Пример #1
							OR comment_author_email LIKE ' . $DB->quote('%' . utf8_strtolower($keyword) . '%') . '
							OR comment_author_url LIKE ' . $DB->quote('%' . $keyword . '%') . '
							OR comment_content LIKE ' . $DB->quote('%' . $keyword . '%') . ')';
            // asimo> we don't need transaction here
            $query = 'SELECT comment_ID FROM T_comments
							WHERE ' . $keyword_cond . $del_condition;
            $deleted_ids = $DB->get_col($query, 0, 'Get comment ids awaiting for delete');
            $r = count($deleted_ids);
            $deleted_ids = implode(',', $deleted_ids);
            // Delete all comments data from DB
            Comment::db_delete_where('Comment', $keyword_cond . $del_condition);
            $Messages->add(sprintf(T_('Deleted %d comments matching «%s».'), $r, htmlspecialchars($keyword)), 'success');
        if ($blacklist_locally) {
            // Local blacklist:
            if (antispam_create($keyword)) {
                // Success
                $Messages->add(sprintf(T_('The keyword «%s» has been blacklisted locally.'), htmlspecialchars($keyword)), 'success');
            } else {
                // Failed
                $Messages->add(sprintf(T_('Failed to add the keyword %s to black list locally.'), '<b>' . htmlspecialchars($keyword) . '</b>'), 'error');
        if ($report) {
            // Report this keyword as abuse remotely:
        if (!$blacklist_locally && !$report && !$delhits && !$delcomments) {
            // If no action has been selected
            $Messages->add(T_('Please select at least one action to ban the keyword.'), 'error');
Пример #2
 * Request abuse list from central blacklist.
 * @return boolean true = success, false = error
function antispam_poll_abuse()
    global $Messages, $Settings, $baseurl, $debug, $antispamsrv_host, $antispamsrv_port, $antispamsrv_uri;
    // Construct XML-RPC client:
    $client = new xmlrpc_client($antispamsrv_uri, $antispamsrv_host, $antispamsrv_port);
    $client->debug = $debug;
    // Get datetime from last update, because we only want newer stuff...
    $last_update = $Settings->get('antispam_last_update');
    // Encode it in the XML-RPC format
    $Messages->add(T_('Latest update timestamp') . ': ' . $last_update, 'note');
    $startat = mysql2date('Ymd\\TH:i:s', $last_update);
    //$startat = iso8601_encode( mktime(substr($m,11,2),substr($m,14,2),substr($m,17,2),substr($m,5,2),substr($m,8,2),substr($m,0,4)) );
    // Construct XML-RPC message:
    $message = new xmlrpcmsg('b2evo.pollabuse', array(new xmlrpcval(0, 'int'), new xmlrpcval('annonymous', 'string'), new xmlrpcval('nopassrequired', 'string'), new xmlrpcval($startat, 'dateTime.iso8601'), new xmlrpcval(0, 'int')));
    $Messages->add(sprintf(T_('Requesting abuse list from %s...'), $antispamsrv_host), 'note');
    $result = $client->send($message);
    if ($ret = xmlrpc_logresult($result, $Messages)) {
        // Response is not an error, let's process it:
        $response = $result->value();
        if ($response->kindOf() == 'struct') {
            // Decode struct:
            $response = xmlrpc_decode_recurse($response);
            if (!isset($response['strings']) || !isset($response['lasttimestamp'])) {
                $Messages->add(T_('Incomplete reponse.'), 'error');
                $ret = false;
            } else {
                // Start registering strings:
                $value = $response['strings'];
                if (count($value) == 0) {
                    $Messages->add(T_('No new blacklisted strings are available.'), 'note');
                } else {
                    // We got an array of strings:
                    $Messages->add(T_('Adding strings to local blacklist:'), 'note');
                    foreach ($value as $banned_string) {
                        if (antispam_create($banned_string, 'central')) {
                            // Creation successed
                            $Messages->add(T_('Adding:') . ' &laquo;' . $banned_string . '&raquo;: ' . T_('OK.'), 'note');
                        } else {
                            // Was already handled
                            $Messages->add(T_('Adding:') . ' &laquo;' . $banned_string . '&raquo;: ' . T_('Not necessary! (Already handled)'), 'note');
                            antispam_update_source($banned_string, 'central');
                    // Store latest timestamp:
                    $endedat = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', iso8601_decode($response['lasttimestamp']));
                    $Messages->add(T_('New latest update timestamp') . ': ' . $endedat, 'note');
                    $Settings->set('antispam_last_update', $endedat);
                $Messages->add(T_('Done.'), 'success');
        } else {
            $Messages->add(T_('Invalid reponse.'), 'error');
            $ret = false;
    return $ret;