_admin'] . ',' . $group['gr_admin'] . ',' . $board['bo_admin'];
            $mb_arr = explode(",", $mb_tmp);
            $mb_arr = array_unique($mb_arr);
            for ($i = 0; $i < count($mb_arr); $i++) {
                if (!$mb_arr[$i] || $member['mb_id'] == $mb_arr[$i]) {
                apms_response('wr', 'new', '', $bo_table, $wr_id, $wr_subject, $mb_arr[$i], $member['mb_id'], $wr_name);
        // Push
        @(include_once './write_update.push.php');
    } else {
        if ($is_response) {
            // APMS : 내글반응 등록
            apms_response('wr', 'reply', '', $bo_table, $wr_id, $wr_subject, $wr['mb_id'], $member['mb_id'], $wr_name);
        // 답변은 코멘트 포인트를 부여함
        // 답변 포인트가 많은 경우 코멘트 대신 답변을 하는 경우가 많음
        insert_point($member['mb_id'], $board['bo_comment_point'], "{$board['bo_subject']} {$wr_id} 글답변", $bo_table, $wr_id, '쓰기');
} else {
    if ($w == 'u') {
        if (get_session('ss_bo_table') != $_POST['bo_table'] || get_session('ss_wr_id') != $_POST['wr_id']) {
            alert('올바른 방법으로 수정하여 주십시오.', G5_BBS_URL . '/board.php?bo_table=' . $bo_table);
        $return_url = './board.php?bo_table=' . $bo_table . '&amp;wr_id=' . $wr_id;
        if ($is_admin == 'super') {
            // 최고관리자 통과
        } else {
            if ($is_admin == 'group') {
Пример #9
        $qa_admin = explode(",", $qa_admin_list);
        $qa_admin = array_unique($qa_admin);
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($qa_admin); $i++) {
            $admin_id = trim($qa_admin[$i]);
            if (!$admin_id) {
            // APMS : 내글반응 등록
            apms_response('qa', 'qa', '', '', $qa_id, $qa_subject, $admin_id, $member['mb_id'], $member['mb_nick']);
    if ($w == 'a') {
        $sql = " update {$g5['qa_content_table']}\n                    set qa_status = '1'\n                    where qa_id = '{$write['qa_parent']}' ";
        // APMS : 내글반응 등록
        apms_response('qa', 'qa', '', '', $write['qa_parent'], $write['qa_subject'], $write['mb_id'], '', '답변완료');
} else {
    if ($w == 'u') {
        if (!$upload[1]['file'] && !$upload[1]['del_check']) {
            $upload[1]['file'] = $write['qa_file1'];
            $upload[1]['source'] = $write['qa_source1'];
        if (!$upload[2]['file'] && !$upload[2]['del_check']) {
            $upload[2]['file'] = $write['qa_file2'];
            $upload[2]['source'] = $write['qa_source2'];
        $sql = " update {$g5['qa_content_table']}\n                set qa_email    = '{$qa_email}',\n                    qa_hp       = '{$qa_hp}',\n                    qa_category = '{$qa_category}',\n                    qa_html     = '{$qa_html}',\n                    qa_subject  = '{$qa_subject}',\n                    qa_content  = '{$qa_content}',\n                    qa_file1    = '{$upload[1]['file']}',\n                    qa_source1  = '{$upload[1]['source']}',\n                    qa_file2    = '{$upload[2]['file']}',\n                    qa_source2  = '{$upload[2]['source']}',\n                    qa_1        = '{$qa_1}',\n                    qa_2        = '{$qa_2}',\n                    qa_3        = '{$qa_3}',\n                    qa_4        = '{$qa_4}',\n                    qa_5        = '{$qa_5}' ";
        if ($qa_sms_recv) {
            $sql .= ", qa_sms_recv = '{$qa_sms_recv}' ";
Пример #10
include_once './_common.php';
if ($w == 'd') {
    auth_check($auth[$sub_menu], "d");
} else {
    auth_check($auth[$sub_menu], "w");
if ($w == "u") {
    $sql = "update {$g5['g5_shop_item_qa_table']}\n               set iq_subject = '{$iq_subject}',\n                   iq_question = '{$iq_question}',\n                   iq_answer = '{$iq_answer}'\n             where iq_id = '{$iq_id}' ";
    if (trim($iq_answer)) {
        $sql = " select a.mb_id, a.iq_email, a.iq_hp, b.it_name\n                    from {$g5['g5_shop_item_qa_table']} a left join {$g5['g5_shop_item_table']} b on ( a.it_id = b.it_id )\n                    where a.iq_id = '{$iq_id}' ";
        $row = sql_fetch($sql);
        // 내글반응	등록
        apms_response('it', 'reply', $it_id, '', '', $iq_subject, $row['mb_id'], $member['mb_id'], $member['mb_nick']);
        // SMS 알림
        if ($config['cf_sms_use'] == 'icode' && $row['iq_hp']) {
            $sms_content = get_text($row['it_name']) . ' 문의에 답변이 등록되었습니다.';
            $send_number = preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $default['de_admin_company_tel']);
            $recv_number = preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $row['iq_hp']);
            if ($recv_number) {
                if ($config['cf_sms_type'] == 'LMS') {
                    include_once G5_LIB_PATH . '/icode.lms.lib.php';
                    $port_setting = get_icode_port_type($config['cf_icode_id'], $config['cf_icode_pw']);
                    // SMS 모듈 클래스 생성
                    if ($port_setting !== false) {
                        $SMS = new LMS();
                        $SMS->SMS_con($config['cf_icode_server_ip'], $config['cf_icode_id'], $config['cf_icode_pw'], $port_setting);
                        $strDest = array();
                        $strDest[] = $recv_number;